A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1087: Metal fire

Night Shadow Saatchi, Yulu, and Lulu were responsible for radiating the world's intelligence for Green's mobile phone, and did not follow. Read a book?·1?k?a?n?s book h?u·

Riding in the mechanical bee, Xiao Ba is flying around in an unrealistic way. Looking at the west and looking at the world, there is no big and vast base in this wizarding world. What is the difference between the ancient wizarding world and the distant memory?

In the high-walled neighborhood of the metal, the 10,000-meter space fortress is one after another, vast and majestic.

"With a round of true spirit wizards and sea king sacrifices guarding, there are also the mother-in-law, snow silver ice wolf king, the world tree six big avatars, the ocean roaring monsters four masters support, this side of the radiation world is still showing such a disadvantage, a few What do you know?"

Green's gaze flashed, three-color ray and many compound eyes, several low-level wizards have a feeling of being thoroughly seen, as if they are already a transparent person, and everything has been unreservedly exposed in the eyes of this wizard.

After the three men glanced at each other, one of the yuan wizards stood on the shoulders of a gray squirrel, holding a large pine nut, very chicken thief, from the green bee, the mechanical bee has been watching the flying Go to the small eight.

It’s just that Xiao Ba obviously didn’t feel it, and made this little squirrel sad.

"It is a metal fire! The crystallization of the civilization of Tianwang Quantum Technology, the heritage of the metal destroyer civilization, assimilation of all metal kinetic energy, incredible ability, so this radiation world is so dangerous and passive. 壹 reading ww ?w?·1?k?a see n?s?h?u see·c?c?"

The witches said with anxiety, it seems that the world has secretly produced something big.

"Metal fire?"

After Green whispered a word, he thought about it.

The civilized world must have some inheritance of subversive rules. The world of metal destroyers is no exception. What kind of abilities are the sacred objects of this metal fire, and what are the rules of the world, which make the world dominate the six masters and It is difficult to count the sorcerer's legion into a dilemma.

The metal destroyer civilization turned out to use the civilization as early as possible. Is the new civilization that the other side exhibits as the world community after the Xiahe civilization, and the inheritance of the inheritance can rival the wizarding world?

This is almost impossible!

As a huge base mainly gathered by mechanical wizards, the degree of mechanization used here has reached the level that Green is difficult to understand. From the anti-gravity transmission track that transports and repairs huge space fortresses, to the ruins of the ruins, the re-recycling of the mechanical squadron's factory, and then to the high-concentration defensive towers, the movement is comparable to the fluctuation of the source of the wizard tower. There is also a fixed-track anti-power shuttle, and a variety of mechanical bees of various sizes are emerging.


The rigorous surveillance system, at least on the face of truth, is faintly aware of the hidden volatility of a dozen sacred marks, and the power of the elements that are driven is in the face of Green Truth. ?壹~www.novelmtl.com~ More terrible is the deep base in the foot. A vast amount of energy has formed a huge black hole. This is a time-space seal that Green has never heard of. It is far stronger than Green's Forgotten Time and Truth Seal, and it has enough energy support to be more than ten times that of Green. Can pose a threat to any master.

Standing in the middle of this seal, it is Green that can not help but feel a sense of trepidation, Xiaoba is already in the dimension gap has not been seen.

"Stay a moment."

A mechanical sorcerer wandering in the air silently, I don't know what kind of mechanical equipment. It is only when the special light is explored that it will appear. If the radiant body is not powerfully perceived by the truth, I am afraid that the secret degree of this mechanical wizard is more terrible than the green wearing the robes of the appearance.


After waiting for Green, Green waited.

It is very quiet in the vast space. After a long time, it is a "squeaky" sound. The thick metal door opens in the distant place. After a dense monitoring system, it is extremely ugly. The scrawny sorcerer walked in, and the back seemed to have a big pot on his back, leaving only the last few loose hairs on his head.

After coming in, this mysterious five-level wizard has been staring at the colorful runes of Green.

"Hey. A strange element wizard, are you the tower of annihilation that is good at breaking the rules of the world's clothes and forcibly invading?"

Green is not blinded by the appearance of this old wizard. The control of its elements seems to be a kind of decaying energy, and the degree of attack is quite terrible. I am afraid that it will be above the Green attack degree and reach the fifth level. Incited three times the leverage rule degree!

"Exactly. How are you?"

Green has already had some eyebrows, I am afraid that this time it is not a special one, but a few wizards of the world's elite five-level holy sorcerer to perform certain special tasks.

"The decline is catastrophic."

The old wizard introduced himself.

An unseen sorcerer, one of the truly powerful potential wizards hidden in the wizarding world, has long since entered the potential.

"I, plus the bonfire sword, the savage mountain, and the color simulation, plus your special ability, the task of destroying should be smoother, hey, high risk with unimaginable return It’s really fascinating."

The old wizard obviously knew something. After Green nodded, he stopped talking. He carefully observed the vast seal in the depths of the base through the face of truth.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

After a few hourglass hours, each step seems to step on the most vulnerable stage of the heartbeat. The first sight of Green's truth is shocked, and the real body is so huge!

After the sixth instinct of Green's wild instinct, he already has a kilometer of true body. It is considered to be a very large class of holy marks, which means that it has more powerful ability. However, this holy mark wizard is only three. km.

Shan Man Lux?

I am afraid that it should be a special **** witchcraft.

Thinking of **** witchcraft, Green naturally thought of the light of hope that the streamer back to the world dominated the body. This time it was dispatched here~www.novelmtl.com~ I hope that it is not the fate of Green's guess.

"This is the tower of annihilation?"

Shan Man Luxe Stigma Sorcerer, the voice is heavy and heavy, looking forward to Green's gaze some expectations, it is no wonder that his wizard is generally the forcing invaders in the forefront, the most stressful wizard.

"Oh, yes, the bonfire tour sword, why haven't you come yet?"

The old wizard dominated the magic wand "桀桀桀桀" and smiled. After answering Green, the mountain wise man asked.

"His dragon has seen a female dragon in the abyss of the earth. It has been stalking all these years. It is estimated that it will be later. Let's wait."

Said, the mountain savage "squat" directly sitting cross-legged on the metal floor.

"This time we have four, plus the tower of annihilation, the task should be smoother..." (To be continued.)



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