A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1055: Swallowing

Green's skull tribe is only one of the fewest tribes among the thousands of service tribes.

According to these Pegs, there are more than a dozen large and small evil spirits in the entire Cthulhu Paradise. It is the strongest world in dozens of worlds nearby, and outside the vast territory controlled by the Devour of Fire, close to the evil spirits, One-eyed troll king, Amkes sun **** three evil spirits.

"With the long-term coverage of Skynet, the power of the world will be gradually destroyed by a kind of waste pollution, and the ability to protect the birth of the world will be lost. This is even more extinct than the will of the wizard."

After Green rolled up the map of the precious sheepskin in his hand, the thoughts moved, and Xiao Ba appeared on his shoulders. He pulled his face and yelled at the yin and yang: "Why!?"

This guy is still angry about things a few days ago.

"Okay, this is my new palace, play."

A little bit of this guy, behind him, the other side of the flower elf saw the little eight, very fond of this vivid and beautiful little creature, Ming Ming beat.

The little gossip pulled his eyelids and swept the palace of a certain artistic style, screaming: "Hey, don't think that the Eight Lords will forget the things of the previous two days!"

Then Xiao Ba looked at the other side of the flower elf: "Who is this?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the door knocked, Green signaled that the seven tribal elders had come in, and there was a level of power between the first and second levels. The instrument was solemn, and it was a far cry from the usual messyness. Xiao Ba and the chain behind him opened, and after paying respect to the other side of Green's flower elves, he stunned.

Green lazily sat on the stone chair, cocked his legs, and the thumb with his sharp black nails clicked on the other side of the flower elf, and he said: "This elf I want."


This time, a few of the Pegs elders simply fried the pot, the look changed.

"The leader, absolutely not, these tributes have long been recorded by the sorcerer's waiter. This elf is a tribute to the tribe's full half. I don't agree."

"If adults want to eat, they can change their tastes for a while. Just wait until the door of the moon is followed by the devour of the sorcerer to the other side. After the plundering of the world, the elves want to eat more."

"If the adults need young and beautiful girls to serve. We can force the expropriation from the tribe, there is no need to waste energy on these low-lying and dirty alien elves..."

"You bastard, I want to challenge you!"


A stick took the challenge elders out of the hall, and the mourning of the thigh bones spread throughout the tribe, and Green pulled back. The exclamation of the other side of the flower elf was pulled down on himself, and the white-faced and high-spirited elf suddenly sat in the heart of Green's singularity, for Green to play with.

"This king is like this elf, how about it??"

The little eight came to the spirit, sewed a pair of small eyes, "嘎嘎嘎嘎" evil smile, I don't know what the whole brain is thinking.

Several Pegs elders glanced at each other. In the end, no one was talking. After discussing with Green for a while, instead of using the other wealth of the tribe to replace the other side of the flower elves as a offering, they left with a look of absurdity.

When there was no one in the room, the other side of the flower elf quickly escaped from Green's arms. The cheeks fluttered red, his hands licking his chest, his breath was uncertain, and he glared at Xiao Ba, and after a while he barely controlled his strange emotions.

"Wow, come here, let me be happy again."

Green stunned the eyes of the little one: "I am going to tell Ye Ye if I am in trouble, huh, huh."


A month later.

As the chief of the skull tribe, Green led a long group of horses behind him to enlist the team to drive to Blackrock Mountain.

Hey, hey. Hey, the whip is pumped on the thick leather of the iron cow, driving these cumbersome, lazy but endless monsters to pull the wooden cart, and pilgrimage with the tribe chieftains of many other devouring demons. The team could not see the end at a glance.

"The idiots, hurry up, the tribes that have not been able to offer enough enshrined to the Swallow Demon Lord will lose the right to enter the door of the full moon."

A black pressed shadow flies through the sky.

On the wooden car, Green, who was shouldered and respected by the other side of the flower elf, looked up and looked up.

This shadow is a huge flame of more than ten meters. Invisible and intangible, surrounded by a layer of fierce burning after the negative energy, from the top of the team's top 100 meters high, a very rare form of fire element life.

"Oh, it seems that this should be the body of the devourer, and it is also its original form."

Xiao Ba has been eccentric about this rare elemental life form. The ancient wizards did not know how many such rare forms of life were inadvertently extinct in the long-term battle.

Green swayed the blood in the experimental beaker and leaned toward the other side. He said: "It’s unfortunate. It seems that this biota is very immune to the vicious elements of your body, even if you are swallowed by the head. If the enchantress eats it, it is impossible to delay the time of the moon."


On the top of Blackrock, the crater is endless with black smoke, covering the sun in the sky, and it is similar to Amonro time.

It is these black smoke that are affecting the Crescent Moon.

On both sides of the majestic high palace, more than ten third-level sorcerers guarded, and the Pegs tribe leaders bowed their heads and entered the hall consisting of countless skeletons and resentments, and the mourning of "呜呜呜呜" Resounding through the hall.

There is an altar on the high seat of the main hall. There is a three-level peak fire on it. The black cloud around the body is connected with the atmosphere of the whole hall. It is terrible. "Ha ha ha ha" laughs and supervises the car. The car's energy spar was pushed into the black rock crater.

Bustling, thousands of Piguet princes gathered in the hall, each of the squadrons had tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of followers, and the lowest is Green's disguised Pygmy leader. There are also a few third-level creatures.

Eating meat, drinking big bowls, noisy, very messy.

"Why don't you eat?"

I was eating a small eight-barreled barbecue in the huge tray on the table and looked up. www.novelmtl.com~ I looked at the pale face of the other side of the flower elf and asked.

"Do you eat your own kind?"

The other side of the flower elf clenched his teeth.

Green was sitting indifferently, curiously observing the palace of the shin bone. Suddenly, an eyeball on his foot rolled over, and then a three-level peg with a machete next to him smiled at Green: "Take your servant to the uncle."

Green, who was taking a careful observation of this strange palace, looked down at the eyes and looked at the three-level Pegs who smiled at himself. After a cold smile, he reached out to the palm of his hand.

A repulsion fluctuates.


This three-level Pegs flew hundreds of meters in an incredible way, and fell to the top of the three-level peak of the fire on the altar of the high temple. (To be continued.)



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