A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1110: Battle of Civilization (7)


Even if it is already fully evaded, half of the metal terminator is wiped out by the power of annihilation. The remaining half of the liquid metal creeps and tries to heal, but it is impossible because the other half of the body has been completely annihilated. The power of annihilation is eliminated.

The only remaining eye in the half of the skull looked at the target of attack, and the giant on the shoulder of the kilometer was insignificant.

As the battlefield of Skynet, the Metal Terminator is already one of the Skynet architecture nodes. It has the ability to communicate with Skynet's main body and is able to dispatch a large number of robotic corps to coordinate operations.

At this time, the silver-white liquid metal terminator who suffered the power of Green's annihilation and easily wiped off the half body, each memory metal information source issued a fierce alarm.


With more than 200,000 intensities of energy, the inner body contains a stronger source of unknown energy.

Hazard Rating: Extremely dangerous wizarding creatures, it is recommended to touch the crystallizer terminator to annihilate, or to mobilize multiple metal terminators to work together to sneak out with the black terminator.

The large amount of information exchange in Skynet information transmission is almost completed in an instant. This is the information transmission and communication method that Green can't understand. As the hidden advantage of Skynet Metal Destroyer civilization, it is more efficient to carry out battlefield layout than the wizard's will. Forming the materialized performance of the witch cover protection, Skynet's informationization ability can not be underestimated!

In the battlefield of miscellaneous chaos, the robotic corps that was originally fighting against the Witch Corps, there are some robots that have changed, and such hidden changes are almost completed in an instant.

It’s awkward!

The top of the head is dark and staggered, and a thunderbolt of Green's thunder appears on the top of the liquid metal terminator with only half of the remaining body. The three-meter-high colorful rune sculpt the image of the trolled troll, which is the same as the metal terminator. The face of truth is suddenly turned into a gray-black snake, and an unspeakable mysterious atmosphere envelopes between the two sides.

The next moment, under the eyes of the petrochemical eye of the eleventh project of Green Truth. This half-residual metal terminator, who is about to make a counterattack, is actually petrified in midair. From the surface to the inside, under the influence of this unknown mysterious force, the metal material has undergone an essential transformation.

This is not over yet.

At this time, any stiff stone seems to be strong and unbreakable, but in the eyes of Green Petrochemical, there are more or less weaknesses, marked with a light red area. Once these vulnerable areas are attacked, as long as there is no essential gap between the two sides, a structural crushing effect will occur.

This pair of petrified eyes, in addition to the horrible petrochemical curse, is simply the nemesis of any stone armor monster!

The first practical experiment, between the calcium carbide fire, the metal terminator who has been completely rebellious by the petrochemicals, fell from the sky, because Green has an essential gap with the other side, as the level is much higher than the other's existence, this petrified statue In the eyes of Green. Almost all the body is weak.

An index finger sticks out, and it is very fast to the statue of the Terminator, only to hear the sound of "嘭". The Terminator statue instantly turned into a uniform, finest powder that flew with the wind.

"Oh... the eyes of petrification, it’s worthy of the sixth-level peak beauty society!"

It was Green, and he was shocked by the petrochemical eye. At the same time, he was keenly aware that he had become the central target of this battlefield. There was a lot of metal robots and metal terminators who locked their targets on themselves.

call out!

A dark red beam of light struck at about 40,000 degrees, passing through the afterimage of the Green Element teleport and disappearing into the sky.

It’s awkward!

A high-altitude light in the battlefield is intertwined, and the light is twisted in all directions. The Green element appears on the top of a silver-white icy liquid metal terminator, under the cover of thousands of metal robots. The Terminator, who had already locked in the Green figure for a surprise attack, suddenly lost his target. At the same time, I was keenly aware that there was a huge energy source above, and there was almost no pause. The particle beam gun in the hand was a shot at the top!

With the help of the face of truth, the energy intensity and energy trajectory of the particle beam are all analyzed by the information data and the trend-aiding circuit diagram for truth insight, almost one step, almost when the energy beam is close to the body. In this incredible "confidence" and elegance, rushing toward this metal terminator.

The metal terminator showed a series of dangerous signals to Green's calmness, but it was still the eyes of the cold machinery, which almost made all the flesh-and-blood life fear.

On the battlefield, there are such mechanical killing monsters everywhere. I don’t know the fear of death. There is no endlessness. It is the contact of the general world. I am afraid it is difficult to parry and collapse.

Only the iron and blood corps trained by the will of the same height can stand up against it without falling into the wind.

Zhangkou, deep in the throat of the upper and lower jaws, a high-purity energy impact light source is endless, like a cutting light sword usually hit, while the left and right shoulders wriggle, the liquid metal has two devices, even "bang" "Boom" fired two high-energy rockets, which slid along the long azure tail flames.


Around the body, a layer of translucent light curtains erupted. Two high-concentration flames in the process of approaching Green, the speed from slow to slow is almost a momentary process, such as a difficult struggle into a mud, after a breathing time, actually " With a bang, I turned back into the low-level robotic army.

boom! boom!

The violent flames and heat waves scattered, hundreds of robots dodge, and were directly broken by two high-energy flame shock waves, and mechanical parts flew.

Compared with liquid metal terminators, black terminators, and twins, these low-level robots, in addition to cpu processing devices, are derived from the design framework and kinetic principles of another civilized system. The basic truth knowledge is almost no more than the wizard world machinery. The big essential difference, the basic material craftsmanship and the design concept knowledge determine their height, and still only the fixed thinking that stays under the basic appearance.

In the metal terminator's mouth, the high-purity energy beam impact, the degree of attack has exceeded 80,000~www.novelmtl.com~ This is obviously not a high-intensity attack that all metal terminators can possess, and belongs to the elite terminator.

However, under the accurate and unmistakable judgment of the truth, Green is once again a calm and unwilling sideways. The second time he lost a few cents, the difference of the thousands of miles to avoid this attack, the surface of the colorful runes micro-microwave, the extreme abyss magic wand is like a giant Hammered like a hammer.

Without the same coincidence twice, even the metal terminator has already determined that Green has some sort of evasive ballistic attack capability.

In the face of Green's positive melee attack, the liquid metal terminator actually extended his right hand, and the whole body's energy was madly gathered. This original silver-white right arm instantly turned black, and the extreme abyss magic wand slammed into the past.


It is not a level of life at all, it is almost crushed, and the innumerable power ripples pass through the body. This metal terminator is instantly shaken into a silvery white liquid.

In the process of the silvery white liquid playing the undead body again, Green sneered at the face of truth, with one hand and one finger, the black arc tore all the light in all directions, and wiped out the liquid metal terminators that were gathering. (To be continued.)

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