A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 447 The Birth of the New Dragon King (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Balagas "Flying Flame" is undoubtedly a crazy, cruel, violent red dragon that is more evil than most colored dragons and likes to kill and destroy.

In Amn's records alone, there are more than a hundred records of him attacking towns.

The most serious one even surpassed the defenses of Askatra and descended directly in the middle of the city, destroying a scholar's house and devouring the scholar himself.

As for the reason, it is said that it may be the paper published by the scholar which revealed that Balagas suffers from a very rare mental illness unique to dragons - insomnia.

It is also this disease that makes him far more diligent, active, and energetic than others of his kind, instead of staying in the nest and sleeping all day long.

In addition, Balagas also likes to publicize and expand his reputation through some public executions, so that more mortals will fear and awe him.

For example, slowly landing on the ruins created by one's own hands in a majestic manner, or dropping a mutilated corpse from a high altitude into a crowded area.

In addition, anyone who has ever provoked or offended him will inevitably suffer crazy revenge.

If the enemy's strength is too strong, Balagas will choose to attack the opponent's weaknesses, such as killing spouses, friends, relatives, and destroying homes and towns where they live.

In short, this ancient red dragon can be said to be a very typical evil dragon. It will never allow anyone to violate or resist its own will, otherwise it will only end in death.

The reason why he is so famous is because he is too active and has caused huge threats and destruction to the entire Amn community and surrounding areas.

This is completely different from the fact that the "Sharp Teeth" of Ivicola Sagram did not come out for nearly a hundred years after destroying the Shane Empire, mainly for the purpose of collecting taxes.

His title of Dragon King is based on countless killings and destruction.

Those dragons that are stronger than Balagos are not as active as him, and the young dragons that are more active than this guy are far less powerful than him.

Coupled with his vengeful character and unscrupulous behavior, he has become a huge security risk for the newly established trade alliance, so he was targeted by Zuo Si and regarded as a target that must be eradicated.

Now, this ancient red dragon, who was once arrogant and believed that he could rule the entire dragon race through brutal means, and then led them to destroy all cities and civilizations, leaving only the weak and submissive races as food, tasted for the first time those who were What it felt like to crush his own kind with his size advantage.



No matter how hard you struggle, you can't break free!

At this moment, Wilmes was like a "weird aunt" with big arms, round waist and exploding muscles. She pushed Baragas, the "little young lady", to the ground and repeatedly tortured her.

Perhaps at the beginning, he could still use the blessing's protection and strengthening spells to fight back and forth.

At least with the resistance of [Iron Bone], [Stone Skin Technique], and [Shield Technique], plus the advantages brought by [Tamson Transformation Technique] and [Acceleration Technique], the damage suffered by both sides can be said to be almost the same. .

But the problem is that as time goes by, the [acceleration spell] with the shortest duration disappears quickly.

After all, this transformation magic only adds six seconds for each additional casting level.

Even if calculated according to LV20, it is only one hundred and twenty seconds, which is about two minutes.

Following the disappearance of [Acceleration Technique], [Tamson Transformation Technique] disappeared.

This transformation magic also adds six seconds to each casting level, which adds up to just over two minutes.

If the disappearance of [Acceleration Technique] only slowed down Balagas's movement speed, attack frequency, and reaction, then the disappearance of [Tamson Transformation Technique] completely caused him to lose his last resort in close combat.

Not to mention anything else, just a sudden reduction of four points of strength, constitution and agility attributes is very fatal.

You must know that in terms of strength and physique, he was already far different from Wilmes, who was nearly three times his size, and now he was even more suppressed and had no power to fight back.

Not to mention that what disappeared along with it was the massive hand-to-hand combat skills, the tolerance for pain, and the cold thinking like a fighting machine that was poured into the brain.

In comparison, the advantage of being able to recast the spell after releasing [Tamson's Transformation Spell] is basically negligible.

Because at heart Balagas is actually the same as Wilmes, a warrior dragon who prefers to use fangs, claws and flame-breathing weapons.

Techniques such as cleave, leap attack, hover, mastery of initiative, delayed breath, multi-attack, power attack, ingestion, flip, etc. are all played like a thief.

Among them, diving down from the sky and accurately ejecting powerful high-temperature flames at the moment of high-speed movement can be called a "unique skill", and it also won the title of "Flying Flame".

But you have to mention your spell-casting skills...

Sorry, Balagas is really not very good at it.

It doesn't matter that he has a natural LV20 warlock spellcasting level, but in fact he doesn't even have a decent metamagic skill.

This also means that during fierce melee combat, it is impossible to imitate Ivicola Sagram's "Sharp Teeth" in using skills such as instant spells. You can only release one or two in the neutral position without chanting too many spells or spells. It is a low-level spell that performs complex spellcasting actions.

And this kind of spell is probably too light to attack Wilmes, who is nearly 150 meters long and has exploding muscles all over his body. Even scratching it is too light.

Therefore, Balagas can only use spells such as [Giant Transformation], [Ox Power], [Cat Elegance] and other spells to strengthen himself.

As for the flame breath that he is best at, it is completely useless against similar creatures that are immune to fire damage.

The two red dragons fought from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky to the ground. Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, a "Dragon King Battle" was staged.

The flames they accidentally sprayed out during the battle had already caused the mountains and forests within a radius of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers to begin to burn violently.

The animals and various monster tribes screamed and turned into ashes in a sea of ​​fire.

Whether it is the rulers and mages in Zhazesibo City, or other giant dragons, ogre magicians and some creatures with relatively high intelligence living near the Xingxuan Mountains, they are all hiding in the dark and watching closely what is happening.

Those silver dragons who like to meddle in other people's business, or the golden dragons who are full of justice, now do not dare to make even the slightest sound.

Because these dragons know that no matter whether Balagas or Wilmes wins the final victory, their situation will not change in any way.

At best, it is just changing from one tyrant to another more powerful tyrant.

But what they didn't know was that their secret observation behavior had long been captured by Kurremos and Ximanmeng, and the locations of the nests were recorded one by one.

These two old bastards would not easily let go of such an opportunity to count how many dragons and other high-level magical creatures live in the Star Swirl Mountains.

In particular, Culremos has left magical marks near some dragons' lairs, and it is unknown what he is planning.

Of course, Wilmes didn't care about these little moves and didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Now all the latter can think about is how to tear Balagas into pieces while preventing him from escaping.

At present, the Purgatory Red Dragon has bitten off the latter's wings from his body, and even blinded one of the opponent's eyes with its claws.

If it hadn't been for the use of unknown healing tools, Balagas might have turned into a corpse lying on the ground.

"You're done! Feiyan! In a few minutes at most, I will take away everything that originally belongs to you! I will be the undisputed Dragon King from Baldur's Gate to Amn to Tethyr!"

Wilmes opened his mouth stained red with blood and declared victory.

Although she was also seriously injured, the scales in some places were almost peeled off during the battle, and blood kept flowing down the wounds.

But at this time, the advantages of rigorously trained muscles in resisting blows are revealed.

Balagas's bites and claws can cause fatal damage to other dragons. In front of Wilmes, they can only scratch the scales and leave a bite mark or scratch mark on the taut muscles. It's still far from damaging the internal organs and blood vessels and arteries.

In addition, the latter was larger and could withstand more attacks, so the outcome of the battle was determined the moment the two sides became entangled.

"I admit defeat! Let me go! I am willing to hand over all the treasures, names and servants I own to you, and I am even willing to surrender to you."

Balagos endured the severe pain from every corner of his body, and finally could no longer maintain his usual proud posture.

He was too weak, so weak that he had no strength to fight back.

The chest was torn open and blood was constantly spurting out. You could even see the huge beating heart inside.

As one of the most famous tyrants in Faerûn, Balagos knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely die, without even the slightest hope of winning by chance.

In addition, he also wanted to find out what was going on with the purgatory red dragon in front of him.

Why do you have such an unnaturally huge body shape and an innate spellcasting ability that people don’t know how to describe?

"Treasure? Surrender?"

Wilmes's eyes instantly shone, and he was obviously a little moved.

After all, one of her most important goals when she left Zuo Si's mage tower to set up her own business was to gain more wealth.

Moreover, having a once-famous veteran Dragon King surrender at his feet can also give him an indescribable sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Seeing that the opponent stopped attacking, Balagas immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly added: "I have an artifact [Mithril Chain of Sorrow] that can help you capture and tame other dragons to serve you.

I myself have used this artifact to tame many teenage dragons.

Nowadays, there is still a young brown dragon and a black dragon who are faithfully fulfilling their duties of guarding the lair for me.

In addition, I can also provide an amazingly powerful [Fire Scepter of Dark Onaga].

It can release magic like meteor burst, delayed burst fireball, fire meteor shower, fire wall, fireball, control of flames, etc.

As for other relatively low-level magic items, there are even more.

I promise you won't be disappointed with these treasures. "

In the continent of Faerûn, there has been a saying that the only way to judge whether a greedy red dragon has truly surrendered is to see if it is willing to give up the treasures it has collected over the years.

Obviously, Balagas was truly convinced after doing this, and no longer had the slightest thought of revenge.

There is only one thing he wants to do now, and that is to save his own life.

"Tsk, tsk, what a tempting offer."

Wilmes' pupils flashed with naked and undisguised greed, and at the same time he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

But the next second...

She suddenly stretched out her claws without warning, slammed the opponent's head onto the huge rock that had been burned red on the ground, and said with a grin: "It's a pity that I can only refuse! Because Soth clearly emphasized that However, guys like you and Klaus must die."

"What?! Soth? The chosen one of the goddess of magic and the goddess of poison and disease? A powerful purgatory red dragon like you actually has to take orders from him?"

Balagas's eyes widened in horror, and he struggled desperately to get out of the opponent's control.

"Hmph! A frog in the well like you who only bullies the weak has no idea how powerful and terrifying Soth is.

If he wanted to, killing you would be no more difficult than crushing a bed bug.

So go and die, and I will slowly find out the treasures you left behind one by one.

From now on, your title of Dragon King belongs to me. "

As the last word blurted out, Wilmes opened his bloody mouth and bit it down hard.


Under the control of survival instinct, Balagas finally broke through his limits and completed the rapid spell casting in a very weird posture.


A giant claw, almost three meters long and wrapped in black, appeared out of thin air and hit Wilmes' head hard, knocking him off his original trajectory.

"This is... the unique energy evocation spell [Suffocating Claw] invented by Elminster?"

Ximanmeng showed an expression of incredible shock.

As the controller of the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network and Manzon's most proud disciple, he is very familiar with the power of several of the Chosen of the Magic Goddess.

Especially the signature spells they each invented, they have long been deeply remembered in their minds.

This is called [Suffocating Claw] five-ring magic, and its essence is to transform and supplement the Bigby Big Hand series of magic.

Unlike the former, which only exists in the form of a transparent force field, the big black hand in front of you has a physical body and can withstand various injuries like a normal creature (although most attack spells have no effect), and can be affected by dissociation spells. and dispelled by magic.

In addition, the caster's level and corresponding main spellcasting attributes (intelligence for mages, charm for warlocks) can further enhance the palm to a certain extent.

"Interesting! This is so much fun!

Dear Shimamon, I suddenly feel that it seems a waste to let Balagos die like this.


We should squeeze his residual value a little bit.

What do you think? "

There was a sinister and cunning light in Culremus' eyes.

Ximanmeng nodded without thinking: "I completely agree. But you have to seek Lord Wilmes's opinion first. You must know that this is her territory, and she doesn't like anyone to interfere in her battle."

"Haha, you are as cautious as ever."

Kurremos glanced at the other party, then walked out in his current humanoid form. He first shot out a dazzling green light and used a dimensional anchor to stop Balagas's attempt to escape using teleportation magic. , and then with a smashing palm, "Feiyan" was directly knocked down from the hillside more than ten meters high and pinned to the ground.

"Asshole! What are you doing? How dare you interfere in my fight!"

When Wilmes came back to his senses, he became furious instantly, exuding an extremely violent and dangerous aura.

But Kurremos put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, and explained nonchalantly: "Great Wilmes, please don't misunderstand me. I have no intention of interfering with you in winning the title of Dragon King. I just feel that I can kill you directly." This guy is too cheap."

"What's the meaning?"

Wilmes blinked his eyes in confusion, and his shortcomings in his brain were now fully demonstrated.

"I mean, don't you think Balagas should be tortured before killing him?

For example, ask him how many lairs he has and where he hides his treasures.

After asking for details, drain the blood from all over the body, then skin and bones, package and sell to those rich mages.

Of course, I personally recommend imprisoning it and bleeding it continuously.

You must know that the blood of the ancient red dragon has always been a priceless good in the magic material market, and can bring a steady stream of gold coin income.

It doesn't matter if you are not good at this, Ximanmeng and I will be very happy to do it for you.

After all, we are all working for the master now, isn't it natural to help each other? "

Kurremos took full advantage of his eloquence and described his attempt to dig out more magical knowledge and intelligence as thinking for the other party.

When it comes to intrigues, ten Wilmes combined are no match for this evil brass dragon.

Finally, after repeatedly considering the pros and cons, Wilmes said: "I can leave Balagas to you, but he and his treasures belong to me, and none of you can share them. Walk half a copper.”

"Of course! We won't have any objections to that."

Kurremos, who achieved his goal effortlessly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a glint of pride flashed in his eyes.

Every time he crushes Wilmes in terms of IQ, he can get some strong pleasure and satisfaction from it.

With the new agreement made, Balagos was soon dragged like a dead dog into a nearby cave.

About ten minutes later, blood-curdling screams and heart-rending wails came from inside.

No one knows what happened.

But the giant dragons and other intelligent creatures living in the Star Swirl Mountains knew one thing, that is, Balagas was completely finished.

From now on, a new Dragon King who calls himself Wilmes will rule this area.

A few smarter barbarians, orcs, goblins, gnolls and other tribes have begun to think about how to embrace this thick and strong thigh.

Others began to take stock of their belongings, taking out all the looted items such as gems, gold, silver, works of art, and fine arts, polishing them, and looking for opportunities to offer them to them.

The nearest human city, Zhaze Sibo, was in an uproar at this moment.

Mages and scholars are fiercely debating where this purgatory red dragon named Wilmes comes from, what he has done, what his personality is, why he is so huge, etc.

The most important thing is that the noble council does not know whether to make a donation to it in exchange for the other party not attacking the city or even the surrounding villages.

Don't think it's funny!

This is the truest reaction of many towns and villages in Faerûn when they face the powerful red dragon.

Under normal circumstances, most cities would rather maintain peace by paying tribute than take the huge risk of going to war with them.

Some areas even levy a tax called "Dragon Tax" from civilians. As you can tell from the name, it is specially used to support the dragons.

It is estimated that Wilmes will be rolling on the floor with joy after hearing this news.

After all, Zuo Si prohibited her from plundering towns and caravans, but she was not prohibited from receiving benefits offered to her by others.

If the other party gave enough, she wouldn't even mind acting as their protective umbrella, or providing some extra help during the war.

If Wilmes has learned anything during his years with Zuo Si, it is undoubtedly the endless variety of "legal" ways to make money.

As for the pride and dignity of the red dragon, they have long been thrown into the sewer and washed away.

How much is pride worth?

How much is dignity worth?

This guy has even thought about selling revenge deals in various cities in the south after his reputation as Dragon King spreads.

No matter who is willing to pay a sum of money every year, she will personally be responsible for revenge after being attacked by monsters, beasts and bandits.

Zuo Si still doesn't know about the battle between Wilmes and Balagas' "Flying Flame".

After two or three days of hard work, he was standing at the edge of the training field in the mage tower, watching the training between the demon elf assassins Feide and Atona.

It has to be said that the assassin profession is really not very good at frontal combat.

Even though Fede's frontal combat ability among assassins was already very strong, and he also had a certain warrior profession, he was still being crushed and beaten by the succubus loli who was only about two-thirds of his height, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

The first to fourth level spells she mastered were ineffective under the suppression of the magic of the special profession of the Knight of Truth.

After a short while, Atona swung her long whip and hit her ankle with a snap, then pulled her back forcefully, forcefully dragging the demon elf assassin in front of her, and swung the huge decapitating sword and placed it on the opponent's neck.

"You lost again!"

A faint smile appeared on the delicate and beautiful face of the succubus Loli, and she immediately put away her weapons, especially the flaming whip that had severely burned her ankles.

"Damn it! Isn't there a normal person in this tower? They are all young, but they are all as strong as monsters. No, no, you are just a bunch of little monsters."

While Fid was complaining crazily, he sat down on the ground in an imageless manner, bared his teeth and touched the traces of severe burns near his ankles.

Just now, she had had a sparring match with Fangus and the other little werewolves, but the result was the same as now, with no way to fight back.

Without the use of deadly poison, it would be difficult to sustain it for more than three minutes.

"Haha, what, have your self-esteem and self-confidence been hit? I have already said that in terms of combat effectiveness, you are not ranked among my men at all."

Zuo Si joked with a smile, quickly released the healing magic, and gently pressed his fingers on the ankle of the demon elf assassin.

When the white light flashed, the traces of severe burns completely disappeared, leaving only a large area of ​​white, smooth and delicate skin, and black tattoos that seemed to be tattooed on the skin.

"Then why are you still taking me in? Is it because you are greedy for my beauty?" Feide asked in an uncertain tone.

Although the reputation of demon-born elves is not very good, because they are a hybrid of succubi and elves, their general appearance and figure are relatively in line with human aesthetics.

In addition, things like magic patterns, horns, and tails can bring some otherworldly atmosphere, and it is not surprising that some people's XP will be poked.

After all, in this magical land of Faerûn, there are dwarfs who like to drive big cars to find female barbarians, there are also strong orcs who are interested in legal loli halfling women, and there are even some who fall in love with the golems they created. The mage of love.

It's not surprising to like humanoids with some demonic or infernal blood.

In fact, there is a special shop in Ascatra that provides services for those XP outliers.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "You? Beauty? Stop making trouble. How can you be related to the word beauty? If I am interested in beauty, I can summon hundreds or thousands of them at any time. succubi and lust demons to satisfy their own desires.”

"Then why? You should at least let me know what your value and role are, right?"

Fede became visibly confused.

Because in the education received at an early age, it was emphasized more than once that waste is not worthy of living.

So she has been trying to be a valuable person to prevent being treated like garbage.

"Because your soul is very interesting, very, very interesting."

After saying that, Zuo Si stood up and said something to the attendant of the God of Nature beside him.

The latter understood the idea and immediately walked over, bowed slightly and asked: "Master, do you have any orders?"

"In the next few days, you will personally develop a training plan for her to ensure that she will not be beaten like she is now in a frontal battle."

Zuo Si gave the order very simply.

Although strictly speaking, the assassin profession relies on unexpected sneak attacks and backstabbing to eliminate enemies.

But this fighting method does not fit with his positioning of the role played by the demon elves.

"Understood! Don't worry, I will complete this task perfectly."

Nimedona agreed without hesitation.

This is really not difficult for her as a servant of the Blazing Heaven God.

And because he has the ability to heal and resurrect, even if he hits hard and severely wounds or maims the training target, or simply kills him accidentally, if he hits the target with two high-level magic spells, he can be resurrected on the spot, and even a little bit can be revived. No scars will be left.

Feide's keen sixth sense seemed to sense the danger, and he immediately began to subconsciously retreat slowly.

But before he could run very far, Nimidona caught him, and then the entire training room emitted the painful and desperate screams of the Demon Elf Assassin.

Seeing that Feide's intensive training had begun, Zuo Si took advantage of this time to deal with the matter of disbanding the existing army and recruiting new troops.

There is no doubt that violent institutions like the military will inevitably cause a series of turmoil and social problems when they are demobilized on a large scale in any country or region, so they must be properly settled.

However, considering that the Amn army was lying flat from top to bottom, Zuo Si's strong character would definitely not be able to bring them much benefit.

Therefore, many officers organized their soldiers to cause trouble at the beginning, but as expected they were suppressed mercilessly.

Zuo Si proved his determination to everyone with his cruel methods of exiling one hundred and fifty bloody heads and more than one thousand five hundred soldiers and immediate family members into exile on the Maztec continent.

The advantage of doing this is that it can not only enrich the population of the port cities in the New World and gain a firm foothold, but also eliminate hidden dangers once and for all.

At present, the recruitment office has recruited about 600 adventurers and mercenaries, as well as almost 3,000 young people from the countryside who have received certain military and warrior training.

According to normal procedures, they must receive at least three months of discipline training before learning how to build formations, understand officers' commands, and use different weapons to fight.

According to the traditions of many cities in Faerûn, it takes at least three years to train a skilled veteran.

During this period, they must continue to participate in battles against goblins, orcs, kobolds and other monsters.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't have that much time to wait for the new recruits to grow up slowly.

He directly used some special methods, including but not limited to providing water and food from the Zendikar space and time to the soldiers, brewing a large amount of potions that can strengthen their physical fitness for them to drink, and equipping them with mobile terminal functions with some shining oil. of closed smart helmets.

With so many auxiliary means, they can turn into a powerful legion that is impressive in a month or two at most.

Of course, Zuo Si did not plan to recruit too many elite troops like this, which required high costs. Keeping the scale at around 8,000 to 10,000 people was enough.

Looking at the soldiers wearing smart helmets for simulation and combat training on the training ground, Vera couldn't help but sigh softly: "My dear master, your methods are really awe-inspiring.

Only a few days later, the foundation of a powerful army was laid quietly.

Whether it's the magic helmets that play a decisive role in training and combat, or the medicines, food and water that can make the body stronger and stronger, these are all things I have never heard of or seen before.

As long as they have these things, even a group of farmers can be quickly trained into qualified or even excellent warriors.

Perhaps only those war trolls transformed through magic can barely compare with them. "

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head and explained: "Maybe you won't believe it, but the fundamental purpose of building this army is not for war, but for political considerations.

After all, whether it is Amn at your feet, Baldur's Gate, West Heartland or Dragon Coast, its main residents are humans and dwarves, elves, halflings and gnomes who are relatively close to humans.

Therefore, when fighting and ruling in these places, it is best for the army to be mainly composed of humans rather than other races. This will make it easier for the local residents to accept and regard them as one of their own.

Otherwise, it is easy to trigger some subtle feelings of resistance.

If you compare the killing efficiency alone, I actually have a better choice.

As for the war trolls, some of my men have already done in-depth research in this area.

Many of the troll gladiators in Dragonlance Castle are individuals created in experiments, and their technology is very mature.

Even removing the weakness of fire that prevents trolls from regenerating, only acid still poses a threat to them.

As long as I am willing, I can capture the trolls in the forests, wilderness and swamps at any time and transform them in large quantities to make them have sufficient intelligence and obedience.

If you are interested in this, I can say hello and ask them to sell a batch to you as a guard. "

"Oh? Really! Thank you so much!

I've always believed that trolls, with their near-infinite regeneration abilities, were simply born warriors.

It's a pity that their brains are not very bright and they are always easily dominated by hunger.

If it can gain enough intelligence and obedience, it will surely be able to form the most powerful army in the world. "

When saying these words, Vera's whole body revealed a strong excitement and expectation.

In fact, dangerous creatures like war trolls are not uncommon. They can be seen in many mercenary organizations, and most of them are created through various weird experiments.

A cautious mage will obviously not allow such a terrifying monster that may lose its mind once it becomes hungry to stay around, so they often choose to sell it or send it out to fend for itself.

War Troll mercenaries are extremely popular due to their powerful regenerative abilities.

Hiring them requires a price of at least thirty gold coins per day.

If the troll has a warrior level of no less than LV4, it can earn at least 75 gold coins every day.

This ability to make money is enough to make human mercenaries look envious and jealous.

In the world of Eberron next door to Toril, war troll mercenaries often appear on the battlefield in large numbers.

"Remember not to buy too much. These guys are pure carnivores. If you can't feed them, they will become the biggest safety hazard." Zuo Si couldn't help but remind him.

In his opinion, raising war trolls is far less cost-effective than raising goblin wolves.

After all, the latter has a larger size and higher basic attributes. Although its regeneration ability is worse than that of the troll, it is not without it. Its obedience is fully maxed out. Even if it is whipped to death, it will not produce the slightest sense of resistance.

"Please don't worry, I just plan to buy a few to play with and see if I can train them into high-level warriors.

Oh, I almost forgot, there is also a letter asking for help from the nobles of the southern Kingdom of Tethyr.

Since His Majesty Shane VII occupied the coastal stronghold of Memnon, he began military operations to conquer the Kingdom of Tethyr.

Many nobles lost everything including their territories and titles due to the advance of his army.

If nothing else, those who were still fighting among themselves will soon unite. "

As she spoke, Vera took out a thick stack of probably dozens of letters stamped with the family seal from her pocket, revealing undisguised gloating in her tone.

It is easy to see from the contemptuous expression on her face that she does not look down on the other party at all.

Zuo Si was not even interested in taking a look at it. He lit it directly and threw it to the ground: "No need to look at it. Don't these idiots know the relationship between me and Xia En VII? They actually want me to send troops. To help them? It’s so whimsical.”

"Hahahaha! There's nothing they can do about it.

After all, the Kingdom of Tethyr was originally a relatively closed and isolated place.

Since the relationship between the previous kings and the forest elves was very tense, there must be no allies within the country.

In addition, Shane VII had cut off the roads around Steam Lake in advance, so the only thing they could do was to ask for help from Amn in the north.

However, there are reports that someone in Tethyr saw Elminster's scribe Heol.

He now calls himself King Hared III, and begins to have frequent contact with the great nobles who hold the title of duke. "

Vera obviously knew about the hostile relationship between the person she was loyal to and the Harper Alliance, so she deliberately told this rumor with some gossip.

“The Scribe of Elminster?

Hared III?

The great sage of the Valley of Shadows has really long arms.

Help me send a message to Shah En VII, asking him to uproot the aristocracy of Tethyr and leave no one behind.

Those who participated in the resistance were shot to death, and the rest were captured as prisoners.

I will contact a few slave merchants in Ser later and just package and sell to them directly.

As for how to rule after cleaning up, I have my own ideas. "

Zuo Si sneered and issued a bloody order that could affect thousands of lives and deaths.

He was very familiar with the way Elminster and the Harper played tricks, and he understood that Hared III was probably of some royal or noble blood, and planned to use this to unite the aristocrats of the Kingdom of Tethyr, so that They temporarily put aside their grievances and united to deal with foreign enemies.

In this case, Zuo Suixing asked Xia En VII to drive out the entire aristocratic class and kill every one.

Anyway, he is not a local aboriginal, and he does not think that it is impossible to rule the country without the aristocrats who monopolize the power of knowledge and education.

Whether it is the large number of scholars in Calimport, the large group of merchants in Amn, or the bureaucrats cultivated by Nelanthel Islands and Luskan over the years, they can be perfectly replaced.

If that doesn't work, Zuo Si can still transfer some from the Floating City, or let some of the players come over.

If the civilians dare to join in the trouble, then they will follow the example of their loving father and send them all to the cold Luskan in the north to grow potatoes and dig mines.

As a person that Ben calls a perfect tyrant, he will not be the least bit merciless when dealing with this kind of thing.

Similarly, Xia En VII did not care at all about the possible consequences of massacring the nobles.

Because after defeating Tethyr, he can just hold the spark and happily become a planeswalker, exploring the endless universe and all kinds of strange worlds.

Want to take revenge afterwards?

Then you have to find where the person is first.

"As you wish..."

Vera seemed to have seen the sight of the nobles of the Kingdom of Tethyr bleeding into rivers, and the incompetent rage displayed by Elminster's self-defeating act. The corners of her mouth raised crazily, and she immediately turned and left on horseback.

There is no doubt that as the all-out confrontation between Zuo Si and the Harper Alliance officially begins, the entire west coast of Faerûn has turned into a huge battlefield.

Elminster will do everything in his power to prevent the birth of a vast empire from wherever he sees fit.

When West Heartland's plan was discovered and aborted, he quickly changed his direction and started attacking the Kingdom of Tethyr.

Compared with Zuo Si, Xia En VII, who is a half-lich, is obviously easier to deal with.

What's more, what the Harper has to deal with is not King Shane VII himself, but his legions of humans and goblin werewolves...

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