A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 435 You are the one most qualified to get it (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

How tough can a person's mouth be?

In the past, Zuo Si would have thought that when the transition from verbal communication to physical communication occurred, generally speaking, no matter how hard the mouth was before, it would quickly soften when he tasted the taste of a fist hitting his face.

This is why there are a large number of people who like to make trouble on the Internet and compete with others at high intensity all day long, never willing to admit that their opinions and language logic are even slightly wrong.

Even if you know it's wrong, you still have to keep going on.

But in real life, it's the exact opposite. They may even be taciturn and don't even have the courage to express their thoughts and attitudes.

Because the costs and prices they need to bear are different.

The former is in the virtual world, where they don't know each other at all. Even if they offend each other to death, they can't crawl over the network cable to have physical communication.

Therefore, it has naturally become a dumping ground suitable for venting dissatisfaction, anger and other emotions. Some social platforms have even won the reputation of Internet cesspools.

However, the latter is in the real world, and any excessive verbal expression and emotional venting may lead to serious consequences.

Moreover, it may also lead to "social death", family breakdown, loss of jobs, partners and friends. The costs and prices that need to be borne are simply too high.

Especially when the communication escalates from verbal communication to physical communication, the party that does not have the upper hand in physique or fighting skills will usually quickly change their attitude and admit their mistakes.

However, Cyric, who fell into madness, overturned Zuo Si's cognition.

He saw with his own eyes that this guy was beaten day and night by the gods of the world of Toril for several days. His whole body was beaten out of shape, but he still kept shouting that he was "the only true god". All "false gods" must kneel down to obey their own will and beg for their forgiveness.

Not only that!

While being beaten, Cyric did not forget to use his talents in sarcasm, sarcasm, and provocation, constantly insulting every god in sight.

This caused many neutral gods who originally didn't want to get involved to join the group fight.

Anyway, no matter how you get beaten, you still have to take advantage of yourself.

Even Zuo Si had to admit that in the "hard-talking world", Cyric was definitely unparalleled and unmatched in history.

Finally, after beating this guy for seven days, the gods began to get tired of this "education" method that had no actual effect no matter how hard they beat him.

After discussion, the god of craftsman Gond used his clergy and divine power to forge a chain, and the goddess of magic Midnight enchanted it herself. She directly tied up the King of Lies and pinned him to the ground. Tyr, the god of justice, presided over the convening on the spot. trial.


I saw Tyr knocking hard on the table that was shaped by divine power, and scolded in a condescending voice: "Cyric! Are you still unwilling to admit your guilt until now?"

"Plead guilty? Hahahahaha! It should be you who are guilty!"

Cyric was still shouting wildly and unrepentantly, as if he was not worried at all about the upcoming reckoning and his own fate.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that he is really crazy and not just pretending.

But soon, the god of death Klenvor kicked this guy hard in the face, and stepped his entire face into the soil and rocks, stopping more unpleasant content or words from spewing out of his mouth. curse.

Tempus, the God of War, frowned and asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you sure it is still necessary to go through the trial process? I don't think that in Cyric's current state, he will plead guilty and obey the law."

"I have a way to bring this mad king of lies back to normal."

Having said that, Ogma, the God of Knowledge, turned his attention to Zuo Si, who had been hiding behind him and watching the show silently, and joked half-jokingly: "How long do you plan to let this farce continue?

Could it be that he wanted the gods to beat him to death?

Believe me, no one would kill a god in public, even if he committed an unforgivable crime.

Hurry up and take out the "True Biography of Cyric" and read it again.

Let this end as soon as possible so that I can return to my own country and conduct some interesting research. "

Zuo Si responded with a gloating expression on his face: "Please don't misunderstand.

I didn't expect any god to kill Cyric.

I just think it's fun to watch him keep being beaten for his bad mouth.

In addition, it will take some time for my mechanical angels and demon legions to completely evacuate everything in this country.

But now...

It's no longer needed. "

Having said that, Zuo Si paused deliberately, raised his head and glanced around at the bare land, leaving only a small piece of intact land under his feet that had been completely weathered by strong winds all year round.

As for other places, it has long been dug into a cheese shape riddled with holes.

Some of the places that had been destructively mined were so hollowed out inside that large-scale collapses occurred as soon as the support structures built by Shuoyou Machinery were removed.

Fortunately, after the end of the war, those coalition petitioners withdrew to their respective gods' kingdoms in advance, otherwise they might not even have a place to set up camp.

Not to mention magical metals such as mithril, fine gold, cold iron, flaming iron, gold, silver, and platinum, precious metal veins, and gemstone veins, as well as ordinary metals such as iron, copper, tin, aluminum, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, and tungsten. All the metal veins have been dug out.

The remaining fresh water resources and timber resources were all packed away by Zuo Si's "demolition brigade". Some relatively solid stones and sand that could be used as building materials were also not spared.

It can be said that in Cyric's country right now, apart from himself and some worthless, barren tunnels that are full of pits and may collapse at any time, there is only the strong wind blowing from the elemental plane of wind.

Not to mention that the mice would shed tears after seeing it, even high-level undead who did not need to eat or drink might go crazy if they stayed in this place for a long time.

Karigos, the demigod with the vocations of "War", "Weapon Skills", "Destruction" and "Plunder", has re-understood what efficient plunder and destruction are.

He can guarantee that after Zuo Si's crazy destruction, Cyric will at least have to endure the loneliness without the service of any believers and petitioners for a long time, and it will take decades or even centuries to restore his kingdom. Come back to life.

Of course, the premise is that Cyric can survive the weakness and massive decline in faith after the trial, and does not go to the astral realm to lie dead.

If other gods were treated in this way, at least a few allies or neutral gods would stand up and say something fair.

But the problem is that when the Prince of Lies went crazy, he offended everyone. Not only did no one want to speak for him, but everyone was interested in watching this guy suffer misfortune.

Some gods with relevant vocations also appeared to help guide the "demolition brigade" to dig out the mineral veins hidden deepest underneath.

We even unearthed several treasures left over from ancient times, as well as an unknown creature sealed in a huge block of ice.

As the most famous place of exile in the Outer Planes, the Tumult Tunnel obviously holds a lot of interesting and dangerous things.

Zuo Si planned to send a team of devils to stay here after he returned, specifically to inquire and look for things he was interested in.

But for now, he still took out the "True Biography of Cyric" in accordance with the request of the God of Knowledge, and began to recite its contents in front of the gods and Cyric.

Although at the beginning, the latter showed extreme resistance and uncooperation.

But after the god of tyranny raised his arms and gave the two big guys a bag, and forcibly grabbed his hair and pulled his whole head up, he soon became much more honest.

As the story in the book described in detail how Cyric transformed from a mortal to a god in the Year of Turmoil, the madness in this guy's eyes began to quickly fade away, replaced by a kind of fear that could not be described in words. Deep fear and trembling.

Especially after realizing the current situation, the most powerful god in the former country even began to tremble slightly uncontrollably, and his face became as pale as a vampire.

He is not a fool and understands that he is basically no different from a prisoner now.

The only good thing is that the god Io did not take action personally, otherwise he would either be lying dead in the star realm or have been demoted to a mortal.

Cyric, who is in a conscious state, is undoubtedly very aware of how those former enemies and offended gods will play with, torture, humiliate, and abuse him if he becomes a mortal.

Just one death god Kelanvor is enough for him to drink a pot.

After all, after becoming a god, the Prince of Lies released an ancient evil creature, the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif, in an attempt to permanently destroy his soul.

In retaliation, even if Kelanvor detained his soul in the City of Judgment and tortured him for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, other gods would not think there was any problem.

Therefore, the more Cyric thought about it, the more he became afraid, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was doomed.

"Ah - it seems that our great and only true God has returned to his senses. I think the trial can continue."

Zuo Si closed the book in his hand with a snap, put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly to Tier, who was in charge of presiding over the trial, signaling that his work was completed.

The God of Justice spoke no nonsense and immediately asked loudly: "Cyric! You have not fulfilled your clerical duties! Blatantly slandering and blaspheming His Majesty Io, the God above God! Infringing on the authority and domain of other gods! Now I, as the Council of Gods, I have pronounced you guilty in the name of the police, do you have anything to explain?"

Hearing this extremely serious accusation, Cyric immediately argued hoarsely: "No!!!! I'm not guilty! Everything was caused by that book! I was controlled by that book!"

"Ha! Then may I ask, who created that book that can confuse people's hearts? Isn't it you who claims to be the only true god?" Magic Goddess Midnight asked with a sneer.

"It's...it's those scribes! Yes! It's those damn scribes! They added some messy things in it!"

Cyric is indeed the god who is most compatible with the "Lie" priesthood.

Not a word that came out of his mouth could be trusted.

In fact, in order to get the Chaos Demon Dog Kozev to work for him, this guy even lied that the sword he had turned into from Musk, the God of Thieves, was called "Disaster", and he had used it to kill at least four people. to five gods.

Unfortunately, Cyric apparently forgot that there were witnesses present when he secretly made the Cyric Sutra and witnessed the entire process.

I saw Musk, the god of thieves, slowly walking out from among the gods, and sarcastically said in a slightly contemptuous tone: "Shifting all the responsibilities to the scribe who not only had his soul sacrificed, but also had his skin stripped after death?

You have really set a new limit for God.

Great God of Justice, I have witnessed with my own eyes the manufacturing process of the Book of Cyric, and I can assure the gods here that that book contains the truest thoughts of the King of Lies.

He just longs to be above the gods, and even defeat the god Io to gain supreme authority.

So I think there's nothing more to say about this matter. Let's just pronounce the verdict and start stripping Cyric of all his clergy and powers except for his lies.

Only when he becomes weak enough will he become a little more honest. "

"Musk!!! You bastard!"

Cyric raised his head suddenly, with an angry and ferocious expression on his face. He wished he could just open his mouth and bite this enemy to death.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

For a guy like him who has low self-esteem and arrogance, there is nothing more difficult to accept than being secretly controlled by the God of Thieves.

If you count carefully, Cyric has been played as a pawn by Musk since the turbulent years.

Whether he was an enemy of the three gods of death during his mortal period, personally killed Baal, the god of murder, or later attacked the Phantom Goddess to seize her priesthood and power, he was more or less bewitched by the latter.

If Musk had not accidentally read the "Cyric Sutra" and was finally exposed, it is very likely that he would secretly usurp Cyric's power belonging to the three gods of death bit by bit.

But unfortunately, such things as conspiracy cannot be seen in the light after all.

And the more you like to "play big chess", the easier it is for mistakes or unexpected situations to occur in some links in the middle, which will eventually lead to the entire game being lost.

The God of Thieves has obviously given up on his original grand plan, and just wants to get back the part of himself that was lost before from Cyric.

Because he knew that Shar, the goddess of the night, was most likely also looking at the part of his lost priesthood and divine power.

Seeing Cyric's angry look after his lie was exposed, Tyr coughed slightly to signal for silence, and then announced loudly: "Now that the witnesses are there, the evidence is also there. On behalf of the Council of Gods, I am The verdict is pronounced, and Cyric, the King of Lies, is found guilty. Based on the results of the previous deliberations, all of his priesthoods except for lies are now immediately stripped away."

"NO!!!!!! You have no right to do this! Let me go! Let me go! I want to see the God above God!"

Cyric struggled and shouted.

But unfortunately this is of no use.

On the one hand, Io is just the manager of the crystal wall where the planet Toril is located. He has no control over the noisy tunnels in the outer plane, and he may not even know what is happening here.

On the other hand, Zuo Si had already reached a secret agreement with several gods in private to divide up several of his important priesthoods including conspiracy, fraud, illusion, etc.

So from the moment he was defeated and captured, Cyric was like a pig tied to a chopping board. He even knew how to divide the meat after slaughtering, and there was no room for negotiation at all.

"I'll go first! The Conspiracy Priesthood originally belonged to me, and now it's just the right time to return it to its original owner."

Musk couldn't help but jump out first.

The reason why he actively joined the coalition forces and tried every means to convict Cyric was for this moment.

But before the god of thieves had time to take action, Shar, who was wrapped in translucent black gauze from head to toe, suddenly stood up and stopped him in a slightly playful tone: "Don't worry yet. I think it remains to be discussed who the Conspiracy Priesthood belongs to.

After all, you accidentally lost it yourself.

So after being separated from Cyric, the Conspiracy Priesthood itself is an ownerless thing. Isn't it inappropriate to simply return it to its original owner?

You must know that its characteristics are in line with many gods present.

For example, I..."

As the last word blurted out, Musk instantly felt the strong sense of oppression emanating from one of the oldest, most mysterious, and most secretly-knowing twin goddesses in creation, as well as the malice contained in those deep eyes.

Obviously, the goddess of night has been spying on the conspiracy and shadow of the god of thieves for a long time.

If Suellen, the goddess of the moon, hadn't been watching, and Suna, the goddess of magic and the goddess of love and beauty, had destroyed it, she would have crushed Musk to ashes long ago.

Seeing this situation, Tyr, the God of Justice, immediately frowned subconsciously and said in a deep voice: "The Conspiracy Priesthood was indeed the property of the King of Shadows before.

I personally think it would be more appropriate to return it to its original owner.

If the Goddess of the Night has any objections to this, how about letting all the gods present vote to decide who belongs? "

Shar sneered and shook his head: "Vote? No, I will not play this game where the majority oppresses the minority. How about this, let me have a duel with the King of Shadows here, and the winner will take away the Shadow Priesthood how?"

Upon hearing this suggestion, the God of Thieves' face turned pale with fright.

You must know that he is only a weak divine power, and he is not good at frontal combat at all. His followers mainly come from the thieves guilds scattered in every corner of Faerûn. Their strength is not even close to that of his opponent.

In other words, the goddess of the night can just point out a finger and make it unable to eat.

So Musk hurriedly shook his head and refused: "You must not joke.

I am just a little leader of thieves, how dare I fight with you.

This kind of thing needs to be reasonable.

Not to mention that I am a pacifist and opposed to some forms of violence. "

But Shar continued to press relentlessly: "Against violence? It's really surprising that this word came out of your mouth. But the problem is that I really want the Conspiracy Priesthood, and you refuse to quit. Competition is really very difficult for me.”

"Since both of you want it, and both have good reasons, why not let us decide its ownership through a small game?"

Ogma, the God of Knowledge, suddenly intervened.


Musk's eyes shone slightly, as if he had seen a savior, and he quickly agreed: "I agree! It is most suitable to use games to determine the outcome, and it can also avoid unnecessary conflicts and disputes."

"Great King of Knowledge, do you know what you are doing?" Shar narrowed his eyes and was obviously angry.

Because without the opponent's interference, she was confident enough to force the God of Thieves back through threats and intimidation, and easily obtain the conspiracy priesthood she had always wanted.

Ogma, who has wide influence and countless believers in countless planes and material worlds, is obviously not afraid of this one of the twin goddesses of creation in the crystal wall. He responded very simply: "Of course I know what I am doing. , I won’t bother you.

Now that the solution is available and the Shadow King has agreed, it's now up to you.

If you agree, let's play a game;

If you do not agree, we will treat you as giving up the competition. "

"I completely agree with the King of Knowledge. Now let the Goddess of Night make a choice."

Tyr, the God of Justice, stepped forward at the critical moment to follow up and hit the target.

Although he didn't like the God of Thieves, he also couldn't stand Shar's behavior of bullying the weak.

Seeing that the two powerful gods who were not easy to deal with did not give him any face, Shar's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Okay! I agree! Let's announce the game content and rules now. Bar."

"Don't worry! In order to prevent someone from playing tricks and cheating, I suggest that Soth, who has nothing to do with this matter, be the host.

As we all know, he was a planeswalker and never had any intention of becoming a god.

At the same time, he is not an ally with the two of them, nor does he even have an interest relationship. "

As he said that, Ogma blinked at Zuo Si in a very obscure movement.

The latter understood, and immediately took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Thanks to the trust of the God of Knowledge, I am very happy to be the host. Don't worry, I guarantee that this game will definitely select the most suitable priest for conspiracy. of gods.”


Musk's originally nervous expression also relaxed, and even showed an inexplicable confidence.

He knew that from the moment Ogema and Zuo Si intervened, the agreement reached between him and the two people would officially take effect.

After noticing all this, Shard immediately realized that she had been deceived. There must have been collusion among the three, and she was just waiting to jump in.

But the problem is that she has already agreed to participate in this game, and there is no way she can immediately turn her back and regret it, so she can only be more vigilant and walk up to Zuo Si with the God of Thieves, wanting to see what tricks this young planeswalker will use.

"Look, you two, I have two balls of energy on my hands now.

One ball is positive energy, and the other ball is negative energy.

I'll randomly swap them later.

What you have to do is guess which of the two hands I stretched out holds positive energy and which one holds negative energy.

The use of divine power, prophecy spells and any means of snooping is prohibited during the game.

Everyone has the same three chances. Whoever guesses correctly will get the Conspiracy Priesthood.

If there is a tie, then there will be the second, third, and fourth rounds until the winner is determined. "

Zuo Si pretended to be serious and introduced the rules of the game.

You don't need to ask to know that by using this method, it is clear that you want to cheat under the eyes of the gods.

After all, one of his planeswalker abilities is to allow energy to freely transform between different attributes.

Except for Ogma, who had known the truth for a long time, even the goddess of magic Midnight could not sense the transformation of such a small group of positive and negative energy.

"No problem, I'm ready."

Musk gave Zuo Si his greatest trust without even hesitating.

To be precise, there is no other choice but to believe in the other party and the God of Knowledge who has worked closely with him before.

Musk definitely does not have the guts to confront the Goddess of Night head-on, but at the same time he is not willing to have his conspiracy priesthood taken away from him.

If you look at his current three priesthoods of thief, theft, and shadow, you will know why he is so obsessed with conspiracy.

With this latter priesthood, Musk's followers and scope of influence will become relatively large, and he will have the opportunity to be promoted from a weak divine power to a medium divine power.

But if it is lost, it will be firmly locked in the narrow field of "thief". At best, it can barely maintain the current level of weak divine power, or even fall to the level of a demigod with weak divine power.

Shar stared at Zuo Si with his eyes wide open. After more than ten seconds, he said, "I'm ready too, let's get started."

"As you wish!"

Zuo Si raised his hands to show everyone the positive and negative energies, then placed his hands in front of his chest and closed them, then separated them again.

"Which of you comes first?"


While Shar was still trying to sense it, Musk pointed to the right hand in front of him: "This is negative energy, and the other hand is positive energy."

"Congratulations to the Shadow King, you guessed it right. It's now one to zero."

In an instant, Zuo Si switched the attributes of the energy groups in his two hands, and then released his fingers so that every god could see them clearly.

Immediately afterwards, he repeated his old trick and placed both hands in front of the goddess of the night.

Shar was obviously much more cautious than Musk, and even put her face with a black veil close to the gaps between her fingers, hoping to feel the energy inside, or to be precise, negative energy.

As the controller of the shadow plane, she is particularly sensitive to negative energy, so she quickly confirmed the traces of negative energy leaked from one of her hands, pursed her lips and said confidently: "This is negative energy, and the other one is negative energy." A hand is positive energy.”

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong."

Zuo Si once again completed the energy attribute conversion of his two hands in an instant, and spread them out for the goddess of the night to see clearly.

"How is this possible! I obviously..."

Shar's expression suddenly changed, as if he couldn't believe that his judgment could be wrong.

But soon, she realized that this was 100% a trick played by the young human in front of her, and her eyes began to become cold and dangerous.

But Zuo Si did not panic at all. Instead, he said meaningfully: "The reason why a conspiracy is a conspiracy is that it is not known and cannot be seen by others. As long as it is not caught or exposed to the sun, then the conspiracy is a conspiracy." It doesn’t exist, do you think I’m right?”

Shar nodded angrily with a smile: "Haha! Yes! That's so right!

I originally thought this was a game between me and Musk, but I didn’t expect it to be a competition with you.

very good! very good! Simply awesome!

Dear Soth, your growth rate is really beyond my expectation.

Maybe compared to Musk, you are the one who is most qualified to get it. "

"No, no, no, I have no intention of becoming a god.

Because it is unacceptable to me to abandon the physical body and exist in a purely spiritual and philosophical form, and to be firmly bound to a certain world or even the universe.

So can I trouble you to admit defeat early so that you can end this game that you are destined to lose early? "

Zuo Si still had that polite and humble attitude.

But all the gods present could feel the aggression under the guise of politeness and humility.

There is no doubt that this so-called game was a trap from the beginning.

He simply announced a simple rule of the game. He never guaranteed fairness or would not use other means in the process. Instead, he deliberately emphasized that he would choose a god who is most suitable for the conspiracy priesthood.

The god most suitable for the conspiracy priesthood must be good at planning and seeing through conspiracies.

Among them, the God of Knowledge, the God of Thieves and Zuo Si had already designed a conspiracy in advance. Instead of seeing through it, Shar jumped in and lost completely.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling and upset she felt in her heart, she had no choice but to admit defeat and withdraw, allowing Musk to strip off the conspiracy priesthood and bring it back under control.

Immediately afterwards, the priesthoods such as fraud and illusion were also stripped away from Cyric's body one by one.

Through a series of complicated operations by Zuo Si, the trick was obtained by the Red Knight, the goddess of strategy, the conflict was obtained by the beast god Mara, the deceit fell on Shar as a consolation prize, and the illusion was obtained by the winter goddess Oluel.

Just as he had planned before, Cyric was left with the priesthood of lies.

Its divine power level fell from strong to medium, and then to weak at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If lie itself was not a very powerful priesthood and existed widely in every corner of society, he would probably become a demigod with weak divine power.

Seeing that their goal had been achieved, the gods quickly left the barren and crazy plane of the Noisy Tunnel.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or careless, or whether it was deliberate carelessness, no one helped Cyric to untie him before leaving, but let him be tied up on the riddled earth.

When Zuo Si saw this scene, he immediately brought Zariel closer and asked with a half-smile: "Great and only true God, do you need help?"


Cyric's eyes burst out with naked and undisguised anger, hatred and malice, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "Get away! Get away! Don't think I don't know! You and Ogma are behind all this." Damn it!"

"Tsk, tsk, look at what you said.

Did I create the Cyril Sutra?

Do you dare to say that wanting to be superior to the gods is not your ambition?

In the end, you accidentally read the evil artifact you created and fell into madness. Who else can you blame but yourself?

Dear Prince of Lies, please remember that your greatest enemy has never been me or the gods, but yourself.

I suggest you do some deep soul-searching before deciding what to do next.

After all, you are no longer a powerful divine power standing at the apex of the gods, but a weak divine power that is still declining.

Maybe in a few months he will become a demigod with weak divine power.

By that time, do you think those gods who have taken your priesthood, and the dark goddess who is hiding in the dark to spy on the lie priesthood, will really let you go?


They will secretly unite to eradicate it!

Because for a guy like you who has neither power nor allies, and is even despised and spurned by the gods, no one will care even if he dies. "

Zuo Si had an extremely evil smile on his face, burying a seed of panic, despair and distrust in Cyric's heart.

If the madness after reading the Book of Cyril before was a mental illness, then he was now going to make this guy suffer from another mental illness under strong external pressure and fear.

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

Cyric was obviously panicked.

He will never forget how just a few minutes ago the other gods treated him like a lamb to be slaughtered, unscrupulously dividing their priesthood and divine power.

"There is no special purpose, I just don't want to see you die too quickly, that would take away a lot of fun.

Oh, by the way, this rope created by Gond, the god of craftsmen, and enchanted by Midnight, the goddess of magic, should be pretty good.

It's a waste to stay here and tie you up. I'd better take it away.

No need to thank you, I'm not here to help you anyway. "

With that said, Zuo Si unceremoniously untied the rope that could be called an artifact from Cyric's body and let him fall headfirst to the ground.

After finishing all this, he took Zariel and disappeared into the strong wind without looking back.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Cyric got up from the ground and glanced at the country that had completely collapsed with not even a single living creature, and finally couldn't help but explode completely.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!

asshole! asshole! asshole!

Ogma! midnight! Cranvor! Ben! Tyr! And Soth!

You damn bastards, wait for me!

One day, I will pay back all the humiliations I have suffered!

Nothing can defeat the great Cyric!

Sooner or later I will get back what I lost! "

Zuo Si obviously knew nothing about the incompetent rage of the Prince of Lies.

But even if he knew it, he would just treat it as a joke.

Because Cyric is no longer able to pose any substantial threat, just summoning Talona's incarnation can pin him to the ground with a blaster.

At this moment, Zuo Si was visiting the kingdoms of several other gods one after another to collect the rewards that they promised to give him after obtaining the corresponding priesthood.

Among them, the beast god Mara gave an artifact collar.

It can be worn around the neck of any animal, giving it the additional power of the Beast King on top of its original strength.

Not only are all basic attributes greatly enhanced, the size can be increased or reduced at will, claws and teeth are equivalent to +4 magic weapons, but also many spell-like abilities and melee skills can be obtained.

Zuo Si planned to take it back and put it on his animal companion, Atio, the white bear.

Although he has always regarded it as a pet, he never expected this guy to participate in the battle.

The reward paid by the Winter Goddess Oluel was one of the famous high-level artifacts in Faerûn - the Ring of Winter.

This thing has many uses.

Some of the most famous include shortening the casting time of spells, continuously increasing the power of magic items, making the wearer never age, and so on.

In addition, it can also create extreme weather such as blizzards and hail on a large scale, and create ice walls, icicles, and frosty air with a decelerating effect out of thin air.

You can even create a magic ice ball with automatic attack and defense effects, and mass-produce armor, weapons, shields, etc. that are as hard as fine steel.

There are rumors that this ring was forged by the mage god Azuth when he was still the chosen one of the goddess of magic, and was later kissed and blessed by the winter goddess Oluel.

It looks like a gold ring with frosty edges, and you can feel the biting coldness to the touch.

But after wearing it, the cold feeling will disappear.

In contrast, what the Strategic Goddess Yin Red Knight gives is very interesting. It is a book that will add an extra point of intellectual property every time you read it.

However, the restriction is that the first time requires six consecutive hours of uninterrupted reading, the second time is doubled, and the third time is doubled based on the second time...

And the book cannot be given to a second person, it must be carried with you and read for at least an hour every day, otherwise the intellectual attributes previously blessed will disappear instantly.

Regarding this sacred book, Zuo Si's evaluation is that it is enough to read it four or five times at most and carry it with you. Otherwise, it is just a waste of precious time.

Fortunately, it is always good to increase the intelligence attribute.

As for Musk, the last god of thieves, Zuo Si did not ask for any artifact, but signed an unknown secret contract with the other party.

It includes how to deal with the Shadow Thieves of Amn, and also how to join forces to fight against Shar, the goddess of the night.

After Cyric's lunatic was completely eliminated, the only person Zuo Si needed to watch out for in Faerûn was Shar, who liked to engage in conspiracy in secret.

Therefore, he has now begun to plan to build an invisible siege network against Shar.

As a person who likes to make several emergency backup plans in advance no matter what he does, Zuo Si will not choose to sit back and wait, let alone let the other party take the initiative.

Just the opposite!

He wants to firmly hold the initiative in his own hands.

By manipulating the division of Cyric's priesthood, Zuo Si has successfully brought Musk, the Red Knight, Oluel, and the beast gods Mara and Shar into conflict.

The next thing to do is to wait patiently for the conflict to slowly turn into hatred and hostility.

Among them, behind the Red Knight is the god of war Tempus, behind Oluel is the god of storm Talos, and the beast god Mara has a good friendship with the goddess of abuse Lavita.

Plus Ogma, the God of Knowledge, Midnight, the Goddess of Magic, and Suellen, the Moon Goddess, who has been in love with Shar for who knows how many years.

Zuo Si doesn't need to be afraid of Shar now.

Thinking of this, a playful smile appeared on his face who had just left the shadow plane. He gently fiddled with the Winter Ring that he had just put on his finger, and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Compared to Fighting alone, I really prefer righteous group fights. Dear Dark Goddess, please don't provoke me again, otherwise I'm not sure how I will retaliate."

The words have not yet been spoken!

A dark elf girl nearly three meters tall, with long flowing silver hair down to her ankles, and naked body, suddenly appeared out of thin air less than five meters away.

She is like an elf in the night, dancing with wonderful steps and singing softly. Even people who don't understand music can hear joy and joy from it.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the only kind-hearted goddess in the dark elf pantheon - "Dark Maiden" Eilistraee.

Zuo Si had met each other twice at the meeting of gods, but had never had any verbal or eye contact.

The main reason is that she always wears no clothes and only uses silver-white hair to cover her important breasts. She is unique even among the many goddesses who are dressed in revealing clothes. It is difficult not to notice.

He was a little unsure as to what the other party's purpose was in finding him.

Eilistraee was obviously not in a hurry to speak, and was dancing around Zuo Si in the light curtain created by her divine power, and making invitational gestures from time to time.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't even have the slightest interest in entertainment activities such as dancing and singing, and had no intention of responding at all.

In desperation, Eilistraee could only stop after dancing for a while and asked in a pleasant voice: "You don't seem to like dancing very much?"

"No, rather than dancing in person, I prefer to sit there and enjoy it."

Zuo Si gently kissed the back of the hand handed over by the other party and explained with a smile.

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