A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1238: Destroy the wizard king

Quiet, peaceful...

Time is lost, irreversible, and ruthless digestion engulfs everything in the secondary esophagus.

It has been a long time, and a group of exiles in the assembly area have been digested by the secondary esophagus. However, it is impossible to change each of them to the end of the gate. .

No exiles can pass through the eight arched mountain peaks, and come to the first peak of the Jiuyue Temple to annihilate the wizard Wang Zhenrong. The annihilation of the Wizarding King is no longer a famous name. This is the symbol of the peak strength of the penetrating door. Jiu Chongfengfeng The founder of the rules of the main system.

“I have been passing this time +m every day for 5,000 years. I still don’t plan not to try it?”

The voice of Meishasha’s low and old voice came from behind. This is the only privileged person who runs through the gates. It is the only friend who annihilated the wizard king.

Standing in front of Meishasha, it is a blue-violet skin humanoid with a long sword, a ragged linen shirt.

The double eyes are wrapped in black ribbons, which seems to have been blind, but they have a broader vision than when they had their own eyes. That is to break the shackles of their own invincible arrogance, the fear of the mountains outside the mountains, and the driving force for progress.

To this end, he took the initiative to come to the second-order esophagus, which was regarded as a fear legend, seeking the ultimate kendo and casting the legend of the sword god.

The sturdy long sword carrying the black scorpion, to be precise, can no longer be called a long sword. This is a very rough black stick, which is more than two meters in length and is equal to this humanoid creature.

On the black stick, there is no big work, and the epee has no temper!

He is a true powerhouse. It is far stronger than the one who has experienced the second peak. It is the place where the long-standing place has the greatest chance to challenge the existence of the myths and legends of the annihilation wizard.

He is anonymous. No name.

"If it was 27,000 years ago, when the annihilation of the Wizarding King had just caused such a devastating attack, I might have the power to fight. Even if I opened this sword without a sword, I wouldn’t know who the deer died!"

Anonymous stood in the middle of the pit. It was the crater of Green's dozens of people who breathed and crushed the abandoners, still retaining some spiritualized pieces of plaster.

Such a strong body was destroyed by the most direct violence by the annihilation of the sorcerer, erecting the supreme majesty, and it is conceivable that the sorcerer's strength was destroyed.

As a nameless person who lost his eyes and will not be blinded by his appearance, he can more clearly judge the power that Green had released. It is only a short-lived power. It is not its own power.

However at this time...

"But now, more than 27,000 years have passed. I can only look up here and feel the pressure that can't be breathed on the mountain. Now he... is too powerful! Everything here is powerful and will become stronger and stronger! I can't be his opponent, I can't even face his existence, even if I feel the vast energy here, it seems to be like it. I was stunned by the eyes of a pair of blind eyes, and my hands were shaking."

Meisha Sha fell to the nameless, following the nameless vision. Also looking up at the top of the Jiuyue, that is a green smoke hut.

in all directions. Within hundreds of thousands of meters, every moment, there is a resonating resonance, and the light and the dark are constantly twisted, and they gather in the interior of the cabin, and the whole door can be felt.

Meisha Sha sees this, and there is a hint of warmth and intoxication on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah. He is too strong. Maybe he is now more than the king of the three predators in the generation that runs through the door. It is the real life of the horror of the second eclipse. Those who dominate the horror can also be jealous. The existence of horror. The second esophagus can only be digested by the Dimension War."

Anonymous looks at the American Society, although there are no eyes.

"Is it the leader who led the many exiles, and slaughtered a strong man who came to dominate? I heard the Sparks of the Stars once said the legend of the Sun Prostitute, the Earthquake, and the Walker. I also practiced in another large gathering place. Seven thousand years, but never one person, can give me such oppression, the secondary esophagus, is not a gathering place for the horrible monsters of the endless world, I am too weak."

Ha ha……

I don't know why, Meishasha sneered.

"What are you talking about in the mystery reincarnation?"


The nameless voice is full of surprises, hesitating: "Don't annihilate the wizard king to go to the assembly area?"

"This is not the case. Since the last challenger of 27,000 years ago, he has hardly left the Jiuyue. However, it was about 13,000 years ago, the last generation of reincarnation of the mystery reincarnation. I once came to the door of the secret, but since I sneaked into the first peak of the Jiuyue, I have never been down."

The incomprehensible trembling hands slammed into a fist and clenched into a fist.

He came to the Dimensional Esophagus 10,000 years ago. The first stop was the mystery reincarnation. Everyone was rumored to be the legend of the last generation of reincarnation, but now...

However, in the unconsciousness of God, I have already died in the hands of the sorcerer of the sorcerer of the Jiuyue!

"Oh... I really want to drink two more delicious mushroom soups that he personally made..."

Meisha Sha swayed the long tail of the spotted flower, and the fine snake with the head twisted with the body of the model, and swam toward the smoky house of Jiuyue.


"How, this time the taste?"

The sound is full of vicissitudes and calmness, the gray-white spiral pattern mask, the three-color light seems to reflect the entire starry sky, the vast expanse of music, every move is transparent to the mystery of balance, endless light and dark convergence, people can not directly look at the body, almost Fully solidified energy ripple.

And such a powerful energy body, Green did not have a trace of omission.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Green, in the end has reached the level of strength, the Abyss Mozu specimens are still quietly placed in the most prominent position of the cabin, accompanied by the boring years of Greenwich's unimaginable.

At this time, Green, as far as the level of knowledge is concerned, has indeed reached the highest achievement that the individual can reach after leaving the wizarding world knowledge system. It is almost omnipotent and omnipotent, but it can never be refined.

Personal wisdom, especially in such a closed environment, after all, there is its limit, the real limit!

The power of the wizard has never relied on the individual, but the wisdom of the entire wizarding world, constantly accepting new and creating new knowledge systems, completing the transformation of the times, and renovating the power system.

"Well, yes, it’s the peak of the delicious, huh, huh."

Although Meishasha’s discourse is like this, it seems to be exciting, but in reality, it is full of resilience, a trace of sorrow, sucking mushroom soup little by little.

Green on the side did not urge, waiting quietly.

Meishasha has reached the limit of her life, and the fire of the soul is about to dissipate...

Suddenly, Mei Shesha looked up and looked at Greenway: "In fact, you are the same as the nameless, all in order to gain stronger strength, and take the initiative to come to the second esophagus?"

Greenington had a look.

"Yes, my hometown is a place in the endless world called the Wizarding World. It is beautiful and has its ugly and cruel side, but it is my home. I will never forget that I am here. The purpose is just to be stronger, and then go back alive ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green's tone, although firm, but full of memories, as if it is a distant and vague story.

"Then go back soon, your soul fire is not enough. Don't be greedy for the power given to you here. It is taking you to madness, then letting you die, completely digesting you and becoming it. portion."

Meisha Sha smiled, and the skin was full of elasticity at the last moment. At this moment, it began to dry at the speed visible to the naked eye. After looking at his palm, he sighed.

"I wanted to leave my beautiful side to you forever, forget it, thank you for your bowl of mushroom soup and annihilate the wizard king."

Said, Meishe Sha slowly left the Green Lodge.


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