A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 613 The Source of Chaos (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

As the most important and only large-scale comprehensive city standing in the north of Stranglethorn Vale, the Contract City obviously has countless majestic buildings built with the help of magic and technology.

Be it the massive stone fortress that stands close to the harbor;

Or a huge lighthouse fifty meters high on an island in the bay;

Or those magic towers jointly directed by Dalaran and Quel'Thalas to cultivate mages;

All of the above can be called spectacular in the eyes of most ordinary people and forest elves who have just been transformed from trolls.

Some immigrants even secretly called the city "New Lordaeron" to commemorate their origins and identity as subjects of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

However, among the many majestic and tall buildings, only two are the true core of the city.

One of them, you know without asking, is naturally the huge castle that stands in the center of the city.

It is the place where the upper ruling class discusses major affairs such as internal affairs, diplomacy, economy and military affairs, so it is a typical political center. It is also where Princess Caliya and Zuo Si live.

It may be because humans in the eastern continent of Azeroth have been facing the threat of war for many years, or it may be the horrific destruction caused by the two orc wars and the undead plague that raged in the north. In short, people in this world generally have a strong sense of worry.

Rather than building more beautiful, beautiful and comfortable palaces, they preferred to build the residences of kings and lords into military fortresses with strong protective capabilities.

The Ironforge of the Dwarf Kingdom is like this, the Stormwind Fortress of the Kingdom of Stormwind is also like this, and the Stromgarde Kingdom of Stromgarde is a huge and complex comprehensive defense system.

So although the high elves in Quel'Thalas strongly opposed the construction of an ugly castle, and wanted to design a garden palace in the elven art style, they were ultimately rejected because too few people agreed.

However, out of compromise with these arrogant pointed ears, humans finally made modifications to the original castle drawings, adding some decorative changes to it.

As a result, the castle of the Contract City has become the semi-palacial castle that looks full of birdsong and flowers, but at the same time has very strong protective power.

The three floors close to the ground are entirely made of hard and huge stones, which are enough to withstand frontal bombardment including battering rams, explosives and powerful naval guns.

But the upper two floors were built like a palace, and a large number of beautiful flowers were even planted, and various birds and small animals were raised in the courtyard.

A small magic barrier partially blocked the entire palace from overhead.

Only the people inside can see the outside, but the people outside can't see inside, let alone fly directly with the ability to fly.

Outside the luxurious and beautiful palace, there is a circle of specially built prismatic spiers that are as beautiful as petals. Directly connected to the main body of the castle.

If you think this is some kind of decoration built for beauty, you are totally wrong.

All spiers are equipped with several artillery pieces, and the wall-like passage connecting the spiers to the castle can also host dozens or even hundreds of long-range shooting troops.

Whether it is a musket or a crossbow, it can shoot at enemies attacking the castle from the side.

The hexagonal arrangement of spiers and passages ensures that no matter which direction the enemy attacks from, they are bound to be covered by intensive long-range firepower and artillery from both directions.

To put it simply, this is a super bastion that incorporates magical elements.

Want to call in?

Not to mention the solid defense system established by the Contract City based on the outermost city wall, this castle alone can withstand a siege of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops for several months or even years with only one or two thousand soldiers. Don't fall.

Not to mention that there is a secret passage leading to the seaside in the castle. If you really can't hold on anymore, you can escape on a speedboat prepared in advance.

As for the other core building, it is naturally the spiritual home of all devout believers - the Great Cathedral.

However, compared with the gorgeous castle and the Holy Light Church, which pursues a solemn and solemn atmosphere, this place shows the opposite simplicity and simplicity.

There are no beautiful decorations, no murals or reliefs, and even the stone pillars are bare.

Only the stone slabs on both sides of the hall with various laws and rules carved on the walls were so eye-catching.

There is no doubt that it is the dozens of giant stone slabs that demonstrate the most powerful spiritual and religious attribute here - order.

As the archbishop, Lanni is standing on the podium, telling all the believers who come to pray and the potential believers who come to understand the teachings of the God of Contract about the role and importance of laws, rules and contracts in social activities. And it constantly emphasizes that only a strong order can shape civilization and bring everyone the stable life they dream of.

Obviously, this approach of promoting ideas more than gods themselves made the two bronze dragons mixed in the crowd very confused.

Because they have all traveled in the timeline and know what religions and beliefs are like in other parts of Azeroth.

Even the night elves, who are relatively liberal in their beliefs, will be very fanatical when it comes to the moon goddess Elune.

As for the trolls, wild boars, tauren, harpies and other races, they are particularly brutal and bloody in terms of religion, and even retain barbaric and cruel blood sacrifices.

Compared with the native beliefs of Azeroth, the Church of the God of Contract seems too rational and secular.

Although the mortal believers around him seemed very devout, Lanni, as the supreme leader of the church, was always very calm, and consciously suppressed and prevented excessive extreme thoughts among believers, and also used the Holy Light Church's benevolent, The concepts of fraternity and justice are integrated into it.

This unusual signal made Chromie extremely wary.

She didn't even pay attention to the constant hints from Ashkami beside her, and immediately blocked the Archbishop who was about to return to the office to rest after the speech.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lanny raised his hand to stop the interception of the two armed priests, always with a faint smile on his face.

As a high-level priest who was given many powers by Zuo Si and could even cast nine-ring magic, he noticed these two bronze dragons disguised as dwarfs and high elves from the beginning.

Ashkami, in particular, has entered the core level of the church with his outstanding performance, and is technically one of his own.

It's just that Lanny isn't quite sure who Chromie, the dwarf who suddenly appeared, is.

After all, there are only a few dwarf engineers supported by Gnomeregan, and they are basically all concentrated in the mountainous town at the northernmost end of Stranglethorn Valley and the western wilderness of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The Port Authority also did not report any dwarfs coming ashore.

Therefore, theoretically there should be no trace of this race in the Contract City.

"Hello, Your Excellency the Archbishop. My name is Chromie, and I represent the Bronze Dragon Legion that manages the Azeroth timeline. I want to talk to the god behind you."

Chromie stated his intention straight to the point.

She obviously knew very well that going around in circles at this time was just to make herself unhappy, and it would be better to reveal her identity openly.

"Aspect Dragon? Are you both?"

Lanny finally realized something and immediately showed an expression of extreme surprise.

Chromie nodded slightly: "Yes, we all do. I'm sorry that Ashkami deceived you, but she just wanted to find out what happened and why this timeline is out of control right now. "

"You mean...what we are experiencing is deviating from what was supposed to happen?"

A flash of light flashed in Lanni's eyes, and he keenly grasped the key.

"That's right.

In the original history, there was no so-called God of Contract at all.

Nor should there be this human city built in Stranglethorn Vale, and the thousands of refugees fleeing Lordaeron.

You all should have died under the ravages of the undead natural disaster.

Princess Calia shouldn't be the Queen of Lordaeron either.

But now, these things that were destined to happen have fallen into chaos, and the future has also undergone unpredictable changes.

I tried to correct these mistakes, but found that there was nothing I could do.

Maybe all this has something to do with the coming of the God of Contract. "

Before Chromie could reply, Ashkami spoke the truth in a complaining tone.

However, her thoughtless speech immediately made Lanny aware of something strange. He suddenly raised his head and asked: "You mean...the great God saved the lives of millions of innocent civilians, including me. Life? But because this doesn't fit into the so-called correct history, you want to correct it so we can die?"

"No, don't listen to her. We definitely don't mean this. We just want to confirm what happened."

Chromie glared fiercely at the junior next to him who had failed to achieve anything but failed, and quickly forced out a smile to defend himself.

Because she has dealt with so many similar things, she knows very well how angry and crazy those who were originally saved will become when they learn that they must die in order to ensure the continuation of the correct timeline.

But fortunately, Lanny's anger did not swallow up his reason. He just stared at the two bronze dragons with hostile eyes. After a few seconds, he slowly threatened: "I don't care about the bullshit timeline and the so-called correctness." history.

All we know is that the great God of Contract reached out to us when we were most desperate and in need.

He gave everyone a chance to live and start over, helping us create a safe and prosperous home.

Anyone who wants to change and take away all this, and anyone who tries to drive God out of this world, will become our enemy, even the guardian dragon is no exception.

I promise you, if one day I discover that you have tampered with it, be prepared to let the whole world be buried with it.

Because the Church will start a war that kills everyone and destroys everything, bringing those enemies you most fear to Azeroth.

Whether it's the Burning Legion or the Ancient Gods and the Void Lords behind them. "

Hearing these words, Chromie's pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again, and he clenched his fists subconsciously: "How do you know this?"

"Because God already knows everything! He even predicted the arrival of the bronze dragon! Now, go to the castle in the center of the city, God is already waiting to receive you inside."

After saying that, Lanny ignored the other party and turned around and disappeared at the end of the passage leading to the church headquarters office behind the cathedral.

There is no doubt that his statement gave Cromie an unprecedented sense of crisis.

After all, the Burning Legion and the Ancient Gods, as well as the Void forces behind the Ancient Gods, have always been the two most terrifying enemies that have caused the greatest harm to the world.

No one of them can be defeated by the guardian dragon alone.

So after standing there in silence for a long time, Chromie finally plucked up the courage to leave the Great Cathedral and turn around towards the castle located in the center of the city.

When she came to the door, she found that someone had been standing here waiting for a long time.

Under the leadership of the latter, the two bronze dragons quickly passed through rooms and passages, and finally came to a very private and windowless reception room.

An elf chandelier emitting a soft magical halo dispelled the darkness, allowing people to see the drinks, fruits and snacks placed on the table, as well as the figure sitting on the chair.

"Welcome to you, envoys of the Bronze Dragon Legion. Especially you, dear Chromie." Zuo Si took the initiative to greet him.

"Do we know each other or have met before?"

Chromie had a confused look on his face.

Because this tone is obviously used when greeting acquaintances.

But she couldn't remember any interaction with him before, even in the past and future of countless timelines.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, no, I just got a glimpse of your past and future through the flow of time, as well as the role you played in some major events."

"What? You can also control time!"

Chromie opened his mouth in shock.

Because the bronze dragon's power to control time comes from the power of the original and oldest Titan, Aman'Thul.

Although it was not infused by Titan himself, but given by Rai, the first generation of high-level guardians he created, it is the only one in Azeroth.

No matter how corrupt the Old Gods are, how powerful the Burning Legion and the Dark Titan Sargeras are, they cannot gain the ability to manipulate and travel through the timeline.

It is precisely because of this that the bronze dragon is known as the most mysterious among the five guardian dragons.

Unless they are willing to show up, it will not be easy even for several other Aspect Dragon Legions to find them.

But now, there is another god in this world who can see through and even control time, which will naturally make the bronze dragons nervous.

This means that the other party can not only change the current timeline, but may also endanger more timelines, even the main timeline that must not have any problems.

"Why, do you feel weird?

In the endless multiverse, there are countless powerful creatures and gods who can control time.

You are just trapped on a planet in this universe, so you know nothing about the wider world outside.

What's more, how do you know that the so-called correct timeline guarded by the bronze dragon must be correct?

Must it be what's best for Azeroth and all the creatures living on this planet?

Or to put it another way, how do you know that Titan must be right and not a lie made up to make you obedient?

If Aman'Thul truly has complete control of the power of time, then he should be omniscient, omnipotent, and invincible.

But you have already seen the results of the Titan Pantheon.

Dark Sargeras effortlessly destroyed these fellow Titans and even imprisoned their souls.

So I think it's time to make some changes. "

After that, Zuo Si raised his hand and released a time-accelerating magic. Before the two bronze dragons could react, he stuffed a grape into their mouths.

When time accelerated and ended, Chromie was the first to notice the extra thing in his mouth. Beads of sweat immediately flowed down his forehead and cheeks, and he subconsciously swallowed the grapes whole.

She never expected that before she could use her time ability to give the opponent a blow, the other party would use unknown time magic to give her a blow.

In contrast, Ashkami, who was too young, did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Instead, after eating one, he stared at the whole bunch of grapes on the plate and drooled.

Gluttonous, lethargic, like to be lazy...

The nature of the young dragons of Azeroth can be said to be fully demonstrated in her.

"Here, take it, it's all yours."

Zuo Si was very friendly and generous and pushed several plates filled with snacks and fruits forward.


Ashkami, who couldn't withstand any temptation at all, immediately started eating and stuffing herself.

Because she went to the Great Cathedral to listen to a speech with Chromie, she missed the most important lunch of the day, so now she felt extra hungry and just wanted to fill her stomach first.

Looking at this subordinate who was unable to do anything and had nothing left to eat, the only thing Chromie could do was to sigh helplessly, raised his hand and scratched his hair and asked in an uncertain tone: "What are the changes you are referring to? What? Subvert the Titan's transformation of the world? Or do you want to do something to the star soul of Azeroth?"

"No. What I want to do is let the native intelligent creatures of Azeroth choose the future of this planet."

When he said this, a hint of teasing and playfulness flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

"Choose by yourself?"

Chromie frowned for a moment, obviously not understanding the meaning.

In other words, she doesn't think that a bunch of scattered sand or even races that are hostile to each other can unite to decide the future of this planet.

Because in all timelines, war and confrontation have always been the main theme of this planet.

Whether it is between the Alliance and the Horde, or other intelligent races that have not joined the two camps, they will fight without feeling external threats.

"Yes, just let them make their own choices."

Zuo Si did not hesitate to answer in the affirmative, and explained in a serious manner: "As guardian dragons who obtained their power from the Titan Guardians, you should be well aware that the Titans made significant changes to the world when they left. ,right?

Have you ever thought about why they left behind places like the Emerald Dream, the Forge of Will, the Forge of Origin, and numerous guardians before they left?

Is it just because he is afraid that the ancient god will break free from the seal and escape to cause trouble?

Or to prevent other forces from spying on the powerful star soul bred by this planet?

No, neither.

This shaping is so that the native creatures born in Azeroth can in turn influence the star soul and shape it on a deeper level, making it what the Titans want it to be.

That is to become one of them.

But what the Titans didn't expect was that not long after the transformation was completed, the most powerful warrior among them rebelled.

As a result, the entire Pantheon was destroyed by the latter, and it was no longer possible to monitor the changes in the planet.

Moreover, the Ancient God also took the opportunity to cast a curse of flesh and blood, turning those Titan creations who originally only knew how to obey orders and lacked free will and independent thinking, into humans, dwarves, and gnomes one after another.

So from the moment these races were born, Titan's plan actually collapsed and went bankrupt.

Azeroth is now on another unknown path.

In my opinion, your bronze dragons' insistence on the so-called correct history is completely meaningless.

Because the power you possess is the greatest damage to the timeline, and it is also the source of all chaos. "

As we all know, the force that has caused the greatest damage to the Azeroth timeline is the Eternal Dragonflight.

The Eternal Dragon Legion is the other side of the bronze dragon in the torrent of time.

This means that if the Bronze Dragon had not gained the power to control time, there would not have been an Eternal Dragon, and it would be even less likely that the so-called timeline would be tampered with by outside forces.

If the bronze dragons really want to solve all time problems, the easiest way is to return to the time point when Nozdormu was given the power of the Titans, and then prevent the next scene from happening.

In this case, there won't be a lot of messy things at the back.

But the real situation is that neither the Bronze Dragon nor the Eternal Dragon has any tendency to make similar moves.

Are they unaware that this can permanently eliminate the enemy from the source?

The answer is obviously no.

As the group with the deepest understanding of time in the world, they obviously know the consequences of doing so.

But it may be that for some selfish reasons, they are unwilling to give up the powerful power of controlling time.

Especially for Nozdormu, it is actually very simple to escape from the tragic fate destined for him. He just needs to go back in time and let his former self refuse the blessings and power given by the Titan Guardian, and then let other dragons take over.

Anyway, as long as they obtained the power of the Titans, any Ancestral Dragon at that time could be transformed into an Aspect Dragon. To put it bluntly, they were just a bunch of tools to be exploited.

Responsibility, honor, ability and authority are all just a set of words to deceive people into working for nothing.

"Are we the source of all timeline chaos?!"

It was undoubtedly the first time for Chromie to hear such an accusation, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Because she still doesn't know the truth about the Eternal Dragon Legion, she just thinks that the other party seems to have something to say.

"If you're confused about this, go back and ask Nozdormu.

He already knew everything, but he didn't tell any of his descendants.

As for this timeline, don't expect it to return to its previous state without any changes.

Because I also have my own plans and plans for Azeroth.

Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to this planet like the Burning Legion or the Ancient Gods, I just want to collect a small amount of energy.

As the star soul that gave birth to Titan, this planet can extract infinite energy from the universe, so as long as it is not drained all at once, it can always recover slowly over time.

And in exchange, I will become the protector of this planet and help you repel all invading enemies.

No matter if this enemy is the Burning Legion or the Ancient Gods. "

Zuo Si expressed his intentions and attitude very simply.

"Can you deal with the Burning Legion and the Dark Titan behind it?"

Chromie raised an eyebrow and started looking up and down.

“Of course I can’t do it now.

Because this is just a mortal body controlled by a ray of consciousness.

Although he has become a lot stronger after some transformations, he can barely reach the level of a demigod in the wilderness of this world at best. He is really too weak.

But if I can successfully lower a clone, even if the Titans of the Pantheon are resurrected collectively, I will be sure to defeat them all.

After all, I am not alone, but can summon many subordinates and allies to help.

Each of them possesses the power to crush a planet with ease.

As for Archimonde and Kil'jaeden who you think are extremely powerful, in my eyes they are just two clowns who use the power of Sargeras to pretend to be powerful. They can be easily crushed to death with just one finger.

And I will prove it in the upcoming Battle of Mount Hyjal.

Okay, that’s it for today’s conversation.

I think you have enough information to go back to Nozdormu.

I would rather be your ally than your enemy.

But this depends on Nozdormu's next decision. "

After that, Zuo Si stood up and disappeared into the darkness without looking back.

Chromie stood there without saying a word for several minutes, and then he dragged Ashkami, who had swept away all the snacks and fruits on the table, and even the tea in the pot, and quickly Teleport back to the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert.

Although she was not sure whether the other party was deliberately exaggerating in the conversation just now, she was certain that the entire timeline had been locked. This matter was definitely not something she could handle, and she must report it to the Bronze Dragon King immediately— —Nozdormu.

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the north of the eastern continent, the massacre caused by Arthas continued.

Although reinforcements from various alliance countries have begun to arrive at the front line of Silverpine Forest one after another, and they have also taken the initiative to march towards Tirisfal Woods, hoping to support and rescue those towns that are still desperately resisting, in order to rescue more innocent civilians.

But unfortunately, the main force of natural disasters coming from the East Weld area was already in place, and a huge fortification group was built based on the royal capital.

The temporary commander-in-chief of the coalition forces just took one look and immediately gave up the plan to attack. He could only build a defense line in place to block the opponent's southward movement.

What a joke!

The Royal Capital of Lordaeron was originally one of the most easily defended and difficult to attack cities in the human kingdom. The surrounding fortresses, arrow towers, and tall and thick city walls alone were enough to withstand the onslaught of enemies more than ten times their own size.

Not to mention that the Alliance army is still at a numerical disadvantage, and heavy weapons such as artillery, slings, crossbows, and ballistae have not been shipped at all.

Taking the initiative to attack the city at this time is definitely because you are impatient and want to die.

Even if the marshal issues an order, the legion commanders belonging to the various kingdoms below will not agree.

However, in order to obtain more intelligence and first-hand news, the coalition still sent a large number of light cavalry scouts and dwarf griffin squads to conduct repeated investigations deep into the interior of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The news that came back shocked and frightened everyone.

Tirisfal Glades, home to over two million people and extremely wealthy, is now completely in ruins.

Except for a very small number of towns with strong walls and fortresses, the rest of the places have not just fallen, but all living people have been killed and transformed into undead creatures.

And the plague quickly contaminated the land and water, presenting a horrific scene of twisted death.

According to a Dalaran mage, this place is no longer suitable for all living life, including humans.

In some places, the lichs and necromancers of the Scourge even set up cauldrons with thick smoke, making it clear that they wanted to spread the plague further and eventually turn this land into The strategic intention of Paradise of the Dead.

You don't need to ask to know that this kind of behavior that fundamentally destroys the living environment has completely angered the alliance troops who came from afar.

The upright and violent dwarves even mounted griffins and carried bombs to throw at the undead gathered in the capital every day to vent the anger that was about to overflow in their hearts.

Others want to find Alsace so that they can find and kill this traitor who killed his father and mother.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that Arthas had already led his elites to leave Tirisfal Glades and enter the Western Plaguelands.

At this moment, he was riding his beloved horse, Invincible, which had just been resurrected. He stared at the rotten coffin that had just been dug out of the tomb without saying a word.

You don't need to ask to know that what is contained here is the body of Kel'Thuzad, who was killed by his own hands.

Obviously, Arthas' current goal is to take the remains north to Quel'Thalas and resurrect the great lich through the infinite energy of the Sunwell.

This is also the reason why on the southern front, the Scourge Legion clearly gathered a large army but never launched an attack.

Soon, with the concerted efforts of the followers of the Cursed Sect, the dirt covering the coffin was quickly cleared away.

When the coffin lid was pried open, a pungent rotten smell hit his face.

Inside the coffin, Kel'Thuzad's body had rotted beyond recognition, and densely packed insects were moving through the gaps between the rotten flesh and bones, presenting a scene that would make a normal person vomit out his overnight meal.

But Alsace, who was already a death knight, didn't react at all and just made a slight frown.

On the contrary, the Dread Lord Tichondrius couldn't help showing a look of disgust, and immediately complained: "Damn it! This corpse is so rotten that it cannot be sustained until it reaches Quel'Thalas. We must Also, we need to find a way to prevent the rot from continuing."

"Does it have to be in Quel'Thalas?" Arthas turned his head and asked.

"Yes, the Sunwell of the High Elves is one of the few magical energy intersections in the world. Only there can give Kel'Thuzad powerful arcane magical energy, making him qualified to open the legion's portal."

Tichondrius explained patiently.

As the nominal leader of all the Dread Lords, he is not as domineering as other compatriots, and even gives people a polite and elegant feeling when speaking.

Therefore, he was quite happy to get along with the warrior chosen by the Lich King in front of him, and there was no atmosphere of hostility or tension at all.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

Arthas continued to ask.

Tichondrius replied without thinking: "It's very simple. You must grab a magical urn from the hands of those paladins, and then put his remains in it. During this period, the remains themselves cannot be affected by Any contamination from death or psychic magic, otherwise the resurrection will not have the desired effect.”

"Understood, I will snatch this urn back."

Alsace accepted this task very simply.

Just when he was about to lead a group of ghouls towards the direction of the city, the Dread Lord suddenly reminded him from behind: “Be careful, don’t be careless.

Because your teacher, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer, is currently stationed in Andorhal.

The power of Holy Light he masters is extremely powerful.

Several previous fierce sieges were burned to ashes by him and a group of paladins.

Even Baron Rivendell almost didn't make it back alive. "

"Uther? Humph! I happen to have something I want to talk to him about face to face, and this is a perfect opportunity."

A creepy sneer appeared on Alsace's face.

If there is anything besides the title of the most dutiful son of Azeroth that has accompanied him throughout his life, it is undoubtedly "nostalgia".

Whether it is after becoming a death knight, he transformed Farric and Maven who had been loyal to him and followed him all the way, or he resurrected his beloved horse Invincible, or he personally completed the "feat" of killing his father and mother, all of which reflect It emerged from Alsace's subconscious obsession with his closest friends, partners and relatives.

Even he himself was not aware of this.

With this obsession, the mighty Scourge soon approached Andorhal's city walls covered with corpses, minced meat, bones and dried blood.

Since Alsace had no intention of hiding anything and was riding his undead horse at the forefront, Ballard, the Silver Hand paladin standing on duty on the city wall, immediately recognized the prince who had committed numerous crimes and cursed angrily. Said: "Heartless traitor!

You have insulted your father and family, and you still have the nerve to appear here?

I really don’t understand why Uther wanted to vouch for you in the first place!

The honor he had spent his whole life accumulating was now all in vain because of Li's actions!

I curse you to die badly! "

However, Arthas didn't even bother to respond to this kind of scolding, and directly rushed over with the undead army behind him.

He took the lead and jumped onto the city wall, which was not very high in the first place. He wielded Frostmourne and began to harvest the lives of the surrounding soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, a section of the city wall mixed with hundreds of veterans and militiamen was cleared.

The ghoul army followed closely and easily climbed up from below, pouring into the city in a steady stream, breaking through the seemingly solid defense in less than a few minutes.

Several paladins tried to rush over to block the gap and use holy light to purify the undead that came in, but they fell to Frostmourne.

Not only that!

Their corpses were also pulled up and transformed into death knights, then turned around to join Andorhal's sequence.


Upon seeing this, Ballard immediately charged like crazy.

He knew very well what it would mean to the refugees gathered in the city once the city wall was breached.

But just two or three seconds later, a sharp and cold sword penetrated the chest of the Silver Hand Paladin.

The shining silver armor had no protective effect at all. It was pierced as easily as butter, and even the blood that flowed out was quickly frozen into ice cubes by the ultra-low temperature.

"It would be great if you were half as good as your tongue. At least you can help me pass my boring time." Alsace sneered and mocked.

Then he suddenly activated the power of Frostmourne and turned the opponent into a death knight.

There is no doubt that ordinary Silver Hand Paladins are no longer a match for Alsace, and are often killed without even being able to withstand a single encounter.

Some of them successfully escaped the transformation of evil artifacts because of their firm belief in the Holy Light, but more of them had their souls torn apart and turned into puppets who lost their free will.

At this moment, the entire Paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand are like the reserves of the Death Knights of the Scourge.

Basically, as many as came died, and most of them were successfully transformed.

By the time they entered the streets of the city, the number of death knights had reached more than thirty.

Coupled with the ghouls and zombies transformed from the corpses of soldiers, not only did the Scourge Legion suffer no losses, but their numbers increased by more than three times compared to before the siege.

In particular, Arthas himself seemed to enjoy the feeling of slaughtering his former colleagues.

Whenever a paladin appears, he will immediately rush over and kill the opponent on his horse.

When he arrived at the gate of the Knights' military camp, he finally saw the figure he once admired so much.

"Long time no see. You seem a lot older, Uther."

Alsace paused the killing and slowly approached on his horse.

"Your father ruled this land for decades and worked hard to make it prosperous, but you only used a few days to make all these efforts come to nothing."

Uther stared intently at the prince who had completely taken on the appearance of a dead man, as if he were a volcano about to erupt.

He could not imagine at all why the disciple who was willing to sacrifice himself for the people would become like this, and why he would commit the cruel act of killing his father and mother.

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