A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 412 Here, sign it (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Madam, do you know what you just said?"

Zuo Si stopped the copying movement completely and stared at the moon elf woman in front of him with fair skin, barely visible blue spots, long light blue hair, and blue pupils.

Although in most people's perception, moon elves are the most elegant and kind-hearted of all elf races, possessing strong curiosity and adventurous spirit. They have extremely high attainments in the fields of art and magic, and they like to pursue excitement and are keen on carnival and enjoyment. At the same time, he is also the elf with the most tolerant attitude toward humans.

To put it simply, they are the typical elves in the stereotype of the human race in Faerûn.

But what people don't know is that due to their innate talent in arcane magic and the encouraging attitude in the social group, the wizards among the moon elves are very prone to being alien and rebellious.

These mages will abandon the traditional beliefs and customs of the moon elves and leave their hometown to go to the human world to gain more, more powerful, and more evil magical knowledge.

In particular, necromancy magic, summoning devils and demons are usually forbidden to be studied and used within most elf societies.

For this reason, they even do not hesitate to join some evil spellcasting organizations such as the Zhentarim, the Arcane Brotherhood, and the Red Wizards to get what they want.

Likewise, these organizations are more than happy to welcome an evil Moon Elf to join them.

Because the looks of these beautiful and elegant creatures can be so deceiving.

Many adventurers and people from the good camp are willing to provide any help they can without knowing their true identity.

In this way, the higher-ups of the organization can instruct the moon elf mages to lurk inside the enemy as undercover agents, or they can pretend to be victims of trouble and hire some capable adventurers to achieve ulterior evil purposes.

However, there are always a group of guys who hate elves in all of Amn, especially in the capital city of Askatra.

Therefore, Zuo Si had not seen many moon elves in the city below him, only Zeranora whose body was taken away by Shane VII.

Apart from that, I have seen quite a few in Waterdeep City, Silvermoon City, and Calimport.

Since the organization is loose and there are no decent large settlements, the moon elves are usually scattered in the form of villages in every corner of the entire Faerûn continent.

Unlike the golden elves, they like to live an isolated life on Evermeet Island, and unlike the forest elves, they like to build their own cities on trees.

Because of this, they are also the elves most vulnerable to attack and captured and sold by slave traders. They are also the elven race with the highest proportion of blood among the half-elf elves.

At least in Calimshan, which has practiced slavery for a long time, more than 60% of the half-elf slaves' mothers are beautiful moon elf women.

Some moon elf slaves were even forced to serve male members of a certain family for more than several or more than a dozen generations throughout their long lives, and gave birth to an unimaginable number of children.

"of course I know.

In fact, I initially approached Ximanmon just to use it as a springboard to approach the legendary mage Manson.

It's a pity that Mansong became suspicious and cautious after being killed by you once, and he didn't want to have too much contact with strangers at all.

As a result, I was unable to proceed to the second step of my plan, let alone gain Mansong's trust by exposing Xi Manmeng's betrayal.

But none of that matters now.

Compared to Mansong, who is about to swallow the bitter pill of failure, you, who have stronger power and magical power, are the most suitable person for my allegiance.

I sincerely hope you can accept me and allow me to call you master. "

Ashmi obviously noticed that Zuo Si was very interested in her identity as a moon elf, so she deliberately turned slightly sideways to perfectly display her unique, slender and slender figure.

As a woman who can successfully win Xi Manmeng's trust and even seduce him into bed, she obviously doesn't mind taking advantage of her gender.

In particular, the fatal attraction produced by the combination of elegance, intelligence and beauty of the moon elves is difficult for even well-educated noble women among humans to match.

no doubt!

Greed, ambition, and an unabashed desire for magical knowledge and power can be clearly felt in this moon elf female mage.

It would not be surprising if these qualities appeared in a red wizard from Cyre.

Because the environment they lived in and the education they received since they were young are like that.

But it seems a little weird when it appears on a moon elf.

Zuo Si crossed his hands and held his chin and was silent for about half a minute, then said with a slightly scrutinizing attitude: "I admire your courage and ambition.

After all, not everyone dares to deceive, play with and betray Xi Manmeng, the head of the dark intelligence network.

But the question is why should I trust you?

Or to put it another way, if you can betray Xi Manmeng today for the greater good, will you betray me in the future?

What's more, I have very high requirements for my subordinates and servants.

Apart from being able to spy on Xi Manmeng, do you have any other special value?

The most important thing is, should I call you Ashmi, the name I gave myself, or should I call you the elf name Sheela Rose Gallanold? "


The expression of the moon elf female mage changed.

Because when she heard the name of the elf she had been trying to hide was revealed, she felt like she was standing naked in front of him without any clothes on, as if all the secrets were exposed at once.




His originally confident eyes became evasive.

It took a while to calm down.

"Do you know my past?" Ashmi probed cautiously with a trembling voice.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, I don't know. If you are willing to tell me, I would be very interested in hearing it."

"Then how do you know my elf name? I don't remember telling anyone after I left my hometown."

Ashmi's face was full of doubts and wariness.

"Because I read your mind just now."

Zuo Si raised his right index finger and tapped his temple lightly, then explained with a smile: "Did you know? In fact, the subjective personality formed by the mixture of a person's thinking, consciousness and memory is very fragile.

Many times, as long as a tiny string is pulled out and broken, the person will completely collapse or even go crazy.

What’s even more interesting is that the minds of most intelligent beings in this world are completely defenseless.

It's like a diary in front of you.

As long as you master the corresponding methods, you can read it anytime and anywhere.

And I just recently got a book that records a lot of spells in this area.

So I suggest you be sincere and don't try to play any tricks.


Zuo Si suddenly raised a finger and directly pulled out a blue-white string with a dazzling light from the opponent's brain, but did not break it.

Obviously, after fully comprehending the "Power of Mind" given by the old dragon Nicol Bolas, his attainments in this area can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

Now, even without resorting to the protection of divine power, one can easily build a powerful spiritual barrier.

As for trivial matters such as charm, control, mind reading, tampering and erasing memories, even spells are not needed and can be accomplished effortlessly with just a few movements.

After all, for planeswalkers, the essence of releasing magic is to control the five colors of mana energy.

Among them, blue mana is famous for being hidden and difficult to detect.

The representative character Jace Beleren can often erase a person's mind in an instant, making him completely forget who he is, what his name is, and where he comes from.

When he gets angry, he will clear away even the painful memories without hesitation.

Nicol Bolas' understanding of the mind was clearly far superior to his own.

Ashmi, who witnessed this unbelievable scene with her own eyes, was instantly soaked with sweat. Her mouth felt dry and bitter, and she clearly realized that once the string was broken, she would definitely become a person without personality and dignity. Ego madness.

Similarly, she also realized how ridiculous her little tricks were in front of the chosen god.




Listening to the sound of her heart beating violently, the Moon Elf female mage forced herself to calm down, knelt on the ground in an extremely humble manner and performed a five-body prostrate salute.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive my ignorance, stupidity and arrogance."

"Haha, don't be so nervous. I'm not a devil, and I won't destroy anyone's heart casually. Even if there is darkness and evil hidden in the heart."

After that, Zuo Si put a harmless smile on his face, stuffed the string of mind back, then took out a handkerchief from somewhere, and wiped the other person's forehead and cheeks very gently and considerately. and profuse beads of sweat on his neck.

But the more this happened, the more frightened Ashmi became, lying on the ground not daring to move.

Because she understood that in front of the young human being in front of her, she was as fragile as a newborn baby and had no ability to resist.

After several minutes, the moon elf female mage's body finally stopped shaking slightly, and she mustered up the courage to raise her head and ask, "What do you want from me?"

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "It's very simple! Let's open our hearts to each other and talk honestly.

I always believe that sincerity and communication are the best ways to eliminate misunderstandings.

For example, what happened in your hometown of Cormanzo that made you so crazy and eager to gain power at any cost?

What about the darkness, evil and strong hatred hidden in the deepest part of your heart?

After all, before I accept your allegiance, I first need to have a general understanding of you, right? "

Ashmi's expression was very painful and struggling, and she was obviously resisting.

But in the end she chose to lower her head and said in a slightly dull tone: "Have you heard of the city of Mis Drannor?"


How could you not have heard of it?

There was the former location of the Elf Royal Court, the capital of the greatest Elf Kingdom - Cormanthor.

Even today, there are still countless adventurers who take great risks to search for the treasures and artworks left behind.

The mages tried their best to decipher the mystery of the huge magic [Mystery Lock] shrouded nearby.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, no one has been able to break through the protection of the mysterious lock and enter the location of the abandoned royal court. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and expressed his knowledge of Mis Drannor with great interest.

Because this elven city is so famous.

Even if it is abandoned and turned into ruins, it still has unimaginably huge value to many people.

There are often rumors that a certain adventure team was lucky enough to bring back a magic item or exquisite work of art while exploring this area, and it was casually sold for tens of thousands of gold coins.

However, in Zuo Si's view, Myth Drannor's greatest wealth is not the works of art, gold, silver, and magic items, but the Mystery Lock itself and the Magic Network node at its core.


There is also a very powerful magic network node in the city of Myth Drannor.

It is precisely because of this that the high-level wizards of the elves were able to create the shocking super-giant magic lock based on this.

Among them, the space teleportation, folding, and shielding magic that almost covers the entire forest, as well as the magic that controls the flow of time, are enough to amaze the current mages.

Not to mention a series of effects such as flying, isolating certain creatures, suppressing the power of evocation spells such as fireballs, and protecting the forest.

It is said that the Mad Mage Halaster Blackrobe's Leyline Labyrinth was based on a small part of Myth Drannor's techniques.

"No! You are wrong!

In fact, the location of the Elf Royal Court had been captured by a man named Lame Jazz and the dark elves led by him more than ten years ago.

They call themselves the Jeller family, and they have thousands of dark elf troops, as well as a large number of slaves like orcs, ogres, goblins, and gnolls.

The moon elf tribe where I was born was massacred in that tragic battle.

Moreover, these guys are still actively searching for and controlling ways to create mysterious locks and numerous magic enchantments.

Now the area around the royal court has been completely controlled by the Jelle family, and it won't take long for them to enter the royal court.

Once they control the core of the mythal lock, they can completely become the masters of Myth Drannor and even the kingdom of Cormanthor.

The reason why I chose to join the Zhentarim and cooperate with Ximanmon was that I wanted to use the power of the dark intelligence network to monitor every move of these guys. "

When saying these words, Ashmi subconsciously clenched her fists, eyes filled with unforgettable hatred.

"So behind this series of actions, including betrayal and crazy pursuit of power, is actually revenge, right?"

Zuo Si seemed to understand something.

He has also heard about Cormanthor, especially the dark elves active in the area of ​​Myth Drannor.

Although there are no clear statistics so far, according to the survey results of the Zhentarim and the Harper Alliance, there are probably between 15,000 and 30,000 dark elves.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

In the Cormanthor region in the north of the valley and Sembia, the residents are comparable to the size of Menzoberranzan, and even exceed some of the dark elves.

However, they are not monolithic, but divided into several parts.

Some of them are divided by family and clan, while others are divided by belief.

Instead of being allies, they are unrelenting enemies.

In particular, the traditional drow who believe in Lolth, the spider goddess, will attack and kill their compatriots who believe in Velen, the dark elf god of conspiracy, without saying a word.

Although Velen is actually the eldest son of Lolth and the Elf Lord Corellon, he does not have a good relationship with his mother at all, and he also explicitly added in the teachings that "the shadow of the Masked King will eventually get rid of the Spider Queen" tyranny".

So Rose had long wanted to kill this traitor and her daughter Eilistraee, who had been against her all day long.

In other words, behind the chaotic current situation in the Cormanthor region is actually the complex entanglement of grudges and grudges that are constantly being sorted out and confused within the elven pantheon.

"No! It's not just for revenge!"

Ashmi gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"In that massacre, I completely saw the cruel truth of this world, and I also saw through the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the elves and gods.

They keep saying that as long as we offer our sincere faith, we will protect the entire ethnic group!

But where are these gods when we are under attack?

Why not send someone or send down an avatar to help us defend ourselves against the attacks of our evil distant cousins?

Since then, I no longer believe in any god, and I even despise them.

In my opinion, only knowledge and arcane magic are truly reliable powers.

In order to get these, I am willing to pay any price, even if it means selling my soul to the devil. "


When Zuo Si heard these remarks, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, his pupils revealed a strange light, and he looked full of energy.

He took out one of the many blank parchment scrolls on the table behind him, used his ability as a hell lord to instantly create a devil's contract, and handed it directly to the moon elf female mage.

"Here, sign it, and then you're mine."

"This is?!"

Ashmi instantly smelled the faint smell of sulfur and the harsh terms on the scroll that were full of hellish features.

As a mage, she almost instantly confirmed that this was a devil's contract.

But he didn't understand how the other party was able to create such a powerful binding object in less than a second.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't want to explain too much, and said straightforwardly: "If you want to get something, you have to pay a price. This is common sense everywhere.

It was you who said just now that you were willing to sell your soul to the devil in order to gain magical knowledge and power.

In that case, I will fulfill your wish.

Just sign the last line and you'll get everything you want.

Of course, from the moment you sign, you no longer belong to yourself from body to soul. "

"Are you actually a devil from Baator Hell?"

Ashmi's eyes widened in shock, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"You can understand that I found a part-time job in hell, and at the same time gained some status and power. Come on, sign this contract. If you really abandon the elves and gods as you described, I just want to pursue power and revenge." Zuo Si urged calmly.

"What will happen if I don't sign?"

Ashmi asked cautiously.

Zuo Si pretended to think for a moment, then responded with a smile: "I will convey to Ximanmeng exactly what you just said to me, and then tell him that he should consider finding a new lover.

After all, mages are often most vulnerable and most vulnerable to sneak attacks and plots when they take off their clothes and do strenuous exercise.

If you wait until a sharp dagger pierces your heart or penetrates your eye before you think of regrets, it will be too late.

With Xi Manmeng's cautious character, he will definitely consider my suggestions seriously. "

Ashmi was instantly frightened by this fatal threat. She suppressed her anger and roared: "No! You can't do this! If Ximanmeng knew that I betrayed him, he would definitely use all means to kill me. Mine. You didn’t even give me a chance to choose!”


Ha ha ha ha!

What gave you the illusion that you had the opportunity?

Didn’t you say that you have seen through the cruel truth of this world?

It should be easy to understand that between you and me, I am the one with absolute power and control.

And you, dear elf lady, are just a chess piece brought to my door.

There are usually two outcomes for chess pieces.

One is a useful chess piece, and the other is a useless chess piece.

Answer me, would you rather do the former or the latter? "

Zuo Si completely tore off his disguise, revealing his chilling coldness and cruelty.

"I'm willing to be a useful chess piece!"

Ashmi was obviously shocked. She no longer dared to take any chances. She quickly browsed the terms on the scroll, then cut her finger and signed her elf name with blood.


This contract burned violently and completely merged with the hell plane.

In other words, if she died now, her soul would be sent directly to Baator Hell.

The devil responsible for receiving can see the special marks of corruption and depravity inside the soul, and then directly send it to the ninth level.

Zuo Si nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! Now you are qualified to call yourself my servant.

Go back and tell Ximanmeng that I accept his allegiance.

As for rewards, I will give them based on his work status and enthusiasm.

Also, bring these two gadgets, one for you and one for Xi Manmeng. "

After that, Zuo Si threw the two mobile terminals prepared in advance to the moon elf female mage.

It was obviously the first time for the latter to come into contact with such a technological creation, and he hurriedly asked: "What is this? Is it some kind of magic item? How should it be used?"

But before Zuo Si could explain, one of the terminals woke up automatically, and the originally black screen suddenly lit up.

After a simple adjustment, it quickly changed the original factory settings from Infernal to Elvish.

Looking at the familiar words and various icons on the electronic screen, Ashmi tried to operate it, and was quickly shocked and speechless by the comprehensive and powerful functions of this humble gadget.

Whether it is ultra-long-distance communication, the huge knowledge base loaded inside, or the built-in map drawing function, as well as the analytical ability that can detect enemy movements and make predictions, she realized that this thing has How rare and precious.

The unique feel of the materials and the magic that could be cast inside were all unheard of and unseen.

If it were sold on the market, it is estimated that many high-level mages, legendary dragons and churches of certain gods would definitely not be stingy in asking for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Although in the years of serving the Zhentarim, Ashmi has been exposed to a lot of magic items, especially intelligent magic items.

But none of them can compare with the mobile terminal in hand.

"So, are you satisfied with this little gift?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"Couldn't be more satisfied. How on earth was it made?"

Ashmi's attention was completely attracted by the terminal at the moment, and she was not aware of the penetrating big eyes hidden behind the camera.

Obviously, the consciousness of this mobile terminal is recording her every move, and will continue to adjust based on the analysis results until the target becomes completely dependent on the terminal.

"Sorry, this is a secret, you are not qualified to know it yet.

In short, you can contact me directly through this in the future, and I will also send you some corresponding magic knowledge as a reward through this.

Now, take it back with you, otherwise Ximanmeng should become suspicious. "

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the moon elf and continued the unfinished work on his own.

Just when Ashmi was about to get up and leave, she suddenly remembered something. She immediately took out the notes and the iron stone that Xi Manmeng had given her before leaving and put them on the table. Then she bowed respectfully. Leaving the mage tower and disappearing into the vast night.

Not long after her front legs left, a petite figure emerged from the darkness, stood on tiptoes in front of the table and softly reported back: "Master, as per your request, I have investigated the Temple of the Dark Sun Church in Askatra. and the stronghold. As you might expect, it's almost empty and there's no one there."

"Oh? So now is indeed a good opportunity to take action."

Zuo Si raised his head and glanced at the succubus Loli who was close at hand.

Since the connection of faith has been established, he can clearly feel the strong admiration and attachment to him in this little guy's mind.

Atona quickly nodded her head vigorously: "Yes. There are only a dozen people left behind at the moment. If you need it, I can kill them all in a few minutes at most."

But Zuo Si refused with a smile: "There is no need for this at the moment. And even if I have to take action, I will not choose to take action at this time. Only when the winner is determined at Zhentil Fort will we take action."

"What should I do now?"

Atona blinked her big watery eyes.

"You don't need to do anything, you should go to bed." Zuo Si stretched out his hand and rubbed Succubus Loli's little head and said.

"Sleep? But I'm a succubus and I don't need to sleep like a human."

A confused look appeared on Atona's face.

“Then find something to do that you like.

For example, go to the library to read books to increase your knowledge base, or go to the training ground to practice your martial arts skills. If that doesn't work, you can also go to the market for a stroll.

[Knight of Truth] is a special profession that combines the characteristics of warrior, priest and paladin.

So you need to continue to learn and grow in order to control it.

Also, unless absolutely necessary, don't reveal your true identity to the outside world, and don't suck magic and life energy from other people, otherwise things will become very troublesome. "

Zuo Si very patiently taught the succubus Loli some things to pay attention to when living in the material world.

You must know that Atona has divinity in her body now.

This means that in her eyes, mortals are like walking snacks that can be drained alive with a little force.

In addition, since he was a child, he has lived in a plane like the Abyss, which has no laws or rules and is completely based on the laws of the jungle of the jungle. Therefore, he has no sense of ethics at all, and he may cause big troubles.

"Yes, I understand. Master, please rest assured that I will be extra careful and never cause you any trouble."

After saying that, Succubus Loli jumped up and hugged Zuo Si's neck, kissed him on the cheek, then nuzzled him like a puppy, and finally left reluctantly.

It is not difficult to see from her skillful movements that she has gradually mastered Zuo Si's psychology and acceptance standards, and understands that pure and cute is the style she should have.

In order to maintain this, Atona even used the divine power and divinity in her body to forcibly lock her body in its current state, never to grow taller or bigger again.

In this way, she can always occupy an important position in her master's heart.

It must be said that the succubus is the devil who is best at reading people's hearts.

Even little ones who haven't fully grown up yet have a keen sense of how to make themselves more lovable to others.

At the same time, on the road connecting the cities, a dozen heavily armed warriors escorted three carriages, which were far away from the city wall of Ascatella and were advancing at a leisurely pace.

It can be seen through the faint moonlight. On the armors of these carriages and warriors, there is a mark that exudes a silvery light.

Any Amnite who sees it will immediately cast a look of awe.

Because that mark represents "Salem Quante", the most powerful and richest family in the entire Amn.

The patriarch of the family has been the undisputed leader from the moment of the creation of the Council of Six, and also secretly controls the Masked Mage Guild through an ancient magical pact.

It can be said that in the land of Amn, it is not necessarily okay to offend the Church of the Goddess of Wealth and the Knights of the Hot Heart.

But if you offend the "Salem Quante Family", you don't even know how you died.

At this moment, Selzer Salem was sitting on one of the carriages, admiring the silent and dark scenery outside the window with great interest.

As a mage with a high level, he has extraordinary confidence in his own strength.

In addition to the spellcasting level, this confidence also includes powerful magic items worth millions of gold coins.

Many enemies had sent assassins to assassinate him, but in the end, without exception, they were killed in panic and despair.

"The moonlight is really beautiful today."

Selzer Salem Quante admired slightly.

Just when the masked mage sitting next to him who was in charge of security wanted to say something, a dazzling light instantly illuminated the sky within a radius of several hundred meters.

The next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The violent explosion, accompanied by dazzling fire, instantly blew several carriages and the accompanying soldiers into the sky.

Although Selzer Salem Quant and two of the masked mages triggered the accidental spell after being attacked, they successfully teleported two to three kilometers away and escaped disaster.

But before they could gain a foothold, three green lights shot out from the darkness, hitting everyone accurately.

Four-ring magic [Dimensional Anchor]!

"No! We are ambushed!" A masked mage shouted in panic.

Because the spell that instantly overturned the carriage and killed all the soldiers was obviously [Meteor Explosion], a nine-ring magic with astonishing destructive power.

Coupled with the current [Dimensional Anchor] that blocks all teleportation spells, it looks like a long-planned ambush, not some blind thief who wants to steal money.

"Who? Who dared to attack the carriage of the Salem Quant family in the land of Amn?"

Selzer forced himself to stay calm and asked loudly at the top of his voice.

He wanted to scare the other party first by revealing his identity, and then find a way to survive the crisis and escape to a safe place.

Unfortunately, this political strongman made the wrong calculation this time.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of high-level undead creatures came out of the darkness.

Winter ghost!

Death knight!

Mummy Lord!

Soul prisoner demon!

Giant skeleton golem!

At a glance, those high-level undead creatures that would normally be considered extremely unlucky for adventurers to encounter were now densely packed with at least dozens of them.

In addition, there are countless skeleton warriors, ogres, and troll zombies.

A spellcaster wearing a black robe slowly walked out from among the many undead creatures. He put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly. He greeted in a low and hoarse voice: "Good evening, Selzer Salem. You." Now, are you going to fight with me and come with me, or are you going to taste the feeling of being overwhelmed by the undead army?"

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

Selzer narrowed his eyes and probed cautiously.

"Haha, do you want to find out about my origins and details? Don't waste your efforts! In order to deal with you, I have made the most complete preparations. Whether it is the Masked Mage Guild or your family's castle, they will definitely attack you now. We don’t have a single manpower to rush over to support.”

The spellcaster in black robes let out a mocking laugh.

Under his command, the undead creatures quickly surrounded the three of them, and began to shrink the circle.

"Damn it! We can't deal with so many high-level undead! Surrender! Surrender at least there is a chance! If we are killed and the body is desecrated, it will be difficult for the people of the Goddess of Wealth Church to resurrect us."

One of the surviving masked wizards visibly collapsed.

Because he didn't want to die, especially at the hands of a necromancer who obviously mastered powerful necromancy magic.

Selzer subconsciously glanced at the other masked mage next to him who also looked timid, and immediately realized that if he resisted, he would most likely end up fighting alone. He decisively raised his hands and announced: "Don't do it! We surrender. ! I’m willing to go with you!”

"Wise choice. Now take off all your magic items and put them into this bag, then put these shackles on again."

The black-robed spellcaster immediately threw over a prepared black bag and three pairs of handcuffs that exuded dazzling magic light.

The moment Selzer saw the shackles, his face became extremely ugly.

Because he recognized that these special shackles specially used to imprison spellcasters were actually a specialty of the Masked Mage Guild's Magic Prison.

The Forbidden Demon Prison is located on an unknown secret island west of Ascaltra.

Except for senior members of the Masked Mage Guild, it is impossible for anyone else to get this thing.

There's a mole!

Selzer finally realized that the attack might not be what he had imagined.

But the problem is that he has become a prisoner now and has no qualifications to bargain.

Although he was unwilling to do so, he still reluctantly took off the powerful magic items one by one for the sake of his own life.

After all, even if you resist, you won't be able to gain much advantage in the face of so many high-level undead. Instead, you may anger the opponent and kill him directly.

There is no doubt that holding power for many years has made Selzer Salem's thinking closer to that of a politician rather than an archmage who masters nine-ring magic.

Once he finds that the situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable, his choices tend to be surrender, negotiation, compromise, and concession, rather than fighting to the death for the last glimmer of hope.

After the three prisoners were completely controlled, the black-robed spellcaster signaled the undead creatures to pick them up and walked straight towards the dense forest in Amn.

After walking for about two or three hours, the mighty undead army arrived at a cliff near the sea.

"It's...it's you? Zeranora!"

Seeing the figure standing under the moonlight clearly, Selzer couldn't help but scream uncontrollably.

Along the way, he had thought about countless moles who might betray him, but he never imagined that it was the moon elf who was promoted and supported by him.

And he didn't understand at all what the other party's motive was for doing such a thing.


The black-robed spellcaster sneered disdainfully, then took two steps forward, put one hand on his chest and bowed respectfully.

"The great Emperor of the Undead—His Majesty Shane VII, according to your instructions, I have captured Selzer Salem back alive."

Xia En VII smiled and nodded: "You did a good job. Now come and enjoy the moon with me, and wait for another indispensable and important actor to appear."

"What? Shane VII! You...when did you sneak into the Masked Mage Guild? Where is Zeranora?"

Selzer suddenly felt cold all over, and his hands and feet were shaking violently uncontrollably.

In just a few seconds, he suddenly thought of many possibilities that made him feel desperate.

As we all know, Xia En VII and Zuo Si are close allies.

Does that mean that the patron saint of Askatra is also involved in this matter?

If so, it basically means that the Salem Quante family is finished, and there is no possibility of a comeback at all.

“I’m sorry, from the moment I joined the Masked Mage Guild, there was no Zelanora, only Shane VII.

And I can also tell you that Soth has known about this matter a long time ago, but he just didn't mention it to you.

But the good news is that he was not involved in this operation.

But the bad news is that Waking, the goddess of wealth, is involved.

How about it? Does it sound surprising and shocking?

He obviously tried so hard to please the goddess, but in the end not only did he get nothing, but he was betrayed and abandoned.

The reason is actually very simple!

Compared with the huge benefits and benefits that Soth can bring, you and your family are nothing in the eyes of the goddess..."

Shane VII used a cat-and-mouse mentality to unscrupulously stimulate Selzer's most sensitive nerve.

Just when the latter's entire face was flushed with anger and excitement, and his eyes were filled with frightening bloodshot eyes, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came closer from far away, and at the same time, a harsh neighing could be heard.

About five minutes later, a female knight wearing a white dress stained with blood appeared first in everyone's sight.

But when Selzer saw her true face clearly, as well as the bloody heads hanging on the saddle, he finally erupted violently like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time.

"Vera!!!!!! What have you done?!"

"Ah! dear grandfather.

I just followed your suggestion and killed all my parents, relatives and brothers and sisters who stood in the way of me becoming the head of the family.

Look, their heads are all here.

This is the father, this is the mother, this is the younger brother, this is the older brother, as well as uncles and lovely nephews and nieces.

It's a pity that they didn't seem to understand your painstaking efforts. They kept struggling and screaming in fear before they died. So when I beheaded, it was very unsatisfactory and I splashed on the white dress you gave me on my birthday. There was blood everywhere.

But that's okay!

In fact, I think it's even more beautiful now.

Grandfather, I am the only legal heir in the family now. Can you fulfill your previous promise and give me the position of the family patriarch? "

Vera Salem said the words in a relaxed and pleasant tone that made Seltzer almost explode on the spot.

As for the two captured masked mages present, as well as the family knights and warriors following her, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at this woman who exuded a nervous, crazy, and bloodthirsty aura.

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