A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1095: Metal magnetic sheet

Three years later.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Endless void, five holy marks wizards in parallel, many spy shadows follow, after the completion of the active world destruction mission, return to the radiation world.


A diamond-shaped metal magnetic piece was sealed by Green in a layered rune space cage and observed under the face of truth.

The eye of the microscopic microscope highlights the curvature from the surface of the truth, as if the eyes of the snail are focused on the metal disk of the size of the fingernail, ten times, fifty times, one hundred times, three hundred times, one thousand times, five thousand Times, 30,000 times...

As the field of view of the eye of the biomicroscope is magnified, the metal magnetic piece, which is only the size of the fingernail, gradually enlarges from the insignificant appearance of the image, perhaps just a small scratch, also in the microscopic world. It is like a gully extension.

Continue to zoom in.

This gully is no longer a concept of high-altitude overlooking, more and more clear, faint, the gully seems to be full of vegetation, undulating with a special breathing rhythm.

This degree of amplification has already exceeded the limit of the general mechanical microscope. The relative motion space between the observer and the observed person, even if it is a slight change, will lead to a change in the direction of the field of view across the continent, and static observation is impossible.

In this way, only in the real time, with the absolute control of the elements of the sacred sorcerer, can such nuances be realized.

However, it is not enough!

Continue to zoom in.

The endless world in the macroscopic field and the elemental elements in the microscopic field are eternal and infinite, never ending. This is also one of the most basic rules of the endless world.

The eye of the biomicroscope is also a bit difficult, and each zooms in. Both need to spend a few hours of Green hourglass or even a few days, but Green does not care at all, slowly flying for decades. Months and years are extremely long for the lower life, for the holy mark wizard. However, it is a leisure trip.

All of Green's visions are focused on the microscopic field of metal magnetic sheets. On the insignificant vegetation on the "canyon", what is this constantly changing thing?

Time passed, and after a few years passed, the relative distance between Green and the metal disk in front of him had never changed, and everything in the outside world was ignored. The whole power is blocked by the small eight.

Gradually, as the eye of the microscopy of the truth has magnified the multiple to near the limit, the true face of these plants can finally be blurred.


It turned out to be a mechanical arm! ?

In the heart of Green, these worlds, with the extreme microscopic world that can be observed by the wizarding world's technical level, have been shaped into a microscopic world by the Tianwang Metal Destroyer civilization! ?

With the microscopic world composed of subtle elemental molecules, the spatial rules of the material world have no meaning, and the loss of time can no longer affect those edges at the same time. It is as if the illusion of the limit can be the barrier of the dimension gap, blocking the dimensional dimension, at the microscopic The world of the field. There is also such a barrier.

Unfortunately, the study of the Wizarding World in this area has been fundamentally theoretical and has not been able to conduct further research. At this time, it seems that Skynet Metal Destroyer civilization is far ahead of the Wizarding World in this direction.

Thoughts, this metal disk, what is it used for?


"Young Master, Green Beast, wake me up!"

The soul of Xiao Ba calls, so that Green is sober from the study of the microcosm field, and the vision gradually returns to the image of the endless world. There was no vain confusion around the sky, and many spy stars followed. Among the five holy sorcerers, there are only Wan Se and Green.

"The world of radiation is coming soon!"

The little eight on the shoulder shouted.

After waking up, Greene nodded and nodded for decades. The microscopic world in a piece of metal magnetic film is so vast and innocent.

"Mountains, bonfires, swords, and sorcerers?"

Green looked at the black-and-white simulated mechanical sorcerer who was flying silently hundreds of meters away.

"Back to the wizarding world."

After a simple response, the Wanshi Simulation Stigma Wizard added: "They have been able to break through the advanced Six-level Stigma Wizard at any time, and the Real Wizards have given them more time."

Nodded, Green and the mechanical wizard did not have much common language. Except for the necessary communication of the mission, I am afraid that both of them will be parallel lines and never cross.


Green's will calls, so that a spy shadow star needs to come over quickly, keep up with Green's speed, and open the hatch, which is Green's third-level wizard in the active world.

"The tower of the annihilation tower."

The scared sorcerer respected the ceremony and faced Green, who had reached the heart of admiration and respect, not only because he rescued himself, but also because of his mysterious erudition.

"Do you have any guesses about this metal disk?"

After Green asked, Pani seriously thought for a while and shook his head. "I don't know, but it should not come from the activating world. Those fungal mushrooms have no ability to kill me. I have to suppress my seal in Jiu Chong. Under the mountain."

“What special experience did you have before going to the small world of activation?”

Pani once again fell into thinking and said lowly: "There is no special experience, but it has always been to execute the war mission in the big world. Well, if there is any special experience, it is probably the guard I won the first medal of honor. In the war, there are hundreds of sacred witches, even the true spirits of the wizards, and the metal firepower of the metal destroyers, transforming the radiating space fortress, space airship, and mechanical bee into metal robots. It was a life of nine deaths. I thought there would be no more chances..."

Metal fire!

In the faint, Green felt as if he had caught some key things and guessed the source of the metal disk.


"This is the world of canyons~www.novelmtl.com~ The world of radiation is under the sorcerer's will, we are in the canyon world with the help of the fate lever rules to pass the past safer, the virtual air and they fight, the Wizarding League has been at a disadvantage, try to Avoid."

Wancai simulation introduces this inconspicuous world.


For the Void Fleet of the Metal Destroyer Civilization, Green has long been taught and knows the terrible.

Unlike the Gulong World, where the Wizarding Alliance actively attacks, only a few worlds serve as nodes to carry resources.

The radiant world is a defensive world under the rule of the Wizarding League. Any world can support it at any time. Therefore, even if the radiant world is at such a disadvantage, even a true spiritual wizard seals itself in this world, the Wizarding League is not This big move.

At this point, the Wizards' energy wealth reserve, together with the rules of fate leverage, is enough to support all the places that dominate the true spirit at any time and under the cover of the wizard! (To be continued.)

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