A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 679 Planetary Governor Moscat (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The Bottas Sector is an administrative region located at the very edge of the human empire's jurisdiction. It consists of more than 500 star systems and less than 100 planets with more than one billion people inhabiting them.

It was established for a very short time, less than 1,500 years, and was one of the few new colonies that the human empire successfully expanded outwards and established a firm foothold during the 10,000-year-long dark period.

Since when it was first established, the empire only wanted to turn this area into a huge mining area and primary industrial products processing area, so there was not much immigration of people.

However, with hundreds of years of natural reproduction, the population in the area gradually expanded to such an alarming size that food and other living supplies began to need to be allocated from other places to maintain social stability.

It is obviously not cost-effective to transport ordinary materials over long distances through subspace, so the local development of some corresponding agricultural and light industrial industries has naturally been put on the agenda.

Finally, with the approval of the Terran Council, this sexual sector quickly gained more than a hundred planetary governor quotas.

Of course, just having a quota is not enough.

To start from scratch and establish an industrial system on an uninhabited planet with no infrastructure is far more difficult than what ordinary people can imagine.

Not to mention anything else, just facing the harsh environment of the planet itself and the counterattack of the local native creatures is a lot of trouble, not to mention the threats from outer space orcs, Zerg, Eldar, Necron, and Chaos forces.

Therefore, developing a new colonial planet from scratch is definitely a very dangerous job. If you are not careful, you will die, even if you can get the support of the empire.

But it is not difficult to say that becoming the governor of a planet is still very attractive to most people in the middle and lower classes.

After all, newly developed planets like this often do not need to pay any taxes in the first few hundred years.

And once the development is successful, he and his family's descendants will be able to become the rulers of the planet permanently, and even implement primitive feudalism and cruel slavery, and enjoy a beautiful life by riding on the necks of ordinary people on the planet.

Many Rogue Traders are even willing to pay a high price for a spot, and then use their connections and resources to develop planets, and eventually become governors.

Situations like this were countless during the period of rapid expansion during the Great Expedition.

However, in the long dark ages, due to the severe challenge to the rule of the entire galaxy by the Human Empire, even if the Astartes fought with all their strength to put out fires, they could only watch the scope of their influence shrink.

Therefore, Terra cannot provide sufficient support to the newly developed colonial planet.

Usually, it is the planetary governor who finds ways to raise the population, funds, and technology needed for development.

Therefore, the development of the Bottas sector has been very, very slow for a long time. The population of only six planets has barely reached tens of billions. The level of technology and industrial capabilities can be regarded as the highest in the entire empire. Bottom.

The most typical example is that more than three hundred years ago, Terra sent people to collect the only tax. As a result, after checking the quality of weapons and equipment manufactured in the area, only a small amount of food was taken away.

Because other junk gadgets, even the cannon fodder distributed to the Astra Militarum, seemed too backward.

Yes, you read that right, in the 1,500-year-long colonial history, this useless place has only been taxed once.

It was so poor and backward that the empire's senior officials completely forgot about it for a long time, completely forgetting that there was such a colonial star area that could collect taxes.

This situation is not an isolated case, but an administrative chaos caused by the territorial scope far exceeding the theoretical limit of governance.

There are also some remote star areas that were developed relatively early, and they may only suddenly be reminded to levy taxes once every two to three thousand years, and one levy is the total amount owed during the two to three thousand years.

If the Planetary Governor couldn't get it out, he might be killed with a blast to the head with a bolter, and then replaced with a new one.

To be honest, with the brutal and ineffective ruling method of the Human Empire, it is still possible to maintain such a status as a galactic hegemon despite various disasters for ten thousand years. What is the role of the Astartes Chapter in it? You can imagine how amazing the role it plays.

Even the entire empire does not have universal values ​​from top to bottom, and the systems and laws implemented in various star regions and planets are also diverse.

When the emperor was there, he basically relied on personality worship and the imperial truth promoted to unite people's hearts. Without the emperor, he could only rely entirely on religious belief, an extremely backward spiritual anesthetic.

According to the experience of human history, the final outcome of such bulk empires is basically either implosion or gradual disintegration.

Of course, as a planetary governor in a remote area, Moscat didn't care about the way the Empire was ruled now, or what happened to the big shots in the Terran Council.

Because the Bottas sector is so far away from the empire's center, such blockbuster news that the original body has awakened and become regent again will not have even the slightest impact on this area that has just suffered a small-scale invasion by the Zerg.

What really disturbed him was a document signed by Roboute Guilliman himself.

The document requires that all personnel and troops belonging to the empire's administrative, state church, tribunal and other institutions in the entire sector be evacuated, and that all living planetary governors immediately go to the foundry planet - Tur, where various outrageous rumors have been circulating recently.

According to information disclosed by an "informed person", the reason why this place was able to withstand or even eliminate the main force of the Tyranid Zerg has nothing to do with the Astartes warband stationed there, nor is it the large number of tanks manufactured by the Mechanicus. , mechas and other weapons, but a strange unknown creature appeared inexplicably.

Those bugs that frightened all civilizations in the entire galaxy were all killed in just a few days under the attack of this unknown creature, and even huge cities were rebuilt on the devastated ruins. A fully automatic assembly line that continuously produces various things.

What's even more incredible is that the empire, which has always been unfriendly to alien creatures, unexpectedly did not immediately send the most powerful Astartes battle group to destroy the opponent. Instead, it allowed the opponent to control the entire planet.

Not long ago, hundreds of millions of prisoners were transported by navy transport ships.

All of this proves that the empire seems to have reached some kind of deal with this unknown existence.

And Bottas is very likely to be one of the bargaining chips in this transaction.

So Moscat is now very worried about his own situation and future as well as that of the entire family.

He was afraid of being abandoned by the Terran Council, afraid of losing the power that his family had inherited for hundreds of years, and even more afraid of becoming a slave of some kind of alien or unknown entity.

Although he rules a planet with a population of more than 30 billion, has certain industrial manufacturing capabilities, and can raise tens of millions of mortal auxiliary legions during war, he is not even qualified to participate in cosmic-level wars and conflicts.

This small Tyranid invasion is the best example.

Not to mention an unknown life form that can easily kill all the ferocious bugs.

Of course, Moscat is not the only one who has the same idea. Dozens of other planetary governors who did not become the Zerg rations in this disaster also have similar anxieties and worries.

But they obviously did not dare to disobey the orders from the Terran Council and the Regent, and they also did not dare to speculate on how powerful a creature could be that could allow the Empire to adopt a moderate strategy.


After a long time, when the spaceport in the outer space orbit of the Tour star could be seen outside the window, the planetary governor who was over forty years old couldn't help but sigh slightly, and slowly stood up from his seat, with an expression on his face. The back view looks like he is about to go to the execution ground.

Because in a way, what he has to do now is to be a prisoner who is judged by his fate.

Soon, with the spaceship engine extinguished, Moscat finally slowly walked out of the oppressive cabin, and was stunned by the incredible sight in front of him.

Although he has been to some extremely densely populated hive worlds and seen steel jungles stacked together like mountains that stretch for thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers, they are simply not on the same level as the super giant city in front of him. .

To be precise, most hive worlds are actually super-powered cyberpunk cities.

The residents at the bottom are not even worthy of electricity and can only survive on the garbage and discarded food thrown by the middle and upper classes. All kinds of violence, murder and gang conflicts are staged almost every day.

In the eyes of the empire's top brass, these gang members who have experienced darkness and despair since childhood and are proficient in using various weapons are the most ideal recruitment targets.

They only need to undergo a short period of brainwashing and discipline training before they can be thrown onto the battlefield as consumables to fend off endless enemies.

Anyway, no one would really place their hopes on mortal soldiers.

There used to be a very classic joke, that is, as an ordinary big-headed soldier, how to judge the probability of surviving the battle he is going to participate in.

Generally speaking, only a small number of Astartes warriors appear, which means that the situation is not too bad, at least more than 50% are likely to survive until the end of the war.

But if a certain scale of knight mecha appears, it means that the probability of surviving to the end will not exceed 25%.

If you had witnessed the emergence of the god's machine, the Titan Mecha, with your own eyes, you would have basically considered yourself dead from the moment you stepped onto the battlefield.

Therefore, the shockingly huge class differences in the hive city are most likely deliberately created by the upper ruling class.

Not to mention the people at the lowest level, even those workers who manufacture various weapons and equipment for the empire may not be able to go to the surface of the earth to see the real sky in their lifetime.

Only the elites at the top of the ruling class are qualified to enjoy life in the true sense.

As for the people at the lower level, they are just tools to maintain the operation of the huge empire. There are even restrictions on what kind of knowledge the class can learn.

For this reason, they have to kneel down every day to express their gratitude to the governor who gave them such a "good life", and to offer their loyalty, faith and life to the great God-Emperor.

Although it sounds very dark and cruel, this is the current situation of the human empire, and it is even taken as a matter of course to be politically correct.

If this method of class solidification is not adopted, the stability of rule within the empire will simply not be maintained, and various rebellions will quickly sweep through every corner like the plague of Nurgle.

As the planetary governor, Moscat has already seen through everything, so he has implemented a similar system on the planets he rules.

But now, he witnessed with his own eyes a scene that was also a steel jungle but completely opposite to the hive.

From the lowest level to the highest point in the city, everyone can travel unimpeded without any restrictions at all.

Moreover, the highly automated and extremely advanced technology makes the entire city look like there is no sense of separation and class differences like the hive city.

The most important thing is that Moscat did not see even a single human being working. The entire assembly line was run by machines and some semi-mechanical creations.

Many people wearing various clothes were wandering aimlessly in parks and green belts. Others were sitting in places like restaurants eating snacks, drinking drinks, or chatting and laughing in small groups. Or they are browsing the electronic devices in their hands alone, and there is no trace of tension or survival pressure on their faces.

what on earth is it?

Just when the planetary governor was completely confused about the situation, he suddenly saw a half-flesh, half-mechanical humanoid creature slowly walking over from a distance, saying in a mechanical voice without any emotion: "You are Ku Your Excellency Moscat, the governor of Planet Les, right? Please come with me, the master has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Who are you……"

Moscat's eyes widened as he looked up and down at the thing in front of him that made him feel very scared. Suddenly, an "artificial intelligence" that was regarded as a taboo by the empire suddenly appeared in his heart.

Because if it is a modified servitor, it should at least have a relatively well-preserved brain and even spine.

But the New Phyrexia shiny oil creation in front of me has nothing similar. It looks like an alloy bracket connected by flesh and blood.

"I'm just an insignificant servant. If you don't mind, you can call me my number DXV896101047."

After saying that, the Shining Oil Creation turned around and started to lead the way towards the interior of the city. Then he raised his hand and intercepted a small hover car that could accommodate up to six people at a time, and sat down with the planetary governor and his four followers. Go up.

In a blink of an eye!

This public transportation vehicle, which was more like a small aircraft than a car, took off into the air and flew straight to the spire at the highest point of the entire giant city.

Along the way, Moscat saw through the car window a sight he would never forget. Tens of billions of people who were not working at all were studying, having fun, and enjoying a beautiful life and full freedom.

And all the work is entirely due to the operation of these suspected artificial intelligence things, even the military is no exception.

How bold!

How arrogant!

What a blasphemy!

Haven't the guys who rule here heard about the Iron Man rebellion that broke out in the golden age of mankind?

Do you not understand that if artificial intelligence is given the ability to think independently and self-awareness, why should they continue to serve humans instead of replacing them?

With indescribable shock, the Planetary Governor finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you some kind of artificial intelligence?"

"Artificial intelligence? If you are referring to those virtual personalities constructed using electronic chips and complex programs, I am completely different from them."

Shuoyou Creation gave a negative answer without thinking.

"Oh? What's the difference?" Moscat continued to ask.

The glistening oil creation directly opened the outer layer of the ceramic armor, revealing the dense and creepy flesh and nerve structure inside, as well as the glistening oil engine that continuously releases powerful power in the body. He explained in an extremely proud tone: "First of all, our The body is not made of pure inorganic matter, but has the same flesh and blood parts as you.

Secondly, our consciousness and wisdom are not endowed by chips and programs, but are derived from the power of shimmering oil.

Finally, and most importantly, we will always obey the will of the Great Father of New Phyrexia, and there will never be an AI rebellion.

What's more, the wisdom and power of the great father of New Phyrexia are far beyond the imagination of you mere mortals. "

After hearing these words, Moscat not only did not feel at all relieved, but became even more nervous.

Because he has recognized that the biological skeleton and neuromuscular structure used in the creation in front of him are the Tyranids that invaded this star area not long ago.

To be precise, the upper body of a knife insect.

No wonder you feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity when you first see this creation covered in a ceramic steel shell.

Similarly, the planetary governor also had strong awe and fear in his heart for Zuo Si, who created this suture monster.

After all, the Tyranids have always been the only ones who plundered and devoured other races and were ruthless enough to make full use of their corpses. This was the first in the entire galaxy.

As the aircraft passed through residential areas, streets, squares and parks one after another at extremely fast speeds, it finally stopped on the highest platform.

When the hatch opened, Moscat finally saw several planetary governors of the Bottas sector who had just arrived like him.

It was easy to tell from the expressions and eyes on their faces that these people were as panicked and confused as themselves.

Without even saying hello to each other, they were led one by one by the New Phyrexia creations into the majestic spire-shaped building in front.

In just about ten minutes, all the living planetary governors in the entire sector came to a huge white conference room.

Even those planets whose planetary governors died sent a representative to attend.

The moment everyone sat down, the ground in the center of the conference room suddenly opened up and a passage opened.

Following Zuo Si's incarnation of Metal Sparkling Oil, he flew up from below. He quickly scanned all the planetary governors and representatives present with his two electronic eyes, and then said, "I think you all have received messages from the Imperial Regent and The council’s notification was there, wasn’t it?”

"Yes, we did receive it, but we don't know exactly what to do."

Moscat stood up and put one hand on his chest, bowed and cautiously tried.

"It's simple.

From the moment the deal was completed, the Empire handed over this sector to me to rule.

Now you have two choices.

One is to leave here with your property and return to the area ruled by the empire;

The other is to give up all current power and wealth and accept my radical transformation of the area.

Remember, I am not discussing with you, but giving a notice.

Of course, you can also resist through violence.

But that means I will launch a massacre of you, your families, and your allies, by purging the entire upper ruling class. "

Zuo Si was not polite at all, and directly issued an ultimatum to these planetary governors who were covered in red and black, and black and purple evil auras.

Although there are some highly civilized and relatively equal civilized planets in the human empire, it is absolutely impossible for them to appear in remote areas on the border of the empire like the Bottas sector.

To be precise, more than half of the planetary governors here practice serfdom and slavery, while the remaining half adopt semi-slavery and feudal systems.

Pick one at random and it is at least directly related to the tragic deaths of millions or even tens of millions of innocent people.

If the sentence was based on the degree of crime, death by a thousand cuts would be too light. It is a complete scumbag and tyranny.

It is estimated that Bane, the god of tyranny in Faerûn, will immediately promote them as his chosen ones.

Compared with these planetary governors, the crimes committed by the tyrant of the Moon Sea are not even worthy of carrying their shoes.

Just a little reading of his memory and thoughts made Zuo Si, the evil and lawful devil, feel a little uncomfortable.

Only at this moment did he realize why the evil god was so powerful in this cosmic subspace.

No matter how powerful Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Khorne are, they really can't stand the heinous darkness and distortion in the hearts of these mortal races.

Take the planetary governors sitting in the front row, for example. Each of them has a harem of at least four figures.

Some perverts even have cannibalism. They like to kill girls who have just been violated by them, and then cook them into various dishes to satisfy their morbid desires.

As for slaves fighting each other and instigating lower-level gangs in the hive city to fight each other for fun, it is even more commonplace.

During the Tyranid Zerg invasion, a governor directly ordered a total of 10 million people to be thrown out to feed the Zerg in order to buy time to escape.

In front of these people, Zuo Si felt that he was so kind that he was like a holy angel.

"What? You want to take back our governor's power? This is absolutely not possible! That is the due reward that our family has earned through hard work and development for hundreds of years. Even the Terran Council and the Regent cannot take it away casually."

A planetary governor who seemed to have undergone many mechanical modifications suddenly stood up and objected angrily.

With this leader taking the lead, the rest of the planetary governors also began to make a fuss. One after another, they argued from the perspective of imperial law, or threatened to lead the humans under their rule to fight to the death.

Looking at these greedy idiots, Moscat couldn't help but hold his forehead.

He couldn't believe where these guys got the courage to provoke an unknown being who could make deals with the empire.

Zuo Si calmly glanced at the planetary governors who had stood up to object, and asked in a rather playful tone: "Is there anyone else who refuses my conditions? If so, please stand up. It doesn't matter, I He is a ruler who highly values ​​democracy and freedom and is very willing to listen to various voices."

This sentence instantly caused many eager planetary governors to stand up and join the opposition.

Suddenly, there were less than fifteen smart people left in the conference room, still sitting motionless on their chairs.

Moscat is one of them.

He had a premonition that a terrible scene would soon take place here.

It turned out to be exactly what the planetary governor expected.

After being silent for half a minute, Zuo Si suddenly raised his right hand without warning and made a grabbing motion in front of everyone.

The next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The heads of dozens of planetary governors all exploded in an instant, and blood and brains splattered all over the sky, scaring those who were sitting there without getting up to the point where they almost had to change their pants.

Moscat almost vomited out the contents of his last meal.


Although he realized that these reckless people would definitely be purged, he couldn't believe that the other party would be so straightforward.

Zuo Si, as if he had done something trivial, joked in a half-joking tone: "You may not understand what I really want to express. What I want to say is that everyone can make different voices, but will I?" Listening is another story.”

The words have not yet been spoken!

He raised his hand again and lightly snapped his fingers.


The Demon Judge, made from the body of the great demon of Khorne, the Skulltaker, was immediately teleported from other places, knelt on one knee and asked for instructions: "Great Father of New Phyrexia, your servants are waiting for your orders."

Zuo Si gave the order straightforwardly: "I now authorize you to launch a purge on the planets ruled by the dead planetary governors just now, kill all the people who have blood ties and interests with them, and then liberate all the serfs, slaves and civilians on the planet. . Remember, let those ordinary people understand that we are not their enemies, but their saviors who give them new life."

"As you wish!"

The Skull Snatcher nodded slightly, and then used his teleportation ability to disappear.

Soon through the windows of the conference room, those planetary governors who had not been killed saw the fleet docked in orbit starting its engines and then starting a subspace jump.

You don't need to ask to know that the entire Bottas sector is about to change completely.

At this moment, Moscat was completely frightened and sweating profusely.

After all, the Skulltaker, the great demon of Khorne, is clearly recorded in some books of the state religion. He is the kind of terrifying monster that can complete the massacre of life on the entire planet by himself.

Being able to use this kind of subspace demon as a slave, even if he is not a member of the Chaos Evil God, he is definitely a being that he cannot afford to offend.

He now finally understood why the Empire uncharacteristically did not immediately send out the Gray Knights, but chose to trade with them.

Just when Moscat was desperately thinking about how to escape from this crisis, he suddenly heard a voice in his ears that made him feel instantly creepy.

"So what should I do with you now?"

Not only him, but the other survivors present were also extremely nervous, and the young people who had not undergone mechanical transformation were constantly wiping their sweat.

After about ten seconds, a planetary governor finally couldn't hold on anymore and stood up on his own initiative and said: "Your Excellency, I choose to return to the empire with all my property."

"Okay, I agree. You can go back and start preparations now. You must disappear from my territory in half a month."

Zuo Si replied in the affirmative without saying anything.

Although in his heart he is more inclined to crush these guys to death one by one, send the souls to Baator Hell to drain the energy and then transform into high-level devils.

But considering the agreement reached with the Human Empire, it is really not easy to do anything if these planetary governors are obedient.

"Thank you very much! I'll go back and pack my things right away."

The planetary governor was visibly relieved after receiving the promise, and immediately escaped from the meeting room with his entourage and hurriedly left the planet that had left him with a serious psychological shadow.

As soon as he left, six or seven planetary governors chose the same ending.

Although this group of people felt very unwilling to give up the power of the domineering Tu Di Emperor, what could they do if they didn't lower their heads with the knife on their necks?

At least with this money, I can live a good life when I return to the empire's jurisdiction. If I'm lucky enough to do some activities, I might have the opportunity to serve as the planetary governor again in the future.

After everyone else was almost gone, Moscat plucked up the courage to ask in an uncertain tone: "Your Excellency Soth, what do you plan to turn the Bottas Sector into?"

"See what's happening in the city outside? That's the answer."

Zuo Si stood in front of the spire window of the conference room and stared out the window, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

"You mean...to build a country where no work is required and everyone can do whatever they want?"

Moscat was stunned, feeling as if his brain had been hit hard with a sledgehammer.

He completely failed to understand that if human resources were not needed, then what was the point of feeding such a huge population?

In addition to consuming a lot of energy and resources in vain, it is impossible to produce even a little bit of value.

This is completely unexplainable from a logical and sociological perspective.

Zuo Si obviously read the planetary governor's thoughts and asked with a smile: "You must think what I do is a bit inexplicable, right?"

"No, I dare not."

Moscat quickly bowed his head in humility and submission.

Unlike other planetary governors who just want to donate money and run away, he really wants to do something good and feels from the bottom of his heart that this is an excellent opportunity.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, I think many people think so.

But you have obviously ignored one thing, and that is the value of spirit, faith and soul.

I provide material satisfaction to all people while allowing them to enjoy themselves while they are alive.

And these people provide me with faith while they are alive, and their souls will belong to me after death.

To some extent, this is a willing exchange. "

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and openly stated the fundamental operating logic of this utopian society he had built with his own hands.

Because there is no need to hide it.

All prisoners sent by the imperial fleet will be informed and sign a hell contract to sell their souls before entering the city.

"Faith and soul? Are you a god?"

Moscat's heart suddenly began to beat wildly.

Zuo Si replied casually: "If you think it is, it is, and if you think it is not, it is not. It doesn't actually matter. What matters is your choice, and what you want from me and what you are willing to pay."

A wry smile appeared on Moscat's face: "Before answering this question, may I know what kind of deal you made with the empire?"

"no problem.

The deal I made with the Empire was actually very simple.

I provide all kinds of knowledge and things that they are temporarily unable to produce but urgently need.

In return, the Empire will provide me with equivalent souls, the prisoners you see now.

The Bottas sector is also part of the deal.

You can understand that my current relationship with the empire is in a relatively subtle alliance.

As long as the empire cannot deal with other threats, it will never take the initiative to turn against me.

Of course, I am also secretly trying to manipulate the empire, intending to completely subvert this already decadent regime from within.

And the Utopia you see now is my great gift to the empire.

I believe that as the planetary governor, you should know best how many people at the bottom of the empire are suffering from exploitation, oppression and despair.

Think about how they would react if they learned there was a better option. "

I feel that given the empire's utilitarian-oriented way of thinking most of the time, they will definitely choose to capture all these unstable factors, and then recycle the waste and send it to me in exchange for the weapons and equipment they want.

Over time, the number of humans under my rule will begin to skyrocket.

When the number of humans under my rule is equal to or even exceeds that of the empire, will there be a question mark on who can represent the human race and civilization?

In many cases, the invasion of thoughts and ideologies is often more effective than the overwhelming battleships and those Astartes warriors who can defeat a hundred.

When the ideals and values ​​​​that we originally believed in are shattered, the seemingly powerful human empire will fall apart like a fortress on the beach, lightly washed by the waves.

What's more, the essence of subspace is the ocean of spirit, emotion and soul.

As long as I have enough faith and soul, I can even permanently change or even devour it. "

Along with Zuo Si's whispers full of evil and ambition, Moscat's whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. Not only were his hands trembling uncontrollably, but his legs were also doing the same.

He never dreamed that he had just asked a very ordinary question, why the other party actually said so much at once.

If possible, he wished he hadn't heard anything.

After all, can these contents be heard by mere mortals?

The most terrifying thing was that Moscat didn't understand whether Zuo Si told him these secrets as a solicitation, or if he was just looking for someone who was about to die to talk to him.

If it was the latter, then his death would have been unjust.

In order not to die in confusion, the planetary governor immediately knelt down on one knee and solemnly requested: "Your Excellency Soth, would I and my family have the honor to serve in your great plan?"

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Of course, I just need someone who understands the imperial bureaucracy to formulate some targeted corruption plans.

For example, those sector leaders and planetary governors are more greedy for money, some are more lustful, or they have some unknown perverted hobbies.

Through these weaknesses, I secretly draw them to my side little by little.

If you do well enough, I can even reward you with becoming an immortal Daemon, gaining power beyond that of the Astartes Space Marines and even the Primarchs.

So, isn't this condition very tempting? "

"Then what do you need me to do?"

Moscat raised his head and asked with bright eyes.

Obviously, both power and immortality are what he desires most.

"I need you to be like those planetary governors who choose to bring their property back to the empire's jurisdiction. Take a huge amount of wealth to other remote star regions, and then establish a good relationship with the local powerful and corrupt them bit by bit. Here, This is a devil's egg. After you pass the empire's inspection, you can take it and become a real devil."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a red object the size of a quail egg and handed it to the planetary governor's hand.

The latter subconsciously took it and pinched it hard. The egg, which had no gaps, suddenly tore from the middle, revealing a blood-red eye.


Moscat was obviously frightened and threw the devil's egg directly.

But in an instant, he found that the thing he threw appeared once again out of thin air in his palm as if it had some kind of terrible magic power.

Such a bizarre situation is simply horrifying.

Before Moscat could react to what happened, Zuo Si smiled and explained: "Relax, don't be afraid, because it has been permanently bound to your soul.

Remember those planetary governors who died just now?

The devil eggs you see now are refined from their evil and profound souls, representing the most extreme cruelty and evil.

This power can help you break through the limits of humanity and even gain powerful power from the subspace.

And all you have to do is embrace who you are. "


Moscat swallowed nervously, lowered his head and looked into the terrifying eye of the Devil's Egg.

After only two or three seconds, he saw his past from childhood to adulthood through his eyes.

Including pushing his brother from a height of thousands of meters when he was young to fight for inheritance rights, as a teenager after raping a maid, he strangled her alive and dumped her body for fear of being discovered, and when he grew up, he wanted to land on the planet as soon as possible. The governor's throne added poison to his father's food that would seal his throat when it saw blood...

There is no doubt that Moscatel is an evil man.

Although he pretends to be a benevolent and wise ruler many times, his true nature is evil and he is also a born devil.

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