A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1030: Xianyu World Community

It has been a few months. |

Occasionally, the three-color glory of Green's truth can't help but for a moment, the metal war machine in the battle of the void is hard to forget, this is the space-based starship! ?

Compared with the space-based starship, the Void Mothership is like a wizard's world mechanical bee contrast and space fortress, no contrast.

The metal terminator combat corps, which is made up of such a giant, can only be dealt with by the true spirit wizard and the endless master.

Vaguely remembered a few months ago, when all the world's masters rushed into the whirlpool of time and space, the arc thundercloud has led many world leaders to defeat the metal terminator defensive base, and the follow-up legions are constantly flowing from the door of time and space. Come in, every breath is hundreds.

However, in the cracks of time and space, the corps of the various worlds of the Wizarding League was almost abruptly stopped, suddenly interrupted, and the low-level biological fear expressions that had come to the forefront, Green is still vivid.

"Green, Green!"

Yuquan called two greens to wake up from the loss of consciousness, and after shaking his head, he apologized and smiled at the secluded spring and the ghosts around her.

"Is it that the pressure of continuous fighting is too great? I think your mental state is not very good."

The question of the concern of the secluded spring.

Beside the secluded spring, the ghost is invisible and inferior. It seems to be a special creature of a certain ghost world. When I met for the first time a few days ago, the sister of the syllabus actually introduced that the five-level world master has become his own wizard partner. After Green was shocked for a while, the message was digested.

My own sister, the taste is not ordinary...

However, in terms of strength, this ghost that has entered the fifth-level biological field is not weak. It seems that the relationship with the secluded spring is not started after the war of civilization. The two people are connected with each other. This ghost seems to be There are some special connections to the source of the power of the fountain.

"Hey. The shock of the space-based starship is too great. If there are hundreds or thousands of such large-scale combat platforms in the metal destroyer civilization, this war..."

"It seems that the war in the ancient world is deadlocked. Let both sides focus on attacking the other supporters. The metal continental fortifications have been built. We will have to pay more for each resource collection base."

For Green's concerns, Youquan also understands.

"If the war really reaches the step you said, the wizarding world will never succumb to its own heritage. After all, if it is defeated in this metal destroyer civilization, what is the hunter expedition plan? Hey, hiding in eternity If the old things in the city of the sky are coming out, maybe the war is another situation."

Over the years, Green has gradually learned about the city of eternal sky as the world of wizards. What kind of horror is there.

The water curtains supported by the sea king altar are circulated as never exhausted energy, and the heart of the ancestors is the time barrier, and the artificial wizard world is opened up!

Although the first wizard of the ancient civilization gradually became the master of the wizarding world, it was as if the elemental wizard and the abyss sculpt the wizard, the mechanical wizard at that time still maintained an extremely powerful force, and because of the second civilization war. In the middle, the mechanical wizard is responsible for prescribing the rear resources, and then the number of fallen is small, which should have saved a considerable amount of power.

In fact...

After the second civilization war. While the Elemental Wizards proposed the Hunting Expedition to save the Wizarding World, the mechanical wizard also proposed the Eternal Sky City Plan, in the event that the failure of the Demon Expedition Plan failed to save the destruction of the Wizarding World. The city of the sky is the last habitat of the wizards, simulating the world environment of the wizards, protecting the fragile ordinary human beings to naturally proliferate and inherit the civilization.

Remaining ancient mechanical wizards, or the soul loss is nearly exhausted, or serious injuries can no longer be cured, have entered the state of self-sealing inside the city of eternal sky, only to wait for the witch world to wake up at the moment of survival, to play their strongest Power.

Seven and eight creatures. Any difference without the nature of power is the same for true wizards.

After being promoted to the true spirit. Mental strength is solidified at 1024 points, with a power of 2 to 10 powers. The basis for the calculation of active energy utilization under the balance rule.

The real difference between the seven and eight creatures is the loss of soul and the immortality of the soul.

Without being promoted to the eighth-class creature, the large body that dominates consumes his soul every time and every moment, and one day he will fall into the soul to dissipate death. Frequent battles will accelerate this process.

To this end, in peacetime, some of the seven-level masters with long-term soul loss are more serious, try to avoid the loss of soul, or stand still, will tell the tribe to deal with things, or completely self-seal hidden in the weak creatures, delay the soul dissipate.

Therefore, in general, the seven-level creatures will never dare to actively fight against the eight-level creatures, which is undoubtedly a chronic suicide.

The Eternal Sky City is one of the three major foundations of the Wizarding World. The true spirit wizard seals itself inside and immortalizes the soul!

As far as Green knows, after the Second Civilization War, the Wizards of the World Mechanical Wizards also promoted at least two rounds of true spirits, but never appeared and did not establish a system of Santa. Green Guess, these mechanical wizards are very It is possible to enter the interior of the Eternal Sky City and complete the top secret plan of the Wizarding World.

"I hope there is no day."

Green shook his head, and it was impossible to imagine the cost of a battlefield composed of a space-based starship, in the absence of a war platform and a wizarding naval group.

"It should be impossible."

The mysterious ghosts have always been silent, suddenly speaking, the voice is low and hoarse, attracting the curiosity of Green.

The body seems to be like a teapot, and the black air lingers in the air, concealing the toxic nature of the energy, the teapot-shaped internal self-contained space, strange and strange life.

"If this metal destroyer world really has hundreds or thousands of space-based satellite ships, I am afraid it will be enough to affect the Vientiane reincarnation, which will attract the attention of Heaven."


Green has never been exposed to this concept, and the doubts look at the ghosts.

"Inaction, one life, two life, two life, three life, three things, endless things, I am a million-year-old soul pot spirit of the nine worlds of the fairyland world community, originally in the Nine Nether God Qiankun bag As a result of the repair, I did not know what happened to Jiu Nian Xian Zun, and the Qiankun bag was damaged. I was also involved in this world community by the cracks in time and space. For thousands of years, I finally repaired some magical realms."

The sly ghost said something that made Green stunned, but it came from another distant community of civilized worlds, and it looked like a big one.

Could it be said that the reason why Youquan Sister is able to complete the Grand Medal of Honor is related to it?

After a pause, the ghosts continued: "The monks are cultivating the mind, understanding the creation, finding the machine of the universe, taking advantage of the heavens and the earth, absorbing all things, breaking the roots of the dust, asking the sages, and seeking detachment. And this heavenly road should be equivalent to the truth and destiny of your wizarding civilization. All that is pursued is detachment. Once you touch the bottom line of heaven and earth, you will be punished by heaven and destroy the Tianyan 49th Avenue and the 50th. A line of life, ten dead and no life."

Youquan seems to have a good understanding of this partner, only one eye under the white stretch, no color.

Is this the journey of the truth-based exploration of truth from another civilization?

"Hey, this..."

"Call me a ghost. ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green has some sly color: "Well, what about the ghosts, dare to ask the fairyland world community than the current wizarding league?" How is it compared to the abyss world? Will you go back? ”

"Although I have been to the world community for thousands of years, I am still very strange to everything here, but I am very interested in the remains of the Xiahe civilization. If you are a witch civilization, I have heard some from the Springs here. If the Wizarding World can unify this world community and develop several epochs, it should be able to match the impression of the centuries-old world community. As for me..."

The sly ghost shook his head helplessly: "Maybe it is too far away, even if I am thinking of the nine secluded gods, I can't sense it..."

Green's heart can't help but endlessly fear the endless world.

It is no wonder that the more senior wizards are eager to be rational, all because they are too small, the world is endless, the old and the new are replaced, the civilization is multiplied and declined, but it is a trace of history. (To be continued.)



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