A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 578: Sealing the Eldrazi (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Although the aura of the abyss was completely sealed, I still gained enough power from the fragments to use special abilities including [Blasphemy], [Mantra of Chaos], [Sacred Word of Darkness], and [Evil Light Strike] at will. ability.

It can also infuse the weapon with abyssal energy, giving it an additional enhancement value of +1 to the enchantment level, as well as the additional effect of evil chaos.

The most important thing is that with this demonic hand alone, I can instantly cast arcane and divine spells from one to nine levels even without using metamagic skills. The casting time of spells above nine levels can also be shortened to only four. one part.

In addition, if you include the blessing of the power of the big devil, spells of levels one to six do not even require any memory or preparation, nor are they restricted by spell slots.

You can release as much as you want every day.

Spell power also increases based on your natural spellcasting level, similar to a sorcerer's.

After absorbing the power of the abyss fragments, my current warlock level is equivalent to LV45, and I am immune to spells below level seven. I feel basically no different from a real abyss lord.

I just don't know if this will cause any hidden dangers.

After all, the power of the abyss is chaos, chaos and disorder, and I don’t want to be affected and gradually turn into an irrational psychopath..."

After putting on the upgraded gloves again and checking the changes in his own strength, Zuo Si couldn't help but murmur a few words.

Because based on what I just felt, I can be 100% sure that the abyss fragments are very corrosive and will continue to corrode a person's thoughts, mind and even soul.

Regarding this, just look at what happened to the scholars and mages who studied demons and the abyss.

No one can remain sane while staring into the abyss, not even the gods above.

Although as a big devil, Zuo Si has the protection of the will of the hell plane, so normally he should not be too affected.

But I'm afraid that this thing will continue to expand as time goes by, and eventually it will grow from a demon hand to a demon arm, and then from the arm to half a body.

However, he has no time to study these right now and must immediately fulfill the promise he made, which is to seal the three Eldrazi Titans who are making a big fuss.

As a member of the lawful camp, he will not easily break the contract that has been reached.

What's more, the other party has already paid a generous enough reward.

Not to mention anything else, just knowing accurately the process and history of the birth of the Abyss is already a huge profit, not to mention the energy and massive knowledge and technology extracted from it.

You must know that when it comes to creating life, the chaotic abyss demons are out-and-out masters.

When mortal souls began to enter the abyss, various lords tried to reshape these corrupted and fallen souls. Even today, hundreds of thousands of new demon species that have never been seen before are created every year.

Obviously, due to the chaos in their nature, the demons adopted the most frenzied "exhaustive method" in this field, and most of the works quickly perished in the cruel competition and elimination.

Only those breeds that are good enough will survive to become residents of this dangerous place.

However, many of the new demons who did not survive were not good enough, but did not get enough time to grow.

Just like the current demon prince Demogorgon.

When he was first created by Chaos, he was directly regarded as a failure. Fortunately, Chaos did not kill him, but simply chose to throw it away.

If Demogorgon had not been given enough time to grow up after Chaos, but had been disposed of after identifying it as a failed work, then he would not have his current status as the "Demon Brother" in name only.

So Zuo Si plans to copy down all these interesting knowledge and technologies, and then send one copy to Plantia Floating City and one copy to Jinji Tower in Mirrodin Time and Space, letting these crazy experts toss around and wait. Just sit back and collect the research results.

After completely disposing of the abyss fragments, he unceremoniously made Iggwir ambush into a follower card, and then fused it with the secondary six-armed snake demon lord he had captured before - Mona Sil. .

In this way, with the blessing of the devil's hand, the combat power level of the Witch Queen was instantly raised to the level of a real lord.

And in a place not too far away from the planeswalker, you can also use the home field advantage provided by the abyss fragments to gain the blessing of divine power, which is not a waste at all even against Graz'zt, his former lover.

Especially after transforming into the six-armed snake demon form, her biggest shortcoming in close combat has been greatly compensated.

In human form, he is no longer the standard mage holding a staff, but a light-armored warrior holding two knives or two swords.

The only thing that is not sure is whether the physical personality of the current leader is more dominated by Igvir or the six-armed snake demon lord Mona Sil.

Judging from the combat style description on the card, it is obviously more inclined to the latter.

But in terms of appearance and personality, it seems to be a bit like the former. No matter his words or actions, he always exudes a dark and depraved temptation.

It's a good thing that I didn't see it in the diary, otherwise I would probably strongly demand that Liuzhi and Liuzhi become "same-shoes" brothers.

After finishing Igvirvo, Zuo Si simply said hello to Shane VII and left directly. He did not stay in the floating city of Plantia for too long, nor did he accept the invitations of the experts to visit the various experiments being conducted. arms.

Yes, you heard it right.

Weapons experimentation continues.

The diary did not stop the ongoing experiment just because the prostitution was over, nor did it even notify the player and Vanessa that Old Bones had become its own dog. Instead, it wanted to personally direct a show that could look real and fake.

As a result, the first few floors of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick have completely turned into a battlefield of repeated tug-of-war.

Fortunately, the scale was well controlled, so the casualties were much smaller than in the previous all-out war.

By continuously attacking this enemy that is visible and tangible and can pose a huge threat to surrounding countries, Plantia's floating city can not only establish a positive image of itself, but also use it as a blackmail to demand this from other countries. The world's important magic resources, minerals and other things.

To put it simply, it is to play "raise the bandits to respect themselves".

In addition, they use this as bait to lure out the true dragon kings one after another.

The armor currently controlled by the Platinum Dragon King has begun to appear in the nearby forest, and it is obvious that he can't sit still.

But these are obviously no longer issues Zuo Si needs to worry about.

He has now arrived at the outpost established by Baator Hell at the forefront of the Abyss, watching from a distance the Eldrazi battle against the demon army that is taking place in the three realms.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why this outpost was established here is actually to facilitate the devil's senior leaders to observe the battlefield situation.

Although it is called an outpost, its area is as large as a fortress city that can accommodate 100,000 people.

Although the people stationed here for a long time are basically little devils with high mobility and the overall strength is not very strong, it is built on a steep mountain. From a high position, the battlefield in the distance can be seen clearly.

The person responsible for commanding the demon army in combat is Qimima, the eight demon generals.

This is a very strong and tall Pit Fiend. With the extra power and strength bestowed by Asmodeus, his strength far exceeds those of the same kind.

He was obviously very nervous about Zuo Si's arrival, and was following carefully and answering all questions.

After all, who doesn't know that the lord of the ninth level in front of him is deeply favored by the Lord of Hell, and even has the privilege to intervene and manage the sixth level.

One lord controls two levels at the same time?

This has never happened before in the entire history of Baator Hell.

Therefore, as long as it does not violate principles, Zimima will not have any objection at all, which perfectly demonstrates the devil's absolute obedience to his superiors.

They even specially selected two sexy demons with sweet looks and attractive figures to accompany them throughout the whole process.

When it comes to flattery, every high-level devil is an out-and-out master.

As long as they are willing, they can make a person fall into the satisfaction and vanity brought by flattery in a short period of time.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si obviously did not accept this trick. He was watching the creatures on the battlefield with strange appearance and abilities. He asked without looking back: "This kind of creature that devours each other and absorbs each other's advantages." How long has this situation lasted?”

"It's been a long time, Your Excellency. To be exact, they have been like this since we arrived and established a stronghold." Zimima replied without thinking.

"Is it evolution? It's interesting. Do you think that with the current strength of the Demon Legion, it can still defeat these evolving demons in a bloody battle?"

Zuo Si touched his chin with an interested expression.

Because at this moment, the demons and Eldrazi creatures are actually somewhat indifferent to each other.

At least to a layman, their appearance is the same weird, abstract and indescribable.

In addition, the chaos presented by the bottomless abyss is surprisingly consistent with the power from the dark void.

Whether the demon devours the Eldrazi, or the Eldrazi devours the demon, he can wrest power from the other party for his own use.

In this way, very interesting convergent evolution occurs.

The largest number of low-level cannon fodders on the battlefield have very similar appearance and abilities, and as long as they can kill and devour the enemy, they will quickly upgrade into another more advanced form in a few seconds.

Therefore, millions or tens of millions of cannon fodder are continuously invested in it like consumables. When they are almost exhausted, there are often only a handful of strong ones left.

Sometimes they choose to retreat to preserve their strength, and sometimes they rush directly to fight with the enemy until they are killed or their opponent is killed.

Zimima smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Sorry, Your Excellency, I don't know.

After all, according to Lord Asmodeus's instructions, the ninth level you rule is the main force against these new varieties of demons.

The only thing our eight demon generals can do is to prepare enough troops to defend and try to preserve those abyssal levels that have been occupied and transformed.

Could it be that you came all the way from the material plane just to restart the bloody battle? "

"Haha, you guessed it right.

According to my judgment, other plane forces have long regarded the devil as a huge threat after finishing the bloody battle and beginning to recuperate.

If it does not recover, it is estimated that those heavenly creatures from the good camp in the upper plane will take the initiative to declare war on hell.

If the bloody war resumes at that time, we will face the risk of fighting on two fronts.

Go and inform Archduke Bile and the other Eight Demon Generals to get ready. I'm going to seal the three Eldrazi Titans now. "

After that, Zuo Si ignored the shocked expression on Zimima's face and took off directly into the air towards the center of the battlefield, specifically aiming at the most active Ulamog.

Due to his speed, the Eldrazi creatures and demons fighting on the ground did not notice him. Instead, some guys with the ability to fly and fight in the sky swarmed up, and the number was as dense as Like locusts covering the sky.

But he was obviously prepared. He raised his hand to cast six-ring spells such as [Chain Lightning], [Big Flying Palm], [Ice-Free Sphere], [Thunder Domain], and [Ice and Fire Storm] instantly.

If you encounter a rough-skinned guy, use [Dissociation] and [Petrification] to last up the damage.

Because of the blessing of the power of the abyss fragments, Zuo Si can now cast spells of six levels and below without any consumption on himself, and all of them are instantaneous.

Under this overwhelming magic bombing, a large number of flying units were torn to pieces alive, burned, frozen into ice cubes or turned into stone statues, and finally fell from high altitude and shattered into pieces. From a distance, it looked as spectacular as rain.

The [Anti-Living Object Shield] in the Six-ring Divine Art can block those guys who rush in under the magic bombardment.

Their results are often either beheaded by a fleeting sword, or killed by [Serious Injury Technique] or [Killing Life Technique].

You must know that Zuo Si has the level of an archmage and advanced arcane abilities, so he can change the energy attribute of spell damage at will.

For example, [Chain Lightning] often fires not lightning, but flames, sound waves, ice, and strong acid.

In the same way, [Freezing Sphere] is not necessarily ice, and [Ice and Fire Storm] is not necessarily ice and fire.

This caused great trouble to enemies who wanted to use protective magic to resist damage.

Because unless the protection or absorption of all energy attributes is blessed, as long as Zuo Si finds that a certain energy attribute does not work, the same magic will become other attributes in the next second.

The most important thing is that he can also reshape the area of ​​effect of the spell, which can always maximize the damage of area spells.

It can even be said that today's Zuo Si is a ruthless magic turret and doesn't care at all how many enemies there are.

As long as there is no one that can threaten his existence, there is no substantial difference between one and ten billion.

Anyway, it takes a little time to kill them all.

Although the Eldrazi and some demons seem to have the ability to draw magical energy, weakening the power of spells the moment they take effect.

But the problem is that all of Zuo Si's spells are instantaneous, which doesn't give them much time to react.

And what if some of the energy is taken away?

At worst, I'll have to give it another shot.

What if we rebound successfully?

Now he is immune to all magic below the seventh level.

So Zuo Si, who fell from the sky, was like a god of death. He rushed into the battlefield and activated the unparalleled mode without using any planeswalker abilities, destroying low-level slave beasts and demons wantonly.

Even the more advanced demons and phagocytos could only hold on for a few more moments before being submerged in the massive magic storm.

His killing spree quickly attracted the attention of both warring parties.

A giant Eldrazi several thousand meters tall suddenly dropped his opponent, and a demon lord who looked like a scorpion turned around and struck down hard with his thick tentacle-like arm.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Along with the deafening loud noises and vibrations of the shower, the entire ground was stirred up with flesh, dust and stones flying all over the sky.

More than tens of thousands of low-level cannon fodder were wiped out in this blow, and even a long ravine twenty or thirty meters deep was opened on the ground.

Obviously, just from the external characteristics of this Eldrazi king, it is easy to tell that he was conceived by Ulamog.

The long tentacles are the most obvious sign.

As the highest-level creation of the Titans, the King undoubtedly has enough power to fight against the real Abyss Lord.

It can even easily tear apart those demon lords who are not strong enough and are just making up the numbers.

But unfortunately, this time he faced Zuo Si, who had just received all-round strengthening.

I saw that the tentacles that had been smashed to the ground were suddenly lifted up by a terrifying force, followed by several bright silver lights like the moon flashing in the air.

The next second...

The king's thick and powerful tentacles were instantly torn apart, and the front half was completely chopped off. Blood spurted out from the wound, forming a rain of blood around it.

Zuo Si himself slowly walked out of the blood rain, suddenly stood up from the ground in a thunderous moment, infused the abyss energy to increase the power of the artifact in his hand, and then slashed at the opponent's twisted face. Go down.

Although the sword in his hand is not long, it is even like a toothpick compared to the huge Eldrazi Titan. It may be too small even for picking teeth.

But just like this "toothpick", the moment it is touched, it releases an extremely spectacular surge of energy.

The entire head of this Eldrazi king created by Ulamog actually shattered in one blow, turning into flesh and bones flying in the sky.

The astonishing energy in his body instantly lost control, and he was about to form a violent explosion that could tear everything apart.

But what is incredible is that before this energy can burst out, the planeswalker sparks on Zuo Si's chest begin to flicker, absorbing the energy from the king's body at an incredible speed.

In the end, the king's withered body collapsed, then decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into dust and dispersed in the wind.

"Is this the King? It is indeed a great tonic. No wonder a certain vampire lord gained strength far beyond his own limit after drinking his blood once."

Zuo Si's eyes flashed with naked and undisguised greed, and he looked at another Eldrazi king not far away.

Although in the eyes of many people, these most powerful Titan creations are simply natural disasters, enough to easily destroy a time and space.

But in his opinion, they are simply walking super energy sources.

Eating a king may not be as good as worlds like Zendikar and Azeroth, which are about to overflow with energy, but it is certainly worth the full power that can be obtained by devouring a world with low magic.

Just when Zuo Si was hesitating whether to seal the Eldrazi Titan first or eat another king first, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


Following the direction of the sound, one could see Graz'zt, Lord of Darkness, carrying a huge acid-exploding sword.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

If it weren't for the large number of Eldrazi creatures and a Titan in the middle of the battlefield, he would probably have led his army to kill them by now.

"Hey, long time no see, my dear Lord Wu An.

How are you doing lately?

Have you ever had insomnia due to stress and anxiety?

If I were you, I wouldn't cause trouble at a time like this.

Because I'm here to seal the Eldrazi Titan.

Think about it, if the seal ultimately fails because of you, will the other demon lords and the Will of the Abyss let you go?

So I sincerely advise you to take care of yourself and not make your already disadvantageous situation worse. "

Zuo Si waved his hand with a half-smile, and the joking expression on his face made him deserve more beatings.

With the will of the abyss as the backing, one can be so arrogant and unscrupulous when facing the devil.

If Six Fingers dares to cause trouble at this time, there is a 100% chance that Urgashek will take a note of it, or even be liquidated on the spot.

Graz'zt, who was originally full of anger and hatred, suddenly changed his face when he heard these words. He turned around and glanced at the other lords standing in his camp, as well as the two-headed baboon standing on the hill not far away. , subconsciously clenched the sword in his hand.

As the smartest and most conspiratorial person among the Big Three, he is obviously very aware of his situation.

Whether it was Demogorgon or Orcus, or powerful old lords like Dagon, the "King of the Deep" and the lord of the 89th layer of the abyss, they all secretly had murderous intentions.

The reason is also very simple.

In the eyes of these demon lords, Graz'zt was the culprit who led the Eldrazi Titans into the abyss.

It was because of him that he was forcibly summoned by the will of the abyss to fight this war with no victory in sight. Its cruelty and bloodiness were simply more terrifying than the previous bloody battles.

At least the devils in the bloody battle will not devour the devil's corpses and continuously create all kinds of twisted monsters, nor will they completely absorb the energy of an entire level.

Coupled with the fact that Madam Fungi, Iuz and a group of allies were brutally wiped out in the world of Greyhawk, and even his own triple realm was completely destroyed in the war, it can be said that Graz'zt has never been as weak as it is now.

Wojin, the goddess of wealth who has been promoted to a powerful god, is even more eyeing, and may drop a powerful fighting incarnation at any time to start a battle of revenge.

Graz'zt had a strong premonition that if he rushed to trouble Zuo Si at this moment, he would most likely be besieged by all the demons, and even the will of the abyss would impose some kind of punishment.

But the problem is that if he didn't stop it and allowed Zuo Si to seal the three Eldrazi Titans, bringing the war to a complete end, he would also be dead.

Whether he died from the backstabbing of Demogorgon, Orcus and other demon lords, or died from the roaring demon army, or he was captured by the goddess of wealth, Watkin, and was repeatedly gang-raped by the ugly old hag all day long, completely becoming A joke, there is no essential difference.

It's nothing more than dying earlier or dying later.

Seeing Graz'zt standing there for a long time without any reaction, Zuo Si knew that this guy had been shocked. He immediately used teleportation magic to instantly cross the distance in space and appeared directly on top of another Eldrazi king. He raised his sword and dropped it. Destroying the opponent's head in the same way, greedily absorbed the energy released from the huge body.

That wonderful feeling is simply addictive.

The terrifying influx of energy puts the sparks at full capacity, flashing with dazzling light.

Perhaps sensing the spark of the planeswalker, or perhaps seeing the two kings he created being killed, the Eldrazi Titan Ulamog finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly raised his upper body and roared like a beast, then waved. All the tentacles on his body swept everything within a few kilometers around him in an instant.

More than three lords and fourteen sub-lords were torn alive by this violent force in an instant.

Along with them, millions of demon legions disappeared.

There is no doubt that this is the power possessed by the Eldrazi Titan. It is estimated that only Orcus and Demogorgon in the entire Abyss can barely bow to it.

"You are really like a violent and hungry beast as rumored..."

Seeing the Eldrazi Titan rushing toward him, Zuo Si not only showed no fear at all, but showed a faint smile and took out the card he had prepared.

When Ulamog had already rushed forward and raised his huge tentacles, he paid a fee to transform the cards in his hand into entities.


The originally empty sky around was covered by thousands of magic crystals engraved with dragon runes.

These crystals are arranged in a circle, directly surrounding the Eldrazi Titan inside, and shining with a dazzling light.

Ulamog suddenly seemed like a beast locked in a cage, constantly emitting abilities similar to psychic shocks and explosions, trying to interfere with the invading Zuo Si's will so that he could no longer control these things that restrained him.

But in the end it didn't have any effect.

Whether it is divine power, equipment, various protective magics, or the immunity brought by the big devil and the devil's hand, it can easily withstand such attacks.

As the crystal circle controlled by Zuo Si became smaller and smaller, Ulamog finally let out a cry for help, and some parts of his body began to rapidly become petrified.

According to what I learned from Sorin, Nahiri, and Ugin, as long as I persist a little longer, this Eldrazi Titan will be completely sealed.

And once he is sealed, all creation will soon collapse and die due to the loss of energy source.

Perhaps because of being sealed once, the descendants of Ulamog on the entire battlefield immediately abandoned the demons like crazy, turned their heads, and wanted to launch an attack on Zuo Si and the crystal formation he controlled to rescue their creator. .

But the demons are not fools. How could they just watch the good situation that finally came to an end be ruined like this? They unanimously pressed forward across the board and tried their best to hold off these difficult enemies.

Even the Will of the Abyss chose to take action without hesitation, inflicting blood on all the demons on the battlefield.

Under the blessing of this state, every demon becomes a madman who is not afraid of death. Even if they die together, they will not take a step back.

Countless troops from both sides launched an unprecedented high-intensity fight in three worlds that were similar to the total area of ​​the earth's land and oceans combined.

Millions of individuals die almost every second. The corpses pile up on hillsides hundreds of meters high, and their blood flows together to form lakes, rivers and seas. It is a veritable mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

While Zuo Si presided over the sealing of the Eldrazi, he unceremoniously drew energy from killing and death.

Just when he was about to successfully seal Ulamog, a violent vibration suddenly came from the ground.

Before the demons who fell to the ground could react to what was happening, the entire earth was lifted into the air by a terrifying force that could not be described in words.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw a huge piece of earth's crust covering more than 20 square kilometers rising into the air with dust and corpses, spinning and smashing into the battlefield in the distance, crushing a large number of demons and Eldrazi slave beasts alive below.

Then a giant man covered in rock-like armor crawled out of the bottomless underground cave.

You don't need to ask to know that he is another Eldrazi Titan - Kozilek!

Unlike Ulamog's distorted, abstract look, Kozilek doesn't feel that abstract overall.

But this is limited to the upper body.

His lower body is also made up of thick tentacles covered with scales.

The lifting of the earth's crust just now was done by those tentacles.

Obviously, the second Eldrazi Titan appeared just to destroy the seal of the magic crystal.

When Kozilek raised his plier-like upper limbs to destroy the ring crystal formation, Zuo Si activated another card again.


A second crystal circle appeared out of thin air, trapping Kozilek inside.

Zuo Si learned the lesson from how Jess, Nissa and others failed when they encountered another attack when sealing one of the Eldrazi Titans, and specially prepared more than one set of crystal formations.

After all, he has the help of the conglomerate Nahiri, the knowledge of runes obtained from Ugin, and the convenient ability of the creator, so he can get as many sealing crystals as he wants.

In fact, the function of the magic crystal is not to directly turn the three Eldrazi Titans into immovable stone statues as many people imagine, but to cut off the connection between their bodies in the twisted void and the projection of the real world. connect.

As a result, the Eldrazi Titan's projection still remains in the material world, but its body in the dark void cannot be controlled.

It has to be said that Spirit Dragon Ugin's research on the Eldrazi and the Dark Void is indeed the most in-depth among all planeswalkers.

It's a pity that Zuo Si hasn't learned from him how to transform matter into attributeless energy.

Otherwise, there is no need to worry about how to obtain more energy now.

After successfully capturing two Eldrazi Titans, he did not hesitate at all and directly began to control the crystal formation to cut off the connection between the reality projection and the dark void.

In just about ten minutes, the huge bodies of Kozilek and Ulamog were basically petrified, forming two huge mountains.

Due to its large size, just standing still can cause a huge sense of oppression.

No wonder the natives of Zendikar mistakenly worshiped the three Eldrazi Titans as gods.

As the resistance became weaker and weaker, Zuo Si no longer needed to stay focused and continue to control the crystals. Instead, he allowed the crystals to float randomly around the huge stone statue, and he joined the ranks of clearing away the Eldrazi creatures.

Anyone who dares to approach the seal, whether a demon or a slave, will be immediately overwhelmed by the overwhelming magic.

Gradually, a circular mountain of corpses formed in the area surrounding the two Eldrazi Titan seals.

The blood from the corpse flowed out like a statue, forming a huge blood pool that was horrifying.

The thick plasma became darker and darker under the influence of the chaotic evil of the abyss, and finally completely solidified into gelatinous creatures similar to ooze monsters and jelly monsters.

When the connection between the two Eldrazi projections and the dark void was completely severed, Zuo Si immediately secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was not sure why Emrakul, the most powerful of the three Titans, did not appear, it undoubtedly reduced a lot of danger and pressure for the sealing work.

After all, Emrakul is the only Titan who has shown sufficiently high intelligence and personality.

Zuo Si was not sure whether the other party's psychic ability and ability to distort all things would have an impact on him.

Just as he took to the sky to search for the last Eldrazi titan, the dark clouds above him suddenly began to thunder and lightning.

Immediately afterwards, all the demons within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, including those dimension lords, suddenly fell to their knees with a plop and let out wailing sounds of extreme pain.

Without exception, the pupils reflected a huge shadow that did not exist in the real world, and blood began to flow out from the corners of their eyes.



With a deadly bolt of lightning thousands of meters thick striking the ground, the last Eldrazi Titan - Emrakul finally appeared.

It looks like a weird-looking mushroom that splits in the middle. The top part shows a dull brown color, followed immediately below by a tissue structure of bright red and dark blue intertwined like an enlarged version of blood vessels, giving people the impression that It's a bit like a brain that has been pried open from a skull, and at the end are tentacles like Kozilek and Ulamog.

This guy is very huge, several times larger than the expanded Floating City of Plantia.

And just by showing up, everything around him starts to become distorted.

Below, a large number of demons who had been beaten to death by the will of the abyss began to grow tentacles, second heads, and a large number of eyeball organs without any warning.

What's even more terrifying is that some demons still merge with other demons around them and even with the corpses on the ground.

Several otherworldly divine servants who were emitting holy light in the sky and were probably sent by the upper planes to observe the situation were also forcibly kneaded together by some invisible force, turning into four heads, eight arms and four limbs. Stitch monster on the wings.

But whether it is a twisted demon or an alien god, there are a large number of red and blue blood vessels on the body similar to Emrakul.

Especially when looking directly at Emrakul, even Zuo Si began to fall into a trance uncontrollably, and occasionally saw hallucinations, as if some kind of force was trying to penetrate the psychological and spiritual defenses he had built.

"Relax...open your heart...I want to talk to you..."

I vaguely heard a very pleasant and somewhat familiar voice echoing in my ears.

"Get out of my mind!"

Zuo Si woke up instantly and activated another magic card in his hand at lightning speed.

Just a second later, a huge comet suddenly appeared out of thin air in the sky of the abyss, hitting Emrakul directly.

With a celestial body of this mass and the speed of its fall at this time, falling on any planet is enough to cause a devastating ecological disaster.

But Emrakul, the most powerful of the three Eldrazi Titans, didn't even move.

The alien creature it twisted and created, the Stitch Monster, spread its wings first and rushed towards the comet.

When the two collided, a light ten thousand times brighter than the sun burst out, completely covering this level of the bottomless abyss.

Nothing could be seen but a blinding white light.

And the ensuing explosions and loud noises completely destroyed hearing.

No one knows what is happening at this moment...

When the white light passed, those demons who were not dead, blind, or recovered by their regeneration ability after being blind opened their eyes and saw a huge pit appearing out of thin air not far from Emrakul.

In the middle of the pit, there lay a squashed alien creature, the Stitch Monster, which was constantly spurting out blood.

Apparently, it was what deflected the comet's impact point.

At the same time, the sky above the head was also torn apart by the release of energy from the violent impact, forming a large area where red lightning was raging.

As for the endless army of demons and Eldrazi creatures on the battlefield, the area has now been completely cleared.

To be precise, it was first torn apart by the shock wave, and then completely evaporated under high temperature and pressure.

With such destructive power, not to mention ordinary secondary lords, even demon lords like Demogorgon and Orcus standing at the apex of the abyss showed very fearful eyes.

"Young planeswalker, are you sure you really don't want to talk to me?"

Emrakul's voice echoed in his ears again.

The abilities it possesses far exceed the understanding of traditional psychic abilities, and even with layers of protection, it cannot be completely isolated.

Zuo Si's expression was extremely serious, as if he was thinking about the other party's proposal.

After all, Emrakul can easily penetrate the protection established by the mind planeswalker Jace Beleren and play with it at his fingertips.

If a small opening were opened to allow this dangerous Eldrazi Titan to enter his inner world, he was not sure whether he would be able to effectively fight back when attacked with the means he currently had.

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