A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1016: Alive

After a year of browsing in the Gemini Astrology Tower, Green decided to enjoy a brief calm before the end of the expedition.

"Do you really not go?"

After a squirming of Green's body, it changed into the appearance of this world astrologer, pale green skin, skinny and thin body, like a big pumpkin head, holding an astrological disk in his hand.

There are some low-ranking astrologers in the Gemini Astrology Tower, which are used to maintain the normal operation of this astrological tower. They live a mean and shameful life, and their dignity is ruined. The changes of Green make these astrologers horrified, and the elite sorcerers around them It is common practice to pretend that witchcraft is not uncommon.


Secretly swallowing, these low-ranking astrologers who are servants are afraid to have any words and continue to do their own work.

"Don't go, Mom, the world will be put into the battle of civilization after the end of life, and those friends who look at you are so dead, I really want to see you... Ah! Ah! Ah! No, I have to fall in love with Ye Ye for a few more eras. I haven’t lived enough for him. For love, I’m trying to do everything for you, how can you have your spare time!”

Xiao Ba turned to the Ye Ye, and began to transform the dramatic curse that he had created, and cut the harsh spell conditions of the prelude.

Let Xiao Ba set such a determination, it is a few years ago, Green's fellow friends Amland, wiki and two people fell.

Both of them entered the field of the third-level wizards before the war of civilization, and belonged to the leader of the dark wizards, but they fell into the battle of civilization!

They are just one of the hundreds of millions of descendants of the low-level wizards in the great civilized war. This shows the fierceness of the war of civilization. Under the holy mark, the low-level hunting wizards have no ability to control their own destiny!

As for the sacred sorcerer who knows Green, there is already one known to be a fallen. The ivory castle sorcerer who accidentally gave Green's second-level wild instinct to transform, the sacred sorcerer known for his defensive defense, fell to a small world in the forefront of war at the beginning of the war. It is really unresponsive.

Frequently, there is information about the destruction of the frontier small world. The space-based starship has become the most powerful strategic weapon for the metal destroyer civilization. Although subject to certain conditions, Muran only destroyed more than a dozen small worlds, which is insignificant for the overall situation, but the psychological impact on the Lord of the Wizarding World is unparalleled.

"Then you will continue to work hard here."

Green looked at the test bench, squinting at the small tail and crouching to the right, drawing a small eighty-one eye that was contemplating, and an elemental teleport disappeared.

A month later.

In a remote mountain range, Green, as a wandering astrologer, was warmly received by the Wagang people who avoided the war in the cave. It is like a god.

It’s no wonder that before the end of the chaos, these astrologers lived in the high astrological towers. Living in these legends of ordinary Wugang people who did not communicate with the stars, they finally saw a living astrologer in the chaos. Avoiding, cognition is limited to civilians who are on the top of the mountain, and how can they understand the situation in this world.

These sacred sorcerers of Green, the purpose of this expedition are only those of the high-ranking astrologers who are not qualified for slavery.

Take the best fruit you picked. The cave was lit by a torch, and in the warm reception of these Wagang people, the astrologer's Green was disguised.

Smile a little. The astrological disk of Green's hand flew to the top of the cave, and soon attracted a little starlight to penetrate the rock. It was so wonderful that the brains of these people were amazed.

"Prestige astrologer, when can we defeat those who eat demons, I heard that the monsters are running out of the **** moon, I want to return to the village."

In the cave, the village chief asked sincerely.

For ordinary Wagang people, the wizards have no interest in them. So they are not exposed, they are afraid. More are those hungry slave monsters, even if they occasionally lose one or two slave monsters foraging. It will also be a nightmare for these Wagang civilians.

"They are too strong, I don't know."

Shaking his head, Green replied with a sigh, silently observing the social lifestyle of this biological group.

“Is it stronger than the great Goethe astrology tower?”

A small Wagang man with big eyes, asked incredulously.

Green, disguised as a kind old astrologer, touched the little guy's head and smiled and said: "Maybe it is stronger than the Goethe astrological tower, but outside these mountains, we have a hundred more powerful astrological towers, Drewe tears, Eight thousand odd and evil mirrors are our three strongest astrological towers. Under their leadership, we will certainly defeat these evil spirits outside the domain, hehehe."

"If one day, I can be a great astrologer like you..."


Three years later.

Green has been thoroughly integrated into this late-born Shagang village and has become an indispensable part of it. The wonderful astrologer's wonderful ability has envied the Wagang people in the village. During this time, Green helped these Wagang people. Lived a better life in the end of the chaos.

"Hey, Uncle Green, save my mother."

For three years, Xiao Lei Mo has grown from a little bit of a big eye to a pony who relies on labor to eat. Strictly speaking, she is still a female, and the world's female Wagang people are dominant.

"What happened to your mother?"

Green asked patiently.

Green seems to want to completely integrate himself into the life of the Wagang people and enjoy the meaning of peaceful existence. But Green knows that this is just deceiving himself. There is real peace in the world. I am just trying to remember what I have experienced. Those are calm.

"Mom, mom, she..."

After a short while, Green gave a surgical operation to the dystocia female Wagang. Due to the large body structure of the skull, the proportion of Wagang people who died in dystocia was very high.


Ten years later.

"I can't stay here anymore. The astrological tower is organizing the general attack. I have to go back and contribute my own strength to the light of peace and justice in this world!"

Green resolutely said.

Everyone's reluctance and wish, only Remo ran to Green.

"I will go with you."

All the Wagang people in the village understood the emotion of Remo, silently turned away, Remo looked at Green, tears vented, wanted to kiss, wanted to hug, want to have everything that this perfect astrologer.

After all, Green did not leave any thoughts and turned and left.

This is a short vacation before Greene's war, a journey of relaxation, and a feeling of the original ecological life of natural specimens that may have been collected in the laboratory, but for these lower lives ~www.novelmtl. Com~ is a long memory that will never be forgotten in life.

"Go back, it won't take much time, the world will regain peace."


one year later.

"Oh, a total of 1,300 blood, if necessary, a thousand blood essence should be enough for me to summon the ruler to come briefly."

In the big bag behind the rainbow medicinal gnome, there is a harvest of all the people in this world!

The whole world of Yuan Yuan is actually for the battle of civilization. One of the main players is to summon the cards to the bottom, so that everyone in the market has more opportunities to survive.

"I want to come through this cooperation. Everyone knows about the ability of the tower of annihilation. With his ability and the original strength of our team, we will be able to spend it safely in this battle of civilization!"

The arc thundercloud sorcerer was roaring low, and after the seven men stared at each other, they decided to leave this fragmented world. (To be continued.)

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