A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1108: Battle of Civilization (5)


Although he has been promoted to the fifth-level sacred sorcerer, the extensive destructive witchcraft of the fallen star still brings a lot of burden to Green. At this time, the body is slightly swayed, and the eyes are eager to go forward, but Green Taking advantage of the extreme abyss magic wand to stand fast, secretly squeaking out and take out a bottle of medicine, "咕", "咕嘟" swallowed.


With a scorn, the emptiness of the magical turbulence was effectively alleviated, and Green continued to recover with the constant support of the source of magic.

"Attention, this should have been mixed into the black terminator. The number of cursed wizards is still too small, and they are all low cursed wizards, and it is difficult to form any resistance to those black terminators."

As a low-level hunter who is promoted all the way, Green is far more independent than the team. He understands what kind of fear is the black terminator who discovers the hidden camouflage.

I am afraid that once the black Terminator is disguised, the first one will be cursed by the wizard himself. Therefore, many cursed wizards will find it in time and will not report it in time.

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

Even though there have been two levels of five-point sorcerer's wide-ranging witchcraft, they have temporarily blocked the progress of the robotic corps. These metal life corps, which have no emotional fluctuations, no fear of death, and no evasiveness, are being defended by the sorcerer on each way. The legion bombarded and fell from the sky.

Some dark wizarding corps who are good at creating a climate of fear and letting the enemy fall into a negative state in front of these metal robotic corps, the combat power is not even as good as the general sorcerer, like a powerful beast that wanders around the regular army, and has a powerful individual battle. Force, but it is difficult to pose a threat to the robots of the Legion. I don't even dare to go forward.

Booming, rumbling, rumbling...

A few glare and bright blooms, the space collapsed and rippled hundreds of thousands of meters, and the unsettled suction force in the collapsed space sent several battles to the hunters and sorcerers. It was like a black hole that swallowed everything. After a short scream, nothing left. Only the chaotic space ripples tore the elemental rules, and the rounds swayed.

What Green is most worried about is still happening!

The strategic space collapsed and destroyed the bombs. As early as the decaying world of Green or the third-level wizard, Green has already seen the destructive power of the Metal Destroyer Legion, which has been used as a conventional layout weapon. It has little threat to the Lord of the World and the Holy Mark Wizard. However, for the slave army and the low-level wizarding army, it will be a devastating blow to a range.

"Distributed, all spread out!"

Green's roar and the fortress command room are almost at the same time. The surviving dark magic wizard is better, and the sorcerers who have become accustomed to the cheats of the sorcerer's battle camp are simply unable to complete the layout in a short time.

At this time, the second round of strategic space in the distant metal robotic army collapsed and destroyed the bombs, and there were already hundreds of them on the way to the flight. If all of them were covered by the cover attack, it would be enough for the wizards to be guarded here. The slave army, the army, and the squadron were all destroyed. The second line of the second line, which Green was responsible for, was completely in name only.

I don't know what other space fortresses have chosen to cope. Between the crises, the colorful runes lingered in the ivory armed state of Green, and the air quickly meditated on witchcraft spells. After the body squirmed, the four identical appearances of Green squirmed and split, which is the source of annihilation.


Green said with a low voice, the four sources of annihilation were rushed to the front with different expressions, and they turned into superpositions on the way again and again, turning into three-headed six-armed giant scorpion, and now the passive evolution of the Green Reality. Strength, these sources of annihilation have also had a five-level biological level!

At the same time, mobilize the wizard's will. The huge slave naval regiment and the mechanical squadron rushed forward in spite of everything, blocking the destruction of the strategic space collapse and destruction. The wizarding regiments have withdrawn and maintained their vitality.

Booming, rumbling, rumbling...

Green has fallen under the millions of slavery regiments and mechanical armies. In an instant, it was covered by the collapse of the strategic space, a large area of ​​devastating power, and the sky was broken and debris.

"No, it's all gone..."

The wizarding corps, who was transferred to the back of the battlefield, looked at the slave naval regiment and the mechanical squadron in front of the battlefield. In an instant, it was wiped out by hundreds of strategic space collapses. The robotic corps of steel torrents is still at a firm pace. Advancing forward, the lost virtual mothership in the front was quickly replenished by the rear, and it was pushed forward, aiming at the deepest seal of the real base.

There are four fronts in the base. If it is so easy to break through the second front and reach the third front, the base will be completely in danger.

For a moment, Green’s mood was tens of thousands, and the other space fortresses on the second front lost even more than Green’s side, and the first crystallizer terminator appeared, and the three-legged death crow, two foreign summoned creatures In the war, it was extremely fierce, and there were amazing energy fluctuations in the distant air.

If it is possible to seal this crystallizer terminator...

When the mind was born, it was completely suppressed by Green.

In order to seal a crystallizer terminator, Green must have the possibility to open the self-sealing number, and whether it succeeds or not, Green will fall into a comprehensive period of weakness, which has attracted metal robots in the outbreak of the exhibition. After the attention of the Legion, it is almost a dead end!

What's more, compared to the individual's greed and desire, this war is related to the war of civilizations. The wizard world is alive and dead. Even if Green is only one of the screw parts, he must stick to his position and stick to the last moment.

On the battlefield, occasionally some uncoordinated images appear, even under the eyes of some sorcerer wizards, which are the figures of the black terminator. Their existence is sometimes even more terrible than the crystallizer.

Green quickly collects battlefield information from the face of truth~www.novelmtl.com~ The full impact of the Robotics Corps is getting closer and closer, how should we fight, which requires Green, the decision maker to collect more comprehensive battlefield information and make the most Reasonable decision.

Yep! ?

Sure enough, after this comprehensive observation, Green found some dawns from the disadvantages that the general wizard can only see.

That is the field of vision outside the front line. The first line was smashed by the torrent of metal corps. There are a large number of frontline wizards who have more combat capabilities. Many of them have come back from the war of civilization, and the wizard world has fought against the metal destroyer civilization. Some of the latest developments have not yet been promoted.

In the back of the rear base, there are also a large number of reinforcements, including a familiar six-level holy mark mechanical wizard! .

"All the sorcerers listened to the orders, and all the members attacked. For the sorcerer's will to hold the front line until the last moment, no one can retreat, and the escapers will be treated as betrayal wizards, and die!"

With an unquestionable cold kiss, Green gave the most brutal orders to all the wizarding corps. (To be continued.)

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