A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1084: Shi En (below)

Seven Rings Santa World.

"Still alive? Too... well!"

I have been waiting for more than a month. When Green heard the news that Andersen Seymour was still alive, there was something that could not be said at the same time. Incorporating more of this was beyond the family and the family.

Green also thought about protecting him in the tower of annihilation, but soon wiped out this little law, it is too selfish!

Green can use his own strength to protect this child who transcends his disciples, but at the same time he realizes his sad desire to protect, he is also obliterating the infinite possibilities of the three disciples, although in reality, he is more like Kabu. Chino and Hessian are almost useless.

But the more so, Green would have to notice him.

Because, once Green is the same!

Once, the master of Youquan was like a mountain. On the one hand, Green was infinitely admired, and on the other hand, Green was almost breathless. No matter what he did, no matter what he achieved, he seemed to be standing in the eyes of others. The person behind the shadow of the master of the secluded spring is alive as the second secluded spring.

In order to break away from this shadow, Green continued to work hard until the third-level peak is still working hard until the promotion of the holy mark is finally found in a class with the sister, and he has unwittingly surpassed everyone.

Therefore, whether it is a talented cappuccino or an unparalleled black rope, it is not the best person to pass on his will in Green's heart.

As a congenital sorcerer's will, Cappuccino is naturally protected by the favor of the world. As long as she does not leave the world, she is almost arbitrarily present. No one will kill a guardian, but she will not use it. Fulfill the responsibility of the world's guardians.

Her will is not firm.

Black rope. Although he possesses the wisdom and unparalleled talent of Green's complete satisfaction, once he advances to the Holy Mark Wizard, he almost inherited the brilliant will of the ancient wizard's darkness in the moment. After two generations of accumulation, even now Green has imposed his will on him. I am afraid I will not achieve any results in the future.

In this way, Green’s innermost heart has always been hoping to have an ordinary wizard who relies on his own efforts, wisdom, and luck to achieve extraordinary achievements, prove himself, and inherit his will!

Of the three disciples, only Anderse Seymour is the most suitable.

"Oh. It’s still alive. If the information from the front line is absolutely true, even I can’t believe it. A small wizard who joined the war front line area for more than 400 years has won four times and three levels. Medal of Honor, a second-class medal of honor, a first-class medal of honor!"

Green entrusted the inquiry message of the seven-ring tower under the seat of the WISP's sacred mark, the sorcerer's flames screamed, and the low stunned.


Even with Green's calmness, I heard that Anderse Seymour had won a series of such achievements. Can not help but be unbelievably low and exclaimed.

"What did he do because of my identity? But even so, he is only a level one wizard. How could it be so many achievements?"

"Let me check it out."

The Wraith of the Wraith sorcerer said, the rune in the crystal ball flashed, and often nodded, and closed the crystal ball for a long time.

"The tower of annihilation, your disciple... It’s really luck and wisdom. Congratulations, you can earn such a good disciple! When others give up, only he does not give up, inspires the legion, and finally insists When the reinforcements arrived, they changed the situation. In addition to personal strength, he has all the conditions of the captain of the Ming Dynasty. Especially the belief that he never gives up is really a plastic talent. It has already caused the wisdom of dawn, even if you don’t find it, you should adjust it. Back to the wizarding world to shape and cultivate."

At this moment, Green can't describe how his mood is.

Too satisfied, even exceeding Green's expectations!

Andersimo, who taught his most basic wizarding path during the apprenticeship of the wizard, without any bias, he gained much more than he had hoped for, what he could think of, even more than ever. I have already had cappuccino and black rope.

For many years, Green has not felt that his mood is so weak and moving.

For a long time, Green did not say a word, standing quietly, remembering that in the cave, Anderse Seymour, or a naughty child, while regaining his spiritual strength, he devoted himself to teaching him to be a person, to do things, and to explore. This disciple of the spirit of truth and righteousness, as well as Green, lost in the dark witches on the road to growth, does not give up all hope and unity.

Unconsciously, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, and Green seemed to see the free and easy before Peranos left.

"Teacher, your wizard will continue to pass on..."



For five hundred years, it is not too long for Green, but for Anderse Seymour, it is too long.

The long march to Green's mentor has already become the deepest memory in my heart, as if my father's warmth is inspiring. Every time someone else has to give up, it is the teacher's embarrassing teaching that let Andre Seymour come over.

The wizards around him continued to fall and changed constantly. Anderse Seymour never thought about failure, never thought about death. It has changed from a little wizard who yearns for everything to a formal wizard who takes everything!

A serious appearance, a never-ending pace, the pursuit of truth and the righteousness of the truth, believe in the winning power of the wizarding corps.

Green didn't know what happened to Andre Seymour, but he was no longer the child. He was standing next to the genius teacher and sister, and some of the children who were at a loss.

"Not bad!"

Green patted Andersi Simo's shoulders, like a kindly elder, very gratified, and even some crying, unable to stop nodding frequently.


Under the cold appearance, at this moment, Anderse Seymour burst into tears, like a child who returned home, holding Green tightly and weeping all the pure beauty that he abandoned for the maturity at this time.

Growing up is costly!

Long talk, the seven corners of the world's remote corners of the tower, only the master and disciples whispered before the campfire, no one else, heart and heart exchange.

Time unknowingly passed away. Green gradually understood what happened to this disciple, how similar he was to himself. He also had a love, but he was born and died because of the cruelty of the war of civilization. He hated Skynet. , hate those cold metal robots, hate their own weakness.

The melodious horn sound, that is the voice of the heart of the seven-ring world, leading to the ancient tree of life in the wizard world, Green stood up.

"Guide, where are you going?"

Shake his head and smile.

"To perform a task, it can be very dangerous. Although the teacher has prepared some backhands~www.novelmtl.com~, I am not sure whether this backhand can guarantee, so... these are left for you."

Said, Green has broken his own ring finger! At the same time, there is a handwritten note and a book.

"Take it, my body contains the secrets of the rules of the world's clothes. This note is the knowledge of the power of annihilation and the source of annihilation. As for this "Gray's Fairy Tales"...you are not yet Understand, if one day you make a holy mark, you may understand a little."

Green turned and walked away.

"Remember, they are just the path of the wizard's wizard, just your direction. You are the inheritance of my will, you have to go longer and farther, beyond your teacher and sister, beyond me."


Ps: WeChat public number, a group of egrets on the sky, has been serialized four chapters outside the article, this WeChat public number is not for profit purposes, but also limited to this "Witch Tour", just to write something interesting. In addition, "Witch Tour" has reached the end, 3 million words are already very large, it is inevitable that there will be some omissions, if there is any regret, you can privately chat WeChat 693, 754, 126 to Xiao Ba himself message. (To be continued.)

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