A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 997: Dimension gap (top)

one year later.

Dimensional gap, the wizard has opened up the deepest illusory world that has been opened with memory.

There is no such a gap in the talents of Green. If the powerful wizards of knowledge and knowledge rely on their own strength to open the gap between the dimensions, in addition to the pressure of their own leverage as a lever, they also need to use the memory of the millennium as consumption, following the wizard to incite higher costs. The root of the power of hierarchical rules.

Any wizard who attempts to study the illusory time and space at this level is a powerful existence with unparalleled strength and long life.

Even if Green is naturally capable of mastering the talents of dimensional gaps, the cost of awakening talents is also a darkness in childhood memories, and all memories of his own life are lost. It is like a small eight, which seems to appear in this world out of thin air.

The difference is that Green uses the wizard's will as the conviction to integrate into the real world, while the small eight is based on the view of the years of history, as if looking at a fairy tale book into the real world.

in this way!

Studying the meaning of the illusory world of dimensional gaps, for Green, in addition to the realistic needs of the space gap space-time seal, the pursuit of the ancient spirit wizards Antonio to explore the end of the endless world, to explore the essence of truth, and the deepest hidden inside. Personal wishes.

That is about your own life experience.

Looking back on his own experience, Green thought that he was probably the son of an ordinary farmer family in the Wizarding World, but he forgot everything because of his awakening, and was randomly transmitted to East Coral Island by the dimensional gap.

There may also be a descendant of a certain wizard, otherwise it would be too lucky to have more than ten points in the capacity of an ordinary person.


Green wondered that he was thinking about a reincarnation like Hessota?

Even more exaggerated, I thought about whether I would be the same as Xiao Ba, just a thing that was artificially shaped by the sky...

"Cough, the old thing that gave me the knowledge of the dimensional gap, divided into three parts, the cognitive part of the early stage, the space gap seal of the medium dimension. In the later part of his unfinished design planning experiment exploration part."

At this time, Green became a small eight student, earnestly doing experimental notes, absorbing all knowledge about the mysterious and illusory world of the world of dimensional gaps.

Originally with a small eight-sex, I am afraid that the head that has long been proud will soon go up to the sky.

However at this time. But it seems listless, from time to time, Ye Ye also flew over to comfort, but only pretend to be strong.

Xiao Ba talked about the knowledge of dimensional gaps, and his small eyes looked at the altar of synthetic corpses. The black flame mountain that has begun to calm down.

It can be seen that as the mysterious 10,000-headed bird with a little bit of leaf and leaf leaves, the feelings of the input are sincere and true.

"Do not worry, the mysterious 10,000-headed bird was born in the smelting and synthetic array. It is a guy who has grown up after repeated tempering. It must be able to successfully complete the transformation. These active flesh and blood and the power of the soul are just a coat, it is just Put on a new dress."

Green is appropriate to comfort the little eight.

Xiao Ba turned his eyes and broke away from his disappointment. He pretended to be indifferent and shouted: "Oh. Of course, it is my son. How can I not even wear a piece of clothing! Well, the theoretical course of dimensional gap will come. Here, the following is your understanding of the gap between the dimensions, you will wait."

Saying, after Xiao Ba took out a copy of "Love God Venus", one of them got into the gap of the dimension and disappeared.

After a while, Green felt. In this "Love God Venus" wave the extreme abyss magic wand, draw a gap between the meters.

"Hey, the Green Beast, look. This is the **** Venus!"

Xiao Ba secretly voiced, and Green looked into the crack of the dimensional gap.

Golden silk hair, white skin, tall and strong posture, and the sword of the vows symbolizing love and loyalty, this fairy tale character appearing in the image of the wizarding world. Looking through the cracks in the world of dimensional gaps, looking at Green, as if looking up to the gods who created the world.


Dimensional gap world.

"Are you the creation **** who dominated the destiny in the midst of it? It is really possible to return me to the realm and realize my wish."

Looking up, Venus looked to the sky and stretched behind the crack at the end of the world, the horror creature that looked at the three colors.

It is so powerful, so grand, even if it has become a detached sanctuary, it is not allowed by the realm, and then detached, facing "it" is still the deepest fear of the soul.

It really can follow the contract and send yourself back to the mortal world from the world of gods, demons and monsters filled with world gods. Besides the creation god, who else can you! ?

"No, I am not."

Extending to the back of the crack at the end of the world, the creatures that are bigger than the whole world are low.

Every word seems to point to the roots of the truth rule, triggering the world turmoil behind Venus, as if it wanted to destroy the world, it can be easily destroyed, and the world cannot even accommodate it.

Its words are the truth.

Venus looked at the starling on the shoulder, and the gods of the supremacy dominated the prophet.

"The rules tell me that it changes the rules of the plane between the gods and the real world, forming a loophole that can accommodate you. Only the creation **** has such power."

Venus, the little eight, said one word at a time, looking up to the sky with one.

"I will thank you anyway, so that I can meet my lover again."

Get the answer and feel happy.


Venus slowly pulled out the sword of the vows, pointing to the green outside the gap in the gap in the sky, and the voice was resolutely determined.

"But I am sorry~www.novelmtl.com~ I have to violate the creation contract! Because I am a **** of love, all the meanings of my existence are for my lover, I can't fulfill the contract conditions, and I don't want to go back to that god. In the world of creation, I want to challenge you, only to kill you, I can replace the cruel rules of this dimension dimension, even if it is just a moth, I will also send out my cry!"

The brilliant power of the peak, the Venus holding the sword of the vows, rose to the sky, gathered thousands of beliefs in the temple, and rushed to the crack that extended to the end of the world.



Venus, the paper-like **** of love, holds the sword of the vows, looks at the giant cousins ​​that are next to the mountains, and the colorful runes of the stalwart, with a three-coloured figure.

The humble and weak power of oneself is so insignificant.

"The creation of the world of gods, has actually suppressed my power to this way..." (to be continued.)



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