A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1014: Evil mirror tower

Ten years later.

The Black Dragon Ghost Storm, the Flame Holy Grail, Wei Li De Xiaodao, and the annihilation tower Green, led a large group of wizarding corps, aiming at the evil mirror astrological tower!

"As one of the three strongest towers recognized by the world, the astrology divisions, regardless of the number or rank, are not comparable to ordinary astrological towers. We must take it seriously. I can take her from a month later. The legion came."

Holding the red flame magical magic wand, it is like a fireman's flame holy grail holy mark wizard, said low.

Wei Lide's magic is empty and pale. It seems that he suffered a lot in the battle. The old witch coughed two times and said: "There is a world that is better at cursing than the wizarding world. After this tower is solved, I am I am afraid that I will return to the wizarding world. If there is anyone in the four-ring Santa or one-star Santa who can lift the curse, I can't just find those old black witches."

Curse! ?

A few people looked at the old witch with astonishment. Suddenly, Green’s shoulders were slightly stunned and laughed.

"Is also used to return to the Wizarding World? My family's Green Beast Alienation is a perfect memory of the life password curse witchcraft, plus the curse of the Eight Lords, and hey, give me tens of thousands of witches, I will pack you. It’s easy to recover.”

As soon as he left the leaves, the guy began to return to nature, and Green glanced at the guy.

"Oh? Tower of Destruction, are you proficient in cursing witchcraft?"

The old witch seems to have seen hope.

"No, no, it's just a study of the method of cursing witchcraft in the field of life cells. The curse of witchcraft requires a long time to study the mysterious power of communication. I am not good at this."

Said, Green stared at the old witch who was looking at her with the look of anticipation. After careful sensing for a while, she said: "There is no sign of mysterious power communication. I am afraid that the master is not a curse of life information. Can you see the curse of the master?" trace?"

The sacred sorcerer is often protected by the power of rich elements, and the face of Green's truth cannot be disturbed by these high concentrations of energy.

"it is good."

After the old witch slammed down, the light shrouded in the elements around the body, revealing the dense red spots on the skin, flowing out some blood, and nausea, but after seeing the old witch’s wave of arm elements, these red spots and pus Followed by the elementalization, like the bones of the bones, lingering.

"Hey!? Really didn't sense the curse message!"

Xiao Ba was muttered in amazement.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light gaze quietly. After a while, it seems to wake up to something and breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the master is not cursed, but the body cells are allergic to certain substances. This is a normal phenomenon in humans. According to the genetic material of human cell information, it is allergic to some flower dust, or animals. Hair, even mineral impurities, can cause allergic reactions."

Said, Green will test the curse of the mermaid tears, put away some life potions.

"It may be that some of the things recently acquired by the master are close to the body, and the body is in close contact with the allergic reaction. The allergens are removed and rested for a while and naturally healed."


It seems to have thought of something. The old witch took out a small bag of blood essence and said: "If it is like what you said, it seems to be it."


Six months later.

In the distant days, Pugong and Yingying flew, and in the distance, the Black Dragon Ghost Storm Elf King whispered, Green annihilated the arc and the flame of the Holy Grail, and the two bombs erupted. The escaping summoning creatures are wiped out by air, supporting the Witch Army's offensive, a fierce battle against the harsh test of low-level wizards.

It’s awkward!

At this time, Green annihilated the arc attack, but it was far less than the red flame troll. The ground was filled with a large piece of golden melt, and the flame holy glass smashed out a firebird.

"Hahahaha, the tower of annihilation, the guys on the astrological tower seem to have reached the limit, and they will not summon the other world's owners."

The Holy Grail of Flame speaks to the red trolls laughing.

After five months of fighting, the four world leaders were repulsed, and now the two remaining world leaders, even relying on the astrological towers, cannot stop the savage wizards.

From their eyes, Green saw the fear of this world community witch army!

"The Amethyst lamp of the Lord of the World is a good treasure. If you can stay, you will be fine..."

After mourning a sigh of relief, Green waved his hand to indicate the defensive power of the squadron's horoscope, and at the same time, some unbelievable: "I did not expect that the liberation of Pugong Yingying is actually researching the field of healing. The great sorcerer of the sacred mark, I really don’t know how this road came."

Green couldn't help but think of York Liana. When Josh was still there, she also devoted herself to this road to help cure the wizard.

"Of course, come with friends!"

The Flame Holy Grail naturally responded, and Green couldn't help but react, and he was in the process of forming a holy mark wizard with several Ming wizards.

"Yes, friend!"

The black flame giant laughed and laughed, and many of the soul birds in the back of the body opened their mouths. The power of disgust was absorbed by the evil spirits on the head of the soul. The black flame giant element was completely broken and turned into a tens of thousands. The horror of the black flames of the clouds, shrouded in the sky above the battlefield, countless heads between the entity and the illusion stretched and roared, terror suppressed ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is Green's first illusion of disgusting emotions on the battlefield The appearance of the real body, although weakening the attack power of the same level of creatures, is more economical and lasting battles, killing low-level creatures in a large area.

In the distance, Wei Lide raised her sullen eyes and looked over.

"This guy, even the illusory real body has been completed..."

Shaking his head, banging, banging, banging, behind the three rock giants quickly rushed to the astrological tower with elemental teleportation.

"These greed plundering evil spirits, focusing on the killing of the biological army, is it going to die out?"

On the astrological tower, six high-ranking astrologers overlooked the unstoppable wizarding corps and the terrible invading monsters, tragically screaming.

"Oh, it really is you."

In the black flame cloud, an incredible neck is stretched out, with a gray-white mask on the skull, and the three-color brilliance looks forward to one of the seven astrologers, the prophet who warned before the official invasion.

This person has already recognized Green.

"If the great twin stars are in chaotic time and space, how can you let these low-level demons squander in the great starry world!"

The astrologer pointed to the unreal state of Green, roaring.

"You astrologers are only concerned with communicating the world that is out of reach, but they ignore the world around them. Your ignorance really makes me want to laugh..."

〖Unfinished to be continued〗 []

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