A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 999: Key to life

Unconsciously, fifty years have passed.

The study of the realm of truth in the field of knowledge of life is the basis of Green's "Witch Completion Plan".

Accompanied by insect snails, can affect the evolutionary form of life, so Green found the mystery of life code in the cell, and then created the three secrets of the Green, the Green Wyx Alienation witchcraft, and even the dual evolution, wild instinct to return to the ancestors A breakthrough in shackles.

With the maturity of the mystery of life password knowledge, through the face of truth to perceive insights into qualitative changes, Green uses the arm of the ancestors to create the true demon body ability brought by the extreme abyss magic wand, and discovers the deeper mysteries of the life password field. The key to life!

The key to life is the ability to create and change the evolution of biological nature, or genetic information.

The world, the ancestors of the ethnic group, does not represent the supremacy of power, but uses it as the origin to create a new biological group, which is called the ancestor.

Similar to the world of shadow mystery, the ancestors of Amonro changed the fate of Amonro as a lava giant to raise livestock and created a mysterious group of Amonro creatures that ruled the whole world, and then became Amonro. The ancestor.

As strong as the king of the purgatory giant Aba Dang, the history of the bio-ethnic group is far beyond the average level of life of the biological group, the Purgatory Giants are brilliant and prosperous, but it is only one of the kings of the purgatory giants.

The ancestors of the wizarding world will end the decline of the barbaric giants, create a weak body, and rely on wisdom to evolve human beings and be regarded as ancestors.

The foundation of human beings as a wizard is extremely fragile. Before the quality becomes a wizard, it can only be propagated in the mild environment sheltered by the college wizard tower. From a macro perspective, it is really a failed biological group. Limit the shackles of the wizard's development and shackles.

So, with the discovery of the mystery field of the key to life, Green is in the heart. The ancestors of the wizards replaced the once grand plan of the ancestors and quietly appeared.

"Genetic field..."

The microscopic world of the sphere of life. Through the microscopic eye of the truth of truth under the light, Green passes through the layers of the wild ancestral gate that he has opened.

Human descent, information miscellaneous, in addition to those who are born in the history of barbaric giants, it is difficult to count the world's main barbarian, the prehistoric sorcerers of the mainland, who were once slain by the barbarians, and then slaughtered one by one, the world of the sorcerer world, Blood information is also mixed into humans.

The ancestors want to complete the reversal of the wisdom of evolution, in order to expel the brutal, bloody, and secret factors in these blood. In turn, it has been layered with layers of shackles, and the barbarian family, who was born as a first-class creature, has weakened to the present human being and has become a relatively rational biological group.

Now the first step in the exploration of Green's Life Key is to constantly open these shackles when the reason is completely controllable, until the ancestors transform themselves with their own knowledge.

Only by standing at the height of the ancestors, Green can embark on the height of the ancestor of the wizard!

However, these shackles are not so easy to open, especially the deeper shackles. The more secret and firm, the wilderness of the sorcerer of the distant era, the ruthlessness of the mainland, and the loss of reason. The animal instinct that was first abandoned by the ancestors.

Thus, fifty years later, Green’s fifth layer of shackles on the barbarian giant’s day-to-day shackles has only made some progress.

However, fortunately, the study of the key to life is not a small boost to the male poisonous body. The evolution of Green's physical fitness is remarkable, and it is carried out simultaneously with the study of the dimensional gap. Overall, the research is quite smooth.

Suddenly, Green's shoulder flashed. Xiao Ba appeared.

"Isn't it still moving?"

The study of the microscopic eye of the face of Green Truth has not stopped, and it has become an instinctive question in these years.

Ten years ago. The black flame on the altar of synthetic stone gradually began to concentrate, and this change made Xiao Ba and Ye Ye ecstatic. Every day, I look forward to the birth of the Thousand-Headed Birds. As a result, the meat mountain has turned into a two-meter-high super-population. The black flame is burning, and God knows what will be hatched.

In this way, ten years have passed, the Dome has not changed a bit, and the Little Eight has seen it once a day. The leaves are simply living on the bottom of the sea and no longer leave.


Stubborn, the little eight fell on the coffee cup that Green did not finish, took out a straw and inserted it.

After Green looked up at Xiaoyiyiyi, he shook his head and gestured to the group of rain and dew spirits playing in the corner of the lab and let Labu make a cup of coffee. He said: "You forgot how the mysterious 10,000-headed bird was born. ?"


Xiao Ba just remembered that when the mysterious group of Wantou birds were born, it was the broken shell!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ba Shuang can not help but recover some of the look.


As time went by, Green's research on the dimensional gap between the virtual mothership and the research of the key to life was carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan.

Over the years, Lucy has led the slave army in the parasitic spore world, and occasionally issued a recruitment mission to the parasitic spore wizards. The resistance of the vegetative forces has been worse than before, and the wizard will begin deep development of the world.

It can be seen that this devotee wizard has adapted to this kind of life and is comfortable with the use of power.

"Green, the southern forest vegetative resistance is very strong. These wizards and sorcerers are not willing to apply. It is difficult to completely remove these slave corps. It is said that at least two world guardians are hiding there. I think In the Second Ring Santa, the hiring of the Great Hunting Wizard is released."

Due to the relationship between Ye Ye and Xiao Ba, Lucy is not a low-level wizard who can privately call Green's real name.

"Yes, I will transfer Saatchi in a few days. If he is in town, the mission will be smoother."

Before Saatchi was arranged by Green in the world of the spiritual world, because the vines and Waldman were dismissed by Green as a devotee, the manpower was already insufficient, but after two hundred years, the descendants of the spiritual scientists should have been integrated into the world of the world. Life, the continuation of your own psionic technology knowledge.

A few days later ~www.novelmtl.com~ En? are you back. ”

After Green, who was conducting the test, took out the crystal ball and saw the request of the annihilation of the director of the annihilation of the tower, Neil Maza, this reminded me of some of his previous arrangements.

"How about traveling?"

Green looked at Neil Mazar on the light curtain of the crystal ball.

“Thank you for your great care, this time the harvest is quite good.”

A black crow stopped at the shoulders, and the flat face was nowhere to be seen. It was like a husky sound of a parrot. There was no face and no face. Neil Mazar was more and more mysterious.

"A good rest period, I will send you to a world of fire crystals called the lava giant, where the mystery Stormwind City has been bought by me. Your mission is to collect all the intelligence information of the world and to storm. All the forces in the city are firmly ruled, and what resources are needed to apply at any time. Remember, everything is natural."

Neil Mazar nodded silently. (To be continued.)

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