A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 422 The Death of Mansong (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that the artifact given by Bane, the "Tyrant's Three-piece Set", is mainly to help the wearer maintain his rule and create a condescending deterrent to his subordinates and the army, rather than to greatly improve personal strength.

In particular, the aura generated by the crown can subtly plant the seeds of fear in people's hearts, making them afraid to make even the slightest act of resistance throughout their lives.

For Zuo Si, the only thing that is really useful is [Tyrant Iron Fist], which allows all forms of attacks to automatically reach the theoretical maximum limit.

Just like the name, this thing is a glove that can be worn on the left hand. It is cast from an unknown black metal, but it will not affect the release of arcane magic like other metal products.

At the same time, when clenching your fist to attack, it can also be regarded as a +5 magic weapon, and the "critical hit" effect will be automatically triggered.

Obviously, this black metal glove is actually a replica of the [Bane's Dark Hand] worn by the God of Tyranny, or it can be called "the other one".

After all, two pieces put together make a complete glove.

In comparison, [Tyrant's Scepter]'s effect of permanently controlling others and its own high-level magic can only be regarded as better than nothing.

On the one hand, as a planeswalker, if Zuo Si wants the other party to be 100% obedient and loyal to him, then he can just make it into a summoned creature card. There is no need to use the control ability of [Tyrant's Scepter].

And the fact that it can be released by a wish or miracle after being controlled is also a small hidden danger.

On the other hand, he had learned serious advanced swordsmanship from his new teacher, Sorin Markov, and was completely unaccustomed to using weapons such as scepters, scepters, and maces.

Even [Talona's Favor] has been transformed into the form of a sword.

So if it was to be used in battle, Zuo Si would definitely use the ability of his creator profession to first turn it into the form of a sword instead of the bulky scepter it is now.

As for the additional [Death Gaze] after wearing the Tyrant three-piece set, its general effect is very similar to the seven-ring spell [Finger of Death].

It's just that the judgment has changed from a "Fortitude" saving throw related to physical attributes to a "Will saving throw" related to perception attributes, and it is a large-scale group effect.

If you fail, you will die instantly. There is absolutely no room for negotiation. Even if you pass, you will suffer damage equivalent to the wearer's perception attribute.

Taking Zuo Si as an example, if the current perception attribute is 40, then the target will suffer 40 points of mental damage the moment it saves from death gaze.

For most ordinary people or guys with low professional levels, this glare can basically declare the end of their lives. It is a truly magical skill for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

It truly kills you with your eyes.

When Zuo Si finished confirming all the abilities of the Tyrant's three-piece suit and raised his head to express his gratitude to Ben, he found that the God of Tyranny had returned to his country in the "Wasteland of Destruction and Despair", leaving only Fu Zuo. Er Chambery was still standing under the altar, with complex emotions including awe, jealousy, and fear in his eyes.

There is no doubt that this "Tyrant of the Moon Sea" is experiencing a fierce inner struggle at this moment.

Because he realized that he was no longer the favorite elect of Bane, the god of tyranny, and he was no longer the most important elect.

The young man in front of him has undoubtedly replaced himself and left him far behind.

Although Ben also gave Fuzor Chamberry a very generous reward for his persistence in his faith from the Turbulent Years to the present, he still exuded a strong smell of vinegar.

Zuo Si was keenly aware of this and immediately smiled and comforted: "Relax, my dear friend, you don't need to be so nervous. I will not compete with you for control of the church, let alone interfere with Zhentil Castle. and the Zhentarim. Once we work together to eliminate Manzon, they will all be yours."

"Is this considered charity?"

There was a hint of bitterness in Fuzoer Chamberry's tone.

As a priest, all his strength, power and status come from the gift of Bane, so there is no way to resist the will of God. There is no second choice except obedience, obedience and obedience.

This is completely different from the fact that the other party can easily balance among the gods and even conduct transactions as equals.

Zuo Si shook his head with a half-smile: "No, of course not.

In my plan, you, Zhentil Keep, and Zhentarim will play a vital role in the next plan.

If I remember correctly, the Zhentarim forces did a lot of infiltration and control in the West Heartland region east of Baldur's Gate, right?

Now, I want you to cooperate with me in a play and lead the army of Zhentil Keep to launch a full-scale invasion of the area that extends from here to the Dragon Lake and the Dragon Coast.

At that time, Baldur's Gate will inevitably send troops to fight back.

Through a war, I will destroy the original ruling classes of all towns, whether they are nobles or merchants.

In this way, after Baldur's Gate is defeated and calls for help, I can legitimately send troops to defeat you and take over this land, becoming the legal ruler with the support of the war-torn people.

After all, abstract things like identity and happiness need to be clearly felt through sharp contrast.

Just like there always needs to be someone to play the role of evil villain in this world, heroes and adventurers have the meaning of existence.

I believe that after personally experiencing the cruel slavery of Zhentil Castle and the terrible destruction caused by the war, the civilians in the West Heartland region will definitely be very eager to join a powerful country and accept its protection.

Remember, dear Fu Zuoer, the so-called tyranny is never simply the use of violence to suppress all resisters.

It is a technique of domination, and it is also the control and manipulation of mass psychology.

Only the lowest and most stupid tyrants will use violence to solve problems without restraint.

And a wise tyrant will make the people support him from the bottom of his heart, and even become the object of people's remembrance and memory hundreds or even thousands of years after his death.

Historians will write biographies of tens of thousands of words or more;

Poets would sing over and over again about the vast territories they conquered and ruled, as well as the epic wars and glorious victories;

Whenever a man hears a story related to it, he will be fascinated by it, wishing he could go back in time and devote himself to his subordinates to build his own legend;

Women will fantasize about starting a vigorous love relationship with them, or even becoming their exclusive lover.

As for the civilians who died to realize the tyrant's ambitions and desires, who will really remember them and care about them?

Allowing yourself to be great and generous are the qualities a successful tyrant must possess.

If you can do this, no matter how cold, ruthless, or cruel you are, you will have countless followers and admirers. "

"So... you want me to play the bad guy, and you want to play the hero who defeats the bad guy?"

Fuzoul Chamberry was obviously not a fool, and he immediately realized the calculation behind this operation.

He knew very well how notorious Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim were in the eyes of those in the outside world who were kind and neutral.

In many places, just by hearing the name, those in power will instantly assume the posture of facing an enemy.

Therefore, if you lead people to directly invade a certain area, it will inevitably trigger fierce resistance from the residents of that area.

Moreover, war and repression will quickly disintegrate the original ruling structure.

At this time, whoever can stand up and drive out the forces of Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim can become the hero who saves the region, and naturally becomes the legal supreme ruler.

Similar situations have occurred more than once in many places in Faerûn.

Zuo Si asked meaningfully: "Why not?

Don't you think this is a perfect way to expand the faith of Bane, the god of tyranny?

Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim will continue to maintain their original state and assume an aggressive invader posture.

Then they secretly support those leaders who don't seem so cold, bloodthirsty, and cruel, and let them become invisible tyrants and stand on the stage of power.

After these people come to power, the church can build temples on the land it controls and continue to spread new doctrines, allowing the Dark Lord to successfully complete its transformation.

When the people's cognition, thinking and consciousness begin to change, and they realize that there is actually nothing wrong with being ruled by a powerful and autocratic monarch, Ben will naturally become all capable and ambitious kings, emperors, nobles, etc. A god shared by the ruling class.

After all, the only way is to abandon all unnecessary personal emotions, make the most rational judgments entirely from the perspective of interests, and dare to break all rules when necessary and use the most cruel and bloody methods to cleanse those vested interest groups that get in the way. Only in this way can we truly govern a country and make it prosperous and strong.

And what this requires is precisely dictatorship and tyranny with evil lawful tendencies.

The concentration and dispersion of power is a delicate art.

And you, my friend, are still far from becoming a qualified tyrant..."

After hearing these words, Fuzuoer Qianberry was completely stunned.

Because he had never thought that spreading the teachings and ideas of Bane, the god of tyranny, could actually be done like this.

In particular, one person plays the good guy and the other plays the bad guy to fool the people in a certain area, and then quietly supports a potential tyrant to rise to power, changing the perception of the people in the area bit by bit, and making them feel sincere. Recognize Ben's teachings and ideas.

If used properly, it can completely change the situation in which the church is faced with hostility and suppression in some areas.

After thinking over and over for several minutes, Fuzoul Chamberry finally raised his head and responded solemnly: "In order to spread the teachings of the great dark monarch, I can cooperate with you. But the problem is, after tonight's turmoil and killings, and destruction, Zhentil Castle no longer has the power to launch a large-scale invasion in a short period of time."

"Haha, please don't worry about this.

I lend you this [Tyrant Scepter] that can permanently control others.

I believe that with the help of this artifact, you should soon be able to recruit an army of monsters and barbarian tribes from the mountains and forests.

In addition, I will also provide a batch of armor, weapons and food.

All you have to do is train them together. "

After that, Zuo Si handed the artifact he had just obtained to the other party without hesitation.


Fuzuoer Qianberry swallowed subconsciously, a trace of strong greed flashed in his eyes.

Although he already has a similar artifact [Eye of Tyrant], which can make the holder immune to all beholder ray attacks, and the weapon also has self-awareness and can automatically attack enemies without the owner's control.

But who would dislike having too many powerful artifacts?

What's more, the powerful control ability of [Tyrant's Scepter] is the power that this power-hungry elect desires most.

But soon, Fuzor Chamberry restrained his strong possessiveness, carefully took the scepter, touched the runes and marks carved on it by the God of Tyranny, and gave a straightforward guarantee.

"Give me two to three months to prepare. At that time, I will personally lead the army to sweep every town from the Dragon Coast to West Heartland."

"Great! Now let's start discussing how to deal with this annoying guy Manzon. I believe the Dark Lord must be tired of his shaky faith, isn't he?"

As he spoke, a chilling smile appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Fuzor Chambery, who had long been dissatisfied with Manzon's control of Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim Order's top position, also showed a cold and cruel smile and nodded: "Ah! That's right, it's time to send this old friend off. On the road.

Yes, this is the hiding place of most of the clones that I have confirmed through investigation.

Do you think we should get rid of these clones first?

Or should we visit Manson himself first? "

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, we need to visit Mansong himself. The best way to treat the enemy is to let them continue to struggle in pain and finally die in despair and helplessness."

Zuo Si gave his choice without hesitation.

"You have a point.

Come on, Manzon should be praying to the great Bane in the halls of the temple now, hoping to buy forgiveness in this way.

But he obviously forgot that what the God of Tyranny hates most is weakness.

From the moment he cowered before the avatar of Cyric, he was disqualified from continuing to rule Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim. "

After saying this, Fuzor Chamberry walked straight out of the small altar in his residence and walked straight towards the largest temple in Zhentil Castle along the streets covered with blood and corpses.

After a while, the two of them walked into this dark-style building that was more like a fortress than a temple.

At this moment, the legendary mage Manson was standing in front of the huge statue of Bane, lowering his head and constantly reciting words that praised the dark monarch.

It’s a pity that no matter how hard you pray, you get no answer.

This indifferent reaction made him so uneasy that he didn't even notice the two people who appeared at the door.

But soon, the crisp sound of the metal boots under Fuzoul Chamberry's feet on the stone ground finally made Manson turn around subconsciously.

The moment he saw who it was, his pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again, and an indescribable sense of crisis quickly surged into his heart.

"Long time no see, Lord Manson. I guess your sleep quality must not be very good after the battle in Luskan, right?"

Zuo Si politely put one hand on his chest and was the first to say hello.

"Hahahaha! Not only is it not good! He has nightmares every night." Fuzuoer Chambery mocked unscrupulously.

No hesitation!

After realizing that the two dangerous enemies in front of him must have joined forces to harm him, Manson immediately wanted to activate the teleportation magic and escape directly to his hiding place outside Zhentil Castle.

Because he knew that if Fuzuoer Qianberry dared to attack him, he must have obtained permission from the God of Tyranny.

In other words, he was regarded as an outcast by the newly resurrected Ben.

But unfortunately, at the moment when the spell was activated, a white-green light suddenly fell from the sky.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

With the violent impact, not only was Mansong's spell forcibly interrupted, but he also flew backwards several meters away and hit a solid stone wall hard.

Although he wore a large number of high-level magic items and even triggered a chain of accidental spells, he was still seriously injured. A mouthful of dark red blood spurted out from his mouth with a whoosh, and one of his arms even shot towards Then twist it into an L shape.

Without asking, I knew it must be a comminuted fracture.

When the dust and smoke in the sky dispersed, the figure of the God of Nature appeared within everyone's sight.

Whether it was the [Blade of Life] she was holding in her hand, or the three pairs of wings as iconic as the Blazing God's Attendant, or the astonishing energy emanating from her body, it all made Mansong feel like she was facing a formidable enemy.

Fuzuoer Chambery acted a little calmer because he knew that Nimidona was Zuo Si's person.

But even so, he was still afraid of the power of the young ally beside him.

After all, that is the Chitian Divine Attendant!

A powerful divine creature that is even rarer than the number of gods!

Even the gods will treat you with the highest courtesy and respect!

To be honest, Fuzuoer Qianberry didn't understand at all how Zuo Si managed to get a Blazing God to serve him.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Nimidona falling from the sky and interrupting his magic transmission, as well as two other enemies with legendary spellcasting abilities, Mansong's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Only then did he realize that this was definitely a premeditated raid, and the goal was to kill him once and for all.

"Dear Manson, don't expect to escape.

Because we are fully prepared to ensure that no matter what magic you use, you will not be able to escape.

So please use your ability to keep the bottom of the box and give it a try.

In that case, Soth might even consider giving you a decent death. "

Fuzor Chamberlain tried to provoke Manson and disturb the calm thinking of this powerful legendary mage.

But unfortunately he failed.

Manson did not become crazy or give up on himself because he was in a desperate situation. Instead, he quickly activated all the instant protection on his body and wrapped himself from head to toe.

Especially the sixth-ringed [anti-biological force field] directly chose to isolate Nimedona, who she considered the greatest threat.

The effect of this spell is to form an invisible protective force field that can follow the caster's movements, preventing designated creatures from getting close to him.

With Mansong's spellcasting level, it can cover a maximum radius of more than sixty meters.

So when the [anti-biological force field] took effect, Nimidona was immediately pushed back more than ten meters by a huge force.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly took out a bottle of healing potion and drank it, allowing the shattered and fractured arm to recover.

Appreciating the opponent's skillful and pleasing operation, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and commented: "A very smart and rational choice. It seems that after you were killed by me once, you must have secretly conducted a lot of spell duel training. Maybe you will do it this time It brings me a different pleasant experience.”

"What benefits did Fu Zuoer give you to make you choose to join forces with him to get rid of me?" Mansong asked, suppressing the fear and anger in his heart.

"Benefits? It seems you don't know anything yet, my dear old friend." Fuzoul Chamberlain sneered.

Once upon a time, the insidious, cunning, and scheming legendary mage in front of him had always been a worry on his mind.

But now, the other party is like a poor clown being played on the palm of his hand.

"What agreement did you reach between you?"

Manson frowned as he tried to figure out what had happened in the few short hours since Cyric descended.

Fuzor Chamberry answered straightforwardly: "Thos has become the chosen one and the perfect tyrant recognized by the Dark Lord.

In other words, he is naturally in the same camp as me now.

So give up the idea of ​​driving a wedge between us as soon as possible, because it doesn't make any sense.

What's more, it won't be a day or two before he wants to kill you.

The only reason to blame is that your arrogance caused you to provoke an enemy that you shouldn't provoke. "

"Is there really nothing to talk about?"

Mansong looked into Zuo Si's eyes, trying to resolve the crisis through his last effort.

"Sorry, I just want to use your skull and soul to create a powerful magical item."

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and directly used the eight-ring magic [Serial Dispel] as a signal to start the war.


A dazzling white light focused on Mansong's body.

Normally, this spell should remove the protective spells on the target one after another in a very short period of time.

But as a legendary mage, Mansong obviously didn't get it for free. He activated the [Higher Spell Immunity] in the magic storage ring at almost the same time.

As a result, [Serial Dispersal] was completely resisted as expected.

After all, as you can tell from the name, the effect of spell immunity is to provide the recipient with complete protection against specified types of spells.

With this thing, ordinary dispel magic will definitely not be able to remove the huge amount of protection on the opponent's body.

Seeing that his allies were already taking action, Fuzuoer Qianberry immediately cast a bunch of enhanced magical spells, and then rushed forward with the scepter in his hand, intending to directly break the bones of the enemy.

Mansong knew how dangerous this man was, so he didn't give him a chance to get close. He pushed him far away with a protective palm and pinned him to death in the corner of the temple.

But just when Mansong was about to turn around and deal with Zuo Si, the alarm bell in his heart suddenly sounded.

Turning around, she found that Nimidona, who was originally holding a two-color sword, had replaced her with a compound bow at some point. Two enchanted arrows exuding a terrifying aura were hanging on the bow strings.


Realizing the danger, he immediately activated a force wall scroll to try to block the fatal blow.

But before the force wall was fully formed, the God of Nature released his slender white fingers.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw two streams of light flashing in the air, and a hole was torn open in the middle of the unstable force wall.

One of the arrows seemed to be blocked by a force field the moment it hit, and then the second arrow successfully passed through the force field.

Mansong, who was on the other side of the wall, was penetrated in response, and his whole body flew backward until he was nailed into the solid black stone wall.

Immediately afterwards, the natural power released from the arrow was quickly transformed into magic vines, which wrapped around Mansong with only half of his body remaining at an extremely fast speed.

The hands he relied on to cast spells had completely disappeared at this moment, and all that remained of his legs were the bloody broken thigh bones above the knees, and half of his intestines flowed out along the gash in his abdomen. He looked extremely miserable.

There is no doubt that this is the terrifying [killing arrow] of a natural god with quasi-divine power.

Although the [Anti-Biological Force Field] can prevent specific creatures from approaching, it cannot resist attacks from long-range weapons and spells.

Since Mansong only saw the threat of the [Blade of Life] and did not notice the compound bow carried behind Nimedona, he paid a huge price for his carelessness.

Even the constant [Protective Arrow] was penetrated by the first hit.

The severe pain caused by his body being torn apart and his internal organs being squeezed and destroyed completely made him unable to help but let out heart-rending wails.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well done!"

Zuo Si chuckled and gave the God of Nature an approving look.

He originally thought that it would take a lot of effort to capture Mansong.

But who would have thought that it would be so easy in the end.

Nimedona shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "It's nothing. This human mage is neither strong nor smart enough. It is as easy to deal with him as eating and drinking. He is not worthy of your praise at all. Maybe next time, you can give me Designate a more challenging opponent.”

"Don't worry, the most indispensable thing in this world is enemies that are strong enough. Trust me, you will soon find an opponent who is evenly matched and worth fighting."

Having said that, Zuo Si ignored this somewhat arrogant nature god, walked straight in front of Mansong, stared into the man's bloodshot eyes and asked, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I... I think we can talk... There is no need to become eternal enemies. As long as you agree to let me go, I am even willing to become your subordinate, so that the entire Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim will serve you."

The serious injury and pain clearly didn't make Manson lose his mind.

He was still trying his best to resolve the overwhelmingly unfavorable situation for him.

It's a pity that Zuo Si doesn't trust the insidious and cunning Mansong, and he also doesn't intend to make it into a summoning creature card, but wants to "kill people and establish power."

Use this founder and leader of the Zhentarim, as well as the High Lord of Zhentil Keep, to declare to all of Faerûn what kind of revenge those who want to kill or capture them will suffer.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your proposal."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his hand and pressed it directly on Mansong's sweat-wet forehead, activating his creator profession and planeswalker spark abilities.

The next second...

A ball of dazzling black-red flames instantly spurted out from the legendary mage's chest and directly enveloped him.

"No! No! No! What are you doing? Stop! Stop! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Please! I am willing to be your slave! Be your loyal dog!"

Feeling that his soul was being burned by an indescribable high-temperature flame, and continuously producing pain that was 10,000 times more severe than physical pain, Mansong finally collapsed completely and began to struggle wildly and uncontrollably.

After a while, his body including the black archmage's robe, battle gorget, spell storage ring, shield pin, and the +4 power staff that fell to the ground were all burned by the flames and turned into Energy surged into his head.

Not only that!

Manson's body, internal organs, bones, skin, and eyeballs all disappeared under the burning of magical flames, and together with his soul, they were all concentrated in the skull.

When it reached a certain critical point, the entire skull suddenly erupted with a dazzling necromantic magic halo.

In order to improve the quality of this magic item, Zuo Si also raised his hand to forcibly capture the souls of Cyric believers floating in the streets and alleys of Zhentil Castle, and used their hysterical madness and resentment to strengthen the skulls in his hands.

Gradually, the originally pale skull took on an eerie burnt-black color, and howls and roars could be heard coming from inside.

【Manson's Skull】

Second artifact

It can provide the wearer with two additional spell slots of five to nine levels each. All necromancy magic comes with "spell power" when released, and it is permanently immune to necromancy magic below level three.

The object houses much of the tortured soul of the legendary mage Manzon.

When the user releases a spell that can torture the soul, he, together with thousands of Cyric believers who fall into madness, will let out a howl that can kill all living creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters. The effect is equivalent to the nine-ring magic. [Wail of the Banshee], up to three times a day.

In addition, you can also use threats, coercion, etc. to make Manson's soul serve you.

He retains most of his knowledge and spellcasting abilities, and is more than happy to do so in exchange for some respite from his eternal torment.

If [Manson's Skull] is thrown into a liquid to soak or cook, then any living person who drinks the liquid will fall into madness within twenty-four hours, and will be quickly transformed into a special undead form - Madness. corpse.

The biggest characteristic of this undead creature is that it is permanently in a violent state without any sense.

They will be controlled by the holder of [Manson's Skull] until they are completely destroyed.

Looking at the specific effects of the evil artifact he created, Zuo Si couldn't help showing a satisfied smile: "Not bad! It's much better than I expected. The only pity is that most of the souls of Dark Sun believers have been cast into The throne of the Dark Lord, otherwise if there are more sacrifices, this thing can become stronger."

"You successfully captured and imprisoned Manson's soul? He couldn't be resurrected through a clone?"

Fuzuoer Qianberry, who got rid of the entanglement of the protective palm, immediately came over and asked.

"Although not all, almost 90% of the souls are here.

As for the rest, it should pass through the plane barrier at the moment of death.

If nothing else, it should be time to enter the clone body and prepare for resurrection. "

Zuo Si gave the answer in a slightly joking tone.

The essence of [Static Clone Technique] is to copy the caster's own body and keep it in the youngest and healthiest state.

When the main body dies due to various circumstances, the soul will pass through the plane channel at the moment of physical death and directly enter the recently created clone body for resurrection.

But the problem is that when traveling through the plane passage, some unexpected situations may occur.

For example, the soul is suddenly torn into many parts and then sent into different clones.

As a result, when the caster woke up, he found that he was surrounded by clones of himself. Not only did they look exactly the same, but their memories, personalities, and ways of thinking were also exactly the same.

At this time, all the clones will start killing each other uncontrollably.

By killing other clones and absorbing their soul fragments, your own soul becomes more and more complete.

However, Manson's situation is obviously special.

Most of his soul body has been captured by Zuo Si, imprisoned in his skull and enduring horrific torture day and night.

Less than 10% of the soul fragments passed through the plane passage and successfully entered the clone body.

Even Zuo Si really wants to know, when less than 10% of the soul is resurrected, whether it will turn into a madman or a fool, or a group of madmen and fools...

With this curiosity in mind, he quickly arrived at the nearest clone storage location with Fuzoul Chamberry.

As a result, as soon as the two of them appeared, they saw a dozen "Mansong" pouring out spells frantically and regardless of the cost. Among them, seven or eight mutilated corpses were already lying on the ground.

"I am the real Manson! Die to all you damn impostors!"

"Shut up! I'm the real one! You and them are the fakes!"

"Kill, kill, kill!! As long as there is one Mansong in this world, it is enough!"

For a moment, all Mansons were like lunatics without reason. They did not even provide themselves with protective magic, but just continued to release surprisingly powerful and large-scale damaging spells.

It is easy to see from the confusion and bloodlust in their eyes that they cannot be called normal people at all.

"Oh - my God! What... what on earth is going on?"

Fuzoul Chamberry swung his weapon and knocked to death a Manson who rushed towards him and wanted to release a chain of lightning on his face. His face was full of shock and disbelief.

Zuo Si touched his chin and analyzed with great interest: "I think there may be something wrong with Mansong's cloning technique, or maybe the soul fragments had an accident while traveling through the plane passage, causing his originally incomplete soul to be divided into Dozens of dollars, hundreds of dollars.

Since each clone received too few soul fragments, they didn't look smart, and even acted on instinct like wild beasts.

That is to hunt other clones and seize the fragments to make your soul as complete as possible.

Maybe once all the Mansons are killed and only the last one is left, he will become closer to the Manson we know. "

Hearing these words, the corner of Fuzoul Chamberry's mouth suddenly twitched uncontrollably: "Then how do you think we should deal with this situation? Kill all the clones and let Mansong disappear completely in this place. World?"


Don't you think this is an opportunity to take Manson under your wing?

Don't forget, he only has less than one tenth of his soul.

We can inject new soul energy through magic to complete the missing parts, and then reshape the new Manzon's character while retaining his existing thinking, memory and magical abilities.

If successful, you will be able to gain a loyal and powerful legendary mage as your assistant.

Even if you fail, there is nothing to lose. "

Zuo Si's eyes shone with a frightening excitement.

You don't need to ask to know that he regarded Mansong's remnant soul and clone as an excellent experimental subject.

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Fu Zouer Chamberry was undoubtedly moved.

For the next few minutes, the two watched the Manzons kill each other.

Every once in a while, there are even clones teleported in from other hiding places.

By the end of the killing, the number of corpses had exceeded one hundred.

However, as the number of clones became less and less, they began to gradually regain their sanity, and the spell duel became a little more interesting.

Just as the "Chicken Eating Contest" of Manson clones entered its climax, far away on the streets of Zhentil Castle, the confused paladin Seluel encountered a succubus holding a decapitating sword and harvesting lives. Loli.

When the former saw this little girl with a human appearance, tearing off the arm of a Cyric believer with extremely efficient movements, and then pinching the neck to absorb life and magical energy from the opponent's mouth and nose, he immediately pulled out the weapon vigilantly. , asked sternly: "What kind of monster are you?"

"Monster? Are you talking about me?"

Atona pointed to her nose and blinked innocently.

She looks like an exquisite and cute doll, which makes people want to hold her in their arms and love her.

But Selul didn't dare to take it lightly at all, dragging his extremely tired body and shouting: "Stop pretending to be stupid! I saw what you just did! You drained that guy's life force and magic power! This is something only the evil devil can do The power you possess! You are not human at all! Show me your true form!"

Hearing the paladin's accusation against herself, the succubus Loli suddenly showed a childlike smile and said in a soft voice: "You said I am an evil demon, so let me ask you, who are you?

Lower your head and look at the blood and scraps of flesh stained on your body, and then think carefully about the people who died under your sword.

We are all killing. Can you tell whose killing is more just and whose killing is more evil?

no, you can not.

Because the people I killed were Dark Sun believers who fell into madness, even the gods would not define my behavior as evil.

But what about you?

Not only did you kill many believers of the Dark Sun, you also killed many slaves and indirectly killed countless residents of Zhentil Castle who lost their lives in the riots.

As an officer of Fort Zhentil, you not only abandoned your duties when the city was attacked, but also led the slaves to launch a so-called uprising, and swore you would fight side by side with them until the last moment of your life.

But when you discovered that these slaves lost control and began to vent their anger, you broke your oath and drew your sword against your companions fighting side by side.

Noble paladin, tell me, can you really still say that you represent justice? "

Following Atona's series of questions that pointed directly at her heart, Seluer fell into silence for an instant, and could no longer even hold the sword in her hand, letting it fall to the ground.

About two or three seconds later, the whole person knelt on the ground with a plop and began to cry uncontrollably, muttering some words that others could not understand at all.

You don't need to ask to know that through the ability to detect thoughts, the succubus Loli easily broke through the opponent's nearly collapsed psychological defense line, and was keenly aware of the confusion, pain and helplessness in this woman's heart.

At the moment, she can even see clearly through the magical vision given by divine power that the [Aura of Kindness], [Divine Grace], [Divine Blessing] and [Aura of Courage] that originally belonged to the paladin on Seluer are changing at extremely fast speeds. The speed dissipated and was replaced by a deep resentment.

There is no doubt that this woman has abandoned her faith in Tyr, the god of justice.

She fell.

After confirming this, Atona walked forward with graceful and light steps, stretched out her hand to gently wipe away the tears on the other person's face, and said in an extremely sincere tone: "I can understand your pain.

Because I have been as confused and helpless as you.

Since the gods can't give you what you want, why not try something else?

Come, join me in praying to the Great Master.

He will help you out of trouble, just like he helped me..."

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