A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1076: Ancient giants! ?

One hundred years later.

The mystery of the life code and the key to the field of life has enabled Green to open up some information hidden in the field of cytogenetics at an alarming rate, pursuing a deeper evolution of the ancestors.

Among the rewards given by the seven-ring true spirit wizard, the king of the Xixi King needs to slowly practice the soul of the soul, as if to swallow the soul evolution, the eutrophic state can not be qualitatively changed in a short time, but can promote growth for a long time. .

Another bottle of mysterious potion is unusual!

According to Green's analysis, the two most obvious ingredients in this bottle of medicine, one of which is the sap of life tree, Green was under the guidance of Mina when he received the three-level medal of honor, soaked once, the impression is profound, and the other component is It is a fluid high-energy liquid of the seven-ring Santa flesh mixture, which is equivalent to the blood of synthetic animals.

Undoubtedly, the potion given by the seven-ring true spirit wizard must have an extraordinary effect on the evolution of the mixed synthetic beast created by the elemental wizard.

In fact, the first time after the Yanwan Wantou bird was taking the bottle of medicine, the life structure between the internal elements and the flesh and blood began to change drastically. First, the severe pain, followed by the 10,000 soul birds. Intoxicated and low-pitched, fell into a deep sleep.


The Wizarding Alliance and the Skynet World Group have staged various levels of war in hundreds of worlds every day. The world’s masters and metal robotic terminators continue to occupy the other’s territory and are quickly pushed back by the other side. There are metal destroyers, true spirit wizards, and endless masters who walk around, and the shot is a devastating disaster.

In such a fierce battle outside, the Wizards Alliance has withstood the pressure inside, and opened up a relatively peaceful environment for the wizards on the potential list, which is used to tap its own potential and then play a more powerful role in the battlefield.

After all, the wizards who pursue active evolution are different from those that evolve passively over the years. Through the knowledge lever to incite the rules, the wizard is a group of creatures that can make miracles in a short time!

The physical growth brought by the male poisonous body has improved slightly in the past 100 years.

The study of the key to life and the gap between dimensions. In the case of Green is almost all efforts and resources, it has finally passed several thresholds. Although the dimensional gap still requires a very long time to accumulate memory, but the fifth layer of wild instinct to transform into a giant, the key to life has been able to conduct reasoning and guidance, and will turn to the sixth layer of wild instinct transformation possible development direction.

"Hey, I found a sixth-level wild instinct to transform into an intelligence clue. The Samsung Santa Ansser Abyss refines the Great Witch Wizard, who masters the ancient instinct and instinct."

Xiao Ba and Ye Ye grabbed a parchment scroll and threw it on the Green Bench.

Unlike the tens of thousands of possibilities of low-level wild instinct transformation, the more advanced wild instinct will become more single. Until the ancestors pursued by all the refining wizards turned.

Six layers of wild instinct transformation, is the last level under the people's ancestors, there are not many changes, now Green only collected seven, plus this ancient giant scorpion turned, is only the eighth.

Collecting these six layers of wild instinct to transform the information, through Green's own experimental comparison, with the key to life, will be able to open the wild instinct more simple and effective, rather than a breakthrough between life and death.

This is the difference between the elemental wizard and the purely wild sorcerer. Everything in the elemental wizard is driven by wisdom.

"The ancient giant savage barbarian giant turned?"

After studying a few hourglass hours against this ancient giant sorcerer's intelligence information, Green took out his own cells, and the high frequency of the eyes of the microscopic surface of the truth was constantly magnified. Start looking for some pieces of information in your own genetic field.

Ten days later, Green whispered a surprise.

"The similarity has reached 57%. It is really the transformation of the ancient giant scorpion. The other 43%, 11% are Xuanyuan Guling, and 9 percent are Fuhuo Fulong. 30,000 percent of grass and grass, 2 percent of water and soil, nine thousandths..."

Undoubtedly, if Green wants to open the sixth layer of wild instinct to transform as soon as possible, breaking through the limitations of the human ancestors on the body cytogenetic field, humanity quickly returns to the evolution of the ancestors. You can only start from the direction of the ancient giants.


Three days later, the book hall of the Second Ring.

"I need all the intelligence information that the ancient giants have turned into."

With Green's words. The balance lever on one end of the book of the second ring is quickly pressed and the other end is tilted up.

"The Great Tower of the Oblivion Stigma. You need to pay 17,700, and you will exchange thirty-four pieces of information about the ancient scorpion."

There are actually thirty-four pieces of intelligence information. This is somewhat unexpected. It was thought that it would be good to harvest. It seems that Green has far underestimated the ability of these books.

After paying enough money, Green got the knowledge he needed and left the Second Ring Santa.


Ten years later.

The itch of the little finger, the sense of Green, the smoldering bird that has been sleeping for nearly a hundred years has finally awakened, and Green put down his hands on the research related to the information of the ancient giant scorpion and his own cells, shouting: "Small eight, leaves Ye, come over!"

"Hey, what?"

Xiao Ba and Ye Ye twins flew in pairs, and Green's little finger smashed into a black flame on the experimental bench. A glimpse of the source of darkness lingered, slowly, as if drunk, shrinking under the space cage The soul of the 10,000-headed bird stood up, and his head was so long that he was screaming with excitement and joy.

"Yeah! Wow, I seem to have grown a few more heads, don't move, let Dad count and see how many heads you have."

Xiao Ba and Ye Ye jumped up and down and the mysterious elbow played, and Green, with the help of the truth, had already counted these heads, 256, although there were more, but not too much.

In Green's fine induction, after a while, suddenly a little shocked and confused, after thinking about it, took out a strange piece of metal into another laboratory's alchemy furnace.

After several hours of hourglass, ~www.novelmtl.com~ in the metal tray, the hot and thick metal solution was placed on the test bench by Green.


Excited screams, the flames of the 10,000 birds shouted, many heads plunged into the tray to drink, the unspeakable excitement and joy, let the side of the small eight and Ye Ye shocked.

"Of course... It turned out to be the source of the Seventh Ring of the Holy Tower. The three-body synthesis of energy, flesh and blood, this is the composition of the Seventh Ring Holy Tower, and the mystery of the unique research field of the Seven Rings Real Spirit Wizard."

Devouring the soul, black witch medicinal aid, homologous energy digestion, metal filling, the soul of the 10,000 birds grow in four directions, I am afraid that the growth rate will be far more than Green, until 999 heads Four times the peak of life quality change.


Special notice: "The Wizard of the Wizards" opened the WeChat public account, the name: a group of egrets on the sky, the theme of the humorous humor, interspersed with all kinds of interesting things during the writing process of Xiao Ba, if you like, then small The Eighth Conference regularly updates the public number, and I hope everyone will pay attention. The notice is tomorrow's extravagant articles: the night of Xiao Ba and Ye Ye, hahaha! (To be continued.)

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