A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1146: Battle of civilization


In the distance, the shadows smashed the wizarding corps. Under the leadership of the seven-ring true spirit wizard at the center of the battlefield, the surging rushed toward the battlefield near the space-based starship, and the intercepted robotic corps continued to collapse.

The collapse has become more and more impossible to return.

The trend of victory seems to be close at hand. Soon, it will be flooded with thousands of slave monsters, mechanical scorpions, and hunters, clearing all the robotic corps that resisted here, and launching a full force to destroy the space-based starship. The last war.

This time, I will never let this space-based starship ship come to come, just want to go and leave!

Under the face of truth, the three colors of light look at each other, and Green and his feet are filled with the face of the huge source of Lafite's darkness, and they are gazing at the armored armor, the insulated mech, the sun and the moon. The sorcerer's co-response to the crystallizer terminator.

"Wow, it’s just right, this time it’s my turn to be the Lord, I’m showing great power, Mom, we’re going.”

At the same time, Green's shoulders, the little eight big noisy, very excited, directed Green to the direction of this crystallizer Terminator.

Although it only takes a moment to wait, here will soon be supported by the infinite wizarding army, clearing all the metal destroyers' corps here, but watching the battle situation, the goats who control the sages are obviously fighting for the previous battle. Appearance, and the sun and the moon fine wheel, insulated mechs are also at stake.

In particular, the insulating machine armor, the outer armor is more broken, and the old-fashioned fan-like harsh friction sounds, and the energy fluctuations are extremely fading.

It’s awkward!

The high-altitude light is intertwined, and the Green element teleport suddenly appears. The eye is quickly waving the extreme abyss wand, and the black arc smashes the sky, twisting all directions. The flashing sensation to the crystallizer terminator that is erupting in the power, the strength of the relatively well-preserved sun and moon fine wheel sorcerer witch at stake.

call out!

Inducing a huge threat of annihilation of the arc, the original killer of the following killer suddenly became deserted. A flashing appears hundreds of meters away, perfectly avoiding this Thunder arc attack.

"噗". After the arc falls to the ground, it is like the most violent thunder in nature, and it is easy to form a smooth crater with a diameter of tens of meters and a bottomless bottom.


"The Tower of the Tower of Eternity!"

The sun and the moon fine wheel sorcerer looked up and saw the scene of the war filled the sky, the gray-white mask, a few thousand meters of black giant shadow at the foot, the surprise and reverence shouted.

just. The flash of time and space seal power, even in this vast and innocent civilization battlefield history picture, also painted a strong stroke.

The insulated mech was slightly weak, and as for the armor, the Baba sheep, after seeing the arrival of Green, did not slam the door directly into the door of time and space.

Serious injury is not optimistic.

"Mom, the **** of the Eight Lords who rewarded you, you use it!"

After being touched by Xiao Ba, who was about to show his power, the angry yelling shouted. It’s almost erupting, and the Sun and the Moon’s St. Mark Wizard is shocked.

"it's here!"

The insulated machine armored the sorcerer stretched out the armor arm and floated a gorgeous feather. At this moment, it was like a mysterious force, and it became translucent and it seemed so unreal.

The next moment, the feather suddenly "squeaked" and disappeared out of thin air.

"Yeah, success!"

Xiaoyiyi’s surprise looks like a green one: “The Green Beast, fast, fast and cursing the curse of the Eight Lords. Quickly, you can’t just let you be alone. Fast and fast.”

For this war of civilization, Xiao Ba prepared a lot of time. Even for the leaves, the sorcerer's spells designed for Antonio in the ancient times have been changed again, so that they are not affected by Green and will fully exert their abilities.

After Green had a small eight-eye look, he was obviously thinking about the witchcraft spells that once had a small eight design.

The spells are diverse and have different functions.

"Listen to the sound of the Eight Rainbows Vivi, the mysterious summon of the singer, gaze at the fire of the ancient history, sigh and sigh, sacrifice offerings..."

The cost of changing the spell is the feather of the little eight.

Every time a curse witchcraft is performed, a feather is needed as a sacrifice. Although the cursed witchcraft of the small eight has a wide variety and different abilities, Green looks at the feathers of the small eight, and does not want to be Ye Ye. I will try not to show it in the future.

It’s okay to play twice and twice. If you play a lot, the feathers of Xiao Ba’s body will be dull and become a bald...


Warning: Destroy the wizard to lead the elite monster, has been ranked by the Skynet hunting list, exceed your response level, has forced the cancellation of the hunting mission, please return to the space-based starship as soon as possible.

Tip: Energy consumption is 46%, please return to the space-based satellite ship to recharge in time.

Tip: Twenty-two percent of the body is transformed by the molecular structure and loses the universal maglev effect. Please return to the universe to repair the sky.

At this moment, the crystal body of the crystallizer Terminator is covered with large and small golden spots, which are caused by the sage Thunder Power. It is worthy of being a combat-type soul partner of the Six-level St. Marks Wizard, unique ability, extremely rare.

"Wow, there have been changes, have you seen it, have you seen it! Success, I have succeeded in the Lord! Wow!"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder and yelled at the end of the crystal, and he was very excited.

I saw the golden spot on the metal terminator, and began to expand the area as if the infection was generally spread. As the crystal area of ​​the pink sage stone gradually decreased, the energy fluctuation of the metal terminator also declined. In any case, What kind of energy is stimulated to fight, there is nothing to do with the spread of gold spot infection.

The metal destroyer civilization has no resilience to the mysterious forces that break through the endless world dimension and the nine-level biological incarnation. This is the accepted fact of the wizarding world.

However, the general wizards cast curses, they all need life information media, or other media, and these metal destroyers have no life media at all!

Like Xiao Ba, it is rare to be able to display the existence of cursed witchcraft without the need of a life information medium.


A gold statue of the Terminator is obviously of no value to Green.

As the last pink crystal region was inundated by the Golden Spot infection, the metal terminator fell stiffly from the sky and became a negligible one in the endless endlessness of the flesh and blood.

"This this……"

The sun and the moon fine wheel sorcerer, a pair of bright, incredible look at the soul of the green partner on the shoulder of the small eight.

A crystallizer terminator is so easy and simple...

The insulated machine, the holy mark wizard, stared blankly at the robotic arm that had just grasped the small eight feathers. He did not know that he was holding such a precious material. At this time, he was annoyed and regretted, and his eyes eagerly looked at Xiao Ba.

"Look what you see, no way, like to pull your own hair!"

The little eight one 哆嗦~www.novelmtl.com~ yelled at the insulated machine armor.


Ps: The third day, still four, summoning the starting point of Chinese online subscription, recommended tickets, monthly votes!

Someone asked why your "Sorcerer's Journey" is not anti-theft. Otherwise, the subscription will be higher, and the current subscription volume should be good.

The egret said that because the egret is grown up in the novel of reading and stealing, and what qualifications are required to force others to subscribe, the egret can't force others to do nothing, and the egret has the ability to support the author. The egret believes that its readers are all the same. Who would like to get something for nothing?

This is a kind of trust between friends. The composition of society is a kind of long-term spiritual communication. It is also a long-term investment of egrets. This ip will be used all the time. Money is not the only one that the egrets chase. We are all just enjoying the beautiful life of life, no harm, no matter how good.

Thank you for your support. This month, the egrets are going to break out every day, asking everyone for their support and giving more confidence and motivation! (To be continued.)

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