A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1114: Battle of Civilization (11)

Roar! call! twitter! grumble……

More than 290 heads, claws and claws, and different voices. The giants behind the kilometers are like a cobra. They are densely covered with the sky, and the elements are superimposed by the body of the refining witch. The power is not annihilated. Source avatars can be compared. A reading book www·1kanshu·

One after another, the source of darkness, the flame of the soul, spewed out from the heads of these flaming souls. The power level is between 30,000 and 50,000 degrees, which is not high.

However, several of the flame beams were fortunate enough to pass through the layers of the robotic corps, and they hit the vacant aircraft carrier at the position of the cover. These defensive at stand hoods turned out to be like a wave of water under the black flame.

The black flame baked the emptiness of the mother ship, and the weak hull shell was like a layer of paper. This virtual mothership, once used by Green as a war art, was easily melted by Green's black flame after losing the protection of the position shield. Immediately after the internal "bang", "bang" and "bang" were born with serial explosions, the hull itself disintegrated.

The three virtual aircraft carriers crashed and crashed at the same time. In the flames of the sky, the debris swept through the sky, almost causing some reversal of the defensive situation of the steadily stalemate in the 258 district.

After all, this is only a small fleet of voids inside the world. Green is the absolute strongest among the five-level holy marks wizards, and still has some control.

Then, the ancient giant scorpion six arms in the palm of the hand, the extreme abyss magic wand, ninety-nine return to a sword, the soul of the soul net, nine Chongshan, yin and yang different lights, amber ring each appear, the brightness is uncertain, respectively, scattered degrees Energy power, this is the energy fluctuation of the wizard-assisted wizard to shake the lever rules. To read the book www·1kanshu·

After the sage's stone promotes the biological shortening of passive evolution, the extreme abyss magic wand, the nine-nine returning sword, and the soul-receiving net have all upgraded some of the power. The nine-chongshan, the yin-yang and the amber ring are relatively A lot worse.

And to deal with these low-level robotic regiments, it is best to play a role, of course, to count ninety-nine swords!

In addition to the extreme abyss magic wand, the other four pieces of witches re-enter the body, and this hand is in the hands of Green. It suddenly turned into ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine flying needles. Each flying needle was inflated under the magic of Green's magic, and it became a long and sharp sword with a handle of several meters long!

Only a sword heart. In the palm of the hand, once the sword is broken, all the flying swords will lose their main force and become waste.

The vast expanse of the flying sword in a moment, the vast expanse of the sky. "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" broke through the air, dazzling, and the number of colorful, more than three times the death of three crows, this is the first time Green has sacrificed ninety-nine sword.

The sorcerers who are working hard, screaming and screaming and fighting with the robotic corps, in the eyes of K. Green, are just a little bit around themselves, first-, second-, third-level wizards, robots, without any difference. They are just a small ant that is sluggish and hordes. A reading book www·1kanshu·

Although I can slap a few small things by myself. However, because the number of these robots is too much, it is only a waste of energy and no meaning, and it is even more important to distinguish whether these small things are wizards or metal robots.

With a wave of wind, the wind rushed, and in the exclamation of the low-level wizards, suddenly a sharp sword slid quickly, and it was easy to destroy those low-metal robots. At this moment, Green did not know how many wizards were respected.

Is this the annihilation of the tower of the sorcerer?

The truth of the truth is countless powers, and it is not the general sacred sorcerer who can compare them!

Not to mention the embarrassment of these lower wizards, the use of a lot of magic to carry out the slaughter, and reverse the Green of the 285-zone war pattern. Continuous shots, but only killed hundreds of thousands of metal robots, slightly "snoring", "snoring", "snoring" in the gasping, Green stopped.

The rest is still handed over to the Wizarding Legion.

From such a macro perspective, Green finally got some understanding. Why the true spirit wizard, the endless ruler will always wait for the war to be a big hit.

"Hey! Wizard, great annihilation tower wizard, save me! Here!"

On the other side, the three-legged death crow, who was dragged by the crystal-terminated terminator, was swayed by the squadron. At this time, there were only a few avatars in the whole body. Nowadays, there are fewer than a few hundred. The death atmosphere is extremely thin. The original mystery, horror and majesty are full of The death of the darkness of the feathers, at this time actually fell off most of the body, the left side of the body is a bald, the right is a cluster, the wolf is miserable, it is really sad.

In contrast, the crystallizer terminator also consumes a lot of energy, and each attack intensity is significantly lower than the original.


Has been a big show of Shenwei killing the robotic army, reversing the 265th district of the Green, this reminds me of this cross-border summoned five-level peak creatures, still not dead?

This guy, the vitality is really terrible, obviously lost to the end of the crystal, the left and right, and even now it is still alive and kicking.

Ask for help from yourself?

"I didn't see it, I didn't see anything, I will hold on for a while."

After Green glanced at it, if he had nothing to pretend and didn't see it, he twisted his head to the side. It happened that several silver-white liquid metal terminators rushed toward Green. The magical emptiness of Green also lifted the elemental body at this time. The three-headed six-armed giant scorpion magic form, while drinking desperately drinking water, while fighting against these metal terminators.

After the three-legged death crow stayed, he simply hated Green, hated it, but he couldn't help it. He repeatedly sighed and resentful that he should not be greedy and provoked such a bad luck.

The last look of the evil looked at Green, the three-legged death crow is known, I want this wizard to rescue myself, there is no play at all. www.novelmtl.com~ Distracted to ask him is not as good as the intention to drag the place, waiting for a turn.

Time passed by, and in the end of the bombardment of the three-footed Twilight Terminator, the three-legged death crow was simply enjoying the hell, and on several occasions thought that he could not stand it, but the result was hard. Come over, not only will all of his own strength be squeezed out, stretched out horizontally, broke through his potential, and there is a feeling of breakthrough in the faint.


If this is not to die, it will be a blessing in disguise.

Of course, all of this is my own effort, and has nothing to do with the evil, cruel, cold, shameless wizard!

Just as the three-legged death crow was thinking about the last dying, in the first-line sorcerer's sorcerer, a six-level sacred sorcerer locked his eyes on the singer's terminator, a roaring machine in the "bang" and "bang" In the noise, I rushed over.

"Oh, finally saved, it seems that the wizards are not all evil like this guy, hehe..." (to be continued.)


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