A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1059: Ghost gathering

Gray-white mask, three flexible and stunned eyes.

Standing on the top of Blackrock Mountain, tens of millions of Pygmy squadrons are bustling and scattered on the vast and desolate land of Heishan Mountain. As the ruler of this vast land, Green represents the aggression and plunder of the will and slowly raises himself. An extreme abyss wand that symbolizes the power of Blackrock Mountain.

At the top of the staff, the extreme cold crystals overflowed with a slight insignificant breath, and the sky lowered a large blue snow, causing the roaring, cheering, and celebration of the mountains and plains. It was like a wave, and it was like a wave.

The Pegs who once created the enchanted civilization, as the social system of collaborative division was broken by the war of the second world, was bullied by various worlds and was extremely miserable.

With the arrival of one evil spirit after another, these formerly purely for self-defense and revenge, they gradually became fierce, deceitful, and did not believe in dark creatures.

The vast land, the face of Green Truth can glimpse through the regular veins, faintly seeing energy flow lines ranging from ten to tens of meters.

Under the rocks, under the soil, under the vegetation, under the river, a bundle of white and faint mysterious light emerges from the world's origins, slowly gathering to the upper end of the sky.

Affected by these mysterious beams, the air elements are constantly rising. In the perception of these Pygmy Legion, the air seems to have become a flowing water. As long as you master some operational skills, you can achieve speed flying almost easily.

"Sure enough, it is an external force!"

Although the face of Green Truth is temporarily unable to ascertain what influences the rules of the world, it is clear that the rules of the world's origins have been influenced by some external forces and seem to be something hidden deeper.

Every world has a process of birth, growth, growth, decline, and extinction. The endless world evolves with a void creature, always following the rules of balance, although compared to the vast majority of creatures in the material world. The rise and fall of the world is so long that most creatures are not aware of this.

However, standing at the level of the world's Lord of the Earth, Green has been able to blur the world's rise and fall.

At this time, on the occasion of the birth of the Moon Moon, Green clearly felt the rapid decline of the Cthulhu Paradise. Every time he opened the door of the Moon, he was consuming his own potential.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will take tens of thousands of years and the world will collapse completely. Fragmented.

"Oh, it’s really exciting, I don’t know how it’s going to be there.”

Xiaoyiyi's wings keep squatting, his expression is excited, and he is screaming at the sky, and his laughter is somewhat evil.

Behind the green, the other side of the flower elf licked his lips. Originally, in order to save the world, he was dedicated to carrying the poison of his scorpion as food. In an attempt to delay the invading of the world of flowers, she experienced a series of frustrations that she could not imagine, and unexpectedly met the traveler from a distant world.

Although the ending is not clear, but this time. The other side of the flower elves is full of confidence in saving the world!

The two eyes flashed, and the other side of the flower elf was walking behind the body of Green. At this time, she had recovered the power of the third level, and stood a little smaller by the green bones of the thorns. But it has gradually adapted to the darkness of the body of Green.

Close to Green, the other side of the flower elves feel the security that has never been seen before.

Far away from the sky, near the height of the Moon's Gate. There are a lot of dense and dense stars, and they are the powerful evil spirits of the natural disasters. They are the first to lead the men’s team to the Moon Gate.

"Try not to stay away from me for a while. These evil spirits and Pegs will not distinguish between you and your people."

Green said that the body of the spurs standing on the foothills of the Black Rock suddenly expanded. Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, the breath also rose, and the hundred-meter barbarian giant day-by-day屹立山巅, tens of millions of grids and sanitation!

The other side of the flower elf looked up at the behemoth, and the body could not help but tremble. It was clearly so close to some of the other things. At this time, the body could not be self-made and wanted to stay away from this horror creature. For fear of the next breath, the big foot accidentally crushed himself. The difference in strength between the two is huge.

"Small, let me conquer the world of the other side, enjoy the vent!"


The roar of the mountains and the wild, some relatively powerful Pegs, almost at the first time, learned to use these mysterious lights to fly downstream, the speed is twice as fast as usual, and some weaker Pegs are like Beginner swimmers generally float on the ground for a while, and there are some guys who have some falls.

These deceitful dark creatures will not have any sympathy and will not be able to adapt to environmental changes, and all will be born and borne.

Starlight, the Green exudes a strong and powerful pressure that belongs to its own unique atmosphere. Before the round moon with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters, unlike the round moon in the understanding of lower organisms, in the eyes of the Lord of the world, this is only the appearance of the world rules. Natural phenomenon.

As Green, who has the eyes of the world, he only saw a hole in the world scroll paper, the rule runes were driven away, and the funnel distorted time and space for unknown reasons and overlapped with another world.

"Oh, the Lord of the Bone Emperor is so interested, let this elf see the death of our own people and eat it, enjoy her sorrow and despair, spend every day in fear, and fall into the infinite darkness. Waiting for our game to get tired of eating and eating..."

The one-eyed troll king is grumpy and grinning. The real body is huge and amazing. It is beyond a kilometer, like a standing frog.

In the whole evil spirits paradise, only the shadow bone dragon body is more large, and the one-eyed eye in front of the chest spreads a bloodshot, which seems to be excessively excited.


Green responded with a sinful smile, and the savage giants and the sun-walkers were not conspicuous among the wandering evil spirits gathered in these strange worlds. The three eyes of the truth looked toward the many evil spirits present.

Purgatory camp party ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ King of Fighters Tebuzi, evil spirits, one-eyed troll king, Amkes sun god, violent war bear king is considered to have communication, in the eyes of Green, which one is A very tricky guy, even if he is promoted to a five-level mark, he feels a lot of pressure.

If the fourth-grade period falls into this evil spirit paradise, I am afraid that it will be the weakest group inside.

As for the other people in the Purgatory camp, the strength is not too outstanding, but they are also extremely difficult roles, and their autonomy is extremely strong.

On the side of the natural disaster camp, the horror figure of more than 2,000 meters opened its wings, covering the sky, and the shadow of the bone dragon was lingering. From the perspective of Green's eyes, it has surpassed the primary level of the six-level biology.

In addition, there are five people on the side of the natural disaster. The crack is the only weak inside. The soft-skinned guy is covered with a metal blade, and the body is more than 20 meters. He never leaves the shadow bone dragon.

The other three evil spirits are all above the fifth level. After paying more attention to the eyes of the shadow sword, Green looks at the moon that gradually begins to blur. (To be continued.)



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