A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 722 The mad dog emerges (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Bad news, Soth has noticed our movements in the Northland in advance."

Shar stood in the icy wasteland of a certain demiplane and told several other figures gathered here what happened not long ago.

You must know that according to her plan, she originally planned to lurk in the body of the mage, and then look for opportunities to launch a fatal sneak attack to kill or track down the guy who came to investigate the secret behind the whole thing.

Especially the nosy moon goddess Suellen and the magic goddess Midnight. As long as you can kill the incarnation of either of them, you will gain blood.

Of course, even if you don't encounter the incarnation of a hostile god, being able to get rid of electors like Elminster, Kelburn, the Seven Sisters, or Zuo Si's important subordinates can still have the effect of blocking information and disrupting the situation.

But unfortunately, this insidious plan was eventually destroyed by Zuo Si himself who suddenly appeared unexpectedly.

But this cannot be blamed on the goddess of the night.

After all, Zuo Si had not been in Toril for a long time before this, but had gone to other dimensions to take care of his newly born daughter.

This made Shar judge that his attention had long been diverted from Faerûn, and it was a good opportunity for him to do something.

In fact, the goddess of the night's prediction was quite accurate.

In fact, if little Annie hadn't suddenly transformed from a baby into a toddler in an instant, Zuo Si would not have brought his daughter back to visit Ayesha as a mother.

Not to mention confirming the status of his other unborn child.

Nor would he go to Neverwinter to take a look at Dumbledore.

The most important thing is that he met Irebeth entirely on a temporary basis. He wanted to confirm whether the other party would arouse the dark side of the soul in anger and sadness after learning that his fiancé Vanswijk was having an affair with another old man. In the end, Fallen from paladin to become blackguard.

You must know that Aribes's character is not as calm as Kaidong, another veteran paladin who has retired. He has long tempered his indomitable and firm will in countless dangers, setbacks, sufferings, deceptions, and betrayals.

The latter, when faced with his wife's cheating in marriage and a green prairie growing above his head, still suppressed his anger and remained rational throughout the whole process. No matter how he was stimulated, he finally chose to use legal means to solve the problem.

The problem with Aribeth is that her growth experience was too smooth, and she basically encountered no severe tests or setbacks. Along the way, she easily became Lord Nasir's right-hand man, the second most powerful figure in Neverwinter, and was admired by countless people. and beloved heroine.

Especially the belief in Tyr, the God of Justice, makes him firmly believe that light will defeat darkness and good will defeat evil. He does not understand that the truth of the world is actually a dynamic balance between good and evil, order and chaos, and no one is certain. It is said that one can defeat the other side.

As the saying goes, if it is too strong, it will break easily.

The more firmly these people have faith and have never tasted the taste of despair, when they suddenly find that the cruel reality is completely opposite to their beliefs, the faster their faith will collapse, and the easier it is for their thoughts to change 180 degrees. A big turn, directly from extremely good to extremely evil.

But who would have thought that it was such a spur-of-the-moment idea that he suddenly bumped into Magrim who was ambushing Aribes, and learned from the leader of this cult who worshiped the creator race that there was an enemy who secretly wanted to compete with him for control of the North. conspiracy.

What's even more coincidental is that Shar was discovered hidden in the nodes of the Shadow Magic Network in this guy's body.

Of course, the Goddess of the Night would definitely not tell these so-called "allies" about something like this that happened inexplicably.

After all, in her definition, "allies" are just temporary thugs and cannon fodder. The ultimate goal is to make the gods kill each other, and then return everything to the darkness and silence from the beginning.

"What does Soth know?"

A thin man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and eyes revealing viciousness and madness, questioned.

This person was none other than Zuo Si and the gods who had dealt with him so hard that he managed to climb back from a demigod with weak divine power back to Cyric with weak divine power.

If one were to find a god among the Toril gods who hated Zuo Si the most and even wanted to kill him, Prince of Lies would definitely be ranked first.

All the orc gods and goblin gods have to step aside.

You must know that in order to restrict Cyric from expanding his influence through the priesthood of lies, Zuo Si recorded the scene of this guy being beaten by a group and spread it around, causing many mortals to sneer at this clown-like lunatic.

Not to mention faith, even the most basic respect is lacking.

Only those mentally ill people who have the most unsatisfactory lives, who are often bullied and despised, and whose hearts have long been twisted and desire revenge on society, will choose to believe in Cyric to gain power.

And most of these believers are scattered in the eastern part of the continent far away from the west coast empire.

That strong sense of humiliation that cannot be described in words makes today's Prince of Lies extremely eager to use blood and death to make his most hated enemy pay the price.

It was precisely because of his participation that this conspiracy was concealed for such a long time under various lies and deceptions.

Shar glanced at Cyric with interest, and replied with a half-smile: "He captured Magrim.

It is unknown how much information and intelligence can be obtained from it.

You should understand that it is impossible for a mortal to keep any secrets in front of Soth.

That poor guy will be spied on from his brain to his soul.

Especially the large armies formed by different races and forces in the Neverwinter Forest area should lead to the exposure of some of you. "

"Hmph! So what? My frost giant army will sweep across the entire Northland when winter comes, and no town can stop their progress."

The King of Frost Giants, Kostchurch, clenched his fists and let out a low roar.

As the original lord of the twenty-third level of the Abyss, he obviously hated Zuo Si deeply.

After all, the invasion of the demon army caused the fall of all the first forty floors of the Abyss. Now it has turned from chaos to order. Kostchurch could only lead his men to fight all the way to more than a hundred floors, killing another demon lord and replacing him. .

This great migration caused heavy losses to his demon army and frost giant army, and also lost a lot of prestige, causing many demon lords to despise him.

"Waiting for winter to come? There are still at least a few months. Do you think Soth will do nothing during this period? He will find all the threats in the North and then start a massacre."

Yeenoghu, the king of jackals, opened his mouth to reveal a pair of sharp fangs, and his eyes revealed ferocity and violence.

This is the lord of the 422nd floor of the Abyss.

Although he did not have a direct conflict with Zuo Si, he hated the other party for unscrupulously massacring his own people, the jackal tribes living in the material plane.

You must know that Yeenoghu's greatest wish is to see the prosperity of the Gnoll race. It is best to create a world completely dominated by Gnolls and turn elves, humans, dwarves, dwarfs, halflings, etc. into slaves and food.

But once the West Coast Empire under the rule of Zuo Si controls a certain area, it will mercilessly clear out the gnolls, goblins, orcs, trolls and other monsters in the area.

The number of jackals killed by patrols and adventurers alone is as high as hundreds of thousands.

This number alone was enough to make Yeenoghu have murderous intentions towards Zuo Si.

"Because of this, we need to take some actions and we must not let Soss idle."

Lolth, the Spider Goddess, also expressed her opinion.

As the city beneath Dragonspear Castle has completely established itself and gradually integrated into the surface world, it has become a beacon of hope for countless dark elves who want to escape traditional society.

As long as this beacon exists, the Dark Maiden Eilistraee will continue to tear apart her absolute control over the entire race.

So Rose's motivation for joining was very simple, which was to destroy the drow city controlled by Eilistraee and completely destroy the latter's plan to improve the image of the dark elves in the minds of the surface races.

"My army of orcs and half-orcs has arrived and assembled. As long as there is a guide who is familiar with the terrain to lead the way, we can reach several exits on the west coast through the Underdark at any time, and then launch an unprecedented invasion, plunder and destruction."

The orc god Gruumsh waved his thick arms and fists, and his single eye was like an eternal burning torch, which made people feel frightened and frightened.

As the most aggressive god in the entire Faerûn continent and the most enthusiastic about killing, conquering, enslaving and destroying, he and Zuo Si had a long-standing relationship.

At the same time, it was also the time when the latter was in the most danger and closest to death when he was still a mortal.

Unfortunately, Gruumsh, who descended into the avatar, failed to kill Zuosi in the end, but was blocked by gods such as Talona, ​​Corellon, Moradin, Ogma, Midnight, and Ilmat.

In retaliation, Zuo Si used plague and an army of shadows to kill more than 90% of the orc tribes in the entire North, and those who survived quickly fled the area.

This failure has always made Gruumsh brooding, and he vowed to make the other party pay the price with blood.

"My goblin army is also ready to start a war!"

The goblin god Magnubiya let out a harsh and sharp roar, while staring at the orc god with eyes full of hostility and hatred.

Because the two of them have always had a hostile relationship, even if they reached a temporary cooperation with the help of Shar, the goddess of night, they still did not stop the eternal soul war in the outer plane.

To put it bluntly, it is a "bloody battle" between the orc god system and the earth spirit system. Both sides continuously send armies of petitioners to fight and consume each other.

Magnubier spends most of his energy in this area.

The reason why he wanted to deal with Zuo Si was also very simple. It was that the latter's large-scale breeding of werewolf and goblin slaves had seriously torn apart the two priesthoods of goblins and dominion, causing them to fall from strong divine power to the current medium divine power.

This kind of threat and hatred is even far above the orc pantheon.

It has to be said that Shar is quite good at discerning the most fundamental conflicts of interest among the gods.

Basically, every one of the gods and demon lords she found regarded Zuo Si as their number one enemy to some extent, and even if they had conflicts with each other, they could put them aside for the time being.

"This is not enough! I think we can try to win over the Winter Goddess Aurel, the Ocean Goddess Amberli, and even the entire Furious God System."

Velen, the dark elf god of conspiracy, glanced at his mother and cautiously made suggestions.

Shar responded nonchalantly: “I’m already doing it.

But this is no easy task.

Because the west coast empire established by Soth gave them full respect.

Especially the several splendid cathedrals, as well as the awe and worship from mortals, make the Furious Gods very satisfied with them. "

Six-fingered loyal minister Vein, who is the best at diplomacy in the Abyss, then added: "I have also reached an agreement with the demon prince Demogorgon, the immortal monarch Orcus and some other abyss lords.

They will join the war at the critical moment.

After all, the ninth level of hell ruled by Soth has actually become the main force on the front line of the bloody battle.

The legions led by Zariel can kill the demonic armies to pieces in almost every battle, and then use their corpses to create more cannon fodder and war weapons.

This made many lords feel nervous and threatened. "

"Hahahaha! So the Abyss is on our side this time?"

Cyric grinned and laughed almost maniacally.

"Don't be careless. You have to understand that Soth has many allies, and the Lord of Hell, Asmodeus, and many great devils will fully support him unconditionally."

Shar couldn't help but remind this guy who was not mentally normal.

After all, from the birth of the crystal wall where the planet Toril is located to the present, there is only one weirdo who dares to challenge the absolute authority of the god Io.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. And besides Soth, the two bitches Midnight and Cranvor will also have to pay the price."

When he said this, Cyric's face showed an extremely ferocious, twisted and crazy expression.

The Goddess of Night saw this but didn't say anything. Instead, she showed a meaningful smile, quickly waved the black gauze like a curtain and disappeared.

As soon as Shar left, the other gods and demon lords also chose to leave this demiplane and return to their own territory to make final preparations.

You must know that many of them are enemies in the first place, so there is no trust at all. They just get together to deal with the common enemy.

At the same time, in another time and space controlled by the mastermind and the mind flayer, Zuo Si had just completed an all-round search of the captive Magrim from his memory to his soul, and obtained a list of possible enemies.

Looking at the memory fragments projected with psychic powers in front of him, he touched his chin and joked with interest: "Interesting. I can't believe that I have made so many enemies without knowing it. What's even more incredible is that Shar actually made them Almost all of them were found and formed an alliance."

"There is nothing you can do about it. After all, when you form an alliance with a god and cooperate deeply, you will inevitably offend his or her enemies. The more allies you have, the more enemies you will naturally have."

The mastermind calmly expressed his opinion.

At this moment, she has already completed the transformation from mortal to extraordinary by devouring a large number of mind flayers' brains, and has become an existence like Ilshensiin, the mind flayer god.

Not only does it rule hundreds of worlds, but the number of Mind Flayer believers under its command has reached hundreds of billions, and it raises and enslaves countless non-human intelligent creatures.

There are even high-tech psychic training chambers similar to those in The Matrix, which transmit the consciousness of intelligent creatures to the virtual world, and inject nutrients into the body at the minimum standard for survival.

Anyway, all the mind flayer needs is a smart brain, and the body only needs to be maintained in a state that can provide sufficient nutrition to the brain.

It doesn't matter at all whether limbs and muscles will atrophy or even degenerate.

To a certain extent, living in a world ruled by a mastermind is ten thousand times more terrifying and desperate than a world of ancient gods or a world similar to the Cthulhu Mythos.

Because these intelligent creatures are born and die meticulously according to standard procedures, just like broiler chickens and pigs in large-scale mechanized farms.

Not even as good as broiler chickens and pigs. At least they have seen what the real world is like.

But these guys who were artificially inseminated and then stuffed into the cultivation chamber stayed in the huge virtual world built by the master brain throughout their lives.

Only when you are eaten as food can you have the opportunity to step out of the incubator and take a look at the horrifying real world and the mind flayer who is about to eat your brain.

Just imagine, when you think you live in a peaceful and prosperous world all your life, but suddenly wake up and see an octopus head waving sticky tentacles to undo his heavenly spirit cap, that kind of terrifying sight What a huge psychological impact will it have?

Perhaps the only good thing is that this fear will not last long. Death will come quickly after the brain is devoured, and you will basically not be able to feel much pain, nor can you savor the nightmarish despair.

However, the fate of these mind flayers, who were also raised as broiler chickens and pigs, was not much better.

Basically, as long as the growth of psychic powers reaches the standard, they will be immediately ordered to commit suicide in the brain pool and donate their brains.

Through almost brutal expansion and accumulation of psychic power, the mastermind Isadora has become almost the most powerful god-like power and planeswalker in Zuo Si camp.

With her current ability, she can invade and control tens of billions or hundreds of billions of intelligent creatures on a planet in an instant.

At the moment, she used her own powerful power to create a clone that was completely composed of psychic energy. It looked no different from Isadora herself, and even felt exactly the same to the touch.

The most important thing is that the mastermind is different from the minions made into cards. She is not only a planeswalker who has obtained the spark, but also an ally with a relatively equal status rather than a slave.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si reached out and gently stroked the hair and cheek of the clone, and asked in a slightly playful tone: "Then are you ready to take on this challenge with me and show all the enemies a little color?"

"Of course! I'm willing to do anything for you."

The mastermind Isadora stepped forward, stood on tiptoes, and offered a passionate kiss.

The moment the two people's lips touched, their spirits, consciousness and souls instantly blended together, resulting in indescribable excitement, joy and happiness.

This feeling completely surpasses the stimulation that physical collision can bring, making people unable to extricate themselves from it.

After several minutes, when the boiling spiritual world gradually returned to calm, the mastermind Isadora parted her lips with unfinished content, her face filled with a smile of happiness and satisfaction, and her eyes revealed deep attachment.

There is no doubt that the twisted and morbid love that was separated from the body is still playing a role in her body. There is no sign of relief at all, but it has become more serious.

"In that case, then start sending your army of mind flayers into the northern land of Faerûn. I want to see how big a storm these gods and demon lords can make."

After saying that, Zuo Si stretched out his hand to hold the other person's chin, and gently kissed the right cheek near the earlobe. Then he activated the power of the planeswalker spark and disappeared, leaving only the mastermind with a flushed face and excitement that made him tremble all over. Isadora stood there until half an hour later when a high-level Soul Eater walked in from the outside and returned to normal.

This is a super mind flayer that is taller and stronger than ordinary mind flayers. It is over two meters tall and has six tentacles instead of four. It is also called a mind flayer.

"Great Supreme Mastermind, what should I do with this prisoner?"

The Soul Eater asked, pointing at Magorim who looked like he was about to be ruined not far away.

"Go to the pond and pick the strongest and smartest tadpole and stuff it into his brain. I will transform him into a powerful master and then send him back to Faerûn."

The mastermind Isadora gave the order directly through telepathy.

"As you wish!"

The Soul Eater put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully, then walked to the edge of the huge brain pool, caught a tadpole from it that was visibly stronger than the others of its kind, and then walked straight towards Magrim.

Although this cultist has not yet fully recovered from the impact and baptism of powerful psychic powers, he quickly realized the tragic fate he was about to face when he saw the tadpole, and immediately began to struggle like crazy.

"NO!!!!!! Don't come here! Keep that damn thing away from me!"

"Relax, this is a favor given to you by the great Supreme Master. Accept it obediently, and soon you will become one of us."

The Soul Eater stretched out his hand to hold the opponent down, and then stuffed the tadpoles from his ears.

Normally, tadpoles are stuffed through the eyes, and then quickly enter the brain to start eating the most nutritious gray matter.

But this super tadpole is obviously too big to get through the gap in the optic nerve, so it can only enter through the ears.

But it doesn't matter, the result is the same anyway.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

With the miserable cry echoing around, the tadpole directly dug a hole deep in the ear and entered the skull cavity to begin its irreversible transformation.

After up to an hour, Magrim will completely disappear from this world from body to soul, and even the wish spell cannot revive him.

After a day, various mind flayer characteristics will begin to appear.

As a powerful mage, Magrim knew very well what he was going through. First he shook his head crazily to throw the tadpoles out, and then he tried to commit suicide.

After all, the soul can at least be preserved after committing suicide.

Unfortunately, all these attempts have failed.

When the time came to forty minutes, he had completely stopped struggling and stood there with dull eyes, and the color of his pupils quickly changed from black to lavender.

When the Soul Eater saw this scene, he immediately nodded with satisfaction, turned around and reported to Hui: "The transformation is very smooth. The tadpole has just swallowed the main part of the brain and is merging with the lower brainstem."

"Very good. Now go gather the fleet. It won't be long before we start a war."

The mastermind Isadora quickly used her psychic powers to project dense spots of light in front of her, each one representing a psychic battleship that could be recruited.

Some of them are traditional biological shell ships, while others are new warships that are close to the appearance of science fiction space battleships, but the core is still driven by psychic powers.

After all, Toril is a typical magical world. If ordinary technological creations are pulled over, there is a high probability that they will cause problems or simply go on strike.

This means that powerful weapons such as the Queen of Glory battleships and cyclone torpedoes in the Warhammer world can only stay behind and watch the show.

But the mind flayer's psychic battleship is different. This thing is a standard magical creation.

Not only can it fly within the planet's atmosphere, but it can also travel to outer space and even teleport across dimensions.

Soon, thousands of psychic warships were assembled and ready to go at the command of the mastermind Isadora, ready to enter the battlefield at any time to launch a devastating blow to the enemy.

The Goddess of Night Shar and those gods and demon lords obviously don't know that the seemingly powerful army and mage group of the West Coast Empire are actually just the power that Zuo Si deliberately put on the surface for everyone to see. The cards are never revealed to any enemy.

As a person who is good at playing tricks and intrigues and is always making various preparations and plans, he is very aware of the importance of maintaining information asymmetry.

Why does Batman always play an unexpectedly important role in the DC universe no matter how powerful he fights against?

The root cause is not that Bruce Wayne took information asymmetry to the extreme.

He is always collecting intelligence and everything that may be useful. Even teammates like Superman and Wonder Woman who fight side by side have no idea what this old bat is thinking or doing, and the enemies are naturally even less clueless. Thus we know.

But before showing a few trump cards, Zuo Si planned to muddy the waters in the Northland.

The Floating City of Plantia is the headquarters of the Fourth Natural Disaster Plan and the home base of thousands of players.

With the continuous development and unlocking of "new maps", and the mastermind Isadora becoming more and more powerful, the number of players here has skyrocketed from the initial hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions, and the population structure It also gradually becomes more and more complex.

Among them are souls from the magical earth, elites from the Warhammer universe, and some of the humans, elves, gnomes, and dwarf followers of Azeroth who died in the war.

Although most of them joined relatively late, the current professional level is generally not as high as that of the first batch of players, but they are also growing rapidly with the feature of unlimited resurrection.

The most important thing is that, unlike other legions that obey orders, this is a force that symbolizes chaos and surprise.

Even Zuo Si himself was not sure what outrageous things these mad dogs would do if they were released.

Therefore, we have always tried our best to send the player base to those controllable worlds. Anyway, it doesn't matter even if they play badly.

But now, he wants to send this group that is most capable of causing destruction and chaos to the North, so that Shar and her allies can feel the power of the fourth natural disaster.

"Have you really thought about it clearly? You must know that once these guys appear on the land of Faerun, the results will definitely be subversive."

Xia En VII warned in a serious tone.

After all, he has been with the player community for such a long time, and he has already seen through these guys who are profitless and can't afford to be early, and he also understands the terrible chain reaction that kind of madness without awe can lead to.

But Zuo Si responded with a sneer: "Yes, I have thought it through.

Moreover, these players will not only launch them into the continent of Faerûn, but also into outer planes such as hell and abyss.

Since those gods and demon lords want a war, then I will give them a war, a war far beyond their imagination and beyond their ability to bear.

I will first use the power of the fourth natural disaster to mess everything up so that the other party can't figure out what happened.

Trust me, no one is better suited to this task than the gamers. "

"Sigh - you look even crazier than Cyric sometimes! Well, I know what to do."

Xia En VII glanced at the noisy and bustling scenery outside the window and sighed slightly.

With the success of killing and seizing the secret of the original magic of the True Dragon Kings, he is now equivalent to a quasi-divine power, so he is not as afraid of being enemies with the gods as before.

And as players conquer, the level of their Planeswalker Sparks is also rapidly increasing, and the number of various land cards, summoned creatures, followers, and treasures is also increasing exponentially. The vast amount of magic knowledge has further improved their spellcasting abilities. A qualitative leap.

Soon, Shane VII used the connection of mastermind Isadora to issue new tasks to players in different time and space.

It didn't take long for some of them to return to the floating city through the portal in groups and chatter about the so-called "new map".

He didn't even realize that he was about to face a real demon this time, and he might even be killed instantly without even being able to react.

No matter how high the player's level is and how powerful the magic and skills are, in the final analysis, they still cannot escape the category of mortal things.

Their only role in this war is to constantly cause accidents and destruction, using their overwhelming numbers and infinite resurrection characteristics to give the enemy a huge headache.

In less than an hour, more than 100,000 relatively low-level players were dispersed and thrown into the primitive and barbaric Northland.

The arrival of these guys is like rats falling into a rice vat, immediately causing almost devastating damage to the local environment and ecology.

Many gnolls, goblins, and orc tribes that were gathering under instructions from their gods directly ran into the player, and then the two sides immediately broke out in a fierce and endless battle.

Among them, teams with stronger strength and more spellcasters can basically easily kill monsters with one or two hundred people, while those with weaker strength can also kill ten times their number of enemies before dying.

What's even more terrible is that after they die, they will immediately resurrect in the clone body of Plantia Floating City, and then bring more players to turn around and kill them back until the entire monster tribe is slaughtered.

In contrast, high-level players were sent to the outer planes and even the bottomless abyss, using their identities as mercenaries as cover to go to the territories of the demon lords to cause trouble, waiting for opportunities to provoke fights between them.

Seeing that the seeds of chaos had been planted, the corners of Zuo Si's mouth immediately turned up slightly uncontrollably, as if he had foreseen Shar's anxious, helpless and furious look.

"I heard that you and Ayesha have an heir?" Xia En VII suddenly broke the silence and asked.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes, a girl, I have named her Annie.

She was a god-like force from the moment of her birth.

Even when he was still a baby, he could devour some gods who were not very powerful in time and space.

The power from the dark void in his body is the most deadly poison to any god. "

"Annie... It means that the bloodline of the Shane Dynasty has once again been extended. This really makes me very happy."

Xia En VII said with strong emotion in his tone.

After all, this was one of his obsessions after becoming a lich, and now it was finally satisfied.

"If you want, you can actually go back to the palace in Calimport to have a look. After all, I have enough power now and no longer need to fear the gods' prying eyes on planeswalkers."

Zuo Si was very generous and released part of the original agreement between the two.

This undoubtedly surprised and surprised Xia En VII.

After a brief moment of shock, he hurriedly asked: "Really? Can I go back to visit Aisha and her daughter?"

"That's right. But remember not to stay too long, otherwise it may cause some unnecessary trouble."

Zuo Si smiled and answered in the affirmative.


Xia En VII bowed very solemnly with one hand on his chest, and then he couldn't wait to activate the Planeswalker Spark and left the world.

It wasn't until the aftermath of the energy dissipated that Zuo Si turned around and stared at the corridor outside the door and said, "How long do you plan to hide there?"

The next second...

A figure in a white dress emerged from the shadows, rushed forward at a very fast speed, and then jumped up and hung on his body.

You don't need to ask to know that there is only one person in Plantia Floating City who would do such a crazy thing, and that is Isadora.

This former girl has now completely grown up, and there is no trace of youthfulness in either figure or face.

And because the two of them had had an intimate relationship for a long time, even the last trace of estrangement had completely disappeared. Almost every time they met, sparks of passion collided like thunder from heaven and fire from earth, and this time was no exception.

I saw Isadora clamping her legs tightly around Zuo Si's waist like a koala, while her arms wrapped around her neck and head and came closer to gnaw wildly.

Since the rational part of her personality has split off and become the mastermind, she is unable to control her strong emotions at all and cannot stop until she has completely vented them.

So Zuo Si could only accompany him to the end, and entered the bedroom not far away during the fight.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe dozens of minutes, maybe a few hours...

In the end, it was Isadora who took the lead and exhausted all her energy. She lay flat on the bed and breathed heavily, letting the sweat soak the sheets. She looked at her lover who had already dressed and stood up, and suddenly asked: "We There will be children too, right?”

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Zuo Si turned his head with obvious doubts in his tone.

Because he didn't think that the girl in front of him with a seriously abnormal mental state would have the idea of ​​raising children.

Maybe when the child is born, Isadora will abandon it because she feels that the child will affect the passion between the two.

Don't think this is a joke!

For a woman who exudes a yandere temperament from the core, this is definitely a situation that may happen with a high probability.

"Because I'm jealous. Since she can give birth to offspring for you, naturally I can too."

As she spoke, Isadora subconsciously reached out and touched her belly, as if imagining that happy family atmosphere.

Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably, and then he questioned: "Are you sure you understand what it means to be a mother?

Do you know how much energy and effort it takes to raise a child?

Are you ready to waste more than ten years of the best time in your life on an uncertain future?

Don't be stupid, you are not suitable to raise children at all.

Even if the baby is born soon, it will get tired of taking care of the baby and then throw it away for any reason.

If you really want a child, start with a pet.

As long as you can personally care for a pet for at least two years, I agree to let you get pregnant and give birth to an offspring. "

"make a deal!"

Isadora agreed without any hesitation.

She completely forgot about all the pets she had raised before. The longest one only lived for six months. Most of them would be forgotten in about three weeks at most, and then starve to death or thirst.

The only one currently alive is Furu as a familiar.

This little thing eats spiritual energy. As long as it stays with its owner, it can always get food. There is no need to feed it in particular.

Otherwise, if it had been replaced by another magic pet that needed to eat, the corpse would have turned into a withered specimen by now.

Due to the lack of rational part, it is difficult for Isadora to stay focused on one thing for a long time.

She is always full of passion, but it quickly fades after a while and turns her attention elsewhere.

That's why Zuo Si made such a condition. He didn't believe that Isadora could insist on personally taking care of a pet for two years, even the most hungry tortoise and the least likely to die.

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