A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 451 Edwin (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

If you were to identify an iconic building from the largest ghetto in all of Ascatra, it would have to be the Copper Crown Inn.

Because this is one of the few places that has directly rejected the demolition and reconstruction project of the city hall. It still maintains its original masonry and wooden structure, which is completely different from the surrounding buildings built with cement.

It feels like a nail in the door, no matter how you look at it, it feels very eye-catching.

No one knows what method the hotel owner used to get the city hall to give up the paid expropriation of this land.

The only thing that is known is that he has contacts with many nobles, wealthy businessmen, and even the shadow thieves who rule the underground world of this city, so he ensured that his industry would not be affected in any way during such a large-scale urban reconstruction.

Of course, in order not to make the dilapidated Copper Crown Hotel too eye-catching, this guy still asked the construction team to repaint the mottled and dilapidated walls.

In addition, the shacks built with wooden frames on the second and third floors were demolished and rebuilt into a large four-story comprehensive hotel.

Because it can provide illegal services that other hotels in the city simply cannot provide, including the private sale of magic items, slave trading, bloody gladiatorial fights, gambling and brothels, the Bronze Crown Inn's income has always been very impressive.

Only a handful of high-end restaurants, pubs and comprehensive entertainment venues under Zuo Si's control can surpass it in terms of profitability.

As for ordinary pubs that cater to the general public, such as the Sea Gift in the dock area, they may not even be able to reach one-twentieth of the revenue of the Bronze Crown Hotel.

Boss Lei Tinan even more nakedly explained what it means to make more money by abandoning kindness and humanity.

But what he didn't know was that six shapeshifters had already sneaked into this hotel, and those so-called secret businesses were always under Zuo Si's supervision.

However, considering the complex environment here and the possibility that various intelligence organizations might plant spies, he hesitated repeatedly and did not seize this place.

Instead, they chose to send shapeshifters to infiltrate and then control them secretly.

Lei Tinan would never have dreamed that his most trusted subordinates would have been replaced by shape-shifters a few years ago, almost without exception.

Zuo Si's understanding of his industry, interpersonal relationships, partners, transaction partners and earning power far exceeds even his own.

At the moment, this man who is doing whatever it takes to amass money in order to complete primitive accumulation is standing near the bar with a smile like many hotel and tavern owners, constantly patrolling the crowded lobby on the first floor, as well as those who don’t know where they came from. adventurers and mercenaries.


A man wearing a red robe and hood appeared in his sight, and asked directly: "Have you not got what I want?"

"I'm sorry, Dear Lord Edwin.

The kind of material you want is not something that can be easily obtained.

After all, the laws of Amn prohibit all transactions related to arcane magic.

What's more, the price you offered is too low, making it difficult for me to compete with other mages who also need this material.

But if you can double the price, I guarantee that I can bring the materials back in up to ten hours. "

Lei Tinan responded with a smile and a respectful tone.

It was not difficult to tell from his perfunctory tone that he was definitely raising the price on purpose, hoping to make more profits from the other party.

"Damn it! You have already collected a full two thousand and five hundred gold coins from me! Can't these satisfy your greedy appetite?"

Edwin grabbed the other party's collar and asked fiercely.

At this moment, the red-robed mage had already begun to cordially greet each other's entire family and eight generations of ancestors in his heart.

As a very proud man who regarded everyone around him as uncivilized monkeys, how could he possibly endure such an obvious act of extortion?

You must know that Lei Tinan's asking price was only 500 gold coins at the beginning. Two days later, he shied away, saying that there was a problem with the channel and the price had increased, and he needed to pay an additional 1,000 gold coins.

Lion raised the price three or four times in a row, and finally it became the outrageous price it is now.

The same casting materials may not even cost one-sixth of the price elsewhere.

Facing the anger of the red-robed mage, Leitinan replied with a very calm smile: "Sir Edwin, have you forgotten that Ascatla is a commercial city?

In this city, supply and demand are key to determining the price of an item.

When a customer urgently needs to buy something, and there are few suppliers of that thing, a price increase is almost inevitable.

If you are not satisfied with the price, you can always find another way.

However, the deposit paid in advance will definitely not be refunded. "

When saying this, the hotel owner showed a confident attitude.

Because he knew that the red-robed wizard in front of him had just obtained a scroll from a group of adventurers, and had been studying and interpreting it in the room recently.

If nothing else, it must be related to some kind of powerful magic.

When mages are obsessed with studying magic, they are often almost crazy regardless of the cost.

If you don't kill yourself severely at this time, how can you be worthy of yourself?

As for possible revenge from the mage afterwards...

Excuse me!

Maybe you might have to worry about it in other cities.

But this is Askatra, a city where arcane magic is almost completely banned.

If there is any reckless guy who dares to release arcane magic here at will, then wait to be punished by the Masked Mage Guild.


Edwin was clearly furious.

He couldn't believe that he was being manipulated by an innkeeper.

If it had been not long ago when he had maintained a cooperative relationship with Maiwa, Edwin would have arranged the most painful and desperate way for Leitinan to die.

But as the former became more and more radical and even planned an attack on the headquarters of the Shadow Thieves Guild, he decisively chose to quit and terminated contact.

After all, when caught in a fight at this level, anyone with any sense should choose to protect themselves wisely.

What's more, Edwin only regarded Maiwa as a tool that could be used to get the crucial ancient magic scroll for himself.

Now that the scroll is in hand, there is no need to play this dangerous game with the other party.

In addition, he is also very afraid of the vampires in the cemetery area who provide support to Maiwa.

Unlike that group of thieves who had very limited knowledge of undead creatures, Edwin had received orthodox magic education in Sale and understood how powerful and terrifying the Vampire Queen Badi was.

Once a vampire lord of this level joins the fight within the Shadow Thieves Guild, God knows what will happen.

So he decisively chose to run away and hid in the Copper Crown Inn in the slums to study the magic mysteries on the scrolls, hoping to transform himself into an immortal lich.

All that's left now is the last expensive material.

Once he becomes a lich, he can spend as much money as he wants as long as he hides his life box, and he no longer needs to make such careful calculations as now.

"Dear Lord Edwin, please control your temper.

After all, this is not Sel, let alone the traditional sphere of influence of the red-robed mage.

If you do something dangerous, don't blame me for being rude. "

Leitinan pointed at the guard standing nearby holding a sword and a crossbow and threatened.

He was no ordinary businessman. Just to suppress the slaves and gladiators hiding in the back area near the sewers, he hired more than twenty thugs with professional levels and even a low-level mage.

This is why there are so many adventurers and drunkards pouring into the Copper Crown Hotel every day, but there are very few fights.

Anyone who wants to take action here must first consider whether he can defeat so many guards.

Edwin subconsciously raised his head and glanced around, just in time to see a guy holding a bow and arrow having drawn the bow at some point and aiming a sharp arrow with a cold light at him.


The red-robed mage, who was aggressive one second, returned to his nonchalant appearance the next second, and even helped the innkeeper smooth out his wrinkled collar, forcing out a smile: "Okay, you are right. I I admit that I was a little too excited just now, and I hope you won’t take it to heart.”

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I don't care. I'm usually very generous when treating guests, especially those with money."

Leitinan grinned with a playful expression.

Just like that, filled with anger that he couldn't vent, Edwin quickly turned around and found an empty table to sit down. He ordered a glass of wine and two plates of Copper Crown Inn's specialty barbecue, and while eating, he thought about what to do.

Are you going to continue to accept the blackmail from this greedy profiteer?

Or find a way to get the last casting material from another channel?

Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly saw a woman with her face covered walking towards him and sitting carelessly across the table.

This move instantly made Edwin frown, and he said bluntly: "I'm sorry, could you please change a table? I don't like sharing the same table with strangers."

"Haha, you seem to be in some trouble, don't you?" the woman asked with a half-smile.


Edwin's hand holding the wine glass suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked at the other person up and down with squinted eyes. After a full minute, he asked, "Who are you? How do you know I'm in trouble?"

The woman fiddled with a coin with ten dexterous fingers like magic, and replied calmly: "It's very simple, I happened to overhear some of the conversation between you and Lei Tinan just now.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what exactly you need to cast the spell?

Maybe I have channels that can help you get rid of the blackmail of that greedy profiteer.

Trust me, he will never stop until he drains you dry. "

"Do you have a way to purchase spellcasting materials?"

Edwin's eyes shone slightly.

Since the Masked Mage Guild has been strictly monitoring Askatra for a long time, those who buy magic items and materials in this city are definitely not ordinary people.

Either he is a white glove used by the Masked Mage Guild to make money, or he is a ruthless person who wants money rather than his life, or he is the Emerald Society who dares to go against the Masked Mage Guild.

Even the Shadow Thieves Guild rarely dares to meddle in this field rashly.

The woman nodded slightly: "Yes. I brought some samples today. If you are interested, you can come with me."

After saying that, she took out a small package of spellcasting materials prepared in advance from her pocket and it was still on the table.

Edwin immediately covered it with the wide sleeves of his robe, then picked it up and put it under the table to examine it carefully. Occasionally, he would pinch a little of the powdery stuff in front of his nose and smell it and taste it with the tip of his tongue.

After about three to five minutes, he showed a very satisfied expression: "Very good things, some of which are difficult to get even in Serre.

Now I believe that you must have a channel to purchase spellcasting materials and magic items.

But how to calculate the price?

Don't tell me I have to pay a deposit like Retinen did. "

"Don't worry, we are not as evil as him. We usually pay the money and deliver the goods. If you are interested, then come with me."

After saying that, the woman stood up and gestured to follow, and then walked straight out of the hotel.

Without saying a word, Edwin immediately stood up and followed him, and noticed that there was a slender tail hidden under the other person's cloak.

A tiefling?

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but quickly regained his composure.

In a large city like Ascaltra, the presence of hybrids of lower plane blood is not something to be surprised about.

And because many tieflings have been undermined and excluded by mainstream society, they can only join some illegal criminal organizations to make a living.

The two of them walked quickly along the dark and narrow alleys of the slums, and after a while they got into a slightly dilapidated hut.

Due to its proximity to the river, you can clearly see the bustling bridge area in the distance from here.

Before Edwin's eyes could adjust to the dim environment in the house, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the darkness.

"Welcome! Welcome! Dear Edwin. You know, I have been looking forward to this meeting for a long time."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si slowly walked out of the darkness, followed by a black and white puppy at his feet.

Since he didn't make any cover up or cast any transformation magic, the red-robed mage recognized him at a glance, and his pupils instantly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again.

There was no doubt that Edwin recognized Zuo Si.

In other words, when he came to Ascaltra, he confirmed the list of people who must not be provoked, and the first one on the list was Zuo Si.

Because Edwin knew about the battle that broke out in Luskan, Sel dispatched quite a few Tour instructors and more than one faction chief, and joined forces with Manzon of the Zhentarim, but the result was a failure. Return.

Many high-level mages couldn't help crying after calculating the value of the magic items destroyed by the Great Disintegration after using clones to resurrect them.

In addition, Serge's concessions and strongholds in all cities on the west coast were also forced to cede due to this defeat.

In Edwin's view, being able to confront so many high-level mages and even legendary mages head-on, and even Sazastan's personal appearance could not save the situation, is enough to show that the strength of Zuo Si, a chosen one, is far beyond his imagination. limit.

Coupled with the huge power under his command, provoking such a person is definitely a long life.

So after coming to Askatra, he has been trying to keep a low profile and will never have any conflicts with the Masked Mage Guild.

But Edwin never expected that even though he was so cautious, he would still be targeted.

Just when he was hesitating whether to trigger the accidental technique and escape directly, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

I saw that a sharp dagger had been placed on my neck at some point, and a slight blood line was drawn.

"Don't move! Don't try to escape! Otherwise, I will be very happy to cut your aorta and enjoy the beautiful sight of blood splattering."

Fede also took off his disguise at this moment, his eyes flashing with a dangerous and cold light.

As an assassin with blood on her hands, she obviously has nothing to do with the word kindness. She is just not as cruel and bloodthirsty as many guys who take pleasure in killing people.

If necessary, the demon elves can transform into ruthless killing machines at any time.

Bata - Bata -

After realizing that his life was in the hands of others, Edwin quickly had a large amount of sweat droplets on his forehead and dripped down his cheeks to the ground. He swallowed several times, and finally asked tremblingly: "You tried every possible means to trick me out of the Bronze Crown Hotel. You shouldn't want my life, right?"


We would like to know from you the details about the Shadow Thieves Guild, Maiwa, and the murder of Ellen Linville.

If you still plan to walk out of here with your hands and feet intact and no missing parts, then cooperate obediently and tell everything you know.

Otherwise, I promise to let you taste the feeling of life being worse than death.

Don't call this a bluff.

In the course of interrogation and torture within the Shadow Thief, I passed with full marks. "

When he said these words, Fede showed a completely different side from his usual jokes and jokes, full of a dark atmosphere that cannot be described in words.

There is no doubt that she is a typical two-faced person.

The good side is reserved for friends and ordinary people who have no conflicts of interest, while the evil side is reserved for enemies.

"No problem! But you must first promise that if you tell everything you know, no matter what role I played in it, you must let me leave intact."

Although Edwin was extremely nervous, he still tried to bargain.

But what he responded to was a kick from Fede.



Along with the miserable cry, Edwin clamped his legs and fell headfirst to the ground. His whole face turned purple due to the severe damage to his lifeblood, and his whole body was trembling slightly uncontrollably.

If nothing else, it will definitely be broken.

Don't look at melee professions such as warriors and thieves who are very powerless in front of spellcasters.

But that's not because they are too weak, but because the caster is too powerful.

If compared according to the physical fitness of the people on earth, a LV15~16 warrior can jump directly from a ten-story building without being injured at all, launch a frontal charge with nine millimeter bullets, and block the road. The parked vehicle can be used as a weapon by swinging it, and it can definitely be regarded as a small-scale superman.

As for thieves with extremely high agility attributes, they can basically be imagined as the Assassin Brotherhood in the game, or even more exaggerated than that.

Super high agility means having reaction speed and body coordination that are several times or even ten times faster than ordinary people.

Not only do they see others attacking in slow motion, but they can also make all kinds of incredible moves themselves.

Although Feide's warrior level is not high, he is not known for his strength.

Otherwise, if this kick had been performed by a powerful warrior of the same level, it would probably have killed the person alive.

But the demon elf did not let Edwin go because of this. Instead, he grabbed his hair and lifted him up. He said in an emotionless tone: "The first tip of torture and torture techniques is, never let the target produce you." The illusion of having leverage or bargaining power. Tell me, do you want any more guarantees now?"

"No...no more!"

Edwin shook his head desperately.

"Very good! From now on, you answer whatever I ask. If I find out that you are lying and deliberately concealing it, the consequences may be very, very serious."

After saying that, Fede fiddled with the dagger in his hand and made a gesture on Edwin's nails.

Soon, under her strong interrogation, the latter revealed all the inside information about his involvement and knowledge.

Since the red-robed mages are used to being selfish, they are not hard-core in the first place, but the type that bullies the weak and fears the strong, so when encountering this kind of situation, they have no moral integrity at all and just give Maiwa's old background. Turned upside down.

Zuo Si stood aside to admire it with great interest. At the same time, he speculated maliciously that the demon elf had kicked Edwin's little brother to pieces. Wouldn't it be a perfect transition to a sex change?

When the time comes, Edwin becomes Edwina and never has to change back again.

You must know that the so-called "Scroll of Netheril" this guy is studying is actually a fake made by an unknown person, and what is recorded in it is not a spell to transform into a lich.

If used rashly, it will most likely change a person's gender rather than produce other effects.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si picked up the scroll that Feder found from Edwin, glanced at it twice, smiled and asked: "Do you want to complete the magic ritual recorded on this scroll?"

"Give me the scroll! That belongs to me!" Edwin shouted nervously despite the severe pain.

"Relax, I don't mean to snatch it, I just want to confirm your intention. If you want to complete it, then I can provide some help."

A trace of evil amusement flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

After all, a person who longed to transform into a lich turned himself into a transvestite. This was a rare and famous scene in a century, and he did not want it to disappear because of his interference.

"You really want to help me? Why?"

Edwin was obviously a very suspicious person, and he simply did not believe that the other party would have such good intentions.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and responded: "No special reason.

I simply want to see what the magic recorded in this scroll is.

By the way, I would like to compensate you for the physical and psychological harm that Feide caused to you during the questioning process. "


Hearing these two words, Edwin suddenly felt very angry, with a vicious light shining in his eyes.

But he obviously dared not speak out. After repeatedly thinking about the benefits and losses, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! I accept your compensation!"

"Awesome! Then let's start here. Just in time, I have all the materials needed for the magic ceremony. You can prepare it now."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a prepared material package and threw it to the other party.

After Edwin took it over, he checked it briefly, and after confirming that there was no problem, he started to draw the magic circle.

Although he was a little reluctant to have people watch during the Lich Transformation Ceremony, it was obvious that he couldn't care so much at the moment.

In just an hour and a half, the red-robed mage arranged a complex and huge magic circle, then stood in the middle and began to chant spells, guiding the gathered energy to activate the scroll.

On his face, one can clearly see the naked and undisguised desire for strength and power.

Especially when the spell was recited at the most critical point, Edwin's voice became particularly sharp and harsh.

When the last word was completed, a powerful transformation magic energy gathered together, forming a vortex visible to the naked eye, and rushed towards his body crazily.

"Hahahaha! Fear! Tremble! I! The great Edwin! I will soon become an immortal and awesome lich!"

Accompanied by hysterical laughter and roars, a ridiculous change finally occurred.

It's just that it's not transforming into an undead form, but the chest and buttocks are bulging high, showing an almost perfect fleshy S-shaped curve.

The little brother, who had suffered a heavy blow to his crotch and was already crippled, was also gone in an instant.

What's even more interesting is that the Adam's apple and beard are perfectly preserved.

"No!!!!!!!!! Damn it! What happened? The result shouldn't be like this!"

Edwin kept touching himself here and there like crazy, then he lay on the ground staring at the scroll and howling in despair.

He simply couldn't believe that the "Scroll of Netheril" he had spent so much time, energy, and hard work to obtain turned out to be an extremely bad joke.


"Hahahaha! This...is this the frightening lich in the legend? Oh my god! It's so scary! This is the first time I know that a lich has such pert breasts and butt!"

The demon elf assassin couldn't even maintain his ruthless look just now, laughing so hard that he was out of breath.

"No, this is not a lich, but a human demon. If I guessed correctly, it should be some attempt by a mage to change from the lich form back to a human. But he obviously failed." Zuo Si also endured it. He explained seriously with the urge to burst into laughter.

When Edwin heard this, he was like a drowning man trying to grab the last straw. He quickly crawled over from a place more than ten meters away and begged: "Help me! I know you must have something." Is this the right approach?”

"Haha, give me a reason to help you. You must know that my relationship with your red-robed mage is not very harmonious."

Zuo Si touched his chin and showed a joking smile, looking at the guy who had just become a man and a woman.

I have to say that Edwin’s foundation is quite good.

As long as she shaves her beard and covers her Adam's apple, with her current "beauty", she should be able to attract a large number of suitors.

Even if you work in a special service industry in a hotel room on the second floor, you can definitely get the highest salary and commission.

"As long as you can change me back, I'm willing to do anything. Don't you want to deal with Maiwa? I know his guild well and can provide some useful suggestions."

Edwin does his best to show his worth.

She didn't want her current appearance to be seen by acquaintances, otherwise she would be completely socialized in the circle of red-robed mage.

"I can help you, but not in the way you imagine."

As these words blurted out, Zuo Si raised his fingers and softly recited a spell.


Edwin found that his beard had been shaved off in an instant, even the stubble at the roots had been cleaned away, and his skin was as smooth and delicate as a woman's.

In addition, her remaining Adam's apple also disappeared, and her voice became sharp and high-pitched.

"Yeah! Not bad! It's much more pleasing to the eye now."

Zuo Si put away his fingers and nodded with satisfaction.

"Wow even!

Congratulations, dear Edwin.

No, maybe it should be called Edwina instead.

You are now a charming and sexy beauty.

Remember to be careful when entering places like taverns and hotels in the future.

There may be a lot of nefarious people out there trying to drug your drinks and food. "

Feide reminded him pretending to be kind.

"No! Wait! I don't want to be a woman! Change me back!"

Edwin struggled to get up from the ground, stumbling and trying to pull Zuo Si's sleeve.

She obviously hadn't adapted to the change in her body's center of gravity. The strong pressure in her chest made her even unsteady when walking, and she fell to the ground again within a few steps.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si turned a deaf ear to this, leaving a meaningful smile, and then turned around and left with the demon elf assassin without looking back.

After a while, an extremely angry curse came from the house.

After a full ten minutes, a blond beauty whose hot figure could not be concealed even in a red robe finally mustered up the courage to sneak out from inside and quickly disappeared into the dark alley. trace.

She didn't notice at all that there were already several gangsters with lustful eyes following behind her, as if they wanted to do something.

At the same time, far away from the collapsed volcano at the top of Mount Salogo in the easternmost part of the Star Swirl Mountains in the south, Wilmes was receiving one of Balagas' most important lairs with the most buried treasures.

From a distance, it looks like a huge natural crucible. Hot red magma continuously emerges from it and flows down the surrounding cracks, forming a spectacular scenery.

It can be said that no red dragon would refuse to build his own lair in such a perfect location.

Especially the hot volcanic lava is their favorite environment.

The young brown dragon, Otagos, and the young black dragon, Oroxes, are tightly bound by the secondary artifact [Mithril Chain of Sorrow] and are responsible for guarding the lair that originally belonged to Balagas.

Among them, the black dragon's wings had long been cruelly torn off by the master who imprisoned him, leaving only two ugly and ferocious huge scars.

Countless gold and silver coins, trade bars, and gems filled caves and tunnels of all sizes.

The equipment and magic items left behind by adventurers and dragon-slaying warriors are almost so numerous that they need to be classified separately.

Of course, what remained with these equipment were the densely packed white skeletons.

At this moment, Wilmes is lying close to the flow of magma, playing with the [Fire Scepter of Onaga of Darkness] with one paw, and holding tightly on the brown man who is bound by the [Mythril Chain of Sorrow] with the other paw. The dragon and the black dragon, with proud expressions on their faces, asked directly: "How much is the treasure here worth?"

"At least hundreds of millions of gold coins! Since Balagas is far more active than most red dragons, the wealth he has accumulated is also particularly amazing. Almost half of it is here."

Kurremos gave an approximate figure with a slightly envious tone.

From the unabashed greed and desire in his eyes, it is easy to see that he now has the urge to grab a handful.

"Hmph! Why, are you jealous? Then hurry up and get rid of Scar Klaus. As far as I know, the treasure in his lair is quite considerable."

There was a hint of condescension in Wilmes' voice.

It's obvious that she doesn't like this sinister and cunning evil brass dragon at all.

The reason why we cooperate with each other now is entirely out of interests.

But the thoughtful Kurremos sneered and shook his head: “No, there’s no rush.

With my current strength, it is not difficult to deal with Klaus.

But I wanted to squeeze the last out of him before killing him, preferably by severely damaging those pesky Harpers.

It would be great if we could also attract one or two of the metal dragon paladins from the Claws of Justice. "

"You want to borrow Klaus's hand to take revenge on the silver dragon paladin who exposed you, Castellan Ferrian?"

Wilmes raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"why not?

Just set up a trap and create the illusion that Castellanferian was killed by Klaus.

I can imprison her secretly and slowly torture and abuse her.

Let this bastard pay a heavy price for his meddling and deceiving me. "

Whenever this matter is mentioned, Kurremos's emotions become extremely distorted.

After all, as a brass dragon who prides himself on being extremely smart, the most intolerable thing is that he is deceived by another silver dragon whose IQ is far lower than his own.

What's more, to a certain extent, Castellanferian was still his first love.

"Well, then I can only wish you good luck.

If your plan works, consider forcing the silver dragon to mate with the red dragon to see what kind of offspring they can produce.

Soth seems to be working on a topic about dragon hybridization.

If you can provide him with some of the dragon eggs he needs, you'll definitely get a lot in return. "

After saying this, Wilmes no longer paid attention to each other, but pulled the chains and pulled the two young dragons in front of him like dogs, stepped on their heads with his huge paws, and began to obey them for an hour every day. Sex training.

Her purpose is very simple, that is, to use the power of violence and fear to train these two dragons into mad dogs that are loyal to her.

Since I have learned a lot of mental control and psychological oppression techniques from Zuo Si, it is definitely more than enough to deal with the two little guys who are just starting out and have already been scared out of their wits by Balagas' "Flying Flame".

Of course, the most important thing is the terrifying sense of oppression caused by Wilmes' huge size.

In just a few minutes, the brown dragon and the black dragon were crawling on the ground and howling for mercy.

"I'm going to Ascatella to report the situation to the master in person. Do you want to come with me?"

Kurremos took the initiative to extend an invitation to accompany him.

Wilmes swung his tail and knocked out the brown dragon Otagos, and refused without looking back: "Let's forget it. I want to move all the treasures in this lair, and I can't do it for the time being. Make time.”

"In that case, I will take the first step. But regarding the matter of imprisoning Balagas, I will not keep it a secret for you."

After saying this, Culremos cast teleportation magic and left.

After he disappeared for almost two or three minutes, Wilmes curled his lips disdainfully: "Why do you need to pretend to be nice here? What is my relationship with Soth? He already knew about the imprisoning of Balagas. Got it!"

"Don't be careless. Kurremus is very cunning. You must always be careful about him stirring up trouble in front of Lord Soth."

Xi Manmeng suddenly walked out of the dark corner.

Obviously, he was already present when the two dragons were talking.

But rather than helping the insidious and cunning "filial son", he preferred to help the brainless but very powerful red dragon in purgatory in front of him.

"Don't worry, Soth is not that easy to fool. Want to stir up trouble in front of him? I think if Kurremus dares to do this, he will die soon."

Wilmes let out a contemptuous sneer.

She knew very well that Zuo Si needed to use the cunning and cruelty of this evil brass dragon to completely mess up the situation in the North in order to achieve some unknown purpose.

It’s not really about accepting the other person as your subordinate.

Otherwise, they would not have been completely ignored after being released.

Therefore, Culremos is more like an abandoned child that was thrown out to explore the way and test the reaction of the major local forces.

"Oh? Do you know Mr. Soth very well?"

A frightening red light suddenly flashed in Xi Manmeng's eyes.

Wilmes raised his chin proudly and replied: "Of course! When I met Soth, he was just an apprentice slightly more powerful than an ant."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me the story?" Xi Manmeng continued to probe cautiously.

There is no doubt that if there is anyone he is most eager to know now, it must be Zuo Si.

Especially Zuo Si's almost blank past made the person in charge of this dark intelligence network full of strong curiosity.

But unfortunately, Wilmes just had no brains and was not a complete idiot. He quickly noticed the other party's intention and couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahahaha! Stupid vampire!

Do you want to find out Soth's weaknesses by understanding his past?

Stop being delusional!

That guy is a total monster!

I'm not referring to the growth rate of his strength, but to his mind, his way of thinking, and his soul that exudes evil essence.

You have no idea how scary this guy can be when he's in crisis.

So I advise you to be more honest.

As far as I know, anyone who makes Soth feel threatened usually doesn't end well. "

"No, I think you misunderstood. I understand these and am not looking for the weaknesses of Lord Soth. I just want to understand his intentions and ambitions in order to provide him with more and better services."

Xi Manmeng was obviously frightened and hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply.

He didn't want to get on Zuo Si's blacklist because of something like this.

"I hope so!"

Wilmes smiled noncommittally.

Ximanmeng, who felt a little guilty, didn't dare to stay where he was. He activated the teleportation magic and ran away every minute.

But he never thought that before he left, Ashmi, the moon elf mage who was his close lover, would appear next to the red dragon in purgatory and said with a smile: "How about it, great Wilmes.

am I right?

This guy is an insidious and cunning snake!

If he is not careful, he may come back to bite his master at any time..."

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