A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 655 This is for your own good (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

After completely destroying the clone of the ancient god N'Zoth, Illidan quickly used his knowledge and power to restrain Sargeras' metal body and began to release a large amount of evil energy to neutralize the shadow energy.

After a while, this behemoth stopped resisting and struggling, and once again returned to its previous motionless state like a sculpture.

There is no doubt that without external force to drive and control, the temporary incarnation that the Dark Titan created for himself is an empty body, with neither consciousness nor perception.

This is also the reason why the ancient gods dare to take action against it.

Once the erosion or transformation is successful, N'Zoth will be able to obtain a free servant that is superior to most high-ranking Titan guardians.

But it's a pity that although he planned well and cleverly used Vashj, the spy next to Illidan, and waited patiently until he reached the deepest seal before suddenly taking action, he still ignored an important variable in the end. .

What's more, it's not only the ancient gods who have spies around Illidan, but also the blood orcs of the Warsong clan arranged by Zuo Si.

So from the time Deathwing flew over the Broken Islands, N'Zoth's conspiracy had been exposed.

Even if he succeeded in capturing Illidan and Maiev Shadowsong, he would not have enough time to convert the huge amount of evil energy inside the Avatar of Sargeras into shadow energy.

Looking at the huge metal body burning with green evil flames in front of him, as well as the Eye of Sargeras that contained astonishing destructive power, Illidan immediately realized something, touched his chin and murmured in a slightly playful tone. He said: "It turns out that all this is the result of the game between the three forces behind the scenes.

And I was just a pawn being used by them.

Kil'jaeden ordered me to open the seal of the Broken Isles through threats and intimidation, hoping to use the power left by the Dark Titan in Azeroth to reverse Mount Hyjal's unfavorable situation.

The Old God noticed this, so he took advantage of it and sent Vashjian next to me in an attempt to interfere.

The coincidence of the appearance of Soth, the God of Contract, shows that he also knows my whereabouts well.

So I was exposed to their sight from the beginning, and there was no secret in everything I did.

Although I am a bit reluctant, there is nothing I can do about it.

In order not to always be someone else's pawn, I need to gain more and stronger power. "

After that, Illidan turned his attention to the metal body of the Dark Titan and the Eye of Sargeras, which contained destructive power.

There is no doubt that as long as he absorbs and masters the power of these two things, he will no longer have to worry about the pursuers sent by the Burning Legion.

Just as the demon hunter was about to carve out a magic circle to extract evil energy, a slight sound of footsteps behind him interrupted his thoughts.

Turning around and taking a glance, I saw that it was Maiev Shadowsong and Zuo Si walking in from the entrance.

Especially the former, his demeanor seemed a little off, and his eyes revealed a very complex and resentful emotion, which was really different from the simple hatred and anger before.

In contrast, Zuo Si's mood was obviously much better, with a joking smile on his face from beginning to end.

Whenever Maiev Shadowsong made eye contact with his, the former would immediately avoid it, feeling a bit guilty, but also a bit like awe and fear.

As for the reason, it must be what happened between the two of them just now.

It's just that Illidan can't figure it out yet.

But he was too lazy to focus on such boring things.

Because in his eyes, Maiev Shadowsong is nothing more than a difficult woman with an extreme personality and stubbornness.

As long as you don't chase after you every day in the future, you can do whatever you like and be loyal to whomever you want to be loyal to. Anyway, the farther away from yourself, the better.

But what Illidan didn't know was that his image in Maiev Shadowsong's mind had changed from the heinous criminal he was before to something else.

This subtle change will gradually have a huge impact on the relationship between the two.

As a fun-loving person, Zuo Si was obviously very happy to see this situation. He glanced at the black blood and tentacle fragments on the ground, and said with interest: "So what you met this time is the ancient god N'Zoth?"

Illidan nodded without thinking: "That's right. At least that's what this guy calls himself. Do you know where N'Zoth is sealed?"

“I’m not sure about that either.

All I know is that it was sealed on the ocean floor beneath the waves.

As for the specific location, according to the memory of the Titan Guardian of Ulduar, his territory and body should be on the east side of the ancient continent of Kalimdor, which is now the Eastern Kingdom.

So if nothing unexpected happens, the seal should be in the area between the eastern continent of the Maelstrom and the Maelstrom.

But it doesn’t matter.

He has secretly gathered forces to build a special city called "Ny'alotha", and sooner or later he will jump out on his own.

It will be too late to clean up by then. "

When he said these words, Zuo Si did not pay any attention to this ancient god who had driven Neltharion, the Black Dragon King crazy, and successfully twisted Azshara and other high-level elves into Nagas.

Because he knows that Ny'alotha is actually a spiritual world or void plane similar to the Emerald Dream.

That's why those faceless generals and N'Zoth can use this as a base to continuously erode the Emerald Dream.

Perhaps for others, it is undoubtedly quite a challenging task to kill N'Zoth in this special area.

But for Zuo Si, who was immune to all mental and spiritual attacks, it was as easy as eating and drinking.

And he has always wanted to find an opportunity to strengthen his mental abilities and mental spells from the root.

Ny'alotha, known as the Awakening City, happens to be the perfect sacrifice.

As long as N'Zoth dares to jump out and expose the coordinates of this city, Zuo Si will immediately teleport in and enjoy a delicious meal, imitating the old dragon Nicol Bolas and directly tearing up the entire space and devouring it.

This is also one of the biggest benefits of being in the evil camp. You don't need to consider too many other factors when you want to do something.

"You mean...don't worry about these little moves of the ancient gods?"

There was strong uncertainty in Illidan's voice.

Because he has experienced how terrifying the power of the ancient gods is, he is really worried that when he is concentrating on dealing with the Burning Legion, these guys will suddenly step in and cause trouble.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, you don't have to worry about the conspiracy of N'zoth and several other ancient gods.

Because I will personally deal with them.

What's more, the Titan guardians I conquered in Ulduar are not vegetarians either.

These guys were able to destroy the Dark Empire on the frontal battlefield and seal away all the ancient gods one after another. There is no reason why they can't do it now. "

"Okay, I think I understand what you mean. Do you have any plans for this abandoned incarnation of Sargeras and the eye that contains powerful destructive power?" Illidan probed cautiously.

“No, you can handle them yourself.

It doesn't matter whether you keep it for yourself or give it to Kil'jaeden to gain his trust.

Just like I promised before.

You have free will and can do whatever you think is right.

Because I trust you unconditionally. "

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and patted the demon hunter's shoulder.

This action instantly made Illidan reveal a shocked expression, although it disappeared in less than a second.

Because of overt and covert betrayals again and again, Illidan has not known what it feels like to be trusted by others for a long time.

After all, even his biological brother Malfurion, his lover Tyrande who was willing to sacrifice everything for him, was unwilling to give him any more trust.

Even if everything he does is to fight against the Burning Legion, save Azeroth and the night elves from the most powerful force in the physical universe.

But now, there is actually a stranger whom I have just met saying that he is willing to believe in me unconditionally.

It would be absolutely false to say that there was no emotion in my heart.

But Illidan is Illidan after all, and he quickly regained his composure and reason, and responded in an emotionless tone: "Although I don't know why you are willing to give me your trust, I still want to say thank you. I hope that one day you will You won’t want to tear my head off because of some of my decisions or actions.”

"Haha, don't worry, if that day comes, it won't be my turn to take action.

Because dear Lady Maiev Shadowsong will be with you the whole time.

I just talked to her.

She and her army of Watchers are willing to be a helpful assistant while keeping an eye on you.

I believe that as long as you work together, you should be able to cause a lot of trouble to the Burning Legion soon..."

At the end of the sentence, the corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up very obviously, and a smile that looked like gloating appeared on his face.

no way.

When he thought about the daily life between the two of them, he couldn't help but have the urge to burst into laughter.

And given the personalities of Illidan and Maiev Shadowsong, what they unleash will definitely not be the spark of love, but only a destructive explosion.

"Are you crazy?"

Illidan's expression at this moment was as if he had seen the arrival of Kil'jaeden or Sargeras, and the corners of his mouth were twitching uncontrollably.

You must know that the thing that bothers him the most in this world is Maiev Shadowsong.

The 10,000-year imprisonment of PLAY inevitably left some psychological shadow on this fearless demon hunter.

So even though he became the new demon lord of the Abyss and his strength was far greater than before, he still felt frightened when facing Maiev Shadowsong.

As the saying goes, one thing reduces another.

Perhaps Maiev Shadowsong is Illidan's destined nemesis.

Admiring Mr. Dan's almost distorted face, Zuo Si suppressed a smile and explained: "Of course I'm not crazy, I just provided a solution to the conflict between you.

You can refuse, but I can't guarantee that she won't continue to chase after you.

Think about it, do you want to continue this game of chasing?

Or reach a temporary reconciliation and gain a powerful helper?

I think any reasonable person should know how to choose. "

Speaking of this, Zuo Si paused deliberately, stepped forward and whispered in Illidan's ear: "Do you remember what I told you before?

You deserve better than Tyrande.

I think Maiev Shadowsong would be perfect.

After all, a woman is willing to give up everything to chase a man, which in itself means a lot worth pondering.

What's more, didn't you notice that the hatred in her eyes had disappeared? "

The words have not yet been spoken!

Illidan subconsciously used his demon vision to sense the changes in Maiev Shadowsong's body energy, and found that the other party was no longer red, symbolizing anger, but turned into a neutral and friendly blue.

This 180-degree turn in his attitude instantly reminded him of many possibilities. He couldn't help but shudder, and complained through gritted teeth: "Damn it! Who wants you to meddle in other people's business? As someone who can compete with Titan Comparable to gods, are you usually so free?"

"This is for your own good. You know, I wasted a lot of time trying to convince Maiev Shadowsong."

After that, Zuo Si didn't care about the painful and tangled expression on Mr. Dan's face, he raised his hand, snapped his fingers and disappeared instantly.

For the next few minutes, Illidan and Maiev Shadowsong stayed there without saying a word, and there was an atmosphere of embarrassment and embarrassment in the air.

In the end, it was the latter who took the lead to break the silence and said in a stammering tone: "I... I admit that I had some prejudice against you before, and this pursuit... was largely due to Tyrande's massacre of the Watchers. The jailer's anger, so... I hereby solemnly apologize to you."

Apologize? !

Maiev Shadowsong actually apologizes?

At this moment, Illidan only felt that his brain was being violently impacted by an invisible force. He even scratched his palms with his nails in an attempt to use pain to confirm that this was not an illusion.

Because this matter is essentially no less than Tyrande suddenly divorcing Malfurion and accepting his advances. They are the kind of things that are absolutely impossible to happen even in the end of the world.

At this moment, Illidan only felt a numbness in his scalp. He had no idea what Zuo Si said or did to produce such an incredible effect. He could only bite the bullet and responded: "There's no need to apologize. You Just don’t cause any trouble to me in the future.”

"Unless you really surrender to the Burning Legion, there is no need to worry that my moon blade will be placed on your neck again."

As the last word blurted out, Maiev Shadowsong immediately used flash magic to leave this awkward and uncomfortable place.

As soon as she walked away, Illidan let out a long breath and at the same time greeted Zuo Si wildly in his heart with the most vicious and unpleasant curse words he knew.

But it's a pity that since he was just cursing in his heart, the latter couldn't hear it at all.

What's more, even if he heard it, Zuo Si obviously didn't care at all about this "art of language" and would only laugh more happily.

At this moment, he had crossed the Endless Sea and arrived at the High Elf Station in Stranglethorn Valley.

Prince Kael'thas and a group of mages, who had been waiting for a long time, were currently trembling with excitement and breathing rapidly as they gathered around a small bottle filled with violet light.

After about two or three minutes, the Elf Prince raised his head and asked with a red face: "Is this... is this a portion of water from the Well of Eternity?"

"Yes, this is water from the Well of Eternity.

Since the Sunwell has been contaminated by the Scourge, I had to send people to take over the island of Quel'Danas and establish a base there.

As compensation, I will give you this as a return gift.

I believe that with it, you can create a new sunwell to alleviate the symptoms of magic addiction that have broken out after leaving Quel'Thalas. "

With that said, Zuo Si handed the water bottle in his hand to the other party.

Kael'thas carefully held the water bottle in his hand like he was caring for his lover, and said incoherently: "Thank you! Thank you so much!

I simply don't know how to describe my mood at this moment.

Since escaping from Quel'Thalas, my people have begun to suffer from symptoms called demon addiction, and some people have even been tortured to the point of losing their minds and falling into madness.

In order to solve this problem, I and a group of mages have studied for a long time but failed to find an effective solution.

If things continue like this, many people will go crazy and die.

I even had nightmares about it for a long time and couldn't rest well at all.

But now, I can finally have a good sleep.

In the name of the Sunstrider family, I swear that from now on the entire high elven race will become your most loyal believers and followers. "

How important is the Sunwell to the High Elves?

Just look at those "disheartened people" locked in cages.

These lunatics who have been affected by magic addiction cannot control their desire for energy at all. When the energy comes up, they suck almost everything into their bodies.

Whether it's arcane magical energy, or shadow, death, life, fel and light.

In the original timeline, many blood elves were unable to control themselves and absorbed the energy containing the power of death in the sunwell. As a result, there was a trend of becoming undead on a large scale.

Silvermoon City's senior officials even had to send out troops to exterminate these guys, causing the already small population to plummet again.

Others who followed Illidan to the Outlands simply began to absorb more powerful evil energy.

In short, if there is no infinite energy source to draw from, what awaits the high elves is constant decline and death.

Because from the moment they created the Sunwell, they were destined to live only around a huge source of magical energy.

Zuo Si was undoubtedly very aware of this and sent the most important piece of water from the Well of Eternity at the critical moment.

In the eyes of the high elves, this is tantamount to the gift of reinvention.

In less than a few minutes, he could feel the threads of faith connecting him to the mages, warriors and civilians present, and each one was more fanatical and pious than the last.

"Have you found a place to create a second sunwell?"

Zuo Si obviously didn't like this atmosphere very much, so he decisively changed the topic quickly.

Kael'thas quickly shook his head: "Not yet.

However, there are many nodes where magical energy converges in Stranglethorn Valley. I think it shouldn't be a big problem as long as you spend a little effort.

In addition, recently the trolls in Zul'Gurubli have become more aggressive for unknown reasons.

Five days ago they raided a farm.

But the strange thing is that they did not steal any property or food, but only kidnapped a family in the house.

Fortunately, the patrol team appeared in time and rescued the farmer's family of three.

The trolls who participated in the attack behaved very abnormally. Even if they were all killed, none of them surrendered. "

"Oh? You mean the trolls in Zul'Gurub are attacking from all sides to capture human and elven captives and bring them back as human sacrifices?"

There was a hint of surprise in Zuo Si's tone.

Based on his understanding of the Trolls of Stranglethorn Valley, these guys' customs are quite barbaric, bloodthirsty and cruel from a modern perspective.

Blood sacrifices, living sacrifices, cannibalism and the like are commonplace.

It is hard to imagine that this is a race that has developed for tens of thousands of years and established a huge empire and a glorious civilization.

But under normal circumstances, they should not easily approach the activities of humans and elves.

Because as a large number of trolls were forcibly transformed into forest elves, it began to spread among the troll tribes that humans had mastered some kind of evil witchcraft, which would make the trolls weak, degraded, and lose their pride. Regeneration ability.

Therefore, in the eyes of trolls, humans are the powerful and dangerous party.

And the troll sacrifices have complex religious overtones.

Generally only powerful warriors or spellcasters are eligible to be sacrificed.

When food is plentiful, civilians with little fighting ability like farmers are not even qualified to be eaten.

Whether they are attacking farms and kidnapping farmers or approaching human settlements, the behavior of Zul'Gurub trolls is quite unusual.

Kael'thas very carefully put the water bottle into a magic box and handed it to his most trusted subordinate. Then he explained with a wry smile: "I don't know if there are any living sacrifices, but they must be arresting people everywhere. real.

Even the goblins over there who were logging and mining in order to make money, as well as the ogres living in the caves, suffered.

Levigaz, the rich man in Booty Bay, even offered high-priced bounties to adventurers and hired them to hunt trolls.

In addition, your priestess, Calesia, has also lost contact. "

"Kalessia lost contact?"

Zuo Si was surprised when he heard the news, and immediately tried to track the current location of this high-level priest through the connection of faith.

But what makes him feel incredible is that the thread of faith is still there, but the person has disappeared.

To be exact, there is no soul left.

Accidental Death?



If it was an accidental death, Kalesia's soul should follow the connection between the land cards and go to Baator Hell.

But the hell side did not receive such a mortal soul.

So there is only one possibility, that is, her soul is imprisoned somewhere that cannot be detected.

And the guy who did it was very cautious and blocked the connection of faith in an instant, so that he didn't notice it at all.

"Interesting! It seems that there must be some secrets hidden in Zul'Gurora that we don't know about."

Zuo Si squinted his eyes and looked at the location of the troll city in the distance.

Although this jungle city looks very peaceful, it doesn't seem to be much different from usual.

But he had vaguely felt an aura of incomparable madness, greed and evil spreading from the inside out.

Has the blood god Hakkar arrived?

Or have the trolls summoned something more terrifying?

"Do you need me to send spies to Zul'Grabri to inquire about the situation?" Kael'thas asked in a low voice.

"No, no need. I will confirm it myself later. All you have to do is keep an eye on these trolls and notify me as soon as you find any danger."

Zuo Si bluntly rejected the elf prince's kindness.

In his opinion, the population of the high elves was only this small, so they should just stay in the rear and risk their lives to have children.

If necessary, he would like to teach his priest some magic that can improve the fertility rate and sexual interest, and the church will come forward to organize multi-person sports every now and then.

"Okay, I know what to do."

Kael'thas agreed without hesitation.

Because with the failure of the Burning Legion's invasion, the Lich King was also brought under control, and the situation in Azeroth began to gradually stabilize and ease.

Although sporadic wars continue in some places, the scale is far less than before.

Therefore, this elf prince does not need to stay on the front line every day to provide magic support at any time like in wartime.

In addition, the water from the Well of Eternity can completely solve the most difficult problem of magic addiction, and naturally there will be plenty of time to do other things.

"Don't be careless. The trolls of Zul'Gurub worshiped the blood god Hakkar a long time ago. This is a very hungry and terrifying monster that feeds on blood, life and souls."

Zuo Si issued a warning seriously.

He obviously knew that the blood elf prince had the habit of being careless and underestimating the enemy at critical moments.

If calculated purely based on strength, Kael'thas and Hakkar should be evenly matched.

The latter might be slightly stronger, but that's about it.

Even if Kael'thas can't beat Hakkar, self-protection and delaying time are still no problem.

Of course, the premise is that he must remain vigilant enough and not be killed suddenly by the other party.

"Blood God Hakkar? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

Kael'thas frowned and began searching his memory.

Like many geniuses of the immortal race who are smart enough, he also suffers from the problem of storing too much knowledge in his mind, so that many unfamiliar contents take a while to reflect.

Just a few seconds later, the elf prince immediately exclaimed: "Ah! I remembered it! This is a Loa god worshiped by the Gurubashi, the jungle troll empire of Stranglethorn Valley. But later on The ancient Zandalar trolls rose up in opposition, destroying the foundations of belief in this god."

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. I have reason to suspect that the blood god Hakkar has been awakened deep in Zul'Gurub. Otherwise, the troll has summoned something more dangerous."

"What about you? Are you going to do something more urgent?"

Kael'thas asked curiously.

"I have made an appointment with someone to go to another time and space to meet a friend. It may take a few days."

After saying that, Zuo Si instantly activated the power of the planeswalker's spark and disappeared.

The next second...

He appeared in the middle of a dirt road with endless wheat fields on both sides.

At the end of the road stands a majestic city-state with many huge statues and temples.

Even from a distance, you can still feel the majestic feeling.

Just when Zuo Sisi was about to confirm his position, a deafening loud noise suddenly came from behind him.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The ground instantly began to tremble violently. Pedestrians and business travelers on the road swayed uncontrollably from side to side as if they were drunk, and some simply lay on the ground and prayed to the gods they believed in.

As for the livestock, they were all running around like crazy.

No matter how hard the master beats him, it will be of no use.

Following the direction of the sound, Zuo Si saw red magma spewing out from the top of a high mountain.

Massive amounts of volcanic ash and harmful gases shot straight into the sky, turning the nearby sky into a gray scene.

"Okay, I think this should be the legendary Mount Verus, and the city-state in the distance should be the famous Akros."

While Zuo Si stared at the erupting and boiling volcano, he whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

Just from these two place names, it is not difficult to guess that the time and space he is currently in is Theros, which is dominated by faith, gods, and heroes.

Among the new generation of planeswalkers, Gideon Yura, who has unlimited regeneration ability, comes from here.

Aizipei's Chengyang Sword was also born from this time and space.

The biggest feature of Theros is that when enough people believe in something, then it will appear 100% of the time.

Even the most powerful gods were created by the faith of mortals.

Once a mortal no longer thinks that a certain god is still a god, even if he was standing above all the gods a second ago, he will instantly fall to become a mortal.

Elspeth took full advantage of this when she returned from the underworld after being plotted to death by the sun god Heliod, claiming that the spear in her hand was the real artifact, while the spear in Heliod's hand was Counterfeit.

Although the truth is completely the other way around.

But as more and more mortals believed it, the two weapons collided during the final battle, and the fake shattered the real one.

In other words, with the blessing of the power of faith, the original fakes in Elspei's hands have gradually been transformed into genuine ones.

This is the scariest place in Theros space-time.

As long as people believe, no matter how outrageous things are, things may happen.

Another planeswalker, Ajani the Golden Mane, also took advantage of this and used the power of shimmering oil to perfect believers, ultimately achieving the goal of perfecting the gods.

There is no reason or logic, and all matter and energy are shaped by the most extreme idealism.

Normally, this kind of place is the world Zuo Si hates and dislikes the most.

Even in the original plan, there was no intention to come to Theros Space-Time.

However, considering the people he wanted to meet on this trip, he reluctantly endured it and walked towards the distant city of Akros with the merchants and travelers on the road.

Since the overall style here leans towards ancient Greek mythology, people's clothing is also based on that period, which is basically just a piece of cloth wrapped around the body.

It is very common for men and women to expose their upper body or lower body.

As for those slaves, they didn't even have a loincloth. They were pushed into the market for public auction under the scolding and whipping of the slave owners.

Occasionally, you can also see various interesting monsters and humanoid creatures.

But none of this appealed to Zuo Si at all.

Because he took a huge risk and came to Theros for only one purpose, and that was to see with his own eyes the golden-maned Ajani who had the most heaven-defying ability among all planeswalkers.

The reason why the word "defying heaven" is used is definitely not an exaggerated description.

But this lion-man planeswalker does have such power.

If necessary, he can even directly create a soul entity with the same power as the enemy.

In other words, even if the opponent is a planeswalker like Nicol Bolas or Zuo Si, there will be no exception.

Based on limited intelligence, Zuo Si has always felt that Ajani's ability should be to directly purify the target's soul and split it into good and evil parts.

The evil side continues to remain in the original body, while the good side is pulled out to fight with it.

Since the two halves of the soul are evenly matched and neither can defeat the other, this kind of battle usually has no results. It is more like weakening and consuming the enemy, or delaying time.

But even so, it still cannot conceal its power and terror.

After all, neither Nicol Bolas nor Zuo Si would want to fight with their clones.

With various speculations about the ability of the lion-man planeswalker, Zuo Si walked into a tavern in Akros city.

Since the volcanic eruption has stopped at this moment, many people can be seen gathering here in the tavern to talk about the danger that just happened, and have a drink to calm their restless mood.

With the constant magical effect of glib, he easily understood the content of these people's conversations, casually threw a gold coin to the bartender, and motioned for the bartender to give him a drink.

I saw a man who looked to be in his thirties taking out a bottle of the best wine from the cabinet, pouring almost one-sixth of it directly into the glass, and then gently placed it on the bar and pushed it forward.

"Here, your drink. These are some of the best spirits in our store. Drink slowly. I don't want to see it spurting out of your mouth and scattering everywhere."


Zuo Si raised his cup to signal, then raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.


There was a burning sensation in his mouth and throat. An ordinary person would definitely start to feel suffocated at this moment, and would have no choice but to spit out the strong drink.

Fortunately, Zuo Si's physical attributes were already in the non-human category, so he remained unmoved and directly pushed the cup and the second gold coin over.

This undoubtedly surprised the bartender and other drunkards who were expecting a joke.

The former took advantage of the time he took the money to pour the wine and asked with interest: "You must not be a local, right? I don't remember there is a new face like you in Akros City."

"Yes, I come from a very far away place and I came here to find someone. Have you seen a combination of a lion and a human female knight recently?" Zuo Si asked deliberately pretending to be casual.

"A lion and a human female knight? This combination is really rare. But if you can afford the money, I wouldn't mind asking about it."

The bartender placed the refilled wine glass in front of Zuo Si and made a very obscure gesture.

There is no doubt that, like many tavern operators, he sells information on the side while selling alcohol.

And the latter should be the main source of income.

After all, you can only make a few bucks by selling wine, and a piece of information will cost you hundreds of gold coins to start with.

Zuo Si was also familiar with this and took out a pocket full of gold coins and threw it to the opponent.

After catching it, the bartender first weighed it, then opened it to check the quality, and soon showed a satisfied expression: "The pattern is exquisite and the gold content is full. The gold coin you paid is of quite good quality."

"What about the information I want?"

Zuo Si urged with an impatient look.

"Don't worry, give me a little time."

With that said, the bartender turned around, opened the door, walked into the kitchen, and muttered a few words to a boy who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The latter immediately understood and rushed out at an extremely fast speed, rushing through the hall like a butterfly carrying the beer on the tray and talking to the guests.

When you leave, you will leave a few glasses of beer as a thank you gift.

About ten minutes later, the young man came over with an empty plate, sat down on the bar next to Zuo Si, and reported in a low voice: "Based on the words of a businessman, two mercenaries, and some street gangsters, it can basically be concluded that The person you are looking for is in this city right now. Maybe you can consider going to the market or the Palace of Victory to look for them. They have appeared in these places before."

"Okay, thank you."

Zuo Si stood up and walked outside without saying a word.

After he opened the door and disappeared into the bustling street, the young man couldn't help but ask the bartender: "Who was the guy who paid for information just now? Why does he give people such a strange feeling?"

"Don't inquire about customers' privacy. This is an iron rule in our industry. Have you forgotten it?" the bartender scolded angrily.

But the young man was obviously not convinced, and rolled his eyes angrily: "Come on. We are just in the business of gathering gossip, and we are not a strictly secret intelligence organization. And the person just now is obviously extraordinary. I bet , the information about him will allow us to make a fortune sooner or later."

"Idiot! I'm afraid that I will lose my life. Didn't you notice that when he took out the money, he just conjured it up out of thin air? Now hurry up and go to the kitchen to do odd jobs."

The bartender woke the boy up from his daydream with the empty wine glass in his hand, pinched his neck and threw it into the kitchen, then slammed the door.

After all this was done, he turned his attention to the street outside the tavern.

Just ten seconds ago, another group of small gangs who did nothing all day long and relied on stealing, robbing and defrauding followed Zuo Si and walked out.

After all, people who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy information are definitely not poor and are the ideal targets for robbery.

It is foreseeable that something must have happened in the alley at this time.

The bartender didn't care about the life and death of a group of homeless people, but he was a little worried about what to do if they died too violently and the alley was filled with blood and minced meat.

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