A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1097: Saatchi

With Saatchi and Lucy, Green embarked on a journey to the world tree base.

Away from the base of the holy tower, the innocent mechanical flesh and blood wreckage gradually began to thin, and occasionally exposed to the ground of the soil, this time is also full of stars and pits, although not a sacred pit, with destructive natural rules, but Nor can it restore natural vitality in a short time.

"Go ahead, be careful, try to reduce your breath."

Green said to Saqi Lulu behind him, the two men nodded and nodded, and only the little Bayi did not care, and continued to play with Ye Ye.

Occasionally, the wizard team that performs the mission sporadically, like Green, is flying close to the ground and flying fast. It passes quickly and disappears in the distance. It never succumbs to the outside world, and the line is hurrying. Try to avoid too much stay outside the base.

A few days later.

"These radiation beasts are interesting. The evolution of the world's mother-in-law is superb, and I don't know what kind of power I have in the end."

At this time, in the hands of Green, it seems that the strange creatures composed of countless hair roots are struggling in the space cage. The furry group lives on the phagocytic radiation. This is the world's lowest radiation creature. It has not evolved wisdom, just like Pugong. Yan Yingban is drifting in the wind.

Different from the metal destroyer civilization.

The establishment of the Wizarding Alliance lies in the alliance of the strong, realizing the short-term strength of the wizarding world, and completing the dream of the hunter-destroy expedition. For this reason, the internal strength is the alliance organization.

The Skynet’s metal destroyer civilization is a never-ending resource plunderer. It seems to protect the world’s free development, but in the continuous industrial efficiency plunder, the exhaust gas hurts the world’s origin and reduces the world of biological groups. The Lord and the guardian of the world were born, and they were completely extinct.

The advantages and disadvantages of the two are not good or bad, and there is no right or wrong. This is the road to the development of civilization!

For this reason, the Wizards Alliance still maintains a large number of alien worlds. From the back of the world community led the army to continue to support, and the metal destroyer legion, there is only one and a virtual air force group, traversing the endless void. In alliance with the Wizards in various large, medium and small worlds, this world community hegemony is vying for.

"The power of dominance..."

Saatchi sighed, and now he, all his thoughts are on the road of the holy mark, if it can no longer make up for the robbery. Advanced Stories, the fire of the soul will begin to decline from the peak, and enter the late stage of the wizard.


A month later.

On the earth, two shadows crossed and crossed, but they were two fast-moving fugitive wizards, all of which were three-level. One person was transformed into a light element, and the other was a life energy, constantly exerting elemental teleportation.

Just because the speed of escape exceeded the limit. The magical power of the two people is very intense, pale, and the gasps are not enough. It seems that the lamp oil has dried up.

Booming rumbling...

The sound of the mechanical tail flame broke through the air, and the two elements flowed in the air. The sound wave swayed in all directions. A metal terminator led more than a hundred high-level metal robots to chase, the movements were uniform, and the eyes were cold and ruthless. In the robot camera, it is faint to see a row of calculated data streams quickly swept through.

Although the liquid terminator's liquid is not dead.冇 has been used by the Wizarding World to break the ability of negative magnetic metal powder, and thus can no longer play the terrible power that should have been, but its responsiveness and attack power are still too much beyond the average three-level wizard.

"Angina. If we go on like this, no one of us can run. I will stop them from flying to the east. You must complete the mission and send the information to the base of the tree of life."

The light element wizard is significantly faster. But I have been waiting for the life element witch wizard, and now I finally made up my mind to say so.

"Do not!"

The witch screamed, but could only watch the light that burned the magic of his soul, and smashed the sky and flew in the other direction. For a time, no metal robot pursued the witch.


After half an hour of hourglass.

The three men who were flying silently rushed to face a demon exhausted and exhausted witch wizard. After Green Truth judged that the other party was indeed a human wizard, the night shadow Saatchi and Yulu were greeted.

"Hey? Is there trouble in front?"

After the first reaction of Xiao Ba, rushing to see Green, Green has already used the eye of the eagle to try his best to visit the distant area, and found nothing.

"Respected Stigma Sorcerer, hey, please save my partner! He is for me, in order to let me survive, alone led the enemy to the east, its magic has dried up, please I will save him anyway, I am willing to give everything I have, including my life!"

The witches shed tears, crying and crying, heart-wrenching, demanding, and the body is instinctually twitching because of the depletion of the magic, but it does not care at all.

In this scene, Green also said that Saatchi, who has been quietly standing, suddenly changed his face, and his eyes were in a state of disappointment. As if in distant memory, he also staged this scene. At that time, he himself...

"The strength of the enemy?"

Green's voice is very calm and maintains absolute reason.

"It's a metal terminator, and there are metal robots between 150 and 200..."

After that, the witches can no longer withstand the weakness of the body, completely fainted in the past, and the body instinct is painfully twitching.

Just as Green was silent to consider the gains and losses, the night shadow Saatch suddenly and painfully eagerly said: "The tower of the annihilation tower, I think, I already know that my heart is robbed, this time I have to try in the past, if it fails... ..."

Green, Xiaoba, Ye Ye, and Lu Qi looked at Saatchi. Could it be that he once experienced this, and his partner gave up his life for himself and gave up hope of survival?

The face is slightly changed ~www.novelmtl.com~ If it is related to Saatchi, this matter can not be ignored, whether it is the heart of the robbery after Saatchi enters the path of the holy mark, add a saint mark wizard to the wizarding world, or as Green's cronies and wizards have been doing their best for so many years, and Green should not stand by.


Without further ado, after Green’s low drink, he was locked in front of himself with a space cage, just like Green was led by Peranos to the secret of Hessota, led by the Black Sota Stigma Wizard, walking on Real time is normal.

Surrounded by the intertwined changes of everything, Saatchi and Lucy were full of faces in the frozen picture in the real time, and were shocked by the picture of the retreat.

Is this the power of the holy mark wizard?

Or is this the power of the annihilating tower Green?

After half an hourglass time.

After killing the metal robot with the force of the wind and the cloud, the rescue of a magical exhausted, exhausted, grateful wizard, almost dying.

In Green and Lucy's gaze, the night shadow Saatch smiled easily, never seen the old wizard with a black mask laughing all the time, so sweet.

"Master, I think... I have to advance."

The words of the last moment, this time Saatchi's soul began to make amazing changes in the eyes of Green, this is the transformation of the wizard's soul to the soul of the holy mark!




[To be continued]. 】

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