A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1210: Dark shadow world

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Fifteen years later.

Even if there is no will communication with other creatures, but occasionally from the ground, and gradually and without the traces of biological activity, this direction does have a gathering place like hope. The devourer did not deceive himself.

The distance should not be too far away.


On the top of the cave, the storm is raging, and the crocodile devours the thick scales of the sag under the eye sockets. The pale yellow scorpion quietly looks at the light and dark distortion, and is constantly recording the experimental results of Green.

Under a microscope, dozens of blood specimens are numbered.

Although Green’s heart is reluctant to stay in the Dimensional Esophagus for a few epochs, and to become one of the long-lasting and long-lasting old monsters, he will defeat the other three ascending stalkers by the enemy, and hope that the scepter will summon the hope. The final method of advancing broke through the dilemma of the secondary esophagus, so I plan to look at the situation of other assembly areas, but I have to do this worst.

In this way, even if Green develops the hope of the transformation of the wild instinct of the seventh layer through the blood of the ancestors of the body, if it is based on the time of several epochs, and then hope, there will be a chance!

Without giving up hope, Green has planned quite a few final experimental subjects for the long time that he may be spending in the Digestive Esophagus.

First of all, it is the study of the field of knowledge of life.

The study of the genetic field of life is not only the premise of the plan of the Green Wizard's ancestors, but also the limit of evolution in his own life. After the blood of the hope of the blood, the second breakthrough of the ancestors turned out to be earlier. More confident to beat the other promoters with one enemy three to prepare for the early escape from the secondary esophagus.

Second, it is the filling of the Book of Truth.

Forgetting the truth of time and space seals, the future is not just a powerful time-space seal, but also a small eight-speaking place, which is the basis of the second lever seal. Green is able to apply the prerequisites for dimensional gap seals without sequelae.

This requires Green to expand the Book of Truth to meet the demand for memory materials for dimensional gap seals for thousands of years.

In addition, it is the six different functions of the ancient giant scorpion.

Extreme Abyss magic wand, Jiujiu one sword, Jiu Chongshan, shadow alienated lights, soul net, amber ring, Green if the two in the second esophagus. It's hard to imagine what kind of earth-shattering power these witches will reach!

Finally, it is the face of truth, the truth lever magic wand.

The secondary esophagus is tyrannical to the tyrannical life of the various world communities from the endless world, and can be sealed here, which is itself a symbol of strength.

Some of them are special lives. There is no shortage of new system perceptions that are worthy of Green's research. The existence of the truth is the separation between the appearance and the truth. It requires constant efforts to fill the new insight perception system.

But the face of truth wants to be the supreme sacred object of civilization. In addition to these numerous new systems of perception, it is necessary to have something like the eyes of the world that can cause a new qualitative change.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go before the truth.

As for the truth lever magic wand, it is very fortunate that Green's balance lever light and the big world ball in the second esophagus are the perfect foundation materials for making the head and the stick body.

However, I want to assemble it. It is a long way to make a supreme sacred object of a civilization, especially the supreme sacred object in Green's heart that wants to be with the fate of the magic wand.

Nowadays, Green is only balancing the two rules of the rule of the light with the rules of the world.

Balanced lever light as a stick body, Green has been very satisfied, but for the stick that determines the nature of the magic wand, Daqian World is not perfect in Green's heart. As for how to connect the two and join the dimension gap Rune branding features. The same is a huge challenge.

Even in Green's heart, there is a higher plan that combines the world of the world with the infinite unknown fate of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Try to complement its dimension creation function and create a brand new box in the endless world to counter the higher latitudes outside the box!

A series of grand plans are in the heart of Green, and for this plan one step at a time.

At this time, the empty crocodile devourer who avoids the storm in the cave is just the road of Green's long wizard. A passer-by who is quietly watching Green forward.

As the stormy noises of the heads of the heads gradually subsided, Green put away the experimental instruments.

"Let's go, it's estimated that it won't take much time."

Green said, the first to fly out of the cave.

However, when the crocodile devourer was going to follow, suddenly, Green, who had just left the cave, stopped, and the dignified atmosphere instantly caused the crocodile devourer to scream and scream back to the depths of the cave.

"Call", the source of darkness ignited, and Green looked dignified!

"Dark Shadow Unreal World?"

At this time, the three colors of light under the face of Green Truth looked in all directions. After this storm, all sides have already been associated with a certain illusory world, and the rules have changed greatly!

A twisted black smoke gathers in midair and dissipates, forming a variety of forms. What Green is paying attention to is that the shadows attached to the ground are fleeting.

"Hey! Great annihilation wizard, save me!"

Inside the cave, the crocodile devourer snarled in horror.

In the relatively dark caves, there are faintly blurred and distorted shadows that are faintly attacking, and they are attacking the shadows of the devastating crocodile devourers, as if they were a team of vicious soldiers.

Judging from the constant screams and shadows of the crocodile devourer, it is suffering from some kind of illusory rules.

This is the strange and illusory rule that is common with the ashes of the world!

"If it's a dark shadow..."

Green muttered, suddenly beckoning, the purest source of darkness without the flames of the soul, and rushed to the screaming crocodile devourer in the cave.

Almost at the moment of the darkness of the Green, the scream of the crocodile hunter stopped. www.novelmtl.com~ In the horror, I stared at the shadows that were flashing around in all directions.

"Great annihilation wizard, this, what is this!?"

This brand new unknown creature makes the fearful crocodile devour the deepest part of the soul.

The world is endless, and there is no end to it. It used to be that it was too naive to rely on the solid scales and strong bite force.

"This should be the dark shadow world. It is the deeper illusory world of China Unicom in the dark world of dark mirrors. They will swallow our shadows, and then we will be completely drawn into the dark shadow world by the rules and become one of them. Member, become a new shadow of darkness."

The Seven-ring Santa's Dark Mirror Sorcerer, along with the Black Sota Sorcerer, fell under the Etheron's King Purgatory Furnace.

The reason why Green has studied the shadow of darkness is precisely because of the relationship between the dark mirror and the sorcerer.

"But don't worry, these dark sources can perfectly protect us from being perceived by them. Let's go, leave here." (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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