A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1223: Enchanted

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It’s awkward!

The light and dark intertwined and twisted, with the increase of the yin and yang dissimilation of the light power, the use of large witchcraft in the field of alienation, and instantly cleaned up the low-grade poison spider in the big spider's temple.

At this time, the face of truth is fully aware of the perception, and the spider king suddenly transformed his physique!

It seems that because of this great alienation in the field of alienation, alienation of a certain ability is not the same as the general spider, so that it has been completely violent.

In the face of an instant two-on-one attack, regardless of all the violent rushing spiders, and the strangeness, hidden in the shadows waiting for the opportunity to attack the magic feather phoenix, Green Extreme Abyss magic wand gathered together to annihilate the arc, take the lead The broken space hit the king of the spider.

However, at this moment, the three colors of light and the six pairs of compound eyes under the face of Green Truth are constantly swaying in all directions, collecting all the clues, and what direction the Magic Feather Phoenix will use to attack them!

The black spider silk is completely different from the white spider silk palace. In the mouth of the spider, a spider silk wraps around the extreme abyss magic wand, but it is annihilated by the arc and instantly dissipates, accompanied by the extreme abyss magic wand, extremely deep cold and The gravity is distorted, and the eight spiders of the spiders have not had any effect, and they have been contaminated by the ice field.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff……

At the same time, the mid-air fits the annihilation of the light and darkness in the shadows, the colorful runes lingering on the robe of the appearance, a little bit of water waves continue, because Green's attention is too much care about the more terrible magic feather phoenix, even these translucent The sinister color is missing.

The pressure of Magic Feather Phoenix to Green is too great.

It's no wonder that Green is like this. Because of the relationship between truth and truth, Green can barely perceive this magical feather phoenix that exudes a strong abyss. It is not the true body of the Abyssal Mozu, the magic feather phoenix. This is probably just the deep magic of this unknown ability. The parasitic body of the family!

The incomparable ancient demon is the name of the ancient wizards who led the abyssal world of biological groups. At this time, it is more suitable to call it the abyssal demon.

At this time in the body of the magic feather phoenix, there is another will in general with Green's absolute reason. Looking at the third party, it is almost pure cold, like the magical tires in the body.

Just as the magic feather phoenix took out the abyssal magic stick, Green had completely determined his judgment.

That true abyssal demon. It is very likely that this demonized phoenix body is used to resist the digestion of the secondary esophagus as much as possible in an attempt to prolong the chance of escape from the secondary esophagus.

Sure enough, it is a terrible monster!

Between the thoughts and turns, Green was awakened by the red fluffy attack of the spider king, but fortunately there was the defensive ability brought by the robe of appearance. Green was not caught off guard.

Judging from the state of death that has just been issued, these red fluff must have some extreme horrible ability to erode the body of flesh and blood.

In this way, Green's momentary "repulsive force" is low and roaring, and the incredible repulsion fluctuates from the volcano in the body. Even though the spider's shrine is suppressed, there is still an explosive power. These attempts to invade the red fluff in the Green body from the robe of appearance. Dispelled on the air.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The perfect time, the moment when the Green repulsion wave broke out, a few feathers were smashed by the pure abyss. Although Green is already concentrating on guards, so perfect, at this time it is really weak.

Self-sealing broke out?

If the initial battle broke out, it would be unpredictable.

And in this dangerous secondary esophagus, how to deal with the weakness of self-seal surgery?

I believe that after the end of the battle, once Green shows a weak state, at this moment there is also a strong alliance of battles, and in a moment may reveal a fierce and cruel side, here is the second esophagus based on the endless world digestion rules!

Even if it is really facing the aftermath of the killing crisis. Green is willing to lose the soul to send out a thousand world ball to seal the attempt, and is not willing to solve the self-sealing outbreak.

Unless it is the last stop of the last eclipse, fight against the three ascendants and escape the secondary esophagus!

At this moment. Several kelp tentacles stretched over, and it turned out that the withered people helped Green to withstand several magical feather attacks. At this time of crisis, Green was trying to cast a grateful will, but found that in the distance, he had swallowed a lot of flesh and blood. Those who are withered and sullen are not optimistic.

It was previously gestated by the magic feather. At this time, the abyss of the kelp tentacles was born, and it was more fierce and cruel than the kelp tentacles of the withered people. The swallowing of the corpse grew faster. At this time, more than ten pieces have been split and multiplied, and the withered people are being demonized. Turn!

As a wizard, Green knows the terrible magic of the abyss. After using the power of the wizard tower to purify the magic, Green uses the extreme abyss magic wand to open the body of the true demon for the strengthening of the mental power. It is equivalent to a half-level mental state.

At this time, the demonized and insulted person, although only the temporary magical spirit extracted from the abyss ancient demon body, rather than the magical perfusion of the abyss moss world rule, is only a short-time control, but this abyss ancient demon obviously There is no need for a long-lasting slave.

It just needs the blood egg essence of the next **** resurrection of this phoenix body, which requires the blood of the strong here, nothing more.

"I... I may not be able to stand for too long."

The will of the withered and declining will decline. It was originally the greatest hope to break through this spider's temple. At this time...

The battle has just erupted, and five people in their own camp will die and die. It is likely that they will be completely demonized later and become the opponent's combat power.

The other side, this terrible abyss, has not even shown its own identity.


On the other hand, the abyss magic wand carries a pure magic like a hurricane, and it is easy to stretch and twist.

It is the purest icy abyss will, the will of the abyss that will be defeated by the ancient wizards, and must not be contaminated by its wounds. Although Green has the power of annihilation, it is unlikely to be demonized in an instant, but it is very likely to be suppressed. Gas breeds, spreads, spreads, and has to consume a lot of magic to suppress.

However, this time, Green did not worry, the ancient sense of the face of truth, the ancient heart that has been removed from the sac, is supported in the life of the rule of light and fault, although this life of the fault rule is extremely clumsy, almost There is no special ability, but as a time-breaking fault, in this time the world's main battle group, itself is almost close to the invincible existence!

At this moment ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is a chaotic state of the invisible light and fault, the chaotic state of the faulty rule of life, jumped up, picking up the abyss magic wand freely, do not care about the abyss magic above.

The loss of time will wash away any alien phenomena, energy, and matter.

The sound of "噗", the abyss magic wand only touched a bit, then pumped back, the top of the abyss magical gas inserted into the life of the rule of the fault, was consumed a lot.

The attack of two perfect moments has been resolved. The magic feather phoenix has nothing unusual, cold and terrible, and suppresses the cruel nature to the deepest part of the soul.

"It will last for about a thousand breaths, you drag it first!"

Just as the King of the Spider is very familiar with the clockwork and the ancient heart, the ancient heart is also quite familiar with the King of the Spider, and the three have apparently worked together.


Between the time and the interlacing, Green's "咻" retreats back, and the King of the Spiders chased after the black air. In a blink of an eye, several people actually exchanged their opponents. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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