A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 695: Cursed Creature (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Mississippi is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River in the southern United States, bordering Mexico to the south, Tennessee to the north, Alabama to the east, and Louisiana and Arkansas to the west.

Although written by the famous left-wing writer Mark Twain, its beautiful scenery is full of romanticism.

But in fact, this is the most economically backward, poorest, and most racially discriminatory place in the United States. It is also the place where various extremist organizations and cults breed.

In particular, Voodoo, which spread from Dahomey to Haiti and then from Haiti, has already taken root in this land.

Coupled with the vast land and sparse population, many poorly educated and very stubborn and stupid guys are often full of inexplicable fanaticism towards religion and mysticism.

Some farms or ranches in the name of a certain sect are actually tools used by the cult to make money.

They directly treat the so-called believers as free slaves in modern society, making them perform heavy physical labor every day without paying a penny, and they also brainwash them every day.

Men in the family are even induced to sacrifice their wives and daughters to high-level leaders such as the leader to prove their devotion to "gods".

Of course, if it is just about amassing money and satisfying selfish desires, it is nothing. Although it is evil and despicable, it does not reach the level of expulsion.

However, among the many cults, a small number are truly insane and engage in a series of cruel and insane rituals including human sacrifice and suicide.

Coupled with the BUFF bonus of the proliferation of guns, the poor local police force did not even dare to take care of it.

As long as no big trouble is caused and exposed by the media, the two sides are basically in a state of harmony.

In some places, the police are simply members of the cult, specializing in covering up the organization and providing important information in a timely manner.

If they were just a group of lunatics and lunatics armed with weapons, they would be nothing to S.H.I.E.L.D., which was backed by the Security Council. They could be easily eliminated by randomly dispatching two special operations teams.

But the question is, what if someone among these cults accidentally gets supernatural powers?

At this moment, in the barn of an abandoned farm, Coulson and a group of agents stood in front of a "Tree of Life" pieced together with mutilated corpses, staring at this bloody and cruel "artwork" with a pale face. ".

Especially the young pregnant woman who was nailed to the front with a large font, her face actually showed a strange happy smile.

After careful observation and testing, an autopsy examiner responsible for providing technical support reported in a heavy tone with a hint of horror: "These corpses should have died three days ago, and they should have been resuscitated while still alive." The dismemberment was kept from decay due to the action of some unknown energy."

"What? Dismember them alive! What's with the weird expressions on their faces? Could it be that these people can't feel pain? Or are they taking a lot of hallucinogens and anesthetics?" Colson asked with a frown. road.

"Sorry, the specific cause is not yet clear, but there are no signs of drug use found in the blood residues."

The technicians quickly gave a negative answer.

Although as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had seen many "shocking" scenes before, this was the first time for him to experience such a mind-numbing thing.

If nothing else, I'm afraid I'm going to receive psychological counseling after this field mission.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have a nightmare for weeks or even months.

"Damn it! This is already the fourth incident this month, and the number of deaths every time is more than thirty. If this cult organization cannot be found and eliminated quickly, the situation will definitely get worse and worse."

Clint Barton couldn't help but curse under his breath.

As the number one hitter in the bureau, it was naturally impossible for him to miss a task like this that required a strong personal presence.

In fact, Hawkeye has participated in more than seven operations related to supernatural forces in the past month or two, and each time he played an unexpected key role.

Through research, copying, and reverse engineering of certain black technologies and magic items, some of the arrows he used were able to penetrate various low-level shields.

And this is exactly what firearms cannot do.

Coulson ignored Hawkeye who was venting his emotions, but directly asked the divine monk with the title of consultant: "Mr. Balthazar, can you get any useful clues from these broken corpses?"

"Well - how should I put it, although I don't know much about magic, I can see that all the corpses have been blessed with necromancy spells.

As for whether it is arcane magic, divine magic, or some kind of spell-like ability, it is not easy to judge yet.

But it is certain that all these ritualistic actions may have been related to sacrifice.

If I guessed correctly, they should be trying to twist the souls of these dead and create a god of their own. "

Balthazar expressed his judgment expressionlessly.

"What? Create a god!"

Colson's expression suddenly changed.

Because he already knew from previous visits that even the weakest god has the ability to easily destroy a planet.

If one of these things appeared on Earth, the consequences would be absolutely catastrophic.

When Balthazar saw this, he immediately smiled and waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, the god I am referring to here is not the real god, but the god that this cult thinks it is.

Its true name should be some kind of powerful magical creature, a cursed creature to be precise.

Perhaps given enough time, such a cursed creature will continue to absorb twisted souls and fanatical beliefs and gradually gain divinity, and then become a terrifying evil god. "

Coulson was visibly relieved to hear that he was not a real god, and continued to ask: "Then how difficult do you think this cursed creature is to deal with?"

“It depends on whether it’s a spirit or a physical entity.

Usually, the ones with entities are slightly easier to deal with.

At least that's what it looks like to you.

But if it is a spirit body, weapons such as firearms will be useless, and only magic and energy can really cause damage to it.

Additionally, as a cursed creature, it should have many spell-like abilities.

For example, a terrible curse is instantly placed on a person, causing him to lose his strength, physique, agility and other attributes, turning him from a healthy strong man into a weak person who can even walk out of breath.

Another example is to draw life force and strength through touch, which will lead to death after a few touches.

The most frightening thing is that once it enters a densely populated city and goes on a killing spree, it only needs to kill tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people before its power quickly expands to unimaginable levels.

When millions of people in a city die..."

Speaking of this, Balthazar paused and deliberately did not say the final conclusion, but the implication was already very obvious.

With so many souls, so many fears, resentments and other negative emotions gathered together, even if you cannot become a god, you will become something like a divine evil or an ancient evil.

You must know that in the continent of Faerun, sacrificing thousands to tens of thousands of people in a city can cause extremely serious consequences, not to mention the large urban circles of millions or tens of millions in modern society on earth, and there are a lot of darkness , rotten, fallen souls.


Realizing the seriousness of the problem, even a good old man like Coulson couldn't help but swore. Then he turned around and roared at his subordinates: "Quick! Investigate all the people within a radius of fifty kilometers for me immediately." Surveillance video! No matter who these guys are, I want to know their whereabouts within twenty-four hours!"

"Yes, sir!"

The agents were obviously frightened by the horrific scene described by Balthazar. They did not dare to waste even a second and immediately rushed out and drove to a nearby place equipped with surveillance cameras.

Since this area happens to be a vast area of ​​farms and pastures, there are very few residents and surveillance cameras, so just scanning them would take some time.

Fortunately, after Coulson reported the situation, SHIELD immediately sent additional manpower.

To be exact, Nick Fury almost jumped out of his chair when he learned about this.

Especially in magic-related fields, SHIELD currently has very little information, which can even be described as almost none.

This means that they must believe 100% what Balthazar says.

Because no one dares to bet on whether this matter will develop into the worst-case scenario.

After all the agents left the barn on the farm and started to act separately, Colson rubbed his face, which was getting older and older due to working overtime, staying up late, and worrying every day, and subconsciously wanted to turn around and talk to Barcelona. Get some knowledge about this.

As a result, I saw that the other party was playing with the mobile phone he had just received, and seemed to be chatting with someone.

This relaxed attitude undoubtedly left him quite speechless, and he kept complaining in his heart that the situation in the bureau was about to explode, but the other party still acted like nothing was wrong, but he couldn't help but ask: "Who are you chatting with?" ?”

Balthazar responded without raising his head: "My exclusive assistant."

"Do you have a dedicated assistant?"

Coulson opened his mouth in surprise.

After all, these days, he has been following this messenger from another world almost every day, but he has never seen the other party recruit assistants or subordinates.

“The banks equipped me with it.

You should know that my deposits in several banks have reached tens of billions of dollars, so I can enjoy the most advanced services.

And this exclusive assistant is one of them.

In fact, I now have almost a dozen dedicated assistants. No matter what I want to do, I just need to give them a call and it will be done.

Even if it is buying a plane or a luxury yacht. "

In a nonchalant tone, Balthazar said something that could irritate people to death.

Even a professionally trained agent like Coulson who didn't care much about money suddenly felt panicked, but he still had to force a smile and tried: "What are you talking about? Is it about investment, finance,... Stocks, bonds and stuff like that, right?”

"No, of course not, I'm not interested in making more money.

What's more, if I am short of money, I can always ask the owner for tens of thousands of tons of gold, or for technology that is decades or hundreds of years ahead of the world.

This assistant sent me a message because someone gave me an invitation letter, and it seemed that he wanted me to attend the opening ceremony of something called the Stark Industry Expo.

If I remember correctly, the current owner of this company, Tony Stark, should be the Iron Man who has been active around the world recently?

I have to say that his behavior is quite high-profile, and he is very, very proud and arrogant, and a little bit naive, just like a spoiled child. "

Balthazar looked at the massive news reports displayed on the screen of his mobile phone and gave his own evaluation of this "superhero" very simply.

Colson nodded with deep understanding: "I completely agree with you.

But Mr. Stark is one of the few talented scientists on Earth, and the Director has placed great expectations on him.

Perhaps we will need his intelligence in the near future.

But compared to going to the Stark Industry Expo, I'm more concerned about how to deal with the current issue about cults?

You know, we don't want large-scale civilian casualties. "

"Don't worry, if things really get out of hand, I will take action myself."

Balthazar was forthright in his commitment.

As a person who was once lawful good and now lawful neutral, he certainly would not sit back and watch civilians being massacred by evil forces.

But that doesn't mean he's going to be a firefighter and a babysitter.

Especially when the protection agreement has not yet been signed.

"Um... how many casualties does "out of control" mean?" Coulson asked in an uncertain tone.

Balthazar thought for a moment and replied: "One hundred thousand people. Because once the souls of more than one hundred thousand people are swallowed, it will be a bit troublesome to deal with it. I am afraid that when I go all out, I will accidentally destroy the planet under my feet. It was blown away."

After that, he turned around and left without looking back, leaving Coulson standing alone in front of the creepy corpse tree in a daze.

It took several minutes for the latter to recover from the shock and once again dialed his director's phone to report the situation.

Maybe the word "Explosive Star" can be regarded as a joke when spoken by others, but it must be treated as true when spoken by Balthazar.

Because the other party has already demonstrated the ability to break stars with his bare hands, more than once, and with more than one person.

Just as SHIELD was in a hurry from top to bottom, Hydra hiding in the dark also started its own actions.

Ever since they learned that the unknown cult was creating something that had the potential to become a god, they quickly tracked the other party's location with their unique underground intelligence network, and then launched action without hesitation.

As the leader of snakes in North America, Alexander Pierce even did not hesitate to activate his own trump card - the Winter Soldier.

Right now, the heavily armed Bucky Barnes was standing outside a motel on the roadside. He directly raised the personal rocket launcher in his hand, pointed it at one of the rooms and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Dazzling tail flames were seen flying through the air, and warheads filled with high explosives and small steel balls specially designed to kill infantry units broke the windows and entered the room, triggering a violent explosion.

One unlucky guy's half-body body even flew out of the broken window during the explosion, and burnt intestines and minced meat were scattered everywhere.

There is nothing more lethal to people than detonating a bomb filled with small steel balls indoors.

Almost no flesh and blood body can withstand such an attack.

Even if you wear a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet, the probability of survival will not exceed 10%.


The Winter Soldier threw away the launcher in his hand and waved the metal arm to signal the Hydra operations team behind him to enter the room to search.

But just when these people had just killed the frightened hotel owner, a burst of black smoke quickly spewed out from the bombed room and enveloped the entire hotel at an extremely fast speed.

The next second...

The eerie laughter echoed in the ears of every living person.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee--"

In an instant, the Hydra operations team that rushed into the first floor of the hotel screamed in horror.


"Monster! There is a monster! Retreat!"

"No! No! Don't come over! Don't come over!"

"Fire! Fire!"

"Farke! Bullets have no effect on it!"

"We can't get out! All the windows and doors are blocked by an unknown force field!"

Suddenly the sound of gunshots, explosions, roars, and dying cries were intertwined.

After everything returned to calm, the terrifying black mist finally disappeared completely, leaving only mutilated corpses lying scattered on the floor of the hall, with an expression of fear remaining on each face.

Just when the Winter Soldier wanted to get closer to figure out the situation, a black shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, and suddenly raised his head to reveal a distorted face that could not be described in words.

The unknown creature slowly opened its mouth to reveal a mouth of teeth stained red with blood, spit out a dozen broken fingers from its mouth, and finally disappeared into thin air.

That kind of horror that strikes straight into the soul, even a tool like Bucky Barnes who has been brainwashed and controlled for a long time and only knows how to execute orders can't help but feel chills in his heart.

Just when he was hesitating to go in, a voice suddenly came from the communication device in his ear.

"Stop the operation immediately! Retreat!"

After hearing this order, the Winter Soldier got on his motorcycle and left without saying a word, not forgetting to set a fire on the motel before leaving.

At the same time, Alexander Pierce, who was far away at home, had just watched the horrific massacre through the recorders worn on the members of the action team. He turned around and asked his men: "What do you think that is?"

"Can't be sure. But it is certainly not afraid of small weapons such as firearms and rocket launchers. Even large-caliber artillery and missiles may not have any effect." Sitwell replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead. .

Obviously, the scene just now gave him a huge impact, so much so that his heartbeat rate is now more than twice the usual rate.

Especially the last action where he obviously rushed towards the camera, it seemed like he had discovered himself.

"This is the power of necromancy! It's scary and fascinating, isn't it?"

Alexander Pierce raised his glass, raised his head and drank down the whiskey in it. Instead of showing any timidity, he became extremely excited.


Just excited!

As the previous leader of SHIELD, he was qualified to participate in meetings held by the Security Council, and he also saw the information brought back by Nick Fury and a group of experts.

Alexander Pierce was obviously more interested in the magical part than the scientific part.

After all, the obsession with supernatural powers is a tradition of the Hydra organization.

And he already knew clearly that the master behind Balthazar was an out-and-out demon.

Sitwell replied bravely: "Yes, it is indeed scary and fascinating. But the problem is that we don't have the means to control it now. You can also see that even the Winter Soldier can't do anything to this monster. threaten."

"Because of this, we need to obtain relevant knowledge. After all, the door to the mystery has been opened, and the only thing we need to do is to offer gifts and loyalty to the Demon God in exchange for his generous gifts."

When he said these words, Alexander Pierce's eyes flashed with a strange red light.

"You...what is this?!"

Sitwell clearly noticed something strange, and the muscles all over his body suddenly tightened, and he kept swallowing saliva.

But Alexander Pierce smiled indifferently, rolled up his sleeves to reveal the red and hot mark on his arm, and said meaningfully: "I have received enlightenment, great enlightenment, can you understand that?" A feeling?"

The moment he blurted out the last word, red hot flames burst out from his palms. The temperature was so high that it melted the empty glass that had been filled with wine in just a few seconds.

Sitwell was obviously not a fool, and he immediately realized that the snakehead he was loyal to had gained knowledge and power from another world just like those superpowers previously captured and killed by SHIELD.

The only uncertainty is when exactly this power was obtained.

Alexander gave straightforward instructions: "Immediately let people keep an eye on the movements of this group of cultists, and pass the news to Nick Fury's ears when they enter the big city. I want to see with my own eyes, this cursed creature is devouring How powerful can one become after killing countless people’s souls?”


Sitwell nodded quickly, then turned around and left quickly as if running for his life.

After he was completely gone, Alexander Pierce hid the mark on his arm again and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "War, hunger, poverty, hypocrisy, short-sightedness, stupidity, this sad world It needs to be reshaped, a new order needs to be established. And I am the chosen one to carry out this sacred mission."

A few days later, at the opening ceremony of the Stark Industry Expo, Iron Man, wearing his slutty red and gold-painted mecha, landed steadily in the center of the venue, slowly walked out, raised his hands and enjoyed the applause and cheers. , delivered a rather narcissistic speech.

No one noticed at all. This glorious billionaire hid in a corner and secretly tested the palladium content in his blood with a homemade instrument while no one was paying attention.

Obviously, the small cold fusion reactor that allowed him to complete his transformation into a superhero is gradually becoming the murderer who will kill him.

And the speed is much faster than expected.

But as a very proud and arrogant person, Tony Stark obviously would not tell anyone this secret.

Because he doesn't allow himself to show vulnerability and helplessness in front of anyone.

Even if you are going to die, you should die standing like a strong man, instead of lying on a hospital bed and needing help even to use the toilet.

But fortunately, he still has enough time to make all arrangements for his funeral.

Thinking of this, the billionaire and superhero took a deep breath and prepared to greet the important guests who were invited as usual.

Since the circle of powerful people in Europe and the United States is so large, almost all powerful people have become familiar with each other, so it is basically not difficult to deal with it. It is nothing more than saying hello, greeting each other, and then seeing if there is any cooperation. possible.

But among this group of acquaintances, Tony Stark suddenly spotted a strange figure, and immediately asked curiously: "Who is that person? Why have I never seen him before?"

"Which one?"

Pepper Potts asked subconsciously.

"It's the bald guy standing alone by the window."

Tony Stark pointed to the location and began to ask his artificial intelligence butler Jarvis to query the other party's information.

I have to say that his behavior is quite rude and even lacks the most basic education and respect for others.

Pepper Potts just glanced at it and immediately explained: "That is Mr. Balthazar, a mysterious figure who suddenly topped Forbes magazine's wealth list recently. There are rumors that he is a descendant of an ancient family, and there are people It is said that he inherited a large amount of inheritance. But what is certain is that he is really quite wealthy."

"Oh? Are you richer than me?"

Iron Man's competitive spirit was suddenly aroused.

After all, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone when it comes to inhumanity.

But just a second later, Tony Stark's confident smile solidified on his face.

Because according to the information listed by Jarvis, Balthazar's total deposits in major banks alone reached an astonishing US$250 billion, completely crushing himself.

You know, this is a deposit!

Not stocks, real estate, real estate, bonds!

It’s cash that can be used at any time and doesn’t need to be sold for cash!

"Farke! How can this guy have so much cash? Where does his money come from!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but swear.

"Sir, according to the information I collected from the Internet, Mr. Balthazar seems to be selling large amounts of gold to several banks, and the total weight may be as high as several thousand tons."

Jarvis's electronic sound came through the headset.

"Gold? Thousands of tons? Are you kidding? How can anyone in this world produce thousands of tons of gold!"

Iron Man expressed strong doubts about the authenticity of this matter.

But he obviously can't be blamed.

After all, gold is a truly scarce precious metal on earth, and the cost and difficulty of mining it are quite high.

All gold mines with slightly higher reserves are basically in the hands of the state or individual large mining companies.

"Sorry, sir, this is the result of my analysis. And in this matter, it seems that there are traces of cover-up by powerful government departments." Jarvis continued to add.

"Interesting! Then let me go and meet him."

With that said, Tony Stark handed the wine glass in his hand to the bodyguard, walked straight to Balthazar, and greeted in a half-joking tone: "Welcome, Mr. World's Richest Man. How do you feel about this event?" Are you satisfied with the opening ceremony of Stark Industries Expo?"

"It's very good. It's quite lively. Thank you for the invitation."

Balthazar looked at the short and weak human male in front of him with great interest.

"Hahaha! You thanked the wrong person. Because it was not me who sent the invitation, but my assistant."

Tony turned around and winked at Pepper Potts very childishly.

But soon he turned back and continued to test: "Mr. Balthazar, if you don't mind, can you tell me about you or your family's family history? Please forgive my ignorance. I have almost never heard of it before. Any news about you.”

"It's no big deal, I just sold some gold coins to the bank, that's all."

Balthazar gave the answer straightforwardly without any pretense.

"Thousands of tons of gold?"

Tony raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Balthazar nodded without hesitation: "Yes, several thousand tons."

"Then where did you get all this gold?"

Tony is obviously not a person who knows when enough is enough, and he puts on a show of wanting to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it.

Because he was too curious about how a person could obtain thousands of tons of gold.

And when dealing with those vampire bankers, the other party actually chose to give money instead of using some other means.

"Get it from the warehouse. Oh, I almost forgot, I also brought a gift for you."

While talking, Balthazar took out a gray rectangular wooden box from his arms and handed it over.


Tony took it and opened it directly, only to find several pieces of metal material of different colors inside.

Out of a scientist's instinctive reaction, he immediately ordered his artificial intelligence butler: "Jarvis, scan these substances."


A curtain of light passed through the middle of the box.

After about two or three seconds, Jarvis said: "I'm very sorry, sir. I can't give the names of these substances. Because they have never been found on earth."

"What? You mean...this stuff comes from outer space?"

Tony raised his head suddenly and stared at the bald man standing in front of him with eyes full of shock and disbelief.

"There is insufficient data to be sure. Maybe it comes from outer space, maybe it is some kind of synthetic new element, but what is certain is that they all have very high hardness and toughness, far exceeding any current synthetic material."

After saying this, Jarvis stopped making any sound.

"So...you are an alien? Is that why you can take out so much gold in one go and let the powerful government departments cover up your identity for you?"

Tony's eyes shone slightly, feeling as if he had discovered a huge secret.

Balthazar responded with a smile: "That's just your guess, I didn't admit it. Also, I suggest you don't talk nonsense, otherwise the relevant departments will definitely come back to cause trouble."

Just when Tony was about to ask a few questions, Colson suddenly ran over from a distance and said out of breath: "Mr. Balthazar, I finally found you. Don't waste time." It’s time, come with me now, that thing is going out of control.”

"What's going out of control?"

Tony obviously knew Colson, so he grabbed the latter's arm and asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, this matter involves confidentiality. I cannot tell any outsiders."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Coulson pushed Iron Man away, pulled Balthazar and ran outside.

Before Tony could react to what was happening, screams and exclamations suddenly came from outside the venue.

I saw a Quinjet full of science fiction colors suddenly lifted its optical camouflage, and was openly exposed to countless reporters and cameras.

Several heavily armed soldiers jumped down from above, dispersed the reporters and onlookers who had gathered to block the door, and escorted Colson and Balthazar up.

Once the hatch was closed, it rose into the air and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Tony! What's going on?"

Pepper Potts, who looked confused, finally came to his senses and asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure something big happened. Jarvis, search Global News immediately."

While giving orders to his artificial intelligence butler, Iron Man walked back quickly and put on the steel suit he had taken off before.

After a while, he locked on one of them among the large amount of news.

Because the pictures taken from the scene are so terrifying, terrifying, and creepy.

I saw hundreds of mutilated corpses lying on a pedestrian street in the center of a densely populated city, and some of them were even nailed to a giant tree made of corpses in the center of the square.

A figure whose whole body was like a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding light, was standing there and letting out a weird laugh.

Several policemen rushed forward and opened fire wildly, trying to eliminate the monster, but the result was that all the bullets passed through the hollow body.

Just one second later, the bodies of all these police officers were smashed into pieces by an invisible force without any warning. A large amount of blood and internal organs spurted out. The bloody scene was beyond the reach of even a slaughterhouse.

"What the hell is this?"

Iron Man was instantly frightened and trembled. At the same time, he felt the urge to urinate and immediately expelled all the wine and drinks he had just consumed.

Fortunately, there is a circulatory system in the steel suit, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

"Sir, the target is suspected to have very powerful supernatural powers, and the danger level is very high. I suggest you not get close."

Jarvis quickly gave what he thought was the most reasonable advice.

But if Tony Stark would listen, it wouldn't be him.

Without saying a word, this guy jumped into the air and flew towards the location of the incident. As he flew back, he asked, "Is the destination of the plane just now the same as mine?"

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis replied in the affirmative without thinking.

"Awesome! Then let's see what this alien is capable of."

After saying that, Iron Battle instantly accelerated like a missile and chased after him.

On the Quinjet, the pilot glanced at the radar, turned his head and shouted to Coulson in the cabin behind: "Tony Stark is following us! Do you want to get rid of him?"

"Forget it. With the performance of the Quinjet, it's not easy to get rid of him."

Coulson smiled bitterly and shook his head.

There is no way, why is my father one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he is a genius scientist and billionaire.

Generally speaking, as long as he doesn't make principled mistakes, basically no one dares to do anything to him.

Especially after realizing the situation of the earth and mankind, the Security Council has listed some high-level talents who need to be protected.

And Tony Stark is one of the top few.

What's more, the anxious Coulson couldn't care about so much now. He directly turned on his mobile phone to project all the pictures taken at the scene, and introduced with a serious face: "Mr. Balthazar, the cursed creature you mentioned before has been Entered the city and massacred at least tens of thousands of civilians around it.

Now it has enveloped the entire city center for several kilometers.

Our agents just get a little closer and start going crazy and killing each other out of control.

And according to the images captured by the satellite, this black circular area is still spreading to the periphery at a range of five kilometers per hour.

It won't be long before the entire city is enveloped. "

"No need to waste your breath, I already know the situation."

Balthazar raised his hand to stop the other party from continuing to provide so-called "intelligence".

Because just from the picture, he could already tell to what extent the power of this cursed creature had expanded.

As expected, the top leaders of this cult took advantage of human beings' negative emotions and twisted souls to create something extraordinary.

It’s just that he doesn’t quite understand why the mages of Kama Taj still didn’t react at all when something like this happened, and even the guardian of the earth, the supreme mage Ancient One, didn’t show up.

"Can you fix it?"

Coulson clearly wanted a definite answer.

Because this incident has caused an uproar in the bureau.

The U.S. military even proposed using nuclear warheads to blow up entire cities.

In fact, right now, there are four aircraft ready to take off at any time, and three nuclear missiles are already launching and waiting for orders.

Once the situation gets out of control, these nuclear warheads will be tilted towards the heads of their own people without hesitation.

In terms of not being a human being, the U.S. military and government can be said to have a long record of criminal records. The files that will never be declassified can fill several rooms. Many of these crazy experiments are definitely worthy of being labeled as anti-humanity. hat.

"No problem, leave it to me."

Balthazar pulled off his tie and threw it aside. At the same time, he unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles. His eyes no longer had the usual gentleness and calmness, and his whole body exuded a suffocating sense of oppression... …

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