A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1178: Time error

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boom! boom! boom!

When Green found Simba again, he saw that he was fighting with a black gorilla and was at a disadvantage, leaving many scars on his body.

After all, Simba’s fighting power has fallen sharply due to long-term hunger.

The black gorilla that competes with it is just a powerful monster similar to the orangutan monster. The upper body is strong and powerful, the lower body is relatively short, and the intensive black hair is exposed from the tight green clothes. The strange voice screamed and screamed, the right hand with a blue shiny dagger, and its tail, turned out to be a snake with a red mane in the neck!

This black gorilla, the reason why it can suppress Simba, in addition to its own strength, the handle with a light blue luster dagger has a large part.

The perfect combination of strength and dexterity, in the mouth of the orangutan, the scarlet tongue sticks out from the middle of the tiger's teeth, licks a black lip and drools.

In the illusory world of the eclipse, the food is the most scarce resource. After all, the passive evolutionary organism is the mainstream in the endless world, which requires a lot of food support.

Are these two guys...

It’s awkward!

Suddenly, the two battled against the sky, the large pieces of light and dark intertwined, the Thunder burst into the sound, the Green element teleported out, nine hundred and nine returning a sword, thousands of flying needles like raindrops from the sky, this black monster orangutan repeatedly rolling to avoid, However, there are too many flying needles, and it is impossible to completely avoid them.


Along with the continuous wave of ripples, two exaggerated chest muscles burst into a pale green weird clothes, letting the flying needles "clam dangling" continue to impact, chimpanzees indifferent appearance.

However, the ninety-nine swords carry the blood of the green male poison. On the surface, the strange orangutan does not seem to suffer any harm. In fact, it has been toxic to the toxins, and it is not fatal. It depends on its anti-toxic constitution. (cotton candy


The same scream, but the Golden Lion Simba exhibition. The pale golden radiance swayed around the lion's claws and smashed on the chest of the orangutan. The five deep visible bone claws were accompanied by a large **** spurt. The sound of the scorpion was smashed by the black gorillas and the shock wave was drawn out by a thousand. Traces of rice. Immediately after the "bang", the squat pits fluttered in all directions.

It’s awkward!

Jiujiu returned to the body with a sword, and a black arc came out. The target pointed to a serious injury to the chimpanzee, but it was found in the bones. The chimpanzee with the right hand light blue dagger against the annihilation arc, followed by a relatively short pair of feet turned over the ground, the figure disappeared instantly.

call out!

In the next moment, there was only one bare bald head in his hand. The instinct of the strange orangutan, which appeared on the side of the Green, instinctively flipped. He wanted to kill the Green, but because the dagger blade was destroyed by the arc, I can't wait to prevent it from being attacked by a fist. It's like a rough-cut fist, as if it can easily crush the vulnerable body of Green.


Low sneer. With Green's 100% strength that is not self-sealing now, the power of annihilation in the body follows the rules of the world's clothing, flowing into the limbs, realizing the double-leverage increase of the element to the body, and the left hand also suddenly becomes a punch and turns into a fist. The afterimage is waved out.


A layer of invisible sound waves swayed between the two.

In the unbelievable black orangutan, the pupils swelled and took the initiative to receive the punches. Appeared on the other side of Green, and it was a punch.

The head has not turned, and the face of truth has already had an insight into the movement of this creature, and the other hand has the extreme abyss magic wand. The sound of "嘭", the sky is splattered, a gravity twists and ripples, and the black chimpanzee flows through the nose, eyes, and corners of the mouth.

Green, who has not self-sealed, is 100% fighting. Already an absolute five-level peak creature, even the degree of attack, enough to face the six-level creatures!


A brown-red afterimage, that is, the attack of the gorilla, the long-tailed python, is still so calm, the face of the truth of the truth of Green truth is slightly looking sideways, and a mysterious and strange atmosphere permeates the two. The snake head, which had almost reached the front of Green, suddenly froze in midair, and then began to petrify from the head.


Strange pull ring sound, crisp mechanical device start sound infinitely magnified in the Green Ear, the face of the truth under the three-color light looking toward the strange orangutan hands, turned out to be two high-precision manipulator thunder device, a roaring towards Green Lost over and flew back.

A guy who has just been sealed into this fantasy world for a long time?

There are still such consumables on the body.

boom! boom!

Hundreds of meters of flame light waves spread in the air, pale green explosion debris as if the raindrops were generally in the air, but the orangutans did not dare to stay for a moment, want to escape, but with a roaring gryphon, Simba threw it down After that, the two beast monsters began to kill each other.

In the midst of the fire, Green slowly flew out. The two mechanical bombs were only more than 10,000 degrees, which could not pose a threat to today's Green.

After a while, it was determined that Lion King Simba had an absolute initiative, and Green gradually relaxed and fell to the ground.

The orangutan's struggle is getting weaker and weaker. As the breath of life disappears completely, the Lion King finally loosens the neck of the orangutan, which is almost bitten, and the golden hair is dyed red by the blood of the wound.

"Do you know?"

Green asked strangely.

"It is the group that betrayed the community of the evil dragons, and the beasts of the Alliance of the Beasts are on the list."

Green Brow wrinkled: "You haven't all been here for seven thousand years?"

"Seven thousand years? This is only for the secondary esophagus. For the material world, when we go out, maybe only a few days, maybe a few days have passed, time is not meaningful here, we are in the digestive system of the endless world. Reads!! Hey, from the situation of this guy, when it comes, the experience in the material world is obviously not so long, otherwise it will not be that I am so weak, still competing against the opponent."

Saying, after the lion licked the wound a little, he began to scream at the gorillas, savagely tearing away the flesh and blood, and Green rushed to say: "Give me some."

Said, Green Thumb's mystery elbow bird can not stand the loneliness, turned into a small bat-like black flame ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ many skulls screaming.

"You can't..."

Simba is amazed, but Green has decomposed himself into the body of this strange orangutan world. He said: "Diet, in the wizarding civilization, is an art."

Raising the flame, Green replied with a large piece of flesh and blood in the air in the middle of the barbecue, followed by a flash, the quaint wall clock appeared, Green opened the wall clock and the dead wood cover, there appeared a large block of crystallized Terminator Red crystals.

"Become a stone of the sage."

On the bottom of the wall clock, a layer of fine sand has lost the power of time. This wall clock will save Green a lot of time and sand, enough for Green to completely refine the seal of the crystallizer to become the stone of the sage!


Putting a stone of the sage in the mouth, and then Green even used the stone of the sage to make some spices, sprinkled on the barbecue in the mouth of Simba. (To be continued.)


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