A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 485: Exploiting contract loopholes is the devil’s instinct (a 10,000-word chapter, please su

"Magic cloning technology, biological modification technology, plus a rich enough gene pool and super magic to modify the environment on a large scale...

Sure enough, after mastering this knowledge and technology, it is easy to create a civilization from scratch.

Even if the entire world has just experienced a horrific disaster of biological extinction level, this is no exception.

As for the power of God, strictly speaking it is not a necessity.

Just the opposite!

They can easily lead to the radicalization of ordinary people's thoughts and consciousness, as well as their strong natural xenophobic attributes.

Yes, it seems that I have conducted a successful ecological restoration experiment and sociological practice. "

Looking at the prosperous scene on the streets of the floating city, as well as the stumbling babies playing under the guidance of specially designed and manufactured special structures, Zuo Si touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

You don't need to ask to know that, except for a very small number of babies who were selected from local indigenous people with high intelligence, perception and other attributes, most of the others were created by players and experts and scholars.

Some of them are the accidental products of sexual intercourse between the latter, and others are the mixed-race offspring of their union with natives.

Because some players have added race genes with very high fertility rates such as orcs, goblins, and kobolds into their bloodlines, they often have a litter of four, five, or even seven or eight in their lifetime.

And the growth rate is much faster than that of normal humans.

Ordinary human babies may still be crawling around when they are a few months old, but these guys can already walk upright and even run and climb quickly.

The infant care construct was also specially developed to take care of these children who were basically abandoned by their parents. It basically adopts a bionic structure. It also has a high level of intelligence and can teach enlightenment knowledge, rules and common sense of life.

As for those experts and scholars who knew the real situation, some of them started to start families for unknown purposes.

Some are combined with each other, and some find local indigenous men and women to marry and have offspring.

In short, in terms of population birth rate, the Floating City of Plantia will definitely be the envy of the countries in East Asia that are struggling with the aging of the population.

Nowadays, the number of babies here even far exceeds the total number of local indigenous people, experts, scholars, and players.

This does not include the completely ruined world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Some male players even followed the example of the diary and started a large harem mode, directly packing up young women from noble families whose male members had died for their own enjoyment.

Those who are more responsible will bring pregnant mothers to the floating city. At least here, there is no need to worry too much about death caused by dystocia and hemorrhage.

But the irresponsible ones don't even care about it and let it fend for themselves.

In other words, I simply forgot that there is such a thing.

After all, players only regard their actions as a game, and their main focus is on killing monsters, upgrading, and obtaining more wealth.

In their eyes, several beautiful female NPCs who have had sex are basically the same as going to a bar and meeting a pretty girl for a one-night stand.

After the passion is over, who still remembers the other person’s name?

However, the Floating City has tracked the descendants of these players and brought back the talented ones.

When they grow up, Zuo Si will have a group of high-quality talents who have received education in magic and natural science, and will use this as a seed to continue to grow like a snowball.

Of course, for now, these little ones are just a bunch of babies in diapers with a promising future, and they need at least ten years to grow up.

In addition, those young dragons who are in an extremely curious state are also very interesting.

He often flies around the floating city, and is especially interested in aircraft such as airships, airplanes, and ornithopters.

Although his IQ is not high due to his age, he can already understand at least one language, obey the command of the dragon trainer, serve as a mount, and occasionally perform some combat training, transportation, and reconnaissance missions.

In short, the current Floating City of Plantia is no longer as dead and depressed as it was just after it was recovered, but gives people a feeling of prosperity and prosperity.

Even the cities and villages on the ground are gradually becoming more alive during the process of forced population migration.

"So, are you satisfied with the current situation here?"

Isadora asked with a smile.

Because Plantia Floating City can develop so smoothly, she must have contributed a lot.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Not bad. Except that the population is too sparse, other aspects are pretty good. Maybe we should consider getting more magical creations or clones to fill up the empty land."

Obviously, he is not a person who cares much about ethical relationships, but is a typical supporter of technicalism.

After all, the society that was formed before this world had already completely collapsed and been destroyed by the magic plague, so there were no restrictions on ethics and social morality. It was a good time to do whatever you wanted.

Especially in terms of quickly replenishing the population, nothing is faster and better than magic cloning technology to fill the huge gap.

"Ha! Dr. White has already raised this point in the last meeting.

However, his plan is a bit too radical, intending to create a population of more than 50 million to 100 million at one time.

Then, through the power of the mastermind, they will be instilled with corresponding knowledge to meet the requirements of establishing a complete and sound society.

But this outrageous plan was ultimately killed by the Resource Allocation Committee because it required too many resources and magical energy.

Moreover, in this plan, Dr. White did not clearly give the proportions of various races and bloodlines.

Combined with his recent crazy obsession with dragon-like creatures, he probably plans to create a batch of half-dragon, half-human intelligent creatures. "

Isadora spread her hands and told her what she knew.

Although due to her mental instability, she did not have the right to speak or vote on such major events, she gained the power to participate and observe with her increasingly powerful personal strength.

In addition, psychics can snoop and read the thoughts and memories of unsuspecting people without being discovered, so this girl knows far more secrets than others imagine.

"A crazy obsession with dragon-like creatures?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard this sentence.

In his impression, Dr. White has always been a calm and wise genius who has a strong curiosity about unknown things but can always maintain restraint.

It was precisely because of this that he handed over the jurisdiction of the magic and genetic research laboratory to the other party.

Isadora held Zuo Si's arm, pretending to be a little bird, and explained with a smile: "Yes!

Dr. White believes that creatures like true dragons are simply too good.

It is far superior to any other known race in terms of theoretical lifespan, magical talent, and physical strength.

There are almost no obvious disadvantages except that the growth cycle is too long.

If the genes related to growth from the genes of dragons that grow quickly but lack intelligence can be extracted and grafted into the genes of real dragons, then they can be made to a perfect level.

Then we use the characteristic of no reproductive isolation between the real dragon and any living creature to create the perfect dragon man.

Not long ago, he successfully created several half-dragons that merged human and elf genes, and even affectionately called each other his son or daughter. "

"Okay, I think I know what's going on."

The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

It was obvious that Dr. White had accidentally fallen into a state of trance while conducting research.

This is very common among many people who are too focused on their own research topics and thus ignore other things around them.

For example, in the continent of Faerûn, adventurers often break into some ancient mage towers and catacombs, only to find that they are not abandoned as they imagined, but are filled with all kinds of powerful and terrifying monsters. Constructs and undead.

When they went through all kinds of hardships and entered the deepest part, they saw that this place turned out to be a secret laboratory of some crazy mage or lich.

The monsters, constructs, and undead outside are the by-products of his research.

Moreover, this crazy mage or lich will often carry out various horrific transformations on himself because he is obsessed with a certain research, and claims that his current state is the most perfect.

Some of these powerful and crazy legendary spellcasters are even honored as "Creators" by the intelligent creatures they create.

The mad mage in Waterdeep's Leyline Maze - Halaster Blackrobe is the most famous one.

With the idea of ​​checking the progress of Dr. White's research and helping him relieve his dazed state, Zuo Si quickly passed through the layers of inspections and blockades and arrived at the deepest underground in the floating city.

This is the center of all critical magic and technological development, and it is also the most heavily guarded location.

Any intruder without authority, even a player, will be immediately stripped of consciousness and forcibly expelled.

If they were replaced by indigenous residents or creatures from other alien planes, the result would be that they would be killed on the spot, and even their souls would be imprisoned and awaiting processing.

Therefore, to the outside world, this is the most mysterious and frightening place in the entire floating city.

But for those who know the truth, this is the place they yearn for most. It contains the most cutting-edge and cutting-edge research topics, and they can have access to experimental equipment, materials and organisms that have never been seen before.

At this moment, Dr. White was in the huge biological laboratory, excitedly playing with a red dragon man that had just hatched from a huge dragon egg.

Because dragon eggs are much larger than most people imagine, dragons are generally close to one meter tall when they are born, and do not take a long time to develop physically and mentally like human babies.

They possess independent consciousness, thinking ability and some innate magic-like abilities when they are born. They can often speak in three months and acquire a cognitive level that is almost the same as that of human teenagers in three years.

At the same time, the structure of all parts of the body has also matured. Not only can it walk and run in a few hours, but it can also fly using the huge wings behind it.

However, the experimental subjects created by Dr. White in the laboratory are obviously very different from ordinary dragon people.

Because the traditional dragon people in Faerûn are actually closer in appearance to dragons that look a bit like humans, rather than people that look a bit like dragons.

This is important!

Because although they also walk upright and have separate upper and lower limbs, they do not have hands and feet, instead they have dragon-like front claws and hind claws.

As for the head, it is 100% a dragon's head, and can spit out corresponding dragon breath like a real dragon.

Some powerful dragons will have strong scales all over their bodies.

But the red larvae that had just hatched in the laboratory were more like human-dragons than dragon-men.

Not only does he have a head, face, hands and feet that are close to that of a human, but his red body is not covered with scales, but has smooth, hairless skin.

Although it also has wings, it has no tail, and the horns on its forehead look small and delicate.

"Hahahaha! It worked! I succeeded!"

Seeing the little dragon man struggling to get up from the ground and looking around at the unfamiliar environment with his big eyes, Dr. White raised his hands and let out a burst of laughter.

At this moment, his eyes looked sunken, and he didn't know how long he had rested, but his pupils exuded uncontrollable excitement.

Just when several other assistants around wanted to carry the newly hatched dragon to the experimental table for some physical tests, Zuo Si, who had been standing at the door for a long time, finally couldn't help coughing hard and said: "Cough! Doctor, if I remember correctly, your current research direction should be dragons rather than draconians, right?"


Dr. White, who was ecstatic one second, had a smile on his face the next second, and quickly showed an embarrassed expression, and stammered an explanation: "Dragon Man is a sub-project of the Dragon.

I want to use this research to solve the problem of severe population shortage in the world today.

Look at this newly born dragon man. He has basically lost most of his dragon characteristics and is closer to humans.

And his abilities, both physically and magically, have not been diminished.

This also means that the new dragon people can completely replace other racial bloodlines and become the most important force that constitutes a magical civilization.

Not only do they learn and grow extremely fast, but their lifespan is much longer than other humanoid races except elves.

Its egg-laying characteristics allow it to be cultivated in vitro through artificial insemination, making it easy to quickly expand the number when needed..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Zuo Si waved his hand impatiently and interrupted: "Okay, don't explain, I already know what happened to you.

I have to say, Doctor, I am very disappointed with your actions this time.

Because you haven't figured out your priorities at all, you waste a lot of time, energy and resources just to satisfy your own desires and interests.

The dragon people are far less profitable than the giant dragons, and their growth potential is also far behind.

So what I need has never been a dragon, but a dragon that can fly freely in the sky and possess powerful magical power. "

"But the problem is that we have encountered barriers in the research direction of giant dragons, and it is difficult to complete a breakthrough in a short period of time."

After being reprimanded in person, Dr. White obviously became more sober, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

If the dragon project can continue to advance, he will not change direction and shift his attention to the dragon people.

"It doesn't matter. Because I am here to give you new research materials. Here, take it."

As he spoke, Zuo Si threw all the dragon eggs, blood, spells and experimental notes he obtained from Tiamat on the ground.

He finally understood why almost all large laboratories strictly reviewed and approved various budgets, even if the other party was a well-known expert who devoted himself to research.

The reason is very simple.

The research direction that these guys are interested in is very likely to be completely different from the research direction that investors expect.

However, Zuo Si did not intend to pursue the behavior of this doctor of biology who was "not doing his job properly".

After all, the research on dragon people can also be used as a kind of technical reserve, which can be used when needed.

"Oh - my God! Where did these... these experimental records, dragon eggs and blood come from? It... it's like the results were predicted in advance!"

Dr. White's eyes widened in shock, and the hand holding the note was trembling slightly.

For him, engaging in research in biology and all natural sciences is essentially a process of continuous trial and error.

But these notes in my hand now contain no description of failures and mistakes.

The other party seems to know the answer from the beginning, and then directly reverses the argument process through the answer.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "To a certain extent, your guess is right. Because all these studies do not come from mortals, but from a dragon god."


An incredible light burst out from White's pupils.

Although he had once visited the temple of Phoenix God Benu out of curiosity and felt the surging divine power that could not be described in words.

But in the end, it was impossible to establish a stable connection with gods, let alone understand the nature of high-dimensional creatures like gods.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, Tiamat, the evil dragon god, is also known as the Dark Dragon Queen.

But don't worry, she has no connection to this world, so you won't be affected by it either.

In addition, I also reached an agreement with her, which is to create a dragon species that grows quickly while retaining its original characteristics.

Now I leave this task to you.

See those dragon eggs?

They are all primitive eggs that can be shaped into dragons of any color at will.

You can use the various dragon bloodlines currently available and mix them with them to breed the first batch of first-generation dragons.

Then carry out targeted cultivation through hybridization, manual intervention and screening.

In short, it is necessary to ensure that the descendants of these dragons have larger sizes, more powerful breaths, and amazing magical talents than ordinary chromatic dragons. "

"Understood. Don't worry, with these new research materials, I will definitely hand in a satisfactory answer."

Dr. White swore the guarantee.

However, it is not difficult to see from the flash of enthusiasm in his eyes that he obviously has an irrepressible strong interest in the blood of the Dragon God Tiamat.

After all, something as extremely precious as the blood of a god is a unique treasure for all scientists in the entire Floating City of Plantia.

In particular, experts in biology who are deeply influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution are more eager than any other discipline to figure out what God is.

When Zuo Si turned around and left the laboratory and came to the corridor, Isadora couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure you want to hand over such an important thing to Dr. White?"

"What, what's the problem?"

Zuo Si asked with a smile.

"Of course there are problems.

Because all he could think about was God, and he didn’t take your request to heart at all.

I bet that guy will definitely focus on divine blood instead of breeding new dragon species. "

Isadora unceremoniously exposed Dr. White's background.

You don't need to ask to know that she has been using her psychic powers to detect the thoughts and ideas of everyone in the laboratory the entire time.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and said, "How do you know that's not another hidden purpose of mine?

Don’t forget, all these elites from another world actually complete the connection with the body through the master brain.

This means that their every move, word and deed is all under the supervision of the mastermind.

A lot of the research they thought was private was actually carried out with the tacit approval of me and the mastermind.

Otherwise, you can completely cut off the connection between consciousness and body.

And with the current scale of the biological research department, even if Dr. White focuses his main energy on researching divine blood, the rest of the people will be enough to complete the cultivation of new dragon species. "

"So...you did it on purpose?"

Isadora finally understood, and her fair face was suddenly covered with a light blush from embarrassment.

She suddenly realized how stupid she had been by reading the memories and thoughts of these people everywhere.

You don't even need to do these superfluous things, just ask the absolutely rational mastermind who is separated from your own personality.

"Yes, it was intentional.

Because I want to see what conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of divine blood from the perspective of natural science.

But I can’t say it outright.

So just use this induction method.

Although it is despicable and shameless, it is very effective. "

Zuo Si made almost no cover up and admitted it openly.

Although he seemingly gave these experts enough freedom, delegation and respect, in fact he never relaxed the close monitoring of them.

It's just that these surveillances are in the dark and very difficult to detect.

"Because of the contract?"

There was strong uncertainty in Isadora's voice.

"Yes, it's because of the contract.

It is clearly stipulated in the contract with Tiamat that I cannot take the initiative to study her divine blood, let alone use it to do anything that has nothing to do with breeding new dragon species.

So I can't directly ask Dr. White to study the divine blood. That would involve a serious breach of contract.

But if Dr. White himself became interested in this and studied it secretly, that is none of my business.

Exploiting loopholes in contracts is the devil's instinct, and I am no exception. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth with a meaningful smile.

There was no doubt that signing a contract with a god and successfully exploiting the loopholes made him feel unprecedentedly happy.

After all, Tiamat would never have dreamed that Zuo Si had already established a large-scale and comprehensive comprehensive research institution.

Even if I do not participate at all, I can independently complete many complex and profound research projects.

"Hahahaha! You are such a bad guy! But I like it!"

After learning the truth, Isadora immediately stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Zuo Si on the cheek. Her whole body exuded excitement and fanaticism, and even her breathing became rapid.

Because after losing the rational part of her personality, the excitement-seeking part in her bones was infinitely magnified.

Especially the emotional fluctuations are much more severe than ordinary people.

But just when the girl's movements began to get a little out of control, Zuo Si stopped her desire to go further and gently pressed a finger on her soft lips: "That's enough. Let's stop here for today. I There are more important things to deal with. This is a reward for your recent behavior. If you keep up, I will reward you more next time."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si bent down and kissed Isadora's right earlobe.


The girl's whole body trembled suddenly as if she had been electrocuted, and her pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again.

The intense stimulation that could not be described in words made her feel as if she had ascended to heaven, and her breathing stopped completely in an instant.

The heart was beating violently at several times the usual speed.

He almost couldn't stand upright and collapsed on the ground.

When she slowly woke up, Isadora found that Zuo Si had long disappeared. Only a feeling called sweetness and satisfaction completely enveloped her, and the scene just now was replayed over and over in her mind.

She just stood there with a rosy complexion for several minutes, thinking silently. After she calmed down completely, she turned around and disappeared into the intricate tunnels under the Floating City.

As for Zuo Si himself, he had already arrived at the upper level of the central tower to listen to the reports from the lichs stationed here.

Vanessa, who actually had the highest decision-making power, sorted out the information she currently had in very brief terms, and marked the locations of several floating cities that had been discovered on the map.

Zuo Si listened with great interest for a long time, and then asked with a weird face: "You mean...these floating cities that have been controlled by the undead have formed alliances with each other, and are even close to the very cold polar regions. , to establish an underground kingdom composed entirely of the undead?”

"Yes. These high-level undead with independent will are obviously aware of the overwhelming power we possess, so they chose to use the cold as a cover to gather together to avoid being defeated individually."

Vanessa answered in the affirmative without thinking.

After all, the poles of this planet are much colder than the North and South Pole on the earth, and some places even reach temperatures below minus 100 degrees Celsius under the influence of magical energy.

This means that it is not suitable for most life forms to survive there, and only the undead who are not afraid of the cold can stand firm.

In the view of the lichs from the Arcane Society, these high-level undead creatures chose to move the floating city there just to express two meanings.

On the one hand, it is to show weakness, to show that he has no nostalgia for the world of the living, let alone land, wealth and other things;

On the other hand, they took a fancy to the home field advantage brought by the ultra-low temperature in the polar regions and told Plantia that they were not easy to mess with.

"Haha, that's interesting."

Zuo Si smiled meaningfully.

Isn't this just another version of the Lich King?

But he would not be stupid enough to organize a large army and mobilize an expedition like the tribe and alliance, and use his flesh and blood to go head-to-head with the undead who could not feel any cold.

All you need to do is throw two drops of sparkling oil at the huge underground community built by the opponent with the floating city as the center.

As for the rest, all problems will naturally be solved after the Shimmering Oil continues to proliferate and infect.

"Your Excellency, do you need us to launch a small-scale attack to test these guys' cards?" Tyrantir asked proactively.

Zuo Si immediately waved his hand: "No, don't worry about them yet, I already have a plan to deal with them.

Compared to this, I am more concerned about the advancement of magic research and technology.

When I was outside just now, I seemed to see an ornithopter in the sky.

Does this mean that critical progress has been made in reverse engineering the creations of Solan civilization? "

Vanessa immediately smiled bitterly and shook her head: "It's not a critical progress, it's just that we figured out the operating principles of some of the components and structures.

But there is still a long way to go before it can actually be transformed into a physical object.

The ornithopter you see today has far less carrying capacity and speed than airships and electrically propelled winged aircraft, and its low-altitude flexibility is not as good as that of helicopters. It has no value in mass manufacturing.

On the contrary, some progress has been made in the research of magic heavy artillery.

The now copied magic heavy cannon can transform pure magic energy into terrifyingly destructive forms of flame, lightning, acid, frost, force fields, etc.

As long as you pay a ninth-level spell slot as the price, you can violently bombard enemies from a long distance.

Although the effect is not as good as the super cannonball fired by the electromagnetic cannon for the time being.

But the advantage is that it can launch continuously.

And there is no need for logistical supplies, as long as there are a sufficient number of mages and energy storage devices.

I have ordered people to make a batch and prepare to build a circular defense zone around the floating city. "

Knowing that the research on magic heavy artillery had achieved good results, Zuo Si immediately nodded with satisfaction: "It sounds good. What about the dragon-shaped engine and various structures?"

“Research results in this area have been cited in the construct production line.

Nowadays, the manufacturing cost of our constructs has been reduced by more than 40% without sacrificing attack power and defense power.

And you can completely use the help of shimmering oil to make super large war machines like dragon engines.

However, considering the huge consumption of reserve materials, it has not yet been decided whether to proceed with production. "

When saying these words, Vanessa's tone was obviously filled with pride and pride.

Because he witnessed with his own eyes how the Floating City of Plantia slowly transformed from a state of ruin waiting for development to the powerful and prosperous city it is today.

Especially the vast knowledge in the Central Library supplemented by Zuo Si is enough to make any mage who pursues arcane power faint from happiness.

"The cost has dropped by more than 40 percent?"

Zuo Si was obviously taken aback.

Because he had read the chapter about magic creation in the Netherese Scroll, he could only reduce the production cost of various magic items, including constructs, by about 25% at most.

Tyrantir explained with a smile: "Because the internal structures and principles of those structures have obviously been honed by long-term wars, they have been streamlined where they should be streamlined, and reinforced where they should be strengthened. To be honest, I can't think of them at all. What on earth did the manufacturer go through to create such a cheap and efficient killing machine?"

"I think it was a war that swept the entire world..."

Zuo Si's mind instantly recalled the war between brothers that broke out thousands of years ago in the Dominanian space and time, and at the same time he felt a hint of admiration for the ancient planeswalker Urza who personally destroyed Phyrexia.

Because among the many famous planeswalkers, none surpassed Urza in crafting constructs and various artifacts.

Even before he became a planeswalker, he had already relied on his unparalleled talent to create a large number of war machines that far exceeded the overall technological level of the Dominanian space and time at that time.

He even suppressed his biological brother Mishra, who was supported by Phyrexian forces to a certain extent.

You must know that it is Phyrexia created and controlled by the first generation leader Yawgmoth!

How many ancient planeswalkers who were like gods had either surrendered or been defeated neatly in front of Yawgmoth.

Sometimes Yawgmoth doesn't need to take action, and the powerful Demon Judge under his command is enough to compete with the ancient planeswalkers.

So Zuo Si feels that Urza should be the pinnacle of the special profession of Artifact Master.

Whether it is the famous Weatherlight or the ancient heritage hidden in the body of the silver golem Karn, it is enough to prove its powerful creativity.

Therefore, in terms of the production of constructs, Urza's technology should be better than the artificers of the Imaskar Empire who were once prosperous in Faerûn.

After all, he fought wars with his Phyrexia-backed brothers that engulfed the entire world for countless years, even hollowing out his own country's mineral resources.

As we all know, actual combat is the simplest, most direct and most effective way to test a weapon.

Any design that can stand out in a cruel war and be preserved must be a classic among classics and will be inherited and carried forward in subsequent weapon designs.

In contrast, the constructs created by the artificers of the Imasca Empire did not pass the test of tragic wars, and were wiped out in the long history of history by the gods from across dimensions in a very short period of time.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si became even more eager to get the ancient artifact hidden in the body of the silver demon Kahn.

Unfortunately, Mirrodin's reverse secondary infection is still continuing, and the speed of infecting Shimmering Oil is completely different from that of infecting ordinary creatures.

He must be patient enough and never reveal his true intentions until he succeeds.

After briefly arranging the work in the floating city, Zuo Si quickly created a secret room through magic in a room on the upper floor of the central tower and kept the clone inside.

Immediately afterwards, he directly transferred his consciousness and soul to the laboratory in Mirrodin time and space.

As a result, as soon as I opened my eyes, I heard the piercing sirens outside and the loud shouts of killing.

Through the electronic screens placed in the laboratory and the cameras high outside, Zuo Si could clearly see thousands of Phyrexian creations launching a siege on the city of steel.

Planeswalker Elspeth was holding the holy sword high, healing the warriors around him, and killing countless enemies back and forth like a Valkyrie.

Beside her, there was an Dark Jade Elf, whose whole body was covered with a metal shell that looked like red copper, assisting her. He used the sharp double knives in his hands to tear the monsters that exuded the smell of corpses into pieces.

You don't need to ask to know that this is Grisa, the former hero of Mirrodin time and space, but now she has been completely transformed by Shimmering Oil.

It's just that Xin Shuoyou retained her soul and consciousness, so that she didn't completely degenerate to the point of disowning her relatives.

Meili Lai, the only one with the ability to eliminate the effects of the Shimmering Oil, was hiding in the rear to help those infected people get rid of the Shimmering Oil. She was so busy that her little head was covered with dense beads of sweat.

But it is thanks to her that the refugees will risk their lives to fight without having to worry about a group of enemies suddenly appearing behind them.

"These are...the completed Ning tribe?"

Zuo Si stared at the scene displayed on the screen and frowned subconsciously.

Of course, the so-called Ning tribe is actually an undead creature similar to zombies.

Before Mirrodin was infected by the Shimmering Oil, they mainly inhabited the Manfei Swamp in this world, and were controlled by a local necromancer, Gath.

But as the shimmering oil began to flood everywhere, Manfei Swamp was naturally not spared.

But Zuo Si was a little confused as to why the black faction of Manfei Swamp in New Phyrexia was the first to attack this city of steel where refugees gathered.

Could it be that Gesi has been perfected and realized that Melila has the ability to be immune to and even eliminate the Shimmering Oil?

Or is there some sudden situation that you don't know about among the seven steel lords in the most chaotic black faction?

Or perhaps Elenon discovered the existence of the new shimmering oil and took some decisive action?

Obviously, no matter which one it is, it means that Zuo Si's previous stocking policy is coming to an end.

What they will face next is most likely New Phyrexia's crazy counterattack.

Since the other parties were already knocking on the door, he naturally could not sit still and wait for death, let alone watch Elspeth fight alone, so he left the laboratory directly and used the flying technique to rise to an altitude of several hundred meters above the ground, holding on to one hand. Yingqi Baozhu, the other hand was performing extremely complex spell-casting movements, and at the same time he was chanting a jerky spell.

In just a few seconds, a terrifying magical energy began to gather over the entire city and even over the battlefield.

As a planeswalker who is extremely sensitive to energy, Elspeth noticed it immediately, raised her head suddenly, and immediately showed an expression of great joy, shouting at the top of her lungs: "It's Soth! He's coming to support us. Come on! Everyone, grit your teeth and hold on! As long as this magic is released, the enemy will definitely be destroyed like a torrent."

"No! Look! Those New Phyrexia creatures want to interrupt his spellcasting!" Glisha pointed to the heights and shouted.

A creature that looked like a huge demon rose into the air and crashed directly into Zuo Si's position amidst the roar of the engine.

For a moment, everyone held their breath in unison...

(I went to the hospital for stomachache, sorry for the late update today)

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