A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 414 Is there such a good thing? (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

After learning that the players' crazy behavior had a serious impact on the world, Zuo Si immediately awakened his clone in the world of Song of Ice and Fire after handling the matter in the floating city.

But when he found the diary, he saw that this guy was playing games with hundreds of women who had been transformed into vampires or had ghost templates.

The clothes of the latter are almost without exception either transparent or revealing, and there seems to be an element of role-playing.

Among them were "Little Rose" from the Tyrell family, as well as some other beautiful women with noble status.

You don't need to ask to know that these should be special trophies that players obtain during battles or when they capture towns and fortresses.

According to the original rules of war in Westeros, unless there is a deep hatred, prisoners of higher status nobles are generally exchanged for ransom.

But the diary, an inhumane person, released magic items, scrolls and potions as rewards that the indigenous people could not give, allowing the players to send all the beautiful and noble noble ladies and ladies over.

Anyway, with a lot of high-level undead spellcasters as backing, the number of magic items he has on hand, especially the magic items related to necromancy magic, is simply not too much.

It can be said that Mutahar Floating City basically has a copy of everything that Plantia Floating City has.

And with the blessing of the artifact Broken Magic Crystal, the entire city is a super mobile fortress, with an almost unlimited supply of energy and spells just by basking in the sun every day.

Magic items that are extremely precious to players have long been no different from cheap consumables produced on the assembly line in the eyes of the diary.

With powerful weapons such as fireball wands, lightning wands, and ice storm wands, it is not a problem to take out thousands of them at once.

As the "Rose of Highgarden", Margaery is only worth a wand of protection against arrows.

Because this thing plays a great role in the battlefield of queuing to kill.

As long as it is blessed, there is basically no need to worry about being hit by lead bullets fired from primitive firearms, and it can even deflect small-caliber field artillery shells.

The reason why players dare to serve as officers and lead the charge into battle is to ask the spellcasters in the team to bless themselves with the same or similar protective spells before the war begins.

In this way, even if all their cannon fodder are dead, they themselves will not lose a single hair.

On the contrary, they will be respected for their brave actions and inspire the indigenous soldiers to fear no death.

In addition, because the captured aristocratic ladies and ladies were spoiled since childhood and seriously lacked firm will and belief, they soon became playthings in diaries after being transformed into undead or semi-undead.

Especially when Zuo Si just walked in, he was holding Little Rose's toes in black stockings in his mouth, and he even put his hands into the skirt and didn't know what he was doing.

In addition, there is a circle of women around who help, cheer, and shout cheers.

The journal's behavior is apparently a bit too unusual for an undead creature.

Zuo Si even wondered whether this guy used Clinshinibon's powerful magical power to keep part of his body active and get pleasure from it like ordinary people.

Otherwise, it would be too outrageous to be able to achieve this level just by relying on psychopathy.

What's even more incredible is that he seemed to have completely abandoned the emotion of shame, and didn't mind exposing his ugliness in front of others at all. He just did a complete set in front of Zuo Si, and then took off the pair of silk stockings that were stained with saliva and torn to pieces. Throwing it aside, he asked with a smile: "Hey! My dear master, why are you free to visit me today?"

"Oh - please be a human being."

Zuo Si held his forehead and sighed slightly.

At this moment, he finally realized why the world was completely ruined.

Players who like to maximize profits and have wild imagination are certainly the most important factors, but the deliberate encouragement and indulgence of the diary are certainly indispensable.

Only in this way can he take the opportunity to collect beautiful women to enrich his harem to satisfy his twisted and perverted desires.

"Being a human being? Have you forgotten that I'm not a human being at all?"

The diary curled his lips in disdain, then buried his face into the "weapon" of a vampire lady next to him who exuded a mature aura and rubbed it hard twice.

To be honest, Zuo Si felt particularly speechless every time he saw this other side of himself that kept refreshing its lower limit.

He very much doubted that if he completely abandoned all restraints and indulged in desire now, would he really become exactly like the other person, or even worse?

Obviously, it is impossible to get an accurate answer to this question in a short time.

On the one hand, he has become accustomed to restraining things like desire. Only in this way can he always remain calm and rational.

On the other hand, he didn't want to be like some people who tried to challenge their weaknesses and accidentally fell into it.

You must know that since becoming the lord of the hell plane, the temptations Zuo Si has to face have begun to increase exponentially.

Now as long as he shows the slightest bit of similar tendencies, countless succubi, seductresses, lust demons, pleasure demons, radiant nuns, and various half-demons and half-devils will pounce on him one after another.

Maybe the succubus queen Mercanthet, the hell princess Gracia, and the titular lord of the fourth level, Ms. Fierna, will also join them.

In addition, there are several Isadora whose mental state has never been stable, Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and Alustriel who has sent invitations and hints more than once...

Zuo Si felt a shudder when he thought of the days when most of the day was wasted on being a stallion or rushing to be a stallion. He quickly cleared these random thoughts out of his mind and asked straightforwardly: "You What do you want to do by encouraging players to upgrade their war form from cold weapons to hot weapons? Don’t tell me, it’s just to collect beauties to enrich your harem.”

Diary smiled and shook his head: "Haha, of course not.

My dear master, have you forgotten that war itself is also a special way of communication between civilizations?

Especially in Europe on Earth, how was the monopoly of power by the feudal aristocracy broken?

Are they the so-called enlightenment thoughts and cultural movements?

I admit, that did play a certain guiding role in thinking.

But what really did this was the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars that swept across Europe.

The emergence of muskets and artillery changed the form of war and expanded the scale of war, allowing even civilians who were previously regarded as cattle and horses to gain enough power to easily kill the knight.

When the chivalry system, which was the foundation of feudalism, collapsed and the conscript system was born to meet the needs of high-intensity wars, the entire society was bound to usher in a corresponding leap forward.

Although I don’t think there will be a capital revolution in this world, there is still no problem in centralizing power.

After all, the feudal system was too backward, severely restricted the development of productivity, and did not do any good for trade.

Since we want to turn this world into a rear area, or even build a new deep well of soul, we must first improve the living standards of the local indigenous residents so that they can have a better expectation for the future and be able to feed more children.

You should know best that people who are advanced intelligent creatures are actually very fragile at the spiritual level.

They are completely different from livestock such as cattle and sheep. Once they are abused for a long time or are in a bad mood, they will refuse to have children, or even more seriously, they will choose to commit suicide.

The prerequisite for achieving all of this is to take the lead in destroying the deep-rooted feudal system on the continent of Westeros.

So I chose to upgrade the form of war, letting those self-righteous nobles collapse and die amidst the roar of muskets and artillery.

Just watch, it won't be long before the great nobles who control military power will be lost in hatred and desire for power, unknowingly shedding blood bit by bit, and eventually losing control of their territory completely.

Players, as new types of nobles, will replace them and become the new masters of this land.

As for who will be the king, it actually doesn't matter at all.

Whether the Lannister family, the Stark family, the Baratheon family, or the Targaryen family win the final victory, they all have to face the result that they can only be puppets without real power. "

"Using the power of players to use war to promote productivity and social progress? I didn't expect that you are quite well-organized."

Zuo Si touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

Transforming the world of ice and fire into an eighteenth-century place full of magic and steampunk style is indeed a good idea.

And he had begun to look forward to seeing the Night King and the White Walkers march south. He found that the living people he faced were a group of people who used muskets, cannons, and explosives. The army of zombies was completely destroyed before it could rush to them. What would happen? What an interesting expression.

The diary sneered and responded: "What the hell!

Don’t forget that technically I am you and you are me.

We all have the same knowledge in our heads and have similar ways of thinking.

Don't worry, the players won't be able to shake things up as long as I keep an eye on them.

In contrast, I am curious how your journey to the abyss went?

Have you caught a few more beautiful, sexy and cute succubi? "

After hearing this guy's three words, which were all about beauty, Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "You want a succubus?


I now have millions of succubi under my command, as well as their advanced forms of succubi, the Sisters of Radiance, and the succubus queen Malkanthet.

How about it, are you interested in coming to Shendilavel to experience the ultimate pleasure and temptation?

In addition to the succubus, I also have Zariel, the lord of the previous first level of hell, as well as many lust demons and pleasure demons.

Would you like a luxurious set of devils and devils mixed together?

By the way, are you calling Gracia and Ms. Philna? "

"Wha...what?! Damn it! Is there such a good thing?"

The diary instantly pushed the vampire lady beside him away, jumped up from the sofa, and drool even flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But soon, he came back to consciousness from the state of spermatozoa, and immediately opened his mouth wide and asked in an extremely shocked tone: "Damn it! What did you do when you went to the abyss?"

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "I used shimmering oil to infect the entire Shendilavil, as well as the succubus queen Mecanshut.

Now she is mine.

In addition, Asmodeus and I also signed a contract, completely becoming the new lord of the ninth level.

Zariel was his gift to me.

If you are interested, you can take the time to check it out.

I built a huge cyberpunk city there, and there should be a lot of entertainment and services that you are interested in. "

"Gan! This is so cool!

Tell me now, how does Malcanthet taste?

Is it really like what the rumors say, that it can directly send people to bliss?

Are Zariel, Gracia, and Lady Fierna, these unique female archdevils, slightly inferior to them, or about the same?

Oh, by the way, there’s also Shuoyou!

I remember that this thing should be able to make machines and even undead regenerate flesh and blood.

Do you think if I undergo complete transformation, will I be able to regain that ability? "

The diary raised all the questions that concerned me in one go.

These peculiar concerns of his immediately made Zuo Si couldn't help but complain: "Do you think I am like you, thinking with my lower body all day long?

Using shimmering oil to do things like yellow, I guess you can only think of it in the entire multiverse.

However, I have not done any experiments in this area yet, and I don’t know if it can really be done.

And I don’t plan to give it to you, lest you regain your ability to reproduce and end up with a lot of messy offspring. "


With the muffled sound of his knees falling to the ground, Diary hugged Zuo Si's thigh and wailed: "No! This is related to my future sexual life."

You know I only have this little hobby, can you bear to deprive me of it?

What's more, if I restore my reproductive ability and really produce a lot of offspring, wouldn't it be equivalent to strengthening the power of Mutahar Floating City in disguise?

Please, give me the oil.

You don't need to worry, I'll take it back and do the experiment slowly. "

"Hmph! Want some oil?

Then give me a good job, control the player's destructive power, and at the same time transform the world into what you want it to be.

If the results satisfy me, you will get a copy of No. 3 Glitter Oil, which allows machines and undead to grow large tracts of muscles, bones, and nerves.

But if it doesn’t meet expectations…

Then just stay a psychopath and don't expect to have any actual combat ability in this life. "

After saying that, Zuo Si took out a small amount of black oil from his pocket and shook it in front of the other party's eyes.


The two eyes of the diary were firmly attracted by this thing.

There is no doubt that for an old pornographic woman, there is nothing more attractive than the restoration of physical desire and ability.

Of course, this is exactly what the leftists want.

After all, if you want this lazy and spiteful guy to exert his subjective initiative, it's definitely not enough to put pressure on him. You must also have some temptation and motivation.

After a while, the diary finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, you win. I promise to restrain those players, transform this world into a rear area that meets your requirements, and then create a brand new deep well of souls."

"Excellent! I look forward to seeing the results of your work."

After getting the answer he wanted, Zuo Si immediately put away the oil and turned around to leave.

But before he could take two steps, he heard the diary calling from behind him: "Wait! Aren't you going to see the canary you raised?"

"Canary? Oh, you mean Daenerys. There is no need for this for the time being. She is still too young and her figure is so meager that it is not interesting."

After saying this, Zuo Si waved his hand to activate the teleportation magic and return to the sky airship used to store the clone.

He has a lot to do recently, and there is no time to waste in such a place.

"Small? Barren?

Tsk, it seems you don’t understand the beauty of loli.

But that's different for me.

Since acquiring the body and soul of this dragon, I have the ability to appreciate the beauty of all races and all ages.

Not to mention a white-haired one like Dragon Mother, even Myrcella could do it in the same way.

If I can restore my reproductive capacity with the help of shimmering oil, then I can create one hundred and eighty races by myself.

Speaking of Messiah, I should probably go to King's Landing and see how things are going there. "

After scorning Zuo Si's incomprehensible style, the diary was immediately transmitted directly to the capital of the Seven Kingdoms through himself and the Magic Crystal Tower.

Compared with the lively scene of the last martial arts tournament, it now looks very weird.

The golden robes are almost invisible on the streets in the city. Only the people from the Shadow Guild will come out to patrol and maintain order from time to time.

It is obvious that the city has been completely divided into two parts.

The city walls, gates and castles are still in the hands of the queen and the Lannister family behind her, with fully armed soldiers guarding every corner 24 hours a day.

As for the streets and underground secret passages in the city, they are completely controlled by the Shadow Guild headed by Nex.

Especially after the two vicious incidents of castrating the current king Joffrey and letting the tramps ravage Cersei in turn, the conflict between the two sides completely broke out, with no possibility of relief.

Although "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister wants to launch a great purge to kill all those bastards who dare to harm his son, sister and lover.

But just one day after making this sound, when he woke up, he found that all the hair on his body had been shaved, including even the most private parts.

Apparently, the best thieves among the players have proven that they can kill anyone in the Red Keep at any time if they want to.

Be it the king, the queen, or some of those bullshit Kingsguards who think too highly of themselves.

There won't even be a fight in this process, but the life will end in a defenseless sleep.

From then on, this knight with a heroic complex completely gave up all unrealistic thoughts of revenge, ordered the army to shrink its troops and directly gave up the rule of the entire city.

To put it simply, the Shadow Guild stopped taking hostile actions against the royal family by giving in.

Otherwise, if you throw your limited troops into the intricate streets, you won't get any advantage except for killing people.

In particular, the lethality caused by volleys of muskets in narrow alleys is simply not something that any armor can withstand.

Gregor Clegane, the most powerful and powerful Lannister dog, once tried to catch up with a running rogue player and fell into an ambush.

As soon as I entered, I heard a banging sound.

Then his huge body fell to the ground on his back. Not only were there more than a dozen blood holes in his chest, but his head was also completely deformed, with brains, skulls and eyeballs flying everywhere.

The corpses were also made into specimens and hung in front of the guild's gate for all visitors to see.

With the "Magic Mountain" as a living example, any local native with any brain knows that these outsiders are not easy to mess with.

Therefore, whether they are noble knights, officers, or ordinary soldiers recruited, they will honestly abide by the rules set by the Shadow Union when entering the city.

The result of this is that the security situation in the city is actually better than when the "usurper" Robert Baratheon was alive.

Those hooligans, thieves and gangsters who like to bully civilians have no power to resist in the face of modern criminal organizations that have truly formed a large scale, and they were uprooted in a few days.

Nex didn't bother to talk nonsense with these guys and sold them directly to other players.

Either they were thrown into the mines to work as coolies, or they were thrown into workshops to make gunpowder, firearms and cannons, or they were recruited into the army and served as cannon fodder after being rigorously trained.

As for the Church of the Seven Gods, which represents the original mainstream faith in Westeros, it has now been transformed into the temple of the Phoenix God Bennu.

But the person who did this was not the Shadow Guild, but Jack and his team of players.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to forcefully proselytize in this way, and then improve the levels of all priest players within the team.

They found that in addition to gaining "experience points" by killing enemies, priests can also gain "experience points" by spreading their faith and recruiting believers.

And the benefits of the latter are much greater than those of the former.

As a result, proselytizing by force took place as expected.

The process was also quite simple. They directly surrounded the church with a musketeer team of thousands of people, pulled out all the religious personnel and forced them to believe.

Anyone who spits on the statues of the Seven Gods and completes a series of curses according to the program will survive, while those who are unwilling to do so will be shot or hammered to death on the spot.

Although at the beginning there were some devout believers who stood up and wanted to join the resistance.

But after a round of bloody and brutal suppression, King's Landing's overall belief in the Seven Gods completely collapsed.

Because no matter how much believers pray, they can't see any miracles from the seven gods.

On the contrary, the Phoenix God that the other party believes in can not only grant incredible magic, but also give people the power to control fire.

It is human nature to be strong, and it is also a common human operation to join in if you can't beat someone.

As a result, Bennu's faith quickly took root in King's Landing and spread rapidly.

At this moment, Jack, wearing a fully enclosed helmet and holding a war hammer, was standing in the cathedral imparting doctrine to hundreds of believers who came to worship, as if he were an archbishop.

Of course, as a player with LV11 real priest level and mastering the magic of resurrection from the dead, he is indeed qualified to be called a "bishop" or "officer".

However, the fear and awe revealed in the eyes of the crowd made it difficult to determine whether the audience came out of fear or faith.

Especially when talking about rising, Jack tore off the linen robe, revealing his inhuman exaggerated body shape and monster-like muscles. He jumped into the fire in front of everyone, or picked up a hammer and violently Smashing it to the ground, it instantly made a hole in the hard stone ground.

Anyone else would definitely not dare to turn around and leave without giving face at this time.

Otherwise, God knows whether this terrible madman would throw himself into the fire, or give himself a hammer on the head or chest.

Facts have once again proven that whether you are persuading a person or preaching, if you add the word force to the prefix, the effect will often be twice the result with half the effort.

But how many of these people are sincere is unclear.

Jack doesn't care about any of this anyway, he just wants to expand the popularity of the Phoenix God while mercilessly annihilating other faiths.

His missionary philosophy is very simple and crude, which is to make Bennu the only god in this world.

People have no other choice but to believe in Bennu.

Although the Phoenix God has never claimed to be the only true god, priests among players have begun to plan for him to obtain this honor in this world.

Just when Jack was planning to use today's opportunity to see if he could find one or two priest apprentices with high enough perception attributes among these believers, Wu Sheng suddenly came from behind and whispered in his ear: "That's it for today. Right. There is new news from the Shadow Guild just now. The high-level NPC who has been giving us tasks is here."

"Senior NPC? You mean that old man who looks almost exactly like our city lord?"

Jack asked subconsciously.

He would never forget the lustful smile on their faces when he sent a pair of sixteen-year-old twin aristocratic ladies to the diary, as well as the look in his eyes that all men knew.

Of course, Jack also got a nice pair of +3 strength gloves as a reward.

Equipment like this that can directly increase basic attributes can be said to be quite rare and precious among the player community.

"That's right.

From what Nex said, this person has only one purpose, and that is to completely delegate power to us.

From today on, we no longer need to serve any aristocratic power.

Instead, you can start to occupy the land and start an all-out war. "

When he said these words, Wu Sheng's eyes shone with undisguised excitement and anticipation.

You must know that as the first player team to use thermal weapons, the number of troops under their command has reached a full scale of 5,000 people, not counting reserves and logistics.

In addition, the team also captured several noble castles and affiliated towns and villages during the war, controlling a population of about 350,000, two well-functioning and easy-to-mine iron mines, and an open-pit saltpeter mine.

Coupled with the operation of the genius girl Caroline, not only did they have enough food and war supplies on hand, but they also had abundant funds.

Definitely ranked first among many player teams.

As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good cook.

As a cook soldier, Wu Sheng couldn't believe in his dreams that he actually had the opportunity to lead half a division to conquer a city and realize his youthful dream.

No hesitation!

After realizing the importance of the matter, Jack decisively ended today's missionary activities and took the core of the team straight to the location of the Shadow Guild's lair.

Since they are all players and have cooperated with each other more than once, they easily entered the heavily guarded bottom floor.

When he saw his old friend sitting on the chair, Jack immediately took two steps forward and gave him a bear hug.

That huge power barely managed to strangle the notorious "Shadow King" to death.

"Cough cough cough - bastard! Let me go! This is fucking murder!"

While coughing violently, Naix cursed and pushed away this lunatic who was recognized as the number one player in terms of strength attribute at this stage.

"Hahahaha! What are you afraid of! Anyway, for us, dying once is just a loss of level and experience points."

Jack laughed heartily.

Judging from the flash of pride and cunning in his eyes, he definitely did this on purpose.

Fortunately, Nex didn't care about this half-joking way of greeting. He returned to his seat and said straight to the point: "I believe you have received the message I delivered, right?"

Jack nodded slightly: "Yes, I received it. But the specific situation is not very clear yet, so I would like to trouble you to explain it."

“The specific new rules are available on the official website and forums. You can read them yourself when you log off later.

What I really want to talk to you about is how to carve up King's Landing and the lands directly under the Crown.

The team of players currently operating in this area is you and us who are the strongest.

Moreover, you are better at attacking difficulties head-on, while we are good at infiltration, assassination, information gathering and management. Joining forces is simply a match made in heaven.

As long as you reach an agreement with me, it will be much easier to unite with other players.

After all, in this gluttonous feast, fighting between players is explicitly prohibited, so only strong teams are qualified to speak loudly and set rules. "

Nex made his thoughts very clear.

You must know that as the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing alone has a population of more than 500,000 or even 600,000 or more.

Excluding the elderly and children who are unable to work, there is at least 350,000 to 400,000 young adults in the labor force.

When necessary, one hundred thousand people can be drawn from them to fight as soldiers.

By making good use of these human resources, it is easy to sweep across the entire royal family and take over large areas of fertile land.

Once they take the lead in completing the conquest, rule and integration of surrounding areas, they can take the lead in taking the initiative.

Whether you go north to attack the Riverlands or go south to rob the rich Riverlands, you can gain unimaginable benefits.

Jack quickly exchanged a look with his partner Wu Sheng, and then responded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem in joining forces. But how to calculate the share?"

“You are responsible for attacking fortresses and conducting foreign campaigns, so the consumption and losses must be very high, so of course you get 40% of the most.

We are responsible for maintaining order in the occupied areas, integrating resources, providing logistical support, nipping resistance in the cradle, spying on all kinds of intelligence, and even helping you assassinate important figures in the enemy camp. It also requires a lot of energy, so we take 30% .

As for the rest, it will be distributed to other player teams based on their performance.

In addition, our mage also got some good things and recipes from the Alchemist Guild. "

With that said, Nex raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound, two players carefully lifted a container filled with green transparent liquid.

"This is... wildfire!"

Warlock Caroline immediately came closer, staring at this extremely dangerous liquid with gleaming eyes.

Since she had been in this world for a while, she already knew about the thing that almost blew up the entire city of King's Landing.

Nex smiled and nodded: "That's right! Although those alchemists were very strict and tried to keep the craftsmanship and secrets of this thing forever. But under our torture full of dark arts, they soon revealed the truth. Now, I am willing to share the secrets of wildfire with you to express my sincerity of cooperation."

"Deal! I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Wu Sheng extended his right hand without hesitation and made the decision on behalf of the team.

Because as the other party said, although their team also has talents who can be responsible for internal affairs, there is obviously still a considerable gap compared with the Shadow Guild.

Nex's ability to manage the huge King's Landing in an orderly manner has proven his ability in this regard.

Although gangs are an out-and-out cancer in modern society, under the current feudal system, they are a rather advanced and effective management method.

In this way, the two most powerful player teams in King's Landing formed an alliance.

Queen Cersei, who is hiding in the Red Keep, has not realized at this moment that the "Royal Guard", which she regards as her last trump card, has turned into a fatal noose around her neck. She is still locked in her room and trembling. Refuses to see anyone.

The slightly aged face was now full of expressions of anger, hatred and fear.

Because just now, she confirmed that she was pregnant.

And my father was one of those dirty tramps who took turns ravaging me for a day and a night!

Whenever she thought of that nightmarish experience and the stench that came from putting the thing on the other person's body into her mouth, Cersei couldn't help but want to vomit.

She even had the urge to abort the child more than once, but her strong maternal instinct quickly stopped this idea.

After struggling for a long time, the queen clutched the sheets and roared angrily: "Nex! Shadow Guild! I swear that you will pay the price for this! The price of blood and death! Lannister must pay its debts. !”

At the same time, "The Great" Joffrey, who was far away in another room, was sitting on a chair with a distorted face, staring at the nominal fiancée Sansa Stark not far away, and suddenly turned to his side. The male attendant beside him ordered: "Take off her clothes for me!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

A malicious smile suddenly appeared on the man's face, and he walked straight towards the eldest daughter of the Stark family. Without saying a word, he reached out and tore the other's beautiful and luxurious dress.

The next second...


With the sound of expensive silk being pulled, a large area of ​​fair skin and beautiful scenery were instantly exposed.


Sansa immediately screamed and covered her chest with her hands and squatted down, trying to protect her private parts from the other men in the room.

But Joffrey, who had been castrated and was even more twisted and sick in his heart, was not satisfied and continued to order: "Drag her up and strip her naked! Not even a piece of her is allowed to be left behind!"

"Hehe! Sorry, Miss Stark, I don't want to do this either, but His Majesty the King's orders cannot be violated."

The man grinned and grabbed the girl's arm, using his strength to forcefully pull her up from the ground.

Just as he was about to tear off Sansa's underwear and skirt, a strange voice suddenly echoed in the room.

"I said, is it too much for you to treat a beautiful and weak girl like this?"

"Who? Who is it?"

The man didn't care to molest Sansa at this moment, and quickly backed away and drew the sword from his waist.

Because the thieves in the player group frequented the Red Castle as a royal palace and even used it as a public toilet, the guards were always in a state of fear and uneasiness.

After all, even the safety of the king and queen is not guaranteed, let alone them.

As for the castrated Joffrey, he was so frightened that he immediately got under the bed, without any of the ferocity of the violence he had just committed.

A cloud of black smoke was seen passing directly through the wall, and quickly condensed into the image of a young man indoors.

You don't need to ask to know that he is the diary who has just been sent to King's Landing to check on the players.

This guy originally planned to take a look at the little lolita Myrcella, but happened to see Sansa Stark being beaten and tortured.

Based on the principle of not being picky as long as she is a beautiful woman, he decisively decided to get involved.

"You...what are you?!"

Sansa was obviously very frightened when she looked at the diary that was so close and exuding a chilly and cold atmosphere.

In addition, the skirt on her body had been torn to pieces, and there were several red marks and bruises on her face left by the beating, which made her look quite pitiful.

Although she ended up in the situation she is in today, at least half of the responsibility lies with herself.

The diary, which can think with the lower body, obviously didn't care. Instead, he reached out and gently touched the girl's cheek, and asked with a smile: "Little cutie, do you want to gain power? Power enough to break all constraints and take revenge on the enemy?"

"Can you give me such power? Are you a god?" Sansa swallowed nervously.

"God? Hahahaha! No! I'm not a god.

On the contrary, I am the messenger of death, and all I can give you is the power of death.

After all, your current situation is bad enough, why not give it a try?

At least I won't torture you, but will give you happiness you have never experienced before. "

The diary is like a kidnapper at this moment, with naked and undisguised greed and possessiveness flashing in his eyes.

If it were in the past when her father was protecting her, Sansa might not be able to understand what this look meant.

But now, after being a hostage for such a long time, she was able to understand the desire of the black-haired and dark-eyed young man standing in front of her. Then she looked at Joffrey under the bed and the man who molested her. The male attendant kept playing the scene of his father being beheaded in his mind, and finally bit his lower lip and said: "Give me power! I want power! No matter what the cost!"

"Very good, you made a right choice. Now close your eyes and don't struggle or resist. I will give you the power of death."

After saying that, Diary walked up to the girl, held her chin and kissed her.

I don’t know if it was because Joffrey was watching, which caused him to have some kind of excitement similar to that of a “husband’s ex-convict”, so his movements and scale were extraordinarily large.


Astonishing negative energy entered Sansa's body at an extremely fast speed and killed her.

Due to the speed, she was already a complete vampire by the time she reacted.

The endless thirst for blood instantly defeated his reason.

The moment the diary let go, the girl turned into an afterimage and bit the man's neck who had just torn her skirt to pieces and molested her.

In the blink of an eye, he was sucked into a human.

When the scarlet liquid flowed into her body along her esophagus, Sansa's sanity finally began to return. Her eyes widened as if she couldn't believe that she actually had such terrifying strength and speed, and that she had also turned into a monster that feeds on human blood. .

She looked at her hands and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "You...what did you turn me into?"

The diary flashed behind the girl in an instant, gently smelled the scent of the girl's hair, and replied meaningfully: "I turned you into a vampire, dear Sansa.

Now, not only do you have the power to kill your enemies, but you also have near-eternal life, and beauty that never ages.

Feel free to do what you want to do.

For example, drag your king's fiancé out from under the bed, and then pay him back ten or a hundred times what he did to you.

Don't worry, no matter how badly he is injured, I will heal it until you are satisfied..."

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