A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 648: There is no good thing (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The terrifying magic storm lasted for a long time, until all the energy released by the dragon's breath was exhausted, and the boiling sea level gradually calmed down.

The seawater was completely dyed ink black by the charred corpses of creatures and the melted rock fragments that hit the bottom of the sea when the first thunder struck. It was as creepy as if it was leading to some unknown extra-dimensional space.

There is no doubt that this is the amazing destructive power that the Titan power extracted from Malygos can cause.

And as long as Zuo Si is willing, he can use the focusing rainbow in his hand to extract part of the energy scattered in the surface environment of the planet Azeroth at any time and convert it into breath or other types of spell effects. He can also convert any spell effect into energy.

In other words, Malygos' so-called title of Lord of Magic is actually composed of two parts.

Part of it is the star soul energy injected into the body that causes genetic and bloodline mutations, which is the power of the Titans rumored to be shared by the senior guardians;

The other part is a focusing rainbow device that looks like an oversized eye.

The latter gives the Blue Dragon King the authority to use the star soul's overflowing energy at will, while the former has the ability to use and transform it at will.

Therefore, no matter who it is, as long as they rely on the energy spilled from Azeroth's star soul to cast spells, they will have no power to fight back in front of Malygos.

Unless you are like the last guardian Medivh, you have broken away from the shackles of the planet and can draw energy from the universe to build your own spell system.

Otherwise, whether it was his mother and previous guardian Magna Aegwynn or Jaina Proudmoore, they would be like fragile babies in front of Malygos and would be instantly deprived of all spellcasting abilities.

Moreover, due to the ability to manipulate magical energy to form unstable surges, even the multi-casting environment where planeswalkers land cards are stacked will be affected, causing other magic systems to also have a high probability of failure.

Zuo Si couldn't believe how Malygos, who had such power, was defeated by the mages of Dalaran and those greedy adventurers who were hired in the original timeline.

Even with the full help of the Red Dragon Queen and the Red Dragon Legion, this is really a bit outrageous.

It was as if Elminster, a well-known elect of the goddess of magic and a legendary mage, was suddenly knocked to the ground with a stick by a gangster on the roadside and died of a brain hemorrhage.

However, considering Malygos' extremely abnormal mental state, such a result suddenly became reasonable.

After all, it is reasonable for a lunatic to suddenly do whatever he does in the middle of a battle.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si casually threw the dying Blue Dragon King to the ground, and said sarcastically in a slightly playful tone: "It turns out that the so-called Titan power is part of the Star Soul energy.

Since Titan is an awakened star soul, its own energy will carry its own strong will.

Once mortals accept them, they will inevitably be affected, become more and more inclined to order, and will inexplicably develop a sense of mission and responsibility, and then be willing to help the Titans achieve their grand goals and plans.

Likewise, this is why the Old Gods can corrupt and corrupt the Titan Guardians.

Since the ancient gods can corrode even unawakened star souls, they can naturally corrode these creations driven by star soul energy.

Now I understand why those Archaosaurs who rejected the power of the Titans and embraced the elements viewed the Aspects as filthy and traitors.

Because from the moment they received power, all the guardian dragons were reduced to obedient dogs under the distortion of the Titan's will, which was essentially the same as being corrupted by the ancient gods.

So in this universe, Holy Light, Shadow, Death, Arcane, Life and Evil are all constantly trying to expand their influence through the same means.

The Titans spread the arcane-based order throughout the physical universe through the transformation of planets and star souls;

Naaru, the representative of the Holy Light, uses religious-like beliefs to preach and brainwash mortals;

The Shadow corrupts everything through the Old Gods;

Evil energy spreads chaos through war, killing and destruction, twisting countless creatures into demons;

The forces of life gave birth to wilderness demigods in an attempt to make each planet appear in a primitive and wild state full of forests, swamps and various plants;

Death has simply set off plagues and killings, trying to turn the entire Azeroth into a country of only death. It may even have succeeded on other planets.

This is really an all-villain script without a single good thing.

But now I seem to have become one of them.

That being the case, let's play a game to see whose hands this universe will end up in. "

As these shocking remarks blurted out, the face of Kalecgos, who was standing in front of Zuo Si, changed drastically, and the pupils of his eyes changed rapidly as they continued to expand, contract, expand, and contract again.

Because he never thought that the Titan Guardians who gave the Blue Dragon Clan power would actually hide such a plan behind their backs.

As for the authenticity of these words, Kalecgos has never had any doubt.

After all, from the mouth of Nozdormu, the Bronze Dragon King, all the Aspect Dragons have learned that Zuo Si is a being with power that can at least rival the Titans.

And unlike Sargeras, who was blocked from the planet by the protection around Azeroth, he could enter and exit at will.

This also means that no matter it is the guardian dragon, the titan guardian, or the sealed ancient gods, they have no power to fight back in front of him.

So Zuo Si had no need to lie at all.

After a brief shock, Kalecgos quickly took a deep breath to force his chaotic brain to regain consciousness, and then asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Why do the Titan Guardians do this? Isn't their duty to protect Azeroth?" Is Si not invaded by ancient gods and other external forces?"

"Haha, the guardian's duty is indeed to protect Azeroth, there is no doubt about it.

It's just that what they protect is not other life forms, including dragons, but the powerful star souls bred within the planet, ensuring that they will eventually awaken as one of the Titans.

If one day the guardians and observers left behind by the Titans discover that there is a deviation in the plan, and that the life of this world or the ancient gods have caused the star soul not to develop in the direction of order, then they will not hesitate to send a message to the gods.

At that time, the Titans led by Aman'Thul will come again, cleanse the entire planet like they wiped out the Dark Empire, and then breed new life that meets their requirements.

So Titan is not the savior you imagined.

They are both great creators and the most ruthless destroyers.

In the same way, those guardians are just tools created by the Titans to achieve their goals.

They never mind using some despicable means for their master's plan.

Granting the power of the Guardian Dragon Titan is one of the most typical.

Think about it, how many sacrifices has the Guardian Dragon made for the world since gaining this power?

What did you gain from it?

In particular, what was the reason for the betrayal and corruption of Neltharion, the Black Dragon King?

If the Blue Dragonflight wants to get rid of this control that has penetrated into the blood and even the soul, then kneel down and swear allegiance to me.

Not only will I grant you free will, but I will also grant you greater strength and the ability to reproduce quickly, so that the depleted Blue Dragon Legion will prosper again. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si quickly changed from the dragon form back to human form, and even the Focusing Rainbow in his hand turned into a card shining with violet light.

Judging from the state, it can be seen that Malygos' Titan power has not had the slightest impact on it.

Because his identity as a great devil is originally inclined towards order, and his terrifying divine-like power is enough to resist all spell effects related to the mind and soul. At best, some obsessive-compulsive characteristics will become more serious than before.

For example, he will adopt a strict symmetrical design for the cities under his control. Even the trees planted on both sides of the road must maintain a fixed distance, and the height and thickness of the trees must look similar.

In the future, it may be required that even the bricks laid on the ground must be aligned, and each road must be arranged according to the standard east-west, north-south central axis, and even the holes in the sewer manhole covers must be neatly aligned.

In short, anything that looks chaotic and asymmetrical in design will immediately attract his attention and make him feel uncomfortable all over.

"What about Malygos? What will happen to him?"

Kalecgos glanced at the weak Blue Dragon King, his tone full of nervousness and concern.

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "Don't worry, as long as the Blue Dragon Legion is willing to surrender, then I will not kill him, but will protect him and have special people to serve him until his consciousness regains consciousness or he reaches the end of his life." The end of life.”

"You mean...imprisonment?"

Kalecgos was obviously not a fool, and he immediately understood the meaning.

Zuo Si smiled, waved his hand and corrected: "No, it's not imprisonment, but protection.

After all, you don’t want this crazy guy running around outside all day, right?

You must know that he no longer has the Focusing Iris and the power of the Titans, and is just a weak old blue dragon.

Malygos could die at any time if he encountered Deathwing or his spawn, as well as the servants of the Old Gods.

On the contrary, you can eat and drink well and spend the rest of your life comfortably here.

And I promise you can come visit him anytime you want. "

"What about Saragosa? Is she okay now?" Kalecgos continued to ask.

"She is doing very well and even enjoys her current life."

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Saragosa, who was mating with other male dragons just a second ago, was teleported out of the bottom room of the Sunwell.

When the female blue dragon saw Malygos and Kalecgos, instead of showing an expression of surprise, she shouted with a look of dissatisfaction: "Damn it! Why did you interrupt me so suddenly at such a critical moment?" It’s just a short step away from draining that male infernal dragon dry.”

"Sorry, I don't want to be like this, but someone is very concerned about your safety, so I can only summon you over and let him take a look."

Zuo Si explained with a smile.

"I have nothing to talk to them about."

Saragosa dived into the entrance to the depths of the underground without looking back, and did not speak to any blue dragon present from the beginning to the end.

Kalecgos was obviously stunned by the performance of his compatriot.

Especially the subtle changes that have occurred in the other party, as well as the 180-degree turn in personality, are full of doubts no matter how you look at it.

But it is undeniable that Saragosa is indeed still alive, and there is no trace of any torture or abuse.

Finally, after pondering for a moment, Kalecgos endured the pain of broken bones and lowered his head to express surrender, and said in a hoarse voice: "Please give me some time, I need to go to the Demon Nexus and other places to convince the Blue Dragon Legion. All members.”

"Okay, go ahead. I'm looking forward to good news from you. But before that, your kin will stay with me."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si began to release the resurrection magic.

In the blink of an eye, the blue dragon guards who had been killed in the battle stood up one after another, and their severely injured bodies quickly recovered.

This miraculous sight undoubtedly deepened the awe in Kalecgos's heart. He lowered his head and bowed again and signaled others not to act rashly.

After arranging everything, he spread his wings and flew in the direction of Northrend.

Because the Demon Nexus has always been the largest stronghold of the Blue Dragon Legion in Azeroth, more than half of the blue dragons live here.

In addition, there are guardians from Winterspring Valley in the north of Kalimdor continent who are responsible for monitoring the battlefield of Mount Hyjal.

As long as these two places are taken care of, it is equivalent to taking care of 90% of the members of the Blue Dragon Legion.

Kalecgos knew very well that he had no room for bargaining at the moment.

If you don't want the entire race to weaken and perish, you must bow to the new ruler of Azeroth.

The remaining blue dragon guards who were forcibly left behind were affected by the pink magic one after another, and quickly joined the great cause of multiplying and expanding the blue dragon population.

Although most of them were hybrid dragons, Zuo Si still generously allowed them to mate with each other and produce many blue dragon eggs with pure blood.

Seeing that several rooms on the bottom floor of the Sunwell had been completely transformed into mating and breeding places for blue dragons, Jeffrey couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Maybe I should consider expanding the bottom of the Sunwell a little. Otherwise, when all these dragon eggs are gone After hatching, I’m afraid the large number of noisy hatchlings will leave our members without a place to stay.”

But Zuo Si shook his head gently: "It's not necessary.

Later I will order people to take away some of these dragon eggs and send them to Baator Hell and other worlds for hatching.

I believe that with the surrender of the Blue Dragon Legion, other guardian dragons will soon appear one after another and make choices.

If you encounter this situation next time, just send me a magic message as soon as possible.

In particular, several dragon kings can be regarded to some extent as quasi-gods or demigods who hold partial authority over this planet.

Unless you have equal power, it will be difficult to fight against it with the power of magic alone.

You must know that Malygos is not the most powerful among the five Aspect Dragons. Above him are Deathwing and Nozdormu. "

"Understood. I will message you directly next time this happens.

But before that, could you please use time magic to repair the damaged parts of the fortress?

After all, it takes a lot of work to repair and build this thing.

What's more, we lost a lot of manpower in the short battle just now. "

Jeffrey glanced at the dilapidated magic fortress and clearly wanted to be lazy.

Without saying a word, Zuo Si directly released time reversal on the building, restoring the damaged parts to the way they were before the battle broke out.

After doing all this, he immediately teleported back to Storm Cliffs and planned to personally command the army to attack Ulduar. He didn't even notice that on the far coastline of Quel'Danas Island, there were two figures who watched everything just now. In the eyes.

"That's time magic, right?"

Chromie, who was still dressed as a dwarf as always, asked the bronze dragon king beside him with wide eyes.

Nozdormu nodded without thinking: "Yes, a very beautiful way back in time.

Moreover, the opponent controlled the target very accurately on the building without affecting the creatures inside.

Not only that, the super acceleration spells released by those lichs before were actually a type of time magic.

How incredible!

They clearly don't have the power of the Titans but they can manipulate time in Azeroth. "

"So this is the reason why timelines alternate and merge? They can also control and interfere with time to a certain extent?"

Chromie licked his lips nervously.

Because this has never happened before.

And with the merger of the timelines, the battles between the Eternal Dragon and the Bronze Dragon Legion began to become more frequent, and many adult bronze dragons died in the battle.

"No, the merger of the timelines has nothing to do with their mastery of time magic.

The real reason is power.

Unparalleled power, enough to make any conspiracy and trick have no effect.

It is this power that kills all possibilities and makes the timeline begin to converge in the only direction.

The ease with which Malygos was crushed is the best proof. "

Nozdormu reached out and gently touched Chromie's little head and explained patiently.

"So...you plan to lead the Bronze Dragon Legion to surrender to the other party just like the Blue Dragon Legion?" Chromie asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yeah, because we don't have a second choice at all.

I believe you should have seen the future and know what the entire Azeroth is facing.

In front of him, the little time we have at our disposal cannot make any waves.

Rather than sacrifice for some ridiculous reason in vain, it is better to surrender early in exchange for a good condition.

But before that, we still have a big problem to solve, and that is the mad Eternal Dragon Army. "

When mentioning this matter, Nozdormu rarely showed a serious expression.

The reason is very simple!

The Eternal Dragon is the other side of the Bronze Dragon.

Therefore, his other clone, the Lord of the Eternal Dragon Legion, also controls the power of the Titans.

One conclusion can be drawn based on the ever-changing future, that is, Zuo Si does not mind accepting the Eternal Dragon Legion led by Mnozdo at all, and then join forces with them to wipe out all bronze dragons from the world.

This also means that the current Bronze Dragon Legion and the Eternal Dragon Legion are in a state of competition for survival.

Only one of them is destined to survive.

Chromie obviously also knew that the fight between the Eternal Dragon Legion and the Bronze Dragon Legion had become increasingly fierce recently. He frowned and asked, "Do you want to fight an unprecedented decisive battle with these time destroyers?"

"Yes. Some things have to come to an end eventually. It's time to put an end to this fight that might have lasted until the end of time."

When he said these words, Nozdormu's eyes showed a hint of determination.

After all, strictly speaking, the battle with the Eternal Dragon Legion is essentially fighting oneself.

Every bronze dragon can find its own reflection in the Eternal Dragon.

At the same time, far in the far north, the Storm Peaks of Northrend.

Thousands of New Phyrexia's creations are pouring into the northernmost Ulduar at an extremely fast rate.

Especially those extremely flexible aircraft, which are so densely packed that they can block out the sky and the sun.

Once they discover that there is a target that can be completed below, they will immediately swoop down in a group, and then explode among the enemies with a bang, spraying the shining oil with strong infection ability onto the steel body of the Titan creation. superior.

After a while, the flaming behemoth chariots and Deconstructor construct robots built with metal and magic technology fell one after another.

In front of Shuoyou, the more pure the mechanical structure is, the easier it is to be infected and transformed.

On the contrary, those flesh and blood bodies and animals and plants full of natural energy often have strong resistance.

As the most stubborn of all the demon judges in New Phyrexia, Jinji Towers never appears on dangerous battlefields, but hides in the rear and commands remotely from a safe area.

Through advanced information link and data exchange technology, he can easily control millions of troops through a single instrument, cutting, surrounding and annihilating the enemy in an orderly manner.

When necessary, psychological tactics will be used to induce the opponent's unsteady soldiers to voluntarily put down their weapons and surrender through broadcasts and charming sounds.

But this time the enemy is a Titan creation, and those little tricks obviously have no effect.

Therefore, after successfully completing Mimiron, Jinji Tasha immediately sent a steady stream of shimmering oil into Ulduar, and used Mimiron's machine shop to build a large number of war weapons, and at the same time penetrated and penetrated the entire protection system. control.

So what was being staged at this moment was not a heavy-loss attack, but a coordinated internal and external surprise attack.

Seeing that the whole of Ulduar was in chaos, Loken, the King of Wisdom, immediately stood up from his chair and asked angrily: "What's going on? Who can tell me what happened? Who is this reckless person? Idiots dare to attack this sacred temple?"

“Great King of Wisdom, there have never been records of these strange creatures in our database.

The most important thing is that they... they seem to control Mimiron.

And turned the entire assembly workshop into an arsenal of its own.

Many terrible weapons of war emerged from the Hall of Guardians.

Although the generals of the Iron Council were desperately resisting, they still could not prevent their opponents from cooperating internally and externally.

What's even more terrifying is that all the killed iron men will be penetrated by a terrible black grease, and then quickly get up and become our enemies.

The scene was exactly the same as the undead in Icecrown Glacier. "

An iron dwarf crawled on the ground and told his master about the situation outside.

Although as a pure metal creation, normally he should not have any emotions such as fear and anxiety, and he will still bravely charge even when facing the most powerful enemy.

But the problem is that the situation where the shimmering oil infects the entire Ulduar from the inside is really terrifying and frightening.

This steel dwarf witnessed with his own eyes the corpses of his own kinsmen who died in battle. Under the transformation of Shuoyou, it only took a few minutes for them to get up from the ground, swinging their axes and slashing at their companions next to them.

"What? Mimiron actually rebelled! Where are Hodir and Thorim? Where are they now?"

Loken clenched his fists subconsciously.

You must know that Mimiron is the creator of the mechanical gnomes. The ancestor of all gnomes, like him, is a high-level guardian created by the Titan himself.

The enemy's ability to control Mimiron means being able to control all Titan Guardians.

This is simply more terrifying than the master he serves, the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

The Iron Dwarf quickly replied: "The King of Winter and the King of Storms are building a defense line to resist the endless influx of mechanical armies.

Please forgive me.

If the trouble of the black grease cannot be solved, the place they guard will be completely destroyed in a few hours at most.

In addition, most of the vestibule guarded by Korlongarn and Orlia has been lost, so please make a decision as soon as possible. "

Hearing these pieces of news that were worse than the last, Loken instantly began to doubt his life.

He simply couldn't believe that Ulduar, a fortress that was tightly defended to seal the Ancient God, could be breached so easily.

And the opponent is neither another ancient god nor the Burning Legion led by the Dark Titan Sargeras, but a group of unknown guys.

Obviously, since he had been busy clearing away dissidents, Loken did not know about the war that was breaking out on Mount Hyjal and the arrival of Zuo Si.

Otherwise, whenever he collects any information, he will be deeply impressed by the demon army and the shimmering oil of New Phyrexia.

But I couldn't figure it out. As a servant who had sworn allegiance to Yogg-Saron, this guy still faithfully performed his duties and walked alone through the tunnel leading to the bottom while the other guardians were busy resisting the enemy's attack. Inclined corridor.

"Lorken, what happened up there? Why is there so much noise?"

General Vezax, the faceless man waiting at the door of the final seal, asked questions through the spiritual connection.

As one of the most powerful servants Yogg-Saron has ever created, he looks like a large, deformed crab. His two arms have long turned into pliers, and behind him are three pairs of jointed limbs covered with serrations and sharp ends. , the surface of the body is covered with a thick blue-green carapace, and two tubes extend from the armpits, with curled tentacles inside.

Compared with other faceless men who mainly focus on Cthulhu style, General Vezax does not look scary or disgusting.

But if you think he is easy to deal with, you are totally wrong.

Just the aura of despair released from this guy's body can make Titan guardians like Loken feel stiff and sluggish.

The body surface looks like a crab's carapace, but is actually made of a material similar to Saronite, which can offset most magical and physical attacks except holy light.

Because the dark blood of Yogg-Saron flows in his body, the power of his shadow magic is beyond the reach of even a powerful warlock like Gul'dan.

Loken was obviously very aware of General Vezax's power and status in Yogg-Saron's heart, and he immediately lowered his head and responded: "It's an intruder.

A group of invaders appeared out of nowhere and entered Ulduar.

Not only do they control Mimiron and the entire assembly shop, they are also turning the Iron Council's troops into their own puppets.

At this rate, it might not even take two or three hours to get here from the front hall.

I think this opportunity can give the owner a chance to see the light of day again in advance. "

"you mean……"

General Vezax's eyes shone with a strange light.

“What I mean is that it’s better to use the trick and use the hands of these intruders to clear out all the guardians who are unwilling to obey the master’s will.

Then the seal is torn apart so that the owner can be seen again.

Whatever these invaders wanted from Ulduar.

When they discover the true identity of the master under the seal, they will all surrender to the powerful dark power.

The great Yogg-Saron will surely reappear in the world, and the glory of the Dark Empire will be created again in our hands. "

When saying these words, Loken's tone became extremely excited and enthusiastic.

Because he had been affected for too long, he had already completely transformed into the shape of the ancient god.

Even the power of the Titan within his body became terrifying as it was distorted day and night.

General Vezax stood motionless, seemingly communicating with Yogg-Saron inside the seal.

About three to five minutes later, he once again said to Loken through the telepathic connection: "Yes, the master agrees to your plan. But be careful, he noticed that these intruders are very unusual and may be more difficult to deal with."

"Too hard to handle? Hahahahaha! I will let them shed the last drop of blood in the fight with other guardians. In front of the King of Wisdom, no matter what kind of enemy they are, they can only surrender obediently."

Loken laughed and turned away from the lowest level where the seal was.

As soon as he walked away with his front feet, a tentacle with a mouth and fangs on his back feet slowly crawled out from the depths of the seal, whispering in a mocking voice: "These Titan guardians are as arrogant as their masters, aren't they? "

"Yes, the great Yogg-Saron.

But it is undeniable that Loken is really good at provoking internal strife among the guardians of Ulduar.

He has successfully helped you remove several thorns in your side.

Now is the time to break the seal and welcome your return.

I believe that when N'Zoth and C'Thun wake up and find that the whole world is under your control, they will be very surprised and desperate.

Only you can complete the sacred mission entrusted to you by the Lord of the Void. "

After saying that, General Vezax bent down and bowed deeply to the tentacle.

Then he began to release balls of black filthy blood from his body.

After the blood fell to the ground, it quickly absorbed energy and expanded into twisted and weird granules.

After a while, the entire ground around the seal was covered with these sprouts.

General Vezax stood on top of the flesh bud, letting the wriggling end penetrate into his body, and then raised his hands high to begin to guide the shadow energy.

In an instant, the entire room was plunged into darkness.

If you have dark vision, you can see that in the center of the room, more and more tentacles begin to crawl out from the depths, and finally a big mouth filled with countless small mouths suddenly emerges from inside.

There is no doubt that this is what is called the waking nightmare, the monster in the nightmare, the devil with a thousand faces - Yogg-Saron.

Of course, this is not its entire body, just a small and important part of it.

Its true body remains rooted deep beneath Northrend.

On the other side, in front of the huge furnace inside Ulduar, Zuo Si, who had just arrived from the Sunwell, was looking at the assembly line used to make steel life with great interest.

The huge body of Ignis, the king of the furnace, who has been completely transformed by Shuoyou, has now been transformed into an out-and-out robot by Shuoyou. More than a hundred arms are constantly beating and forging to forge pieces of rough embryos. Condensed into the shape of the body, head and limbs.

Then assemble these parts and turn them into steel golems, vrykul, dwarves, and giants.

Finally, it is given soul, thought and will through the furnace of will.

It has to be said that this seemingly primitive forging method is surprisingly fast. It only takes less than five minutes to make a living metal life walk down the assembly line.

Of course, in addition to the previous production techniques, it also has to be thrown into the pool of sparkling oil for a soak.

When they climb out, they will become part of New Phyrexia.

Although Jinji Tasha is quite unfavorable to such anthropomorphic creations, thinking that too much unnecessary material is wasted in the process and is a bit bulky overall, it is undeniable that their uses are really very wide.

Not only can he be an excellent warrior, but he is also an almost perfect craftsman who can perform very complex technical work.

Especially the mechanical gnomes, a few of them can create a fully automatic assembly line out of thin air.

This is why Ulduar has so many guardians and troops, but once Mimiron launched a rebellion from within after being completed, all the other guardians were dumbfounded.

The reason is that this ancestor of the mechanical dwarf can quickly transform all the resources at hand into war machines with the help of the power of shimmering oil.

Moreover, even the corpses of dead soldiers can be pulled back and used as raw materials for making war machines, or they can simply be modified on the spot and thrown up as cannon fodder.

At this moment, Mimiron's huge head was floating next to Zuo Si, reporting in a voice full of electronic texture: "Supreme Heart Phyrexian Father, our army has begun fighting with the guardians in the atrium. .

Hodir's current damage level has reached 35%, and he will join us under the infection of Shimmering Oil in at most 40 minutes.

Thorim's storm power may be troublesome against electrically conductive machinery, and the battle is expected to last more than three hours.

Freya is relying on the natural power of the ancient tree elders to prevent Shimmering Oil from entering the area she controls, but it is only a matter of time before she falls after defeating the two guardians in front.

The only uncertainty is that the King of Wisdom, Luo, never showed up. "

"Oh? Where has this old Yinbi gone? Since the upper Hall of Valor in Ulduar was sealed, isn't he the supreme leader here now?"

Zuo Si showed a surprised expression.

Because in his impression, Loken was not the kind of person who would run away like a turtle.

Ever since this guy was corrupted by Yogg-Saron, he has been actively running around, working hard to open the seal and release the ancient god.

Even the Iron Vrykul, dwarves and giants in Ulduar who were originally loyal to the Titans, under his operation, gradually became tools used by the ancient gods to conquer the world after breaking the seal.

It can be said that during the period of loyalty to Yogg-Saron, he was even more proactive than when he served the Titans.

Zuo Si even suspected that Loken might have any special hobbies.

How else to explain that after his fall, he first successfully trapped Odin, who had the highest authority, in the Hall of Valor on the upper level of Ulduar, and then incited other guardians to fight among themselves, and also helped Yogg-Saron spread the power of darkness. are everywhere, constantly eroding and corrupting other Titan creations.

Mimiron quickly responded: "Yes, Loken is indeed the guardian with the highest authority in Ulduar now.

However, I don't know what he has been busy with recently. He is always mysterious and rarely appears in the sight of other guardians.

If you want to capture all of Ulduar, it's best to find Loken as soon as possible.

For he holds in his hand the keys that turn on and off the two furnaces. "

"I see. Then let us find this King of Wisdom first."

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and released a prophecy detection magic.


A finger made of white smoke appeared in front of him, pointing towards the huge and magnificent palace in the distance.

"Ah, it seems that Loken is hiding inside. Let's go and take a look at what he is up to."

Zuo Si jumped onto Mimiron's huge golden head without saying a word.

As a player who has visited Ulduar many times in the game but failed to get this thing, since he cannot get this rare mount in the game, he might as well experience it in reality.

Mimiron obviously didn't know what Zuo Si on his head was thinking at the moment. His head immediately made some deformation changes, revealing a cockpit that could accommodate two or three people, and then quickly flew in the direction of the palace. .

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