A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1101: save the world?

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Even if they do their best to fly, these three-level creatures that survive in the appearance of the time are just the ones in the box that attempt to reach the other end from one end.

The devil tree, the object of fear throughout the Sicilian world!

It **** the aura of the earth, leads to the reduction of the world food crops, the suffering of the swordsman, the new species that evolved on it, or the creatures that have been mutated for a long time, bringing a heavy disaster to the continent. And continue to grow and spread.

The high-skinned swordsman and the old man used to fly at full speed for three days, and finally came to the world of the world, the branches of the sky as if they were the devil's minions, covering the sky, not seeing the end, and the joint Principal's massive attacks. It has not been able to eliminate this devil vine. Some of the insignificant surface injuries have been cured, and even the branches are thicker and more robust.

"What is it doing?"

In the sky, the thick elements of the rolling elements form a huge ring, and the thundering arcs of the horrifying battles are intertwined. The wind blows in all directions. In such a violent environment, as one of the top swords in the Sicilian world, even in the air. Zhongan's stable standing can't be done, and the left and right can't be lost.

It is faint to be able to see that an incredible devil's branches have rushed into the sky and cloud, exposing the turbulent energy fluctuations of the majestic, which is the kinetic energy of life, but it is incompatible with the original rules of the Sicilian world.

"No, this is not its branches, it is scared and excited!"

The old cockroach with a blushing white cockroach looks up at the sky, looks stunned, and the skin that has been wrinkled and ash has now appeared translucent waxy yellow, like a decaying bark. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

"On the top, behind the clouds, there is a ... no, two more terrible existences, at least they have reached the spiritual state of Sicilian the Great."

Sword god!

Is the word of the heart fascinating... Is this the sword **** from other worlds and the Sicilian great emperor?

If so. With the power of the sword **** that the Sicilian Emperor once showed, a sword can easily open the momentum of the mountain. I am afraid that the strong people of the whole continent will gather at this time, and it will not pose any threat to it.

And these are anchored at the height of the sword. What exactly is it?

The fear of a weak life, the self-guessing of higher will, even the random passage of higher life, will have a diffuse effect that will easily affect the survival of these weak lives.

call out!

At this time, another swordsman in the distance found two people after reading; Caught over, and now the decline of the Sicilian world is just a few Juggernaut.

Judging from the general sharp will of the meteor, both of them have already guessed the identity of the comer. This person looks up at the sky while watching the unconscious swinging branches of the devil tree.

As for the derivative creatures of the devil tree, there is a great threat to the low-level swordsmen. For the swordsman level creatures that have not yet evolved, the swordsman is sharp and easily kills the few walks between the sun and the devil's branches. An extraterrestrial elf, flew to two people.

A younger and more energetic body. One of the strongest born in this continent after the departure of Sicilian Emperor, Yu Yu Jian Sheng.

"what happened?"

Although Yu Yu Jian Sheng is still the same arrogant, talented and superb look, at this time the depths of the eyes are not to cover up the surprise, this natural power is not comparable to the individual!

"The two strong, the strong who can destroy the world are above..."

"No, we have to resist, summon the strong people of the whole continent, and resist these exotic swords that may threaten the whole world!"


"Oh, I used the power of the source directly to help the little guy to purify the energy. It is also the special dominance of the whole big world that can have such ability."

Like the mother's milk, nourishing the world tree in the Sicilian world, helping them to complete the qualitative change of the three-level life to the world's master in a short time!

A hundred years from the district. Then grow a world-class plant, worthy of the world tree!

"The true spirit dominates..."

Green had a low sigh and sigh, full of infinite aspirations.

It seems that it is necessary to complete the purification of the source energy, at least some time, in the empty space, nothing to do, Green took out the nine yin and nine martial arts souls, continue to use magic as the thread. Compiled and smashed, I want to gradually twist the two martial arts into a wick, as the core of the alienation light lantern.

After completing this strange light, the fifth gestational growth witch was born. The panic and abomination atmosphere created on the battlefield, combined with Green's abominable illusion, is enough to expand the illusory real body to an astonishing extent.

In addition, it is the road of the six-level holy sorcerer that Green has been secretly spying on.

In the same way as the first-level wizards of the first-level wizards, they also require the wizards to understand the understanding of the elements of their own elements. The difference is that one is the understanding of the basic energy elements, and then the body of the elements, and the other is the qualitative change. The understanding of energy, and thus with the natural phenomenon!

Advance to the 6th-level wizard, after fitting with the natural phenomenon, will increase the attack power of the Great Witch Wizard, which is easily more than 100,000 degrees. Some rare 6-level powerhouses, such as the King of Ebdon, can grow up. The Purgatory Furnace, the once-nightmare world ruling stick, the sacred mark wizard, and the world tree, all have hundreds of thousands of blessings, becoming the terrible existence of the six creatures.

Although he is extremely eager to advance to the sixth level, there is still a long way to go before Green's power to annihilate, at least not before the power of light and dark opposition to annihilate.

In this way, this also caused Green's planning conflicts.

On the one hand, the light of hope dominates the body in the streamlined back to the world of nothingness, Green plans to look after the sixth level, on the other hand, if the light does not get the body of hope to dominate the body, it is difficult for Green to advance to the sixth level of the Great Wizard.

As for the solution... Greene silently puts a small piece of the sage stone into the entrance.

Time has passed, and it has been two years since I realized it.

The yin and yang wick has been made to condense to the last part of Green, suddenly stunned by the energy of the world's fringe, from the experimental state, the face of truth, turned out to be a group of Sicilian world natives and the world tree elves battle, the level is too Low, small scale, for the world tree, just a few parasites on the body are fighting ~www.novelmtl.com~ insignificant.

"what happened?"

Green asked Lucy, and Xiao Ba replied first: "Hey, the strong people in this world are afraid, afraid of the situation that cannot be controlled here, want to try to understand and control the situation."

As a lifelong river, the existence of low-level and high-level biological visions has already seen through the intent of these weak and low-level microbes, as well as the cause and effect.


Green looked at the source energy infusion process of the world tree, and it will continue for a while. He is about to start to prepare the condensed yin and yang wick, but suddenly the ghost makes the difference: "Then explain with the little guy over there, honestly Staying inside. We will leave for at least a year or two."


As Lucy left, Green saved a world for his quiet trial and inadvertently. (To be continued.)


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