A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 420 I, the great Bane, am back (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

How does a mortal feel when faced with an incarnation of powerful divine power?

Just look at the armies composed of humans, orcs, half-orcs, and hobgoblins on the city walls and gates. They are crawling on the ground uncontrollably, unable to even stand.

Even the priests who still maintained firm faith in Bane, the god of tyranny, were shaking slightly uncontrollably.

Although they tried their best to resist the pressure from the hostile gods, it was of no avail due to the huge gap between humans and gods.

As for those mages and warlocks who were used to being selfish, they all ran away immediately.

Confronting a crazy god like Cyric who is obviously mentally disturbed?

What a joke!

They don't want to die for nothing!

Many people who originally vowed to live and die with the Benn Church have now long since lost sight of their shadows.

There is no doubt that in front of the real gods, mortals are as humble and fragile as ants.

The former can even wipe out all life within a radius of dozens or even hundreds of kilometers with just one thought!

This absolute gap in power level cannot be restored by legendary magic and one or two artifacts.

Even Manzon, the lord of Zhentil Keep and the supreme leader of the Zhentarim, is hiding in his mage tower and dare not show his face. At the same time, he has endless hatred for Sammaster, the founder of the Dragon Cult. of admiration.

Because he completely didn't understand how this crazy guy had the courage to attack Lathander, the Lord of the Dawn, who had powerful divine power, and even managed to injure the opponent with the remaining silver fire in the end.

Although Mansong knew that in theory, gods would not take the initiative to attack or even kill a mortal.

Even if this mortal makes rude remarks, debates or even insults him.

Unless mortals attack the gods first, the gods will have an excuse to retaliate reasonably.

Because taking action first means that the god is not confident in the doctrine and philosophy he preaches, which is equivalent to admitting that he cannot refute the other party in the debate, so he becomes angry and chooses to use violent means to save face.

Look at how many years Lathander came to fight incarnation to destroy Sammaster and the undead army he controlled. He was laughed at by the mortals in the material world for many years, even if the gods of the lawful good camp responded with strong contempt and contempt.

What's more, it wasn't him who made the first move, but the Dracolich mount under Sammaster's crotch that breathed out the flames first.

Generally speaking, if a god wants to kill someone annoying, the best way is to let the believers and followers do it, giving a small amount of help themselves.

Some evil gods also use demons or demons as thugs.

After all, this is the unspoken rule of fighting between gods.

Otherwise, with the terrifying power they possess, if they go out in person every day to slaughter the believers of the gods of the opposing camp, there will probably be no one left alive on the continent of Faerûn in a few days.

Well, the entire continent and even the planet beneath our feet will collapse and collapse.

Similarly, the Earth Mother Goddess Chantiya and the God of Gods Io will definitely not allow this to happen.

Therefore, when facing the incarnation of a god, as long as you don't seek death, you generally don't have to worry too much about your life safety being threatened.

Even the most evil god will not attack a mortal when he comes to incarnate, as that would make him appear to be very devoid of cultivation and style.

but now……

No one dares to bet on whether Dark Sun can still maintain his sanity and abide by these most basic rules in his current mental state.

"Fozol Chambery!"

Cyric's avatar chants the name of the Chosen of Bane, the god of tyranny.

As an extremely petty and vindictive god, he will never forget how the "Tyrant of the Moon Sea" rejected his recruitment in public with righteous words, and how he organized forces in Zhentil Castle to fight against the infiltration and jihad launched by his followers.

It can be said that if it were not for Fuzoul Chamberry and Manson's strength alone, this city would not be able to survive now.

Now, the Prince of Lies wants to use the powerful and evil Book of Cyric to turn this most stubborn person into a fanatical believer, thus proving his supremacy as the only true god in Toril.

It must be said that his indescribable desire for performance and revenge makes him look like a villain.

You must know that although Zuo Si himself has a strong desire for revenge, he only focuses on the results of revenge rather than the process.

But Cyric is just the opposite. He not only wants the results but also shows the entire process to everyone.

The description of Ogma, the God of Knowledge, as "inferior and arrogant" couldn't be more appropriate.

There is no doubt that at this time, Fuzoul Chambery, who is the spiritual leader of Zhentil Castle, cannot hide like Manson.

Otherwise, the people's faith in Bane will completely collapse in an instant.

So he appeared directly at the city gate without even hesitating, releasing the divine power given by the God of Tyranny in his body, raising high the artifact [Tyrant's Eye Scepter] in his hand that had also been blessed by Ben, and shouted loudly Responded: "Lord of Lies! I am here! With all the followers of the great Lord of Darkness! We will never surrender to you!"

"Hahahaha! That's right! That's it! Remember the way you reject me now! It won't be long before you and the followers of Bane behind you will all fall at my feet."

With a lunatic laugh and crazy words, Cyric suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


After a crisp sound, a huge high platform suddenly rose from the ground, appearing outside the city of Zhentil Castle like a pyramid.

It's very high!

The highest point is at least fifty meters away from the ground, which is far beyond the ten-meter-high city wall, the fifteen-meter-high city tower and even the twenty-meter-high arrow tower.

A woman wearing a skull mask walked up quickly, knelt on the ground and kissed the upper of Cyric's shoe. Her face was full of fanatical admiration, and she was holding the black divine book tightly in her arms.

"Sovereign and great Lord! Your humble servants are at your command."

"Go! Go to the highest place to show my greatness to these ignorant fools! Tell them that I am the only true God in the country and even the entire universe!"

Cyric gave the order straightforwardly.

"As you wish!"

The woman wearing the skull mask climbed up the tower step by step along the stairs without saying a word, spread out the Cyric Book on the bookshelf, and showed the words that seemed to be written in blood to the walls of Zhentil Castle. All soldiers on board.

Especially making sure that Ben's elector, Fuzoul Chambery, can clearly see it.

Then she began to read the contents aloud in a hysterical voice.

In the blink of an eye, dazzling green light burst out from the page, covering the entire city.

"Directly use the power of lies to forcibly convert the beliefs of everyone in a city?!"

Wilmes's eyes widened and he was completely shocked by Cyric's crazy behavior.

She simply couldn't believe that there could be such an arrogant god in this world who dared to stand up and openly challenge the unspoken rules and bottom lines of the battle between gods.

Aren't you afraid of being mobbed?

Seeing the interesting reaction of the Purgatory Red Dragon, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and asked: "Do you know what the highest level of lies is?"

"What is it?"

Wilmes asked very cooperatively.

“It’s self-deception.

Simply put, it means convincing yourself that these lies are true.

Only in this way can others believe it.

So don't doubt the mental state of that madman in the distance.

He truly believed that he was the only true god in the kingdom, and wanted to kill all the other false gods. "

Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

However, he believed that Imanson and Fuzor Chambery must have been fully prepared and had shown the "True Biography of Cyric" to all the believers loyal to Bane in the city.

In other words, this self-righteous performance by the Prince of Lies will eventually turn into a joke and farce.

Of course, to some extent, this is also a traditional repertoire of the chaotic evil camp.

"Father, when do you plan to take action?"

Nimidona asked in a low voice, while her eyes flashed with an emerald green light that symbolized nature and life.

It is not difficult to see from the flash of disgust that she does not like Cyric, the extremely crazy, chaotic, evil and cruel god at all.

Zuo Si responded meaningfully: "Don't worry, let these two groups of people fight with blood first.

I'm very curious about the interesting reaction that madman would have when he found out that the brainwashing artifact he created didn't work at all, and he was so angry that he would react.

In addition, whether the return plan of the Dark King jointly planned by Fu Zouer Chambery and Manzon can be as successful as they imagined is also worthy of focus.

After all, this is the process of a powerful god returning from the world of death, and it is of great research value.

It will reveal to us the most fundamental and essential secrets of God. "

"I see."

Realizing that it would not be her turn to join the battle for a while, Nimidona immediately raised her hands to manipulate the natural energy, using vines to weave a swing full of colorful flowers, and then she sat on it as gracefully as a forest elf. shake.

Several birds and animals seemed to be attracted by the energy and landed on her shoulders or feet, presenting a beautiful scene of life and nature coexisting in harmony.

Even if there was the infernal red dragon Wilmes next to him, it did not make the little animals feel frightened or intimidated at all.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the result of the powerful divine-like aura of the God of Nature completely covering Long Wei.

Although there was a hint of longing in the eyes of the succubus Loli, she hesitated for a moment and decided to stay with her master, snuggling in his arms motionless, as well-behaved as a delicate and beautiful doll.

But it is a pity that Atona's flattering performance did not attract Zuo Si's attention at all.

The latter's attention has been completely focused on Zhentil Castle in the distance and the descending incarnation of Cyric.

As the voice of the woman standing on the high platform became louder and louder, and her mental state became more and more crazy, the entire "Hyrik Sutra" was quickly read out.

But when she closed the book and started reciting words praising the Prince of Lies loudly, only the brainwashed guys behind her responded.

The defenders on the city walls, city gates and arrow towers all looked like they were looking at fools, lunatics or lunatics. Instead of having fanatical faith on their faces, they looked extremely disgusted.

Fuzuo Er Qianberry even mocked mercilessly: "That's it?

Is this the final resort you have prepared for me and the entire Zhentil Keep?

A ridiculous farce?

It seems you are still as superficial as before!

I don’t know what true faith is at all!

Now, let me show you why Bane, the great god of tyranny, still has so many mortals willing to follow his footsteps after his death.

Because we fear the Lord of Darkness!

Awe of his power!

Believe in and practice his philosophy!

Only dictatorship and tyranny have the highest efficiency and can make the world a better place!

But what about you?

What else do you have besides these rabble and those ignorant people who have been brainwashed by lies?

If one day you decline or die, will these people continue to serve you?

The answer is obviously no!

So it would be a pipe dream for us to give up our faith in Bane and serve you instead.

Zhentil Keep is the holy place of the great Dark Lord!

The mortals here will never give in, let alone give up their beliefs! "

It has to be said that although Fuzole Chamberry is sinister, cunning, evil, and has an almost pathological fascination with power, his faith is indeed very firm and has never wavered from beginning to end.

Especially at a critical moment like now, even when faced with the incarnation of a hostile god, he did not flinch at all.

"No!!!! This is absolutely impossible! How can you withstand the power of the artifact!"

Seeing that his carefully planned performance ended in failure, Cyric suddenly began to rage like crazy with impotence.

I saw him fly directly to the high platform, push the woman wearing a skull mask and having a very high priest level aside, take the "Cyric Sutra" from her hand and read it over again.

After confirming that the power above had not faded or disappeared, he stared at his two eyes with terrifying light and asked, "What have you done?"

"Haha, what gave you the illusion that I would answer this question?"

The corner of Fu Zouer Chamberry's mouth turned up slightly and he sneered.

"You're looking for death!"

Cyric was obviously very angry. He didn't care about the unspoken rules of the battle between the gods. He raised his hand and wanted to use his extraordinary power to kill this bastard who dared to embarrass himself again and again.

As a powerful divine power that combines all the divine functions of the three gods of death, he possesses a series of "extraordinary divine powers" such as [Hand of Death], [Life Extraction], [Divine Impact], [Destructive Strike], [Life and Death], etc.

In particular, [Hand of Death] and [Seize Life and Death] are extraordinary divine powers that can only be possessed by masters of the "Death" priesthood.

Their characteristic is that as long as the target is a mortal and does not have divine power, quasi-divine power, divinity, or divine sparks in his body, then no matter how high his professional level, basic attributes, or how many powerful legendary protective magics he has blessed himself with, The result is basically death in an instant.

This chasm-like gap is the most realistic portrayal of the power comparison between mortals and gods. It is also the motivation for countless powerful spellcasters to desire to become gods.

But just when the black divine power symbolizing death began to flash in Cyric's hand, another god also suddenly descended into an incarnation.

He is not another god, but the successor of the self-proclaimed god of tyranny. He is also the son of Bane's god. He is Xvimu who currently maintains between weak and medium divine power.

The main reason why this god with a half-demon appearance appears is to protect his main source of faith in the mortal world.

Otherwise, if Cyric even knocks on the door without any response, and just sits and watches Zhentil Keep be conquered or destroyed, then no one will be willing to follow and believe in him in the future.

"Xivem? How dare you show up!"

Cyric raised his chin in surprise, showing a very surprised expression.

"I order you to leave immediately! This is not your territory!"

Xivimu warned sternly.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid a direct confrontation between gods, both parties should take a step back at this time.

But the crazy Cyric didn't care about this at all. After letting out a burst of ear-piercing laughter, he rushed forward and launched the first attack.

Xivimu had no choice but to fight.

As a result, when the incarnations of the two gods collided, the terrifying divine power instantly tore apart the sky, the earth, and everything within a thousand meters.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by deafening loud noises and explosions, the terrifying energy impact turned the indestructible walls of Zhentil Castle into dust in an instant.

The defenders above were so dead that not even ashes were left.

Seeing that their god had started a war, the crazy believers who believed in Cyric also drew their weapons and shouted slogans, launching a full-scale attack on Zhentil Castle, which was unwilling to surrender.

Since they numbered more than 8,000 people, far more than the defenders in the city, when the charge was launched, they looked like roaring waves.

"Come on! Kill these infidels!"

"For the great prince of lies!"

"For the Supreme and Only True God!"

"Kill everything alive in this city!"

"Use killing, blood, death and corpses to make those who still believe in false gods understand that this is their fate."

Suddenly, the sky above Zhentil Castle was filled with loud shouts of killing.

Due to the large number and the loss of the protection of the city wall, Zhentil Castle was unable to completely stop the enemy's attack. They could only use squadrons and squads as units to fight fierce street battles in the city.

These lunatics and lunatics have no sense at all. They basically kill whatever they see.

Countless civilians, elderly people, women and children who were hiding in the house were also dragged out of the house and their intestines and stomachs were dismembered in an extremely cruel and cruel way.

Internal organs, heads, stumps and broken arms...

Dark red blood covered almost every corner of the streets and alleys.

Some victims had half of their intestines pulled out, and they were struggling to crawl on the ground while wailing in pain.

It was clear that Cyric's followers were not here to conquer and occupy the city, but to destroy it completely.

In addition, the fire magic released during the battle quickly ignited the houses and spread quickly among the wooden buildings.

Blood and fire!

Fight and kill!

Pain and death!

Although the scale is far less than a brutal bloody battle, for a war that takes place on the main material plane for mortals, this is already quite bloody and terrifying.

The residents of Zhentil Castle, who had long been accustomed to being the only ones to invade and bully other countries and towns, tasted the taste of karma for the first time.

The chaos caused by the war also destroyed order and law.

Many nobles and wealthy businessmen who usually liked to exploit slaves were killed by slaves who escaped from the chaos, and even suffered inhuman abuse and torture before dying.

Not only that!

The slaves who were filled with anger also snatched weapons and armor to arm themselves, and then carried out destruction, arson, robbery, and rape in the city, venting all the anger accumulated in their hearts.

At this moment, the dark side of human nature is vividly reflected in this war.

In particular, the two incarnations of gods fighting in the sky are both from the evil camp, so the divine power they release also affects the mortals below to some extent.

But none of them noticed that when all Cyric's believers poured into the streets and alleys of the city, all the sacrificial circles hidden under the buildings were activated.

Almost at the same time, Fuzor Chambery also issued orders to churches everywhere to start holding grand ceremonies for Bane, the god of tyranny.

Standing on the top of the mountain outside the city, Zuo Si could clearly observe that the souls of all unlucky people who died in the battle, whether they were followers of Cyric or residents of Zhentil Castle, would be absorbed by the sacrificial circle. Then he threw himself into the empty throne of the Dark Lord.

For every living soul thrown into it, the throne will emit a stream of black and red flames.

After more and more souls are absorbed, it can be seen that Xivimu, who has inherited part of the power and priesthood of the God of Tyranny, begins to become particularly powerful.

From the beginning, being suppressed by Cyric gradually became more and more back-and-forth, and it even became evenly matched at one point.

Of course, if that's all it's worth, it's not a big deal.

After all, the combat power of gods often cannot be simply calculated simply by using divine power and divine level.

But the problem is, the stronger the strength becomes, the more wrong Xivem's mental state becomes.

The two eyes often change between red and green, and the fighting style is sometimes based on dodge and defense, and sometimes turns into an extremely violent active attack.

When the soul sacrifices came together with the devout prayers and calls from churches across Faerûn, a scene that shocked all mortals and gods in the entire country finally happened.

Xivem, who was fighting with Cyric's incarnation just a second ago, suddenly stopped all movements.

Before the former could react to what was happening, his body suddenly exploded without warning, releasing a large cloud of terrifying green smoke.

Immediately afterwards, a bald man with light green skin slowly walked out, raised his right hand wearing a black iron glove high, made a fist and made a declaration.

"Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear! I, the great Bane, am back!"


The whole world changes color!

Regardless of whether they were present or not, all mortals clearly saw this true vision.

Likewise, those enemies of the Dark Lord, such as those who are loyal to the God of Courage, Thom, the God of Justice, Tyr, the God of Guards, Heim, and the Lord of the Dawn, Lathander, all pay close attention to this place.

There is no doubt that Bane's resurrection directly tore apart four important priesthoods in Cyric, causing him to fall into hysterical madness uncontrollably again.


No! No! No!

How dare you, a lowly false god, steal what is mine?

I'm going to kill you!

Tear you apart!

Decorate my throne with your bones! "

Unfortunately, before the Prince of Lies had time to launch an attack, Bane summoned black lightning first, and hit the former in the face with a bang, sending him flying dozens of kilometers away, and he was stunned to create it out of thin air on the ground. A river three to four meters deep stretches all the way to the Dragon's Spine Mountains in the north.

If the direction of this attack was Zhentil Castle, then the entire city would be completely reduced to nothing.

However, Cyric is obviously not someone who gives up easily, especially when he is in an abnormal and crazy mental state.

Just a minute later, he used his divine power to appear directly behind Bane, intending to surprise the newly resurrected God of Tyranny with his best backstab.

But this guy obviously forgot that the reason why he was able to kill gods in the turbulent years was not because of his superb sneaking and backstabbing skills, but because the gods were walking in the weakest form of saints at that time.

This can be seen from the fact that Heim, the only guardian god who has not been knocked down to the mortal world, can easily kill the second-generation magic goddess whose strength is only inferior to the god Io.

So before the sword in his hand was handed over, the Prince of Lies saw the ferocious smile on Ben's face when he turned around.

"After all these years, I can't believe that even though you have become a god, you still haven't made any progress at all."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The God of Tyranny raised his fist wearing a black iron glove and struck Cyric hard on his disgusting face.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The sound of violent air explosions suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and then they saw the latter falling from the sky like a meteor, hitting the ground with incredible speed and force, and smashing out a bottomless hole with a radius of hundreds of meters. The big pit.

There is no doubt that this is a battle between gods.

There are not so many fancy skills, and there are very few dazzling and gorgeous arcane and divine arts. It is just a pure collision of divine power.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that neither of them has any relationship with magic-related clergy.

If it were replaced by the goddess of magic, the god of mages, and the god of knowledge, the results might be different, but the essence would not change much.

And an attack like this that to a mortal would be instantly wiped out into ashes is obviously nothing in the face of powerful divine power.

After a while, Cyric climbed out of the pit.

But this time, he obviously learned his lesson and did not launch an attack rashly. Instead, his eyes showed fear with a hint of hatred and malice.

Although this guy is crazy, he understands that in his current state, it is basically impossible to kill Bane, who is also powerful.

But just when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from behind.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling white light beam fell from the sky, directly covering the King of Lies.

The terrifying power drove it deep into the ground again in an instant.

Divine impact? !

Ben suddenly raised his head, just in time to see Zuo Si descending from the sky riding the red dragon of purgatory, and the scepter in his hand that emitted dazzling white light.

"I hope my attack just now did not disturb you, the great Dark Lord."

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Are you Soth?"

Ben looked at the interesting young human in front of him with great interest.

In fact, he had already regained consciousness and was silently absorbing strength from his Son of God, waiting for the best time to resurrect, so he knew a little about what had happened in Faerûn in recent years.

Whether it was the special identity of Planeswalker Zuo Si, the bold act of summoning the Eldrazi Titans in the bottomless abyss, or the perfect tyrant potential shown in the ruled area, the God of Tyranny was full of interest.

Especially the merciless attack just now made Ben realize that today's drama was not as simple as he thought.

Zuo Si nodded lightly: "Yes, that's me. Even though it's our first meeting and we lack the most basic understanding and trust between each other, I still think we can reach an agreement on dealing with Cyric, don't you?"

When Ben heard these words, he immediately burst into laughter: "Hahahaha! You are right. No matter who it is, as long as he is willing to deal with Cyric together, I am very welcome. In addition, the weapon in your hand It seems interesting, it absorbs the power of faith and transforms it into a divine impact, right?"

"Well, that's right. This thing is one of the few things in my hand that can really hurt the gods. I once had the honor to destroy an incarnation of Shar, the goddess of the night. But I just don't know how effective it is against the combat incarnation of powerful divine power."

Just as Zuo Si was speaking, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, holding out the long sword in his hand at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

And the position of the thrust is right at the back of the body which is enough to kill with one blow.

But just when he was about to succeed, a dazzling green light fell from the sky, followed by the God of Nature Nimedona appearing out of thin air, waving the Blade of Life in her hand to block the backstab.


Dazzling golden and green sparks suddenly flew everywhere.

This time the contest between divine power and quasi-divine power ended in a tie.

Nimedona not only successfully defended against Cyric's sneak attack, but also forced him back more than ten meters.

"Servant of the God of Blazing Sky?!"

The Prince of Lies' pupils suddenly dilated, clearly expressing the unrest in his heart.

Because he knows that the number of such creatures that can rival and rival the gods is very rare, and they are almost only loyal to the most powerful gods, such as the Elf Lord Corellon, the God of Justice Tyr, and the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut.

If there is an Attendant of Blazing Heaven appearing here, it means that there may be some unknown conspiracy and alliance against him hidden behind it.

"Hello, Cyric, Prince of Lies.

After all, this probably isn't the first time we've met.

Last time at the meeting of the gods, you caused me a lot of trouble.

Do you know why I never took any substantive revenge? "

Zuo Si had a disturbing smile on his face, as if he was talking to an ordinary person, rather than an incarnation of powerful divine power that had fallen into madness.

"Are you waiting for the right moment?"

Cyric asked in an uncertain tone.

"Bingdog! Correct answer!

Because I know that the best way to deal with a troublemaker like you is to beat him to death with a stick when you see the opportunity.

For this reason, I carefully planned today's actions.

Now that Bane, the god of tyranny, has been resurrected, the new god of death should also take the stage.

Look, today I am going to tear off all the priesthoods on your body one by one, so that you can taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

Do you want to be the only true god in the world?

But I insist on making you a disgrace to the gods! "

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si sent a signal to Yeager in the Hazy Realm.

In less than half a minute, Cyric began to feel that the death priesthood and divine power were leaving him, and the feeling of weakness that followed was almost exactly the same as when Bane took away the other four priesthoods when he was resurrected.

And not just the Death Priest itself!

Other associated priesthoods are also rapidly losing control, and part of the death priesthood and murder priesthood have also returned to Baal's hanging throne under the influence of powerful suction.


The ancient god of death!

Cyric's mind instantly thought of the only mastermind who could do all this, and he also recalled the other person's cold eyes full of contempt for him.

Soon, the madman who thought he was the only true god once again unleashed his incompetent rage.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Jaeger!!!! I swear I will make you pay for this betrayal! An extremely painful price!"


It's a shame you can speak out.

As the Grim Reaper, have you fulfilled your duties one day?

Do you know that the hazy realm of the underworld has become so chaotic that it relies on the devil to maintain order?

Do you still remember why the god Io knocked down the gods to the mortal world and walked like a saint?

Because many of them did not perform their duties well!

Therefore, it is only natural for Yeager to strip you of your death-related clergy.

Moreover, you arrogantly dare to claim that you are the only true god and all other gods are false gods. You have seriously violated the bottom line of the gods.

Next, you will face the wrath and judgment from all the gods! "

Zuo Si sneered mercilessly.

Just as he was speaking, the vision of a handsome young man holding a throne high appeared in front of all the gods and mortals in Faerûn.

The third generation of Death - Kelanvor has finally taken over.

And he barely made any pause, and immediately fulfilled the agreement that Yeager had made with Zuo Si before, and also lowered an incarnation, staring at Cyric who had already had a grudge against him when he was still a mortal.

It is naturally impossible to hide the fact that Kelanvor ascended to the throne of death from the goddess of magic.

In less than a minute, Midnight also descended incarnate.

Also arriving with her were Ogma, the God of Knowledge, Azuth, the Mage God, Tyr, the God of Justice, Ilmat, the God of Suffering, Talona, ​​the Goddess of Poison and Disease, Tempus, the God of War, and Wealth. The goddess Wojin, the god of craftsmen Gond, and many other gods.

Some of them had formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Zuo Sic and came to help, while others couldn't stand Cyric's crazy behavior and came to denounce and judge him together.

Anyway, beating up a drowned dog is something that not only mortals like to do, but gods also like it.

After all, Cyric has done many annoying things since becoming a god.

And he doesn't even bother to form an alliance with any god, he doesn't even have a decent ally.

In short, even in an extremely unstable state of mind and spirit, the Prince of Lies still vaguely felt that his situation seemed a bit not good.

At the same time, on the other side, Succubus Loli had already rushed into the battlefield under the instruction of Zuo Si, stole the two sacred books "Cyric Sutra" and "Cyric True Biography", and put them in her pocket Carry backpacks and make sure they don't fall into other hands.

After finishing this matter, Atona began to shuttle through the streets and alleys of Zhentil Keep, wielding the decapitating sword to kill Cyric's crazy followers, and drain the life force and magic power from their bodies.

Because he was relatively petite and could perform many spell-like abilities and divine spells, no one noticed that this seemingly inconspicuous little guy had quietly killed hundreds of living people.

Also let out to cause trouble randomly was the Purgatory red dragon Wilmes.

This guy not only killed people, set fires, destroyed buildings and streets, but also looted everything of value.

Whenever the locals of Zhentil Castle dared to express any opinions, she would turn around and spit out a breath of purgatory dragon breath.

In a short time, treasures, artworks and various magic items, equipment, and scrolls worth millions of gold coins were collected.

Even worthless copper plates were melted into lumps of copper ingots.

What does scraping three feet from the ground mean?

Just look at what Wilmes is doing now.

In the entire Zhentil Keep, except for Manson and Fuzor Chambery, there was no third person who could threaten her.

As a mole, Xi Manmeng thought that the purgatory red dragon was sent by Zuo Si. Not only did he have no intention of stopping it, but he secretly contacted it and marked all the places in the city where a large amount of property might be stored.

As a result, Wilmes's robbery efficiency was frighteningly high, and he was basically able to catch every one of them accurately.

"Cranvor, you...do you remember me?"

After a long silence, Midnight took the lead to express the extremely complicated emotions in her heart to her former lover.

There is both happiness and joy, but also unspeakable worries.

She didn't even know what she looked like in the eyes of the other party.

Because the God of Death is different from other gods, generally there is a kind of indifference that repels people thousands of miles away.

"Of course I remember. I'm glad to be able to meet you again. But fate is really fickle. I never thought that the partners who took the adventure together would actually be reunited in this way."

As he said that, there was a hint of nostalgia in Kelanvor's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by anger and hatred.

And the target of this anger and hatred, no need to ask, is known to be the Prince of Lies surrounded by gods.

At this moment, he no longer had the madness he had before, replaced by strong vigilance and vigilance.

Midnight was obviously aware of this, and chimed in with a sneer: "You are right, fate is indeed unpredictable. But we seem to have an account with Cyric that needs to be settled, what do you think?"

"I totally agree!"

Kelanvor used the divine power he had just obtained and instantly created an artifact heavy sword.

"You two, if you don't mind, can you count me in? Although to a certain extent, we should be considered enemies. But against Cyric, I think we can still form a temporary alliance with each other." Bane, the God of Tyranny, grinned. He suggested with a smile.

"Count me in! I want to see how much the guy who has the courage to claim to be the only true god in the world weighs."

Tempus, the God of War, slowly drew out his iconic black sword.

"And I!"

"Cyric's behavior has far crossed the red line! He must accept the judgment of the gods!"

"Agree! Since he can't perform his clerical duties well! Then strip these clerical duties and give them to gods who can perform them."

"I suggest that a meeting of the gods be convened immediately to deal with this matter."

"Let's take it easy! King of Lies! You must give us an explanation today no matter what!"

Under Zuo Si's manipulation, Cyric received unsurprisingly the best treatment.

Just look at that livid face and you will know how bad his mood is now...

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