A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1019: The world of the fire

On the third-level space fortress packed with the squadron, Lucy, Saatchi, and Sabinin followed Green.壹 reading books. books

"The Expeditionary Corps is doped with a lot of long-time travel sorcerers. Although these sorcerers have some experience in survival, the actual experience of large-scale corps is almost zero. Under the same number, the sorcerer’s combat effectiveness is obviously worse than before. ""

Saatchi’s words with a calm look overlooking the mind, finally succeeded in winning the first-class medal of honor in the Starry World, which is the opportunity that Greene took the first to summon its forcible invasion of the Starry World!

In this way, Saatchi has finally become one of the top three big wizards under the sacred world of the wizarding world.

Relatively speaking, the deep blue heavy water rule does not seem to have a good start for Lucy, and Lucy still can't complete the elemental energy quality change.

As for Sabinin, it is the second-level wizard assigned to the two cursed wizards of Green.

The sunken eye socket and the towering nose bridge, the golden wizard is still in a very young life stage, the body reveals a vitality from the inside out, which is far from the image of the old wizard who studies the mysterious power.

"This is also a no-brainer. The demon wizard is a wizard who studies the art of war killing. It is only a small part of the wizarding world. It can't afford to consume the war of civilization. The real number is huge, or the world that travels to the world. The sorcerer of the community."

Lucy responded. ■壹※看△书. Book 1

"Ye Ye, don't play it."

Calling back the leaves, Lucy's face is oppressive, and Xiaoba falls on Green's shoulder.


The melodious horn sounded and spread throughout every corner of the ancient city of the Second Ring of the Holy Ring. Green Space Fortress, as the last of the seven people, entered the door of time and space under the instigation of the sublime mysterious destiny, and came to a wizarding league. A ghost rule world.

The world of the fire.

The rules of the earth's veins gave birth to nine ghosts. The world is filled with mild negative energy. After the assimilation of the negative energy rules of the world's dark attributes, the ghost becomes a soul life and a fire.

The history of the conquest of the World of Fire is very short. In order to completely transform the world into a support point for the Gulong World, after a careful and thorough cleaning by the Wizarding League, the sect of the dynasty that had established the ruling dynasty had already been wiped out, and now these days are full of fire. However, the little guy who was born again by the natural rules has no will to inherit and is completely dependent on the existence of the wizard.

"They are afraid of us?"

The dark green fire of the sky, not afraid of the other six **** moon, but only away from the Green. To ~www.novelmtl.com~ others don't know, Green has guessed that it should be the reason for Xiaoba.

"It doesn't matter."

Green took out the crystal ball and projected a light curtain, which was connected to the heart of the combat command.

"Four big 6, we have seven fortresses in the 22nd district responsible for stationing in the North 6. There are only three routes for material transportation, two of which are in the void world. There are some precious and precious resources along the route. There are always metals. The robotic army is infested, and another virtual world route often has a large-scale turbulent storm. There are countless high-altitude creatures. As for the last route, it is interspersed from a small piece of ruined world. At present, it is dangerous. The degree should be the highest."

After a pause, Green Eyes condensed: "Exploring the three routes to assess the safety and feasibility, establishing a world transmission array and strategic facilities, Peking University 6 and the other three large 6 defense measures, and collecting information on the strategic information of the Gulong World. In the mission, we are responsible for the establishment of the world's transmission array and strategic facilities, all strategic facilities must be as far as possible to ensure survival in the world's main war."

After handing over a large number of sorcerers to the 6th geological exploration mission of Peking University. Green made a short meeting with the other six space fortress St. Marks.

Shadow shadow, the world of the fire in addition to the seven **** rounds on the top of several people, the three directions of the southeast and the west have a number of different colors, all from the other areas of the Second Ring Santa.

The arc thundercloud seems to be in such a short time. Some intelligence has been collected.

"The three big 6 are stationed in the six districts, seventy-seven districts, and one hundred and thirty-two district holy marks wizards, which should be the strongest in the 6th district of Dongda, except for the old guy who panic and boil, the other four They are also known as strong outsiders, and their strength will not be weaker than me. In the other two districts, the strength should be inferior to us."

"The panic is boiling!"

Green muttered.

This powerful ancient sacred sorcerer was even sent here.

Xiao Ba is delighted: "Oh, great, since there are more strong six districts here, in case of any accidents, let Dongda 6 top."

Yep! ?

Just as a few people had a short meeting, a strong breath came close. It seems that the other big six sacred sorcerers have long waited for a long time in the East World 6 of the World of Fire.

"Free dandelion master?"

The black witch was sitting on a lotus, and after looking around for a week, she recognized the free dandelion sorcerer.

"It seems that several people should be the sorcerer of the 22nd District. In the next is the 132nd district of Helu Qingyi. Twenty-five years ago, they were stationed at the University of West China 6 in the order of the great two-ring true spirit wizard. Two escorts have been completed, if you have any needs, even if you come to West.

Responsible for the hoarse songs of Peking University 6 and the other three large 6 defense measures, and began to take the initiative to talk with the five-level holy mark wizard.

Thundercloud arc came to Green, and he said: "There is no difficulty in telling me directly, the resources are not enough to call Rainbow Pharmacy, and strive to start the first mission within ten years."



Five years later.

The establishment of the world transmission matrix and strategic facilities mission ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Green is divided into four major items.

They are the construction of the defensive position of Guanglingbao, the construction of the world transmission array, the construction of the 樟 树 tree nest bunker, and the construction of a large-scale strategic altar.

The slaves all over the world are the cheapest and tireless laborers. They travel between the strategic bases of Beida Road, helping thousands of hunters and wizards to build strategic fortifications.

Unexpectedly, many years later, the large number of scorpion worm biological specimens that have been obtained in the shadow mystery world have finally played its role, and it is easy to reach the unparalleled stability of several kilometers of caves and fat barriers. Several 樟 树 tree nests are connected into one, and the role of the sway will be far imagined.

"The tower of annihilation, I gave you the overall planning plan two years ago, with a slight change, the south side is on the side of the mountain, and it is important to defend."

The hoarse song was more carefully planned, and Green nodded and handed over the new mission arrangement of the combat headquarters. (To be continued.)



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