A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 629 The Battle of Cormanzo (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"What's wrong with me?"

Elenon raised her arm and looked at her bright red muscle arm wrapped in white porcelain and murmured to herself.

As a typical New Phyrexia creature, she should not have any emotions such as fear, confusion, and confusion. She lives to realize the lofty concept of New Phyrexia's "unification of all realms."

But now, after learning that there is another consciousness in his body, he still feels some strong uneasiness.

In addition, Karn, the father of New Phyrexia, has begun to behave more and more strangely recently, often giving strange orders to the church members who serve him.

For example, collect some inexplicable materials, and then fuse them together through some kind of magic and technology to create strange creations.

Moreover, the thoughts and consciousness of a large number of members of the White Faction's Mechanical Orthodoxy have undergone a 180-degree turn.

You must know that today's New Phyrexia is not the old Phyrexia dominated by its creator Yawgmoth.

Strictly speaking, the Demon Judges are all leaders selected and shaped by Shuoyou. Strictly speaking, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates.

This means that in order to unite them without engaging in internal fighting, they must first unify their thoughts and ideologies, and then establish common goals and interests on this basis.

The Mechanical Orthodoxy currently plays such a role.

Elenon simply couldn't imagine what a terrible disaster it would be for New Phyrexia if there were problems within the Mechanic Orthodoxy or simply split.

Don't talk about "the unification of all realms", otherwise you will start a brutal civil war, or even lead to the collapse of Mirrodin time and space.

After all, the Demon Judges of all factions believe that their own ideas are the most correct and can lead New Phyrexia to glory and victory.

Just when the Prince Regent, who called himself the "Great Monk", was trying to figure out what happened to him, the white porcelain body and the blood-red muscles exposed after peeling off the skin suddenly froze in place.

After a full minute, her raised arm moved again. It was no longer as graceful as before. Instead, it became extremely crazy and bloodthirsty. She directly scratched a blood mark on her body, then put it in her mouth and sucked it. He laughed wildly at the mirror and said: "Hahahaha! My other self, I'm afraid you wouldn't have thought in your dreams that I was about to successfully seize control of this body, would you?

As long as the new scintillating oil completely drives the old scinging oil out of the engine, all of New Phyrexia will become the owner's possession.

I didn't control my physical discomfort for a long time because I couldn't do it, but I didn't want to alert you too early.

But now it's too late.

I'm firmly in the driver's seat, and you're getting weaker as the old oil wears off.

When the final moment comes, whether it is you or the silver golem Kahn, you will eventually have to serve the master's great plan.

Unification of all worlds?

Your ridiculous plan, which is full of loopholes, is nothing compared to the Master. "

As the last word blurted out, Elenon, who showed a completely opposite side, directly tore off the huge white porcelain panel above her head that covered her nose, revealing a creepy red face.

Black shimmering oil slowly flowed out from the corners of the eyes and the torn parts of the cheek muscles, dripping down to the ground.

In the next few minutes, she pulled off all the white porcelain parts bit by bit, exposing all the muscle parts wrapped inside to the air, and opened her arms as if to release her suppressed nature.

The flesh and blood behind him even spread out a pair of red wings like a fallen angel under the transformation of Shuoyou.

The shining oil engine on the chest glowed with a holy white light.

Although Elenon is like a skinned woman at this moment, looking bloody and terrifying, it is full of inexplicable twisted beauty that makes people want to stop and watch.

She herself moved light steps and danced a weird dance while humming an unknown tune.

Under the influence of the powerful white mana, the torn parts of the body healed quickly, leaving not even a trace of scar.

After the song ended, Elenon turned and left the room and issued a war mobilization order to her men.

Unlike the other Elenon who knew nothing about the upcoming expedition, she had obviously learned that the entire New Phyrexia was about to travel across time and space to an unfamiliar universe through the information conveyed by the new shimmering oil, so she did not want to miss this important event. action.

After all this was done, the consciousness born from the new shimmering oil dressed the white porcelain neatly again, and returned control of the body to Elenon.

Although she has gained an overwhelming and absolute advantage in this secret struggle for dominance, she can almost take over the body whenever she wants.

But in order to completely eliminate her original consciousness and personality once and for all without leaving any hidden dangers, she would rather create an illusion that she is the weaker party to deceive.

In order to maintain confidentiality, even the other four Demon Judges did not know that the real Elenon had been infiltrated for a long time.

At this point, the entire Mirrodin has completely entered a state of war.

At the same time, far above the endless Cormanthor Forest in Faerûn, the elven army finally arrived at the location of the ruins of Myth Drannor after flying for several days.

Looking down at the broken eaves and broken walls here, as well as the stones covered with weeds, trees, vines and moss, Silinxi suddenly felt filled with emotion.

Because when she left, the country, although full of disappointing power struggles and political divisions, still maintained a semblance of unity, and the cities were equally rich and prosperous.

But now, Myth Drannor has become a gathering place for monsters, adventurers, thieves, and dark elves.

Although these guys couldn't enter the core area because the Mystery Lock was still working, it would be a lie to say that they weren't sad when they saw the thing they had spent countless efforts building completely collapse.

Fortunately, Silinxi has never been a sentimental person. Her long life has taught her how to hide her mood swings, and she has remained arrogant and indifferent from beginning to end. She asked the mage beside her directly: "How is it? Not yet." Can you confirm where those dark elves are stationed?"

"Sorry, ma'am.

The other party obviously used magic to block the detection of all prophecy magic.

Unless we land on the ground and search carefully.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to find them.

And according to the reports from previous spies, these drow often migrate within a certain range and rarely settle in a certain place for a long time.

So the location we explored last time is now empty with only an abandoned campground. "

The mage explained helplessly.

This is also a typical characteristic of dark elves who leave the Underdark and settle in the surface world.

Due to the empty sky above their heads and the wide field of vision around them, they who are accustomed to living in dark areas lack a sense of security. They always feel that these empty places hide countless enemies and dangers.

Only when they find large enough caves, underground tunnels and solid stone castles will these guys choose to defend themselves.

Otherwise, you will basically change places after staying for a while.

In particular, the dark elves living in the Cormanthor area often have a certain tendency towards nomadic herding, fishing and hunting.

They would not choose to settle down and farm at all, but would rather go south to plunder villages and towns in the valley, or make deals with merchants and rob caravans to get what they need.

Before Sembia descended into civil war, the country's mercenary merchant community had established a tenuous trade with the Dark Elves.

However, as Sembia fell into civil war and the land caravans to the north almost disappeared, they could only have limited cooperation with Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim.

"Didn't you say that the Jelle family with 8,000 people is near the royal court? Could it be that such a big target can't be found?"

Silinxi stood on the flight deck and looked down at the ground, her tone clearly showing a hint of disappointment and dissatisfaction.

The mage smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You think of the problem too simply.

There are indeed more than eight thousand dark elves in the Jelle family, but they do not always gather together.

Instead, they disperse into small colonies that control hundreds of square kilometers of surrounding forest.

The only ones stationed near the royal court are mages and warlocks who can crack the mystery. The total number should not exceed 300 people.

In addition, considering the drow's aversion to sunlight, they will definitely not choose to operate during the day.

So this brings great difficulty to the investigation.

You should be well aware of how difficult it is to find a group of dark elves at night who can't even make a sound when they walk or run.

They often discover us before our people discover them.

As for aerial reconnaissance...

The dense tree canopy alone was enough to cover a large area of ​​the ground, so I emphasized the need to land and search on the ground. "

"Damn! So you're saying we're going to play a game of hide-and-seek with these guys in the forest of Cormanzo?"

Silinxi held her forehead and felt a headache.

Because this kind of small-scale scattered war is exactly the result she least wants to see.

After all, in terms of the quality of individual soldiers, these "young master soldiers" with luxurious equipment from Yongju Island may not necessarily be able to defeat the drow who have been struggling to survive in harsh environments for a long time.

What's more, the latter is famous for being good at sneak attacks.

If it is a large-scale battle, Silinxi can rely on the powerful magical power of herself and the mage group around her to annihilate the main enemy force with one final blow.

But if they fight this kind of endless war of destruction, war of attrition, and war of harassment, then they will have no advantage at all.

Once there are too many casualties, low morale becomes a big problem.

"I'm afraid so.

I suggest it's best to land outside Myth Drannor and build strong defenses.

Once the fortifications are up, you can start working on regaining control of the core of the Mythia. This will force those dark elves to show up.

Especially Jazz, the cripple of the Jeller family, has always been determined to win the Mystery Lock, and he will definitely not be able to help but jump out to interfere and interrupt.

At that time, we can wait and hit them hard with the help of air gunships and dragon knights. "

The mage spoke out his thoughts at once.

There is no doubt that compared to playing hide-and-seek with the dark elves who are good at sneak attacks, his approach of removing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron is the wisest.

The only uncertainty is whether the remaining drow forces will unite to launch a siege against the expeditionary force.

If gods are involved, the whole plan will become extremely sinister.

Silinxi lowered her head and thought for a moment, then quickly responded: "Just do what you think. As of now, we have no other better choice."

"As you wish, ma'am."

The mage put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, then turned and returned to the command room to explain the situation to the commander of the gunboat. ,

About ten minutes later, the huge airship landed on the shore of a huge artificial lake.

This place was originally created by magic to provide clean drinking water to Mis Drannor. There is a portal at the bottom of the lake that connects to the water elemental plane.

Although the portal has long been closed by the Harpers, after hundreds of years of accumulation, it has now become extremely huge.

The reason why we chose to land here is because the lakeside is the only place not covered by towering trees and can accommodate this behemoth to lower to a height of less than fifty meters.

The elves, who have always liked to engage in various rituals, even asked the bards to play music. Her Majesty the Queen, Si Linxi, was the first to step out of the cabin and set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Cormanthor.

With the help of powerful magical rituals, they built a camp and fortress out of thin air in an open space in just a few hours, capable of accommodating five thousand people.

And no trees were cut down from beginning to end, but the soil was directly transformed into solid stone.

As towering mage towers, arrow towers and walls rise from the ground, a military fortress is completely built before the sun sets.

After unloading half of the supplies, the airship immediately raised its altitude and parked two thousand meters above the ground, quietly overlooking the earth.

No one noticed at all, but there was a pair of eyes in the bushes deep in the forest that recorded all of this.

After nightfall, he quickly escaped into the darkness and finally arrived at an underground cave only thirty kilometers away from the fortress.

When he took off his cloak and hood, the face of a dark elf was revealed, and he said directly to the other similar people who had been waiting in the cave for a long time: "The information given by Fuzor Chamberry is correct. The West Coast Empire is really useful. Their airship sent the elves of Evermeet to Cormanthor. It seems that they want to seize control of Myth Drannor's Mythlock first, and then isolate us all from the outside."

"How many elves are there? What's the condition of their weapons and equipment?"

A short dark elf man with a black mask on his face, one leg obviously longer than the other, and a strange metal structure between his legs and feet asked with a serious expression.

Obviously, he is one of the leaders of the Jeller family, the famous "Cripple Jazz".

The long legs and the extremely uncoordinated walking and standing postures are the origin of this nickname.

The strange metal device is actually intended to correct a permanently deformed leg so that it can still move with the same flexibility and agility as before.

According to legend, the reason Jazz became like this can be traced back to the time when his family lived in the Underdark.

Back then, he was still a scout specializing in investigation, and he often went out to perform dangerous tasks.

During a battle with a giant earth monster, the cave suddenly collapsed and he was buried entirely.

The companions thought this guy was dead, so they didn't dig or search for him at all.

It was not until ten days later that Jazz was dug out of the collapsed cave with his tenacious will to survive, and crawled back to the camp despite severe pain, hunger and wound infection.

Afterwards, a priest treated him and reattached the broken leg.

It's a pity that this priest is obviously not of a high level and cannot perform advanced magic such as limb regeneration, so he just connected it.

Since then, Jazz has had to wear braces and special boots, and walks with a limp like a cripple.

Of course, now he has climbed from the bottom to the top, and is responsible for contacting, negotiating with external forces, and striving for interests and benefits.

If the Jeller family can gain a foothold in the surface world and establish a fixed stronghold, then he will most likely become the nominal leader and spokesperson.

“I can’t count the exact number of people, but judging from the scale, it’s at least several thousand.

Among them, the proportion of mages, warlocks, and priests is very high, and the equipment is also extremely sophisticated, almost all of which are magic armors and weapons.

They used magic to build an impenetrable fortress in just one afternoon.

In addition, the aerial gunboat carrying the elves did not leave, but was still parked in the sky. Occasionally, knights riding dragons could be seen patrolling around.

All in all, this is an extremely powerful group of enemies.

It is not easy to defeat or expel them. "

The spy told everything he had observed at once, not daring to hide anything.

He knew very well that the return of the elves from Evermeet Island to the mainland of Faerûn was no small matter.

Especially for dark elves like me who have a deadly feud with the surface elves, it is absolutely a disaster.

"Thousands of elites? Evermeet Island really spent a lot of money to recapture Myth Drannor. Who is leading the team?"

Lame Jazz sneered and narrowed his eyes as he continued to ask.

Unlike others who showed nervous expressions, he remained calm and collected from beginning to end.

The spy quickly replied: "The leader is a strange Sun Elf woman.

There is no record of her in our intelligence, not even her name.

However, she wears a crown and the sword of rule - Akkorim. She should be a descendant of the Kingdom of Cormanthor with inheritance rights, right?

The reason why Yongju Island pushed her out was probably to re-establish the rule over this area with the help of legitimacy and legitimacy.

I think this woman is most likely a vase, and there is no need to pay more attention to her. "

"A descendant of an unknown royal family?"

The lame Jazz touched his chin with a very puzzled expression.

In his opinion, even if Yongju Island does not send a legendary mage, it should at least send a high-level warrior or priest.

Otherwise, given Cormanthor's current sensitive position, he might be assassinated by the City of Shade and the Zhentarim.

Obviously, because Silinxi has been away from Faerûn for so long, most people have completely forgotten her.

It even felt that the archmage who presided over the creation of Myth Drannor's magic lock was already dead.

Not even Fuzor Chambery or the Zhentarim recognized him.

Otherwise, with the cautious character of the Moon Sea Tyrant, he would never easily provoke this kind of monster that stands at the top of mortal spellcasters.

After all, when he and Manson teamed up, they didn't dare to fight Elminster head-on, let alone the teacher of the great sage of Shadow Valley.

"Jez, I think this matter is no longer something we can deal with on our own. We must unite all the forces in Cormanthor. After all, once the elves reoccupy Myth Drannor, it will be a disaster for everyone. It’s a disaster. They’ll do whatever it takes to kill or drive us out.”

Another male dark elf dressed as a priest took the initiative to give his opinion.

After all, the Jelle family does not adopt the traditional drow management style of matron and mother, but adopts a high-level collegial system.

Moreover, the people who hold family power here are almost without exception all men, which is exactly the opposite extreme from the situation in Menzoberranzan where women are in power.

The reason for this situation is mainly due to the sharp conflict between the spider goddess Lolth and her son Velen, the drow god of conspiracy.

The former advocates that women are superior to men and constantly suppresses men to completely turn them into slaves and vassals of women.

The latter took note of the dissatisfaction of male dark elves with this oppressive status quo, and decisively chose to go in the opposite direction, preaching that they would overthrow female rule and let men take power and turn women into their slaves, determined to overthrow the deformity and distortion. matriarchal society.

There are even male dark elves in the priesthood.

Therefore, the relationship between the two can be simply understood as the mutual "boxing" between the sexes in modern society.

At the moment, Rose's boxing skills are obviously more powerful, so Velen can only hide in the surface world far away from the underdark area to develop followers, and then derive the priesthood of "Evil Activities on the Surface".

Therefore, dark elves who believe in Velen basically live in the surface world or in passages close to the surface world.

Due to the relatively small number of believers, he and his sister Eilistraee are both weak divine powers.

The only difference is that Eilistraee has a large group of powerful allies behind her, including the goddess of magic.

But he only has two allies, Mask, the God of Thieves, and Shar, the Goddess of Night.

It is unknown whether the latter has any unknown conspiracy.

However, although there are not many allies and they are extremely unreliable, there are many and strong enemies who cannot stand up to Velen.

Including his mother Lolth, his sister Eilistraee, the ooze god Ghaunadaur, the entire elven pantheon, Siralani, the halfling god of friendship and trust, the myconid god Poslophel, and the heart-stealing god. The Demon God Ilshensin, the Scaled God Laugzd, the Beholder God Gzemnid, the Beholder Great Matron, and the Blood Queen Paiscaisexis who created the aboleth at random. …

That's not all, just a small part of a long list of enemies.

To be honest, it is really not easy for this person to survive until now and not be killed.

As a devout believer in Velen, Jazz the Lame is very aware of the importance of the forest of Cormanthor to the god.

This is the only forest in the entire Faerûn continent that allows the dark elves who have escaped the tyranny of Rose to settle down and thrive.

He may even become the master of this land in the future and establish a drow kingdom on the surface of the earth.

Thinking of this, the lame Jazz took a deep breath and said to the people present: "Go and gather all the family members.

Now we have no room to retreat and must fight a life-and-death war with those surface elves.

I will personally be responsible for contacting the Ozkwen clan, the spider kissers and the raiding party from the Underdark, as well as the gnolls, orcs, ogres, giants and a few dragons.

I believe they, like us, do not want the elves to return to this forest. "

"Be careful. Those vicious priestesses who believe in the Spider Queen are full of hostility towards us. In addition, it is not easy to deal with evil dragons. They are often terrifyingly greedy."

Another male pastor gave a kind reminder.

"Don't worry, I know how to protect myself."

The lame Jazz nodded slightly, then limped into the shadows and disappeared.

As a top scout, he not only possesses excellent stealth skills, but is also a high-level thief.

Later, he became lame and developed his natural spell-casting ability to become a warlock.

Especially the poisonous snake demon pet wrapped around the inside of the arm, which can often bite the opponent during a sneak attack, leaving the target in a weak state.

So Lame Jazz is the kind of person whose total professional level is not high, but who is very dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will be succeeded by his unexpected attacks and spells.

Relying on the information provided by Fuzor Chamberry, the Jelle family responded quickly on the first day that the elves' army arrived on Evermeet Island.

The small teams that were originally scattered around the ruins of the city quickly gathered near the fortress.

It didn't take long for the number of people to rise from hundreds to thousands.

Among them, elite dark elf warriors account for almost one-third, while the others are vassals and slaves of monster tribes such as goblins, orcs, and gnolls.

In order to improve their combat effectiveness, they even held a demon summoning ceremony, brutally killed more than two thousand slaves, and successfully summoned many demons.

Among them are very high-level and extremely dangerous guys like the Berserker Demon and the Enchanted Demon.

At the same time, the lame Jazz also gave full play to his eloquence and diplomatic skills, and successfully brought in the Ozkwen clan, the second most powerful clan. At the same time, he also persuaded the priestesses of Lolth to use a massacre to please the cruel evil. goddess.

In just a few days, a coalition of more than 6,000 dark elves, hundreds of demons, and more than 20,000 monster cannon fodder gathered together to form a coalition.

There's even a red dragon, two green dragons, and a black dragon joining the mix.

With such a terrifying number, it was naturally impossible to hide it from the elite rangers of the elves and the gunboats floating in the sky.

It's just that Silinxi asked the airship commander to ignore it, so the other party could gather unscrupulously.

Otherwise, the ultra-long-distance bombardment would have already begun.

"Ma'am, our plan worked. Maybe a little too well to be exact."

The supreme commander of the army, Severil Militar, was standing on the tower at the moment, observing the enemy's movements with a solemn expression through his magic eyes.

Especially those drow cousins ​​who are fully armed and have cruelty, violence and bloodthirsty light in their eyes, they are quite difficult to deal with just by looking at them.

Although they have lived on the surface for a long time, the adamantine blades infused with dark magic in their hands are still sharp, and the exquisite chain armor can also withstand the slashing of low-level enchanted weapons.

It can be said that in terms of equipment, the opponent is not only not bad at all, but also seems to have a slight advantage.

the reason is simple!

Although they came to the surface, they did not move around during the day when the sun was bright like Drizzt did. Instead, they came out at night after the sun had set.

This also means that the weapons and equipment brought out from the Dark Territory have not been damaged at all, and have been maintained quite well.

On top of that, there are quite a few mages, warlocks, clerics, and psionics.

But Silinxi raised the corners of her mouth and responded with a playful and playful smile: "Isn't this just right?

The more they gather, the more we can concentrate our efforts to complete the campaign.

Are you so worried because you have no confidence in yourself or in me?

Don't forget, there is a West Coast Empire gunboat above us.

Just say hello and they are always available to provide support. "

"How dare I not have confidence in you. After all, you are a legendary figure, the most powerful among all elf mages, and even the most powerful in the entire world. It's just the number and composition of these guys that remind me inexplicably of that team back then. Destroy Cormanthor’s dark army.”

When saying these words, Severil's tone obviously became a little heavy.

After all, that is the pain in the hearts of all elves second only to the Crown War.

Tens of thousands of civilians were massacred in this catastrophe, including elves, humans and other races.

It was with these fresh lives that the dark army summoned countless alien demons. In the end, even the powerful magic mystical locks and elf mages could not withstand it, and the entire city fell completely.

When Silinxi heard these words, the original playful expression on her face disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a kind of creepy coldness. She said in an emotionless tone: "Those guys could destroy Cormanso hundreds of years ago." It's because I happened to be away.

If I had been there the outcome would have been very different.

Since this group of desperate guys want to repeat the scene of the past, then I will let them feel what real despair is.

Go and inform all the mages to gather here immediately.

It's time for this continent to once again recall the devastating power of the elves' high magic rituals. "

"Are you planning to take action yourself?"

Severil's eyes suddenly widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm here for?

For this so-called Crown of Cormanthor?


The purpose of my coming is to eliminate all potential enemies. "

After saying that, Silinxi raised her chin slightly, showing the arrogance that the most powerful mortal mage should have.

Like Larok, the most powerful great arcanist in the Netherese era, she is also the king of spell duels who has maintained an undefeated record throughout her life.

The other Chosen of the Goddess of Magic, including Elminster, have never won a single match against each other.

So even though there were a lot of enemies, Silinxi didn't take them seriously at all.

Not to mention the crooks outside, Telamante has brought the entire City of Shadows with her, and she is confident that she can knock this floating city down from the sky on her own.

After all, the battles of the top arcane spellcasters often do not simply depend on the level of spellcasting, the number of spells mastered, or the number of high-level magic items or even artifacts they possess.

It's about seeing who is closer to the essence of magic and can turn arcane energy into an instinct like breathing and heartbeat.

It can be seen from the spell transformation invented by Silinxi that her attainments in the field of magic have already surpassed everyone else, and she can complete the change of her body shape and appearance without any spells or spell-casting actions.

In this way, a war to determine who is the true ruler of Cormanthor quietly began.

Since the dark elves and many monsters are more adapted to the night, when the sun sets again, the mighty coalition forces advance towards this fortress standing on the lakeside from all directions.

After arriving, they began to drive the slaves away to launch a tentative attack without saying a word.

More than five thousand goblins, driven by the hobgoblins, flocked to the towering walls and arrow towers like moths to a flame.

The moment they entered the shooting range, a rain of arrows was shot out instantly, drawing beautiful parabolas in the sky, covering the charging goblins like raindrops.

Since all arrows have received additional enchantment levels with the blessing of magic and divine spells, their penetrating power is simply not comparable to that of ordinary armor-piercing arrows.

What's more, the goblins didn't have any decent armor. Apart from the inferior spears and axes in their hands, there was only a small wooden shield that could barely cover the upper body.

This thing is just a broken piece of wood that is not too thick, and its defense power is really limited.

Many of them were pierced by enchanted arrows on the spot, including people and shields, and they screamed and were nailed to the ground.

Some hobgoblins were targeted by the magic archer standing on a high arrow tower, and were named with sharp arrows on the spot.

After the last two or three rounds of shooting, only a solitary seedling remained.

The poor goblin first raised his head and glanced at the solid gate, then looked at the archer standing on the city wall with a bow and arrow aimed at him. He immediately lay on the ground and touched his face and neck with the blood that flowed from the corpse of his companion. Touch it, and then pretend to be dead by going to the ground.

Its behavior immediately made the originally very nervous elf soldiers laugh.

If it were someone else from the evil camp, they would definitely shoot two arrows downward at this moment and watch the goblin jump up in fear, covering the wounds caused by the arrows and laughing for fun.

But the elves on Evermeet Island are obviously inclined to be kind, so they very kindly let go of this poor guy who was struggling to survive.

To be precise, they didn't care about the life or death of a goblin.

Because through the first batch of cannon fodder, the cunning dark elves in the coalition army have already judged the number of long-range shooters from the distant relatives on the surface and the time between salvos.

This time, they directly sent out several giant dragons to fly directly from the sky, attracting the attention of many crossbowmen. Then they asked the slaves to charge, followed closely by the dark elf warriors.

Through such tactics, these cunning guys successfully dispersed the density of arrows and easily broke through to only a few dozen meters away from the outer wall.

The next second...

Hundreds of drow unleashed their innate spell-like abilities, directly shrouding the enemy's crossbowmen in darkness.

As a result, these elf shooters completely lost their eyesight, had no idea of ​​the enemy's specific location, and suddenly became panicked.

At this moment, the shortcomings of the "young master soldiers" on Yongju Island who lacked combat experience were finally exposed.

The dark elves used the "blind fighting" skills they had trained for a long time and the memories in their minds to quickly climb up the city wall with their hooks and launch a fierce attack.

Although their number was not large, just one encounter caused huge damage.

In addition, drow generally have the habit of quenching poison on their weapons, so the screams and wailing of elves are almost endless.

"Priest!!!! Use the Daylight Technique quickly!"

An experienced captain immediately shouted at his own priest.

The priests, who had not experienced a battle for a long time, suddenly woke up and hurriedly raised their hands and began to chant incantations.

In an instant, dazzling light sources like solar panels appeared out of thin air in the darkness.

Although the dark area caused by the spell-like ability cannot be completely dispelled, it is not completely invisible.

Moreover, the elves also have dim vision. This weak brightness is enough for them to see the enemy's position clearly, and they draw out their melee weapons to fight back.

The priests began to rescue those dying soldiers who had not yet died.

You must know that in just a few minutes, at least 130 elven warriors were killed on the city wall, and another 200 to 300 were injured and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, their armor was strong enough to successfully withstand most injuries.

Otherwise, the number of deaths will at least double or triple.

What's even worse is that as the dark elves and a large number of slaves swarmed onto the city wall, the huge and bulky giants and ogres also followed, forming one wave after another.

The demons summoned through sacrifices often suddenly entered the battlefield from a distance with unlimited teleportation spells, and sneak attacked the low-level officers who organized the soldiers to form a defense line.

Once the officer dies, the originally tenacious resistance will collapse instantly.

Judging from the scene, the elves were obviously not bad in strength, but due to their lack of experience, they were beaten steadily by this combination of punches and were at a disadvantage.

No wonder the top management of Everjum Island is trying every possible means to maintain the connection with Faerûn.

If this continues, within two or three generations at most, they will lose their ability to fight due to an overly comfortable living environment.

Just when the evil dragons flying in the sky were about to swoop down to spit, the aerial gunship, which had watched the show for a long time, finally opened fire under Silinxi's instruction.

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