A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 490 Niv-Mizzet (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Ravnica is one of the most special and alternative worlds among the countless distinctive time-spaces in the entire multiverse.

Because it has an extremely long history and a large number of intelligent life from other worlds, it has formed a complex ecological structure like Sigil, the center of the Toril universe, and has a collision of ideas, cultures and values.

At the beginning, the people here were divided into different factions based on their tendencies and consciousness, and then carried out unbridled wars, massacres, and destruction in an attempt to completely eliminate other factions and unify the entire time and space by themselves.

But unfortunately, the brutal war went on for countless years, and cities of different styles were built, destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again and again, but a real winner could never be born.

This is why there are almost no wilderness or mountains in the entire Ravnica.

At a glance, what you can see are basically either huge halls, bustling streets, dilapidated slums, or ancient abandoned ruins that have been covered with a lot of vegetation and occupied by various animals and monsters.

When all the factions realized that continuing to fight like this was meaningless except for increasing casualties, the ancient Sphinx planeswalker Azor finally came forward, as an arbiter and law enforcer, and fought with the most powerful person at the time. Several forces signed an alliance, bringing order and law to this chaotic world that was full of waste.

And this covenant is the now-famous "Ten Guildpact" that is observed by all forces in the entire Ravnica space and time.

As a guild that functions similar to a government and law enforcement agency, the "Azorius Senate" is actually a force established in the name of Planeswalker Azor.

Azor is the name of the ancient sphinx planeswalker, and "establish" means established by him.

In fact, in the ancient times, many worlds were still in an era of barbarism and killing. This planeswalker who created a powerful artifact - the Eternal Holy Sun, brought order and law to countless time and space, and also helped the local indigenous people. The inhabitants laid down and shaped the initial form of civilization.

When order and law are established and the fire of civilization is ignited, this ancient planeswalker will quietly leave and will no longer interfere with the locals, but will allow them to develop on their own.

To some extent, what he did definitely deserves the word "great".

To this day, the residents of the plane of Ravnica still remember the achievements of this planeswalker, and built a huge sphinx statue of Azor in front of the Azorius Senate as a memorial.

In addition, there are nine other guilds with different styles, together with the Azorius Senate, ruling this world that is completely covered in a huge urban complex without borders.

For example, the Orzhov group is obsessed with gaining power;

The Dimir Society, which likes to collect intelligence, engage in secret deals and secret societies;

The Izzet Alliance is keen on conducting dangerous experiments and developing technology and magic;

The Rakdos sect believes that death is the final destination of all things and often engages in bloody massacres;

By controlling the undead and natural magic, the Golgari community provides the food necessary for survival for almost everyone in Ravnica;

The Guru tribe advocates primitiveness, violence, freedom and unrestrained life;

The Boros Legion has the most powerful military force and is eager to fight for fairness and justice;

The Selesnya Conclave, pacifists who advocate unity and harmony;

Finally, there is a Simic union that is somewhat similar to the neutral Druid sect in Faerûn, which believes that the balance between civilization and nature must be maintained.

In short, when living in Ravnica, it is impossible to avoid the above ten guilds no matter what, and you must deal with several of them no matter what.

In addition, there are many relatively small guilds.

The size of the headquarters of some of these guilds is almost as huge and astonishing as a city or a country in other time and space.

Most importantly, this is a world that almost every planeswalker who ignites a spark is bound to visit.

There are thousands of planeswalkers recorded as having visited Ravnica alone.

You must know that only one planeswalker with the qualifications may appear among tens of millions of people, and only one planeswalker among billions or even tens of billions of people may ignite a spark, not other ordinary spellcasters.

This alone shows how different Ravnica is.

It would be extraordinary to have a few or even a dozen planeswalkers visiting most other planes and spaces from their inception to the present.

Some of them obtained the knowledge they needed here, some obtained information about other time and space and artifacts, and some simply joined a guild and began to actively integrate into it, and even regarded this place as their second hometown. home.

It is precisely because of this that Nicol Bolas chose Ravnica as the battlefield for the War of the Spark.

Only this world can attract more than hundreds of planeswalkers.

There is no doubt that Ravnica is a paradise for adventurers and explorers, and its unique guild governance system is also favored by speculators and careerists.

As one of the ancient planeswalkers who have lived for thousands of years, the Lithomancer Nahiri visited Ravnica a long time ago under the guidance of her teacher Sorin, and even joined a guild to work for it for a period of time.

So she can be said to be quite familiar with this place, and even after thousands of years, she still doesn't feel unfamiliar at all.

Especially the giant fortress that is the headquarters of the Izzet Alliance. It covers an area as large as a city, and is densely packed with rooms and laboratories of various sizes.

You can hear the violent explosions coming from far away, as well as the fire shooting into the sky.

The scene was like being hit by a super-large-caliber artillery shell. Countless rubble and fragments were scattered everywhere. Occasionally, broken fingers, limbs and shapeless internal organs could be seen.

However, neither the nearby residents nor the visitor Nahiri showed any panic at all.

Because this situation is completely normal for the Izzet Alliance, which is engaged in invention and creation.

Compared to the kind of top-notch experiment that can blow half a fortress into the sky at once, this "small movement" is nothing at the moment.

As for the unlucky experimenter who died in the explosion, he dedicated his life to great science and magic research, and deserved his death. There is no need to waste precious time on grief. Instead, we should quickly collect the data and materials that have not been destroyed. Then continue in their footsteps until you succeed.

This is the greatest comfort to the deceased.

It has to be said that the mages, alchemists and scientists of the Izzet Alliance are all a group of lunatics whose thinking and values ​​are very different from ordinary people.

Similarly, they are also the guild that creates the most violent explosions in the entire Ravnica space-time, and were even considered a potential threat by the Azorius Senate, which is responsible for legislation and law enforcement.

But it is undeniable that the Izzet Alliance provides clean domestic water, sewer garbage disposal systems, heating systems, road administration and municipal pipeline systems for huge urban agglomerations, and is also responsible for the establishment of foundry factories and daily maintenance work.

Without them, the lives of the residents of Ravnica would not be as convenient as they are now, and the domestic waste generated every day would be enough to make the streets and alleys of the city smelly.

Of course, none of the above is the reason why the Izzet Alliance can gain a foothold in Ravnica and remain strong.

To be precise, the most important reason why this guild has never declined for thousands of years is its founder and ancestor-Niv-Mizzet.

As a super ancient dragon, although he is not a direct bloodline of the ancient dragon like Ugin and Nicol Bolas, nor does he inherit the powerful power from the elder dragon, his lifespan has exceeded ten thousand years.

When Niv-Mizzet hatched from the dragon egg, many famous and powerful men had not yet been born.

To make a horizontal comparison, 1,600 to 700 years after he emerged from his shell, Yawgmoth, the creator of Phyrexia, had just emerged from his mother's belly, and more than 4,000 years later, Sorin Markov born.

Therefore, even if Niv-Mizzet is not a planeswalker, he has become powerful enough under the baptism of long years.

Especially the vast sea of ​​knowledge that towers in the Great Library. It is said that he has read it all and transformed it into his own understanding.

What's even more powerful is that before the Guildpact was established, Niv-Mizzet personally defeated the two indigenous gods of Ravnica's time and space, the Djinn God.

Although he was later injured by another giant spirit god, it was enough to prove that his strength was definitely far superior to most of the new generation planeswalkers.

His unique dual-casting focus, as the name suggests, means that he can focus on two magic spells at the same time and release them together, which shocked and disbelief all the mages.

After all, the word focus itself refers to the meaning of undivided attention.

But now, there are actually spellcasters who can separate their consciousness and maintain focus on two completely different magics. It is really contrary to common sense and cognition.

No one knows how Niv-Mizzet did it, not even the most senior Izzet mage in the alliance.

But it is certain that other guilds in the time and space of Ravnica are afraid of the power of this super ancient dragon, and few will choose to take huge risks to provoke him.

In addition, Niv-Mizzet is the only dragon in the entire Ravnica.

Because according to laws and rules, this time and space prohibits other dragon creatures except him from entering.

Whether you are smuggling and selling dragon eggs, or using young dragons as pets and mounts, you will be severely punished and hunted down.

After simply informing the guards of her name, Nahiri was quickly allowed to enter the uppermost level of this huge castle, where Niv-Mizzet's lair was located.

Although this ancient dragon full of wisdom and power has many titles, his favorite is obviously "Fire Spirit".

This can be glimpsed from the bright red color visible in the nest.

Of course, Niv-Mizzet himself is also a classic red dragon.

But unlike the red dragons in Faerun, his head looks like a huge multi-legged starfish connected by webs.

The center position is the face and facial features, and there are no horns at all, or they are hidden behind the umbrella-shaped head like a starfish.

Seeing the Lithomancer coming towards him, Niv-Mizzet finally slowly raised his head and said hello in a slightly playful tone.

"Long time no see. I heard that you had a little conflict with your teacher Sorin Markov, and then you were imprisoned for thousands of years?"

"Well, that's right. Thanks to Solin's ruthless betrayal, I figured out a lot of things."

When saying these words, Nahiri did not hide her hatred for her former teacher.

Especially the coldness and cruelty flashing in the silver pupils made the human mage who escorted her in shudder involuntarily.

But Niv-Mizzet was obviously not interested in the conflict between the two planeswalkers and his apprentice, and immediately asked straight to the point: "Then why did you come to me this time?

Don't tell me you're asking for help against Sorin.

You should know very well that I will not get involved in such boring things. "

Nahiri responded with a smile: "No, I think you misunderstood. I'm not here this time for Sorin, but on behalf of another planeswalker who wants to reveal a shocking secret to you. Let's see if I can do it. A deal."

"Oh? What secret?"

Niv-Mizzet leaned forward slightly, showing an interested expression.

Although there has always been a rumor in the outside world that he has very poor patience and often shows a very impatient look.

But this is actually a misunderstanding.

This red ancient dragon would only show impatience when dealing with those who could not bring him knowledge or interesting research topics.

But if, on the other hand, the other party can provide knowledge and secrets that interest him, then Niv-Mizzet will not only be very patient, but will also ignore the offensive words and attitudes of the other party.

"Have you ever heard of Nicol Bolas?"

Nahiri followed Professor Zuo Si's talking skills and took the lead in throwing out this name that was enough to scare many time and space in the multiverse.


Niv-Mizzet's face became serious and alert, he narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully: "Of course I know the Dragon Lord Nicol Bolas.

We even know what he did in his long life.

But what does this have to do with me?

I have never offended him, nor have I become his enemy. "

"That was before!

Ever since the repair of the time rift caused the sparks of all planeswalkers to deteriorate and no longer have the same god-like power as before, Nicol Bolas has been secretly trying to restore himself to his previous state.

To realize this plan, you need to capture many planeswalkers first and then seize their sparks.

Guess, in the endless time and space of the universe, which time and space can summon a large number of planeswalkers?

The obvious answer is Ravnica.

So this is the battlefield Nicol Bolas prepared for the upcoming war.

As the one who signed the Guildpact contract, you naturally became an enemy in his eyes.

I believe you should know how he deals with his enemies, right? "

When saying these words, Nahiri obviously used a tone of inducement and rhetorical questions to let the other party come to their own conclusion through thinking.

You don’t need to ask to know that this is obviously what Zuo Si taught you.

After all, Niv-Mizzet is not an ordinary dragon, but an extremely proud, arrogant and extremely smart ancient dragon. He is also the founder and ancestor of the Izzet Alliance. The subordinates who come into contact with him usually regard him as the supreme master. Even the gods will treat it.

Therefore, the more such people tend to believe in their own judgment.

So using guidance is far more effective than giving answers directly.

Although Nahiri did not fully understand the subtle effects these words and techniques could have in communication, she still chose to do them.

Because after the Eldrazi incident, her trust in Zuo Si has risen to a very high level, and she believes that this cunning young ally has enough wisdom and ability to achieve her goals one by one.

"Nico Bolas wants to collect the planeswalker's spark?!"

Upon hearing this shocking news, Niv-Mizzet immediately changed his previous casual attitude and stood up from the ground dragging his huge body, exuding astonishing power from all over his body.

Especially the energy concentration in the air immediately increased hundreds of times in just a few seconds.

Dazzling electric lights and flames began to appear out of thin air, forming a spectacular huge grid.

There is no doubt that this is one of the most intuitive ways to manifest his powerful magical power.

As long as it is willing, the red dragon in front of it can set off a terrifying magic storm that sweeps hundreds of square kilometers at any time.

He even controls a small part of the source of Ravnica's time and space magic.

Although it is not yet comparable to the power of the old dragon Nicol Bolas, it is enough to rival weaker gods to a certain extent.

No wonder he was able to defeat two giant spirit gods in a fierce battle in ancient times.

Nahiri was obviously very satisfied with the other party's reaction, and nodded pretending to be serious: "Yes. Nicol Bolas found a powerful magic spell from the ancient times in Dominanian time and space.

Not only can it make a deteriorated planeswalker spark whole again, but it can also create gods out of thin air.

So I now officially invite you to join us and fight against that arrogant Elder Dragon.

Otherwise, Ravnica in its current state would be unable to resist his long-planned invasion.

Of course, you can also continue to ally with Ugin and Sorin while allying with us.

However, I advise you to be careful when forming an alliance with Ugin.

He is not as simple as he seems..."

Niv-Mizzet was obviously hesitant, and his pupils kept flashing from golden to orange to show the unrest in his master's heart.

As an ancient dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years, it is certainly impossible for him not to know the power of the Elder Dragon, a direct bloodline of the Dragon of the Beginning.

In particular, the brothers Nicol Bolas and Ugin, who ignited the spark to become planeswalkers, possess powers that they cannot match no matter how hard they try.

Niv-Mizzet's upper limit, which was double-locked by bloodline and talent, had always made Niv-Mizzet feel both angry and jealous.

Even though he is now one of the most powerful beings in the entire Ravnica space-time, even the ancient planeswalkers like Nahiri who participated in sealing the Eldrazi Titan must respect him.

But only he knew that if he had a life-and-death fight with Nicol Bolas or Ugin, he would be defeated in a very short time and killed easily.

In other words, the result of fighting any surviving elder dragon will be the same.

Because the strength of dragon creatures can be simply attributed to who has the purer blood of the Dragon of the Beginning, and who lives longer, the more powerful they are.

So those elder dragons who had won the war stood at the top of the pyramid, and the Taichu Yalong who had its wings and limbs cut off after being defeated followed them in the second echelon.

Ancient dragons like Niv-Mizzet, who were born 13,500 years after the "War of the Elder Dragons", actually have very thin bloodline from the Dragon of the Beginning, and their reproduction alone has exceeded dozens or even more. EMI.

Not to mention that Nicol Bolas and Ugin have the added bonus of Planeswalker Spark.

And because he lived long enough, Niv-Mizzet knew a lot of secrets.

For example, at the beginning, the three Eldrazi Titans were actually dark void creatures without intelligence and intelligence, acting entirely on instinct.

For another example, not long after Ugin began studying the Eldrazi, these terrifying destroyers gave birth to sanity.

Ugin's unique magic that can convert matter into energy was also created during this time.

Is it all a coincidence?

What a liar!

Therefore, whether it is Nicol Bolas or his brother and mortal enemy Ugin, in the eyes of Niv-Mizzet, they are dangerous entities that require special vigilance.

After a long silence, the huge red dragon lowered its huge head and whispered in a low voice: "Tell me who you represent now! Why doesn't he come to Ravnica in person?"

"The person I represent is called Soth, a new generation of planeswalker, and he has also successfully won the trust of Nicol Bolas.

The reason why he didn't come to Ravnica was because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, and also to better hide himself.

After all, there are already undercurrents surging beneath the calm surface here, and those loyal to the Elder Dragon have already begun to act in secret.

When all the preparatory work is completed, they will set off rebellions and assassinations, causing the major guilds to fall into civil strife.

Nicol Bolas would seize the opportunity to launch a full-scale invasion and ultimately achieve his goals. "

Nahiri took her time and told part of the truth.

Because she understood that it was not easy to win Niv-Mizzet's trust, so she had to show enough sincerity.

"Soth? Why have I never heard of this name!"

A look of confusion appeared on the ancient dragon's face.

As a polymath with billions of books, scrolls, and notes stored in his mind, he possesses a terrifying memory that is unmatched by mortals.

Whether it's a name or something else, once you hear it or see it once, you'll never forget it.

Nahiri responded with a smile: "That is the result of Soth deliberately hiding himself.

In fact, he had already been in contact with Jace Beleren and Chandra Nalaar when he was in Zendikar, and later formed an alliance with Liliana in Innistrad.

If you are interested in him, you can ask these young planeswalkers about him.

In addition, he also helped eliminate the three Eldrazi Titans sealed in Zendikar.

So you don't need to have any doubts about Soth's strength.

I guarantee you that when he decided to attack Nicol Bolas, he was fully prepared and had more than one backup plan.

And to show his sincerity, he also asked me to perform a performance in front of you. "

"Performance? What kind of performance?"

Niv-Mizzet's eyes flashed with intense curiosity.

"Of course it's a show about the resurrection from the dead..."

As the last word blurted out, Nahiri suddenly formed a gravel sword without any warning, and inserted it into the heart of the Izzet mage next to her at lightning speed.


With a large amount of blood spurting out from the wound, the latter quickly took his last breath with shock, anger and confusion on his face.

Although several triggering magics were instantly activated the moment it pierced the heart, they were all quickly disintegrated by the sealing power on the gravel sword and had no effect at all.

Before he died, he didn't understand why this mad woman, whose body was as white as marble, wanted to kill him.

As the supreme leader of the guild, Niv-Mizzet not only did not stop it, but instead acted like he was watching the show.

Looking at the warm corpse lying in a pool of blood, Nahiri instantly canceled the long sword shaped by magic, raised her head and asked with a smile: "Do you need to confirm the status of the corpse? Or wait a few minutes or even hours to make sure His complete death?”

Niv-Mizzet shook his head slightly: "No, it's not necessary. Because I'm pretty sure he's dead and there's no way to recover through any healing magic."

"In that case, I'm going to start. Remember not to blink, because the whole process will be very, very short."

After saying that, Nahiri took out a palm-sized rectangular stone from her pocket, and then lightly touched several runes on it.

The next second...

Dazzling white light was released from inside, directly covering the corpse.

In less than two or three seconds, the huge bloody hole on the corpse that was stabbed by the sword slowly healed.

After a while, the necrotic heart began to beat again. At the same time, the person opened his eyes and looked around with a blank expression. Then he quickly lowered his head to look at the pierced part of the chest, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. .

"Interesting! This is so interesting! If I guessed correctly, you just sealed some unknown magical power in the spar, right?" Niv-Mizzet asked with shining eyes.

Because in the plane of Ravnica, resurrection from the dead is not an easy thing to do.

Just the opposite!

Its scarcity is comparable to a priceless treasure, and even the ancient dragon Niv-Mizzet has taken a keen interest in it.

"That's right! This is one of the many abilities Soth possesses, the ability to fully resurrect a dead creature, whether it's an ordinary mortal or a powerful dragon like you.

In other words, as long as you can find a way to protect your soul, even if you die in battle against Nicol Bolas, he can resurrect you.

In addition, Soth also possesses a lot of magic, knowledge and technology that you have never heard of or seen before.

To some extent, the two of you share so many similarities in your endless thirst for knowledge that you are natural allies.

So what else do you have to hesitate about?

I happen to have a powerful binding magic contract here. If you don't object, just sign it. "

Nahiri said as she took out the devil's contract made by Zuo Si.

After careful reading and magic detection, Niv-Mizzet finally signed his name on it.

Being in another universe, he obviously didn't know the horror of this contract, and all he could think about was how to deal with the most dangerous planeswalker and elder dragon - Nicol Bolas.

Especially when he learned that the other party had sent his men to infiltrate the major guilds, he began to wonder if there were such spies within his own guild.

In comparison, Nahiri's idea was much simpler.

When she saw the contract starting to burn and take effect, she immediately exchanged some knowledge lists listed by Zuo Si with the other party, especially the technique of focusing on dual casting at the same time, and then activated the power of sparks and disappeared.

The Lithomancer just stepped forward. Nivizzi immediately summoned all his trusted subordinates and began internal purges and preparations for a full-scale invasion.

As one of the top ten guilds, the Izzet Alliance suddenly went crazy and went all out to create weapons with astonishing destructive power. Naturally, it was impossible not to cause tension among other guilds.

Although the leaders of other guilds didn't know exactly what this ancient dragon was going to do, they all ordered to enter a state of war.

The originally harmonious atmosphere in Ravnica suddenly changed overnight.

The Azorius Senate wanted to interview Niv-Mizzet more than once, but was rejected mercilessly in the end.

In desperation, other guilds were forced to follow suit and start an arms race, which inadvertently made Nicol Bolas's invasion plan much more difficult.

At the same time, far away in the time and space of Ixalan, which is full of seas and tropical jungles, the spirit dragon Ugin finally found his old friend Azor on an uninhabited island.

However, it was different from the touching scene of reunion of old friends that ordinary people imagined. Yuozhen didn't know that Ugin was killed by Nicol Bolas a thousand years ago. He thought that the other party had forgotten and abandoned him, and he immediately gritted his teeth and cursed. : "Damn bastard! You actually have the face to appear in front of me? Do you know how I survived these years? You made this world become a cage to imprison me!"

"I'm sorry, old friend.

But it wasn't my fault, it was Nicol Bolas who suddenly showed up and disrupted my plans.

He killed me in a surprise attack thousands of years ago.

I was also successfully resurrected recently with the help of another planeswalker. "

Wu Jin explained helplessly.

He could understand Azor's anger and resentment accumulated from being imprisoned here for thousands of years.

After all, he was the one who suggested that the other party sacrifice his Planeswalker Spark to create the Eternal Sun to trap Nicol Bolas.

But in the end, the other party fulfilled his promise and made huge sacrifices, but he dropped the ball at the critical moment, so he was full of shame in his heart.

"What? You were killed a thousand years ago?"

Azor's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, and the resentment and hatred he felt just now disappeared without a trace.

Wu Jin nodded slightly: "Yes, I was successfully resurrected with the help of Solin.

And I just went to the Dominanian plane to investigate a powerful spell that Nicol Bolas obtained in an ancient ruin.

I have to say, we are really going to be in big trouble this time.

If he successfully casts and completes this spell, no god or planeswalker in the entire multiverse will be able to threaten it.

Not only will Nicol Bolas gain the power of an ancient planeswalker, he will also become an unrivaled dragon god. "

"But...but didn't you say before that the last time he killed you, you had become the owner of that meditation field? And you also left a fatal weakness on his body, that... The soul gem floating between the horns?”

Azor asked in an uncertain tone.

Wu Jin explained in a solemn tone: "Yes, I did say that.

But the problem is that now the situation has changed slightly.

I don’t know why, but Nicol Bolas seemed to be aware of my resurrection, and used some kind of psychic magic to block the connection between the Soul Stone and me.

Now, I can't figure out his plans and mistakes like I used to.

So I need your help, I need you to stand up and control the Eternal Sun at the critical moment.

Because you are the creator of this artifact, its essence is constructed from your planeswalker's spark. "

"But the problem is that I lost my spark and can no longer travel through time and space as freely as before. Now I am like a prisoner, firmly trapped in Ixalan and unable to go anywhere."

Azor smiled wryly and sighed.

Nothing brings greater pain and despair to a planeswalker than the loss of his spark.

After all, they are used to being able to shuttle and travel between different worlds. Once they are trapped in a certain world, it is basically as uncomfortable as being locked up in a prison.

Especially Sphinxes like Azor, who longed to bring order and law to more time and space, were even bored to the point of interfering in the progress of Ixalan civilization.

"Don't worry, I know someone who can help you."

Wu Jin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a playful smile.

"Oh? Who is it?"

Azor asked impatiently.

"It's Soth, a young planeswalker with very interesting abilities and Solin's new disciple.

His origin is very mysterious, and he has obviously traveled to some time, space and universe that we have never explored.

Most importantly, he showed a very positive attitude in his fight against Nicol Bolas.

While I'm not sure exactly what his motivations are, this young man would be a good helper before defeating my brother.

And once Nicol Bolas is killed, his soul will return to the Meditation Realm and come under my control.

I could strip him of his true name, permanently deprive him of his planeswalker spark and ability to cast magic, and ultimately imprison him forever, cut off from the outside world. "

Ugin took his time and revealed his plan.

However, this elder dragon, who always presented himself as a wise man, did not tell Azor that he would continue to assimilate and devour Nicol Bolas in the realm of meditation to increase his power.

When the latter completely disappears, he will gain terrifying power over other elder dragons and become another form of dragon god.

To a certain extent, Ugin and Nicol Bolas are essentially no different. They both pursue the ultimate in individual strength.

It's just that the latter never bothered to cover up his intentions, and always caused destruction, killing and death, so he gained a very bad reputation.

But the former hid his true intentions very well.

Whether it was the unknown secret research on the three Eldrazi Titans or the deliberate leaving of those books and notes to Zuo Si to seduce them, they all vaguely reflected the unknown side of the spirit dragon Ugin.

Unfortunately, what Wu Jin didn't know was that Zuo Si was actually an old Yinbi.

And from the beginning, unlike Nahiri and Sorin, they did not have a high level of trust in him, the wise man.

Instead, he was thinking about how to harvest the wool and sell it to Nicol Bolas at a good price.

As for trust…

Excuse me.

Not to mention a guy like Ugin whose original motives and behavior patterns were very suspicious, even well-connected planeswalkers like Nissa and Nahiri couldn't hope to make Zuo Si let down his guard.

At present, Zuo Si has returned to Mirrodin and is secretly meeting a visitor in the Crucible Fault where the red faction of New Phyrexia is ruled.

As the introducer, the red demon judge Wabas stood aside, like a lifeless sculpture.

But if you look carefully, you will find that his body is in a position where he can explode with amazing impact at any time, and he can rush out and launch a swift attack immediately.

After a long silence, Jinji Tasha took off the shell used to conceal his identity, revealing the slender metal body inside that looked like a velociraptor skeleton. He said with great interest: "So... you are the one who created the new The person who secretly poured it into the core of Mirrodin? The person who controlled Karn and made Elenon look bad at the Demon Judge's Council was actually just to divide and disintegrate us, and then defeat us one by one?"

"That's right! You are indeed the leader of the blue progress engine faction that symbolizes wisdom. Your keen insight and technology research and development capabilities really amaze me."

Zuo Si did not hide his admiration for the blue demon judge in front of him.

In other words, among the forces in New Phyrexia, he is most optimistic about Jinji Tasha, and the one he dislikes the most is Elenon, who pretends to be a god and engages in religious superstition.

Jinji Tasha let out a burst of harsh laughter, bent down and bowed in a very strange posture: "Thank you for the compliment, I am flattered by your praise. In this way, the small-scale war that Wabas secretly launched before, In fact, it was also based on your instruction?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes.

Because I discovered your talent in R\u0026D and creation a long time ago.

Therefore, through these small-scale wars, we absorb the advantages of your creations and promote the continuous evolution and growth of New Shining Oil.

Moreover, during the battle, new shimmering oil will continue to mix with old shimmering oil, quietly completing the infiltration of the entire blue faction.

But what I didn't expect was that you were able to discover the existence of Xin Shuoyou in advance, and you even took the initiative to request a meeting.

With the technology you have now, it shouldn't be difficult to filter out all the new oil in your body, right? "

"Haha, you guessed it right, I have indeed mastered the method of separating two kinds of shimmering oil.

But why would I do that?

After all, no matter how you look at it, the new oil that can hold and preserve the soul is much better than the old oil.

What's more, I also hope that like Wabas, I can get a soul of my own.

So please allow me to pledge my allegiance to you and accept the gift and baptism of New Shine Oil, the supreme and great father of New Phyrexia.

Only you can lead us to a truly glorious future. "

After saying that, Jinji Tasha knelt down like a human being. Both his attitude and tone were full of respect and humility.

Unlike the other demon judges who had not noticed the new shimmering oil, he had not only discovered it long ago, but also secretly conducted a series of research and tests on it. From the bottom of his heart, he admired the man in front of him who had eliminated the old shimmering oil. A young human bearing the mark of Yawgmoth.

Because that's what he couldn't do after countless attempts.

As a lunatic with a fanatical pursuit of technology, Jinji Tasha is more than happy to obey such a leader who understands technology, rather than the lunatic of Elenon who engages in religious fanaticism.

As for Karn, the highly praised father of New Phyrexia, in his eyes, he is more like a precious research material with extraordinary value, not a god statue that needs to be worshiped.

"I accept your allegiance.

Now, let me help you complete your transformation and gain true free will.

I believe that after transformation, you will be smarter and wiser than you are now.

And you will not be bound by any ideological constraints..."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his hand and lightly tapped the oil engine on the other person's chest.

The next second...

The new sparkling oil that was originally in a sleeping state was awakened in an instant and rushed through Jinji Tasha's body at an incredible speed, devouring the old sparkling oil mercilessly. Those that could not be swallowed would be forcibly squeezed out of the body.

During this process, the Blue Demon Judge's eyes continued to emit dazzling light, and the metal structure's skeleton also continued to make crisp sounds.

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