A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 459 Politics is the art of compromise, but I don’t need to learn it (a 10,000-word chapter,

"Fozol Chambery!!!!"

Seeing with his own eyes that two powerful dragon allies were severely wounded and captured by the enemy in an instant, Delt's originally unstable mood finally collapsed completely. His eyes were covered with scary bloodshot eyes, and he stared viciously not far away. The Tyrant of the Moon Sea is holding a javelin stained red with blood in one hand.

Almost at the same time, the arcane casters of Zhentil Castle led by Manson, as well as the undead army of Sazastan, the red-robed mages, as well as the priests and dark guards of the church of Bane, the god of tyranny, also all mobilized. .

In less than seven or eight minutes, the few spellcasters in the coalition forces in the two cities were beaten and fled.

The defensive line that was finally stabilized completely collapsed.

In despair, countless soldiers and adventurers could only lay down their weapons and choose to surrender, first thinking of ways to save their own lives.

They obviously knew very well that it was impossible to outrun the swift and windy combinations of hobgoblins and wargs, ordinary goblins and goblin dogs with just two legs.

In addition, although Zhentil Keep and the Church of Bane are typical evil camps, they are also lawful camps.

Once a promise is made to surrender and avoid death, it will usually not be broken.

The worst case scenario was that after being captured, they would be sent to work as hard labor in mines, quarries, etc., or they would be demoted as slaves and sold.

Anyway, it is definitely better than continuing to make meaningless resistance and being killed, and then being pulled up as an undead by those equally evil red-robed mages.

It has to be said that the appearance of Sazastan and his undead army indirectly helped Fuzor Chamberry a big favor and successfully dispelled the determination of many people to fight to the death.

After all, they may be able to accept their own death calmly, but it is absolutely impossible for them to accept that they will become undead creatures after death and continue to be enslaved by evil enemies.

In contrast, the elite knights that Eltoril City spent a lot of money, time and effort to cultivate were obviously unlikely to surrender easily.

Because they are all devout believers of Helm, the guardian god.

If you surrender at this time, you will be rejected by the gods, so you can only fight to the end of your life.

Except for a small number of people who suffered mental breakdown under the control of extreme fear and despair, abandoned their faith in Heim and chose to surrender, the rest were already in a state of almost total annihilation.

In particular, many of the alien creatures summoned through conjuration magic have excellent flying abilities.

The most powerful impact and speed advantages of the cavalry are completely useless in front of flying units.

Either he was pulled down by a dive and cut into pieces with random swords, or he was restrained by low-level large-scale control spells such as Grease and Spider Web.

Especially when the coalition's spell casters were suppressed, a large number of mages and warlocks who had the ability to teleport realized that their defeat was certain and left their companions to flee. The remaining low-level spell casters were either quickly killed or became prisoners.

After the battle is over, they will be divided between the Red Mage and Zhentil Keep, using the threat of death to force them to do evil things such as killing their former companions, and then spread the news.

In this way, these mages can only accept their fate, join the former's organization, slowly become evil and corrupt, and eventually become selfish spellcasters.

As for those pastors, if they are willing to change their beliefs, they will be accepted by the Bann Church immediately.

If you don't want to, then I'm sorry, please go die.

In short, because Zhentil Fort has rich experience in war and conquest, it can be said to be very handy in handling these matters. There is no random robbery, murder and gang rape of women like other armies.

Its organization, discipline, and obedience are no worse than the religious armies under the command of lawful good gods.

Even the chaotic ordinary goblins, as well as the recently recruited monsters, are strictly executing orders under the supervision of human and orc officers.

Because anyone who dares to disobey, or kills until he loses control and falls into a bloodthirsty rage, will basically be killed on the spot without mercy.

After all, although the proportion of various monsters in this army now exceeds 70%, it is not a ragtag group led by a primitive tribal chief.

Quite the opposite!

Forzor Chambery used the power of the Church of Bane, the god of tyranny, as the skeleton, the rigorously trained officers of Zhentil Keep as the basis, and combined with the absolute control of the Tyrant's Scepter and the clear reward and punishment system to form a powerful legion. .

All recruited monsters are usually not put into the battlefield immediately, but must first undergo a series of training.

This is why after suffering a defeat, the army was stationed on the river bank for so many days to repair.

On the one hand, it is to restore morale, and on the other hand, it is to train the monsters who have just been forcibly recruited, so that they can learn to abide by discipline, follow orders and prohibitions, and how to cooperate with each other to fight in formation.

It can even be said that the background of this army is the ultimate evil law.

However, as the supreme commander of the coalition forces, Delt no longer cared about gathering the defeated troops and retreating back to the city. Instead, he rode the strong heavy war horse under his crotch and launched a charge towards the Tyrant of the Moon Sea without hesitation, hoping to rescue the two seriously injured soldiers. Captured metal dragon.

After all, he is a lawful good paladin, and his nature and beliefs dictate that he cannot leave behind any of his men or allies and choose to retreat.

"Hahahaha! Stupid paladin! Who do you think you are? How dare you challenge the spokesperson of the great dark king in this world?"

Fuzuoer Qianberry laughed wildly, blessed himself with a lot of magic, and waved the scepter in his hand to meet him.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of a broken skull, the high-speed sprinting war horse had its head smashed in an instant. It screamed and turned 180 degrees in mid-air, and finally fell to the ground hard. It twitched and swallowed unwillingly. Last breath.

Obviously, with the blessing of powerful magic equipment and several divine spells, Fuzoul Chamberry directly used the purest brute force to bring the war horse to a physical emergency stop.

The power he released at that moment far exceeded the total impact force caused by the weight and acceleration of the war horse plus the rider.

As for Delt, who had the LV17 paladin level, he was thrown to pieces on the spot and was unable to successfully complete this mounted charge.

You must know that this guy was originally determined to die and wanted to use the evil-breaking slash at the cost of his own life to directly kill the opponent.

But unfortunately, although the professional level gap between the two is not big, Delt even has a considerable advantage in close combat.

But the problem is that Fuzor Chamberry is a divine spellcaster and a chosen one, and his combat effectiveness cannot be measured by common sense.

What's more, he also has more than one incredibly powerful artifact in his hands, as well as a large number of high-end equipment and magic items.

Among them, Zuo Si's temporarily borrowed Tyrant's Scepter is currently in his hand, and another artifact, the Tyrant's Eye Scepter, has been activated and floats in mid-air as a smart weapon with independent consciousness and thinking ability, continuously moving toward Enemies on the ground attack.

Since the latter would continuously release debilitating rays at all targets that did not believe in Bane, Delt only resisted it twice before he began to become embarrassed.

If the strength attribute weakens to zero, he will die instantly, and then the soul will be sucked in and imprisoned. The effect is like the eighth-ring conjuration magic [Soul Entrapment].

In addition, Fuzor Chamberry also has +5 solid magic armor, +8 protective bracers, a bat cloak, a ring of freedom of movement, a ring of teleportation, etc.

But what about Delt?

This paladin who believes in the guardian god Heim only has a holy greatsword with +3 and extra damage to evil creatures, a set of +1 full-body armor, and a piece of armor given by the church that permanently grants the wearer protection from evil. amulet.

If it weren't for the paladin's divine grace, aura of courage, and divine blessing, as well as his terrifyingly high magic resistance, he would not feel fear no matter how terrifying the enemy he faced.

When faced with such an overwhelming disadvantage, most people would probably collapse and run away long ago.

Although there are many heroic legends in Faerûn that rely on pure spirit and faith to defeat powerful enemies, Delt is obviously not one of them.

As he was hit by debilitating rays more and more often, his strength attributes quickly dropped to levels lower than those of ordinary people.

In this state, let alone continuing to fight, even bearing the weight of the full body armor seemed out of breath and powerless.

As a result, Fuzuoer Chambery saw the opportunity and kicked him to the ground. He kicked the +3 sacred attribute sword away far away, stepped on the armor's chest with one foot, and said in a condescending tone: "Don't struggle. Yes, paladin.

You and your God can't change anything at all.

This land is destined to be shrouded in the glory of the great Bane.

Now I give you a chance to turn from darkness to light.

As long as you are willing to abandon the guardian god Helm and instead serve the great god of tyranny, becoming his dark guard.

Then not only will I not kill you, but I will also give you an important position in the church.

From now on, you will not only continue to rule the city of Eltoril, but you will also gain control over other nearby towns and villages. "

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why Fuzor Chamberry chose to persuade him to surrender is that the higher the level of the paladin, the more powerful he can gain when he becomes a dark guard.

It's a competition between good and evil.

If it succeeds, even Bane, the god of tyranny, will be happy and reward those who achieve this goal generously.

If you are a first to second level paladin who has fallen, you can get at most one extra kill of good per day. But if you are level three or above, you can get holy healing. If you are above level seven, you can summon purgatory creatures as servants or mounts. If you are above level nine, you can get rid of purgatory. In addition to the servant, it can also control an undead creature as a companion, and is immune to the priest's dispel or rebuke.

Once you reach LV11 or higher, you can even instantly convert your past paladin professional level into a dark guard professional level.

Therefore, people like Delt who have seventeen paladin levels, whether they are from the good camp or the evil camp, will take extra fancy.

Because he is a vital weight on the scale.

No matter which side you fall to, it may trigger a chain reaction and increase the strength of the other camp.

In addition, the bright light emanating from his soul is also the most desired treasure from gods to devils.

Nothing pleases Bane, the god of tyranny, more than seducing good into darkness.

The leader of the church of another faction of the Dark Lord, Aigason Nasere, relied on leading Sammaster astray and allowing the latter to found the infamous Dragon Worship Cult, thereby gaining a relationship with Fu Zuo. Chamberlain has almost the same authority and status.

Due to a series of reasons such as different ideas and struggles for power, the two often accused each other of being heretics and distorting the original teachings of the great Bane.

"Bah! I'd rather die than serve your evil, dirty, filthy god."

Delt spat at the other party very forcefully.

A high-level paladin like him has already deeply ingrained his belief in goodness and order into his bones. How could he change his stance so easily?

"Hmph! You don't know what's good and what's wrong! Since you don't eat the toast and drink as a penalty, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

With a sullen face, Fuzor Chamberry raised the tyrant's scepter high, intending to use powerful magical power to enslave the opponent and turn him into a puppet under his control to perform tasks related to massacre and betrayal.

For example, clean up the largest temple of Helm in the city of Eltoril and turn it into the sanctuary of the Dark Lord in public.

When Delt committed enough evil deeds to be hated by the entire city's residents, he was released from control and allowed to face the cruel reality, eventually collapsing and becoming the backbone of the church.

All the way from the Dragon Coast, Fuzor Chambery had successfully used the same method to turn several paladin captives into Bane's minions.

Therefore, he believed that as long as he followed the same method, the guy in front of him would follow in the footsteps of the former without any accident.

Delt obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and put on a posture of being ready to welcome death at any time.

At this critical moment, a female golden dragon that was hovering high in the sky to avoid the attack could no longer hold it in any longer. She ignored the dissuasion of the other two companions and suddenly rushed down at an almost vertical angle, trying to use the vision above her head. A blind-spot attack on Fuzor Chamberry, in an attempt to seriously injure or even kill the tyrant of the Moon Sea.

But she apparently forgot that priests tend to have very high perception attributes.

High perception brings strong willpower, judgment, keen intuition and danger prediction.

If a person's perception attribute reaches sixteen points, then when there is an enemy hiding behind and staring secretly, he has a high probability of discovering it.

If it reaches 18 o'clock, you can even predict that the chandelier fixed above your head is about to fall down a second or two in advance, thereby avoiding the upcoming danger.

And Fu Zou Er Chambery's perception attribute is full of blackjack.

So when the height of the golden dragon's fall entered the last hundred meters, he suddenly raised his head, with an evil and cruel smile on his face, and used another activation artifact to give himself an [opportunity to defeat the enemy] in an instant. Magic effect, followed by throwing the cursed javelin again at lightning speed.


Since the golden dragon swooped with its wings folded and nearly 90 degrees vertically, it was basically like a free fall.

In addition, she entered a range of less than a hundred meters from the ground, and she had no time to make any dodges, so she hit the javelin.

The next second...


The sharp blade containing the dragon's curse instantly penetrated the female golden dragon's neck, causing the blood containing high temperature to spray everywhere.

Although he spread his wings to try to cushion himself when he was about to hit the ground, it was already too late.

About a second or two later, this behemoth smashed a big crater into the ground with a bang.

Broken bones!

Torn muscles, blood vessels and internal organs!

In an instant, more blood spurted out from the golden dragon's nose and mouth, as well as some scraps of meat that looked like residue.

There is no doubt that any other creature, even a giant, would have died long ago due to such an impact.

But the dragon's tenacious vitality did not make her die immediately, but she fell into a state of shock that was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

"Brainless idiot! Do you think I won't guard against the attacks of you giant dragons hovering in the sky?"

Fuzuoer Qianberry stepped on the golden dragon's head, slightly raising his chin with a contemptuous expression.

Seeing that another companion's life or death was unknown, the remaining metal dragon immediately gave up the plan of rescue and quickly turned around and left the battlefield, intending to find a deserted place to discuss countermeasures, or to ask for support from other peers and allies.

After all, if you can't beat them, you'll win. This is the glorious tradition of the good-aligned metal dragons.

Especially Silver Dragon, known as the "dragon social butterfly", will never lack all kinds of "licking dogs" around her.

This is also the reason why the evil camp chromatic dragons despise them the most.


After winning this war, Zhentil Castle's army can cross the Chongsa River and capture all important towns such as Sknubel, Eltoril, Triel, and Soba.

By then, as long as you defeat Baldur's Gate and capture it, you will complete your conquest of this land. "

Sazastan suddenly appeared out of thin air and complimented with a smile.

But Fu Zouer Qianberry didn't show any happy expression at all, but responded indifferently: "So what? In the end, I don't have to make wedding dresses for others. As long as Soth is here, I can't get involved with the money." The vast land on the west coast of the Lun Continent.”

"Don't say that. In fact, to a certain extent, you and I are in the same situation." Sazhastan comforted calmly.

"Yes! I'm not blind. I can see that you are being used and instigated by him now. This guy is like a monster. He can easily see through other people's minds and offer you a price you can't refuse." Fu Zoel Chambery sighed helplessly and complained.

Just when Sazastan was about to say something, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

"Are you talking about me?"

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si slowly walked out of the darkness, looking between the two of them with a slightly playful look.

"How did you come?"

Fu Zou Er Chambery was obviously taken aback.

Zuo Si smiled and asked, "Why can't I come?

Don't forget, you've been here too long.

If I can't advance to the scheduled battlefield before Baldur's Gate dispatches troops, it will seriously affect my plan.

What's more, I'm not here to find you this time, but to make a deal with Sazastan. "


The legendary lich was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something. A terrifying light symbolizing the identity of the undead creature burst out from his eyes.

"Yes, deal. I have obtained what Velsharon is looking for, which is also an item that can turn mortals into gods. If you are interested, you can make an offer now."

With that said, Zuo Si took out the Eye of the Storm sealed inside the crystal ball in front of countless pairs of eyes.

When the destructive aura emitted by this thing was felt by the people around them, everyone's expressions changed.

Fuzoul Chamberry could feel his heart beating wildly.

As a chosen one of Bane and someone who has studied silver fire in depth, how could he not know what this eye meant.

The paladin Delt on the side struggled to sit up and shouted loudly: "No! Stop! You can't do this! He will definitely use this thing to cause terrible disasters!"

"Sorry, it's not your turn to tell me what I want to do. And... you don't even know what it is, right?"

Zuo Si glanced at the other party with an emotionless look.

There was no doubt that he was not at all worried that the paladin would tell anyone about what he had seen tonight.

Because Fuzuo Erqianberry would never give the other party such a chance.

There are only two roads before Delt.

Ichiichi would rather die than surrender until the end, and be killed by the people he once wanted to protect and guard amidst the accusations and abuses;

The other one is unable to withstand the huge psychological gap, making big mistakes due to emotional excitement, and completely embarking on the path of darkness and depravity.

Just when the paladin was still about to declare his interests, Sazastan finally raised his dry and slender arm and shot a magic beam from his fingertips, causing the former to fall to the ground instantly and fell into a coma. Then he cautiously tried and said: "You are really willing to give up." Is it being traded?"

"why not?

I don’t want to be a god anyway.

It has no special value to me.

But it's different for you and Velsharon.

You must know that in this world, there are many powerful artifacts and magic items, but there are not many things that can turn mortals into gods.

So if you really want it, it's best not to be too mean.

Otherwise I would consider talking to Velsharon.

I believe he will be willing to redeem the Eye of God at any cost.

Of course, if you want to become a god, this alone is not enough.

You must also snatch the knowledge from Velsharon that was also dug up from the ancient ruins.

Only when the two become one can one be promoted to a true demigod. "

While saying these words, Zuo Si kept throwing up, catching, throwing up, and catching the crystal ball in his hand, with a nonchalant attitude as if what he was holding was not a priceless treasure, but a delicate one. Like toys.

"You want me to start an all-out war with Velsharon and become our undying enemies?"

Sazastan was obviously not a fool, and he immediately realized the sinister intentions behind this.

But Zuo Si smiled nonchalantly and said, "Why, aren't you already unrelenting enemies?

If I remember correctly, you have been fighting each other for centuries since you fell out for the position of leader of the Necron faction.

I believe that if there is a chance, both you and Velsalun will definitely want to deal with each other once and for all.

So I help you make up your mind to eradicate the powerful enemy to a certain extent.

Think about it, is there anything in this world that is more satisfying than killing an enemy, snatching the most precious thing from the opponent's hand, and then being promoted to a high god?

If you think there is a problem, you can choose to refuse.

After all, the premise of a transaction is that both parties must be voluntary.

Anyway, I think there should be many people willing to pay a high price for these eyes. "

What does it mean to be confident?

Just look at Zuo Si's aggressive and arrogant attitude at this moment.

He didn't care at all what Sazastan thought, let alone whether the other party would hate him for this, he just made it clear that he wanted to kill him severely.

"Why don't you consider dedicating this eye to the great Bane?" Fuzor Chambery couldn't help but suggested.

"The Dark King does not need and does not like the power from chaos and chaos. Don't just think about how to flatter him all day long, use your brain and think carefully about everything." Zuo Si scolded angrily.


Fuzuo Er Qianberry fell into silence, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly uncontrollably.

He also realized that he had just done something stupid.

Bane is a powerful god of lawful evil who emphasizes dominance, discipline, and obedience.

Talos, the God of Storms, is the complete opposite. He is a powerful god of chaotic evil, emphasizing destruction and destruction at will.

If there was no conflict over the priesthood, the two gods would probably start fighting as soon as they met.

Fortunately, there were not many people around, otherwise Fuzoul Chamberry might have died on the spot.

"I can give you two artifacts, the [Death Moon Orb] and the [Sakosil's Seat] in exchange."

Sazastan thought about it for a long time and then made a quick choice.

He obviously knew very well that trading the artifact given to him by Larok, the powerful wizard king in the Netherese era, would most likely arouse the wrath of the other party.

But in the face of the temptation of becoming a god, this is obviously nothing at all.

After all, no matter how powerful Larocco is, he can't threaten the real gods.

"Plus that three-wish ring on your hand!"

After saying that, Zuo Si stared straight at the ring on the Lich's finger that was inlaid with three red-light gems.

Although with his current spell-casting ability, making this thing is not a big problem, and there are a lot of wishing spells given by the efreeti every day, but why not do it for free now that he can get one for free?

You know, this thing is quite useful most of the time.

Even if you don’t use it yourself, you can still give it to someone close to you as a gift.

"make a deal!"

Without saying a word, Sazastan took off the ring from his finger and threw it over.

Immediately afterwards, he used item teleportation magic to summon the other two artifacts [Death Moon Orb] and [Sacosil's Seat] to the open space.

Among them, the [Death Moon Orb] is a shimmering sphere that can freely change between the size of a palm and the size of a human head.

When you hold it in your hand, you can clearly see that the black and purple substances on the surface, like water and oil, are constantly flowing, entangled with each other, and absorbing light from the surrounding environment.

Its function is to allow the holder to cast some specific spells every day and summon demons from the lower planes (including demons, devils, and yugoloths) to force them to complete a task.

When the task is completed, the demon will automatically return to its hometown.

The more powerful the summoned demon is, the longer the cooling time will be afterward.

In addition, the [Death Moon Bead] also has constant effects such as telepathy and sharp ears, and can be used for divination, eavesdropping, and peeking at what someone is doing.

In comparison, the [Throne of Zacosir] looks like a huge and heavy throne just like its name.

Its main function is to seal and enslave those powerful alien creatures.

Now, imprisoned in the throne is an unlucky demon lord named Eltab.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the two artifacts, Zuo Si casually threw the crystal ball with the Eye of God sealed to Sazastan.

Without saying a word, the latter used his mage's hand to catch it steadily, and immediately retreated with his men.

Because he already got what he wanted, there was no need to stay and waste time.

"You just handed that thing to him?"

A very surprised expression appeared on Fuzoer Chamberry's face.

Zuo Si casually put away the two artifacts, and then asked with a sneer: "What else? I'm famous for keeping my promises, and I never do things that are in bad taste and go back on my word."

"That's not quite your style."

Fu Zou Er Chambery rubbed his chin and muttered softly.

"Haha, that just means you don't know me well enough."

Zuo Si obviously didn't intend to reveal too many details, so he just made a haha ​​to fool him.

After all, he and the guy in front of him were never the same person.

The reason why the latter is willing to cooperate is entirely out of awe of Bane, the god of tyranny.

Seeing that he couldn't get any valuable information out of the question, Fuzor Chambery immediately gave up the idea of ​​making false statements and asked meaningfully: "I have now captured the area from the Dragon Coast to West Hartland according to the plan. All towns.

It won't take a few days to reach the scheduled battlefield - Troll's Claw.

Why hasn't that son of Baal named Sarevok made any move yet?

Could it be that he failed to seize power? "

"No! He has actually succeeded.

According to the information I have received so far, Sarevok has successfully obtained a spot to run for Duke with the help of the shapeshifters.

The next thing to do is to get rid of the last powerful Duke Belt and successfully take power with the help of Grand Duchess Lila Janus.

This process will be very quick, taking no more than a week.

In other words, you only have one week to sort out the land's powerful people.

Remember, I wanted to see a blank slate after the war, clean land without any governing structures. "

When he said the last two sentences, Zuo Si's tone became extremely serious.

As a person who has the idea of ​​great unity engraved in his bones, what he hates most is places like the Northland, West Heartland, and the Dragon Coast that are fragmented and filled with independent city-states and noble lords of all sizes. .

And those useless heraldry, surnames and family heritage.

Compared with the traditional feudal aristocrats who are dishonest and love to show off, the ruling class of Amn who are engaged in economic colonization can be regarded as enlightened and progressive.

Fuzor Chambery shrugged his shoulders and responded: "Don't worry, those who may cause obstacles to your rule are either lying in their graves now, or they have been shipped to Zhentil Castle and sold as slaves. .

You must know that well-educated, handsome or beautiful young male and female nobles are the most sought-after in the slave market.

There are many nouveau riche who are willing to spend a lot of money to taste the taste of noble ladies and noble ladies, and even buy them back as concubines.

To be honest, I don't quite understand why you are so hostile to nobles and businessmen and insist on driving them away completely. "

Zuo Si shook his head slightly and explained: "It's not that I have any hostility towards them.

But they hinder me from integrating and redistributing the resources of this land.

And in a unified country, the existence of nobles who control a large amount of land resources is a group of cancers.

Especially the various privileges they have within the territory are like a country within a country.

This is not the rule I want, let alone the country I want.

As for businessmen, if they just do business honestly, I won't do anything to them.

But if there is any reckless guy who dares to bribe bureaucrats, manipulate politics, public opinion and create monopolies, then I will not hesitate to raise the butcher's knife. "

"What about the big families in Amn? As far as I know, they are what you said. They enjoy privileges in their own territory, but they also control politics and public opinion, and use their power to monopolize trade."

Fuzuoer Qianberry asked with a half-smile.

“I have started stripping away political, judicial and other powers from their hands.

As for the territory, after I become the King of Amn, I will first talk to the nobles who control large areas of land and redistribute the land through redemption.

If you are wise, just take your money and get out according to the conditions I set out.

If they don't understand, I have many legal means to destroy their families and separate their wives.

Finally, regarding trade monopoly, I will play a snake game with dozens of the richest families in Ascatla.

Don’t they like monopoly, expansion, and crazy pursuit of profits?

Then I let them eat and get fatter and stronger until they stretched themselves to death.

The specific operation is to select the families with the highest comprehensive strength every few years, split the property, and distribute it evenly to the family members who have the right to inherit.

Then disperse them and send them to settle in remote corners of the empire.

If the family business does not want to be split up, it must shrink and control its scale when it develops to a certain extent.

When all the big business associations at the top begin to restrain their greed and capital expansion and take the initiative to break up their families, won’t the monopoly problem be solved?

And I didn’t confiscate a penny of their property, nor did I drive them over the edge.

On the contrary, an internal redistribution of wealth was carried out within an acceptable range.

Those who had no chance to inherit the family's huge wealth, instead of hating me, would actually appreciate me from the bottom of their hearts.

Because I gave them a great gift, an opportunity to get rid of the control of direct lineage and establish their own family.

In addition, the heirs of these split families often have a lot of money in their hands, and they can also revitalize the economies of remote places..."

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a chilling smile.

The reason why businessmen have had a bad image for a long time in history, and can even be said to be synonymous with greed, ugliness, and despicability, is actually closely related to this nature of excessive pursuit of wealth and profits.

Especially the rise of modern capitalism on earth has taken this greed to the extreme.

Obviously, the expansion of capital and the monopoly of social resources by the rich are almost unsolvable problems in any modern country.

Even the most powerful central government can only exert some restraint and adjust taxes to achieve secondary distribution of wealth at the national level.

So when he decided to establish the West Coast Empire, Zuo Si had been thinking about how to deal with the business oligarchs in Amn to prevent them from becoming too powerful and wealthy, and ultimately turning the entire country into a capital empire with powerful magical power.

After thinking about it, he got inspiration from a very ancient push order and came up with such a set of mandatory antitrust splitting bills.

However, unlike those on earth who only split up the company without splitting up the family, he not only wanted to break up the company, but also split up the huge family together.

In this way, when the huge monopoly group disappears, the market will once again enter a state of full competition, leaving enough space for latecomers.

As long as the rulers carry out this behavior, no family or interest group can occupy a monopoly position for a long time.

The upper level of the entire market will continue to make room, while the lower level will also have access to upward channels, entering a relatively virtuous cycle.

Of course, the reason Zuo Si dared to do this was because he was strong and ruthless enough, and had enough strength and political skills to implement his will.

Otherwise, if a ruler is replaced who is a little weaker or kinder, the big families in Amn who are used to being domineering may not be able to raise private soldiers to rebel in any minute.

After all, this split bill is simply digging into the foundation of the family's existence.

But as the saying goes, most people in this world like to compromise.

If you directly say that you want to do this kind of split, the big families in Amn will definitely not be happy.

But if you first express your intention to confiscate their property and exterminate them, and then propose such an alternative, then not only will they readily accept it, but they may even shed tears of gratitude.

The art of political compromise.

But in Zuo Si's eyes, it is not himself who needs to learn this art, but others.

"Hahahaha! As expected of you! The perfect tyrant appointed by the great Ben!"

Fozol Chambery couldn't help laughing.

From the brief conversation just now, he learned a lot about ruling, playing power, and how to force others to submit. He planned to try it out in the newly occupied city later.

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