A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 726 Internal Competition (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Akara, those terrible green-skinned monsters have completely captured the monastery and killed Andariel.

There is no power in this land that can stop them from advancing and conquering.

And according to the scouts' reports, everything from the frozen plains to the rocky wilderness, to the Bone Burial Ground and the Dark Forest is now covered with those strange spore plants.

Tens of thousands of green-skinned monsters are constantly born from the fruits formed by these plants.

They even fight and kill each other, and the winner becomes taller and stronger visibly.

If they continue to reproduce at this rate, it won't take long for their numbers to fill the entire sanctuary.

To be honest, I think these green-skinned monsters may be more terrifying natural disasters than hell demons.

Even if we set fire to the spore plants and burn them all together with the forest, it won't be long before they grow out of the charred earth again.

So you must decide immediately whether to take everyone with you and escape from this world.

Otherwise, once the opponent turns around and attacks this camp, we may not be able to sustain it for even half an hour.

The best examples are those villages and towns that tried to resist and were mercilessly destroyed. "

Kasha stood in front of her adoptive mother and spoke out the serious situation at hand with a solemn expression.

Because just a few minutes ago, a returning Rogge sentry reported that a small group of orcs had been discovered almost 160 kilometers away from the camp.

This is obviously because after capturing the monastery and killing Andariel, the orcs lost the target to continue waging war, so they began to aimlessly expand their forces in the surrounding areas, looking for opponents who could fight to make them waaaaagh again.

Otherwise, they will start a civil war mode out of boredom.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

When the Orcs cannot find suitable war targets around them, they will split into multiple tribes and clans to fight among themselves.

Therefore, the most important job of every orc warlord is to ensure that the army under his command always has an external enemy, no matter how powerful and invincible the opponent is.

At present, Raklu Utag has sent more than 50,000 orc boys and snot demons, riding on multi-legged bionic mounts, motorcycles, and chariots made of demon corpses and various weird machines, like nomads marching south from the grassland to plunder. Like a large army, they took the monastery as the starting point and launched an all-out attack in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

If they encounter a small group of demons, they will immediately swarm them and eliminate them. If they find human villages and towns, they will conquer them. Wherever they go, they will be like locusts passing by without any vegetation.

But if they encounter a large group of demons, they will immediately report to the orc warlord, and then Raklu Utag will personally lead the army to crush the enemy.

You must know that the previous bloody battles with demons have allowed the orcs to unlock a lot of technology. They are no longer primitive infantry that only travel on two legs, but have more than a dozen different types and styles of vehicles from the ground to the air.

Moreover, after killing Andariel, there appeared the "War Boss" wearing super heavy armor, and the "Crazy Boy" who underwent biochemical transformation after being injured in the film.

This means that a mere 160 kilometers away is actually very dangerous.

Even excluding the fighter-bombers that may fly through the sky and fill up turrets of various sizes, simply counting the traveling speed of the ground troops, it is only about two or three hours' drive.

Of course, the fallen demons and zombies scattered in the wilderness may attract and distract the attention of the orcs, so there are theoretically only a few days left in Rogge camp.

As someone who has witnessed the ferocious fighting process of the orcs, Kasha would rather fight the demons to the death than start a war with this group of lunatics who take pleasure in fighting.

"Now that the road leading to Dongfang Lu Gaoyin has been blocked, let's take everyone to retreat to the southwest and take a boat from King's Port to escape from this continent."

Akara was silent for a moment and then quickly gave his decision.

She obviously didn't believe the mysterious voice that sounded inexplicably in her ears, and she didn't think leaving the sanctuary was a wise choice.

After all, it was clearly mentioned in the books she had read that apart from the world in which humans live, there is only heaven and hell.

The indigenous angels and demons in these two places are full of hostility to humans.

No one knows whether what awaits the refugees on the other side after passing through the portal is an endless army of demons and merciless killing.

In comparison, it is safer to go to sea by boat.

Sanctuary is not just one continent, but is divided into two parts: east and west.

Rogge's camp is currently located in the western continent - the Tristram area south of Khanduras. The monastery is located at the only pass in the mountains, and further east is the pearl of the Alanok Desert - —Rue Gowing.

If you can set out from the relatively nearby King's Port, you can reach the Skowo Islands in the middle sea between the two continents in half a month to a month at most.

And this happens to be the home of the Amazons and the Blind Sisters.

In Akara's view, in an environment like the current one where everyone is in chaos and in danger, there is no safer and more secure option than returning to the Skowo Islands.

"Okay! I immediately ordered everyone to pack their things and set off immediately."

It was very rare that Kasha did not quarrel with his adoptive mother, but immediately called on his Rogge mercenaries to carry out the order.

Because she understood that now it was a race against time, and any unnecessary delay might mean being discovered by the orcs.

In less than an hour, the mighty refugee army began to cautiously move southward under the protection of Rogge's mercenaries.

However, the aborigines in these sheltered areas did not know that every move they made was actually completely reflected in a projection of another time and space.

However, the focus of the observation this time was not on the refugees in Rogge Camp, but on completing the process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change among the Orcs.

"What a group of nearly perfect biological weapons.

They live for war, die for war, and continue to grow and evolve in war.

You can even feel unparalleled joy and satisfaction from it.

So this is the surprise Soth has prepared for the orc god?

I must admit, he has always been quite creative when it comes to torturing and inflicting pain on his enemies.

I just don’t know how Gruumsh will react when he sees a group of orcs that he thinks are the most perfect appear in front of him, but they are not under his control and influence, and instead become a sharp sword in the hands of the enemy.

I believe that this arrogant, arrogant, hateful and hostile god will have a very, very wonderful expression on his face. "

After appreciating the Battle of the Monastery, King Shane VII finally gave his own evaluation of the Orcs.

Because apart from the fact that their chaotic nature is difficult to control, these green skins that integrate flesh and blood with metal machinery are really impeccable.

Jinji Tasha nodded with deep approval: "You are right.

The great father of New Phyrexia recognized the great potential of this race and strengthened and upgraded it several times.

Now they are just like those players, they are all natural disasters.

Once it appears in a certain world, it often means that the countdown to destruction of that world has begun.

But do you know why you chose this world as the testing ground for perfecting the orcs? "


Xia En VII asked with great interest.

Jinji Tasha explained with a half-smile: "Because the angels and demons in this world are immortal, and they are reborn much faster than you think.

This means that the perfected orcs will replace the original humans and become the third party in this eternal war.

The never-ending war will allow the orcs to continuously upgrade and iterate themselves from the genetic level until quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

In the process, their waaaaagh force fields will become more and more powerful, and even reversely strengthen angels and demons through the power of my thoughts.

As a result, the three warring parties will show an upward spiral of interdependence.

At that point, can you imagine what will happen if you release them after a while? "

"So you are actually taking advantage of the unique environment of this time and space to raise Gu?"

The corner of Xia En VII's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

Although he guessed part of Zuo Si's intentions, he never expected that the other party would be so crazy.

At this moment, the powerful demilich finally understood the gap between his and Zuo Si's understanding and application of the power of the planeswalker's spark.

Constantly break the limitations of your own thinking and vision, make full use of the specialties and rules of every known world, and turn yourself into a node connecting the multiverse.

This is the correct way to use sparks.

But most of the new generation of planeswalkers only use sparks as a convenient way to cast spells, as well as a means to travel quickly and escape from danger. This is completely putting the cart before the horse and picking up the sesame seeds.

Just when Jinji Tasha opened her mouth to say the words "completely correct", a female figure with an explosive figure, wrapped from head to toe in black metal armor, suddenly walked out of time and space with elegant and sexy steps. Walked out of the passage next to the beacon tower.

"Xiori? How did you become like this!"

The Blue Demon Judge recognized this colleague whose image had changed drastically at a glance.

After all, although the latter's huge and terrifying spider-like part below the waist was replaced by two slender thighs, his upper body and delicate face remained the same.

"How about it, do you like my new look?"

Xiori opened her arms in a pretentious manner, showing off her curves that could make men's blood boil and women feel jealous.

However, if you look closely, you will find that except for those intentionally exposed areas covered with white skin and a small amount of flesh and blood, the inside of her body has actually been replaced by complex mechanical and magical structures.

Especially the black crystal gem embedded in the plump chest contains unimaginable astonishing energy, all of which are black mana symbolizing decay and death.

You don't need to ask to know that the battles and killings in the universe where the planet Azeroth is located have made this black magic judge much stronger.

In terms of individual strength, he is now the most powerful of the several demon judges in New Phyrexia.

Xiori could defeat the other four demon judges by herself.

What's more, she also holds a huge army in her hands that can suppress the Burning Legion and control almost half of the physical universe.

But Jinji Tasha, who was obsessed with research, obviously didn't care about this. Instead, he looked at the magic and technology used by the other party to transform his body with great interest. After a while, he questioned: "You didn't perform your duties well and suddenly ran away." Is there anything important you come here for?"

"There are no important things.

But didn't you mention last time that you wanted a few living Naaru to do research on, or even find a way to perfect them?

Some time ago, I happened to ambush a fleet of the Holy Light Legion and captured a few prisoners, so I brought them to you. "

After saying that, Xiori took out a device that was about the size of her palm and looked like some kind of container, then activated the magic runes on it and threw it into the open space next to it.


This small box grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a prison built with an energy field.

There was a slightly larger and three slightly smaller Holy Light Naaru inside.

As soon as they appeared, Xia En VII, as an undead creature, immediately took two steps back subconsciously.

Although he possesses the legendary magic of half-lich body and will not be destroyed by being directly exposed to too strong positive energy and holy light energy, that kind of instinctive disgust cannot be avoided.

"Awesome! This is exactly what I wanted."

Seeing that there was a new research topic, Jinji Tasha's eyes suddenly lit up. He completely ignored Nalu's protest and directly waved to several assistants to transport it to the rare and valuable experimental body storage center.

Watching Naaru disappear at the end of the corridor, Xiori lowered her voice and asked, "I heard that the great father of New Phyrexia is preparing for a new war?"

"No, it's not preparation, it's already started." Jinji Tasha corrected calmly.

"Then do you think I have a chance to participate?" Xiorui continued to ask.

You don't need to ask to know that it's a lie that she came back to deliver prisoners this time, but it's true that she wants to find out if she has a chance to participate in the war.

After all, as the commander-in-chief of the New Phyrexia army, her greatest value is to use her talents in warfare to win one glorious victory after another for her master.

Only in the constant war and killing, the power of the Black Demon Judge and his subordinates will continue to grow until they become the most powerful faction in New Phyrexia.

Jinji Tasha was undoubtedly well aware of Xiori's wishful thinking, and responded with a sneer: "Sorry, it doesn't count if I say such a thing, you have to ask the great father of New Phyrexia yourself.

He is the only one who has the final say.

But I think it's best not to have high expectations.

After all, the war in the universe where you are stationed has not ended, it has just entered a temporary period of repair.

And the master can use much more power and cards than you think. "

After that, Jinji Tasha gently pressed a button, and then a picture of several sons of Superman having a one-on-one duel in outer space was projected.

The heat vision and the devastating impact that were enough to melt everything immediately made the Black Demon Judge show an extremely shocked expression.

What was even more unbelievable to her was that such a huge destructive force hitting each other didn't cause any decent injuries. At best, it could only be regarded as a skin injury.

"This...are these guys gods?"

There was a tremor in Xiori's voice.


No, no, no, they are just biological weapons created by the Fathers of Great New Phyrexia through artificial insemination and cross-species hybridization.

The few you see are the best of them, and they will become members of Her Royal Highness Anne's bodyguard.

Beyond that, there are millions of identical clones in petri dishes.

In addition, in the annexed plane of the ninth level of Baator Hell, a group of hundreds of millions of fully armed Devil Astartes are also ready to go, and the scale of the dragon army has also become unprecedentedly large.

So don’t be naive enough to think that you are irreplaceable. "

While saying these words, Jinji Tasha stretched out his sharp sickle-like fingers and gently drew a blood mark on Xiorui's face, letting the oil hidden under the skin and muscles slowly flow along the wound. Slowly slide down.

It is easy to see from the proud expression on his face that he very much enjoys his current special status above all other Demon Judges.

Because only he knows most of Zuo Si's plans, research topics and results.

As for things like the military, when you have the corresponding technology and unlimited resources, you can't have as much as you want.

And those original legions, whether they were constructs, corpse-embedded creatures, undead creatures, or ordinary low-level New Phyrexia cannon fodder, have now been replaced by new, more powerful legions.

The perfected Orks, the Sons of Superman, the Devil Astartes, the fully automated space fleet that covers the sky, the Catachan Barking Toad that specializes in rushing into the enemy and detonating itself...

Of course, Jinji Tasha doesn’t know all the secrets.

At least he had never had the opportunity to study the dark dimension, and was also strictly prohibited from studying the genes of Zuo Si himself and his descendants.

"Damn! You have to help me this time! After all, I have helped you many times before!"

Everything before her eyes immediately gave Xiori a strong sense of crisis.

Because not long ago she received news from Mirrodin that the white demon judge Elenon had finally completed the transformation of the entire time and space, completely assimilating the old shimmering oil into the new shimmering oil.

This means that Elenon may join this internal competition at any time.

And unlike Fulinkai, who pursues strong individual power, and Wabas, who doesn't have much interest in power, this guy has an extraordinary obsession with power.

"How do you want me to help you?"

After thinking for a moment, Jinji Tasha finally made his choice.

The reason is also very simple!

Compared with the black devil in front of him, he felt more contempt and disgust for the magician who started his career in religion.

And during the time Elenon stayed in Mirrodin, the cooperation between the two parties was quite pleasant.

"I need to meet the great father of New Phyrexia."

Xiori made the request very simply and neatly.

After hearing this, Jinji Tasha nodded slightly: "No problem. Those sons of Superman will soon determine the winner, and then receive the baptism of two kinds of shimmering oil at the same time. You can take them to Faerun later and hand them over. To the master.”

"Thank you. I owe you a favor this time."

Xiorui solemnly expressed her gratitude, and then used the huge black mana in her body to fly directly into the air and take off out of the atmosphere to appreciate and feel the terrifying destructive power of these super biological weapons up close.

After she completely turned into a black dot and disappeared, Jinji Tasha smiled and said to Shane VII: "Sorry, I made you laugh. In fact, within New Phyrexia, the competition between the magic judges has always been It’s all very intense. Because no one wants to be the loser and get eliminated.”

"It's okay, I understand.

And sometimes I really envy Soth for being able to have so many loyal, capable and motivated subordinates.

If there's nothing else, I'll take the first step.

Thanks for showing me these interesting research results. "

Xia En VII put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, then activated the power of the Planeswalker Spark and disappeared.

At the same time, Askatra, the capital of the empire on the west coast of Faerûn, was far away.

Zuo Si, who had transformed into the form of a big devil, was standing on the top floor of the mage tower, looking down at this giant city that was very close to an advanced magical civilization. There were also those that even ordinary people could achieve short-distance teleportation and flight with the help of the power of magic mystery locks. , the effect of making goods weighing hundreds of kilograms or even tons of weight temporarily as light as feathers.

All residents living in major cities within the empire have basically gotten rid of mindless and heavy physical labor, and have begun to upgrade to complex jobs that require more professional knowledge and technology.

Literacy rates and education levels are also soaring at a visible rate.

Because if you don't even know the words and can't do simple calculations, there's no way you can find a job in big cities like Ascaltra, Calimport, and Baldur's Gate.

After all, even those who work in the special service industry, now under the pressure of illusion potions and cheap living constructs, must at least master such skills as makeup, costumes, role-playing, physical skills, teasing skills, conversation skills, observation of words, and psychology. A range of skills such as analysis and comfort techniques.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to attract customers at all.

Therefore, civilians who are not smart enough or unwilling to study for further education have long been gradually eliminated and went to small towns or villages to make a living.

Only those elites who are smart enough and willing to involute are eligible to stay.

And all of this is due to the complex magic mystery woven by Zuo Si himself.

In other words, this super mythical lock with multiple spell-casting environments superimposed through land cards has long surpassed Myth Drannor and even the pride of the elves, Everlasting Island, and is the most complex magic system in the history of the entire planet Toril.

This is why the smarter people are, the more they want to squeeze into big cities to make a living.

Even if they can only live in a narrow group rental house of a few square meters, eat the cheapest and cheapest food, and work hard every day to earn living expenses and necessary expenses for the magic research institute, they are not willing to return to their relatively relaxed hometown. Go down and live a life of sunrise and sunset.

Because only by staying in the city can you see hope, become a powerful spellcaster through study, research and exercise, and then complete the class jump.

With a huge tilt in resources without any fairness at all, young people throughout the West Coast Empire began to realize that the easiest way to get ahead was to become a mage or warlock.

Even an apprentice who can only perform zero-circle magic can still have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

Just when Zuo Si was silently analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the country he created, a pair of white arms suddenly wrapped around his neck from behind, and then revealed a face with a satisfied blush from the side of his shoulders. beautiful female face.

I saw her caressing the naked and strong chest and abdominal muscles in the form of the big devil, kissing her neck and cheeks affectionately, and at the same time asked in a slightly lazy voice from her throat: "My supreme dark lord, what are you thinking about?" ?”

"It's nothing. I just feel that the West Coast Empire is still a little far behind my expectations. There is still room for improvement in many places." Zuo Si responded casually.

"Haha, I think it's perfect enough. It's even so perfect that it doesn't look like a country ruled by a tyrant."

The woman gently lifted up her long brown hair that covered half of her face, finally revealing a pair of pointed ears unique to elves and half-elves.

You don't need to ask to know that she is Erebes, who just fell from the paladin to become the black guard.

From the messy furnishings in the room and the torn transparent silk fabrics, it was easy to tell that the two of them definitely had a fierce battle here, and it was far more than just one.

The large number of bruises and wounds on Aribes's body, in particular, fully illustrates how wild the whole process was.

I don't know if it was due to the influence of the fall, but she was particularly obsessed with Zuo Si in the form of the big devil, and she almost completed the second half of the game in this state.

The pain of torn flesh mixed with the excitement and pleasure is simply addictive.

"No, you are wrong.

To a certain extent, I am the most successful tyrant in the entire Faerûn continent.

It even changes people's understanding of the nature of power.

Countless lords and kings began to imitate me in centralizing power, suppressing and eradicating those voices that opposed them.

The public's attitude changed from opposition to support.

They hope to have a strong government to protect themselves, maintain good social order and business environment, and make their lives better and better.

What these people didn’t realize was that the prosperity and wealth of the West Coast Empire was based on my willingness to share.

Unsurprisingly, those lords and kings who tried to centralize power would eventually turn into tyrannical monarchs who were either extravagant or militaristic.

Because not everyone can withstand the erosion of huge power and always remain rational and clear-headed.

So for a long time to come, you will see countless rulers trying to imitate the success of the West Coast Empire, but the results they get are exactly the opposite of what they expected.

Remember, never believe in things that can be easily seen on the surface, let alone so-called successful experiences.

Because this is often an illusion deliberately created by others to deceive you.

The real secret of success is often just pure luck and chance, and even if it is not, it is often of a type that cannot be copied. "

Zuo Si told his new lover straightforwardly without any pretense about the part of the empire hidden beneath the water.

It's like whenever some developed countries mention their current success, they will always attribute it to the ideological emancipation of the Renaissance, the modern declaration of human rights, liberal democracy, the rule of law, market economy, and capitalism.

However, it never mentions the hundreds of years of bloody colonial plunder that began in the Age of Discovery, the massacre and enslavement of Africans and Native Americans, and the primitive accumulation of capital.

Not to mention the dark history of the massive exploitation of child labor and female workers during the Industrial Revolution, resulting in their life span being worse than that of slaves.

So Zuo Si understood a long time ago that the essence of the so-called "successful learning" is a scam.

There is never any experience to learn from when it comes to success.

Aribes's eyes instantly lit up when she heard these words, and she pursed her lips with an evil smile: "Hehehe, isn't this better?

Let those stupid mortals become more and more disappointed, evil, and selfish as they continue to imitate, and finally sink into despair.

Then we can turn these failed states into puppets of the empire through bribery and infiltration. "

"The changes that have happened to you are really surprising. After all, not long ago, you were a paladin who swore to protect the good and the weak, but now you have completely adapted to your new identity."

As he said that, Zuo Si turned around and pinched the other person's chin with his hands like dragon claws, admiring the face that changed from holy to gloomy.

“That’s because I woke up to my past naivety and stupidity.

Pious, kind, and trustworthy...

Only an idiot would believe these unrealistic things!

There are only two things I want now, power and revenge.

So please give me more power!

I will be the sharpest sword in your hand and kill anyone who dares to be your enemy. "

Aribes's tone revealed a kind of ferocity and fanaticism that was terrifying.

"Don't worry, I have given you enough power and what you want most. Now return to Neverwinter City to complete the revenge you desire."

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound, a set of ferocious black armor that was different from the previous one appeared out of thin air and wrapped directly around Aribes's naked body.

There are corresponding black tights, leather armor, chainmail and other linings inside.

And the sword in her hand was replaced by a +5 two-handed sword burning with the flames of hell.

When everything was put on, a powerful energy suddenly surged out of the body, overflowing from the gems on the chest at a speed visible to the naked eye, and spreading throughout the body along the armor lines.

"This feels... simply amazing!"

Aribes swung the heavy two-handed sword with just one, and at the same time, the pupils of her two eyes were emitting a terrifying red light.

You must know that when she was a paladin of Tyr, she might not even be able to lift this giant sword with her strength, let alone swing it as easily as a one-handed sword like now.

The most important thing is that the power from Baator Hell in her body allows her to summon the flames of hell and devils at will, and perform the same magical spells as a LV20 priest.

No hesitation!

Aribes stepped forward directly, stood on tiptoes and hugged Zuo Si's neck again and offered a passionate kiss. Then she reluctantly put away the giant sword, turned around and left the room through the teleportation port below the tower. Return to Neverwinter City.

Since the two cities had already established a stable portal, her appearance immediately attracted the attention of the mages who were guarding the place.

The latter was obviously surprised by the change in the image and temperament of the second-in-command of Neverwinter City. He quickly stood up and asked: "Madam, what happened to your appearance?"

"I was ambushed by the enemy on the way back and almost died. Now I want to see Lord Nasir immediately and report important things to him."

Aribes made a request to the mage in a tone that left no room for doubt.

The mage obviously did not dare to neglect, and immediately took her towards Neverwinter Castle himself.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the Lord's Hall.

"Timarande, what's wrong with you?"

Lord Nasir only took one glance to realize the changes that had taken place in his most trusted right-hand man.

To be precise, the grace from Tyr, the god of justice, disappeared, replaced by a terrifying atmosphere of darkness and evil.

"This is not important. What is important is that I now know the mastermind behind the plague in Neverwinter City and his accomplices."

Aribes got straight to the point straightforwardly.

Because she knew that once she revealed that she had fallen and was no longer a paladin, Lord Nasir would immediately remove all of her duties and powers, and might even be expelled from Neverwinter.

Therefore, we must be quick to cut the knot, expose Deszell's identity as the mole as quickly as possible, and then make this guy jump over the wall to kidnap or kill Lord Nasir.

In this way, Erebeth can legitimately take over the rule, and then promote bureaucrats from the empire, and finally make Neverwinter completely integrated into the empire like Luskan, instead of maintaining its current semi-independent status.

Only in this way can she control the Church of the God of Justice and her fiancé, Vanswijk, and constantly humiliate and torture each other.

"What! Who? Who planned the plague in Neverwinter?"

Lord Nasir suddenly stood up from his chair.

Because this matter has become a concern for him, the bags and dark circles around his eyes caused by lack of sleep are the best proof.

"Deszell was one of the masterminds and Vanswijk was his accomplice."

Aribes directly stated the names of the two people.

Lord Nasir was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "This is impossible! One of them is the priest of Helm, the god of guardianship, and the other is the church leader of Tyr, the great god of justice. Whether from the camp or from There is no reason to do such a crazy thing."

Aribes sneered and asked, "Then what if I tell you that Deszell has already abandoned his faith and used lies and tricks to deceive Vanswijk into providing help without his knowledge?

And I'm not the only one who knows about this.

That Lord Dumbledore was also one of the people who knew about it.

It's just that he has never found any tangible evidence, so he doesn't speak easily.

After all, these two people are the most important religious leaders in Neverwinter City. Even if you say it, you may not believe it, but it will be easy to alert the snake. "

"Damn it!

If this is true, then I swear to hang Deszell.

This bastard killed countless innocent civilians.


Send someone immediately to arrest these two bastards! "

Lord Nasir was obviously so angry that he didn't even bend down to pick up the crown when it fell from his head.

But Aribes stood up and stopped her: "Don't do this!

This will make us lose the opportunity to catch all the enemies hiding in the dark.

I think we should first pretend that nothing happened, and then send someone to invite Deszell and Vanswijk to come here to discuss matters.

By the way, call Mr. Dumbledore over.

When the time comes, we will expose all the conspiracies and dirty deeds here. "

"What you said makes sense! Just do as Aribes said. Be careful and don't show off your flaws." Lord Nasir quickly changed his mind and warned the guards around him.

The latter quickly nodded vigorously, and then put down his helmet to cover his face which was flushed due to too much shock and anger.

Just like that, several loyal guards mounted their horses and rushed out of Neverwinter Castle, running wildly through the empty streets.

In about twenty minutes, the three people were brought back at the same time.

"Lord, what happened to make you so anxious to summon us?" Deszell was the first to ask.

He obviously noticed the changes in Aribes, and there was a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.

From this guy's point of view, it was obvious that his superior, Magrim, had successfully captured the opponent through an ambush, and then forced him to become one of his own through some unknown means.

This means that the next plan can be carried out with confidence and boldness.

In contrast, Vanswijk was completely shocked and speechless by the boiling evil, distortion and hatred in his fiancée.

He could not imagine what happened to Aribes to make a good and lawful paladin degenerate into what he was now in such a short period of time.

As for Dumbledore...

Well, from the moment he walked in the door, the principal had been glancing at the elf priest who had recently been having an affair with him out of the corner of his eye.

Although on the Magic Earth, he has always shown himself to be calm, wise, steady and reliable.

But they were all forced out.

After all, in that world, he was known as the greatest wizard of the contemporary era, a hero who twice turned the tide and saved the magical world.

Coupled with the decline in physical functions caused by being over one hundred years old, many of the original desires have gradually decreased, and naturally they have taken a dim view of everything.

But what about now?

His body has returned to a relatively young state, and no one in this world knows him at all, and he doesn't need to put on airs or worry about his reputation, so he can freely release those previously suppressed true emotions and desires.

So along the way from Ascaltra, Dumbledore had already tried to have intimate relationships with many people who had the same tendency.

And the Vanswijk in front of him was the only one that made his heart beat.

Aribes was keenly aware of this, and both her expression and eyes became extremely terrifying, as if she might rush forward at any time and chop the "adulterer and adulterous couple" into pieces.

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