A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1163: Horror wizard

Listening to the explanation of Xiaoyy, suddenly, Angel stared at the little yy and stopped again.

"Is that a mutant beast?"

The life service robot is looking forward to Angel. It only sees the old factory building. It stands alone and strangely. I don’t know when it will appear. It is such a sudden, as if it has been watching silently for a long time.

Xiaoyy stunned, as the third-class citizen of Vantage Quantum Technology, it has all the emotional information simulations of the new human beings on the old human being. This is the evolutionary road. After the elite decision-makers discovered some defects of the new human evolution, Keep some good things left over.

"Unknown life, but I rushed from it to the unusually powerful energy fluctuations, I think we are in trouble, Angel."

Suddenly, the shadow was as it was when it appeared, and it was strange and disappeared. Angel and Xiaoyy yy.

It’s awkward!

The low annihilation arc blasted, and the light and darkness staggered and twisted. The small yy didn't have any reaction, as if it suddenly melted, and disappeared out of thin air.

Then, with a silhouette of only half the height of Angel standing on the transparent glass cleaning cabin, three different colors of eyes and many compound eyes on the gray face, kept squatting, looking down, full of strange colors to observe Angel, Like the tourists outside the zoo, observe the poor helpless creatures in the cage.

"Ah! Citizen number sxy13784387262 ask for help, here is..."

Zha, Zha, Zha...

The Skynet signal was strongly disturbed and did not respond.


Green stood on a delicate micro-mechanical object, separated by a thin glass cover, and looked at the terrifying humanoids inside.

"What is this, even protected by a metal robot?"

Because this thing inside is really too weak. It is not as fragile as the average human being in the wizarding world. In Green's eyes, I am afraid that I have not controlled my emotions. A gasping breaks down this weak thing and does not choose to rashly open the machinery. Otherwise the relatively chaotic rules of the world will kill this fragile life in the first place.

As for the slavery of the soul, it is impossible. It can't even endure the soul of Green's holy mark!

Physique: 3, mental strength 34, something weird, is the biological specimen captured by the Metal Robot Legion in this world, or for the metal destroyer. Is something in this creature an extremely important resource?

Green uses the cognitive wisdom derived from the wizarding civilization to guess as much as possible about the strange creatures defended by metal robots.

Try to communicate with the will?

Thinking like this, Green as far as possible controls the fluctuation of his own will to the lowest frequency, soft to the limit, the level of life between himself and this humble microbe is too big, so big that he is in his eyes, it is likely to be like horror A strange phenomenon in a novel, or a natural rule, rather than a living body that is truly sturdy.

"who are you?"

One of the simplest will communication attempts. However, the next moment, "嘭", the blood in the mechanical warehouse splashed. This despicable and fragile life was actually killed by Green's most willing communicator!


Although I have already thought of such consequences, Green couldn’t help but feel for a while.

At this time, Green really realized the gap in the life gap, which is so true.

Seeing this humble little creature by yourself is no different from the sneak peek in the box, and even the gap is even greater.

After a moment of silence, Green stared at the empty and empty carrier that was parked in the sky. Once again, the figure is hidden and disappears.

this world. There should be some such creatures, see you again next time. Collect more intelligence information as much as possible by watching from a distance.

Thinking like this, through the cloak of the appearance, Green walked in the real time, looking for the next observation of the living body.


"In the arduous environment, the old man can rely on the wisdom and power of believing in scientific and technological innovation to defeat Skynet and let human fires continue to continue. This is indeed unmatched by these new human beings. In contrast, Skynet virtual leisure life The way, although it gives us more power, it also makes us lose the spirit of aggressiveness and hard work, you say, small qa?"

A new human female asked the metal robot outside, across the glass cover of the anti-gravity spacecraft.

"You can have such awareness, it is commendable. In the future, the development history of Vantage Quantum Technology will definitely leave your footprints and become a great light brain id player."

Xiaoqa smiled and echoed.

A few metal arms protrude from the aircraft. Under the driver's control, one of the metal arms gathers energy, as if a light knife is used to cut a hole in a broken metal building, and another metal arm uses strong magnetism. The cut hòu heavy metal plate floated and thrown to one side.

"Hey? Is this the living environment of the old man, but it's awful, it's hard to imagine the old man without energy blocks living in a dirty environment."

The aircraft was flexible in a circle inside the metal building, and some antique-like household appliances have begun to weather.


Inside the aircraft, a circle of green rays scans the creatures in the corners of the wall. This is a nest of black-and-white flesh-and-blood creatures, which are mixed with metal debris and black soil. They drilled together and warmed each other. On the other hand, it is to retreat the young scales and grow new scales.

"Small qa, there is no way to connect to Skynet. Can you use the information storage database to find information about this creature?"

Inside the aircraft, the woman asked the service robot.

"Sorry, because the mutant organisms here are in a harsh environment, frequent extinctions and evolutions, once the cognition has no effect on the present, so I have no record of this species."

Xiaoqy said apologetically, but specifically pointed out: "However, this creature should have a very strange ability to perceive, and their scales have the ability to absorb changes in the external radiation, in order to find in the harsh environment of the world. It is very likely that the fleeting water flows, the loose metal debris everywhere on the earth, and the surface cannot store moisture."

"Let's go, look at them, we are scared and shivered by us. Maybe they are the old human beings who have been loyal partner dogs. According to Skynet regulations, we are ensuring that our own interests will not be harmed. As much as possible to maintain the survival and reproduction of these backward indigenous creatures, do not like the old humans, because the industrial development pollution and ecological extinction, in the end only endless robots."

Saying, after a counter-gravity mechanical sound, this small, flexible, and sophisticated aircraft left the room of the metal ruin.

After a while.

In the corner of the room, the figure of Green gradually appeared, and the three-color gaze gaze at the young cubs that shivered and feared, and the adult scales that sneaked into themselves in the distance.

"The very strange sensory system can even sense my existence, and it is just the right time for the 12th engineering specimen of the truth."

It turned out that ~www.novelmtl.com~ the fear of this nest in the eyes of new humans turned out to be Green in the room!


Ps: The fourth is more complete! Seek Chinese language subscription, receive a line of egrets on the light of the blue sky! Ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward!

Some hesitate, according to the calculation of the egret, if the "Witch Tour" continues to grow according to this subscription, perhaps only a small step before the end of the period can be expected to become a fine work, it will enter a new field, new The world is like a three-level wizard who has entered the field of sacred marks.

The egret is also thinking about it. If it is really only a small step to enter this new field, will the egrets slightly extend the deadline for writing, and write some of the plans that are omitted from the plan as *, and slightly extend the work. Life expectancy.

Of course, this depends on the opinions of the readers. After all, if there is no subscription, there is too much difference with the boutique. If the delay is too long, the outline will be violated. After the invincibility has been made in the later stage, it is impossible to create more powerful enemies to suppress the protagonist. This is the egret. The principle of creating works, so you can only write unlimited words.

Although this is one of the qualities of the Wang text, it does not conform to the original intention of this work and will not be promoted.

Therefore, it depends on the decision of the readers. You can receive your own ideas from the Chinese network to receive the readers of the Great God of Light. The Egret will make further decisions based on the subscription results.

Oh, it doesn't mean that you don't have the power to speak without receiving the light of the Great God. It is only the reference object of the Egret that is expected to promote the reader's opinion that this work reaches the boutique. (To be continued) []

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