A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1028: Skynet

"There is an ambush!"

This large-scale world debris is also not safe. I hurriedly led the army to the next piece of the world's debris arc thunderclouds, the flame holy grail pioneer, and the ambush of the metal robot base that was equipped with the whole equipment behind the door of time and space, a large number of beam particle guns, at stand The cannon and the destroying navigation bombs poured. ??壹 reading ww?w·1?k?anshu·

In the crystal ball light curtain, the strange army behind the arc thundercloud sacred sorcerer suffered a devastating blow in the war.

In this world of debris, which is comparable to the mysterious tower of the annihilation tower, although the area is not small, it gathers dozens of world leaders and hundreds of millions of legions. It is too crowded, without the protection of the rules of the world, and within the debris. Strong army will also become the target of these Nether Fleet, must be transferred!

"Quiet! The world's lords from the Alliance, this piece of world can't be supported for too long under the battle of the Void Fleet, so no matter what kind of ambush on the other side of this time and space crack, we must rush over. Otherwise, with more and more fleets and metal terminators gathered outside the void, waiting for us is only one dead road!"

At the crucial time, it was the Wei Li De Xiaodao Stigma Wizard who presided over the overall situation.

The old witch who has a wide network of people in the wizarding world is obviously very broad-minded. Under her call, some of the world's masters led the army to the vortex of time and space, forcibly capturing the world debris in front, and another part. The Lord of the World rushes to the void, including the song of Green and Hoar, attempting to empty the fleet for some time, delaying the destruction of this world debris and reducing the loss of the Legion.

It is really a strong enemy before, and there is a chase after the war. The army led by the world leaders of the Wizarding League, which is mixed in the middle, can only rush all the way.

"Oh, the truth is correct, but there are three fleets here. The number of each fleet has exceeded one hundred. It seems that there is still more power here in the depths of the void, and there is no space for support." Ww?w?·1?k?a see n?s?h?u see c?c? It’s just a dead end by our sacred sorcerer and the world’s lord.”

In the void, more than twenty of the world's masters gathered, sensing that the void fleet that had completely destroyed the world's debris was slowly coming. Each virtual mothership is more than a thousand meters long, with a larger protective cover, and more than a hundred ships are a fleet, neatly and silently. But it is hard to describe the pressure!

Not to mention the metal terminators next to these virtual aircraft carriers, each of which has hundreds of appearances.


"Mom, so much? This is a targeted conspiracy. It is definitely an ambush against us. It must be the fat cats when they first explored the route and they were aware of them!"

Xiao Ba blamed the fat cat, and then the tearful eyes toward the Green Road: "Green Beast, you can not die."

Green has no mood to pay attention to the small eight, the mouth meditation spell, more than three hundred meters of huge elements in the body, squeezed out more than two hundred meters of barbarian giant day by day. One left and one right stand on both sides.

After the evolution of the elemental body and the research of Green's life, the male poisonous body has never been interrupted. Now the maximum attack degree of the Green body has exceeded 35,000 degrees, which also represents the source of Green's annihilation. power.

Two hundred and thirty-three flaming souls have their teeth and claws. Even though Green has tried every means to make the best effort to complete the evolution of the soul of the bird, it has only grown from one hundred and ninety to two hundred and thirty-two. The requirements for two hundred and fifty-six are still twenty-four.

"Hey, stinky starling, you shut me up. Look at the book? w?ww·1. Cat, I am too lazy to care about you."

After the fat cat slammed out the nipple, the body began to gradually become ghostly, and gradually expanded, and the hoarse song was black and under a black mask. It is combined with this ghost cat.

On the other side, the snow worm king burned a few kilometers of blue ice flames approaching Green.

"The tower of annihilation, I feel that there is a breath in the depths of the void that is making me shudder. I am constantly approaching here, you are careful."

After that, the king of snow worms left. Green smashed.

Among the voids, the many world lords who had been waiting for the battle, along with the nearest fleet of virtual motherships, attacked at a distance far from the distance of the world’s lords, and they had to take the initiative after a slap in the face. , rushing toward the virtual mothership group.

The main artillery mastership attack fell into the world's debris, and Green could faintly hear the chaos and temper in the world's debris. The army that was originally ambushed at the other end of the door of time and space, rushed into the door of time and space. .

call out!

A metal terminator targets the green, mechanized cold and violent aesthetics of the body, although only three meters in height, but in the field of Green truth, the other energy source is so dazzling, the vitality value floats between ~, in After the energy grabs a beam of attack in the hand, a spiral blade is pulled from behind, and the flashing and cutting lasing is coming.

It’s awkward!

After the black arc is accurate and the energy is grabbed, the spiral blade still has a considerable part of Yuwei lasing to the silver-white metal terminator.

In the eyes, after a series of cold data streams, it seems that Green has a more accurate power position. After the metal terminator avoids the power of annihilation in the mountains, Zhangkou "boom", "Boom" and "Boom" squirt three The high-concentration blasting bombs unexpectedly retreated back to the back of the virtual empty carrier.

"Under the Tianwang, these metal terminators have also had biological judgments that are beneficial to avoid harm?"


At the front of the stand, Green hit the center with a momentary movement, and a dozen of the soul birds rubbed and shattered and then dissipated, but the blink of an eye was reborn. The two sources of annihilation were self-defense. The group flew away.

The war of civilization is different from the way in which Green invaded the Aboriginal world. It is not just the difference in scale and culture, but the understanding of war is also very different.


Elemental teleportation, after Green crossed the battlefields of several world masters, passed through the body of a stone giant who passed through the body and gradually approached the kilometer-long virtual mothership.

The unfortunate stone giant, even dodge by the virtual mothership, hit the center of energy, and fell into the battle of the void.

The metal terminator escaping from the defensive hood at the end counterattacks Green, and the number of sub-guns of the virtual carrier is also shot. The black flame body is hit by these attacks, which are not too high, constantly twisted, and the waves are a little bit Hundreds of meters of extreme abyss magic wands after roaring.

Wrapped in the source of darkness, this mysterious power of the endless world is the power that the metal destroyer's quantum technology civilization cannot understand. Skynet has nothing to do with it!

At the defensive hood did not play a slight blocking effect, in the data flow of the metal Terminator's confusion, the virtual mothership "bomb rumbling" was stopped by the waist, the fire was overflowing, and was quickly suppressed by the power of the void.

It’s awkward!

After the black arc was evaded by the metal terminator, dozens of soul birds descended from the sky, and the Terminator was torn apart in the roaring roar. Green sees this, silently taking out some negative magnetic metal powder from the dimensional gap. In the real body of black flame elements.

The power of Green's annihilation has the property of eliminating all matter and energy. If it is hit by the power of Green's annihilation, this liquid metal terminator will not help even if it has the ability of immortality.

Soon, Green will look to the next virtual mothership ~www.novelmtl.com~ very quickly achieved the results.

Thus, after Green unconsciously destroyed four virtual motherships, other world leaders also began to destroy these virtual motherships, and they fell into a gel before the second virtual aircraft carrier fleet arrived.

"Ha ha ha, the master of the tower of annihilation can restrain these virtual mothership defensive hoods!?"

A bumblebee flew over, a five-level creature, and Green was responsible for one of the fifty-two world leaders who were transported to the world of Gu Long. I did not expect that the other party actually noticed this on the chaotic battlefield.

"Well, these...you!"


Suddenly, Green's voice came to an abrupt end.

A completely unexpected sneak attack appeared, and when Green was awakened, Sabinin could not follow his own battle in the void as a second-class cursed wizard. This is the disguise of the Black Terminator. (To be continued.)



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