A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 729: Can’t you afford it? (A 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"This is...a blessing from the gods!"

"Great Eilistraee is with us!"

"No one can take our home away from us!"

"Kill all these damn intruders!"

In a world where there is a true God, nothing can inspire the morale of believers more than the appearance of God and His blessings.

Although the dark girl did not actually completely descend into the incarnation, she only shed blessings similar to large-scale group magic in the form of moonlight, but it was enough to make the defenders burst out with unimaginable astonishing power.

Especially those high-level warriors who have mastered the drow martial arts genre, one by one, have transformed into terrifying killing machines, often able to clear out double-digit enemies around them in a few seconds.

Many orcs and hobgoblins who only relied on brute force to fight had no ability to block attacks that were either extremely agile or fast or varied.

Often a cold light flashes before the eyes, and then it is discovered that vital parts such as the throat, eyes, jaw, neck, heart, etc. have been penetrated, and blood spurts out from the wounds to form beautiful blood mist or even blood flowers.

Others had their ligaments, joints, fingers and other non-lethal parts cut off, and either could no longer hold weapons, or they knelt on the ground and let others slaughter them.

At this moment, the terrifying potential of the dark elves race was finally fully unleashed.

Especially after possessing unlimited physical strength, the nerve reflex speed, body coordination and balance brought by their super high agility make them like efficient and deadly killing machines.

Before the goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs who rushed up could realize what was happening, they fell into a pool of blood and began to twitch like wheat harvested by a scythe.

As for the low-level attack and control spells released by the enemy's casters, they have almost no effect in the face of the powerful magic resistance of the dark skin.

What's even more outrageous is that the moonlight shrouding the body seems to have the effect of a deflection field, which can resist weapons from the enemy to a certain extent.

This makes the already well-armed defenders even more difficult to kill.

Only those spider elves who are also well-armed can suddenly enter the battlefield with their amazing jumping and climbing abilities, grab an unlucky guy and throw him back, allowing hobgoblins, orcs and other spider elves to swarm him. Get rid of it.

The two sides continued to fight around the city walls and streets, and the spellcasters also began to summon elements and alien creatures to assist them.

Huge earth elements, fire elements, water elements and wind elements kept colliding together on the battlefield, making deafening roars, and various demons, monsters and other creatures also appeared one after another.

The war situation has developed to this extent, and things like muskets, kerosene, and bombs are no longer of any use.

Only the enchanted sword in your hand and the sturdy armor on your body are the most reliable things.

"Mother, do you think we can start taking action?"

A female drow priest asked cautiously while staring at the scene of rivers of blood on the distant city wall.

Obviously, this group of insidious and cunning leaders have not really come to an end yet. They only provided arcane and divine support, and at the same time threw in all the spider elves as cannon fodder to create chaos.

But even so, Eilistraee's followers began to feel overwhelmed.

After all, spider elves are all transformed from losers who accepted Rose's trial without exception.

The lowest level to accept this kind of trial is LV6.

In other words, they have at least a professional level of LV6 or higher. They may be priests, warriors, mages or warlocks, but they will definitely not be civilians.

After becoming a spider elf, although it will lose its mind and become bloodthirsty and cruel, it will not affect its fighting and spell-casting abilities.

So these guys can cast spells.

The destruction and chaos that more than three hundred spider elves can cause is enough to be worth two to three thousand well-equipped hobgoblins.

They account for more than half of the casualties among Eilistraee's followers.

The older drow woman known as the Mistress squinted her eyes and stared at the moonlight shrouding the city and the vague figure of the dark girl. She pursed her lips and revealed a cold smile: "Let's get started. After all, we are all here and there. The Queen has been busy for so long just to completely destroy this city founded by traitors. It’s time for them to feel the wrath of the great God Queen.”

"As you wish!"

The priestess's eyes flashed red, and then she raised her hand to gesture to the others.

In the blink of an eye, this dark elf army consisting of five thousand people quickly escaped into the shadows and quickly approached the city wall in an almost imperceptible manner.

A dozen mages quickly cast spells together and opened several holes similar to dimensional gates in the solid wall, and then the large army filed in.

The priests at the rear all gathered together, pulled out several Eilistraee believers whose hands and feet were bound, and while loudly reciting psalms praising Lolth, they inserted spider-shaped daggers into the hearts of the captives, killing them. It was sacrificed to this chaotic evil goddess.

In just a few seconds, scarlet evil power fell from the sky, acting on every evil drow warrior who rushed into the city.

Soon, the Eilistraee believers shrouded in white moonlight and the Ross believers shrouded in blood-red light started a life-and-death killing.

However, because the former was attacked from two sides, the casualties were much more serious than the latter. Even if there were two voters on the scene participating in the battle, the situation was not optimistic.

"Kui Lu! The Spider Goddess Rose has also sent her blessing. We simply cannot deal with so many enemies."

Seeing her companions fall down one after another, Lirael finally began to be unable to withstand the tremendous pressure and mental shock, and her eyes showed panic and despair.

"Hold on! Eilistraee is watching us! She will do anything to save this city. The only thing we can do is believe in her!"

Kui Lu directly smashed the heads of two Rose priestesses as if they were possessed by a Valkyrie. Their bodies were covered with plasma, brains and minced meat, and the powerful silver fire formed a shield to wrap them up.

Any arcane or divine spells struck on it will be immediately absorbed and devoured, and transformed into her own magical power.

As a common elector of the two goddesses, the Goddess of Magic and the Maiden of Darkness, Kuilu Veradrane is far inferior to those of Kelburn, Elminster, Alustriel, Ximbu, and Laila who specialize in arcana. A legendary caster of magic, but he is by no means a vegetarian.

In other words, none of the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess are easy to deal with.

Even Dove Eaglehand, who is recognized as the weakest, can easily crush most high-level mages and even legendary mages with the power given by the silver fire.

"Damn it!"

Lirael couldn't help but curse in a low voice, and then took out the nine-ring arcane scroll [Monster Summoning] that she had spent a lot of money to buy from the scroll box on her waist, and chose to activate it without hesitation.


A dazzling light bloomed from the parchment, and then a feathered serpent exuding a kind aura appeared out of thin air on the chaotic battlefield.

This is one of the most powerful creatures that can be summoned by [Monster Summoning Technique].

It not only possesses extremely high intelligence, but also constantly detects chaos, detects evil, detects good, and detects order.

In other words, this kind of creature can confirm the opponent's alignment tendency with just one glance without casting any spells.

Innate spell-like abilities include charming monsters four times a day, free movement, gasification seven times a day, anti-evil magic circle, third-level monster summoning, cure moderate injuries, eagle's majesty, searing ray, silence, environment, Mage armor, hidden mist, protection from evil, and advantage in defeating enemies.

In addition, it is immune to psychic attacks and non-magical weapons, and can cast spells like a LV9 warlock, but the spell casting list includes both arcane and divine spells.

Many of these spells are exactly what is needed most at the moment.

What's more, all feathered snakes have the ability to transform and can transform into creatures of a lower level than themselves at any time as needed.

Any target bitten by it will be poisoned and lose its Strength attribute.

Although Elminster did not give the Quetzalcoatl a high challenge level in the Monster Manual compiled by him, its performance in actual combat is much outrageous, and it is one of the opponents that many elite adventurers least want to encounter.

So when Lirael summoned the feathered serpent, she immediately used the latter's power to save the dying companions around her, and made the evil drow who believed in Lolth dare not approach easily.

After all, the light of perfection emitted by the feathered serpent is too dazzling for them. If they get even slightly closer, they will feel dizzy and unable to see clearly.

At the same time, a good show of "a loving mother and a filial daughter" was being staged in the sky far away from the battlefield.

Eilistraee was seen raising the silver sword in her hand in a posture of attacking, while the spider goddess Rose on the other side had a mocking smile on her face.

The two sides just stared at each other and no one made any rash move.

the reason is simple!

They are not alone now, but there are many other gods standing behind each.

Behind Rose are the orc gods, goblin gods, Shar, Cyric, Ghaunadaur and a large number of evil gods, while Eilistraee stands with the elven gods, the goddess of magic Midnight, and the goddess of the moon Selun. Wait for the good God.

No one can guarantee whether a real fight will turn into a scene involving a dozen or more gods fighting in groups, and then attract the wrath of the god Io.

"My dear daughter, I'm afraid you won't be able to save this city and those believers this time." Rose pursed her lips and sneered.

After all, one of her biggest purposes this time is to get rid of this threat and ensure her absolute monopoly on belief in the entire dark elf pantheon.

Once this goal is achieved, it does not matter whether the rest of the subsequent plans succeed or fail.

"Mother, you don't think you have won, do you?"

Eilistraee raised her chin slightly, showing a proud expression.

"Is not it?

Look at your followers who are being killed. It won't be long before they all turn into cold corpses.

And this underground city that you regard as hope will be completely razed to the ground.

From now on all dark elves will know that abandoning tradition means destruction.

As for you...

Your ridiculous kindness and naivety can't save anyone! "

When she said these words, Rose's eyes were full of naked and undisguised malice and hatred.

Faced with such threats and insults, Eilistraee just smiled calmly and responded: "I admit that I am indeed no match for you when it comes to playing tricks.

But please don't forget that what you are facing this time is not me, but Soth.

You shouldn't think that he didn't make any preparations and just let you launch an attack from the underground of Dragonspear Castle, right?

Or do you think that the chaos and destruction caused by those previous assassins will make Soth helpless? "

"Oh? According to you, the current situation was all within his expectations?"

The smile on Rose's face froze instantly.

Because Eilistraee's reaction really made her feel strongly uneasy.

After all, she could laugh at her daughter's innocence and stupidity, but she never dared to underestimate the countermeasures Zuo Si might take.

Otherwise, the fate of Graz'zt, the Lord of Darkness and one of the three giants of the Abyss, is the best example.

This guy is currently doing a high-intensity live broadcast 24 hours a day, showing the residents and visitors of the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth level of Baator Hell every day hard-core action movies about him being humiliated, tortured and raped.

It is said that the number of children born during this period alone has exceeded five figures, and is still soaring at an extremely fast rate.

In addition, the devils' Great Leap Forward successfully occupied the first forty floors of the Abyss, which was also the result of Zuo Si summoning three Eldrazi Titans.

At present, these three terrifying creatures from the dark void are still sealed in the ruins of Graz'zt's three realms, like three huge sculptures watching the bloody battle between demons and demons.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer your question. Because Soth is not a person who likes to share secrets, and he will never tell anyone his true plan. But I believe he will take action at the most critical moment. "

After saying that, Eilistraee turned her gaze to the believers below who were being squeezed but still fighting bravely.

Just when the spider goddess Rose's expression was uncertain, as if she was worried about possible accidents, a powerful psychic power suddenly triggered an indescribable horrific explosion in the sky above the underground city.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The invisible mental shock wave was like a nuclear bomb explosion, instantly spreading around the explosion point.

The dark elves with certain magic resistance were okay, with only half to two-thirds of them being stunned in place, but the goblins, hobgoblins and orcs were not so lucky.

Each one of them seemed to have been hit by a body-fixing spell, standing motionless in the same position as the previous second.

Especially the eyes, as if they had witnessed some kind of terrible scene, the pupils suddenly dilated to the limit, and the muscles from head to toe were all tense, looking like a lifelike wax figure.

Before those who were affected by the mind blast could recover, a dozen Mind Flayer shell ships teleported over from the origin of the blast.

The thick tentacles at the front were like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, sweeping over the unlucky ones who were motionless.

Anyone touched by the tentacles will disappear instantly without exception.

To be precise, he was transported to the dormant cabin on the shell ship used to store slaves and food.

In just three to five minutes, tens of thousands of the coalition forces composed of evil dark elves, goblins, hobgoblins and orcs disappeared.

The rest of the guys who were lucky enough not to be affected by the psychic blast were also busy avoiding the huge tentacles dropped from the sky by the shell ship.

"This...is this?!!"

The Spider Goddess was completely stunned. She couldn't believe in her wildest dreams that these mind flayers who came out of nowhere could actually be Eilistraee's reinforcements.

Not to mention her, even the expression on Eilistraee's face at this moment was one of shock and astonishment.

After all, in most people's minds, mind flayers are often extremely evil, rational, cold and ruthless creatures, and have no interest in gods and cannot provide faith and souls.

Especially so many shell ships operating together is unheard of in the entire history of Faerûn.

Most importantly, how powerful is the mastermind behind being able to control so many mind flayers and shell ships at the same time?

While the two goddesses were puzzling over the strange phenomenon, the shell ships that had finished roughly cleaning up the battlefield quickly started teleportation and disappeared one by one.

The whole process was very precise and efficient. In less than ten minutes, 90% of the more than 50,000 coalition troops disappeared, and the rest were basically fleeing in all directions.

"We were saved by a group of mind flayers?"

Lirael blinked in disbelief.

Another elderly female priest next to her who was wearing a holy emblem responded with a wry smile: "It seems like this. Because all those captured are enemies, not even one of our people. This is obviously only for friendly forces. the behavior of."

"Goddess! This world is getting crazier and more incomprehensible."

The male warrior next to him struggled to get up from the ground and complained, then waved his scimitar to catch up with a fleeing enemy and behead him.

"Prophet (the honorific title given to Kui Lu within the church), what should we do now?"

A dark elf commander asked his constituents for advice in confusion.

Because it all happened so suddenly.

Especially those shell ships of the mind flayers. There was no communication from the time they appeared to the time they left, which was really confusing.

"Clean the battlefield, clean up the corpses, and clean up all the enemies hiding in the city. This war has just begun, and we must not take it lightly."

Kui Lu gave the instructions without thinking.

In her opinion, the Mind Flayer fleet that just appeared was 100% a back-up prepared by Zuo Si.

This devil prince and planeswalker is not a good person, nor does he care about good or evil. He has all kinds of monsters and monsters under his command.

There are a large group of lichs in the Arcane Society alone, and they conduct some unknown and horrific experiments every day.

Not to mention creatures like mind flayers.

Even Kwai Lu, who drives demons and aboleths, would not be surprised.

Witnessing the entire underground city turn around in an extremely short time, I finally let go of my worries, put away the artifact - the Moon Sword, and declared bluntly: "It seems that you lost this time, mother. What I said The beacon of hope that was established is still there, and the dark elves can still find redemption here.”

"Hmph! Don't be complacent. This game has just begun. I swear I will destroy this place and turn it into a complete ruin."

After saying that, Rose's incarnation instantly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

And Eilistraee unreservedly released her divine power to heal those injured in the battle, and at the same time took away the souls of believers who died heroically in battle.

On the other side, the "skylight" deep in the Supreme Forest that Zuo Si once used to punch out with the divine power scepter has now become the main gathering place for the monster army.

Hundreds of thousands of huge tribes are gathering here quickly, and there are even a subspecies from the far north - the frost-blooded orcs.

They have pale skin, cat-like eyes, and white or gray hair. They look stronger and more ferocious. Almost all adult males are born barbarians and berserker warriors.

There is no doubt that the frost-blooded orcs can be judged by their appearance alone to have the blood of a white dragon.

However, the way to obtain this bloodline is not to provide services to the white dragon or mate to give birth to half-dragon offspring, but to directly hunt and kill the white dragon, and then drink the blood of the dragon killed by one's own hands during the ceremony.

Through this inheritance from generation to generation, they have become one of the most formidable races in the Far North.

Of course, in addition to the frost-blooded orcs, many frost giants and winter wolves can also be seen in the camp.

Compared with the narrow and low exits in other places, this area with a radius of more than several hundred meters straight up and down is the most suitable place for large-scale troop gatherings.

As long as a spiral staircase is dug around the circular cliff, the orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, frost giants, and jackals from other parts of the Faerûn continent can quickly reach the Dark Territory with endless energy.

And the location of the Supreme Forest is very delicate.

To the north you can attack the Silver Moon Alliance;

To the west, you can attack the most important trade nodes in the North such as Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City, Chang'an Town, Three Pig Land, Red Pine Town, and Yatta;

To the south, you can also take the waterway to enter the Drimbil River, and then follow the artificial canal that runs through the High Wasteland to reach the Wandering River, and besiege Baldur's Gate by sea or land.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the main direction of attack chosen by the orc gods and goblin gods.

Because the size of the army is too large, it is definitely impossible to hide first and launch a surprise attack.

After all, the Silver Moon Alliance is not blind. There are many metal dragons from the good camp within it. Just by flying over and taking a look, you can see that these guys are busy building ships and various siege weapons.

A road was even carved out from the Skylight to the River Raven.

“It’s unbelievable!

I feel that almost half of Faerûn's orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls and frost giants are gathering towards the north.

Are all the gods crazy?

Don't they know the serious consequences of doing so? "

Golden Dragon Queen Veramalandes flew close to the clouds, her eyes revealing unprecedented shock and anxiety.

Alustriel, who was riding on the back of the dragon, responded with a wry smile: "I bet that this matter must have something to do with Soth.

And I'm even more curious now about how he will face this situation next.

You must know that there are currently hundreds of thousands of extra adventurers in the Northland who don't know where they came from.

With the combat effectiveness they have shown, as long as they are concentrated together, they are definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

What's more, the powerful military power of the West Coast Empire surpasses the entire planet Toril. Perhaps only the Xianglong Empire, the overlord of the eastern Karatu continent, can compare with it. "

"So you don't think you have to worry too much about this unprecedented monster army?"

Veramalandis turned her head and looked at the nominal supreme ruler of the Silver Moon Alliance.

Alustriel nodded slightly: "Yes, I don't think they can remember any storms.

Don’t forget, Soth is Talona’s chosen one, a true mobile natural disaster.

The tragedy that completely wiped out the orcs in the North a few years ago is a living example.

If he really thought this monster army was a threat, then the plague would have started to rage here by now, and thousands of people would fall down and die every day.

In addition, the goddess of magic has not yet given any instructions on this abnormal situation. "

Verama Landas pondered for a moment and then quickly continued to ask: "But the problem is that this army is currently closest to the Silver Moon Alliance, what should we do next?

Especially Aylward City, which is just across the Raven River, is almost scared to death now.

With their defensive strength, they can withstand for up to half an hour, and then they will be completely defeated.

The dwarves are also facing threats from the Underdark, and there is no way to send reinforcements. "

"Hmm - I have to think about it."

Just when Alustriel was hesitating, a commotion suddenly broke out in the monster camp below.

Hundreds of guys carrying heavy objects like iron barrels rushed out of the woods and dispersed at lightning speed towards the most densely populated area of ​​the camp with enemies.

They did not wear armor, but only carried a shield and a short weapon in their hands.

When an orc or hobgoblin encounters an obstacle, he rushes forward and kills it cleanly, and then continues charging without any intention of stopping.

If they are intercepted by winter wolves and frost giants, these madmen will immediately light something like a fuse, and then laugh maniacally and assume a posture of dying with the enemy.

After about a few seconds, the huge jar carried behind him will explode with a bang, blowing all flesh-and-blood creatures within twenty or thirty meters around to pieces.

Not only that!

After the explosion, thick smoke of strange colors will be emitted and dispersed in the wind.

Anyone who inhales the smoke will immediately begin to cough violently, shed tears, then have difficulty breathing, black blood will flow from the eyes, mouth and nose, and eventually die of suffocation with a purple face.

You don't need to ask to know that all the smoke contains deadly poison.

The rest of the people ran to the designated location and lit fuses one after another to turn into human bombs. There was no trace of fear in their eyes or expressions, but instead they were full of inexplicable excitement.

When all the iron barrels exploded, almost half of the camp was enveloped.

Unless you can completely hold your breath for a long time, there is only one result, and that is to be poisoned to death.

As for dispelling the poisonous smoke through wind creation...

Stop wishful thinking!

Because there is poisonous smoke all around, even if there is wind, it will just blow away the smoke in front of you and let the smoke from other places blow in, which is meaningless.

Moreover, casting a spell requires chanting a spell and inhaling air.

As long as the physical attributes are slightly poor, the concentration of spell casting will be interrupted due to damage to the respiratory tract and lungs before the spell is finished.

"Oh my God! They were laughing before they died!"

"The craziness of these guys reminds me of the followers of Cyric!"

Even though Golden Dragon Queen Verama Landas and Alustriel were well-informed, their jaws were almost dropped by this shocking scene.

After all, that would mean taking the initiative to die!

When the iron barrel explodes, even the body will be torn into pieces instantly.

They couldn't imagine what kind of beliefs would make the other party do such a completely unreasonable behavior.

Of course, the effect is also significant.

Just one suicide bombing attack killed and injured more than half of the people in this huge camp.

At a glance, there were corpses foaming at the mouth, with bloodshot eyes and purple faces everywhere.

Just as Villamarandez and Alustriel were shocked by this suicide attack, more people carrying huge iron barrels emerged from the woods.

They all wore gas masks and held what looked like spray devices in their hands. There was a pipe connected to the iron barrel at the back, and they sprayed clouds of poisonous clouds at the shocked monsters who had just escaped.

These guys were obviously well-trained. A dozen or so people formed a small encirclement network, constantly forcing the enemy to retreat and walk into the poisonous cloud. It only took less than 30,000 people to complete the encirclement of the entire camp.

At this point, Alustriel finally realized that these guys with unclear faces had made it clear that they planned to annihilate the army of more than 400,000 monsters in the camp.

There was no shouting of death during the whole process!

There are no hoarse roars and fierce battles!

Even communication with each other is completely non-existent!

Some are just the nozzle that keeps making hissing noises in his hand, and the eerie silence and silence!




They are like the messengers of death, leaving no grass growing wherever they pass.

Note that this is not an adjective, but an apt description.

Wherever the poisonous cloud reaches, whether it is trees, grass, or other plants, they will wither and die at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the animals, even the rats and rabbits that hid in their caves were not spared.

Many birds standing on the treetops only inhaled a little and immediately fell to the ground with a plop.

These madmen killed not only the monster army, but also the surrounding forest and the land under their feet.

A small number of orcs and frost giants who drank antidote potions or were immune to poison damage through magic rushed forward to fight their way out, but they immediately encountered a few people carrying red barrels.

The latter's nozzle sprays not just poisonous gas, but a strong acid liquid that can cause terrifying corrosiveness.

In a short time, the huge frost giant will turn into a skeleton with a little flesh and blood remaining.

The horrifying scene is enough to give many people nightmares for a lifetime.

The most important thing is that these people have a clear division of labor and their cooperation cannot be described as tacit understanding. They are completely like hands and feet connected together and controlled by the brain.

Through the gas mask, you can vaguely see the indifference in his eyes.

It seems that whether they kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy is no big deal to them.

Valamalandis wasn't even sure whether these humans were more like monsters than the orcs, goblins, gnolls, frost giants, and winter wolves they killed.

There is no doubt that these madmen who carry gas masks and are good at using chemical weapons are players from the Warhammer universe.

The most identifiable difference between them and ordinary players is their size and organizational capabilities.

The average player team is close to the limit if it reaches four to five thousand people at best.

If there are more, problems will arise in management and conflicts will arise internally, which will eventually lead to some people leaving to form a new team.

But since all players in the Warhammer universe have military experience and are fanatics who cannot live without war, they can easily form a team of tens of thousands of people.

What's even more interesting is that they also implement militarized management, give their teams numbers, make flags and logos, and call each other by military rank.

"Report! Colonel! We have completed the encirclement and suppression of the enemies gathered in this area! Please give instructions on what to do next!"

A captain wearing an officer's badge stood at attention and performed a standard imperial military salute.

“As before, clean the battlefield and bring everything useful.

This glorious victory earned us unimaginable prestige and honor.

Next, we will continue to work hard to kill more monsters.

Remember, our responsibility and mission is to kill, kill by any means necessary.

This attack had depleted nearly all of the poison gas reserves, and it was time to switch to a new tactic. "

The guy called Colonel raised his foot and stepped on an orc corpse, grinning with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

Since the poisonous gas had begun to drift to other places with the wind, she took off her gas mask to reveal a very beautiful female face.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe that the culprit who caused such a horrific massacre was actually a beautiful woman.

In fact, the reason why she became a felon and was sent to Zuo Si was because when she was working for the Human Empire, she ordered the release of chemical weapons, including poison gas, on a certain planet.

Killed all the 13 billion people in the lower levels of the hive city, including gene stealers and civilians.

This kind of casual waste of the emperor's money was of course investigated by the Inquisition afterwards and was eventually sentenced to death.


Through this killing, the average professional level of our soldiers has been greatly improved.

A decisive battle can be launched even without poison gas.

After all, now we can be resurrected no matter how many times we die.

This is simply made for war.

And as long as we save enough money, we can also undergo Astartes transformation surgery and become super soldiers. "

The officer's tone was obviously filled with anticipation.

Just when the female colonel opened her mouth and was about to say something, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky above her head.

"Who?! Who dared to kill the legion I had finally assembled!"

The Cyclops, emitting red light, tore open the clouds to reveal his hideous and ugly face.

The orc god Gruumsh finally couldn't sit still anymore after realizing that the believers here were being killed.

After all, there are only so many orcs in Faerûn.

At least hundreds of thousands died this time, and most of them were healthy male warriors.

This was no longer as simple as breaking the muscles and bones, but a thigh was removed alive.

When he saw the players who were cleaning the battlefield, Gruumsh immediately became angry and descended directly into his avatar to kill all these ignorant mortals.

Villamarandez and Elas were still high in the sky at this moment and had no time to go down to rescue them. They could only watch as he raised the +5 sharp chaotic evil spear in his hand and stabbed the female colonel.

The next second...

clang! ! ! !

Accompanied by the sound and vibration of the collision of the artifacts, a sword shining with golden lightning appeared out of thin air and successfully blocked the spear.

"As a powerful divine power, you can directly descend into the avatar to participate in the battle between mortals. Are you unable to afford it?"

Zuo Si, who had been observing behind the scenes for a long time, finally appeared in time, with undisguised disdain in his eyes.

"you again!"

Gruumsh's evil power surged instantly.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

How could a god like him, who was originally barbaric, arrogant, warlike, and extremely hostile to non-orc races, forget the tragic death and injury of hundreds of thousands of northern orcs in the magical plague.

It's just different from the last time they met when the other person was still a mortal and could only escape by relying on the protection of other gods.

But this time, Zuo Si obviously had enough power to not lose even in a head-on confrontation with the incarnation of powerful divine power.

Especially the energy released by the brief collision of weapons, as well as the distortion of surrounding time, space and reality, it is no longer an enemy that can be easily killed casually.

You know, Gruumsh is never afraid of fighting.

In DR-1075, he led the Orc pantheon to kill the Unther pantheon in one fell swoop in the "Orc Gate" battle, including Inanna, Gru, Ki, Marduk, Nanna-Sin, Nergal, Utu and many other gods, as well as Ra, the main god of the Mulhorand pantheon.

Even against the powerful Elf Lord Corellon, he never flinched.

It was precisely because he had experienced hundreds of battles that he could clearly feel the terrifying power surrounding the body of the young man in front of him.

Just the plane blessing from Baator Hell and the power given by the link with half of the dark dimension made Gruumsh feel a little unable to start.

After all, this is the continent of Faerûn, and he does not have home field advantage.

But as a planeswalker, Zuo Si, no matter where he is, as long as the connection between the land cards is still there, he will always play at home.


Why, aren't you going to call your adjutant, wife, and son over?

You must know that your current incarnation is not enough to pose a threat to me. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


After the crisp sound, all the surrounding players and their loot disappeared without a trace.

To be precise, they were teleported away directly, leaving only naked bodies on the ground.

Obviously, this is a sign to take action.

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