A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 626 The value of the soul (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

After thinking about it for a long time, Thrall finally chose to challenge Grom Hellscream's challenge to a duel.

However, because he modified the rules of Makgora when he became the warchief, neither side took off all the armor and defense as was the tradition, nor did they throw away their best weapons.

You must know that according to the most primitive rules, in order to be as fair and just as possible, this kind of battle between orcs to compete for power and resolve conflicts actually means giving up everything that may bring additional help.

Generally speaking, you need to take off all your clothes and wear only a loincloth to avoid one party gaining an advantage due to armor and clothing of different materials and enchantment levels.

Although you can choose the most convenient type of weapon, you are generally not allowed to bring your own, but are provided by a neutral third party.

It can be ordinary, enchanted or even blessed with shamanic elements.

In short, the weapons of both sides must be kept at the same level.

In this way, the outcome of the duel will be determined to the greatest extent by the skill, courage and physical fitness of the two fighters themselves.

In addition, the original Makgora also prohibited the use of any form of magical power, and once one of the weapons was knocked down, it could not be picked up again.

But these two items had been basically abolished when Gul'dan was in power.

However, as the original old tribe completely collapsed under the siege of the Alliance, Thrall emerged and established a new tribe, and the rules of Makgora underwent new changes.

The biggest change is the cancellation of its core "till death do us part".

That is to say, the duel no longer has the ultimate and only goal of killing the opponent, as long as the winner can be determined.

Of course, if the two still persist until death, they can also follow the ancient tradition.

Beyond that, most of the time the dueling parties can negotiate the specific details of the rules.

For example, the two heavily armed guys in front of them each held their own exclusive weapons and wore the strongest armor, and slowly walked to the open space in front of the battlefield under the gaze of countless orcs.

Thrall, of course, needless to say, both weapons and armor were inherited from the previous tribal chief Orgrimmar.

Especially the weapon. According to legend, an orc named Gorna surrendered his body and mind to the elements of the world of Draenor, and then resolutely jumped into the lava pool unscathed and successfully forged this legendary weapon.

Its power comes from the blessing of the elemental power of the entire world, so it can release scalding flames and lightning storms, and can also cause terrible natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes.

Draenor was still under the rule of the Ogre Empire in ancient times. Gornar used this artifact to defeat the invasion of the Ogre army again and again, protecting his tribe from surviving the darkest period of the orcs' fate. He didn't become the ogre's slave or plaything.

Therefore, the Hammer of Doom is by no means as many people imagine, it is just a hammer that can burst out thunder symbolizing the power of the wind element in Thrall's hand.

Instead, it allows the holder to completely release the ability of the four elements of earth, water, fire, wind and water.

But not everyone can unleash the full power of Doomhammer.

Its first two owners, whether it was Blackhand, the first warchief of the old tribe, or Orgrimmar, failed to truly awaken the powerful elemental power contained within it because of the darkness in their hearts.

Otherwise, the Doomhammer alone can trigger natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, and volcanic eruptions to easily defeat the Alliance and completely gain a foothold in the eastern continent.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that because it is far away from its hometown, the elemental power inside Doomhammer cannot be replenished for a long time, so its power cannot be compared with that in Draenor.

But at least in Thrall's hands, this legendary war hammer can still release unparalleled thunder and lightning, dealing a devastating blow to the enemy.

So far, he has not met any opponent who can catch his full blow.

In comparison, Grom Hellscream's Bloodhowl is inferior.

The latter's power mainly comes from the fact that the ancestor of the Hellscream family used this ax to kill six legendary gronn, a kind of super giant cyclops in the world of Draenor, the creator of the ogre race, and brought the gronn into existence. The powerful power bred by the heart is sealed in it.

Every time it is swung, the airflow will quickly pass through the gap of the skull as a decoration on the axe, making a creepy sound, which sounds like a roar, hence the name.

"Boy, are you ready?"

Grom carried the heavy ax on his shoulders, his eyes flashing with a terrifying red light.

With the power of his bloodline fully activated, he now not only possesses unimaginable power, but his reaction speed and body coordination have also increased exponentially.

Especially after drinking the blood of the demigod Cenarius that is full of natural energy, the body has already completed the transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change, even compared to the abyss lord Mannoroth.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Thrall took a deep breath and the muscles all over his body tensed instantly, as if he was suddenly back when he was a gladiator in Durnholde, and his concentration was unprecedentedly focused.

This warchief knows better than anyone that in a duel with a violent warrior like Grom, as long as he is distracted or careless in the slightest, he will immediately become angry on the spot.

"In that case, let the games begin."

As the last word came out of his mouth, Grom launched a large, wide-open jumping slash without saying a word.


The ax blade collided with the war hammer, bursting out with red fire and flames.

Thrall obviously didn't expect that his opponent's strength would become so great. His hands and arms were numb from the shock, and the tiger's mouth was cracked and bleeding. He suddenly lost his balance and rolled several meters away before barely regaining his balance. Xing got up from the ground, his face full of horror and disbelief.

"You seem surprised, don't you?"

After succeeding in the attack, Grom did not pursue the victory, but looked down at the young junior in a condescending manner.

Once upon a time, like Orgrimmar, he firmly believed that Thrall was the prophesied hero who could save the orc race, so he led the Warsong clan to join the new tribe.

It is a pity that as time goes by, Grom feels more and more that Thrall does not look like an orc at all, and he does not even see the slightest bit of the nature that an orc should have, but more like a human.

Because orcs will not consider so many benefits and losses, let alone shrink from fighting. Even if they know that it is failure and death, they will still fight bravely until the last moment of their lives.

The most important thing is that Thrall shook the supreme law of the orc tradition that the strong dominates everything, and tried to establish systems and laws like humans.

This undoubtedly greatly weakened the authority and interests of various clan chiefs and people in power.

Since ancient times, when did the orcs have rules and laws?

It's not just what the most powerful chief says.

If you don't agree, challenge the current chief and kill him. You can become the new chief and make the entire tribe obey your will.

Traditional orcs have always believed that only by maintaining this spirit of the strong being king can they cultivate the most powerful warriors who are not afraid of death, and can survive difficulties and crises again and again under the leadership of strong men.

But what did Thrall do after he became the warchief?

He actually imitated humans and created a military rank system, and created the position of "overlord" that made all clan chiefs very dissatisfied. He wanted to take away the command of soldiers and armies from clan chiefs.

This is also the reason why there are always undercurrents surging within the orcs.

Any reform or transfer of power cannot be smooth sailing.

Vested interest groups will do their best to resist, resist, and even start rebellions.

What's more, the tribe was originally a fragile alliance formed by different clans that were forcibly kneaded together. The internal struggle for power has resulted in assassinations and bloody conflicts more than once.

They care more about the interests of their own clan than the entire tribe.

Otherwise, the Dragon Roar Clan and the Blackstone Clan would not stand on their own and would rather continue to fight against the Alliance in the Eastern Kingdom than join the Horde and become a part of it.

Therefore, whether it was the military rank system or the establishment of warlords, Grom Hellscream felt very unhappy.

The reason why he chose to endure before was because he felt that Thrall could lead the orcs to find a way out.

But now...

The chieftain of the Warsong Clan found another way to make the orcs so powerful that they could continue to live without having to look at anyone's face.

Thrall quickly got up from the ground regardless of the pain in his palms, stared into Grom's red eyes, and asked with gritted teeth: "So this is the reason why you drank the blood of the devil again and became a slave? Why? More powerful, would you rather continue to be a dog for Mannoroth than be a free orc?"

"Hahahaha! Do you think I am controlled by Mannoroth? Don't be stupid, kid. He alone is not worthy of being the master of me and the Warsong clan."

Grom laughed wildly and once again raised the blood roar and launched an extremely violent attack.

He didn't even use his own abilities, just using pure brute force and physical fitness to suppress Thrall until he couldn't hold his head up.

Even if the power of thunder was poured into the Doomhammer, he could not get even a little advantage.

Just the opposite!

With the blessing of the blood god Haka's ability, the heart of Gronn sealed inside the blood roar is completely stimulated, so that the power of each slash will continue to accumulate.

After finally reaching the critical point, there was a loud bang and a white shock wave that exceeded the speed of sound was released.

The huge destructive force will send Sal flying ten or twenty meters away. His skin will rub violently with the soil and gravel on the ground. Large areas of skin on his face, arms and back have been ground to pieces, showing the appearance of his lower body. Bloody muscles and blood vessels.

But fortunately, Thrall is a shaman and has natural healing abilities. He only needs to give himself a sip of milk to make these scary-looking wounds scab and heal.

But being beaten down like this is obviously not the answer.

Therefore, he did not bother to hide his trump card and directly activated the elemental power of the Doomhammer. Instantly, the originally pitch-black surface of the hammer burst into dazzling orange-red flames, and at the same time, the silver-white electric light attached to the surface continued to make crackling sounds.

"No matter how you explain it, drinking demon blood is a blasphemy against the free will of the orcs! Go to hell! Grom! Only by dying can we orcs have a chance to survive."

Thrall raised his war hammer high and roared with power.

"Free will?

just kidding!

Look at what he has done over the years since he became Warchief!

You are destroying our ancient traditions and making the orcs less and less like themselves!

He doesn't have the slightest bit of bravery that an orc should have, and he acts like a weak human being who is timid all day long!

He is even less worthy of sitting in the position of chief and continuing to lead the entire race forward! "

While Grom retorted sharply, he released the blood in his body and injected it into the blood roar, allowing himself to be closely connected with Gronn's heart, gaining more powerful blessings from it. The whole person looked like he was bathed in a blood-red color. In the mist.

"Everything I do is to avoid making more enemies, so that the orcs will not eventually be destroyed when surrounded by powerful enemies.

Do you think your reckless behavior without considering the consequences is brave?


That's stupid!

Now, as you and the Warsong clan drink the blood of demons again, they are wreaking unbridled destruction in Ashenvale, and even killed the demigod Cenarius.

All the natives of Kalimdor, without exception, already regard us as invaders and minions of the Burning Legion.

Just like the old tribe crossed the Dark Portal to burn, kill and loot in the Eastern Continent!

You never reflected on your mistakes and continued on the same path. "

Thrall vented his dissatisfaction and anger towards Grom and the Warsong clan.

In fact, the differences and conflicts between the two have been going on for a long time.

At the beginning, they got along quite happily because Orgrimmar, the former war chief with great military exploits, was the lubricant.

But with Orgrimmar's death in battle, the differences in concepts, thinking and values ​​between the two sides gradually became apparent.

In fact, compared to the most famous Thrall, Orgrimmar is the most suitable warchief for the orcs.

On the one hand, his mind is flexible enough and he is very good at maneuvering. The best example is his ability to kill the Blackhand Chieftain and then seize power from Gul'dan when the situation completely ignores him.

On the other hand, he is the most traditional orc who understands how to unite all the clans. He can be regarded as the best in terms of personal strength and leadership level. He also has the best strategic vision and can surprise Lordaeron. The kingdom's strategic goals came very close to succeeding.

It was only later that Gul'dan's betrayal led to his failure.

Therefore, the conflict between Thrall and Grom is essentially the epitome of a series of complex issues between the reformists and the traditionalists due to concepts, power, interests, values, etc.

In the original timeline, this conflict ended due to the latter's death in battle before it completely broke out.

The Warsong Clan became directly subordinate to Warchief Thrall, giving the reformists an overwhelming advantage. The conservatives had no power to resist except to obey.

When the new military rank system and the position of military governor came into operation, the rights in the hands of the chiefs of each clan, especially the military power, were greatly weakened, and naturally there was no room for rebellion.

What's more, after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Horde prospered under Thrall's leadership, first winning over the Forsaken, and then getting the blood elves and goblins to join, and even once showed an momentum that overwhelmed the Alliance.

This made the new generation of orcs full of infinite respect and worship for this warchief.

When they join the army as adults, they naturally become loyal supporters of the new tribe.

But at this moment, Thrall has not yet gathered strong prestige. Instead, he has been questioned by many clan chiefs because of his inexplicable order to cross the endless sea to the desolate and primitive Kalimdor.

Compared with the difficult hunting and gathering of food here, it is much easier to rob human villages and towns in the Eastern Kingdom, and the food is more abundant.

As the saying goes, it is enough to say nothing without speculation.

Seeing that it was impossible for Grom to understand his painstaking efforts, Thrall finally gave up the last thought of mercy and tried his best to communicate with the ubiquitous elemental power, converting all his mana into fire and thunder. In Doomhammer.

In a blink of an eye!

The hammer has become extremely dazzling and bright, emitting heat enough to melt everything.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

Grom roared and raised his strength to the extreme, leaping high into the air again during the run-up.

Bloodhowler exuded a strong smell of blood under his swing, and even dark red plasma flowed out from the inside.

Just when one person and one ax jumped to the highest point, Thrall finally threw the hammer in his hand with all his strength.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

A loud noise like thunder swept hundreds of meters around and formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Many orcs who were standing in the front row watching the battle involuntarily retreated under the influence of this force.

Even veterans like Varok Saurfang, who had participated in the previous two wars, couldn't help but look horrified.

As the adjutant of Orgrimmar, the warchief of the old tribe, he once witnessed the glorious duel between Orgrimmar and Anduin Lothar. He once thought that it was the pinnacle and ultimate that a warrior could achieve. It is a manifestation of strong will and belief.

But now, the elemental power exploded by Thrall has far exceeded the limit that a warrior can achieve with his body and weapons.

Even if Orgrimmar was brought back to life, he would be seriously injured and fall to the ground in the face of such a blow.

But just tenths of a second later, Grom Hellscream stepped forward without showing any signs of weakness and used his blood roar to hit the surface of the Doomhammer full of elemental power.


Terrifying flames and thunder erupted on the spot, forming an electric fire like the end of the world.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying high-temperature flames and the more deadly thunderstorm instantly expanded outward from the collision point, forming a spherical energy group with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Everything within this range, whether soil, stones, trees, or weeds, evaporated in an instant.

A giant, high-temperature lava pool even formed below.

Many people believe that under such an attack, even the strongest warriors of the orcs today will realize the possibility of survival.

But they soon discovered that they were wrong, and very wrong.

From the boiling lava pool on the ground, an orc warrior covered in scarlet blood slowly walked out of it. He was carrying Gorehowler in one hand, and the other hand was dragging the Red-Glowing Destruction. Hammer, step by step, came to Thrall who was out of power, grinned and asked: "Boy, is this your full strength? It's really disappointing. I thought the person chosen by Orgrimmar, At least it should be able to hurt me hard. But you only broke a few of my ribs."

"This...this is impossible!"

Sal, who was panting, was frightened, and his eyes revealed panic and despair.

You must know that in order to ensure that he can achieve the effect of killing with one blow, he has exhausted all the magic power in his body. Now he has tried his best to even stay standing and has no strength to continue fighting.

“Nothing is impossible.

In the final analysis, this world is one of the weak and the strong.

As long as we orcs are strong enough, we will never have to worry about being annihilated.

So power is what we should be pursuing, not your ridiculous human tricks.

Now, are you ready to meet your destiny? "

With that said, Grom threw away the Doomhammer, grabbed Thrall by the neck, and pulled the warchief up from the ground.

"So you plan to lead the orcs to surrender to the devil or the so-called master who gave you power?"

Thrall suppressed a strong feeling of suffocation and sneered.

"The master has arranged the fate for the orcs. All we have to do is obey his orders with gratitude and awe. At least under his command, we are powerful orcs, not obedient cowards and cowards."

As the last word blurted out, Grom directly opened his bloody mouth and pierced Thrall's neck with his fangs. While sucking the blood, he also injected the blood in his own body.

The latter only felt that his body was completely out of control in an instant. Not only did his breathing and heartbeat completely stop, but even his muscles gradually became stiff.

But this is obviously not death, but closer to a kind of physical shock and suspended animation.

What's even more incredible is that despite being completely unable to move or even blink, Sal's consciousness has always remained awake.

Grom casually threw the transforming warchief to the ground, raised his head and cast his gaze at the other top orcs, and declared in a condescending tone: "I won this duel. Now, I am the tribe. The new chief, I believe no one has any objections, right?"

"It depends on where you want to take us. If it is to surrender to the devil and become the slave of the other party, I would rather die heroically than join in with you."

Varok Saurfang was the first to express his attitude.

"Me too!"

Eitrigg also clearly stood with the former.

With the two leaders, many other orcs gradually joined in.

They generally hate the violence and impulse brought by demon blood, so they refuse from the bottom of their hearts to become that kind of monster without thinking and self-awareness.

"Hmph! A bunch of stupid guys. Do you think I'm a slave to the devil?"

As he spoke, Grom Hellscream turned around and stared at the Abyss Lord who was walking quickly towards this side while swinging his big ass, his eyes bursting with cold and bloodthirsty light.

Eitrigg seemed to realize something and immediately added: "Then prove to us that you and the Warsong clan are not controlled by demons."

"Keep your eyes open and watch carefully!"

After Grom said these words, he walked directly in the direction of the Abyss Lord.

Mannoroth obviously did not realize that his death was coming. When Hellscream came over, he reached out and patted the other party on the shoulder and praised with a smile: "Well done, my favorite little pet.

You are more violent, bloodthirsty, and powerful than your kind, even more than I expected.

Maybe after we capture Mount Hyjal, I should apply to Lord Archimonde to completely transform you into a new breed of demon.

In this way, you can become my lieutenant, join me in conquering and destroying more worlds, and enjoy the pleasure of killing. "

"Becoming a demon?"

When Grom heard these words, he immediately pursed his lips with a mocking expression.

"Yes! You must know that this is the highest level of honor that the legion can bestow on its servants! You should feel honored to be valued so highly, and do your best to make contributions in the next war."

Mannoroth was pacing with his short legs, and the fel flames burning on his head and back looked particularly dazzling because of his high interest.

But just a second later, he saw Grom suddenly slashing his right front leg with a blood roar without any warning.


With the tremendous power provided by Gronn's heart, the abyss lord's thigh was immediately cut with a bone-deep cut.

The burning blood immediately scattered in all directions, and the terrifying high temperature ignited the ground.

"Ah!!! Damn it! How dare you?"

Mannoroth was frightened and angry, and immediately raised his double-headed sword to fight back, and at the same time released a powerful curse magic, trying to kill this lowly orc who dared to attack him.

Unfortunately, Grom was no longer what he used to be. He jumped up and stepped on the huge double-headed sword that the opponent swung at him, flying into the air and hitting another ax with his backhand.

Directly cut off the raised fingers of the Abyss Lord and the entire palm to the wrist.

After destroying the opponent's spellcasting ability, the powerful warrior moved forward and raised the ax high. With a click, the ax blade was directly embedded into the skull of the big head.

The loss of this blow caused the huge evil space-time in Mannoroth's body to burst out with dazzling light from the broken wound, obviously preparing to self-destruct.

After all, as a demon, after he dies, he just returns to the Twisting Nether to wait for rebirth, and he will not really die.

Killing this dangerous orc before the body is completely destroyed is obviously a very cost-effective thing.

"Hahaha! Sorry, it's too late."

Grom was obviously aware of the Abyss Lord's intention. He grinned wildly and then opened his mouth full of fangs. He tried to bite the wound where the blood was bleeding, greedily absorbing the opponent's blood full of shadow and evil power. , even if the entire mouth and tongue were burned by the overflowing evil flames, there was no intention to let go.

The Warsong clan on the side saw that their chief had begun to take action, and they did not hesitate to change direction and launch an all-out attack on the demon.

Whether they were ugly-looking hellhounds or succubi with charming looks and sexy figures, they were all forced to the ground by the blood orcs and drank blood.

The slightly smaller ones were treated like crispy chicken or bullfrog, thrown into their mouths and eaten alive.

Even the orcs, who have always had a strong psychological endurance, couldn't help but start vomiting after seeing that brutal and bloodthirsty scene, feeling fear and trembling from the bottom of their hearts.

In just about twenty minutes, some of the Burning Legion's vanguard, including Mannoroth, were completely dead or injured.

To be precise, it was sucked dry alive.

The blood orcs of the Warsong Clan seem to have become much more powerful, and some of them even emit evil fire visible to the naked eye, or cold shadow energy.

After discarding the worthless body of the Abyss Lord, Grom Hellscream wiped the remaining green liquid from the corner of his mouth, turned to Eitrigg and asked: "How, can I prove now that I am not controlled by demons? "


Even though Eitrigg had seen many big scenes, he was still frightened by the state displayed by the other party. He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and nodded lightly: "Yes. You and your Warsong clan have proven that Kill yourself. But we still can’t accept the fact that you become the warchief. Because you don’t look like orcs at all, more like a group of terrifying demons.”

"Then get lost! I'm in a good mood now and haven't changed my mind. Remember, you are never allowed to appear in front of the Warsong clan in the future, otherwise I will kill you all with my own hands."

After saying this, Grom directly picked up Thrall who was lying on the ground and disappeared into the burning jungle.

The orcs cautiously began to retreat until they broke out of contact and turned around to retreat in the direction of Azshara.

After losing Thrall as the great chief, they urgently needed to find a safer place to settle down and rest, and digest the major events that had happened one after another during this period, and what they could do next to ensure that they would not be in trouble. Liquidated after the war.

After all, judging from the power displayed by the Warsong clan, it is basically impossible to destroy them.

Grom Hellscream alone was more than anyone present could handle.

Even the most senior Varok Saurfang said he had no hope of winning.

On the other side, after destroying several portals established by Mannoroth, Grom quickly brought Thrall to Zuo Si deep in the forest.

This time he was no longer as rebellious as before, and he knelt on the ground very humbly and reported: "Master, I have fulfilled your order, granted Thrall his first embrace and brought him back.

As for the orcs, they seem to be very resistant to becoming one of the blood orcs.

Considering that I didn't get your instructions, I didn't handle it immediately and let them leave. "

"It doesn't matter, I have other plans for them."

Zuo Si pursed his lips and showed a creepy smile, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


After a crisp sound, Sal suddenly jumped up from the ground, and his heart that had stopped started beating once.

However, as vital signs such as breathing were restored, he suddenly felt an unprecedented hunger and thirst flowing through his body.


I want blood!

The warchief's eyeballs unknowingly turned a blood-red color, and his skin also turned from green to red. He twisted his neck crazily in an attempt to find a prey to complete his first hunt and meal.

Zuo Si, who had been prepared for a long time, directly threw a captured orc prisoner in front of him.

Under the control of a strong bloodthirsty impulse, Thrall did not even recognize that this was his compatriot, and directly pounced on him to sever the main artery in the opponent's neck, greedily sucking the sweet blood.

Ten seconds...

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes……

It wasn't until the orc's blood was completely drained that he turned into a slightly pale corpse. His skin turned green again, and he suddenly regained his rationality. He looked at his dead compatriots and licked the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth. The person began to shake violently uncontrollably.

"I...what have I done? You...you actually turned me into a monster that is as cursed as you!"

"Monster? No, no, no, this is not a curse, but a blessing. It restores the orcs to a state that is perfectly in line with your past traditions, savagery, killing, plundering and cannibalism." Zuo Si immediately raised a stick He corrected with a slight shake of his finger.

"Are you the master Grom talks about? The one behind turning them into monsters?"

Thrall obviously noticed Zuo Si, who was disguised in a demon-like form, and subconsciously wanted to catch the Doomhammer.

But unfortunately he missed the opportunity.

Because at this moment, the Doomhammer has been placed in front of the opponent, and it is still being held in his hand and played with like a toy.

"You seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about me.

You know I never force anyone.

All of this is the choice of the Warsong Clan and Grom themselves.

I only provided a small amount of help and guidance when they were attacked by Cenarius and the Night Elf Sentinels.

And don’t you feel that your will and thoughts are free now?

In other words, you can leave and return to the tribe at any time as long as you want, and continue to be the so-called chief.

Best of all, now you have the same power as Grom.

You can even create descendants just like yourself. You can mass-produce a group of men to destroy the Warsong clan and prove your position and determination to the native creatures.

As for the price, it just needs to suck blood from the enemy every once in a while.

See, I've now given the endangered orcs a choice, and it's also a way to survive.

You can make your own choices with free will.

There will be no coercion or mind control as you might imagine. "

At this moment, Zuo Si has obviously entered the state of a big devil. He is seizing on the opponent's spiritual weakness to launch an attack, slowly guiding this one of the absolute protagonists of Azeroth for many years to come to the ending he hopes for. A very dark ending.

But Thrall was no fool.

Having been tricked by goblins more than once, he knows very well that there is no free lunch in the world. If there is, then there must be some conspiracy behind it.

Looking at the corpses of his compatriots on the ground in silence for a long time, he quickly sneaked away to endure the sadness, pain and self-blame in his heart. He clenched his fists with both hands and continued to test: "Why should I believe you? How do I know that this is not targeted? Orc trap?”

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "You don't need to believe me, you just need to trust your own judgment.

What's more, do you have any other choice now?

Don't forget, you must prove to all other races in this world that you are not monsters, let alone minions of the Burning Legion, before the end of the Third War.

So do what you have to do, son of Durotan, orphan of the Frostwolf clan, and warchief of the new tribe.

Don't worry, your skin won't turn completely red like Grom who drank the blood of the Pit Lord.

Only in extreme hunger and bloodthirsty situations will it temporarily become like this. "

Zuo Si obviously knew what Sal was worried about, so he simply gave him a reassurance.

His actions and words clearly filled Thrall with doubts.

The shaman initially thought that the demon in front of him was a member of the Burning Legion, but it didn't take long for him to realize that what he was doing was completely against the Legion, so he was puzzled.

However, the biggest difference between Thrall and ordinary orcs is that the city is deep enough, and he does not show his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy on his face. He quickly retreats tentatively and quickly leaves the place of right and wrong.

Watching his retreating back, the Dread Lord Mal'Ganis hidden in the darkness finally appeared and asked in a slightly playful tone: "You should be able to control him like you control Grom, right?"

"Ah! Of course."

Zuo Si replied meaningfully in the affirmative.

"Why not control it directly? Wouldn't that save a lot of trouble?"

Mal'Ganis touched his chin and asked with interest.

Dreadlords love to seduce, torture, and abuse primarily to drain spiritual energy from their targets.

He didn't understand whether Zuo Si did this simply out of some bad taste or if he had other purposes.

“My dear friend, you must understand that evil deeds committed when manipulated do not equate to intellectual corruption.

There is no way to get a soul that exudes a wonderful dark atmosphere.

The real method is to let the target fall into the abyss willingly under the influence of self-awareness by constantly giving choices.

And in this process, you want him to feel the pain and struggle, the conflict between conscience and desire, the intertwining of love and hate, and finally turn completely dark under the betrayal and separation of relatives.

Only in this way will its soul emit dazzling evil light and be able to provide more and more powerful energy.

This is the value of the soul!

Also, please be sure to convey my words to your master.

I believe he can understand some secrets from it. "

After that, Zuo Si gave the Dread Lord a "you know" look, then directly used psychic magic to resurrect the dead orc corpse on the ground into a thinking and conscious undead like the Forsaken, and then took him to teleport. The magic disappeared.



Damn it!

This guy knows more secrets of the Shadowlands than I thought.

It seems that I have to find a way to quickly write a report to the master to let him know about the changes in Azeroth.

As for Archimonde's vanguard army, it is obviously impossible to be this guy's opponent.

He will surely lay a deadly trap on Mount Hyjal, waiting for the Burning Legion to mobilize themselves. "

After Mal'Ganis stood there and muttered a few words that others could not understand, he quickly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As for the Warsong clan, under the leadership of Grom Hellscream, they continue to march deeper into the Ashenvale...

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