A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 455: The Temptation of Becoming a God (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

The Jindelanc City in France is the easternmost point of the Faerûn continent, located to the north of the Purple Dust Plain (also called the Purple Dust Desert). Next to it is the Bright Star Lake that separates the Faerûn continent and the Karatu continent.

The same as Muhun in the north and Ser, ruled by red robed wizards further to the northwest.

Shenfa was originally just a part of the slaves who destroyed the magical civilization of Imaskar under the leadership of their gods, and then established a huge theocratic empire-Mulhorand.

Another theocratic empire next to it, Unser, was established in almost the same way.

However, as the two ancient empires continued to experience turmoil, rebellion, and weakness, many marginal areas gradually separated and gained independent status.

However, in name, these small border countries are still vassals of the Mulhorand Empire.

But after the end of the Year of Turbulence, Io, the God of Gods, may have felt that it was a bit outrageous that these gods from across the planes had been ruling mortals in a way similar to the incarnation of saints.

So he took it upon himself to eliminate the barriers set up by the artificers of the Imasca Empire when fighting the gods.

This barrier prevents them from connecting with the kingdom of the outer plane, and they can only exist in mortal bodies like saints through reincarnation.

The disappearance of the barrier allowed the gods walking on this land to finally return to their true nature, instead of running around with a fragile body. It also ended the thousands of years of theocratic rule.

Many scholars believe that this marks the official acceptance of them by the god Io as a member of the gods of Toril.

You must know that in the previous state, the gods of Mulhorand and Unther were incomplete.

This is why they suffered great losses when fighting the orc gods.

Rui, the sun god of Mulhorand, and many of the gods of Unther fell in the "Battle of Orcgate".

There are more than eight explicitly recorded.

The orc god Gruumsh became famous because of this, becoming the first known god-killer in the country.

You must know that when Mulhorand and Unser joined forces, they had an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers.

There is more than one person with great power.

But even so, they still suffered a horrific massacre.

Gruumsh even went on a killing spree when he was outnumbered, killing one god after another like a beast without even being seriously injured.

Although the alliance formed by the two pantheons finally won the "Battle of Orc Gate", the huge losses directly caused the gods of Unther to collapse and almost die.

The country's main beliefs are also constantly being eroded by the gods of Mulhorand, Bane, the god of tyranny, Mystra, the second-generation goddess of magic, and Tempus, the god of war.

Now there are probably only two left, the Dragon God Tiamat and the Vengeance God Howl.

Moreover, these two people were very smart to get rid of the shackles of their original identities and broke away from the Unser pantheon to join the Faerun pantheon.

The gods of Mulhorand also fell into a long period of decline.

But now, with divinity and divine power returning to their true nature, the gods of Mulhorand are revitalized.

Although the entire country is undergoing unprecedented changes after mortals take power, conspiracies and struggles for power are also in full swing.

But compared with Eunse, which was in serious civil strife next door and where slaves and civilians revolted one after another, it was simply incomparable.

So as expected, the Mulhorand Empire launched a war against its former ally Unther.

The only good thing is that the scale of the war is not large, and it only exists on the border between the two countries.

Although the French city of Jindelanc was slightly affected, the trade route with the Karatu continent was not interrupted.

Countless caravans are still gathering here in an endless stream.

Especially for a large number of specialties from the far east, as long as they are transported along the Rosen River to the Falling Star Sea, they can immediately earn at least twenty times or even thirty times the profit.

So the people here are nervous and busy, and all they can think about is how to use the trade between the two continents to make more money and make themselves and their families richer.

But they didn't realize at all that an extremely dangerous person was hiding in Jindrank City.

Right now, he was in a gray brick house, roaring angrily at his followers: "Are you all fools and idiots?

After spending so long, you can't even catch a six or seven-year-old child?

How important is it for me to know what is hidden in his body and soul?

Without that thing, I wouldn't be able to complete the most critical step in that ritual and be promoted from mortal to god! "

"But...but master, that boy is the son of Baal.

And he also awakened part of his divine power and divinity.

It can be teleported to any corner of Faerûn in an instant.

Especially recently, he seems to have hidden somewhere that can block the tracking of prophecy magic, making it impossible for us to find the exact location.

The only thing we know is that it was last seen at Baldur's Gate on the west coast. "

A middle-aged bald mage wearing a red robe carefully explained.

It can be seen that he is a typical Serge red robe, with magic tattoos that sparkle with arcane aura densely carved on his head and neck.

Although not all red robes are willing to shave their heads just to gain more and more powerful magical power.

For example, Edwin did not shave off his hair and beard, but had thick and lush blond hair.

But generally speaking, red wizards are pragmatic and willing to sacrifice a little beauty for power.

This is why in many people’s minds, bald heads and tattoos are always associated with red-robed mage.

In addition, as neighboring countries that are not far away, Sale and Mulhorand are quite close, so it is not strange for them to appear in the French city of Jindelanc.

But it is obviously rare to see a room as densely packed as now.

After all, Mulhorand is not one of those weak countries in the west, but an empire with powerful strength, and the number of priests in the church can be said to be quite large.

The red-robed wizards would not be stupid and leave the west side, which was easier to invade, instead of fighting against their former suzerain country.

Their presence in Mulhorand usually has only one purpose.

That is to obtain more slaves, as well as rare and precious spellcasting materials, or to dig out knowledge, scrolls and magic items about the Imasca Empire from ancient ruins.

"I do not care!

Send everyone to Baldur's Gate to search for that boy!

In short, I have to bring him back alive before he discovers the secret hidden in his body!


It’s not the corpse that wants to live!

If something unexpected happens, I will turn you all into ghouls and zombies! "

The old red-robed mage at the head glared at his two green-glow eyes and threatened fiercely.

Anyone who has done a little research on necromancy magic can feel the abundant negative energy in his body that is completely different from that of the living.

You know without asking that this is a guy who has just transformed himself into a lich.

"As you wish, great Velsharon."

All the red-robed mages and other followers present hurriedly knelt down, knelt down to the old man who exuded a terrifying aura, and then quickly used teleportation magic to disappear.

Obviously, this red-robed lich is none other than the most powerful competitor of Sazastan, the chief of the Ser Necromancer Department, and is also regarded as the most dangerous enemy by Halua, the country of mage—— Velshalon.

He had fought against the Storm Queen Ximbu and the Great Sage Elminster of the Valley of Shadows more than once, but was expelled from Cyre due to failed political struggles a few centuries ago.

Since then, Vesharon has been dedicated to exploring the Purple Dust Plains, hoping to find the treasures left behind by the Imaskar Empire from the endless deserts and ruins.

Including the endless knowledge, powerful artifacts, and methods of making various strange objects cheaply, I plan to one day kill back, kill Sazastan and replace him.

But the interesting part is that he didn't find much what he wanted from the ruins of the Purple Dust Plain. Instead, he discovered a method of becoming a god left by Talos, the storm god in ancient times.

As long as you follow the above process, a powerful archmage may become a demigod.

Of course, the premise is to obtain the permission of Io, the god above the gods.

Velshalon fell into ecstasy almost instantly, and immediately tried to get in touch with Talos, the god of storms, and agreed to become the other party's slave after becoming a god.

I have to say, this is simply as outrageous as a businessman who originally planned to dig up sand to make a little money, but suddenly got lucky and dug up a large oil field.

In fact, becoming a god in Toril's universe is more dramatic than many people imagine, full of chance and surprise.

Do you think that the process of becoming a god is for mortals to accumulate strength bit by bit, seize divine power and divinity through various methods, and then develop followers until they become quasi-gods or even demigods?

Big mistake!

A truly simple and unpretentious god should be like Mystra. One second she was an ordinary shepherdess, and the next second the god Io descended from the sky and asked if she wanted to sign a contract with her to become a magical girl (2) goddess of magic).

When she answered yes, she was instantly promoted from a mortal to the most powerful god in the country after Io, and was also the supreme master of the magic network.

The exact same situation happened to Cyric in the Turbulent Years.

This guy just found the Tablet of Destiny and then gained all the power of the Three Gods of Death.

Therefore, if you want to become a powerful god in this world, you have never relied on hard work, talent, or cunning and cunning plans, but on maximizing the invisible and intangible attribute of luck.

There is no doubt that Veshalon is such a person with incredible luck.

In the original history of Faerûn, he would complete all processes around DR1368 and become the god of lich, undead creatures and necromancy magic.

But the problem now is that with the emergence of Zuo Si, the world has changed a lot.

An item that was crucial to becoming a god was stolen by a son of Baal during transportation.

And this son of Baal is Sancho who is currently hiding in the Tower of the Wizard of Ashcatella.

In the original timeline, the boy would be captured by Velsalun's men not long after, and eventually become a small sacrifice without even a name on the way to the Lich God's ascension to the gods.

But now, Vershalen and his men have found no trace of Sancho.

Because all prophecy magic has been blocked by the protection of the mage tower.

The only thing they can do now is search for clues near Baldur's Gate.

Baldur's Gate at this moment can be called "starry".

Not only are there the ambitious Sarevok who wants to inherit his father's blood throne, but also the protagonists in the adventure story of the Sons of Baal - Aberdare and Imoen, and the electorate of Bane - Zhentil Castle led by Fuzor Chamberry. Army.

There are also the forces under Zuo Si, the Harper Alliance that has not yet completely evacuated, the Dragon Cult that is lurking nearby and waiting for opportunities, the Zhentarim that provides intelligence support for the Zhentil Keep army, and some of the more extreme Shadow Druid sects, The mind flayer lurkers and the monsters controlled by them, led by Waterdeep City, are considering whether to send reinforcements to the Northern Lords Alliance.

If Veshalon and his followers are also involved, then Sazastan, the chief of the necromantic system of the red robe mage, will definitely not stand idly by.

Oh, by the way, we have to add the trade alliance led by the Church of Woking, the goddess of wealth.

As for the Baldur's Gate officials who are still kept in the dark and the Shadow Thieves who are deeply involved in the civil war, they are not even qualified to join this game.

Of course, the chaotic situation outside has nothing to do with Sancho.

Due to his identity as the son of Baal, he has been on the run. From the beginning to the end, he did not know that he was being hunted by Velsalun. He thought that the group of red-robed mages were also here for the blood of the murder god in his body.

As he became Zuo Si's apprentice, the boy spent every day in constant learning and magic experiments. For the first time, he had an unprecedented sense of security, and could even occasionally talk to his peers.

After all, the tower is home to little werewolves, succubus lolita, orphans sent by the Church of the God of Suffering to learn professional knowledge and skills, as well as various magic bats, devils and some magical creatures that wander around doing odd jobs. .

Although Zuo Si, as a mentor, is often invisible, Sancho still likes this kind of life very much.

Especially since he didn't have to worry all day long about the pursuers who might appear at any time, he could eat and sleep with peace of mind every day, which made him feel that it would be good to maintain the status quo.

But unfortunately, this beautiful life can only last for half a year at most. Every son of Baal cannot escape his fate and can only face it bravely.


Staring at the thick stack of books in front of him, the boy couldn't help but sigh slightly. He grabbed some pastries and snacks placed on the table and stuffed some into his mouth. While eating, he whispered in a low voice: "Good morning." Knowing that there are so many things to learn to be a mage, I might as well become a warrior or a thief."

"What, do you regret it?"

Atona quietly emerged from behind a bookshelf in the library, with a playful smile on her delicate and cute face.

As a succubus, she naturally likes to pry into other people's hearts and minds, and then find weaknesses and exploit them to achieve her own goals.

"No, it's not that I regret it. I just found that becoming a mage is not as easy as I thought."

Sancho shrugged his shoulders, obviously used to the elusive appearance of this girl who looked slightly older than him.

"My master has said that there is no shortcut to the pursuit of power and truth. If you discover a method that can quickly improve your power, then it must hide unknown hidden dangers and traps." Succubus Loli said solemnly warned.

Because she discovered that among the thick pile of books, there was one that was clearly related to sacrifice.

You must know that in this world full of magic and supernatural power, in addition to gods, there are many beings who can give mortals power.

The most famous of these are the demons and demons of the lower planes.

Sometimes, as long as a mortal does something evil to please the other party, there is a certain probability that he will receive a reward.

Especially the demons from the chaotic camp, they do things as they please and don't follow routines.

This is why there are far more devil worshipers than devil worshipers in the material world.

In addition, there are some beast spirits and monster spirits that will also accept sacrifices of killing and blood.

Since Atona was originally a succubus and was also a believer of Zuo Si, the lord of the hell realm, she could even be said to be a chosen one, so she knew this aspect very well.

But the boy rolled his eyes angrily and responded: "I'm not one of those fools. I have received education in this area and know what's going on. Don't worry, I didn't read this book to gain power. Want to understand the symbolism behind it.”

"Because you were sacrificed by those crazy believers and other Sons of Baal?" Atona asked with interest.

"That's right! Also, can you stop staring at me all day long? It makes me seem like I might make a big mistake at any time."

There was a hint of impatience in Sancho's voice.

There is no doubt that she is different from many teenagers who are confused by the beautiful appearance of succubus lolita.

He was too young to be interested in the opposite sex, so his speech and attitude were quite tough, quite like Zuo Si's demeanor back then.

Atona was not angry, but said in a smiling tone: "Do you think I want this?

It's not because your identity as the son of Baal brings many uncertain risks.

You don’t know yet, right?

In the past few days, people have suddenly appeared in Baldur's Gate area asking for information about you.

I suspect you must be involved in some trouble that you don't even know about. "

"What? Someone is asking about my whereabouts!"

Sancho, who was indifferent one second, showed an extremely nervous expression the next second.

"Hmph! Why, are you scared now?"

There was disdain in Atona's eyes.

"Stop playing riddles! Tell me who they are? And why are they chasing after me? No! I have to find a mentor!"

Sancho suddenly stood up from his chair, intending to leave the library and go straight to the upper tower owner's exclusive room.

But before he could take a few steps, Succubus Loli teased in a joking tone: "Save it! The master learned the news immediately and is now working on it. By the time you react, I'm afraid The other party has already come to our door."

"Ah? The instructor already knows!"

The boy stopped abruptly, a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

"Nonsense! Remember, you are the master's only disciple at the moment. Don't always be irritable and afraid of this and that. There are not many people in this world who dare to risk provoking the master to attack you."

After saying these words, Atona stood up and walked to Sancho's side, raised her slender little hand and knocked him hard on the head, then hummed and skipped to the end of the corridor outside, only to The latter was left screaming and collapsed on the ground.

At the same time, in a manor outside Baldur's Gate in the north, Zuo Si was meeting with a very important guest, namely Sazastan, the chief of the necromantic faction organized by the red-robed mage of Ser.

You don't need to ask to know that this powerful legendary lich came after Velshalun and his men.

As once evenly matched rivals, no one understands the dangers of Vesharun better than Sazastan.

So even after the latter was exiled, he kept sending people to keep an eye on him.

After discovering that Velsharon's followers began to appear in droves on the west coast of Faerûn, Sazastan immediately chose to take action.

However, since he had reached an agreement with Zuo Si before, he did not choose to investigate secretly. Instead, he took the initiative to reveal his identity and issued an invitation to meet. This was the scene that finally unfolded.

In fact, to a certain extent, Sazastan, who is rational, calm, smart, has unparalleled patience and is good at playing tricks, has many similarities with Zuo Si in terms of personality.

In addition, both of them were not shy about using undead on a large scale, so after a simple greeting and conversation, the atmosphere quickly became harmonious.

After all, the west coast empire that Zuo Si is about to establish is in the southwest of Faerun, while Ser, controlled by the red-robed mages, is in the northeast corner of Faerun.

According to the principle of distant friendship and close attack, the two sides do not have many substantive conflicts of interest at all, and are naturally suitable to become allies.

The other two countries are basically certain that arcane magic is the foundation of their country, and they will inevitably have many common languages.

If Aznar Sruel hadn't brought people to Luskan to cause trouble and made the relationship so tense, Sazastan would have sent people to try to contact the planeswalker and god-chosen man with special powers in front of him. And do some collaboration.

But it seems it's not too late.

Thinking of this, he slightly pursed his lips with a smile, and said in as sincere a tone as possible: "Dear Soth, I think you should know why I came here, right?"

"For those red-robed mages who are inquiring about the whereabouts of a boy?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"No, no, no, I want to correct you. Most of them have been expelled from the organization and are no longer part of the red robe mage." Sazastan explained quickly.

“But I don’t see any difference between them and ordinary red-robed mages.

Okay, stop beating around the bush and just tell me what happened.

I don't think a busy person like you would have nothing to do, traveling thousands of miles from the east to the west of the mainland. "

Zuo Si was obviously tired of this endless probing, and took the initiative to show off his cards.

Based on the information given by the Zhentarim Dark Intelligence Network and his lich, he had roughly guessed the reason, and just wanted to confirm it again.

Sazastan was silent for a moment, then slowly asked: "Do you know Veshalon?"

"Vesharon? The guy who competed with you for the position of chief of the Necronomicon faction a long time ago, but later failed in the battle and was exiled?"

An unnoticeable clarity flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

"Yes. This guy has been hiding in Jindelank City north of the Purple Dust Plains, working tirelessly to dig and explore the ruins of the Imaskah Empire with his followers.

The red wizards you see near Baldur's Gate are his minions.

Some of them were losers who had no choice but to defect to the past, and some were apprentices he trained personally according to Serge's method.

In short, although these mages look the same as red-robed mages on the surface, they are actually hostile to us.

Just recently, spies reported that Velsharon seemed to have unearthed some artifact or astonishing magical knowledge in an ancient ruins in the desert.

But later, for some unknown reason, a vital part of the excavated items was stolen.

And the thief was the boy they were looking for. "

Sazastan didn't hide anything and openly told the information he had.

Because he knew that if he wanted to operate on the west coast and defeat Velshalon, he must first reach an agreement with the young people in front of him, and it would be best to form an alliance.

"Purple Dust Desert...

Remains of the ancient Imasca Empire...

The battlefield where artificers and gods from other worlds fight...

Plus Velsharon...

I think I know what he found. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and showed a meaningful smile.

Although he didn't know much about the Lich God Vesalun, he roughly knew the time when the other party became a god and the method he used.

I just didn't expect that the two sides could communicate across the entire Faerûn continent.

Similarly, Zuo Si also realized why his new disciple Sancho was able to escape the influence of Baal's divinity and power at such a young age.

This was not because the boy had a strong willpower, but because he had unintentionally absorbed something he shouldn't have.

"What is it?"

Sazastan leaned forward slightly, his pupils flashing with strong curiosity.

There is no way not to be curious!

He obviously knew very well that the thing that made Velshalon so nervous and important should at least be a powerful artifact, or the weapons and magic originally created by the artificer to deal with the gods.

If he can grab it, he will be sure to defeat several other chiefs in the council and completely control the red robe mage organization and the entire Ser.

"Haha, you wouldn't think such important information would be free, would you?" Zuo Si smiled slyly.

Sazastan was so smart that he immediately understood that the other party was indicating that he was making an offer, and calmly asked, "What do you want in exchange?"

"I want all the magic tattoo making skills in exchange."

Zuo Si opened his mouth unceremoniously.

You must know that Sel Red Robe's magic tattoo production technology is second to none in the entire Faerûn continent.

And it has also derived branches such as [drawing magic tattoos], [spell casting tattoos], [storing magic tattoos], [spell tattoos] and so on.

Ordinary low-level magic tattoo techniques can at best make the skin tougher and gain some magic resistance and immunity, but they can be used to store a complete spell.

The gap between the two is not that big.

Among them, [Spellcasting Tattoo] is equivalent to a constant super magic skill, which is charged and used once every twenty-four hours. After activation, the next spell will have the effect of silent spell and fixed spell;

[Storage Tattoo] is just like the name, it can store any spell and release it when needed;

[Spell Tattoo] is very close to a one-time scroll tattooed on the skin, and will disappear completely after it is cast.

Although Zuo Si and his lichs have also developed a set of rune magic that can cast constant spells on the body, so far they can only achieve the fourth level and below.

However, the red-robed mage's superb magic tattooing technology can tattoo seventh-, eighth-, and even ninth-level spells on his body.

Although he himself has little use for such technology, it is still a rare good thing for a spellcasting organization and even a country.

What's more, after acquiring the magic tattoo technology, it can also be used to strengthen the summoned creatures of the planeswalker card.

Sazastan was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the other party would actually offer such an expensive price.

After all, magic tattoo technology is one of the core secrets of the red robe mage. Only selected members who are loyal to the organization are qualified to learn the production technology.

Likewise, he realized that what Velsharon had found was far more valuable than he had imagined.

The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a full minute. Then Sazastan gently fiddled with the ring on his finger and asked, "Is this news really that precious?"

Zuo Si replied very simply: "Believe me, you will definitely make a lot of money by exchanging magic tattoos for this news. After all, that is a way to promote a powerful mage to become a demigod."


Sazastan's whole body fell into absolute stillness as if he had been under a body-fixing spell.

If it hadn't been for the lich that had turned into an undead creature, he would definitely be trembling slightly with excitement now.

Let a powerful mage be promoted to a demigod?

No wonder Velshalon was so nervous that he even sent all his men to Baldur's Gate on the west coast.

There is no doubt that as the chief of the Seer Red Robe Necromancer Faction, Sazastan also has the ambition to become a god, but he has not found a way yet.

Now that I suddenly learned such news, whether it was for the purpose of destroying the enemy's plan or to realize my own wish, it was necessary to go all out.

After thinking about this, the legendary lich quickly cast an unknown spell.

The next second...

A large book exuding a dazzling arcane aura appeared out of thin air and landed on the table with a thud.

Sazastan pushed the book forward slightly: "Here, this is what you want. Now please tell me immediately what exactly Velsalun got."

“In an ancient ruins in the Purple Dust Plains, he found the method of becoming a god left by Talos, the God of Storms, long ago.

As for what it is specifically, I don't know.

But what is certain is that using this method to become a god requires the help of Talos and the permission of Io, the god above the gods.

Of course, if the second point is said, it means it is not said.

Because in Toril, even gods who already exist from another world must obtain the latter's permission before they can enter as gods.

Plus, you don't have to worry too much about whether Velsharon's plan will succeed.

The boy he is looking for is Sancho, who is under my protection. "

Zuo Si answered while quickly flipping through the book that recorded countless magic tattoo making techniques and techniques.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of pages, each page filled with tiny characters and patterns on both sides, were completely copied into the memory library.

"You have that boy in your hands?!"

A hint of joy appeared on Sazastan's slightly dry face.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. To be honest, I didn't find anything unusual when I took Sancho in.

Simply because he is a son of Baal.

But now it seems clear that there are other secrets hidden in his body and soul.

A secret that deceives my eyes and my perception.

That's interesting, isn't it? "

"It's indeed interesting. I think we should join forces to deal with Velshalun this time, and then get the method to become a god. What do you think?"

Sazastan offered to form an alliance.

From the conversation just now, he had noticed that Zuo Si was not too hostile towards him, but was rather open and honest.

But Zuo Si refused bluntly: "Forget about forming an alliance.

I have a pretty good relationship with Storm Queen Xinbu. If she knew that I had formed an alliance with Sel's red robe, she would most likely come over to investigate.

And I have no interest in becoming a god.

Because if I had this idea, there would be no need to go to so much trouble. There would be many powerful gods willing to help.

So something that seems extremely precious to you is worthless to me.

But don't worry, I'm not trying to stop you.

Just the opposite!

If you are willing to do me a little favor, then I will reciprocate and provide you with some conveniences. "

Hearing these words, even Sazastan, who rarely had strong emotional fluctuations after becoming a lich, couldn't help but start to feel lemony in his heart.


So sour!

However, he also knew that the other party was not bluffing, but stating an ordinary fact.

After all, Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease,'s love for this son of the plague is no longer a secret, but an almost semi-public matter.

There are even rumors that the goddess has already had some indescribable intimate behaviors with her, just like what the second-generation magic goddess did to her chosen ones.

In addition, Zuo Si's relationship with Ogma, the god of knowledge, and Midnight, the third-generation goddess of magic, are also well-known.

In addition, he recently went to the triple realm of the Abyss to rescue the goddess of wealth, Watkin, from Graz'zt, and then started a series of actions with her.

Anyone who is not blind can see that the two parties have entered into an intimate covenant.

What's even more outrageous is that Zuo Si from the evil camp can still maintain a good cooperative relationship with the lawful and good Three Saints Alliance.

Sazastan absolutely believed that if the young man in front of him wanted to become a god today, he would be able to get what he wanted in a few days or even hours, instead of being like himself and asking for it but not getting it.

After secretly sighing at the gods' preference for Zuo Si, he raised his head this time and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple!

I hope you can help Fuzoul Chamberry at a critical moment.

Let him wipe out the last resistance forces in the entire West Heartland region as soon as possible and clean up all the original ruling classes in the region.

In return, I'll let you know as soon as I find out what's hidden inside Sancho.

As for the rest, we can complete it through transactions at that time.

If I remember correctly, you Sel red-robed wizards should have many precious artifacts in your hands.

For example, there are two famous artifacts from the Netheril era [Death Moon Orb] and [Sakothil's Seat].

Although the value of the artifact is high, it is obviously insignificant compared to truly becoming a god.

What do you think? "

As the last word blurted out, an enigmatic smile appeared on Zuo Si's face, and he stood up and left.

Staring at his retreating back, Sazastan's shriveled eyeballs shone with a cold light to show the unrest in his master's heart.

Because both the [Death Moon Orb] and [Sakoshiel's Seat] are top secrets.

Not to mention outsiders, even few people within the red-robed mage knew about it.

Among them, the [Death Moon Orb] was a gift from Larok, the wizard king of the Netherese era who lived in seclusion in the mountains north of the Wan Ting River. Basically, all the insiders have been silenced.

Sazastan had no idea where Zuo Si got this information.

Could it be that it comes from the God of Knowledge or the Goddess of Magic?

"Damn it!

I hate this feeling of being led by others!

This is why I hate and hate the chosen people of Elminster.

Being able to get help from gods often feels like cheating. "

The Lich couldn't help but complain in a low voice, and quickly used teleportation magic to disappear.

There is no doubt that for mages of the same level, whoever can master more information will gain the opportunity and advantage in games and even battles.

In this regard, it can be said that the red robed mages of Cyre suffered a lot when they went against the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic.

Not to mention that Zuo Si is also a time traveler who holds countless secrets about this world.

If possible, Sazhastan would never want to make a deal with such an unpredictable guy.

But unfortunately, the choice is not in his hands.

Ever since he learned that Velsalun's plan was to become a god, Sazastan had no choice but to find ways to destroy it.

Otherwise, with the hundreds of years of grudge between the two, if the former became a god, it would definitely not make things easier for the latter.

As one of the few legendary lichs who knew the huge gap between gods and mortals, Sazastan did not feel that he could compete head-on with a god with the ability to break stars.

Therefore, even if he cannot become a god, he must at least prevent Vesalun from becoming a god.

With this idea in mind, he immediately began to mobilize the forces under his control to take action after returning to Ser.

After the other hostile red-robed chiefs noticed it, they also became nervous...

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