A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 738 A chaotic situation (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Following violent explosions, large areas of the city were completely engulfed in flames of war.

As the god of conspiracy and trickery, although Loki is often reduced to the role of comic relief and Thor's "brother", this does not mean that he is really an idiot or fool.

Quite the opposite!

This guy has always been quite good at playing with people's hearts, tactics and politics, and he knows very well how his invasion will trigger violent reactions from governments on the earth.

The most important thing is that his adoptive father, the God King Odin, and his brother Thor, who is the crown prince, will never sit back and watch the most important "Atrium" connecting the nine realms of Asgard fall into the hands of outsiders.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the gap between the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge and the lack of time to repair it, and open the wormhole as soon as possible to allow the Chitauri fleet to arrive, and complete the conquest at lightning speed, and finally complete the deal with Thanos and obtain a perfect backstage.

In order to achieve this goal, the first step is to take advantage of the fact that governments on the earth have always only cared about their own interests, ordering the troops they brought to spread out and launch indiscriminate attacks around the world, creating chaos, killing, destruction, panic and contradictions, forcing The opponents can only solve the crisis they encounter first, and then cannot unite in a short time.

He himself took the Cosmic Cube and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Currently in the conference room of SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury, who was being questioned by the Security Council, saw the real-time picture projected from the electronic screen. His entire old face turned red, black, and purple, even if he was personally attacked. I couldn't say a word to rebut.

Because this is no longer an attack on the United States alone, but has spread to a global scale.

More than thirty cities across Europe suffered heavy losses due to alien attacks.

Especially those small countries that rely heavily on NATO for protection and have little military strength, many of them have completely fallen.

Even high-level officials were controlled by the Psychic Scepter to form an army of servants on the spot, assisting the Chitauri Legion in attacking the surrounding human compatriots, making it look like the start of the Third World War.

In just twenty-four hours, the death toll was conservatively estimated to reach three to four million.

Countless places of interest, commercial streets lined with high-rise buildings, and bustling shopping pedestrian streets were all turned into large ruins during the war.

Those small governments advocated by capital and liberals are like swimming naked on the beach after the tide goes out, exposing their huge flaws and ugliness.

Not to mention resisting, there were not even enough police and firefighters to evacuate the residents and organize them to take refuge in subway and other facilities. Almost within ten minutes after the attack began, the situation completely entered a state of anarchy and disorder.

What is more serious is the release of the dark side of human nature in the face of crisis.

Maybe it’s because I feel that human civilization is doomed after being invaded by aliens, or maybe it’s because I have too many negative emotions accumulated in my daily life.

In short, large-scale robberies, rapes, murders, and unspeakable crimes began to occur in many places.

And all of this has now become evidence used to attack and accuse Nick Fury.

After all, if he hadn't insisted on starting research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he would not have attracted the attention of other forces in the universe, let alone attracted attacks from them and caused unimaginable huge disasters and losses.

In particular, the two countries in the Security Council that are highly financially developed and even rely mainly on finance to support their economies are now completely tearing off their faces and shouting curses.

There is no way not to scold!

Because their military strength has declined sharply since the end of World War II, especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Sense of presence.

But this time the Chitauri invasion directly made the world see through their "Emperor's New Clothes", and the hollowed-out financial industry will inevitably usher in an unprecedented collapse.

If he hadn't shared some advanced technology from the deal with Zuo Si, he might not even be able to keep his seat on the Security Council.

Of course, the most fatal thing for these so-called "elected" officials is the panic and incompetence they displayed during the alien invasion, as well as the boiling public resentment caused by the hundreds of thousands of casualties in the country.

This means they will lose their power and the end of their political life.

Therefore, whether it is to find a scapegoat or to extend one's own political life, one must find a "scapegoat" with enough weight.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is obviously the most suitable and perfect candidate.

Despite the fierce fighting outside, with countless civilians wailing and dying in pain in the flames of war, these human elites still have not forgotten internal fighting and considering their own interests.

Facts have proved that words like unity and unity with the outside world are just a joke.

As long as it is a group composed of more than a certain number of humans, there will always be differences of interest and struggles within it, and they will not stop or disappear even at the last moment before extinction.

Especially after the rise of neoliberal ideology in modern times, European and American social values ​​as a whole place more emphasis on individuality, self, independence, and the need to not care about other people's feelings, and are wildly opposed to anything related to collectivism.

Extremely selfish thoughts such as what other people's life and death have to do with me are filling the brains of countless people.

The most obvious manifestation is that politicians know that many policies will lead to serious consequences in the future once implemented, but they still choose to do them without hesitation to cater to the people and win votes.

Anyway, as long as there is no thunderstorm during his term, the rest of the things to wipe the butt need to be considered by the person who comes to power in the next election.

At worst, the country will fall into an economic crisis and the entire country will be financially bankrupt and all people will bear the debt.

As long as he can make a lot of money while on stage, that's all.

Maybe it can also lay a big thunder for the rival political party, and watch the other party make a fool of themselves when the time comes.

The entire conference room is now filled with a large number of such politicians.

They had already sent their families to a safe haven. They didn't care how many civilians those aliens killed or what damage they caused. They just wanted to knock Nick Fury to the ground first and stomp on him with ten thousand feet. Never be able to stand up again.

There are also many greedy guys who are even secretly planning how to get a piece of the post-disaster reconstruction funding.

Compared with this group of moths and garbage, the Hydra organization led by Alexander Pierce is qualified to be called the "Light of Humanity."

“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished representatives, I think this matter no longer needs any further discussion.

Because the current crises and disasters that the earth is experiencing were caused by Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD.

It was he who ignored the warnings of our most important ally and insisted on launching the Cosmic Cube research project.

This is not only a betrayal, but also a serious crime against humanity.

I recommend that he be immediately arrested and handed over to the International Tribunal in The Hague for trial.

Only in this way can we give an explanation to the victims and their relatives. "

General Ross stood on the podium and spoke in an impassioned tone. He almost took out his gun, put it to Director Lu Dan's head and pulled the trigger.

After all, since S.H.I.E.L.D.'s power has continued to expand, the ones who have been most suppressed are the US military interest groups behind him.

Now that I have finally caught the opportunity, I can't let it go easily.

Although it is definitely unrealistic to disband S.H.I.E.L.D., getting rid of Nick Fury, the powerful director, and suppressing it with a set of public opinion will definitely play a big role.

"Director Nick, do you have anything to defend against General Ross's accusations?"

The representative in charge of presiding over the meeting asked with a serious face.

Not only him, but more than 70% of the people present did not have a good look at Director Lu Dan.

After all, the commotion he made this time was much bigger and the situation was much more serious than the original timeline.

Especially now that the wormhole has not yet been opened, the first wave of Loki and Chitauri soldiers teleported over has disturbed the world.

Nick Fury took a deep breath and shook his head slightly: "No, I will not defend the fatal mistake I made.

This matter is indeed my responsibility.

However, before taking me to court, I request that the current crisis be resolved first.

Because according to the warning given by Ms. Igwilf, the invasion in front of us is just the beginning, or the vanguard.

There is probably a huge space fleet behind them.

So we must catch Loki and take back the Cosmic Cube immediately.

As for how to deal with it, I'll leave it up to you. "


"Are you kidding? So many well-equipped aliens are just the vanguard?"

"Damn it! With the current technological level of the earth, are we really capable of resisting attacks from outer space?"

"Don't SHIELD have any countermeasures?"

Suddenly the entire conference room exploded.

After all, the reason why they can still sit here and play political games is because these invading Chitauri have no strength to occupy the earth. The most they can do is cause some destruction.

As long as you show some of your trump cards, you can defeat them completely in no time.

But if there is a huge space fleet behind the aliens, then the situation is completely different.

Nick Fury is undoubtedly very aware of the urinary nature of these politicians and high-ranking officials. A trace of imperceptible disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he patiently explained: "As for outer space defense, I do have some preparations.

But this obviously cannot cope with large-scale invasion.

At present, the only thing that can cause a devastating blow to the outer space fleet is the cyclone torpedo given to us as a gift.

I requested immediate placement on SHIELD's aerospace carrier as a means of deterring the enemy in the worst case scenario.

In addition, I also launched the Avengers Project, hoping to catch Loki and regain the Cosmic Cube as soon as possible. "

"Are you blackmailing us?"

Another representative suddenly lowered his face and asked.

After all, they are all playing politics. Who wouldn’t be able to see that Chief Lu Dan’s trick of “blackmailing the enemy’s self-respect” is nothing more than using the unequal information gap to portray the enemy as extremely powerful, and then trying to turn the tide to offset his own guilt.

“No, it’s not a threat, it’s a request.

Everyone should be very aware of how fragile our home planet Earth is in the face of real interstellar civilization.

At this time, we should abandon our prejudices and stand united.

No matter what mistakes I have made before, I am the only and most suitable person to handle this kind of incident.

So I implore you to give me another chance.

I swear I will never let you and all humanity down. "

Nick Fury decisively pretends that he is for the earth and all mankind, but in fact he is "stealing his own dignity."

After all, in addition to S.H.I.E.L.D., he also controls another secret agency, which was secretly established after the arrival of Thor, the predecessor of the famous "Skyward Sword Bureau". It is also the only one on earth that has space combat capabilities. Capacity organization.

The alien Skrulls who work for the organization basically only follow his orders.

Therefore, before the "secret invasion" was exposed, Director Luodan definitely had a bargaining chip with the US government and even the Security Council.

As the two sides began to enter the final stage of showing each other's cards, the five representatives with voting and decision-making powers exchanged glances with each other, and finally nodded in unison.


We agree to your request.

But the premise is that everything must be carried out under the supervision of the Security Council.

In addition, you must complete negotiations with your allies within twelve hours to ensure that even if an outer space fleet launches a full-scale attack, the earth still has enough power to fight back. "

After hearing these words, Nick Fury finally secretly breathed a sigh of relief and responded decisively: "No problem! I promise to complete the mission."

In this way, a game among the elites within the human race on Earth finally came to an end.

With the previous arrangement, Director Lu Dan temporarily retained his power and position, but there was always a Sword of Damocles hanging above his head that could fall at any time. He would be liquidated immediately after the incident of incomplete security.

But he knew very well that he had no way out and could only bite the bullet and take advantage of the situation.

When he walked out of the conference room and planned to take the Quinjet fighter directly to the sky carrier, Nick Fury saw his old boss Alexander Pierce standing at the end of the corridor not far away.

Out of his subconscious first reaction, he quickly walked closer and said with a wry smile in a slightly tired tone: "It's a really bad day, isn't it?"

Alexander nodded and said with emotion: "Yes.

After all, the earth has never experienced an alien invasion on this scale before.

I think you are under unprecedented pressure right now.

I even regret that I shouldn’t have taken the huge risk to start the research project on the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, right? "

"This is not a matter of regrets later, but why the Cube suddenly lost control."

A strange glint flashed in Nick Fury's eyes.

After all, this isn't the first time someone has tried to crack the mystery of the Rubik's Cube.

As early as World War II, Red Skull and Dr. Zola conducted in-depth research on it and even created many primitive energy weapons.

Why has there never been a problem before, but now it suddenly causes such a big incident in your own hands?

You must know that being suspicious is the key to him getting to where he is today.

"So you suspect something is wrong with Dr. Eric Selvig?"

Alexander Pierce obviously saw through the other person's thoughts at a glance.

“I really can’t think of anyone other than him.

And while we were escaping, he was standing among the aliens, without even the slightest hint of panic on his face.

I think it's possible that Dr. Eric Selvig was controlled by some kind of magical force like Agent Patton.

Moreover, he was controlled earlier, and he might have been taking orders from Loki before joining this project. "

Director Lu Dan stated his judgment straightforwardly.

Alexander Piers clearly showed a surprised expression, but soon lowered his voice and reminded: "You'd better not let anyone know about this.

Otherwise, it will become ammunition for some people to attack you.

You must know that your current situation is already precarious.

The Security Council is even interested in replacing you with Maria Hill as the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After saying these words, Nick Fury immediately turned around and walked outside, then boarded a Quinjet and disappeared into the sky.

He didn't even notice that as soon as he turned around on his front leg, Alexander Pierce's eyes on his back leg changed from normal to as black as ink, exuding an evil aura from the bottomless abyss.

There is no doubt that when the countries on the earth were in chaos, Hydra also started their infiltration plan.

Countless officials in important positions were killed by the Winter Soldier's assassinations. Those who were loyal to Hydra took the opportunity to occupy the former's position, and then promoted people within the Hydra organization into the government and the army, just like when they infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. is exactly the same.

After all, Hydra is a highly elite organization.

You may say that they are bad, cold, and cruel, but you absolutely cannot deny the ability and efficiency of their members.

It can even be said that S.H.I.E.L.D. is able to achieve its current scale and rapidly deploy and solve various crises on a global scale. Most of them are due to the contributions of Hydra members.

For example, Brock "Crossbones" Rumlow, the captain of the rapid response special forces who has made great achievements in combat, and Sitwell who provides technical and logistical support, and John Garrett, who has performed many dangerous missions. , are among the most typical representatives.

In addition, there are a large number of scientific researchers loyal to Hydra in the technical department.

Without their extraordinary ambition, S.H.I.E.L.D., like the CIA and FBI, would suffer from a rigid internal system, a lot of nepotism and corruption.

This is why after the internal Hydra was eliminated, the efficiency of the rebuilt SHIELD plummeted, and it was like a third-rate organization.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away over the Atlantic Ocean, SHIELD's aerospace aircraft carrier finally welcomed several members of the Avengers Project.

Including Iron Man Tony Stark who flew over on his own wearing a suit, Dr. Hulk Banner who was tricked and tricked by Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, and the "old popsicle" Captain America Steve who was just thawed. husband Rogers.

As for Thor, the other main fighting force, the God of Thunder, he has not arrived on earth yet.

In addition, the powerful warrior Balthazar, Sarevok the son of Baal, and the Witch Queen Iggwilf also received invitations as allies and advisors.

Anyway, it does look a bit like that on the surface.

"Hi! My dear teacher, you are looking more and more radiant and beautiful. And you, my dear friend, you haven't been a guest at my home for a long time."

Immediately after Iron Man landed, he gave Igvirvo a warm hug, and then patted Balthazar affectionately on the shoulder.

Because one of these two people provided huge help to him in the process of learning magic, and the other was his savior and the source of various raw materials that were not available on the earth, they naturally behaved as particularly close relatives.

In contrast, Tony Stark is a bit distant from Sarevok.

This wild woman who looks tall, thick and intimidating is not only an extremely terrifying and bloodthirsty warrior, but also the strongest king in the global underground world and a well-deserved godmother of global gangs.

All those who engage in crime are full of awe and worship for her, and even the powerful forces in those areas must obediently obey her orders.

Otherwise, what awaits them is a merciless massacre.

If it were anyone else, Sarevok would have been suppressed by the state's violence machine so early in his career.

But the problem is that he is not from this world, but an assistant sent by Zuo Si to help the earth resist enemies beyond his own capabilities. He can easily destroy the most powerful country in the world with his own strength alone.

Therefore, governments of various countries can only turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

Anyway, it was just some criminals who died.

Once a clear order is established in the underground world and there is no longer chaos, it will actually be a good thing for the security of the entire society.

At least vicious violent crimes and gang vendettas will be reduced a lot.

"they are……"

Captain America, who was dressed in casual clothes, glanced at the three people in front of him and suddenly showed a very confused expression.

Because he has recognized that Igwalvo, who is wearing a sexy long dress and high heels, is the hottest star in the entertainment industry.

Especially the movie that was released not long ago has been both well-received and a box office hit, and looks like it is going to sweep all the major award ceremonies.

As an old-fashioned person, Steve Rogers couldn't imagine what SHIELD wanted to do by inviting such a beautiful star here?

Is it like doing labor demonstrations like during World War II?

Moreover, Balthazar and Sarevok were not much better dressed. The former was still dressed as a monk, and the latter was wearing full body armor, just like the knights in film and television works and games.

"They are guests from another world and also our allies. Let me introduce them to you."

As a die-hard fan of Captain America, Coulson saw that his idol was confused about the situation and immediately introduced the identities of the three people in detail.

With such an impatient look, he probably has never been so attentive to his girlfriend.

"Another world? Bator Hell? Devil? Dimension Demon..."

A large amount of shocking information suddenly shocked and disbelief Steve Rogers, who had been sleeping for seventy years.

Not only him, but Dr. Banner, who was also exposed to these top-secret intelligence for the first time, was stunned for a long time and could not recover.

"Oh God! Is the world changing too fast, or am I too old and unable to keep up with the times?"

After being silent for a long time, Captain America finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

After all, just the alien invasion on TV already made him feel like the end of the world.

But who knew that this was not even a small scene compared to the previous invasion of the dimensional demon that almost led to the complete destruction of the entire earth.

"Trust me, Captain, you're not the only one who feels this way."

Dr. Banner also showed a wry smile.

Although he had been paying attention to the news during the period of hiding, he knew that the two previous inexplicable disasters must be completely different from the official explanation, and the latter must be hiding something.

But I never expected it to be so serious.

No wonder when Black Widow recruited her, she said she was not worried at all about the green-skinned monster inside her that would go berserk due to anger. It turned out that she was sure that she could suppress the Hulk at a critical moment.

This made Dr. Banner both relieved and a little worried.

Captain America asked straight to the point: "So what are we going to do now? Go to war against the aliens who invaded the earth? I'm just a soldier. I don't know what else I can do besides fighting."

"No, our duty is not to deal with the aliens scattered around the world, but to find the mastermind hiding behind the scenes - Loki. Because the reason why he does this is to distract us so that he can Uninterrupted activities.”

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Nick Fury finally walked straight out of a Quinjet that had just landed.

He still wears the iconic black windbreaker, and his single eye is sharp and fierce.

"Ignore the alien invaders who are causing killing and destruction everywhere? Let them slaughter our compatriots? Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

Iron Man Tony Stark was the first to stand up and express his opposition.

"I also believe that priority should be given to destroying the enemy and rescuing civilians."

Steve Rogers followed up with his own stance.

It has to be said that it is definitely not easy to get these two people to agree on something, but Director Lu Dan did it.

Nick Fury explained patiently: "I know you are very eager to help those civilians.

But the problem is that we have more important things to do now.

Because the alien armies you see now are only a small part.

There are more and even a huge space fleet on standby.

Imagine if this fleet appeared in the outer space of the earth and launched an orbital bombing from above, how many people would die and how many cities would be reduced to ruins? "

"You mean...the enemy's real purpose is to distract us and then open a larger wormhole to teleport the fleet directly over?"

Iron Man obviously realized something, and his expression suddenly became extremely nervous.

As a top scientist, it is natural that he would not know what kind of damage an attack on a planet's surface from outer space could cause.

The reason why the nuclear powers on earth can maintain a strategic balance today is that after their intercontinental missiles fly out of the atmosphere, the probability of their nuclear warheads being intercepted when they fall is very low, and they can ensure mutual destruction.

This is why when the space competition between the United States and the Soviet Union reached a certain stage, both sides signed an agreement on the peaceful use of space, prohibiting the deployment of all weapons, including nuclear warheads, in outer space.

Because hitting the ground from space can enjoy the acceleration of gravity.

It can easily reach Mach 20 or more just by relying on the interaction between its own mass and the Earth's gravity.

If given a large enough initial kinetic energy, it can easily break through Mach 40, 50, or even 60.

But on the other hand, if you want to fly into space from the ground, you must first overcome the huge gravity.

Just flying out of the atmosphere takes several minutes, and flying to the moon takes seven or eight days.

Use this thing to defeat a warship that can sail across galaxies?

I'm afraid you're not joking!

Being able to keep up with the opponent's speed shows that you have some black technology packed into your rocket or missile.

Wouldn't it be better to just build some spaceships if we have that technology?

"That's right. Regarding this, I think you can ask Ms. Igvirvo directly. I also got this news from her."

Having said that, Nick Fury turned his attention to the radiant Witch Queen.

The latter smoothed the long black hair hanging down from his ears and responded very simply: "Yes, this is a fact.

According to the information given by the owner, Loki is the half-brother of Thor.

After he failed to launch a coup to seize power, he found Thanos, another dangerous figure, and reached some secret deals with him.

The alien armies that followed him to Earth were the Chitauri.

They have a very large fleet, and the number of landing troops alone is equivalent to several times the entire population of the earth.

If you fight head-on, your probability of winning will never exceed one percent.

Of course, it would be different if Mr. Director uses the trump card in his hand. "

"True card? What trump card?"

Tony Stark's eyes revealed strong curiosity.

Because even in the eyes of a genius like him, Director Lu Dan is a rather mysterious being, and he seems to be hiding a lot of secrets.

"Cough cough cough cough cough -"

Nick Fury hurriedly coughed twice and interrupted: "This is a secret, please don't tell it. But I don't intend to reveal this trump card. So if that Chitauri fleet really appears on Earth In orbit, could I trouble you to fulfill your agreement to protect the earth?"

"No problem at all.

Because the master is here on earth now.

He can always fulfill his obligations according to the terms of the contract.

However, according to the special annotation in the third section of Article 172 of the contract, crises and disasters like this caused by yourself will require an additional price to be paid. "

Igvirvo reminded in a playful tone.

"What? Mr. Soth is on Earth right now?"

Director Lu Dan was obviously surprised.

After all, after his last brief visit, he saved Zuo Si's personal image data into SHIELD's most confidential database.

Normally, as long as any camera captures it, it will immediately trigger an alarm on the surveillance network and notify itself.

"Do you think your low-level monitoring methods will be useful to the master?

Don't be naive!

As long as he doesn't want to be recognized, you won't notice it at all even if he stands in front of you.

What's more, he is currently dealing with a small family dispute and does not want to be disturbed by anyone for the time being.

Therefore, it is recommended that you start taking action as soon as possible. It is best to recapture the Cosmic Cube and nip the danger in the bud.

Otherwise, you may have to pay a high price this time. "

Having said that, Igvirvo ignored Director Ludan's reaction, turned around and walked into the interior of the aerospace aircraft carrier, leisurely watching the others busy and busy, with no intention of interfering at all.

Nick Fury obviously had nothing to do with the Witch Queen. He could only issue orders in an orderly manner to start searching for traces of Loki around the world, and try to run into the Avengers he had built with his own hands.

On the other side, in a city far away in Europe that was being attacked by aliens, Zuo Si was sitting on an open-air table in front of a restaurant, leisurely tasting the food carefully prepared by the chef.

Including the most famous local seafood fried rice, honey ham, cod, assorted stews, anchovies, etc., as well as desserts such as cakes and ice cream.

That calm look made several passersby who passed by in a hurry express extremely shocked reactions, as if the fires and explosions caused by the battle between the army and aliens not far away were all fake.

After finishing a whole portion of seafood fried rice, Zuo Si put down his fork and raised his head to look at the two heirs sitting opposite, staring blankly. He couldn't help but smile and asked, "How about it, have you had enough? If not, you can continue."

"Father, I know I was wrong. And you should know that I didn't start this."

The Dark Prince Graya sighed helplessly.

The main reason why he teleported here with his sister was that during the battle between the two, they accidentally entangled each other's powers to form a terrifying unstable energy sphere.

If you tear it apart by force, God knows what will happen.

Maybe they both won't die, but the planet they're on is 100% doomed.

Only when I have no choice will I come to my parents to solve the problem.

"how about you?"

Zuo Si smiled and turned his attention to his daughter.

"I also know that I was wrong, and I promise not to take the initiative to cause trouble for my brother again."

Little Annie also looked dejected.

Because this was the first time since she was born that she wanted to get something but failed.

After all, both siblings have quasi-divine powers and have devoured gods, so they are basically evenly matched in terms of strength.

Maybe Grea, who has a more mature personality, will be slightly stronger, but it's still very limited.

Even if they really fight, it's impossible to tell the winner.

This is why Zuo Si dared to let the two of them do whatever they wanted.

At this moment, a black sphere covered with mysterious patterns floated between the siblings, and slight sounds would erupt from time to time on the surface.

Don’t be fooled by its harmless appearance.

Since this thing is injected with a lot of chaotic energy and primitive matter from the dark void, it is completely a super bomb that can destroy everything.

Once the balance between Graya and Little Annie is broken, or the distance between them is widened, a rift leading to the dark void will be formed in the time and space where they are.

At that time, any creature such as the Eldrazi that comes out can cause the end of the world in an instant.

Even if there are no creatures from the Dark Void running out, the chaotic energy and unstable primitive matter that keeps spewing out will continue to erode the surrounding space, and gradually collapse the rules that originally maintained stability, until they are completely annihilated and become the Dark Void. part.

"In that case, let's shake hands and make peace. Even if it's just pretending, you have to at least show that you believe in love, right?"

Zuo Si raised the glass and took a sip of champagne, the corners of his mouth rising crazily uncontrollably.

Because as he blurted out these words, he could clearly feel the obvious resistance between the two heirs.

Among them, Grea's eyes revealed her dislike for her sister, and little Annie was even more dissatisfied with her younger brother.

The two sides stared at each other like this for several minutes.

Suddenly, the Prince of Darkness took the lead in performing the unique skill of changing his face. He immediately put on an apologetic look, took his sister's little hand and kissed the back of it affectionately, and said in an extremely hypocritical tone: "I'm extremely sorry, dear sister, it's all because of me. My previous attitude was too bad, please don’t take it to heart.”

"you you……"

Little Annie's eyes widened in disbelief and shock. She couldn't believe that her younger brother could actually say such things without conscience. She quickly pulled her hand back and rubbed it on her skirt in disgust.

After all, she could clearly sense that Greya's dislike had not diminished in the slightest. She was just acting for her father.

However, the Prince of Darkness obviously didn't care about his sister's reaction. After doing all this, he immediately asked Zuo Si: "Father, are you satisfied now?"

"Well, not bad, I'm very satisfied."

Zuo Si suppressed a smile and used his powerful planeswalker spark to separate the mixed energy group.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sphere was divided into asphalt-like viscous darkness and nothingness, and billions of light spots symbolizing the secret that were as bright as the stars in the night sky.

Without saying a word, Greia directly absorbed her own power into her body, then bent down and bowed before preparing to activate the planeswalker's spark and leave.

"Aren't you going to eat something before leaving? You know the food in this restaurant tastes pretty good."

Zuo Si asked casually.

The Prince of Darkness quickly replied: "No, thank you for your kindness. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to go back to Tiffany. And this time I killed a ghost prince, Telamant will definitely not let it go. of."

"If you want to deal with the City of Shadows, you can go to the Grand Arcanist Undead Ovo to cooperate. He has long been displeased with these traitors who have betrayed the spirit of Netheril."

Zuo Si gave his son a very thoughtful suggestion.


Greia nodded slightly, and then disappeared with the dazzling light of the planeswalker's sparks.

Compared with her son who is mentally mature, her daughter Annie is still sitting on the chair with her lips pouting, with the words "I'm unhappy" written all over her face, and her hands are tearing the toy as if venting her resentment. Ragdoll Bear.

Every time it tears, the bear will show an exaggerated and funny expression of pain, and at the same time make a variety of strange sounds.

Fortunately, most of the civilians around him had fled, otherwise there would have been a circle of people watching the excitement.

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