A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 466 What if I are added to the list (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Uraspil, the most important port located in the southwest of Sambia, is also the most important maritime transportation hub close to Darren, the largest border city in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

It is through here that the nobles and wealthy businessmen who occupy large tracts of land can continuously send the output of farms, orchards, vineyards and various livestock industries to the north near the capital Odulin and the most populous surrounding areas using the cheapest transportation methods. Sales in dense areas.

On the one hand, they can make a lot of profits, and on the other hand, they can keep the prices of local daily necessities from rising too outrageously.

When returning, the ships will be loaded with a series of handicraft products such as cloth, condiments, carpets, steel products, etc., as well as arts and crafts such as paintings, sculptures, and bronze statues.

Since the entire southern Sambia region is dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry, such products can often be sold at good prices.

From an economic perspective, this is obviously a typical complementary economic structure.

As long as the stability of trade can be maintained, the ruling classes of both the North and the South can obtain sufficient benefits from it to maintain the stable operation of the country.

But now, as uprisings and riots triggered by the Great Famine swept across Sambia, the country was divided into two parts, bounded by the Aken River.

Among them, the most densely populated northern region belongs to a group of powerful forces. Except for a few big cities, which are still in the hands of the oligarchic group, the countryside and towns have basically fallen. There are more than a dozen forces calling for overthrowing the government and reorganizing the country. , people’s brains are going to be turned into dog brains.

In contrast, in the South, because the population is relatively sparse and a large number of plantations have adopted serfdom, even if there is a shortage of grain, there will not be a complete shortage of food.

What's more, there are enough fruits, dairy products and meat to fill their stomachs, so the size of the rebel army is relatively small.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the Sambian nobles and big businessmen, it should be easy to put out these flames by pulling out the young adults from the overseers and serfs to form an army.

But the problem is that before the coalition forces formed by these guys could move into the uprising area to encircle and suppress them, they were attacked by church armed forces led by Seluer Anji on the way.

The latter directly defeated the former's defenseless army of more than 4,000 people with less than 350 men.

Especially when the overseers and nobles died, the forcibly recruited serfs had no intention of resisting, and they all laid down their weapons and chose to surrender.

By collecting and transforming prisoners, Selul Anji was able to gain two to three thousand additional troops in one fell swoop.

She then led this army to conquer east and west, and soon occupied large tracts of farms, pastures and plantations, becoming the most powerful separatist force in southern Sambia.

The capture of Uraspil three days ago through internal and external cooperation was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the southern Sambia ruling group.

Because without this port, they would no longer be able to obtain weapons and armor from the north or even the outside world, and they would also have no way to sell what they produced.

As for the Kingdom of Cormyr, which is connected to the land in the south, it has completely closed its borders at the beginning of the turmoil, and now even merchants are prohibited from passing through.

This also means that if Seluer cannot be defeated quickly and recapture Ulaspil, the oligarchs will be trapped in their own industries, and in the end they can only watch the land, wealth and serfs being eroded bit by bit. And then completely annihilated.

Not only that!

Seluer's move to release a large number of serfs as freedmen and grant them land also made them feel anxious. They had to spend a lot of money to hire guards to prevent serf uprisings that might occur at any time.

After all, although the serfs in Sambia live better than those real slaves, who would be willing to continue to be a serf now that they have the opportunity to gain freedom and land of their own.

Many farmers and ranchers who were slow to respond had their whole families killed by serfs who suddenly rioted on their estates.

After the latter succeeds, they will quickly defect to Selul and accept its rule.

In this environment where everyone is in danger, a large number of wealthy people are forced to abandon their manors and castles and live in Darren City.

Only in this big city with a professional army, law and order, can they barely gain a sense of security.

There is no doubt that seizing the port of Uraspil means that the forces under Seluer have firmly grasped the strategic initiative.

What she wants now is to digest the occupied base and train those soldiers into elites.

In this way, the city of Darren can be officially attacked, the last stronghold of the nobles and wealthy merchants in southern Sambia can be completely destroyed, and their rule can be permanently ended.

At this moment, the young woman who had fallen from a paladin to a dark guard was standing on the upper floor of the Uraspil Port Municipal Building looking towards the bay in the distance.

After several minutes, she asked without looking back: "How are you doing? Have the pastors of Bann Church agreed to cooperate with us?"

A middle-aged officer standing at the door nodded his head vigorously and replied excitedly: "Yes, Ms. Seluer.

Just half an hour ago, they decided after deliberations to join your side and sent priests and blackguards to serve the army.

In addition, the churches of Talos, the god of storms, Umberli, the goddess of the sea, Woking, the goddess of wealth, and Gond, the god of craftsmen and crafts, are also willing to recognize your right to rule this city.

However, the churches of Tymora, the Goddess of Luck, and Lathander, Lord of the Dawn, have not expressed their stance yet.

In addition, when we checked the dock warehouse, we also found iron ingots, weapons and armor shipped from the north, which can probably arm about a thousand people, as well as a lot of oil, cured meat, and dried meat ready to be shipped to the north. , cheese, apples and wine.

These supplies can greatly alleviate the pressure of our current shortage of food reserves and weapons and equipment.

The most important thing is that we have obtained a lot of ships, which can directly threaten the two large cities of Serlon and Sergant in the north by sea and land, making them afraid to send reinforcements south to support Darlon.

After our army captures Darren, you can be crowned queen there and declare yourself the legitimate ruler of the southern Sambia region. "

"No, Inigo. You should know that I am not doing this to become a queen, let alone for power, but to practice the concept of rule by the great Lord Soth and do good things by evil means."

When saying this, Seluer raised his chin slightly, showing an extremely pious and fanatical expression.

Because as her power in Sambia grew, she became more aware of how powerless kindness and justice were in ruling a country.

Only iron and blood, as well as violence, killing and death, can stop the never-ending greed of mortals and make the ignorant civilians obey the leadership of the more far-sighted elite.

In fact, when accepting the refuge of serfs who started riots and killed their masters, Selul encountered many people who were blinded by greed.

These people were originally just one of the serfs.

But after successfully leading a riot and occupying the manor, he not only wanted to keep the wealth and land he had robbed, but also hoped to obtain the corresponding official positions and power to become an independent lord.

Others simply established themselves as kings, transformed themselves into the masters they once hated most, and then continued to enslave other serfs to serve themselves.

The most terrifying ones are the lunatics who have tasted the sweetness of plunder.

They will crazily destroy everything around them like locusts, venting the anger, dissatisfaction and growing desires in their hearts, leaving basically ruins wherever they go.

Since there was no clear guiding ideology and most serfs had little culture, their uprisings were often destructive and destructive, without any planning or foresight at all.

By kindness and justice in dealing with these guys?

Relying on the sharp tongue to persuade, relying on the charisma of the paladin to move?

Do not make jokes!

Many envoys sent to negotiate were humiliated and even brutally killed.

Several female envoys were even subjected to indescribable indescribable attacks in turn, and their consciousness was in a trance when they were rescued.

Seluer unceremoniously led the army to slaughter these thugs, and used naked violence to tell everyone the consequences of resisting his rule.

Then a high-pressure policy was adopted to force the remaining serfs to continue cultivating the land and distribute land to those who were obedient. Agricultural production and local order were soon restored.

What's even more ironic is that those serfs who were violently suppressed would thank her in turn.

Because compared to the chaos in other parts of Sambia, the areas under the iron-fisted control of Seluer are exceptionally safe and stable, and there are basically no mobs, robbers, and bandits.

The so-called Inigo officer put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply, saying: "I understand what you mean, and I also recognize the concept of rule preached in the church.

But no matter what, Sambia must have a supreme ruler.

And you are the perfect candidate in my mind.

I believe that the great Lord Soth will definitely recognize this. "

The words have not yet been spoken!

A familiar voice came from the door of the room: "You are right, I completely agree with this."


Inigo whipped out his sword and turned around in a defensive posture.

Since Uraspil Port had only been occupied not long ago, assassins, nobles, and remnants of wealthy businessmen often jumped out to carry out assassinations.

However, when he saw the true face of the visitor, his whole body instantly froze in place, unable to move, and his pupils quickly dilated, revealing strong fear.

Although the officer did not recognize Zuo Si who was walking at the front, he recognized the huge hell demon following Zuo Si.

A high-level devil like this located at the top of Baator Hell can easily destroy a city, let alone a small port city with a population of only more than 20,000 people.

"Long time no see, Selul Anji. I never imagined that after you left Zhentil Castle, you actually came to Sambia and made such a big noise."

Zuo Si looked at the woman in the distance with short blond hair and dark black heavy armor with great interest.

Different from the childish appearance when we last met, she now has a well-proportioned body shape and slightly strong muscles, and has become a very outstanding military commander and leader of a force.

Especially the power feedback and the Dark Guard level that are constantly gained in the process of implementing the concept make Selul become extremely powerful.

After a while it may even be possible to cross the threshold and become a terrifying legendary Blackguard.

There is no doubt that she almost completely accepted Zuo Si's thoughts and ideas.

Although he does not believe in Bane, the god of tyranny, he is an out-and-out ruthless tyrant.

"My Lord?!"

Seluer's eyes instantly burst with surprise. She ran over from the window sill in three steps and two steps, knelt on the ground with a plop, took one of Zuo Si's hands and kissed the magic ring on her finger affectionately to show her obedience, and followed closely. He asked in an uncertain tone: "What kind of wind brought you here?"

"It's not because of this church you created."

As he said that, Zuo Si raised his head and glanced at the shrine placed on the cabinet and his bust, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over.

When he thinks about a large number of people praying and worshiping him every day, he will have a very weird feeling.

“What’s wrong with this church?”

Seluer blinked her eyes in confusion.

Zuo Si sighed helplessly and replied: "The biggest problem is that I don't want to spread faith in Faerûn, and I have no interest in starting a boring organization like the church. You can spread my ideas, but you can't Mention my name."

"I am not quite sure what you mean."

Seluer was obviously stunned.

After all, the education she received since she was a child is that if you want to believe in a god or divine-like creature, you must work hard to practice the teachings and let more people accept and recognize the concepts.

"I mean, there are three roads before you now.

The first is to secularize the so-called church, transforming all believers and pastors into a secular ruling class, existing in another way;

The second article is to immediately stop admitting believers, holding any form of religious gatherings, and dissolve the entire organization from within;

The third item is to change the object of worship from me to other gods or devils, such as the hell fiend behind me.

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind killing them all with my own hands, leaving no one behind.

Remember, I don’t need anyone’s worship or so-called piety.

Oh, by the way, let me inform you.

From today on, I will no longer grant magical spells to other priests except you, and I will not respond to prayers.

As for the rest, let Uthiah talk to you. "

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the two people who were stunned in the room, opened a portal and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Seluer recovered from the shock, covered her face and muttered to herself incoherently like crazy: "Why is this happening? What did I do wrong?"

"Your biggest mistake is that you should not have established this church on your own initiative before getting permission from the master, and even continued to develop it."

The Hell Fiend Uthia grinned and gave the answer.

"But other gods and even devil sects operate in this way? Spread doctrines, attract believers, expand their influence in the material plane, and let more people understand and recognize their inner core concepts." Seluer said in a tone. He defended himself excitedly.

But Uthea stretched out a finger meaningfully and shook it gently in front of the dark guard: "No, no, no, don't compare the great master with those gods and devils.

Faith is not only a source of strength for him, but also a constraint.

Your self-righteous approach is not only not helping the master, but also putting layers of shackles on him.

As the number of believers in this world becomes more and more, the owner is more likely to obtain divine sparks, divine power, priesthood and the like.

And these are exactly what he dislikes, hates and needs the most.

So the cult you established has caused a lot of trouble to the master, and it must be destroyed.

But don't worry, what the master needs to destroy is just his belief, not the power you have established, but also the concept of rule.

Next, I will personally supervise you to complete this process as soon as possible.

In addition, I will also give you a large amount of food as support to help you occupy the entire south and even Sambia. "

"So I did something stupid out of kindness?"

Seluer had a bitter expression on her face.

She couldn't believe that the church she had worked so hard to build and continue to grow was actually a shackle, burden and constraint in Zuo Si's eyes.

"That's right! You did a very, very stupid thing! But fortunately, the master gave you a chance to correct it. Now, call all the priests who have lost their magic. I think they must be extremely scared now. ."

As the last word blurted out, a playful smile appeared on Uthia's face.

Because this devil had just talked with his master, and planned to try to transform the object of belief of this cult into himself, and then become the real controller behind the situation in Sambia.

Of course, this is not an easy thing.

But this has nothing to do with Zuo Si.

What he wants to do is to completely wipe out the sect that believes in him from its roots before others notice it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

You must know that the ultimate goal of any devil or devil who preaches in the material world is to become a god through the power of faith, and then become more powerful based on the original foundation.

But as a planeswalker, Zuo Si obviously doesn't want to become a god at all, so Seluer's behavior is completely unnecessary and must be nipped in the bud before it spreads.

Otherwise, once it spreads, it will be very difficult to completely destroy it.

After handling this matter, Zuo Si did not stay too long in Sembia, which was in civil strife. Instead, he took his apprentice Sancho to a peak in the Troll's Claw, preparing to appreciate the destiny of the two sons of Baal. war.

He was curious whether Aberdare could still win the final victory with the power that Sarevok now possessed.

If the answer is yes, then there must be the manipulation of Baal, the god of murder, behind him.

In other words, Aberdare was originally the backdoor to resurrection left by Barr for himself.

"Mentor, I don't understand, why don't you pay attention to the violent turmoil caused by countless sons of Baal in the south, but instead pay attention to these two guys?" Sancho couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, because no matter how much trouble those guys in the south make, it's just a fool's errand.

Believe me, the true successor to the Blood Throne will be born between Sarevok and Aberdare.

You have been pulled into the temple beneath Baldur's Gate by Sarofok before, and you should know best how far the divine power and divinity in his body have grown.

And there is something about to hatch inside Aberdare.

Coupled with the carnage and death caused by the war as a catalyst, when everything comes to an end, an extremely powerful Son of Baal will be born. "

Zuo Si did not hide anything and directly told the boy next to him the truth.

"What about me? What's the point of me coming here?" Sancho continued to ask.

Zuo Si stared at the place where the murder god Baal fell not far away, and replied with a chuckle: "I hope you can understand more about the nature of divinity and divine power through this battle.

Then learn to manipulate it rather than be manipulated by it.

After all, although Baal, the God of Murder, is dead, his consciousness has not dissipated or fallen silent. Instead, he is paying attention to his children's every move through the astral realm.

If you don't want to be invaded, disturbed and controlled by his consciousness, and eventually become a walking zombie and a puppet, then you must learn how to use your own power to fight against him. "

Sancho nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I understand. But didn't you say that I have successfully transformed Barr's power into my own?"

"Yes! This is indeed the case for you now.

But the problem is that as the sons of Baal kill each other, the divine power and divinity belonging to Baal in your body will gradually increase.

If the total amount of the latter exceeds the former, then you will still be trapped in the bloodthirsty desire and be unable to extricate yourself.

Therefore, this transformation process is not once or twice, but must be carried out continuously.

The further you get into the later stages, the more vigilant you have to be.

In addition, I just received news that the Baldur's Gate army led by Sarevok has already set off, and it will take at most three to five days to reach the scheduled battlefield.

Just stay here alone for a few more days, I have some other things to deal with.

Be careful, don't get caught and eaten by the trolls that frequent this area.

This is also a test of your recent learning achievements. Don’t let me down. "

After saying that, Zuo Si patted the boy's shoulder to encourage him, used teleportation magic again and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as his front legs left, several forest trolls with green skin and sarcoma all over their bodies climbed up from the bottom of the hillside.

Each of these perpetually hungry monsters holds wooden sticks, their eyes glow with bloodthirsty cruelty, and they constantly make low roars like beasts.

"Damn it! The mentor definitely did it on purpose! Five trolls? Does he want the trolls to eat me?"

Sancho couldn't help but curse in a low voice, pointed his middle finger at the place where Zuo Si disappeared, and then quickly started chanting spells and casting spells.

In the blink of an eye, he summoned a hellhound to help.

This creature from the Hell of Baator has the ability to breathe fire, making it the perfect summoned creature to deal with weak fire trolls.

Soon, the boy was engaged in a battle with five trolls.

Although his current spellcasting level is not high, he can gain a little advantage with the additional spell-like abilities granted to him by his divine power and divinity.

The two sides fought back and forth on the bare mountain top for a full ten minutes before the five trolls slowly fell to the ground and turned into charred black corpses under the attack of flames and strong acid.

And Sancho had almost used up all his spell slots, as well as a few scrolls and two magic items. He sat on the ground, gasping for air, and kept greeting his mentor cordially in the language of his hometown. To vent the fright I just received.

As a boy with a strong rebellious character, he dared to pee on the statue of Baal, the God of Murder. Naturally, he would not have any respect for Zuo Si. He was 100% that kind of "rebel".

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care, and instead found this little guy interesting.

At this moment, he had left the west coast of the Faerûn continent and was standing in the sky above Ser where the red-robed mage ruled, admiring a wonderful spell duel from a high position.

Without asking, one of the two warring parties knows that it must be Sazastan and his plastic ally Irenikas, while the other side is a lich and almost six dragon lichs.

You don't need to ask to know that the leader of the lich is none other than the madman Sammaster, who was once chosen by the Goddess of Magic and later founded the Dragon Worship Cult.

As for the six dragon lichs, they are naturally his subordinates and allies.

Judging from the battle situation, it was obvious that the two sides had been fighting for a while.

In particular, the breath of six dracolichs that reached the age of ancient dragons or even ancient dragons caused great trouble to Sazastan and Irenicas.

Because of the breath of the six dragons, apart from the obviously weak acid mist of the green dragon, the remaining fire, frost, lightning, and acid are all terrifyingly strong.

In many cases, Sammaster only needs to be responsible for breaking the energy immunity and absorption of the target, so that the enemy can be in a hurry.

Even the tactic of using an anti-magic force field and transforming into a killer was useless.

After all, in pure hand-to-hand combat, his killer form is really not necessarily the opponent of the ancient dragon or even the ancient dragon lich.

As for the other red-robed mages, after realizing that the visitor was the founder of the Dragon Worship Cult, they basically either turned around and ran away or died from the spit of the Dragon Lich.

"Sammaster! Do you really want to be my enemy?" Sammaster asked sharply.

It can be seen that he has endured unimaginable pressure from this continuous attack and harassment.

The reason why it hasn't collapsed yet is entirely because the undead lich doesn't have this option at all.

"Hand over the Eye of the Storm and I'll leave immediately!"

Sammaster made the conditions in a deep voice, with a terrifying red light flashing in his eyes.

Obviously, since he was instantly killed by Lathander last time, he realized the huge gap between mortals and gods, and he has been looking for ways to become gods, planning to one day enter the former's country and crush him to ashes for revenge.

To a certain extent, Sammaster is actually the same type of person as Irenekas.

They are all the kind of lunatics driven by strong hatred and obsession, eager to kill and destroy gods.

The only difference is that Sammaster wants to kill Lathander, Lord of the Dawn, Mystra, the second-generation goddess of magic, and Azuth, the god of mages.

What Irenikas wanted to kill was the entire elven gods, including Corellon.

"Dream! The Eye of the Storm is the only item known today that can 100% allow mortals to become gods! Why should I give it to you if you want it?"

Sazastan refused without hesitation.

Hand it over?

How can it be!

If he hands over his eyes now, what is the purpose of the huge loss and persistence he suffered before?

When things have developed to this point, the sunk costs have reached an unimaginable level.

Sazhastan is like a red-eyed gambler. The only thing he can do is to fight to the end.

"Huh! There's no need to talk about it then.

I will never leave without handing over Eye of the Storm.

Even if I die here once, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times...

Anyway, it’s not like I haven’t tasted death.

And I will launch an indiscriminate attack on Ser, destroy your most prosperous city, kill those ordinary red-robed mages and apprentices, and let your entire organization go to destruction in despair. "

Sammaster talks about death as casually as he talks about what's for dinner.

Because unlike most spellcasters and lichs, this guy's mental state is not normal at all, and he is really not afraid of death at all.

Otherwise, when the former sees a powerful divine power descending into a fighting avatar, the first reaction should be to run away instead of staying and fighting to the end.

But Sammaster is so different.

Not only did he stay, but he also took the initiative to attack Lathander, literally carving the words "seeking death" on his forehead.

This level of madness is not much worse than Cyric's some time ago, or even worse.

At least Cyric's madness was influenced by the Cyric Sutra, but Sammaster's madness encompasses all aspects of consciousness, cognition, and soul, and does not require the help of external objects at all.


Sazastan was so angry that he almost couldn't help but curse.

How could he not know how crazy Sammaster was.

To put it bluntly, the reason why the Dragon Worship Sect can still exist and grow stronger after repeated sieges by many forces lies in the mad dog in front of it regardless of the consequences and costs.

No ruler of any city is willing to provoke the Dragon Worship Cult without threatening their own interests and safety.

Because they have no idea whether once they wipe out the local Dragon Worship Cult, they will attract Sammaster, a lich with powerful magical power.

The latter only requires a few nine rings or even a legendary spell to turn the entire city into ruins in minutes, making it unfit for human survival for decades or even centuries.

"What, have you changed your mind now?"

Sammaster asked condescendingly while riding on the head of a dracolich.

There is no doubt that Sazhastan could not answer at all and could only remain silent.

He could neither hand over the Eye of the Storm, nor did he want Serge to turn into ruins and scorched earth under the opponent's indiscriminate attacks.


Just when the situation became extremely tense and solemn, a sigh suddenly came from the woods not far away.

Immediately after, an old man wearing a pointed wizard hat, holding a wooden staff, and with thick silver hair and a beard walked out slowly.

He is none other than Elminster, the great sage of the Valley of Shadows.

Behind him were several voters, including Simbu.


The expressions of both Sammaster and Erinikas changed.

Because they had fought against Xinbu before, they knew how difficult the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess were.

Sammaster started laughing hysterically like crazy, and while laughing, he taunted: "Ah! Look who this is!

The famous Elminster!

The lover of the goddess of magic!

A bad old man who always likes to meddle in other people's business!

I heard that during the Year of Troubles, you witnessed the death of that bitch Mystra?

How does it feel?

Did you cry for her? "

"Sammaster! Shut your stinking mouth!"

Elminster was visibly enraged, his eyes flashing with silver fire.

As a voter, he can tolerate others insulting himself, but he absolutely cannot tolerate someone insulting the goddess he serves.

Especially the second-generation magic goddess who has given herself almost all knowledge, power and happiness.

"Hahahaha! What, did I poke you in a painful spot?"

Sammaster had no intention of restraining himself at all. Instead, he turned his attention to the Storm Queen and continued to speak with full force: "Xinbu, I heard that you have some unclear relationship with Elminster, and you even want to Give him a child?

As expected, the descendants left by that bitch Mystra with the help of mortal bodies are all equally promiscuous and shameless.

I really don’t understand what’s so good about this bad old man that makes you all so obsessed with him.

Maybe he is so capable in some areas that he conquers you all in bed? "

"Sammaster! Do you want to die?"

The Storm Queen raised her head slightly, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

Seeing this scene, Sazastan on the side couldn't help but secretly admire that Samaster was really a man and dared to anger Elminster and Xinbu in person at the same time.

But just a second later, his evaluation of the founder of the Dragon Worship Cult changed.

After taunting Sammaster, he immediately turned his head and said meaningfully: "Dear Sammaster, I think the fight between us should come to an end for the time being.

After all, looking at the posture, one can tell that these chosen people of the Magic Goddess are clearly coming to seize the Eye of the Storm.

So I think we should work together to defeat them first, and then decide who belongs.

I don't know what you think? "

"You want to drag me down?"

Sazastan gritted his teeth.

He finally understood why Sammaster dared to provoke Elminster and Simbu at the same time. It turned out that he planned to use the power of himself and Irenikas.

If possible, the leader of the undead faction would definitely want to strangle the opponent to death with his own hands immediately.

But the problem is that he understands that Sammaster is right.

Facing two powerful voters with silver fire, Elminster and Ximbu, if they do not unite, defeat is almost certain.

Although the Great Sage of Shadow Valley's spellcasting level is not high, he is very experienced in spell duels. When he was young, he even became famous for killing mages who were much higher than himself.

Sammaster responded with a smile: "No, it is not to drag down the water, but to establish an offensive and defensive alliance. After all, there are so many voters of the Magic Goddess, and we cannot handle them with our own strength alone. So joining forces is the only option. "

"Do you think cooperation can stop us?"

Elminster gave a contemptuous sneer.

"What if you add me?"

As the last word blurted out, more than twenty lichs instantly appeared in the open space through teleportation magic.

The leader of the lich was wearing a gorgeous robe, exuding a graceful and luxurious temperament that could not be described in words.


Elminster's expression suddenly changed.

Because the visitor is the remnant of Netheril who lives in seclusion in the Tomb of the Warlock, and is also the most powerful spellcaster of that era, the King of Wizards - Larok.

Those lichs are his apprentices and subordinates, and basically every one of them has reached the legendary level.

You must know that in the evaluation of the Grand Arcanist of Netheril, Larok's combat power is above that of the demigod Iolum, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain the title of King of Wizards.

When he appeared, it meant that the nature of the matter had changed.

However, Larok paid no attention to Elminster, but looked at Sazastan with the cold light in his eyes, and asked directly: "Is the original agreement between us still valid?"

"Of course it works! How dare I forget my deal with you."

Sazastan hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply, his attitude and tone of humility were completely different from usual.

Because the reason why he is where he is today is because he participated in a mission to explore the tomb of the warlock.

During that exploration, all the other red-robed mages died. Only he came back alive, and he also brought back the Netheril artifact-the Death Moon Orb.

Anyone with any brains knows that the reason Sazastan was able to come back alive must be because he reached an unknown deal with the owner of the tomb.

Larocque nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! Since our deal is still valid, let me help you today. Remember, you owe me again, and you will have to repay it twice in the future."

"No problem! I swear I will never let you down."

After receiving strong support, Sazastan's waist immediately hardened, and he roared at the first choice of the goddess of magic: "Come on! Elminster! Let me see the wizards in the great Netheril era. How much strength can you exert in front of the king? And you, Xinbu, your sequencer magic will not be of any use today."

"Lalocco! Do you really want to wade into this muddy water?"

Elminster ignored the shouts of the leader of the red-robed undead faction, but probed in a solemn tone.

"Haha, you don't understand what I want to do at all, do you?"

There was an undisguised contempt and contempt in Larocque's tone.

It was obvious that he looked down upon Elminster at all, let alone this group of voters created by the second-generation magic goddess.

In the eyes of this "old man", does the second-generation Mystra, who has closed the deep magic network and only messes around with men and women, deserve to be called the goddess of magic?


Only the original Mithril, who could not even bear to stop the incarnation of Karsus, was worthy of the position of the goddess of magic.

Only she wholeheartedly supported the development and creation of magic, and thus the glory of Netheril civilization was achieved.

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