A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 670: Ripples (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that the ignition of the hyperspace beacon is like the sudden appearance of a faintly shining lighthouse in the darkness.

It dispersed the independent worlds and even universes isolated by the dark void, allowing countless geniuses who were bound in their own worlds to find a bridge to communicate with the outside world.

Especially the large amount of incomplete knowledge thrown out as bait is like throwing a huge stone into a pool of stagnant water.

The ripples alone have begun to have immeasurable impacts on the worlds that receive the information.

At this moment, in a universe where humans have established a huge galactic interstellar empire, on a small colonial planet located in a remote area, a priest of the Mechanicum is standing on a huge aircraft without any cockpit. In front of the super mecha, he loudly sang praises to the God of All Machines, his tone full of excitement, fanaticism and unconcealable ecstasy.

Although he still retains the most important brain tissue as an intelligent life, the rest of his body has basically been replaced by various mechanical structures.

The body is basically a metal skeleton set up on various life support systems. Both hands have become mechanical arms, and there are a large number of mechanical tentacle-like things surrounding the body. The entire brain tissue is placed in a sealed and In an extremely strong container, the so-called face is just a steel mask plus a large number of high-precision electronic cameras that can be flexibly moved.

The lower body is not legs and feet, but a metal jointed limb similar to an insect.

The head, which was originally located at the highest point of the body, has also been replaced by a device that glows with energy. It seems to be the energy source that powers this mechanical body.

Below the device is a thick neck-like structure, and the front is connected to something like a head, where the brain and mechanical face are installed.

On one of the robotic arms of this mechanical priest, there is an amazingly powerful hand-held energy cannon installed, which can easily defeat any enemy who dares to appear in front of him.

The other hand is holding a cold weapon like an axe.

It's just that the ax head is made into the shape of a gear, and half of a human skull is transformed into a mechanical pattern. There is also a switch on the long pole, which can instantly turn this thing into a handle that can cut through power mechas. Melee weapons for the interstellar age.

Judging from the degree of transformation, this is undoubtedly a very high-level mechanical priest.

Because in the Cult of Mechanicus, everyone is proud of completely transforming themselves into machines, so whether they are high or not depends on how much they transform themselves.

The person in front of me is definitely the most devout and fanatical believer.

"Immortal God of Machinery!

Please listen to the prayers of believers!

We are not only your children, but also devout people on the road to machinery.

Thank you for your generous gift of knowledge, which brings me great satisfaction and joy.

In the name of the God of All Machines, I swear that I will carry forward these great technologies and make continuous progress so that my humble self can be worthy of your glory.

May the cold and hard steel protect all humans in the stars and sea.

May the warp-distorting hunger never reach us and consume us..."

Accompanied by absurd and weird chants, the mechanical priest pressed the button with a mixture of religious and scientific symbols next to it.


The big clock made of countless gears above his head began to chime, and then he pulled down another lever next to it, and the piston and pump were activated instantly.

When the huge bell began to ring for the second time, the mechanical priest pressed another start button. The huge mechanical armor engine in front of him began to roar, fuel was continuously injected into it, and the two eyes on his head began to flash. Dazzling light.

When the bell struck the third time, all the engineers and workers involved in the project raised their hands in the air and chanted in unison: "Praise the God of All Machines! Praise Omnisiah!"

It has to be said that the confusing behavior of these people simply goes beyond abstract concepts, and people don't know how to complain at all. It is the same as asking clergy to consecrate various weapons in some countries before they are delivered to the troops for use.

But none of the people participating in the ceremony had a playful smile. Instead, each one was more serious and serious than the last. The faith and determination revealed in their eyes were simply more terrifying than a brainwashing cult.

Finally, the huge machine was finally fully awakened, lowered its head and asked the group of crazy guys in front of it: "Did you create me?"

"No! It was the omnipotent and immortal Mechanical God who created you with the help of my hands! And you will prove to the entire universe the existence of the great Mechanical God!" the Mechanical Priest responded loudly with open arms.

"God of Machinery?"

This super-large mechanical body that was created was obviously very unfamiliar with this term, and a puzzled expression appeared on its face, which was composed of several mechanical modules.

There is no doubt that he is a very rare super-large robot with extremely high intelligence and autonomous thinking ability in the human empire of this universe.

The technology used to manufacture it is derived from the incomplete knowledge sent out during the test of the hyperdimensional beacon tower, combined with the technology possessed by this universe.

As for whether it should be regarded as artificial intelligence or real mechanical life, it is unknown.

After all, there is not only technology here, but also a place called subspace, and "psykers" who can use the special energy in this space. To put it bluntly, they are equivalent to a group of alternative spellcasters.

However, the spellcasting environment faced by these spellcasters is extremely dangerous. If they are not careful, they may be killed and devoured by evil gods and demons in the subspace.

What's even more serious is that it was corrupted, eventually creating a horrific disaster that affected several planets or even a large star field, leading to the death of tens of billions of people.

Just when the Mechanic Priest was about to send this big killer made by himself to the battlefield to deal with the invading damn bugs, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

After about a few minutes, several extremely tall and strong warriors wearing sturdy power mechas walked out of the darkness.

The leading commander asked in a very serious tone: "Priest, I think you'd better explain what this is? And where did you get the knowledge to make it! Because there are psychics who sensed that Abnormal energy fluctuations suddenly appeared here. According to her experience, it is most likely a signal from subspace."

"No! This has nothing to do with subspace! It is a gift given to us by the Almighty Machine God! It will help us defeat those damn bugs!"

The priest sounded excited, waving a mechanical arm and roaring.

It is not difficult to see from his excited attitude how angry he is at seeing himself as a target influenced and corrupted by the evil god of warp.

"Sorry, what you said about this is irrelevant. Although I don't want to arrest a highly respected mechanical priest who can continuously provide maintenance and logistics supplies at this time, but due to the current terrible situation, we must not let the rear Any more problems.”

After saying that, the strong Astartes commander motioned to the warriors behind him to step forward and control the priest.

After all, nothing is trivial when it comes to psychic energy and subspace.

What's more, the more it's a war like this, the easier it is for human emotions to fluctuate violently.

And this kind of emotional fluctuation is simply the most delicious food for the evil gods and demons of subspace.

This is why no matter how greedy, corrupt, cruel, and extravagant the rulers of the planets in the human empire are, their loyalty to the emperor is unquestionable at critical moments.

Because only human emperors who are strong enough to fight against the evil gods of subspace can truly protect their souls.

But the Mechanic Priest obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing. He raised the energy cannon in his hand like crazy and roared: "Get away! Don't come close to me! I am the one blessed by the Almighty Mechanic God! He chose him The savior! Only I can build more such perfect war machines that do not require pilots to control, and can I agree to this war with the Tyranids."

"Put down your weapons, priest. Your spirit has begun to become extremely unstable. This is a sign of being corrupted by the evil god of warp."

A very slender-looking woman came out from behind, with a strong warning in her tone.

While she was speaking, several other Astartes warriors raised their weapons and aimed at the Mechanic-Priest and the huge war machine that had been activated.

This tense atmosphere obviously frightened the engineers and workers, and they began to retreat and evacuate the place where fighting could break out at any time.

After all, they were made of flesh and blood, and they did not have the protection of a powered mecha. Once they were hit, it might be a luxury to even preserve a slightly intact body.

Fortunately, both sides ignored the meaning of these ordinary people and just stared at each other nervously.

After a full minute, the mechanical priest's originally fervent eyes gradually cooled down, and reason once again began to gain the upper hand.

After taking a moment to look at the experienced elite teams around him, he slowly put down the energy cannon in his hand and cursed in an indignant tone: "A bunch of brainless idiots! If this planet If it falls, it is all your responsibility."

"Don't worry, Father. If this planet falls, my brothers and I will be more than happy to die for the Emperor, for the Empire."

Commander Astartes stepped forward unceremoniously and disarmed the opponent, then signaled his men to escort the priest to the prison and lock him up first.

After the Mechanic Priest was forcibly taken away, he raised his head and stared at the huge and obviously intelligent robot and tried: "Big guy, your creator has been taken away, aren't you going to do something to save him?" ?"

"No, that is not in line with my core program. Because the purpose of my creation is to help mankind defeat all enemies that invade this planet, so the meaning of my existence is to protect mankind, not to kill you."

The giant robot gave the answer without thinking.

"Protect humanity?"

The Astartes Commander was obviously surprised by this.

Because in his opinion, since this war machine was most likely created under the influence of the evil god of subspace, it must be evil, chaotic and hostile to humans.

The huge robot leaned down and faced the commander with its huge head and explained: "Although I don't know exactly how I was born and why I gained consciousness and thinking ability, I can tell you You promise that you will never take the initiative to harm any human being, even those who commit crimes. If you don't believe it, I can prove myself in battle."

The Astartes Commander was clearly hesitant to take the risk.

But before he could make a decision, a noisy and urgent sound came from the communication device he carried.

"This is position 42! We are attacked by a large number of insects! The entire defense line is on the verge of collapse and will not be able to hold on any longer! Requesting immediate reinforcements or long-range fire support! Repeat, we need reinforcements immediately Or long-range fire support!”

"Damn it! Behind Position 42 is the industrial core area of ​​this planet. Once it falls, we will completely lose our logistical supplies."

Another Astartes warrior couldn't help but curse under his breath.

"How about... let it try? Anyway, the situation is already bad enough that it cannot get any worse. If the core industrial area is destroyed or occupied by the enemy, the planet will definitely not be able to defend it."

Another Astartes warrior suggested as he glanced at the giant robot towering in front of him.

Although the governor of this planet has sent a signal for help since the invasion.

But the problem is that the territory of the human empire is too huge, so huge that both those who want to revive it and those who want to destroy it feel despair from the bottom of their hearts.

This means that if you want to travel from one planet to another, you must take huge risks and allow warships to travel through subspace channels to achieve faster-than-light travel.

But entering the subspace channel means complete chaos from time to space, and facing the evil gods and demons of the subspace.

The fleet coming to rescue may appear within just a few minutes after receiving the signal, or it may take years, decades, hundreds, or thousands of years to appear, or it may even never appear. .

This strong uncertainty has caused the territory of the human empire to change all the time.

Some planets will be completely destroyed by attacks from various enemies, and new planets will be discovered, occupied and colonized.

Anyway, as long as you obey the rule of the empire, pay taxes on time and complete production tasks, the higher authorities don't care what system is implemented on each planet or how many sins and shady desires are hidden.

To be precise, this interstellar empire established by humans essentially implements an extremely primitive feudal system, and every planetary governor is equivalent to a feudal lord.

As long as you don't make mistakes in principle, you can basically do whatever you want within the scope of your own rule.

Therefore, many times, within a few hours to a day or two after the distress signal is sent, it can be basically determined whether there will be reinforcements.

The war between this planet and the invading enemy has been going on for ten days now, and the chance of rescue is slim. That's why some people say that the situation is getting worse.

Commander Astartes hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to take a gamble. He raised his head and said to the giant robot standing on the steel frame: "I don't know if this is luck or misfortune. Now you have a chance to prove yourself. Immediately Go to Position 42 and kill all the bugs. If you do this, I will admit that you are on the side of humanity."

"As you wish, sir."

The huge robot performed a standard imperial military salute, and then broke free from the fixed iron ring in an instant under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, soared into the air and flew directly out of the tunnel leading outside from above its head.

This scene not only stunned the commander, but also shocked the other Astartes warriors who came with him to the point of speechlessness.

Because judging from the appearance and weight, this thing doesn't look like it has the ability to fly.

About ten seconds later, the commander reacted first and asked an engineer hiding in the corner: "The war machine you built can actually fly?"

The latter smiled bitterly and quickly shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't know anything.

Because this big guy didn't even have the most basic design drawings when it was built, and it was completely completed under the dictation of the priest.

It's as if all the parameters and functions have been printed in my mind in advance.

Maybe this is really a gift from the great God of Machinery.

Otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do it under normal circumstances. "

"Okay, this sounds more and more like the conspiracy of the evil god of subspace. Now, let's take a look at what this huge war machine with consciousness and thinking ability is capable of."

Having said that, the commander quickly called out the sensors that were still working on position 42.

The result is not clear even if you look at it, and you will be shocked when you look at it.

I saw the giant machine that had just descended from the sky and arrived at the designated battlefield. It instantly shot out an astonishingly powerful high-energy beam from its eyes, directly cutting into pieces all the Zerg rushing towards it within a few kilometers of the front.

Then he raised his hands again, and a dozen symbols of unknown meaning began to glow in his palms.

In a blink of an eye!

An energy shock wave visible to the naked eye was instantly released, with a deafening sound that swept across the Tyranids on the other side who wanted to outflank them.

Countless bugs were torn apart alive by the force field, and some even sprayed out colorful internal organs and body fluids as if they were being crushed mercilessly by a big foot.

When a large insect nest tyrant saw this scene, he immediately led the guards and guards around him to rush forward.

This upright-walking monster with a hard shell rushed across a distance of several hundred meters at extremely fast speeds, then leaped high and brandished its sickle-like arms, slashing at the giant robot's head.

The flexible and lethal pincer tail is directly aimed at the mechanical neurons near the neck.

Even a Space Marine as powerful as the Astartes might not be able to escape death if the attack were successful.

But the giant robot picked up one of its arms and slapped it over.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This guy, who was most likely the supreme commander of the invading Zerg tribe, was directly hit by an invisible force field, and then hit the ground straight away, kicking up dust all over the sky.

After the smoke dissipated, all that could be seen was a large crater dozens of meters deep like a meteorite impact on the ground.

However, the insect hive tyrant has long since disappeared, leaving only a few broken limbs and a large area of ​​viscous bodily fluids exuding a pungent smell.

You don't need to ask to know that this powerful Zerg ruler suffered huge damage in an instant, so much so that he had to choose to escape to temporarily save himself.

Giant robots are far more powerful than anyone imagined.

Commander Astartes widened his eyes and asked without looking back: "Have you created technology that can instantly create force fields and shock waves on the battlefield?"

"No, that is not technology, but a great blessing from the God of All Machines. Do you see those flashing symbols? They create powerful shock waves and force fields, not any technological devices."

The engineer's face showed unparalleled excitement and enthusiasm.

Apparently, he is also a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

In other words, most people who are engaged in designing and manufacturing machinery are followers of the Mechanicus.

After all, machine spirits do exist in this universe.

Therefore, pleasing the machine spirit has become an essential religious ritual.

Although some people have pointed out that these so-called machine spirits are most likely some kind of low-level artificial intelligence.

But since no one can prove this, everyone chooses to believe it rather than believing it.

After all, no one wants the weapon in their hand to suddenly malfunction when facing a terrifying enemy.

"You mean...this robot can use psychic powers?!!!"

The commander's expression suddenly changed.

"That's right! This is psychic energy! That damn mechanical priest connected this machine to the subspace in some way. Those force fields and shock waves just now are all energy drawn from the subspace. I think we might There’s going to be big trouble soon.”

The only female psyker in the team clenched her fists subconsciously, with strong awe and fear in her eyes.

It is precisely because she is a psyker who has received rigorous training that she knows the amazing talents required to reach the level of this giant robot.

But now, it appears on a machine.

If this technology is mastered by the Mechanicus, then huge waves will inevitably be set off within the current human empire.

"Gasper! Take two people immediately to protect the mechanical priest! He may be very important to the entire human race, even more important than this planet and even this star field."

The commander gave the order to the Astartes warriors around him in a serious tone.

Obviously, the situation like this is just a microcosm of the huge impact that the hyperdimensional beacon tower will have on the multiverse after it is ignited.

On another earth with magical power, there is also a group of people who are staring at the garbled codes that are constantly flashing on the huge monitor in front of them, trying to analyze and decipher them.

And these garbled codes are the knowledge sent by the hyperspace beacon tower.

After a long time, a black man with a bald head and an eyepatch on his left eye finally couldn't help but ask: "How is it? It's been seventy-two hours. Do you know how these mysteriously appeared and mixed with global radio signals?" What exactly is the mysterious message in the signal, and where does it come from?”

"Huh... I'm sorry, Director. These symbols have nothing to do with any language known on earth. They are more like some kind of code or abstract expression of consciousness. We can't read and decipher it at all. But one thing is for sure. , that is, it comes from the deep space of the distant universe. Because judging from the traceability results, the first one to receive it was Voyager 1."

A staff member quickly stood up and told him everything he knew about the situation.

"You mean - it comes from some alien civilization outside the solar system?!"

The expression of the one-eyed black man called the Director suddenly turned gloomy.

However, he did not show violent mental and emotional fluctuations like most people when they heard that it was an alien civilization. Instead, he was very calm and calm, as if he had expected this kind of thing.

The staff member nodded vigorously: "Yes, Director.

Moreover, the level of technology possessed by the other party is far more exaggerated than the descriptions in most science fiction novels and movies.

Because after research, we found that this information is transmitted at super-light speed.

It is not any communication method currently known on earth, including the most advanced quantum communication, but more like legendary magic.

All this information will be attached to all means of communication and then released in different forms to those who can understand its meaning. "

"Release to someone who can understand what it means? You mean..."

The black director seemed to realize something, and his already ugly face suddenly became even more ugly.

"Yes, it's what you think. Billions of people around the world are currently receiving these messages from unknown sources. But how many people understand the meaning is unknown."

The staff carefully told the extremely bad news.

"Fuck Fuck!"

The black director couldn't help but swore, scratched his shiny bald head, and then asked through gritted teeth: "How much harm can these mysterious messages cause?"

Another researcher explained: "It depends on the content of the message.

If it contains powerful alien technology, it is very likely to subvert the global order established since World War II and even trigger World War III.

If it was some kind of temptation, the situation would be even worse.

If anyone understands the meaning and starts trying to contact the other party, it will expose the earth's position in the universe, and may attract a space fleet capable of destroying us.

There are too many uncertainties anyway.

Moreover, with the manpower and resources we can currently mobilize, it is simply impossible to closely monitor billions of people around the world. "

"Damn it! Immediately launch an emergency plan to recruit top experts and scholars in various fields around the world. We must race against time to figure out what kind of information is hidden in these damn garbled codes."

After saying that, the black director raised his hand and slammed it on the table with a dull thud.


Everyone in this room quickly started to get busy as if they were frightened.

Looking at the ever-changing garbled characters on the electronic screen, the black director asked without looking back: "Colson, do you think this time will be more serious than what we encountered more than ten years ago?"

"No, Director. I think it may just be a false alarm. After all, so far we have not seen aliens fighting on the earth, nor have we seen any space fleets outside the atmosphere."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man known as Colson touched his receding hairline and the severe dark circles under his eyes caused by not sleeping for two consecutive days.

"Well - I hope so. But we still have to prepare for the worst. After all, the whole world is becoming more and more turbulent after entering the new century. I always feel that something earth-shattering is going to happen. In addition, let the field agents all Be prepared for action at any time, and you'd better go catch up on your sleep as soon as possible."

While saying this, the black director raised his hand and patted the old subordinate's shoulder gently, then turned and walked outside.

Following his groan, you can clearly see the eye-catching text on the door - Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency.

Just when Coulson was about to find a place to lie down and close his eyes to rest for a while, the piercing alarm suddenly sounded throughout the building.

Before he could even react to what was happening, he felt a sudden violent vibration on the ground, and then everyone began to shake violently involuntarily.

In about a few seconds, a huge giant with a height of more than ten meters and a body made entirely of soil, stones and reinforced concrete suddenly rose up from the ground and appeared clearly in everyone's sight.

Not only was Coulson dumbfounded by such a magical sight, but others also couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

What's even more frightening is that sitting on top of this giant's head is a little white girl who looks to be only seven or eight years old.

The little guy's eyes were flashing with a strange blue light, and his freckled little face showed unparalleled excitement. He shouted excitedly: "I did it! Mom! Dad! Look! I did it." Here we are! The magic recorded in those mysterious symbols is real! I didn’t lie!”

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

The young mother below the giant was obviously frightened.

However, her husband was not much better. He stood stiffly and trembled slightly involuntarily.

Because the mud and stone giants in front of me are too oppressive.

Even though he knew that his daughter would not harm him, he still felt strong fear in his heart.

But at this moment, a complex pattern of flashing orange-red light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The next second...

A group of people wearing monk-like robes rushed out.

The leading man just scanned the surroundings and immediately locked onto the little girl sitting on top of the giant: "This is the target! Go and catch her!"


These guys who suddenly appeared jumped from the top of the building, making complicated movements with their hands.

As if they ignored gravity, they could actually run down the wall at a 90-degree angle.

When he got close to the giant, a luminous whip suddenly shot out from his hand and wrapped directly around the giant's hands and feet, trying to restrict the giant's movements.

Especially the leading man, he directly drew a circle with one hand to open a space passage and appeared next to the little girl in an instant.

But just when he reached out to grab the girl's clothes, another space channel suddenly appeared out of thin air, and an arm hit the back with a bang from deep inside.


The unlucky guy instantly fell from the giant's head.

Fortunately, he quickly completed the spell he had used before in mid-air, opened a teleportation channel on the ground, and then passed directly through and returned to the giant's head.

"Stay away from this child, she does not belong to you, Casillas."

The uninvited guest, shrouded in a light yellow robe, issued a warning.

"But this girl doesn't belong to you either, Ancient One. Even the magic she casts is completely different from Kama Taj. Her power comes from another dimension, a dimension that none of us understand."

The man known as Casillas retorted in a low, hoarse voice.

Obviously, the person standing in front of him was none other than the Supreme Mage Ancient One who led him on the path of magic.

"So? Do you want to capture her and sacrifice her to Dormammu? Or do you plan to explore this new dimension yourself and then follow Dormammu's example and become a dimensional demon?"

Ancient Yi raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything.

Casillas grinned and sneered, "What I want to do has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, after stealing the dark power, aren't you satisfied and want to get the power of another dimension from this girl?" "

"No, I just want to protect her. From now on, this child is a disciple of Kama Taj. I will be responsible for teaching her how to use her power, instead of being corrupted and swallowed by the dimensional demon like you."

After saying that, Gu Yi stretched out his arms and put his arms around the little girl and held her in his arms.

The latter was already frightened by the sudden attack. He also realized that the group of guys who suddenly appeared had bad intentions towards him, so he subconsciously grabbed this only support and refused to let go.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Gu Yi's face, he gently touched the girl's hair and comforted: "Don't be afraid, child, no one can do anything to you as long as I am here. And you are the lucky one to be chosen. My son is destined to become a great mage."


The little girl blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Yes, it's a mage. Tell me, where did you get such spell-casting ability?"

Ancient One tried to induce the little guy in front of him to reveal his secret.

Because she only detected an interference with time, she rushed over to take a look. She didn't know that the information released from the hyperspace beacon was having additional impacts on billions of people around the world.

In fact, in the past dozen hours, many talented people have received some knowledge and successfully transformed it into a way that they can understand and use.

Others have successfully made devices that can receive and send signals, and are standing by asking crazy questions, hoping to gain more and more profound knowledge.

Others regarded it as enlightenment from the gods and began to preach around to make more people believe in the existence of gods in a certain location.

"It's on TV. I can see some strange symbols on TV, and then for some reason I understand the meaning and gain magical power."

A girl of this age is obviously not very good at lying, so she honestly told the story of how she acquired her magical abilities.


Gu Yi was slightly stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed.

Although she herself never watches those messy and nutritious TV programs, she is no stranger to these technological products.

After all, Kamal Taj has Wi-Fi and Internet access.

So the Supreme Master is well aware of the popularity of television in today's world and how many people will see it.

In her opinion, if this was not an accident, it must be a sign that a stranger from a certain dimension was preparing to invade.

So there was no time to think too much, and he directly teleported the girl back to Karma Taj, and then rushed up and opened unparalleled weapons to beat Casillas and his followers until they were disarmed.

By the time the agents in the building reacted, it was all over.

Even the summoned giant was directly broken down into a small mound about four to five meters high by Gu Yi.

A large team of researchers is surrounding the mound, sampling and analyzing it.

After probably a few hours of tossing, they had to admit that this was just ordinary soil, sand, gravel and reinforced concrete, and there was nothing strange about it at all.

If I have to say there is, then it must be the special ability that that girl possesses.

In order to prevent this clue from being cut off, and to find out what was going on with those guys who suddenly appeared with superpowers, Nick Fury directly used his privileges to forcibly "protect" the girl's parents.

Seeing the young couple being taken away by a group of agents in shock, he took a deep breath and asked his old subordinate: "What, now you still insist that this may be a false alarm?"

"No, Director. I feel like this earth has suddenly become strange now."

Coulson smiled wryly and joked.

Because the appearance of the group of mages just now directly subverted his understanding of the world.

It turns out that there are not only aliens on the earth, but also a group of mages who can instantly open teleportation channels and perform all kinds of incredible magic.

However, the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, which is authorized by the United Nations Security Council to deal with such matters, knew nothing about it.

It has to be said that the incident that Diary and Jinji Tasha did behind Zuo Si's back has had a far greater impact than they expected.

What's even worse is that Zuo Si still doesn't know anything. He is still living a leisurely life like a vacation in Faerun, while preparing for the next stage of the plan.

He didn't realize at all that Jinji Tasha had mastered part of the secret of the planeswalker's spark with the help of the time and space bridge, and could even ignite the lights of the super-dimensional beacon tower without himself.

But that's not the worst.

The worst thing is that the establishment of this kind of super-dimensional beacon tower is as bright and dazzling in the eyes of other planeswalkers as a torch lit in the dark, and can be transmitted directly through the power of sparks at any time...

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