A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 674: Beheading (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The subspace demons are a very special group, and they are also the tentacles of the evil gods of chaos that influence and even invade the real universe.

They are generally divided into two categories.

One type is the demons native to the subspace, that is, they are subspace creatures from the moment they are born. Even if they are killed, they will mostly just be exiled. This is different from the demons in the universe where Toril lives and the universe where the planet Azeroth lives. The Twisting Nether Demon is very similar.

But the original demon is not really unkillable. At least the emperor of the human empire has the ability to kill it. Other powerful psykers can also cause permanent damage to the demon and even the evil god of warp itself.

The second type of subspace demons are non-native and have become a member of the demon race from a mortal race through a ritual called demonic ascension.

In order to obtain the blessing of the evil god of subspace, such guys usually need to completely sacrifice their humanity to complete a series of rigorous tests, including but not limited to killing or conquering billions or even tens of billions of people on a planet, forming or Join the demon army to expand its power in the real universe. Through these actions, you can please the evil god of chaos in exchange for more powerful power.

The most powerful among them can even get the title of Demon Prince, surpassing those native demons in terms of power.

After all, they have already killed countless creatures in the process of becoming demons, and the number of mortals killed by native demons may be less than a fraction of the former.

However, just like all traitors who will be discriminated against, these guys who become servants of the evil god through the demon promotion ceremony are often jealous and despised by the original demons, and even call the former "defective products" with huge flaws without any secret.

The Skull Snatcher who is fighting Zuo Si in the universe obviously belongs to the latter.

Like all Khorne demons, he is a standard "war maniac". Once engaged in battle, he will become extremely angry, violent and bloodthirsty, without any fear or intention to retreat.

Even though half of Zuo Si's body was completely shattered in front of the power generated by the overwhelming mass of his incarnation, Zuo Si still continued to roar silently. His two eyes had already turned blood red due to congestion, and the blood that splashed out also turned into super high temperature. red ion flame.

These ultra-high-temperature flames caused the surface of Zuo Si's steel body to begin to melt uncontrollably, and he could only rely on strong pressure and gravity to barely maintain it, presenting a continuously flowing hot liquid.

A Human Empire light cruiser with a length of about five kilometers docked at a not-too-distant spaceport saw this situation and immediately turned around and launched an emergency attempt to provide long-range fire support.

In an instant, countless laser cannons, plasma cannons and light spears mixed together to illuminate the dark universe.

Not only that!

A large number of macro artillery groups installed on the sides also fired physical artillery shells with a power equivalent to tactical nuclear bombs, creating an extremely spectacular scene.

It is hard to imagine that the tactics that have been used by sailing battleships since the Age of Discovery will be used on interstellar battleships.

Especially physical cannonballs, even if they don't encounter any air resistance in the sky, their speed is much faster than on the surface of the planet, and there is almost no attenuation.

But it would take at least an hour or two to fly from the location of the light cruiser to the area where Zuo Si and the Great Demon of Khorne were fighting.

In addition, the speed of the two of them moving in the sky is countless times faster than the cannonballs. If they can hit it, it will be a ghost.

I have to say that the technology tree of the Human Empire in this universe is really a bit crooked. It is obviously influenced by the green-skinned orcs. I think that as long as there are enough turrets and the firepower is strong enough, I think I can always hit something.

Of course, it's not surprising that a light cruiser would react this way.

Because the destructive power of the subspace demon is so terrifying, it often only takes one to massacre all humans on the entire planet.

There are several recorded Khorne demons who can even kill dozens or even hundreds of people per second. They are absolutely killing machines, more terrifying than the Astartes super soldiers.

To deal with these Khorne demons, the usual strategy of the human empire is to eliminate them in space as much as possible and prevent them from getting close to the planet's orbit.

If a big demon successfully lands on the surface of a colonial planet, the simplest way to deal with it is to use a Star Destroyer weapon to send it back to the subspace, even at the cost of destroying the entire planet.

But if there are strong enough Astartes Chapters around, the Empire will also consider sending ground troops to eliminate them.

In short, dealing with the chaos demons of the subspace is far higher in priority than real universe threats such as orcs, aliens, and zerg.

As for whether Zuo Si, a potential ally, would be accidentally injured, that is not a question that the imperial fleet needs to consider.

According to the inference of the great sage of the Mechanicum, he has now been defined as some unknown super creature. Even the metal body displayed now may be just a carrier of consciousness. Even if it is destroyed, it will not affect it. Causes real damage, so there's absolutely no need to worry.

Of course, it would be better if it was really killed.

It is equivalent to successfully eliminating a potential threat and heresy, and the remaining corpses and sparkling oil can be brought back to Mars for dismantling and research.

When dealing with alien intelligent races and life forms of unknown origin, the Empire has always maintained a high degree of vigilance and naked hostility.

The most typical example is the titanium family.

These alien races that established civilization and entered space much later than humans were included in the colonization list thirty-five thousand years ago.

The empire's colonial policy is also quite simple and crude, which is to directly clean out the native creatures by means such as neutron killing, and then send a group of humans up to reproduce and reproduce to complete the complete occupation.

In the process of mankind becoming the overlord of the galaxy, countless alien intelligent races were completely destroyed by ruthless slaughter and turned into a series of relevant information in colonial archives and samples preserved in gene banks.

But the Tau are lucky.

Because the Imperial fleet sent to clean the planet encountered a powerful and weird subspace storm, the result could only be nothing.

Later, over a period of five thousand years, the empire gradually forgot about this insignificant little planet.

By the time humans noticed this race again, they had entered the era after the 40th millennium.

The Tau have also developed from a primitive race that just learned how to use fire to a brand new space empire.

The arrogant, arrogant, and extremely xenophobic human empire could not sit back and watch such a threat continue to grow, so a tragic war broke out between the two sides.

In the end, due to the large-scale invasion of the Tyranids from the outer galaxy, the Tau used this opportunity to successfully stop mankind from destroying themselves, and established a firm foothold in this crisis-ridden universe and developed steadily.

You must know that the Tau are one of the few alien races that are not too aggressive and aggressive. They are very willing to sign peace treaties or even form alliances with other planets.

Even such a race is intolerable in the eyes of the empire, let alone unknown creatures of unknown origin like Zuo Si.

Perhaps the only difference is that Zuo Si is just an individual. According to the judgment given by the Mechanicus, he should not be too hostile to the empire and mankind. He also possesses extremely advanced scientific theories and related technologies. He is a temporary Able to use cooperative partners.

But the Tau are a race and civilization, and the social concepts and ideologies they promote pose a huge threat to the empire's high-pressure rule. In addition, the concept of human supremacy has long been deeply rooted, so this alien race must be completely eliminated.

Zuo Si obviously knew the attitude of the empire's senior officials and the strategies they might adopt against him.

But he didn't care at all.

Because in his eyes, the entire empire's top leaders are a standard lawful evil template, and more than half of them are good candidates to become high-level or even great devils.

As long as you find an opportunity to break into it, the huge human empire will be quickly eroded and corrupted from the inside, turning it into an important soul pasture in the ninth level of Baator Hell.


In Zuo Si's eyes, one of the greatest values ​​of this universe is to become a soul pasture, and through the huge population base of the human empire, souls that tend to be lawful evil can be continuously obtained.

But before that, he still needs to figure out two things. The first is what the emperor of mankind is, and the second is whether the nature of subspace is a projection of the spiritual world, or a gathering of abstract concepts such as emotions and beliefs. It may be shaped or have some relationship.

Finally, we need to figure out the reasons for the birth of the evil gods in subspace and the connection between them and the real universe.

This is why Zuo Si did not directly use the planeswalker's sparks to teleport over, but instead created a shimmering oil incarnation without any soul.

As a great devil and a quasi-divine power, he is not sure whether once he comes in person, he will have some wonderful chemical reaction with the subspace due to the huge belief group that connects the world with the earth card.

If you accidentally become the evil god of subspace, it will be a lot of fun.

After all, each universe has its own original rules, and these rules cannot be easily changed even by planeswalkers. The best way is to adapt and utilize them.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

With a violent explosion like a meteorite impact, the battle finally reached the surface of the planet from space.

Just this impact formed a hole with a diameter of more than fifty kilometers on the ground. The accompanying shock wave and high temperature and pressure directly razed to the ground a steel city that even the Zerg invasion could not completely destroy. Even the underground parts were not destroyed. exception.

I don’t know whether it’s luck or misfortune. The population that originally lived here either moved to other places or died completely due to the invasion of insects. Therefore, the impact did not cause any casualties.

"How about it? The data collection and evaluation during the battle haven't been released yet?"

The great sage of the Mechanicum stared at the picture projected on the electronic screen and asked the priest under him without looking back.

Of course, this question is completely different from the language communication we usually understand.

The entire process is delivered in a binary code-like manner.

Therefore, there is no sound in the whole process, and what can be observed with the naked eye is only the flashing light of the transmitter on the mechanical tentacle.

Only when communicating with outsiders will they use normal human language.

Since the empire strictly prohibits anything related to artificial intelligence, various instruments require "manpower" to operate.

At this moment, there are more than 20,000 servitors of different shapes and church members of different levels on board this spaceship belonging to the Mechanicus.

Many of these servitors don't even have a "human" appearance. From a distance, they look like machines with different functions.

Most of them were cultivated through genetic engineering and prisoners sent from the Inquisition.

Some who do not require overly complex thinking abilities will even have their frontal lobes removed and used as tools.

Due to the complete lack of ethical constraints, human beings have already broken through the bottom line in many fields and truly do not regard human beings as human beings at all.

Compared with such empires, all the countries in the history of the earth that have committed genocide, slave trade, colonization, economic plunder, biochemical experiments, human experiments and other evil deeds can be regarded as "bringing good people".

In particular, the Cataflon-type servitor whose lower body is completely made up of a crawler chassis and whose upper body is made up of various weapons and mechanical arms will definitely make people who have even a trace of kindness feel strongly uncomfortable, and even doubt that the guys who made these things should It's the Evil God of Chaos.

But unfortunately, all this was not done by the Chaos Evil God, but was created by the empire itself.

Because the relationship between artificial intelligence is completely eliminated from the root, the human brain can only be used as a substitute in many places.

The most important thing is that servitors are not only used by the Mechanicum, but are commonly used by all combat troops. It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe them as the cornerstone of the empire.

They are not only the most cost-effective cannon fodder on the battlefield, but also an indispensable part of every giant war machine.

For example, how to make a turret have automatic aiming, shooting and interception functions at the same time?

The answer is to remove and install a plug-and-play servitor brain plug-in.

So if you see a machine that looks like it has autonomous judgment in the empire's military establishment, don't doubt it, there must be a living human brain in it.

As for whether this brain retains "life" memories, it is unknown.

Many times those who modify it simply want to use the conditioned reflex areas in the brain.

"Sir, the results have come out. Do you want to hear the specific report?"

A mechanical priest quickly responded to the Archsage via a signal generator.

"No, no need, just give me a result."

The Great Sage stated the request straightforwardly.

Because he was very curious about how Zuo Si maintained his metal body that had melted over a large area.

You must know that the angry fire generated by the Great Demon of Khorne can directly melt the armor of a space battleship. There is currently no known substance that can withstand such high temperatures, not even the armor of a battleship.

But Zuo Si not only successfully resisted, but also maintained almost 60% of the cooled solid metal inside the liquid or even vaporized surface.

Moreover, the shining oil did not burn and boil due to this, but instead continued to absorb heat.

"Sorry, Great Sage.

Based on the data collected so far, it can only be judged that he at least has the power to surpass all the original bodies. He can easily destroy a star system and draw amazing energy from the subspace to strengthen himself.

The Great Daemon of Khorne was being beaten from beginning to end, with no power to fight back at all.

In addition, most of our weapons should be ineffective against him.

In fact, during the battle, this unknown existence did not go all out at all, but continued to let the Khorne Daemon obtain more power from the subspace to test the upper limit of its combat power.

I have reason to suspect that he wants to lure the Evil God of Chaos to appear. "

It is not difficult to tell from this slightly trembling speech that the Mechanic Priest was obviously shocked and frightened by the scene that was happening in front of him.

After all, although his body has been basically transformed into a mechanical structure, his brain is still a human brain and can produce a variety of emotions.

"Then how credible do you think his previous words are?" The great sage continued to ask calmly.

The mechanical priest replied without thinking: "According to the calculated results, at least 50% should be credible. At least he was definitely not born in our galaxy, otherwise he would definitely not be interested in subspace and the evil god of chaos. Lack of basic knowledge.”

"So there is a possibility that he is from another galaxy like the Tyranids?"

The Great Sage raised his hand and slid gently on the electronic screen in front of him to view the large number of numerical values ​​and analysis reports given by the detector.

"It is possible, but I prefer that he really comes from another universe. After all, according to Father Moore's account, the knowledge he received has many similarities or even overlaps with our technology."

While saying this, the Mechanic Priest quickly opened the things that had been entered into the database, displayed them one by one in front of the Great Sage, and put aside similar technologies that he had mastered for comparison.

The Great Sage just glanced at it and immediately understood what his subordinates meant, and asked enthusiastically: "So you speculate that he may come from another Terra in the parallel universe?"

"That's right!

Because from the perspective of civilization development, each race will form a unique context in the process of technological development based on the unique natural environment and resources of its own planet.

This is the so-called technology tree.

By reverse reasoning on the order of the technology tree, we can get the approximate environment and resource distribution of the civilization's home planet, although it may not be very accurate.

You know, even in the vast universe, it is almost impossible to find two almost identical planets.

And these similar technologies can show to a certain extent that the other party's ideas in developing technology are very close to ours.

The home planet may be more than 90% similar to Terra in ancient times, and it may even be Terra in another universe.

This can also explain why he showed extraordinary kindness to humans and the Empire during their first contact. "

The Mechanic Priest spoke out all the thoughts he had hidden in his heart.

Although there is no evidence to prove this yet, he is very sure that these eight facts are the truth, or at least part of the truth.

"The theory of multiverses and parallel universes? If I remember correctly, these should be some conjectures from ancient times before humans entered the universe. They were completely abandoned a long time ago."

The two electronic eyes of the Great Sage flashed wildly to show the unrest in the master's heart.

Just as the two oil guys were communicating, the battle on the surface of the planet outside finally came to an end.

In the center of the huge impact crater, Zuo Si used one hand to pull the horns on the head of the skull-taker, lifted his mangled body from the ground, and asked in a cold tone without any emotion: "Do you still want it?" Say something?"

"Bah! Don't think you have won! Because the great Blood God has noticed you!"

The great demon of Khorne opened his mouth and protruded a mouthful of hot blood. There was no trace of fear on his hideous and ugly face.

"So what? Can he still jump out of subspace and hit me? As for you lackeys, they are just a bunch of insignificant chickens."

After saying that, Zuo Si grabbed the Skull Snatcher's skull horns that symbolized glory with his other hand and exerted a little force.


The two horns were broken in response, and the whole person fell to the ground with a plop, and was heavily trampled on the face by a metal iron foot.

This humiliating action immediately caused the skull-taker to lose his mind and become furious. He roared like crazy: "Ahhhhhh!!!! In the name of the Blood God! When we meet again next time, I will I will definitely cut off your limbs with my own hands and sacrifice your head to the skull base."

"What gave you the illusion that you will have another chance?"

Zuo Si raised the corner of his mouth with a playful smile, casually discarded two horns, raised one hand and began to release the shimmering oil in his body.

After a while, a large amount of shimmering oil spurted out from his palm, mixed with red and hot liquid metal, and poured all over the face of the great demon of Khorne.

At the beginning, the head-snatcher thought that this was because the enemy wanted to torture and abuse him and make him feel pain, so he put on a tough guy posture and kept making sarcastic and mocking remarks.

But less than ten minutes later, he began to realize that something was wrong.

To be precise, the black grease is constantly decomposing the remaining flesh, flesh and bones, and then fuses with the cooled metal to gradually form a new body.

What's even worse is that after the oil invades the brain, it begins to eat away at the soul, constantly forcing another kind of thought and consciousness into it.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si is trying to see if he can complete this great demon of Khorne and turn him into the first demon judge he created in this world.

After all, Shioyou has successfully defeated the demons of the Abyss before, as well as the demons of the Twisting Void. In theory, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat the subspace demons.

"NO!!!!!! Stop! Stop it! What on earth are you doing to me?"

As the souls were eaten away faster and faster, the Skull Snatcher finally began to be afraid.

This may be the first time he tastes fear after completing the demon upgrade.

But Zuo Si didn't react at all. He just stepped on the opponent with one foot to prevent him from moving, and his eyes revealed creepy expectations.

Also observing this scene were the top brass of the Human Empire, including the Mechanicus spacecraft.

In particular, Sister Grace, who had just connected to the planet's network, was staring dumbly at the picture transmitted on the electronic screen. After half a minute, she couldn't help but ask: "Is he transforming the great demon Khorne?" ?Transform a terrifying subspace creature?"


The captain who narrowly escaped death swallowed subconsciously and nodded vigorously.

"It seems so. Look at the reaction of the demon's constant struggle. He is obviously afraid. In the records of the empire, no Khorne demon has ever had a similar reaction. Because generally speaking, they are a group of outright bloodthirsty A madman has no fear of pain or death."

"Unbelievable! This is a brand new discovery. I think we'd better report it to Terra quickly."

Grace instantly set off huge waves in her heart.

As we all know, in this universe, only the subspace Chaos God can twist and transform mortals, and mortals have no good way to deal with each other. The only thing they can do is to kick them back to the subspace.

If there was a technology that could transform a demon into a war machine, then the Empire's top brass and even the Emperor himself would be absolutely willing to pay any price.

Just when everyone was staring at the Skull Snatcher, whose resistance and struggle were getting weaker and weaker, a crimson light pillar that looked like a waterfall of blood suddenly fell from the sky.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The great demon of Khorne, who was dying a second ago, was instantly resurrected with full health.

Not only that, his size instantly expanded more than ten times, and his whole body was covered with protection like medieval armor.

The shoulders are even formed with several upturns like spikes on the blades.

The entire head was wrapped by a fully enclosed helmet, and two eyes glowing red could be vaguely seen, as well as a jagged beard-like shape on the edge of the chin.

The most important thing is that the red color that symbolizes the power of anger is about to form a substantial and continuous overflow, forcibly evaporating all the shiny oil and metal modification parts in the body, and the body has once again returned to being completely composed of flesh and blood.


The demon's huge body lowered his head, and his eyes were filled with indescribable madness, bloodthirsty, violence and destruction, as if he was the embodiment of all these negative emotions.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the arrival of Khorne, one of the four evil gods of subspace, in person.

To be precise, he used the Skull Snatcher as a vessel to bring down part of his power and consciousness.

Obviously, Shuoyou's performance just now angered this guy who was not very stable in nature, or made him feel threatened.

"Tsk, tsk, is this the end? Your impulsiveness never disappoints."

Zuo Si was not surprised at all by Khorne's appearance, but instead smiled contemptuously.

He is not a mortal in this world who has no accurate concept of faith and divine power. He can easily judge the power and insignificant consciousness that the other party has injected into this demon's body.

Although it looks quite bluffing on the surface, its real combat power is not very strong, at least not to the extent that this incarnation of Shimmering Oil cannot handle it.

What's more, this body is connected through the Planeswalker Spark at the top of the Chrono Beacon Tower, so it can use the abilities of the clone and the main body to a certain extent.

As one of the four evil gods of subspace, Khorne obviously belongs to the type of person who doesn't speak much. He didn't intend to communicate at all. He picked up the exaggerated giant ax in his hand and chopped it down hard.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying power and speed instantly split Zuo Si's extremely high-density metal body from the middle. A large amount of shining oil immediately spurted out like a blood donation, penetrating into the opponent's body along the gaps in the armor.

But just like before, the split body healed in less than a tenth of a second and sandwiched the ax blade.

The splashing oil began to swallow up the weapon and the subspace energy contained in it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the help of the power of the planeswalker's spark, all the power of the evil god that was swallowed up by the sparkling oil and transmitted back was converted into universal energy and became part of the metal body.

No matter how Khorne wildly waved the giant ax in his hand to tear the metal man in front of him into pieces, and how he used subspace energy to tear it into pieces or even evaporate it, it was all to no avail.

All energy released will eventually be transformed into a part of Zuo Si Shuo oil incarnation.

In just a short time, the demon's huge body had almost doubled in size.

But Zuo Si's metal body continued to expand.

From the beginning, the giants and dwarves gradually and miraculously evened the gap.

Of course, this is not to say that Khorne cannot destroy Zuo Si's Shimmer Oil incarnation, but that the subspace energy he instilled into the Skull Reaver is not enough.

This may be because Khorne is unaware of the unique ability of Glimmer Oil and Planeswalkers to absorb unlimited energy, or it may be that they are restricted from exerting their full power in the real universe.

Just like the evil god of subspace can never defeat the star god in the real universe.

After absorbing enough energy, Zuo Si suddenly changed his previous tactic of lying flat and letting the opponent tear him apart and focusing on absorbing energy. He suddenly raised his right arm and aimed it at Khorne's helmeted face and slapped him at lightning speed. Go up.

The latter who fell into a rage obviously did not expect such a situation to occur. He had no time to dodge or parry, and received a big slap in the face.

With the dual blessing of terrifying explosive power and huge mass, one of the famous four evil gods of subspace performed a 360-degree spin in the air in public, and then his entire body instantly lost balance and fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could get up and fight back, Zuo Si snatched the giant ax from the opponent's hand, raised it high and chopped it down with all his strength.


As a column of blood shot straight into the sky, the huge head sank and separated from the body.

Khorne, who always likes to chop off other people's heads, was beheaded by others this time. I have to say that this is definitely a great humiliation and irony.

Zuo Si didn't give the evil god a chance to resurrect the demonic body at all. He directly poured the glimmering oil and the hot alloy solution in along the aorta of the neck incision.

In less than five minutes, Shimmering Oil completely overwhelmed and absorbed Khorne's continuous injection of subspace power, completing the demon's body.

The only regret is that the soul of the Skulltaker has disappeared when Khorne was expelled.

This also means that Zuo Si only completed a corpse, not a complete demon.

But it doesn’t matter.

This small regret was nothing compared to having close contact with Khorne.

Anyway, there are many great demons under the four evil gods of subspace, and there will be many opportunities in the future.


The newly born Demon Judge knelt on the ground in an extremely pious manner and saluted his creator and master.

Zuo Si ignored this incomplete creation, but released the shimmering oil in his body, decomposing the remains of the steel city that was destroyed in the battle at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then rebuilt it again.

When Sister Grace's spaceship passed through the planet's atmosphere and landed on the ground, it had turned into a super metropolis full of technology and even more advanced and prosperous than before.

Especially those production workshops and production lines that were destroyed and scrapped are now running without anyone at all.

The corpses of a large number of Tyranids and dead humans were not wasted. Without exception, they were combined with shimmering oil and steel, turning into new Phyrexia creatures that had no soul but had self-awareness and intelligence.




Full of industrial and mechanical beauty!

This was Grace's first impression of this city that appeared out of thin air.

Although humans once had the ability to modularly and quickly build colonial planets in the Golden Age, the efficiency was certainly not comparable to the one in front of us.

As the Great Sage of the Mechanicum mentioned in the report, these mysterious black greases are simply a nearly omnipotent nano-programming material that can even disassemble and combine atoms and even smaller particles.

Moreover, things made with this thing and endowed with intelligence are perfectly obedient to their owners, and have no emotional ups and downs. There is no need to worry about being corroded by the evil god of subspace.

All in all, shimmering oil is a substance that is uniquely capable of restraining the influence of the evil god of the subspace.

This is also one of the main reasons why the empire's top decision-makers are willing to adopt a moderate strategy.

After silently praying to the great emperor in her heart, Grace walked carefully to Zuo Si with an uneasy mood, and forced herself to greet Zuo Si calmly: "Dear Lord Soth, I represent the highest administrative body of the human empire - Gao Ling. The Lord sends you my warmest greetings and thanks you for saving this planet and my life."

"You're welcome. Now please tell me your answer directly."

Zuo Si shrunk his body to the size of a normal human and looked at the other person with interest.

Although I don’t quite understand why the empire chose to train a group of women into warriors, and they became elites that were far superior to ordinary armies, the combination of white hair, tights, powered mechas, super-large caliber bolters and chainswords, in It is indeed quite visually impressive, and can greatly satisfy some guys who have special XP in this area.

Coupled with a large number of religious symbols and a fierce fighting style, it can instantly arouse many men's strong desire for conquest and blasphemy.

Especially the one in front of me was obviously carefully selected. There were basically no scars on his exposed face and neck. A large area of ​​fair skin was exposed under the partially torn tights on his neck and chest. Not only was he stained with large blood stains, It doesn't make people feel disgusted, but adds a charm out of thin air.

Of course, these are just the physical body and appearance.

What really interested Zuo Si was the soul shining with the red light that symbolized evil.

According to Baator Hell, this person is simply born to be a devil.

Grace obviously didn't realize that her soul had been targeted, and responded quickly: "In principle, the council agrees with your proposal to exchange souls for knowledge. But the specific exchange requires further consultation. In addition, …We also want to know how you managed to transform a Khorne Daemon and make it obey your will."

While saying this, the nun's eyes involuntarily glanced at the huge figure not far away.

As someone who has been engaged in demon hunting in the Inquisition for a long time, she obviously knows that the terrifying phenomenon just now must mean the blessing or arrival of Khorne.

Normally, if something like this happens on any planet, there is a high probability that it will be hopeless.

But Zuosi not only defeated Khorne, but he also transformed the vessel containing part of Khorne's power into a terrifying half-machine, half-flesh monster.

If this power can be used by the Empire, then the threat of subspace will be quickly reduced to a controllable range, and even a counterattack against the Chaos God can be achieved.

Zuo Si picked up a handful of thick black grease from the Shuoyou pool nearby and explained with a smile: "Of course it's Shuoyou.

As I said to the great sage of the Mechanicum before, the shimmering oil has three properties.

The first is that it can decompose all substances and then optimize and reorganize them;

The second is that it can absorb all energy, including subspace, for storage and use;

The third is to be able to give anything self-awareness and thinking ability, which in your words is equivalent to some kind of advanced artificial intelligence.

But the difference is that these creatures will always obey my commands.

They may do some wrong things based on their own judgment and tendencies, but it is absolutely impossible for them to lose control. "

"I will only obey you?"

Grace tried in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, it's just me. But with my authorization, others can control the Shimmering Oil creation to some extent. If you want, this can be part of the deal. Trust me, you will like it. .”

After that, Zuo Si threw the oil in his hand back into the pond at his feet, pointed at a large device that was five meters high and had just come off the assembly line and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"What is it?"

Grace obviously doesn't have much knowledge in this area.

"If I'm not wrong, your current method of achieving faster-than-light travel should be to pass through the subspace through a force field package, right?

Because of this, it is very easy to be targeted by the Chaos God and Demon.

After all, using psykers as charging objects certainly cannot achieve true stability.

The function of this device is to extract energy from the subspace to form a protective shield. It can not only weaken and resist various forms of attacks, but also isolate the demon from approaching in space.

In other words, as long as you install it on your spacecraft, the protection and safety will be greatly improved immediately.

Now, let me start by giving it to you for free as a friendly start. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his arm and made a casual gesture.

He is undoubtedly very clear about what the human empire needs most urgently at the moment. Therefore, after understanding some of the characteristics of subspace through shimmering oil, he immediately made a temptation that the other party could not refuse, that is, safely sailing in subspace... …

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